How to celebrate the new year without alcohol. Why I was left for the new year without alcohol (2 photos). To resort to folk remedies

So, for the New Year, I was left alone. Not quite alone - I already put my little daughter to bed, and sat down to work - an urgent project that does not wait a minute. About 15 minutes before the chimes, I set a small table for myself in front of the TV - put Olivier, sandwiches, boiled pork, tangerine, brought champagne and a beautiful, crystal glass. I thought: I'll sit down now, dink a glass of champagne on the TV screen at the moment when Vladimir Vladimirovich will perform, and it seems as if not alone.

With this thought, I reached for a bottle of good, my favorite champagne, began slowly and with pleasure to remove the foil, recalling the outgoing year - its sorrows and joys. The foil fell, a wire appeared, as I remember the name of the muzlet now, the word is too funny. I always shake the shamanic in a glass for this muzlet, removing the extra bubbles. In general, in anticipation of a delicious dinner and a pleasant evening, I began to gently rock the cork. We need to make sure that she doesn't shoot, I'll wake my daughter up and pour champagne all over the apartment. The cork didn't budge a millimeter.

I started to pull harder, I see that time is already supporting, now Putin will come out, say hello, and now it's New Year. I started to rock the plug harder, but not in any way. Squeezing the bottle between my legs and risking getting a cork in my eye, I twisted this unfortunate cork with the most desperate frenzy that can be found in a person who once a year decided to relax and even that heaven does not allow him.

Putin came out on the screen, began to speak, and I was still tugging and pulling the plug. I poked her with a knife, I stuck a corkscrew into her, but she stuck out with this corkscrew motionless in any direction. In desperation, I already began to growl and whine. The whole life flashed before my eyes, or rather all its negative moments, which at that moment came together so clearly that it began to seem that I had a completely worthless, useless, disgusting life, filled with only failures. I cursed myself for thinking about taking a martini in the store, but decided to follow the tradition.

The bottle didn't give up. The chimes echoed louder in my head with each beat. Out of anger, I knocked on the unfortunate traffic jam and pulled at the unfortunate corkscrew. The chimes died down, the people around yelled "Hurray", and I, all disheveled, red, angry and unhappy, plopped the disgusting bottle on the table and, looking at the ceiling, said in my hearts - Well, what did I do wrong for you, that you even drink me do not give. And then a grandiose bang sounded. The flown out cork with a corkscrew sticking out in it broke the chandelier and landed safely in my Olivier.

For another 15 minutes I quietly chewed tangerines, looked at the foam spilling over the table, listened to my champagne methodically dripping on the floor and reflected on my ridiculous fate, deciding that something needed to be radically changed ...

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Happy New Year!!!

How to celebrate the New Year without alcohol?

The traditional New Year holiday, as a rule, is associated by many with drinking a large number of alcoholic beverages, especially during the so-called "New Year's weekend" from January 1 to 10. Unfortunately, even the very celebration of the transition to the new calendar year, when the chimes strike, is invariably accompanied by a glass of champagne. What are the associations with this holiday? Christmas tree, tangerines, champagne - where can we go without it!

But more and more people in our time are beginning to realize that traditional rituals are far from always beneficial, and sometimes even harmful. And many want to spend the holidays in line with the so-called "Healthy lifestyle", including giving up alcohol during the New Year celebrations.

This is especially true for families raising children. Starting from early childhood, the child sees that during the holiday, adults "clink glasses" with glasses, make toasts, and then come to an unusual state. At the same time, adults forbid children to drink what they themselves drink. Thus, the child develops the idea that drinking alcohol and related rituals is an attribute of adulthood.

First of all, everyone who wants to spend the New Year in sobriety must understand the reasons for such a choice. Let's take a look at a few.

  1. The desire to protect their children from the idea of \u200b\u200balcohol as an attribute of "adulthood". The rule in this case is one - be an example to your child!
  2. Following a "healthy lifestyle" in connection with fashion or in connection with ideological beliefs. It commands respect, and if this reason is yours, then you will not have any difficulties.
  3. The period of abstinence from alcohol due to illness, taking drugs incompatible with alcohol, etc.
  4. The most common and compelling reason to celebrate the holidays without alcohol. When you suspect you are addicted to alcohol or even know for sure that you are addicted. You are recovering from alcohol addiction and you know that the only way is to eliminate the "green serpent" completely from your life.
  5. Do you suspect that your close person suffers from alcoholism, or you know for sure and want to support your loved one.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons for addiction recovery and start with the latter. When you want to support someone close to you who suffers from alcoholism. In this case, there are usually two options. Or your loved one asks for help on the path of his recovery, and you support him. Or by giving up alcohol, you want to force your loved one not to drink, whether he wants it or not.

Unfortunately, the second option is doomed to failure in advance. Even if during the New Year period a member of your family who denies his addiction will not drink alcohol, he will not be cured of his addiction in this way. In this case, you need to consult a psychologist or a narcologist, to understand how the family system, in which there is a dependent person, works, and how you can influence it. Simple abstinence, the more compulsory, will not solve this problem.

Now let's talk about the "good" option, which has a chance of success! When you or a member of your family suffers from alcohol addiction, admits this, and in his desire to recover, asks for support from loved ones. There are several rules in the life of a recovering alcoholic to help you stay sober. Among them are the rules of cleanliness, which means that there should be no alcohol in the house. A convalescent person should not take part in drinking feasts, even if he does not drink himself. If you yourself are being treated for alcoholism, ask your family and loved ones to support you. If a family member asks you for such help, support him. It is important to remove all alcohol from the house. There should be no alcohol in the cupboards, let alone on the table. An important point: pouring vodka into a kettle and drinking from tea cups, or other similar options - do not work! It shouldn't be, so it shouldn't be at all.

What to do during a sober holiday, how to spend time if you don't drink? There are many options for holiday activities, and here are some of them.

  1. Joint summing up of the results of the year. Let each family member share what they have accomplished in the past year. What are his best qualities he showed, or acquired. How has changed for the better. If things get tough, let other family members help each other! Tell your loved one about his achievements, about his best qualities. Let everyone hear warm words addressed to them and feel that their family is proud of them!
  2. Joint discussion of plans for the next year. Let everyone tell their loved ones what goals they set for themselves for the next year. Share with each other your desires, dreams, plans. Maybe you will learn a lot about your loved ones! Think and discuss together how you can help each other to achieve their goals and plans.
  3. Board games! Just go to the board games store together, choose a few you like. Choose carefully, the game shouldn't be too difficult and it shouldn't be too simple. The game should not be related to alcohol consumption. And most importantly - it should be fun! Let this be a gift to each other for the New Year.
  4. Creation of new family traditions. You can be as creative as possible with this! Draw or craft together your family's coat of arms to decorate the entrance to your house! Draw or sew a family flag! You can work together to come up with a family motto that will guide you over the next year.
  5. Joint preparation of the New Year's table. Try it together! In this case, it is important to prepare the space in advance so that there is enough space for everyone. Distribute functions in advance. You can even make a preliminary plan for preparing the table, and clearly conveyed it to each family member! Help each other.

What if your family or friends can't support you and you want to stay sober? Find like-minded people! Just search the Internet for "sober New Year" and the name of your city. You will find many places and companies where people will have fun in new year holidayswhile remaining sober. You can stay sober.

How to prepare and celebrate the New Year so that on January 1 you feel cheerful and joyful? The easiest option is to give up alcohol, limit yourself to food and go to bed immediately after the chimes. But holiday traditions suggest a different scenario. Federal agency news tells how to celebrate with minimal damage to health and well-being.

Eat right the day before

In order for the body to cope with a large number of treats and drinks, you need to follow a few simple recommendations.

The most important thing is not to sit down at the festive table hungry, otherwise you risk overeating.

During the day of December 31, you need to eat right - the food should be rich in vitamins and minerals, nourishing, but not overloading the stomach and liver, that is, nothing fatty, fried and smoked. Ideal in this regard are cereals, vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, bran.

Immediately before a meal, you should eat foods that slow down the absorption of alcohol. It can be eggs, liquid rice porridge with butter, avocado, dairy products. And be sure to have some freshly brewed mint or lemon tea. This drink will be useful after the holiday.

To drink a lot of water

Throughout the day, on the eve of the feast, you need to drink a lot of clean non-carbonated water - at least one and a half liters per day.

Drinking plenty of fluids even during the holiday is considered a good prevention of dehydration that accompanies any hangover. The absorption rate of alcohol is directly proportional to the concentration of alcohol in the body: the more it is diluted with another liquid, the less likely you are to suffer from headaches, nausea, and dizziness in the morning.

The main thing is not to drink sugary carbonated drinks at the table, which, on the contrary, accelerate intoxication and aggravate a hangover.

Sleep before the holiday

It will not be superfluous to sleep well before the holiday. Try to find at least an hour and a half to sleep in the pre-holiday bustle. This will be enough to gain strength for night walks and increase the body's resistance to alcohol.

Take a "boost" dose of alcohol

Some doctors advise to take the so-called homeopathic dose of alcohol - no more than 50 grams of vodka or cognac one and a half to two hours before a hearty meal. This will prepare the liver for further libations.

A vodka tonic cocktail is also suitable, since the quinine contained in the tonic has a beneficial effect on the enzyme system, making it easier to absorb alcohol.

Do not mix drinks

The experts are unanimous that alcoholic beverages should not be mixed. And you also need to choose wisely what you will drink at the New Year's table.

First, the alcohol must be of good quality.

And secondly, it should be remembered that the strongest hangover happens after drinking brandy, cognac and whiskey. The congener, tannin, tannins and ellagic acid contained in these spirits aggravate the hangover.

Red wine also has a severe hangover because it contains both ethanol and methanol. And champagne is dangerous because of the sugar and the abundance of carbon dioxide, which allows alcohol to enter the bloodstream faster.

Eat right

Some advise eating strong alcohol with fatty foods, others say that you should lean on meals containing eggs, because they contain the amino acid cysteine, which reduces the toxic effect of alcohol. Gastroenterologists often recommend eating vegetables and fruits, as well as seafood and lean fish.

But eating competently doesn't mean a lot. Heavy fatty foods along with excess alcohol are a shot in the liver and gastrointestinal tract, as they will have to digest not only alcoholic toxins, but also heavy food. In addition, a plentiful snack creates the illusion of sobriety, a person drinks more than the norm, alcohol accumulates in the stomach, and in the morning “shoots out” unpleasant symptoms.


It is best to take long breaks between New Year's toasts and get up from the table to move around. For this, you can come up with mobile contests or just dance.

It is also advised to go out into the fresh air and warm up a little there - this is how not only the lungs are filled with oxygen, but also the muscles, which contributes to the rapid oxidation of ethyl alcohol and the elimination of harmful substances from the body.

There is no way to leave the apartment on New Year's Eve - ventilate it more often. And try not to smoke. Nicotine increases inebriation and hangover.

Take anti-hangover drugs

They can be divided into two types - those that are taken before the feast, and those that should be drunk after it.

Before the celebration, you can take 5-10 tablets of activated charcoal or other absorbents. Also, before the feast, it is recommended to take digestive enzymes (mezim, creon).

If the hangover could not be avoided, then in the morning some are saved by drugs that alleviate the condition. In the first place here is aspirin, which is also contained in anti-hangover "pops". But it is effective only if 6-8 hours have passed after the holiday. Otherwise, aspirin can be dangerous.

To resort to folk remedies

Products such as brine, sauerkraut, pickles restore the disturbed acid-base balance. The trace elements contained in pickles facilitate the state of the body during intoxication.

Someone is saved by fermented milk drinks like tan, ayran and kefir. But also tea with lemon and honey, still mineral water help too well. Drink as much as possible, but in small portions. But it is better to refuse coffee, which has a dehydrating property.

For a hangover, hot chicken broth is also helpful to help an irritated stomach.

Don't drink anymore

Narcologists advise those who have gone over the New Year to lie down the next day, but not to treat the like with the like, since this is a direct path to alcoholism. Succinic or citric acid and tincture of eleutherococcus also help to endure withdrawal symptoms.

A warm bath with rosemary and lavender oils, which remove toxins, and leisurely walks in the fresh air will help to endure the unpleasant state.

Of course, there is no universal recipe for getting rid of a hangover. But there is one proven wisdom - to observe moderation in everything. Take care of yourself, be healthy and have a good New Year!

There may be several reasons for refusing alcohol on New Year's Eve. Individual intolerance, children at the table, pregnancy, Lent, driving, doctors have banned, sick of alcoholic beverages or is simply unhealthy. And all of them tear away from the team and do not allow to come off "to the fullest" on the main holiday of the year. What to do for those who cannot drink, how fun it is to celebrate the New Year without alcohol?

Celebrate with like-minded people. The longer you lead a healthy lifestyle, the more friends with similar views you can make. Drop in during the day to the "drinking" friends and relatives with small congratulations, and new Year meet in a sober company. Then you definitely won't have to get into unnecessary arguments. If you do not have such a company, and your friends drink alcohol, then their requests for a drink must be answered with a categorical refusal. You respect their right to drink, don't you? So let them respect your right to naturally have fun while staying sober! In general, do not give in to provocative beliefs in the usefulness of alcohol and phrases like: "You do not respect us!" It is not worth breaking off relations with the drinking company and celebrating the New Year alone.

And don't think that the holiday would not be so fun without alcohol. After all, we get fun from the holiday, and not from alcohol.
A well-thought-out program with dances, competitions, karaoke, round dances around the Christmas tree and fireworks on the street (firecrackers on the balcony) will help to celebrate the New Year in a fun and sober way.

You can think of such contests, quizzes, games and topics for conversation at the table yourself. Approach the organization of the celebration creatively, and everything will definitely work out in the best... If you are hosting guests, be sure to warn those invited that you are a person of a sober worldview and will celebrate the New Year without alcohol. However, this does not mean that you should not put alcohol on the table with friends. This can ruin the holiday for others and serve as a reason for a quarrel, which is not at all Feng Shui on New Year's Eve. Prepare many unusual, delicious and beautiful non-alcoholic cocktails. It will be more fun with them, and the guests are unlikely to be able to refuse, which means that they will drink less alcohol.

Suggest the idea of \u200b\u200ba "Non-alcoholic party" in advance. Submit a competition for the best non-alcoholic New Year's cocktail. Conduct a small action on the Internet, create a community like “We are celebrating a sober New Year, who is with us?”. Share your menu ideas and entertainment program and inspire others.

In addition to a non-alcoholic New Year at home, you can arrange walks with roller coasters or ice skating, a trip around the city at night in a car decorated with tinsel, rent a house in the woods for this time, far from the city. The advantages of a sober New Year: at 3 a.m. you don't want to go to bed yet, you want to continue to have fun, while drunk people are already drawn to the side: drunks on the street more often behave like zombies, some are ashamed of their condition, are afraid to fall, apologize instead congratulations on the coming.

In the morning you wake up with a very cool mood, wake everyone up and congratulate everyone on the first morning of the New Year, turn on the music louder, go to a cafe or to the cinema. Unlike those who get up with a headache and a swollen face.

Remember the last time you celebrated the New Year without alcohol? If 10-15 years ago - a non-alcoholic holiday will be a truly new experience. On New Year's Eve, it is not important to drink or eat goodies for the whole year ahead. This is one of the largest holidays that unites people, making them expect something fabulous. In the New Year, I want to believe in a miracle and wait for this miracle. And a New Year's tale shouldn't depend on bottles of alcohol!

IN recent times there are many conscious people who do not drink alcohol even on holidays. New Year is coming soon, and if you want to celebrate it cheerfully and at the same time soberly, then you can prepare now. Think about where you want to meet the beginning of the new year, what you will do. You can also think over the menu now.

I have had experience of sober and cheerful New Years celebrations and would love to share fresh ideas.

Sober company or "one soldier in the field"?

It's good if a whole teetotal company gathers for the New Year. It's a great experience for kids. After all, we are an example for the younger generation, and they will be happy if adults will have fun with them without doping in the form of alcohol.

But if you are still the only one who is not going to drink champagne and other alcoholic drinks for the New Year, then there is no need to be upset. The main thing is not to be influenced and be true to your principles. By the way, you still have time to lure a few friends to your "white" side. Give arguments for a sober New Year. For example, tell us how great it is to feel light and fresh on the morning of January 1. And spending the long New Year's holidays without alcohol is even better! A sober New Year can be a good start for the next year.

If you have been leading a healthy lifestyle for a long time, then surely you have already formed your own circle of like-minded people? But it is not necessary to celebrate the holiday in the company, you can meet it cheerfully with your family.


First, let's consider a simple option - you want to celebrate the New Year with a soulful and sober company. In order not to get bored, you have many ways.
Today there are many inexpensive and interesting games that will come in handy on New Year's Eve. Think over the program for the evening and night.

In addition to the traditional fireworks and roller coasters, you must definitely figure out what you will do after the chimes.

From myself I can recommend such games as "Swintus", "Crocodile", "Tower", "Activity", "Tick-tock-boom". Board games are inexpensive, about 300 rubles. Games like "Activity" will cost a little more, but they will save you for a year.

If you are celebrating a holiday with children, then see the recommendations on the box with games. Although in "Crocodile" and "Svintus" children can play even from 5 years old, if there is interest.
You can think of small prizes for winning teams. For everything to go smoothly, someone needs to take responsibility for the cultural program. Organize a masquerade ball, it won't be boring for sure!

There are also a lot of contests and games on the Internet. The presence of alcohol in the blood does not affect the degree of fun. Therefore, even without alcohol, it is interesting to celebrate the New Year.
For a large company, there is a great option - to rent a recreation center in advance and go skiing, sledging or snowboarding for the New Year. If this is not possible, then a holiday in nature, surrounded by forests or mountains is also a good choice.

You can rent a bathhouse for the New Year and arrange a holiday with contests there. Take a steam bath, dive into the snow and improve your health in a steam room with a broom.

Sober New Year with family

If you want to meet the beginning of the year with a narrow family circle, then you should not sit in front of the TV. You can also get board games, especially since many of them can be played by 3-4 participants. You can go outside on the eve of the chimes and meet the beginning of the year with fireworks.

Children will love the roller coaster ride with their sober parents. You can arrange a whole party for children. Become wizards for children! Search the internet for children's games with contests. You can buy inexpensive gifts as prizes.

Also a great option is to go out of town and there at the recreation center go for a ride on "cheesecakes" or snow-scooters, organize a picnic in the forest.

In a word, the fun of the New Year should not depend on the alcohol you drink. Champagne is a good substitute for regular lemonade or juice. Think over the holiday program, book the recreation center in advance, if you want to celebrate the holiday outside the city and everything will be magical and interesting!