March 5th is a day in history. Day of the Worker of the Judicial System of Kyrgyzstan

The President of the country adopted the decree on the main holiday of all professional Azerbaijani athletes and amateurs, the normative legal act was signed on March 4, 2005, and the holiday was scheduled for March 5.

Among the population, the most popular sport is national wrestling, in recent times chess and football are gaining popularity. It is believed that chess, as the most intellectual sport, appeared on the territory of Azerbaijan as early as the 6th century.

At the moment, the state authorities are striving to develop different types sports. Naturally, March 5 is the day when various competitions and tournaments are organized, not only sports, but also cultural, mass events.

The government of the Kyrgyz Republic in May 2004 approved a resolution according to which March 5 is declared a professional holiday for those who are associated with the judicial system, work in the Constitutional, Supreme or local courts, hold an important position or serve the judicial system.

Holidays according to the national calendar

Katysh Day

Symbolically, the name is associated with sledding, since these days is the last opportunity to ride this ancient vehicle.

Although the background of the holiday is completely different. In the 8th century, Leo of Catansky lived in Sicily, who received the nickname Leo the Wonderworker. He died on February 20 (according to the old style), which is why the day of his veneration is March 4 - in leap years, March 5 is not a leap year.

There is also one tradition - on this day you cannot look into the sky, or rather, you can look, but if a person sees a shooting star, then this is a signal that in the near future either he or someone close will leave the earthly world. The second belief, on the contrary, is good, it was necessary to steal the coals from the blacksmith, take it to the field, this will lead to a harvest.

Anton, Afanasy, Vasily, Denis, Ivan, Lev, Nikolay, Sergey, Fedor, Yaroslav

Strengths: Extroverts, confident, determined, thoughtful and persistent individuals.

Weaknesses: stubbornness, self-confidence, lack of flexibility.

Super emotional, sensitive, intuitive, creative and caring man. Pisces will become not only a skillful lover, but also a best friend.

She knows how to seduce, but her appearance is light and not defiant. A woman has a special charm that beckons men to her. This is helped by her great taste and her innate desire for everything beautiful.

  • Lucky numbers: 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23 and 30.
  • You can search for the perfect companion from the list of those who appeared 3, 5, 12, 14, 21, 23, 30.
  • Literally all colors suit him, but light tones and any version of purple or a combination of pink and lilac will be most positively reflected.
  • Diamonds will bring good luck and happiness. Any shiny mineral exudes positive waves though.

Horoscope for those born on March 5

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On March 5, a rather controversial zodiac sign of Pisces appeared. Although this is not visible externally, a person suffers from internal confrontation. You seem to be talking to an incredibly polite, confident and funny character. And he, at this time, barely restrains his demon, pushing to the dark side. This is a closed person with many secrets who does not allow himself to sincerely talk about his desires and thoughts.

General characteristics, born on March 5

Gifted with creativity, they prefer to devote themselves to work. They achieve mastery in everything that they will not undertake. Their level is so high that even in the most extreme situations they act so confidently that nothing can stop them. If everything is going well in a career, then in the personal sphere there are many disappointments. Failures arise precisely because of the detachment of the sign, which does not let anyone close to its heart.

March 5 - zodiac sign Pisces

Characteristics of men born on March 5

The guys who showed up on March 5 boast charm, sexuality, generosity, and sacrifice. Such a man always acts as a dreamy idealist with whom it is comfortable to communicate. Behaves tactfully and politely, so he will not show aggressive behavior openly. Falls in love quickly, but hardly makes a serious connection. The challenge is striving to meet the ideal.

  • Features;

Characteristics of women born on March 5

The girl who appeared on March 5 is famous for romance, kindness and tenderness. This is a mysterious and sophisticated young lady who attracts the opposite sex with her defenselessness. It is weakness that creates an atmosphere of mystery around the person. It is difficult to win her heart, because it is guided rather by reason. It's amazing that strength comes with the ability to properly use your weakness.

  • Features;

If the birthday is March 5

On March 5, ambiguous personalities appear. They always show friendliness and delicacy in front of others, but inside they are filled with contradictions that do not allow them to achieve peace. This is a walking storehouse of emotions, but Pisces prefers to keep everything to themselves and never reveal true feelings. The zodiac looks confident and slightly detached from everything around. Endowed with creative inclinations, which he implements in the profession. He is a wonderful and responsible employee who achieves attractive results.

In romantic terms, difficulties are possible, because Pisces are simply not ready to share their inner world with a partner. The other half sees this as a manifestation of indifference. Close to other people, the zodiac closes in and feels constrained. Feels lonely in most cases. The problem is that Pisces' demands in humans are too high. More precisely, the sign is trying to find an ideal person for itself. He fails to open up to his other half completely, so he will create a feeling of love in order to calm him down.

The representative on March 5 sees through and through, noticing their negative sides. However, in communication, he shows tolerance and does not try to scatter comments and advice. It is more comfortable for him to remain silent, which makes life strained and sometimes too stressful. Pisces resemble chameleons, changing their character in just a minute. But in the eyes of others, he looks objective and disciplined. With an energy surge, it can seem quick-tempered and reckless.

The zodiac wants to do something all the time, so you can't limit his freedom. Loves to travel and explore new countries and cultures. He is a born researcher who finds it difficult to be in one place all the time. Often he moves or at least changes the situation in the house. He rarely pays attention to the material part, which is why he risks dying in poverty. It is important to show more selflessness and kindness, which will have a beneficial effect on spiritual development. Do not pursue an ideal and be able to accept people in their true light.

Love and compatibility

In love, he manifests himself as an attentive and caring partner trying to win back a certain amount of independence. The other half should be aware of and accept these moments.

Pisces can count on excellent family relationships if Scorpio, Cancer or Taurus are nearby. The greatest compatibility is observed with these signs, based on the same attitude towards family life. Also, marriage is possible with representatives of Virgo, Capricorn and Libra. But here you will have to immediately take care of a clear distribution of responsibilities and agree on concessions. Nothing will work with Aries, Leo and Gemini, since these people simply do not understand each other.

  • Who are Pisces most compatible with? ;
  • How ;
  • What to expect from

Work and career

Pisces, whose birth falls on March 5th, seem secretive and rarely show their feelings to the world. But equanimity is the means of defense behind which an emotional volcano hides. The zodiac is torn by contradictions, although outwardly it always remains calm and balanced. Why do you need a mask? It protects the inner world from outside intrusion. It realizes its potential most often in creativity or professional activity, where it will definitely reach the highest level.

There is no overconfidence in a romantic connection. With a partner, he behaves timidly and tightly. This is a born empath who senses weak spots and other people's shortcomings. But Pisces is smart enough not to try to remake everyone. He is simply silent, but at the same time torments under the pressure of conscience. Life is filled with adventure.

Health and disease

Pisces often has mood changes. If absorbed in negative emotions, then they sincerely suffer and experience. It is also bad that this negativity spreads to loved ones, so it is important to keep your feelings under control or find the right way out for them. Willpower is required to maintain a healthy nervous system. Watch out for stress. Ideally, there is a family doctor who you can completely trust. Do not forget about food consumption and give up alcohol, coffee and tobacco.

Fate and luck

March 5 presents the world with a gentle, calm and kind person. His communication skills allow him to quickly forge connections with people, as well as communicate with influential people. The area is full of devoted friends. Due to talents, generosity and luck, Pisces are able to break through to the very top of the social and material layer. Problems arise in love, but you manage to improve and do not lead to a break. Everything is great with money. Biology, medicine and science are suitable for realizing the potential.

Pisces will have to deal with emotional instability. There is a risk of becoming a hysterical person or a brawler. However, he has the ability to act according to logic and rational laws. Develop flexibility and adaptability in yourself. Excessive demands on people make you a deeply unhappy person. Destined to spend all my life searching for a nonexistent ideal. Internal contradictions run the risk of escalating into confrontation with the world. You need to create a solid foundation from which you can build on in any issue. Keep it simple and don't complicate things.

Inborn discernment makes it easy to notice other people's shortcomings. But he will not try to hint or correct them. Moreover, even seeing something unpleasant in a loved one, he will suffer, torment himself, be killed, but he will not say. There is nothing surprising in the fact that their existence is restless and more like a test. From time to time they shock people with their objectivity and truthfulness, but leave a negative imprint in the memory, as they speak rudely.

Making excessive demands on the world, they are forced to while away the century alone. They often agree to a more bearable option, since they do not find an ideal partner. They should cultivate selflessness and focus on spiritual development.

Notable personalities

Today the world congratulates Elena Yakovleva, Eva Mendes, Serafima Nizovskaya, Jake Lloyd and Talgat Nigmatullin (actors).

What fate will bring

The zodiac appears simultaneously with two natures. Which one he wants to develop depends only on him. The strong endows with intelligence, quick adaptability to any working environment, open-mindedness, lack of stereotypical thinking and ingenuity, allowing even to profit from failure. But the weak brings impermanence. He will not be able to gain a foothold in one place, and life will make him rush from one corner to another. There will be ups and downs in financial affairs. There is a risk that whims will take over, and addictions will completely absorb him.

Choose a month to always be aware of which zodiac sign this month is dedicated

We present the holidays on March 5 in Russia and Ukraine, church, Orthodox, holiday events and memorable dates of the fifth day of March in the first spring month of this year. On this page you will find out what holidays will be on March 5, what they are connected with, what events, as well as folk signs, proverbs and sayings about this day of spring.

Also, at the end of the page, you can find out (briefly) about other holidays and festivities in March, customs, traditions, folk signs, and more. But first, find out what a holiday is, its definition.

A holiday is a certain period of time (usually one day) allocated in the calendar for the coming year in honor of some significant event, something or someone that has a sacred mythical, non-everyday) meaning and is directly related to the cultural or religious tradition in some country (region).

The word holiday is also used in other, similar in meaning, meanings, such as:

A holiday, the opposite of weekdays, is an official day of rest established in connection with some calendar event;

A holiday is a fun pastime of free time, entertainment events (mass), a day of any personal or social joyful event;

General state of elation (high spirits), (it happens in phrases: "holiday of life" and so on).

Holidays March 5 - dates and events

Katysh Day

National holiday without a name

Day of Physical Culture and Sports - Azerbaijan

Day of the Worker of the Judiciary - Kyrgyzstan

Day K Day of landscapes painted with tea

Day of the turned off gadgets

Stapler's birthday

Nothing new should be started on March 5 - this portends failure.

No promises can be made, since most likely they will not be fulfilled.

If you throw away all old shoes, there will be prosperity in the house

Holidays March 5 church (Orthodox) - Day of Bishop Leo of Katan "Katysh"

It was believed that along with the frost, the first spring thaw still appeared. Therefore, the snows melted on March 5, and the children still wanted to go sledging.

They believed that spring was gradually coming into its own, and the snows were melting in the fields - it was possible to start sowing soon. The Orthodox Church celebrates the day of Bishop Leo of Katansky on March 5, but the Slavs renamed the holiday to "Katysha" or Lev Katalshchik.

And all because there was a tradition of sledding down the mountain in order to frolic for the last time during the "winter" season, as March was then called.

Winter in Russia was seen off on a grand scale. So, for example, on March 5, Pancakes were baked, masquerades, danced, went to visit, asked for forgiveness from those with whom they were in a quarrel, feasted on meat and sweet dishes, because Lent was soon approaching, during which one could eat fast food was prohibited.

As before, it was forbidden on March 5 to look at the stars in the evening, because otherwise you will bring trouble to yourself. They said that at the beginning of March, the sky takes away happiness.

They prophesied terrible phenomena for those who break the ban. It was believed that on March 5, spirits appear in the form of shooting stars, and at night they go to bed with married women when their spouses are absent.

If a person falls ill that day, the illness will not be overcome for a long time, and even a fatal outcome is possible. Therefore, we tried to prevent colds during this period.

Magpies and jackdaws are swimming in the snow - expect a thaw

Holidays March 5 - Memorial Day of Prince Yaroslav the Wise

the 5th of March orthodox Church commemorates the day of the blessed death of the Grand Duke of Kiev, who died in 1054. In 2004, on March 9, Yaroslav blessed the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and ordered him to be included in the calendar.

However, as a saint, Yaroslav was revered for a long time in Russia, the Synod had only to confirm this status officially, putting him to patronize statesmen, lawyers, judges, as well as researchers, teachers and students.

According to the chroniclers, the prince was very kind to those around him and incredibly brave for a mortal man. The character of Yaroslav the Wise was very strict, and his life was modest.

According to his contemporaries, the Kiev prince possessed a huge number of books, which "like rivers, fed him with wisdom." The reign of Yaroslav led to the flourishing of Kiev and the strengthening of cultural and economic ties between the state. The name of the great Russian Orthodox Church was added to the month with the blessing of Alexy II in December 2005.

Holidays March 5 - Arbor Day in Iran

“Day of Trees” is a kind of holiday celebrated by a number of countries in order to draw public attention to the problem of deforestation.

The day encourages people not only to contribute to planting trees and domesticating cities, but also to be more careful with natural resources, because the number of forests on Earth is steadily decreasing every year, which naturally affects the population of some animal species.

In fact, the mass destruction of forests can lead to more global problems, up to a complete disruption of the natural habitat chain and changes in the ecosystem. Many countries celebrate significant event... For example, Iran celebrates Tree Planting Day on March 5, some European countries on March 21, China on March 12 and others.

Holidays March 5 - Day of Physical Education and Sports in Azerbaijan

The Day of Physical Culture owes its birth to the President of Azerbaijan, Ilham Aliyev, who issued a corresponding decree in 2005. As you know, physical education and sports are important elements in maintaining health at any age.

That is why sports and physical training of young people are one of the most important aspects of the social sphere that need to be developed. The purpose of the holiday is to remind the population of the important role sport plays not only for professional athletes, but also for each of us.

Holidays in March - events, dates, celebrations ...

World Civil Defense (Protection) Day.

Saint David's (Patron saint of Wales) Day.

Independence Day. Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Day of Remembrance. Marshall Islands.

Panama Constitution Day.

Heroes Day in Paraguay.

Republic Day in Switzerland, Neuchâtel.

Day of the independence movement in South Korea. In 1919, demonstrations began against the Japanese.

National Day for Peace - Bikini Day in Japan

Mahavira Jayanti (March - April)

Peasants' Day in Burma.

Evacuation day in Libya.

Day of the peasants. Myanmar.

Independence Day in the USA, Texas.

Victory Day in Ethiopia.

Girls' Day or Puppet Festival (Japan).

Day of the liberation of Bulgaria from Ottoman rule.

International Day of Peace for the Writer.

Independence Day. Grenada.

Kaziukas or St. Casimir's Day in Lithuania.

Day of victims. Malawi.

Throne Day (since 1961). Morocco.

Day of National Unity. Sudan.

Police Day. Belarus.

Constitution Day in the United States.

Arbor Festival. Taiwan.

Casimir Day PULASKI USA, Illinois.

Egyptian Muslims celebrate Waqf al Arafa.

Omizutori, Nara.

Labor Day Australia, Western.

Independence Day of the Republic of Ghana. Celebrated since 1975.

Magellan's Day. Guam.

Alamo Day. Mexico.

City meeting day. USA, Vermont.

Feast of grandmothers (France). In France, on the first Sunday of March, a grandmother's festival is held annually.

Holi is the Indian New Years holiday. The Indian Holi holiday is New Year's, the most colorful holiday celebrated on the full moon of the month of Phalguna (February-March).

Veterans Day in Laos.

Omizutori, Nara.

International Women's Day.

International Day for Women's Rights and International Peace.

Youth Day in Zambia.

Memorial Day for the Fallen in Liberia.

Sultan's Day in Malaysia.

Revolution Day in Syria.

Omizutori, Nara.

Day of Baron Bliss. Belize

Omizutori, Nara.

Labor Day in South Korea.

Teachers Day Laos.

Dry season start day. Myanmar.

Farmer's Day in Ukraine.

Omizutori, Nara

Maha Shivaratri among the Hindus. Maha Shivratri festival among Hindus. This is a sacred day on which Shiva assumed the form of a Lingam for the benefit of seekers. Worshiping Shiva serves to gain Wisdom.

Youth Day in Zambia.

Independence Day in Lithuania. (1990)

Commonwealth Day. Tuvalu.

Omizutori, Nara.

Renewal day. Gabon.

Commonwealth Day. Canada.

Day Moshoeshoe. Lesotho.

Independence Day, Republic Day. Mauritius.

Omizutori, Nara.

Professional holiday of the employees of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. Professional holiday of the employees of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. In 1879, Russian Emperor Alexander III issued a decree establishing a prison department, which laid the foundation for a unified state system for the execution of sentences in Russia.

Day of forest planting (China). Official holiday of China. It is marked by massive tree planting.

Crown Princess Victoria's name day (Sweden).

Day of workers of geodesy and cartography.

Revolution day. Grenada.

Elephant Day in Thailand.

Omizutori, Nara.

International Day Against Dams. Celebrated at the initiative of the International Rivers Network (USA). "For rivers, water and life" is the motto of this day.

Constitution day. Andorra.

White Day (Japan). On this day, men give women white chocolate in gratitude for Valentine's Day gifts. The holiday has been celebrated since 1965.

World Consumer Day. On this day, March 15, in 1961, John F. Kennedy made a speech in the US Congress in which he named four basic consumer rights.

Constitution Day of Belarus.

Day of the beginning of the 1848 revolution in Hungary.

Roberts Day. Liberia.

Day of national mourning for the Kurds. Erected to commemorate the victims of 1988. On this day, Iraqi troops launched a chemical attack on the Kurdish city of Halabja. 5 thousand people died.

St. Patrick's Day in Ireland. St. Patrick's Day is an Irish national holiday, during which there is a festive procession through the streets and beer is actively consumed.

As the Irish mastered all four cardinal points of the world, the image of St. Patrick followed with them everywhere as a reminder of who they were and where they came from. Every year on March 17, St. Patrick's Day, the whole world becomes Irish for one day.

Evacuation day. USA, Boston. (in 1776 British troops are evacuated from Boston).

Day of the Paris Commune (from February 20, 1872). On this day, March 18, 1871, an armed uprising of the Parisians and the overthrow of the bourgeois government took place. The Paris Commune is proclaimed on March 28.

International Museum Day.

Flag and Anthem Day. Aruba.

Tax Police Day. Russia.

Day of the Mongolian People's Army.

Day of the creation of the submarine forces of the Russian fleet (celebrated since 1996 by order of the commander-in-chief of the Navy Felix Gromov on the anniversary of the decree of Emperor Nicholas II of 1906 on giving submarines the status of an independent class of ships).

Saint Joseph's Day (Father's Day). Italy, Malta, Liechtenstein (Catholic holiday). St. Joseph, the betrothed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, was Jesus' guardian and tutor. The gospels say that Joseph, a descendant of King David, was a carpenter and a righteous man.

World Water Day.

Qing-ming - the beginning of the Chinese lunar month Oin-ming of "pure radiance" and the celebration of venerating the graves of ancestors.

International Francophonie Day - All Speakers french... Today Francophonie unites 47 countries around the world, whose population speaks French every day. Among them are such rich countries as France, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Canada, Belgium.

Canberra Day in Australia.

Day of Nationalization of Oil in Iran.

Independence Day in Tunisia.

Vernal equinox day in Japan.

Day of the planetariums.

Day of spring equinox.

Spring Festival - Navruz (celebrated in the republics of Central Asia and the Caucasus and in the countries of Central Asia).

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

World Earth Day. Celebrated annually on the vernal equinox by the decision of the UN General Assembly.

World Poetry Day. By the decision of the 30th session of the General Conference of UNESCO, March 21, 2000 was declared World Poetry Day.

Spring day in Iraq.

Tree Day in Italy. It has long been celebrated in the country as a holiday of renewal and unity of man with nature.

A day of afforestation in Lesotho.

Day of the Sultan Terengganu. Malaysia.

Independence Day (1990). Namibia.

Day agriculture in USA.

Youth Day in Tunisia.

Human Rights Day in South Africa.

Day of workers of trade, consumer services and housing and communal services.

World water day (water resources).

Baltic Sea Day.

1 Chaitra - New Year in India.

Day of the People's Party. Laos.

Day of the Arab League. Lebanon, Jordan.

Emancipation Day. Puerto Rico.

Nauryz - Kazakh New Year

Navruz (Nooruz, Nauruz) is a holiday of spring. Navruz (Nooruz, Nauruz) is a holiday of spring or new year. The term "Nauruz" consists of two Persian words "know" (new) and "ruz" (day), that is, the first starting day of the most important holiday of the Aryans. It has been celebrated for several millennia.

Purim is a Jewish holiday. Purim is a holiday in memory of the miraculous deliverance of the Jews who lived in Persia in the middle of the 5th century. BC e., from mortal danger. The first minister of the then reigning king Artaxerxes named Aman, wounded by the disrespectful attitude of some Jews towards him, decided to destroy them all. By cunning, he managed to get the king's permission for this.

But Queen Esther (Esther), a Jew by birth, having learned about this plan, managed to thwart it. Haman was executed, many of his accomplices in various cities of Persia were exterminated.

World Meteorological Day. Since 1961, on March 23, all progressive humanity has been celebrating World Meteorological Day.

Pakistan Day. Celebrated since 1956.

World Tuberculosis Day.

Independence Day of Greece. The national uprising of 1821 marked the beginning of the liberation of Greece from the four-century Ottoman yoke.

Annunciation to the Virgin Mary among Catholics. The Gospel of Luke (1: 26-38) tells how the archangel Gabriel was sent by God to announce to Mary, the virgin betrothed to Joseph, that she was to conceive of the Holy Spirit and give birth to the baby Jesus, who would become the Messiah and would be called the Son of God.

Embarrassed by the angel's greeting, Mary then became convinced of the veracity of his promise and expressed her faith in the words: "Let it be done to me according to your word."

National Day of the Unborn Child in Argentina.

Independence Day (since 1971) Bangladesh. National holiday of the People's Republic of Bangladesh - Independence Day has been celebrated since 1971.

Youth Day in Vietnam.

Kuhio Day. Hawaiian Islands.

Seward's Day. USA, Alaska. Celebrates the anniversary of the Russian-American Alaska sale.

Day of Internal Troops. Ukraine.

Islamic New Year. Muharram.

International Theater Day. This holiday was established in Vienna at the XI Congress International Institute theater (MIT) at UNESCO. Celebrated annually since 1962.

Victory Day. Angola.

Celebration of the French-speaking cultural community in Belgium.

Armed Forces Day. Burma.

Army Day. Myanmar.

Day of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian Federation established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 03/19/96.

Day of the revival of the Balkar people and the restoration of the Balkar statehood.

Evacuation day in Libya. (in 1970, the last British military units left the country).

Constitution Day in Serbia.

Teacher's Day in the Czech Republic.

Birthday of Queen Ingrid (Denmark).

Tsubaki Matsuri (Japan) - Feast of admiring flowering camellias.

Veterans Day. Vietnam.

Day of memory of heroes. Madagascar.

Vietnam War Veterans Day. USA.

President Boganda Day. CAR.

Flower day. Spain, Barcelona.

Day of the Sultan Kelatan. Malaysia.

Day of protection of the earth. Celebrated annually by the Arab population of the occupied territories and Israel in memory of the patriots killed by the Israeli police in 1976.

Transfer day. Virgin Islands.

Freedom Day. Malta. (on this day in 1979 the British military presence in Malta, which had lasted for 79 years, ended).

Caesar Chavez Day. USA, California.

The ancient holiday of Hansik. Korea. On this day, they do not eat hot food to appease the fire, symbolizing the coming warmth, and they bring gifts to the graves of their ancestors.

Day of the genocide of Azerbaijanis.

Holidays March 5, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 ... - church and state, significant dates and memorable events, signs ...

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Holidays March 5, 2038 - church, events, dates, what day

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High intelligence and emotionality are the distinctive features of individuals born on March 5. The Pisces zodiac sign gives them flexibility and curiosity. They are adventurous and very freedom-loving. They are attracted by the unknown and they try with all their might to avoid routine. However, in all situations, these people remain sane.

Character and personal qualities

The birthday people of this day are not easy personalities. Special characteristics compiled by professional astrologers will allow you to get to know them better:

  • Tarot card corresponding to the date of birth: High Priest. The lasso depicts a gray-haired priest giving blessings to his ministers. The card symbolizes knowledge given from above and sincere faith. Meaning: honesty, intolerance, loyalty, respect;
  • Patron planet: Mercury. Responsible for consciousness, intellectual development and communication;
  • Numerological correspondences: Number 5 endows its subjects with curiosity and freedom of action. People who are influenced by the number 5 love to travel;
  • Possible diseases: toothache, tendency to obesity, migraine, chronic cold, cystitis;
  • Ideal professions: librarian, manager, military man, teacher;
  • Benefits: sophistication, creativity, elegance;
  • Disadvantages: susceptibility to fears, melancholy, excessive emotionality.

Born 5 march according to the zodiac - Pisces This speaks of their flexible approach to life. They are easy to multitask and try to cover as much as possible. The birthday people of this day are afraid to live a boring and mediocre life, because they never sit still.

Sometimes these people can behave unrestrained and absurd, but this only lasts a few minutes. Representatives of the water element are very demanding of others and are rarely satisfied with their partner.

Those who are fortunate enough to be born on March 5 give the impression of sincere, kind people. But inside they are very contradictory natures. They are overwhelmed by a range of different emotions, which they prefer to carefully hide. They are responsible and self-confident individuals.

Sometimes Pisces suffer greatly from the inability to express their feelings, to reveal their true emotions. They often feel lonely. The ability to be diplomatic is an excellent quality for people born on March 5th. Who is their colleague or friend according to the horoscope is not so important to them. The birthday people of this day are able to find the right approach to many people.

These individuals are very freedom-loving and do not tolerate interference in their personal lives. Finances are rarely a priority for them. They easily part with money without thinking about the consequences.

Representatives of the stronger and weaker sex are very different in nature. A Pisces man born on March 5 has the following qualities:

  • This is a generous gentleman who knows how to charm;
  • He is easy-going and capable of sacrifice for the sake of his beloved;
  • He is an idealistic dreamer, polite and well-mannered;
  • The young man of this sign is very amorous, but it is difficult for him to build a serious relationship because of his idealism.

A girl belonging to the same zodiacal constellation is no less interesting entity. The Pisces woman born on March 5 is characterized as follows:

  • She is kind, gentle and romantic;
  • Its main advantage is femininity and defenselessness;
  • She is distinguished by her prudence and the ability to keep her emotions under control.

It is very difficult for Pisces to find a partner who could correspond to their high ideals. They like talented and humane individuals. As a rule, the birthday people of this day are distinguished by loyalty and devotion to their beloved. They try to support and inspire their partner.

People born on this day are much more freedom-loving natures than other Pisces. The life partner must be aware of their need for personal space. Stability is the main wish of the birthday people on March 5th. What zodiac sign their partner will have is very important.

Excellent opportunities promise relationships with Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio. A good union can be with Capricorns, Virgo and Libra.

Here, prospects depend on the willingness of partners to find compromises. With Gemini, Leo and Aries, it is unlikely that something good will turn out. They rarely find common ground.

Most often, these people manage to successfully realize themselves in their careers. They are imaginative and sensitive. A love of change can motivate them to choose a travel-related job.

Dynamism can be a great business advantage, and Pisces Caring can find applications in medicine and education. Their incredible imagination can be realized in cinema, art, fashion and design. They can also prove themselves in politics or entertainment.

Whichever activity Pisces chooses, it is very important to avoid routine and monotony. Good intuitive abilities can lead them to business, international cooperation or trade.

Health status

Pisces are usually not overly interested in their health. They need an experienced doctor who can be consulted for advice. The birthday people of this day tend to overeat and indulge in carnal pleasures. It is necessary to observe the measure in both. It is recommended to give up stimulants and bad habits.

The main danger for people born on this day is their own emotions. The negativity that is stored deep inside can lead to nervous breakdowns over time. Meditation and yoga classes will be helpful.

You should be less demanding in relation to other people. There is no need to rush in search of an unattainable ideal. Each person has many good qualities, the main thing is to see it.

It would be useful for those who celebrate this day to learn to be more open. You don't need to open your soul to everyone, but sincerity in communicating with loved ones is a very valuable quality. Rapid mood swings and excessive stress on the nervous system should be avoided.

Famous people born on March 5

Many celebrities were born on this day... These include:

  • Pierre Pasolini is a director, critic, and poet. His works were distinguished by originality and provocation. He died tragically at the age of 53;
  • Fred Williamson is an actor, director, producer and screenwriter. The most famous films with his participation: "Three days before the murder", "From Dusk Till Dawn", "Starstki and Hach";
  • Eva Mendes is an actress. Popular films with her participation: "Once Upon a Time in Mexico", "Ghost Rider", "A Little Pregnant";
  • Elena Yakovleva is a theater and film actress, TV presenter, People's Artist of the Russian Federation. The most famous roles in the film "Intergirl" and the TV series "Kamenskaya", "Crime and Punishment". In addition, she starred in many Russian films.

These are they, the birthday people of this day. They are empathetic, humble people with great potential. The main thing for Pisces is taking care of yourself and being attentive to your state of mind. Inner harmony and tranquility will help them achieve their most ambitious goals. And the support of loved ones will make their path smoother and easier.

Attention, only TODAY!

The question of what holiday is today is extremely relevant. This is due to the fact that many Russians do not want to miss some important and memorable date among routine matters, of which there are now many.

Today, March 5, in this respect, is no exception to the rule. The fact is that it has several holidays at once. In particular, today is the International Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting Day. But in the national calendar today is the following memorable date: Day of the Roller.

What a holiday today, March 5: International Children's Television and Radio Day

International Children's Day of Broadcasting (International Children’s Day of Broadcasting) - one of the brightest and kindest holidays - is celebrated on the first Sunday in March. It was introduced by UNICEF in 1991 and encourages not to forget about the smallest and most caring viewers.

Every year on the first Sunday of March, all the world's leading television and radio companies provide air to children and children's programs - they all "tune in to the children's wave", broadcasting quality programs for children and about children. After all, the main purpose of the holiday is to encourage the media around the world to pay more attention to issues related to children. And on this day, all workers who are engaged in the production of children's television programs and radio programs celebrate their professional holiday.

Since the International Children's Television and Radio Broadcasting Day was established, thousands of television and radio presenters in more than a hundred countries have taken part in the Day's program of events, celebrating it so that the Day will remain in memory with its uniqueness and festivity.

In addition, back in 1994, UNICEF and the International Academy of Television Arts and Sciences established a special award, which was presented to the television company, whose program on that day most fully embodied its mission. In 2008, UNICEF established its own award, which is presented to both television and radio companies. I must say that initially this Day was celebrated in December, and since 2009 its celebration has been postponed to the first Sunday in March.

Have International Day There is also a socially significant side of children's television and radio broadcasting - the Day is designed to draw public attention to the rights of children and youth. What do young people know about their rights and responsibilities? How do they serve the community? Funds for these and other questions mass mediaas the interlocutor closest to young people, they pay great attention.

What a national holiday today, 03/05/2017: Katysh Day

Leo of Catan, who lived in Sicily in the 8th century, was a Christian saint and bishop. When the Orthodox Church began to venerate him, his name in Russian soon changed, and so his day in the national calendar was called the day of Katysh.

There is such an explanation for this: on this spring day they organized the last slide downhill, about which they said: "Winter is coming to an end, so have time to go sledging", and the one who was carried by the sled the farthest - and happiness will be long.

For this day they cooked kokurki - koloboks-rolls in butter.

It was not worth looking up to the sky this day, because if it happened to notice a star falling, then death would soon come to this person's house - for him or for someone close. To protect themselves from bad omens, they said to the shooting star, which was called a maniac: “Amen! Crumble! "

About whether a person who fell ill on that day would live or die, they wondered about bread, placing two pieces of it in the patient's armpits for the night. If the bread was found dry in the morning, it was necessary to prepare for the worst.

But it was possible on this day to ensure the happiness of the farmer, for which they took smoldering coals from the blacksmith without demand and carried them into the field. This stolen fire was supposed to strengthen the union of arable tools (harrows and plows) with the earth, as well as warm the soil and drive away scarcity, so that in the fall there would be a good harvest.

Anton, Afanasy, Vasily, David, Denis, Ivan, Ignatius, Cornelius, Leo, Leonty, Nikolai, Samson, Sergei, Tikhon, Fedor, Philip, Yaroslav.

  • 1616 - The Index congregation banned all texts agreeing with the truth of the Copernican system
  • 1711 - the Senate was established by the decree of Peter I.
  • 1770 - The Boston massacre occurs.
  • 1946 - Winston Churchill dubs Europe's dividing line the Iron Curtain.
  • 1970 - The Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons entered into force.
  • Vasily Trediakovsky 1703 - Russian writer and poet.
  • Rosa Luxemburg 1871 - German revolutionary.
  • Kasyan Goleizovsky 1892 - Russian ballet dancer.
  • Ando Momofuki 1910 - Japanese businessman.
  • Alexey Fatyanov 1919 - Soviet poet.
  • Semyon Gudzenko 1922 - Soviet front-line poet.
  • Vladimir Maslachenko 1936 - Soviet football goalkeeper.
  • Elena Yakovleva 1961 - Soviet and Russian film and theater actress.