An imperishable monk in Buryatia. An imperishable monk in Buryatia is a phenomenon of life after death. Itigelov's earthly life

KP Pandido Khamba Lama Dasha-Dorzho Itigelova, about whom a lot is known. In 1911 he was elected KhP Pandito Khambo Lama of the "Lamaist clergy of Eastern Siberia" and remained in this position until 1917. In early February 1913, he attended the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty in St. Petersburg and opened a Buddhist temple.

Organized hospitals in the First world war and received many awards from Nicholas II. On the wounded, he donated all his fortune. He was a man who actively lived in the interests of Russia and his people - and probably in this one should also look for the solution to his last amazing act. Predicting changes in the country in the new millennium, he left his body as a sacrificial message, which humanity has no right to lose.

September 2002 marked the two years since the body of the lama was outside the burial - in the open air. However, the body continues to remain intact. Although the monks watching him note some changes in conditions - spontaneous release of moisture and salts.

Russian scientists brought from Buryatia to Moscow unique body parts of the humbolama Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov. The imperishable great teacher himself is in the Ivolginsky monastery, near Ulan-Ude. Before that, the lama spent 75 years of his life in the grave. This is how my life is. Already the preliminary results of the analysis of the biomaterial showed that science first encountered the phenomenon of "immortality" of a long-dead person. Unfortunately, the head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia soon banned biomedical research on the monk's body. However, the analysis of the previously obtained results continued. Now the Moscow experts have the first conclusions that can be safely called sensational. They shared them with the "Versia" correspondent.

According to scientists studying the phenomenon, first you need to understand how it became possible that parts of the body of the Hambo Lama ended up in their hands. After all, the Buryats do not dig graves and even visiting a cemetery is an extremely painful procedure for them. But Itigelov left a clear will, which the monks did. Hence, the lama was sure that he would complete his mission. But which one? To do this, you need to refer to his biography.
One of the legends says that a lama could walk on water.

Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov was the head of the Buddhists of Eastern Siberia from 1911 to 1917. He became famous as a philosopher and doctor. He spent all his life in Buryatia and only once traveled outside Siberia to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. During the First World War, he organized hospitals and received several government awards. Legends circulated around his name during his lifetime. One of them says that a monk could, like Christ, walk on water.

The circumstances of the death and burial of the Hambo Lama in 1927 are very unconventional for Buddhism. Surrounded by his disciples, Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov sat in the lotus position and ordered to remove his body from the grave after a while, promising to return alive. Then he began to read by himself the prayer of accompanying the deceased and plunged into deep meditation. When the disciples considered that all the signs of death were present, the body of the lama in the same lotus position was placed in a cedar sarcophagus and buried in the village cemetery.

The authority of the teacher was indisputable. The students have visited Dasha-Dorzho twice since then: in 1955 and 1973. They were convinced of the incorruptibility of the body, disguised Itigelov and again lowered him into the grave. In September 2002, Itigelov's body was exhumed and removed from the sarcophagus in compliance with all legal procedures. Forensic experts drew up an act in which they noted the integrity of the skin, nails, hair, the softness and elasticity of tissues, the mobility of the joints of the Hambo Lama. It became clear that this was not mummification, embalming, tanning, or even the result of preserving the body in permafrost conditions, but some other state, still unknown to anyone.

Laboratory analysis confirmed the monk's body is alive.

“When the scientific group arrived in Buryatia, the current Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev, fortunately for us, provided us with the necessary biological material, five hairs and a nail cut,” says Galina Ershova, head of the project for studying the Itigelov phenomenon, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of RPU. Now we have completed a series of possible analyzes of the samples provided. In the forensic laboratory they were carried out by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Viktor Zvyagin, a world-scale figure in this kind of expertise. In particular, he examined the remains of members the royal family ".

Initially, it was assumed that organic matter, living protein compounds in the llama's body would be destroyed, and the tissues consolidated due to inorganics, as is the case in mummies. It turned out quite the opposite! Infrared spectrophotometry showed that the protein fractions of Itigelov cells have in vivo characteristics. Professor Zvyagin, a man of great experience, was amazed.

Galina Ershova did not immediately answer the direct question of the correspondent whether the Hambo Lama is alive or dead.

I am afraid of hurting the feelings of believers. Now Itigelov, of course, is not alive, because he cannot get up and walk. But, leaving for another world in a state of meditation, he plunged not into death, but into another state. The research results suggest that the llama artificially introduced itself to suspended animation. This is what happens to certain types of living organisms under stress. But how can this state be achieved? Stop breathing, oxygen exchange? If there is no oxygen, a chain reaction of destruction begins in the body. Or did Itigelov use some kind of superficial, as the yogis call it, "light breathing" that lasted decades? By the way, in the will of the lama, the key figure for Buddhists is 75 years. She is tied to the stages of Buddha's enlightenment. ”That is, he was buried alive?
Certainly.It turns out that he was also alive all this time in the grave?

Yes, I believe that was the case. The state of the Hambo Lama Itigelov changed after he was removed from the grave, practically before our eyes. It was just that they did not pay attention to some obvious signs. There is such a phenomenon: at the time of death, the body dramatically loses moisture. And at Itigelov, when he was removed from the grave and was outside the box, a sharp outflow of moisture from the body began. The glass cube in which the monks at the monastery put him suddenly fogged up. This was the moment of the final departure of the great teacher. And at the same time a triumph. He came back alive, as he promised!

This was exactly the idea of \u200b\u200bthe lama. I don't know if he believed that he could make the body obey itself again: come to life, get up. Hardly. Dasha-Dorzho was a doctor and understood perfectly well what muscle atrophy is without movement to restore their functionality is almost impossible. But he hoped to remain in a state of hibernation meditation until he was removed from the sarcophagus. Itigelov entered a state of suspended animation to prove the infinity of spiritual strength. He knew he would meet the agreed deadline. I sincerely admire him.

"Golden devotees" are not uncommon in Tibet.

Now Galina Ershova is looking for analogues of the "Itigelov phenomenon" in the Buddhist southeastern religious space. There is a version that the dried figures of meditating lamas, covered with either varnish or gold, could be phenomena of this order by living people in a trance.

A unique phenomenon suggests that the Buddhist practice of "meditating on the teacher" is connected with this, the professor continues. Apparently, these people were forever connected with the information space, or, in Buddhist terms, with the void. But they were not dead, but physically and spiritually belonging to our world. They became a kind of resonators that helped monks in a trance to enter the general information field, to touch the understanding of the cosmos. To "meditate on someone" means to fully identify with a certain spiritually strong person, and only then he transports the seeker to other worlds and spaces.

The bodies of these ascetics can be seen in the temples of Tibet and Southeast Asia. Probably, at the dawn of history, they traveled the same spiritual path as Itigelov, before leaving for physical death. However, there is no reliable evidence. Itigelov is the only phenomenon scientifically described. According to Ershova, he completed his task. He was a man who was actively living in the interests of his people, probably in this one should also look for the reason for his last amazing act. Predicting changes in the country in the new millennium, he left his body as a sacrificial message that humanity has no right to lose.

How he managed to do this is still a mystery. Now a second expedition, funded by the "Unknown Planet" project, is being prepared, already to Tibet and Southeast Asia, in order to study on the spot the issues of psychophysiology, meditation, the practice of controlling one's own body, yoga, breathing. Experts believe that it is necessary at least to try to understand the abilities inherent in a person, which lead to such a state of the body, which is observed in Itigelov, and to express them in scientific terms. Simultaneously, the soil and geology of the region will be studied. There is already an agreement and the Americans will provide space images of the terrain in different ranges with NASA. For the purity of the study, it is necessary to know if there are any radiation and soil anomalies in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former burial of the hambo lama.

Itigelov can return the soul to the body.

Currently, the body of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov is located in the Ivolginsky Datsan, the center of Russian Buddhists, 30 kilometers from Ulan-Ude. "For us, the phenomenon of Itigelov is that he made atheists doubt his unbelief, removed hesitation in their rightness from doubters, strengthened believers in the strength of the spirit. He left a message without saying a word," the current head of the Buddhist traditional sangha of Russia believes Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev.

Buddhists still regard Itigelov as a living person in a special state of consciousness and physicality. They believe that neither knowledge nor a sharp mind can make a person like Dasha-Dorzho. To do this, you need to experience great compassion for all living beings, become a bodhisattva "an ideal being who is filled with compassion for all that exists, but does not want to taste freedom until all others are not free ...".

And despite the fact that the official Buddhist church denies the possibility of returning the lama's soul to the body, the monks believe that Dasha-Dorzho can come to life if desired. The Dalai Lama adheres to the same point of view.

In section

A year ago, Russian scientists brought from Buryatia to Moscow the unique body parts of the Hambo Lama Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov. The imperishable great teacher himself is in the Ivolginsky monastery, near Ulan-Ude. And before that, the lama spent 75 years of his life in the grave. That is exactly how it is in my life. Already the preliminary results of the analysis of the biomaterial showed that science first encountered the phenomenon of "immortality" of a long-dead person. Unfortunately, the head of the Buddhist Traditional Sangha of Russia soon banned biomedical research on the monk's body. However, the analysis of the previously obtained results continued. Now the Moscow experts have the first conclusions that can be safely called sensational. They shared them with the Versiya correspondent.

According to scientists involved in the study of the phenomenon, first you need to understand how it became possible that parts of the body of the Hambo Lama ended up in their hands. After all, the Buryats do not dig graves and even visiting a cemetery is an extremely painful procedure for them. But Itigelov left a clear will, which the monks did. Hence, the lama was sure that he would complete his mission. But which one? To do this, you need to refer to his biography.

One of the legends says that a lama could walk on water

Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov was the head of the Buddhists of Eastern Siberia from 1911 to 1917. He became famous as a philosopher and doctor. He spent all his life in Buryatia and only once traveled outside Siberia - to celebrate the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. During the First World War, he organized hospitals and received several government awards. Legends circulated around his name during his lifetime. One of them says that a monk could, like Christ, walk on water.

The circumstances of the death and burial of the Hambo Lama in 1927 are very unconventional for Buddhism. Surrounded by his disciples, Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov sat in the lotus position and ordered to remove his body from the grave after a while, promising to return alive. Then he began to read by himself the prayer of accompanying the deceased and plunged into deep meditation. When the disciples considered that all the signs of death were present, the body of the lama in the same lotus position was placed in a cedar sarcophagus and buried in the village cemetery.

The authority of the teacher was indisputable. The students have visited Dasha-Dorzho twice since then: in 1955 and 1973. They were convinced of the incorruptibility of the body, disguised Itigelov and again lowered him into the grave. In September 2002, Itigelov's body was exhumed and removed from the sarcophagus in compliance with all legal procedures. Forensic experts drew up an act in which they noted the integrity of the skin, nails, hair, the softness and elasticity of tissues, the mobility of the joints of the Hambo Lama. It became clear that this was not mummification, embalming, tanning, or even the result of preserving the body in permafrost conditions, but some other state, still unknown to anyone.

Laboratory analysis confirms that monk's body is alive

“When the research group arrived in Buryatia, the current Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev, fortunately for us, provided us with the necessary biological material - five hairs and a nail cut,” says Galina Ershova, head of the project for studying the Itigelov phenomenon, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State Humanitarian University. - And also a few pieces of skin that fell off when the monks were dressing Itigelov. We have now completed a series of possible analyzes of the provided samples. In the laboratory of forensic medical examination, they were conducted by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Viktor Zvyagin - a global figure in this kind of expertise. In particular, he examined the remains of members of the royal family. "

Initially, it was assumed that organic matter, living protein compounds in the body of a llama would be destroyed, and tissues consolidated at the expense of inorganics, as is the case in mummies. It turned out quite the opposite! Infrared spectrophotometry showed that the protein fractions of Itigelov cells have in vivo characteristics. Professor Zvyagin, a man of great experience, was amazed.

Galina Ershova did not immediately answer the direct question of the correspondent whether the Hambo Lama is alive or dead.

I am afraid of hurting the feelings of believers. Now Itigelov, of course, is not alive - after all, he cannot get up and walk. But, leaving for another world in a state of meditation, he plunged not into death, but into another state. Research results suggest that the llama artificially injected itself into suspended animation. This is what happens to certain types of living organisms under stress. But how can this state be achieved? Stop breathing, oxygen exchange? If there is no oxygen, a chain reaction of destruction begins in the body. Or did Itigelov use some kind of superficial, as yogis call it, "light breathing" that lasted decades? By the way, the Lama's will contains a key figure for Buddhists - 75 years. It is attached to the stages of Buddha's enlightenment. "

That is, he was buried alive?


It turns out that he was also alive all this time in the grave?

Yes, I believe that was the case. The state of the Hambo Lama Itigelov changed after he was removed from the grave, practically before our very eyes. It was just that they did not pay attention to some obvious signs. There is such a phenomenon: at the time of death, the body dramatically loses moisture. And at Itigelov, when he was removed from the grave and was outside the box, a sharp outflow of moisture from the body began. The glass cube in which the monks at the monastery put him suddenly fogged up. This was the moment of the final departure of the great teacher. And at the same time a triumph. He came back alive, as he promised!

This was exactly the idea of \u200b\u200bthe lama. I don't know if he believed that he could make the body obey itself again: come to life, get up. Hardly. Dasha-Dorzho was a doctor and perfectly understood what muscle atrophy without movement is - it is almost impossible to restore their functionality. But he hoped to remain in a state of hibernation meditation until he was removed from the sarcophagus. Itigelov entered a state of suspended animation to prove the infinity of spiritual power. He knew that he would meet the agreed time. I sincerely admire him.

"Golden devotees" are not uncommon in Tibet

Now Galina Ershova is looking for analogues of the “Itigelov phenomenon” in the Buddhist southeastern religious space. There is a version that the dried figures of meditating lamas, covered with either varnish or gold, could be phenomena of this order - living people in a trance.

A unique phenomenon suggests that this is the reason for the Buddhist practice of “meditating on the teacher,” the professor continues. - Apparently, these people were forever connected with the information space, or, in Buddhist terms, with emptiness. But they were not dead, but physically and spiritually belonging to our world. They became a kind of resonators that helped monks in a trance to enter the general information field, to touch the understanding of the cosmos. “To meditate on someone” means to fully identify with some spiritually strong person, and only then he transfers the seeker to other worlds and spaces.

The bodies of these ascetics can be seen in the temples of Tibet and Southeast Asia. Probably, at the dawn of history, they traveled the same spiritual path as Itigelov, before leaving for physical death. However, there is no reliable evidence. Itigelov is the only phenomenon scientifically described. According to Ershova, he completed his task. He was a man who was actively living in the interests of his people, probably in this one should also look for the reason for his last amazing act. Predicting changes in the country in the new millennium, he left his body as a sacrificial message, which humanity has no right to lose.

How he managed to do this is still a mystery. A second expedition, funded by the "Unknown Planet" project, is now being prepared to Tibet and Southeast Asia to study psychophysiological issues on the spot - meditation, the practice of controlling one's own body, yoga, breathing. Experts believe that it is necessary at least to try to understand the abilities inherent in a person, which lead to such a state of the body, which is observed in Itigelov, and to express them in scientific terms. Simultaneously, the soil and geology of the region will be studied. There is already an agreement with NASA - the Americans will provide space images of the terrain in different ranges. For the purity of the study, it is necessary to know if there are any radiation and soil anomalies in the area of \u200b\u200bthe former burial of the hambo lama.

Itigelov can return the soul to the body

At present, the body of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov is located in the Ivolginsky Datsan, the center of Russian Buddhists, 30 kilometers from Ulan-Ude. “For us, the phenomenon of Itigelov is that he made atheists doubt his unbelief, removed hesitation in their rightness from those who doubted, and strengthened believers in the strength of the spirit. He left the message without saying a word, ”says the current head of the Buddhist traditional sangha of Russia, Hambo Lama Damba Ayusheev.

Buddhists still regard Itigelov as a living person in a special state of consciousness and physicality. They believe that neither knowledge nor a sharp mind can make a person like Dasha-Dorzho. To do this, you need to experience great compassion for all living beings, become a bodhisattva - "an ideal being who is filled with compassion for all that exists, but does not want to taste freedom as long as all others are not free ...".

And despite the fact that the official Buddhist church denies the possibility of returning the lama's soul to the body, the monks believe that Dasha-Dorzho can come to life if desired. Same

If you still don’t believe in miracles, it’s time for you to visit Buryatia: there, in the Ivolginsky datsan, 40 minutes from Ulan-Ude, under a glass cover sits a man who died back in 1927. He sits in the lotus position with a straight back, supported by no one or anything. Scientists have no idea why the body not only does not decompose, but for some reason also exudes a fragrance. And most importantly, why anyone, even the very last skeptic, is in awe and at the same time feels a huge surge of spiritual strength. Buddhists know that Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov, their beloved Khambo Lama, as he once promised, returned to the world of the living and began to work miracles again.

One of the main shrines of the Ivolginsky datsan is the "bodhi" tree, or banyan tree, which is revered by all Buddhists - according to legend, it was under this tree that Buddha attained full enlightenment. For this tree, a special greenhouse was even built in the monastery. Anyone can find healing here, spiritual or physical - monks treat parishioners with the help of Tibetan medicines, conduct ritual rituals.

There are rumors that the datsan can also give healing - they say that the incorruptible body of Khambo Lama Itigelov, who can be worshiped in the Ivolginsky datsan, has such a miraculous gift. It is kept in the Temple of the Pure Land, which attracts Buddhists from all over the world. As the legend says, Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov, already a deep old man, sat in the lotus position and left his body at the beginning of the last century, ordering his students to bury him, but took him out of the grave when he was 70 years old. The disciples followed his instructions and today, more than eighty years after his "death," Lama Itigelov is still sitting in the lotus position in the main dugan (temple) of the Ivolginsky datsan.

The incorruptible body of the former Head of Buddhists of Russia Lama Dasha Dorzho Itigelov, who died 90 years ago, is one of the cases of energy-informational transformation of the highest level of practice of self-development of the Spirit. Experts' studies demonstrate amazing results: Itigelova has all the signs of a living person - soft skin, movable joints, and weak brain activity is also noted. Once every six months, the Lama even gains or loses up to half a kilogram of weight.

On strictly defined days, long queues of people wishing to touch the shrine line up to the lama, "seated" under a glass cover, according to rumors, healing and fulfillment of desires are not uncommon here.

Who is Lama Itigelov? In 1911-1917. this man was the head of all Buddhists in Buryatia. But people of various confessions came to see him, including Nicholas II himself with his family: the fame of the healing abilities of Dasha-Dorzho Itigelov reached St. Petersburg. But the Khambo Lama did not begin to tell the sovereign about what a terrible end awaited him and his entire family. What for? You can't escape fate ... He knew in advance what times were coming, what to prepare for. He exhorted other lamas to leave Russia - to be saved. At the same time, he himself was in no hurry to go anywhere, being in absolute calm: "They will not have time to take me." In general, he knew a lot and was able to, this unusual lama. He wrote a great many works on Buddhism. Thoroughly studied Tibetan medicine and left a huge treatise on pharmacology. All Buryatia hunted for his blessing. It is understandable - how could it be otherwise, when all the soldiers who received Itigelov's blessing before leaving for the Russo-Japanese war returned home unharmed? He could also walk on water, move through space and predict future events. But most importantly, he managed to subdue time!

In 1917, he resigned as the head of the Buddhists of Russia and for 10 years he perfected his spirit. On June 15, 1927, he called all his disciples and told them: “Come to me in 30 years - look at my body. And in 75 years I will return to you. " The pupils of the teacher's circle stood confused. They were even more surprised when he sat in the lotus position and asked them to read the Buddhist prayer "Goodwill to the departing one." They refused - after all, this prayer is read only to the dead. Then Itigelov himself pronounced it and at the same second stopped breathing. The body of the lama was placed in a cedar coffin and buried. And they dug it out 30 years later - in secret from the authorities. The monks made sure that the body remained incorrupt, performed the necessary rituals, changed clothes and buried again. The second time the monks were convinced of the safety of the body in 1973, but Itigelov was removed from the ground only on September 10, 2002 - exactly 75 years after his death - in accordance with the will of the teacher. It was then that the most interesting thing began - for people far from Buddhism, of course. The medical examiner who was present at the exhumation examined the body and asked to convene a commission: he had never seen such a thing before! After all, the lama was not only recognizable outwardly - he retained all the signs of a living creature: he remained warm and he still had soft, elastic skin. A man who spent 75 years in a coffin had ears, eyes, fingers, teeth, eyelashes with eyebrows in place! All his joints were bent! Itigelov was transferred to the Ivolginsky datsan, specially built for him, changed into new clothes and put under a glass cap, which, if it protects from anything, then only from dust. Buddhists did not undertake any other tricks to save the lama. But since then, the body has not undergone almost any changes - unless the skin has become a little rougher. The lama is not an exhibit, Buddhists treat it as if it were alive, and therefore only Itigelov's fallen hair, skin scales and a tiny fragment of a nail fell to the "torn apart" of scientists. Researchers from the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation had enough of this to admit the incredible: “The condition of the tissues is such that it fully corresponds to the lifetime characteristics. We are not aware of cases of such preservation, this is a kind of scientific mystery ... In many ways, the body of the Hamba Lama gives the impression of the body of a living person ... "

Needless to say, the Ivolginsky Datsan has become a longed-for dream of every pilgrim. True, you can get to the lama only a few times a year - on major holidays. In 2013, it will take place on July 12, September 9, October 26 and November 28. Do not strive to get into the datsan for the opening - there will be a crowd of people. It is best to come here by four in the evening, when the flow of pilgrims has somewhat dissipated. And yet, be prepared for a long wait - the blessings of the lama are coveted by many, including the powerful. Vladimir Putin himself twice visited Itigelov - isn't that why he twice became president of Russia? Whatever the road that will lead you to the llama, remember a few simple rules visiting the datsan. Stock up in advance with a hadak - a gift scarf: you will touch it to the Master's scarf and receive a certain blessing. In principle, it is possible not to do this, just as it is not necessary at all costs to try to reach the hands of the Hambo Lama: he will already notice the one asking and will reward him according to his faith and merit.

The monastery itself is located in the middle of the steppe. On four sides from human eyes, it is surrounded by a mountain range. Despite the fact that the republican center is located very close, and the highway to Ulan-Ude is not far away, city dwellers go around this place, as there is an opinion that shamans live here. This is not surprising, because already at the entrance to the datsan, multi-colored handkerchiefs hang on the bushes, which are believed to preserve the souls of the dead monks. In the courtyard of the monastery, which is surrounded by an ordinary wooden fence, there are several pagodas, which gives the impression that this is not Russia, but at best China. The body of the incorruptible Lama rests in one of these temples. "The very fact of Dasha-Dorzho's appearance on earth is a mystery" - says the head of the project for studying the Itigelov phenomenon, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Russian State University for the Humanities, Galina Ershova "As a nine-year-old boy, the future monk appeared to working for one of the local farmers, holding a staff in one hand and a skull in the other. Buddhists consider this a sacred symbol. Until the age of 15, Itigelov tended sheep, and when he grew up he reached the Aninsky datsan in Buryatia, where he learned Buddhism for 20 years. "

Having become an enlightened monk, Dasho-Dorzhi, he studied medicine and philosophy, gaining the fame of a healer known throughout Russia. Legends say that a monk could, like Christ, walk calmly on water. In 1911, Itigelov was elected Pandito Khamba Lama of the Buddhist clergy of Russia. During his lifetime, the schema-monk enjoyed great respect and was a close acquaintance of Emperor Nicholas II. The autocrat even allowed the lama to open a Buddhist temple in St. Petersburg.

After the October Revolution, Itigelov, foreseeing the repressions, resigned as a spiritual leader and retired to his native datsan. Not long before his departure, foreseeing the destruction of the clergy, the lama urged his supporters to leave the country of the Soviets. And when asked why he himself does not leave, he answered, "They will not have time to take me."

In the summer of 1927, the monk gathered his followers, announced that he was leaving, and began to prepare for death. Before that, Itegelov ordered his students to bury him in a cedar box after 6 days. “I will return to you in 30 years, then you will dig me out,” the schema-monk said at parting. Then the lama began to meditate. On the seventh day, the head of the Hambo Lama sank to his chest. This was a signal to the disciples that the consciousness of the great teacher moved to Nirvana.

The monks opened the grave as instructed by the teacher in 1955. Itigelov's body remained unchanged. Having changed the clothes of the schema-monk, they buried him back. The Hamba Lama was recovered in 1973. After making sure of the safety of the body, and having performed the necessary rituals, they buried it again. The monk was finally raised in 2002. The exhumation was attended by representatives of the authorities and the forensic medical examination. The relics of a Buddhist saint were not touched by time.

“We carefully examined the body of the lama, drew up, as it should be, a protocol, signed it,” says Professor Viktor Zvyagin, Head of the Personality Identification Department of the Russian Center for Forensic Medicine, “The body is in such a state as if he had died quite recently. Joint mobility, skin turgor - everything corresponds to the parameters of a person who died, maybe a day or two ago. Any falsification is excluded. not only because the believers would consider it sacrilege, but also because we had the opportunity to compare our observations with the materials two years ago, when the exhumation was carried out. There are no artificial ways known to science to maintain such a state of the body such as mummification, embalming, etc. in this case were not applied. There are no traces of autopsy, removal of the brain and internal organs, we did not find any injections, cuts or similar effects.

From the Act of external examination of the exhumed body of Dasho-Dorzhi Itigelov, carried out in the premises of the Ivolginsky datsan:
“The skin of the body is light gray, dry, pliable when pressed with fingers. The soft tissues of the corpse are elastic, the mobility in the joints is preserved. No traces of the previously performed opening of body cavities for the purpose of possible embalming or preservation were found. "

After conducting research on skin particles, scientists came to sensational conclusions. The llama cells not only did not die, but they continue to divide. In other words, most likely all life processes in the monk's body continue, only they are slowed down millions of times.

“In world practice, this is the only officially recorded case of such preservation of the body,” says Zvyagin. “Of course, there are cases of mummification and embalming of bodies. For example, in St. Petersburg it was fashionable at the end of the 19th century. Nikolai Pirogov himself prepared a solution for storing his body, which has been preserved for more than 120 years near Vinnitsa. But for this, internal organs extracted and applied special chemicals. It is not uncommon to find bodies in permafrost, but they quickly disintegrate upon contact with the external environment. "

Hello dear readers!

Our today's story is about a wonderful return after many decades, about the acquisition of faith and the unique capabilities of the human mind. Read about the "sleeping" Buryat monk Dasha Dorzho Itigelov.

Is meditation possible for over 85 years? Why is the state of the most famous imperishable monk in Buryatia today , Dashi Dorzho Itigelov , goes beyond understanding and modern scientific concepts? Is it possible to talk about the phenomenon of life after death?

The information presented in our article overturns the usual ideas about the structure of the world.

First, some historical facts

Buddhism on the territory of modern Buryatia goes back to the 2nd century BC. However, it is possible to speak about the massive penetration of religious teachings into Transbaikalia only since the 17th century.

After the state borders between Mongolia and Russia were officially defined in 1722, the Buryat tribes took their place in the Russian Empire.

The year 1741 was marked by another significant event for the followers of the Buddha: the reigning Elizaveta Petrovna signed a decree in which Buddhism was recognized as the official state religion, and the lamas gained confirmation of their dominant role within the confession.

Since the second half of the 19th century, schools and monasteries have become a stronghold of progressive spiritual and scientific development for the Buryats.

Demonic times for all religious denominations came with the events of 1917. Calling religion "opium", the 18th year of the last century was marked by the issuance of a law separating all religious movements from the state.

Buddhism was no exception in the struggle between the authorities and dissent. A large-scale destruction of the spiritual knowledge created over the centuries and accumulated was taking place. More than 1800 lamas, distinguished by a high level of education, were subjected to repression, hundreds were sent to prisons, to hard labor, and were shot. Buddhist temples turned into slaughterhouses, cynically destroyed.

The next period of the thaw and the beginning of the revival falls on the post-war period, when in the 46th year of the last century, permission was obtained to open two datsans: Ivolginsky in Buryatia and Aginsky in the Aginsky national district of the Chita region.

The period since 1991 can be safely called the second real revival of the Buddhist movement in Russia.

What do we know about Itigelov

Pandito Khambo Lama XII headed the Buddhist confession in the Buryat territory from 1911 to 1917. His image is the subject of worship not only of the Buryat branch of the teaching, but of the entire Buddhist community as a whole.

He is an imperishable monk in Buryatia who has been in a state of meditation for over 85 years. His life, departure and return are shrouded in mystery. But let's talk about everything in order.

Path stages

According to the surviving data, Dashi Dorzho Itigelov was born in May 1852 and orphaned early. At the age of five, he was adopted by a farm laborer in one of the families, however, the owners, seeing in the boy exceptional talents, contributed to the child's ending up in Aninsky datsan.

Starting at the age of fifteen and for as long as 23 years, Itigelov comprehended the subtleties of Buddhist teachings, Tibetan knowledge in medicine and other sciences. From 1898 he taught the philosophy of Buddhism on his own, reaching the level of a lama.

The year 1911 was marked by an important event: Itigelov was elected Pandito Khambo Lama XII, becoming the head of the Buddhist movement in Eastern Siberia. In this post, he is known for his exceptional patriotic feelings both towards the people of Buryatia and towards Russia as a whole.

So, during the First World War, under his leadership, hospitals were opened to treat the wounded, and the charitable society he created helped to collect money, food, medical equipment for the front. For the displayed patriotism, he was deservedly presented to the imperial awards of that time.

"To find an outlet in eternity, one must constantly help people." (Dashi Dorzho Itigelov).

last years of life

There is a version that the reason why Itigelov had to leave his leadership post in 1917 was illness.

However, according to the surviving testimonies, he foresaw the coming of Soviet power, the upcoming repressions, persecutions, destruction that the followers of Buddha would have to face and made the decision, abandoning the fast, to begin preparations for his upcoming revival, continuing to simply serve in the monastery. .

Having reached 75 years old, Pandita Khambo Lama XII Dashi Dorzho Itigelov per day full moon in June 1927 he gathered his disciples and, after leaving them instructions, plunged into samadhi and attained nirvana.

Lama's testament

Leaving, Itigelov secured a promise from his disciples that they would fulfill his last instructions during their lifetime. The instructions concerned how to dispose of the Master's body:

  • When the lama reached the level of nirvana, it was necessary to place him in a cedar tree sarcophagus, keeping the lotus position habitual for meditation, and to bury him.
  • It is the duty of the students to periodically monitor the state of the lama's body. Specific dates were named in the 57th and 73rd year of the last century. If, when examining the body, signs of flesh decay were noted, the body had to be given fire.
  • It was necessary to open the cedar tomb exactly 75 years later. It was after this period that the Great Lama appointed his return.

The burial was checked at the direction of the head of the Buddhist movement of that time twice, in 1955 and in 1973. Each time there was no change in Itigelov's condition.


After the specified period, the will of the monk was fulfilled. In 2002, on September 10, after the necessary legal procedures, a wooden sarcophagus was removed from the ground. To the surprise of all those present, who expected to see something similar to the mummy of a monk, it was discovered that the lama continues to remain in the same lotus position as a living person who has been meditating for many years.

His skin, hair, nail phalanges, all parts of his body looked as if he were in a state similar to hibernation. All joints remained mobile, there were no signs of decomposition of biological tissues. After 75 years, the amazing return of Pandito Hambo Lama XII happened, as he promised.

Monk's unsolved mystery

The best forensic scientists and medical experts were involved in the study of the Itigelov phenomenon. The research lasted more than three years. The biological material that was obtained: areas of the skin, nail phalanges and hair of the monk, were subjected to detailed study using the latest modern technology.

The conclusions made by the experts can be summarized as follows:

  • there are no signs of body embalming or artificial preservation;
  • all internal and external organs, sense organs are preserved, signs of their destruction are completely absent;
  • spectral analysis of tissue samples did not reveal data characteristic of the destruction of protein molecules, the tissues looked as if the monk was still alive;
  • skin turgor is preserved, all joints are mobile, there are no specific smells accompanying the processes of flesh decomposition;
  • the body turned out to be capable of maintaining and storing heat up to 34 degrees, while the temperature of the ambient air at the time of the measurements ranged from 17 to 23 degrees.

Scientists are faced with the inexplicable, from the point of view modern science, phenomenon. It is still unknown how one can call the state in which the monk is, because at the cellular level the presence of some semblance of signs of vital activity was reliably confirmed.

On the basis of scientific research, scientists have formulated a hypothesis about the great role of thought, consciousness, unexplored possibilities of the brain.

"Be clean amid the sea of \u200b\u200bmud of a dangerous time of trouble ..."

These prophetic words of Pandito Hambo Lama XII sound like an admonition to the modern world community. The monk is the author of more than 50 philosophical treatises, however, the best textbook he left for the edification of all living is his body, which demonstrates the power of thought and spirit over flesh.


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It is hard to believe, but it is simply impossible to imagine that, according to scientists, the recently found mummy of a Tibetan monk, which is more than 200 years old, is still "alive".

Scientists in Ulan Bator got their hands on a 200-year-old mummy of a Tibetan monk, which was discovered in the Songinohairkhan province.

The mummy is in a sitting position in the "lotus-vajra" position, that is, the palm of the left hand is open, and the right palm is turned down and clamped, symbolizing the preaching of the Sutra. According to the ancient traditions of Buddhist lamas, this state of a person indicates that the monk has not died, but is in a deep state of meditation, and the longer he arrives in such an unusual oblivion, the closer he is to Buddha.

With a detailed study of the mummy and after a number of different examinations, the scientists made an unequivocal conclusion that the protein functions of the mummy's body are in a vital state, and “the monk is still alive”, just is in a very long and deep trance.

According to scientists headed by Genghugiyun Purevbata, professor of the Mongolian Institute of Buddhist Art, such a trance into which the monk entered is called "tukdam", and the monk himself is the teacher of Lama Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov, who voluntarily sat down in the same lotus position and read the death prayer , died. This event took place on June 15, 1927.

Before sitting down and dying, Itigelov prepared himself morally and physically for almost ten years, and bequeathed to his students that he should be buried intact in a sitting position. Then, 30 years later, they came and dug it up and looked at it again, and finally it was returned only after 75 years. So his disciples did everything. A cedar box was built, in which a seated llama was placed and covered with ordinary rock salt, and then buried in the ground with all honors. 30 years later (in 1957) Itigelov was again dug up. Those present were amazed by what they saw - the monk sat as if alive in the same position, only did not breathe. They changed his robe, recited the necessary prayers, and the impromptu sarcophagus with the monk was again buried, and again dug up only in 2002.

In fact, the lama returned to our world, as he wanted 75 years later. The forensic examination of the city of Buryatia has documented the fact that there is no natural decomposition of the body, even there is no putrid smell. The soft tissues are elastic, the joints bend and retained their mobility, there are no signs of any embalming on the body or the use of any oils. Even the llama's orange robe did not lose its strength and brightness of colors.

By the way, Dashi-Dorzho Itigelov (Pardito Khambo-Lama XII) is a religious Buryat leader, and in 1911-1917 he was the head of the Buddhists of Siberia.

To this day, the lama sits on the podium, in his solemn lotus position, in the Ivolginsky monastery specially built for him. His body can be said to be incorruptible, for 88 years it has been in the same state and has not been subjected to decay or decay. Many believe that the lama is alive and could return to our world only if his body had been dug up a little earlier. Or, simply, the lama's revival does not take place because those to whom he promised to return are no longer alive.

But be that as it may, in reality, we already do not know for sure, but with these examples of "living" mummies, we can accurately state the fact that the power of faith is simply omnipotent and immense, and in many ways a person has not yet been given to understand this, not explain.