Staves of ancient magicians - Temple of Truth. Making magic staves, wands and wands

Making a staff for use in the forest or for magical rituals can be an interesting project. Once you find a stick that seems suitable for a given purpose, you can learn how to carefully prepare and adjust it for the intended purpose. Want to have a comfortable walking stick? Want to role-play with your friends? Do you want to perform pagan rituals? We will help you with this. To learn how to make your own staff, proceed to the first step.


Making a staff for walking or survival

    Find a dry branch of the correct length. For a good staff, you need dry wood that has retained its weight yet is light enough to carry comfortably. The ideal stick should go up to the chin, although depending on your preference, you may need a longer or shorter stick. It should be relatively straight and relatively uniform in thickness, at least 2.5 cm in diameter.

    Look for hazel or elm. Any wood you are comfortable with will do, but many prefer the lightness and strength of hazel and elm, and they are available. When walking in nature, look for good branches of the right size and variety of wood that will withstand heavy use. Find good wood that is widely used for walking sticks near where you live. Other types of wood that make good staves include:

    • Curled maple
    • Iron tree
    • Branched tamarisk
    • Aspen
  1. Peel off the bark and remove the indentations. Use a sharp penknife to cut the bark and try to carefully level out any gouges and other irregularities. Round off the ends of the stick by making tiny cuts to give the surface a firm, smooth finish.

    • After stripping the branch, leave it on for a few days to dry well. If an organic skin begins to form on the inner tissue of the branch, then this is a sign of escaping moisture. Scrape it off and keep soaking until the surface is white for a few days.
  2. Open with wood stain. If you want your staff to have a clean and durable surface, open it up with good wood paint or stain. Usually several layers are applied. After thinning the first layer, wipe it off and apply more layers. There should be at least 3 layers, but if you want a darker surface of the staff, apply more. Follow the instructions for the specific brand you purchased.

    • Alternatively, before opening the walking stick with stain, some make patterns on it using wood burning, or pyrography. If you want to give your staff character, choose an original pattern that you like and burn it out.
  3. Add survival elements to the walking staff. Some backpackers like to wrap a piece of paracord around the staff to use it as a handle, and tape it with multiple fishing hooks inside. You can also add carabiners and other attachments. Consider using a leather handle - tie it to a staff for a more comfortable grip on the staff.

Create a magic staff

    Collect the branches after the storm. Most Wiccans and other neo-pagans believe that a tree that fell after a storm is filled with supernatural powers. Whether this is true or not is unknown, but it is a good way to collect branches. Head into the forest after the storm and look for pieces of wood that you like.

    Pick a special branch. In magic, staves are traditionally symbols of masculine energy, and are often associated with the wind and sun. They are often made from hazel or oak, which are distinguished by their strength and durability, however, a magic staff can be made from any tree that fits well in the hand. You will use it for your own purposes, so it is important to get something that will sit in your hand, that seems special to you, or for some other reason.

    • When you find a promising staff stick, sit down with it. Hold it in your hands. Try to feel her energy. When you pick up the right stick, you will feel it. Ideally, your staff should be 90-150 cm long.
  1. Line up and clean the staff. Using a knife and sandpaper, remove the bark and smooth the surface of the tree. Make long, even cuts with a very sharp knife to keep the staff as smooth and clean as possible. Be extremely careful when using a knife. Allow the staff to dry well and peel off any organic skin that will build up as it matures.

    Charge or bless the staff. Depending on your direction, you can have a special ceremony to charge an item or bless it in preparation for magic. Light the candles, draw a circle, clear the space - do whatever is necessary to prepare for the ritual.

    Consider pyrographing important symbols on wood. Pyrography is done by heating a metal object, usually a needle or even a soldering iron, and burning the patterns onto the raw wood. In the case of a magical staff, this can be especially useful as a way to empower it through symbols.

    • In general, you should avoid applying artificial sealants and coatings to your magic staff. Some adepts believe that this can reduce the strength of your staff by limiting the natural properties of the wood. Do not cover it with paint just in case.
  2. Decorate the top of the staff with a charged stone or crystal that matters to you. It can be helpful to decorate the top of your staff with a crystal of the same charge or another gem to make the staff more powerful. If you want to do this, cut a small depression at the top of the staff and shape it into the shape of the stone you are going to attach to it.

    • Do not glue or in any other way permanently connect the crystal to the staff. Instead, tie it with leather straps or webbing so the stone can be removed if needed.

Making a staff for live action role-playing games

  1. Purchase wood rods of the correct length and thickness. If you are looking to make beautiful looking costume staves for live action RPGs or cosplay, then the wooden rods available at tool stores are an excellent choice. They are already even and clean, there are rods to choose from different lengths and thickness. Other options for the base of the staff include:

    • Old broomstick or mop handle
    • Broken hockey sticks
    • Ax handles
    • Shovel cuttings
    • Curtain rods
    • PVC pipe
  2. Wrap the staff with duct tape. To give the surface of your witch staff a wonderful metallic look, a red and black ribbon will do. His material will seem different from what it really is, as intended. For a more effective look, first wrap the staff with a black ribbon, and then make turns of the red ribbon on it, falling down the staff, like a snake or dripping blood wrapping around it.

  3. Find a crystal ball to place on top of the staff. No staff will look complete without a garden ball on top. To make it look cooler, look for little bouncing balls or any other lightweight balls that will look good in the toy store. Some are in awe of the psychedelic colors that go well with the staff.

    • If you want to change the color, take an aerosol dye and paint the staff gently from the outside, in a well-ventilated area under adult supervision.
    • On the top of the staff, you can also apply notches or other patterns to make appearance staff completed. Be creative and don't limit your creativity.

The magic wand is one of the most ancient, well-known, and at the same time reliable magic tools. Together with humanity, magic wands have overcome a long evolutionary path, taking various forms, from sceptres (the word "scepter" comes from the Greek skeptron - rod) of rulers to bishop's staffs - magic wands, in one form or another, were part of almost all cultures and civilizations ... The magic wand has also firmly entered various occult trends and ritual magic, it is a symbol of one of the suits (Elements), and one of

the main glyphs of the first Major Arcana of the Tarot - Mag. It is the magic wand that he holds in his raised right hand, as a symbol of the power and power of creation. Some practitioners consider the magic wand to be the main working tool of the magician.

How did magic wands come about? Since ancient times, people have been collecting knowledge about the magical properties of various materials and how they can be used and improved, changing their shape and subjecting them to various processing. The result of these investigations was, among other things, magic wands of various shapes and sizes, made from all kinds of materials, from wood and stone, to metal and bone. Often, one universal magic wand was made that resonated best with the mage. However, quite often experienced magicians, based on knowledge and experience with the shape and materials of magic wands, preferred to have not one universal magic wand, but highly specialized magic wands that make up a whole set, where each magic wand was intended for a specific task.

Magic wands in our store.

The magic wands presented in this category are tools, the effect of which, initially, is due precisely to the combination of the natural magical properties of materials and the shape given to them. Thanks to this, they acquire the ability to accumulate, focus and direct energy flows.

One of the main advantages that such magic wands have is that they "grow" with the practitioner if they are used constantly. The magic wand initially provides a directional and stable flow of energy, surpassing that which is able to create an average beginner magician. In the course of magical work, a close relationship is established between the consciousness of the magician and the rod, and the power of the magic rod grows in proportion to the energy that the magician himself adds to its flow. In addition, the magic wand acquires new qualities that it "absorbs" in the process of use. Even two originally identical magic wands, being used by different specialists and in different traditions, after a while become completely different and unique magic tools. Thus, gradually a magic wand can turn into a powerful artifact, which in itself is capable of much.

Now, in this section, magic wands of stone and magic wands of stone and wood are presented. In the future, it is planned to present magic wands made of metal, magic wands made of bone, as well as magic wands, which will combine the listed materials.

Looking to buy a magic wand?

If you want to buy a magic wand, you may like one of the presented ones. In our store you can buy the highest quality magic wands, created exclusively by hand from natural materials. Each magic wand in our store is unique and unique.

How to choose the most suitable magic wand for yourself?

If you want to buy a magic wand from us, but are in doubt, or cannot choose which of several magic wands is better to buy, do the following. In a calm environment, sit down, relax, try to extinguish the internal dialogue. Open the photo / photos of the wands, and listen to your feelings from these photos, try to feel the magic wands through them. Imagine that the wand that you see in the photo is lying in front of you on the table, you can examine it up close, pick it up ... Try to feel the energy of the wand. The magic wand, the sensations from which will be the most pleasant, will suit you best.


We accept for commission magic wands made in any magical tradition. If you make magic wands, athamas, and other magical attributes, we will be happy to help you realize your products. For details, please contact the administration.

Magic staff made of wood. A staff (a stick, a wand, just a stick) can be considered one of the most ancient tools used in magic. As a magical weapon, staves and wands are mentioned, for example, in the Welsh Mabinogion. In later times (XVIII-XIX centuries) legends and traditions about magic wands gave life to the widespread in literary tales the image of the "magic wand".

From the point of view of symbolism, the staff is a reflection of the Tree of the World and the sacred spear of the God of Light (Odin, Luga, etc.). It is the role of the World Center that the staff stuck into the ground plays in a number of magical rituals. It can be used to channel magical energy. It is believed that the staff is perfect for accumulating mystical power in it.

The broom is a kind of "female counterpart" of the staff. However, the broom is devoid of a number of the capabilities of the staff, although it has many of its own functions. So, for example, a broom is present in women's magical rites of cleansing a place, home, etc.

Wood was the very first material from which all sorts of attributes for magical rituals were made. Thus, arboreal finds were found in the Netherlands, Denmark, and some other European countries. The most famous of these items is a wooden sword from Arum, Netherlands, dating from the middle of the 7th century. A runic inscription is applied to the sword, which can be translated as "return", "messenger". It is believed that this amulet is intended to protect the traveler. Another similar item is found in Britsum, Frisia. It is a wooden amulet dating from the turn of the 8th and 9th centuries. The amulet also bears a runic inscription that reads: "Always wear this yew in the crowd of battle." Apparently, this amulet is associated with military magic.

Depending on the type of wood, staves differ significantly in their magical properties... They made staffs from ash, hazel, oak, yew, elder, and many other trees. The ash-tree staff was considered magical already due to the fact that such a spear was likened to the sacred spear of the God of Light, for Odin's spear, Gungnir, was made from the wood of this particular tree.

A hazel staff serves as the best protection on the way from alien magic. Previously, walnut twigs were stuck along the contour of a certain territory, which provided protection from dark forces. Thus, in Scandinavia, the battlegrounds were fenced off so that none of the spectators could influence the course of the battle with the help of magic.

In Russia, the analogue of yew is pine.

How to make a druid's staff:

1. Select the material (wood) from which your staff will be made. The tree must be inwardly attuned to the magician.

2. Before you are going to cut a stick for your staff, be sure to talk to the tree, explain who you are and why you need a part of it. It is favorable to make some kind of offering, it can be honey, wine or incense.

3. After a positive answer from the tree, you can safely chop a stick and prepare your staff from it.

4. You must make a vow that your deeds will be pure, and that you will follow the magic of the druids.

There are four standard sizes of magic wands, made of wood and serving as an aid to concentrate and enhance one's own strength.

Staff - approximately in height
Large wand - two to three cubits
Small wand - one or two cubits
"Magic wand" - about half an elbow.

The smaller the wand, the more powerful it is, and the more careful processing it requires.

Rods can also be made of metal or stone, but since the labor intensity is much higher, I did not even try to find out anything about it. Before starting, you need to perform a purification ritual that matches your ideas. During processing, what you call fasting should be followed. Any psychotics are categorically excluded, even tobacco or coffee can disrupt your work.

For any wooden wand "own" tree is chosen (in my case it can be oak or hawthorn), in general, a harder species is preferred. A young tree is selected that is suitable in thickness. For everything except the staff, a part of the main trunk is suitable only without knots. The tree is cut with a feeling of regret for the ruined plant, and the confidence that your need is worth it. A minimum of tools are used, ideally one knife, forged with his own hand. Since in modern conditions it is difficult to get hold of a forged knife with your own hands; you can use an ordinary medical scalpel, bought specifically for this work.

When working, it is necessary to exclude the feeling of triumph, haste or anticipation.

The magic wand, on the other hand, is made from the most gnarled and gnarled (but by no means cracked or rotten!) Part of the tree. The rhizome of a tree, or, for example, the trunk of a Karelian birch, is very good for such purposes. If a part of a tree was taken to make a magic wand, with full self-confidence it makes sense to “give away” the tree - to rub a drop of blood into the incision on its bark.

The cut trunk is transferred to the location where it will be processed and is not moved to other locations until the end of the work. Waste is collected, and after the end of the work they are sacrificed to the forest spirits (they are buried under the sod in the forest with a feeling of gratitude).

All processing is performed in a state of permanent meditation on the material. Haste, distraction to random affairs, attempts to speed up work by risking spoiling the material are categorically excluded (not even the attempts themselves, but reflections on this topic, that is, if something can be scraped off, but can be cut off, but accuracy in the latter case cannot be guaranteed, then there should even be no doubt about what should be scraped). It is best to work in the forest or in the country. The work is done in one go exactly as much as a thrill. Whenever there is a desire to work, you need to do it, even if this work will consist of two movements.

The bark and cambium are peeled off from the trunk, in the case of a staff, knots are cut and scraped off (not to smoothness), defects are cut out. The staff can then be finished at any time, but it is advisable to at least scrub it carefully and lovingly.

For the rest of the wands, the upper (according to the growth of the tree) end is sharpened, the lower is rounded. The lower part of the wand (for which it is then held) is scraped across the fibers. At this stage, the workpiece should no longer have any corners or cuts. By this time, the workpiece may crack lengthwise due to drying, this is normal.

On a magic wand, both ends are rounded.

Processing should be interrupted and played with the resulting item. You need to feel him as your own, find a comfortable position for him in your hand, love him, become attached to him. From this moment on, the workpiece should be kept with you at all times, at least in the area of \u200b\u200battention. At the same time, the feeling should be such that you acquaint him with yourself, with your life, with your habits, emotions.

Further processing is the main difficulty. Part of the wand, except for the place where you hold onto and the point, is covered with a pattern. It makes no sense to “cover with a pattern” the rod. Scratches are applied to it in those places that, according to the feeling that appeared, “they want it”. Some of them may be shallow, some will "require" deepening, sometimes up to a quarter of the radius (though I didn't have one). Scratches are made with the tip of a knife clamped in the fingers (by the way, you only need to sharpen it by hand), and require a firm hand. When working, there should be a sense of conversation, conversation with a rod.

A small wand requires a pattern that is several times thicker and finer than a large one, but sections of the initial surface must remain on it as part of the pattern (then, probably, the magic wand must be entirely carved). If a crack has formed on the wand, then annealed copper, or even better silver, should be hammered into it with the same knife (just not very hard, otherwise it will crack), to the very surface.

For the magic wand, another type of pattern is preferable - a continuous, non-self-intersecting, open line that covers the largest possible area of \u200b\u200bthe magic wand. If you can apply it in one stroke from start to finish ... However, I doubt that you will succeed.

There is no need to demand European accuracy from the rod, it must have in its form a reference to the original shape of the barrel, it must not be perfectly smooth or perfectly round, the metal hammered into the slot does not have to look like a seal, it is just stored there, although if it is not looks clumsy, then that's right.

Unfortunately, I cannot describe in more detail the pattern covering, as it occurs in deep meditation. The work should have an inner impression of an intrinsically valuable process, one should not feel concern about the result, even a certain nostalgic pity that now, part of the work has been done, is permissible.

At the same time, he must be introduced to the world, that is, shown to them in the sun, moon, stars, trees, while intensely feeling his attitude to the objects shown. It is not required to show ALL, and also to name names. Only that which attitude you deem worthy of being noted.

The pattern is applied until you are confident that you cannot add a single stroke. By the way, the pattern may well come across a variety of symbols that you might have seen before, it is absolutely necessary to determine exactly whether your subconscious mind is indulging, or just like that the scratches have gone. The first is not good, the second is normal.

There are so many symbols that they can be found in anything, you do not need to be afraid of them or strive for them, interpreted by a person, they are always secondary.

Having applied the pattern, it is required to polish the rod with a cloth and river sand. Who has never done this - I warn you, do not press, otherwise you will scratch. By the way, it is better to sift and / or wash the sand. Only the pattern is polished, by this time the handle has already been processed with a knife, and the point must be ironed with a knife.

Polishing should be done in a joyful (but not exuberant hysterical) frame of mind, and this should not make the movement abrupt.

By this time, the rod will make you feel the need for initialization (activation? Consecration? Bad with my thesaurus recent times), which consists in a completely emotionless immersion of the tip into something. In my case, it was night water, but it can be earth, and wine, and milk, and a living body (God forbid, human), and impurities. If required, the next day the point is wiped off with the same cloth that was used to polish the rod (by the way, I did not say that it should be natural fabric from your old clothes?), Which can be buried along with bark and sawdust, or it can be thrown away or destroyed, at your discretion.

The magic wand initialization looks a little more complicated. First, one end of it plunges into something, then (the time interval does not matter and is unpredictable in advance) its other end plunges into something else, which is opposite in properties to the first. At a glance, the phrase is somewhat clumsy, but if you take up the manufacture of a magic wand, then at this stage everything will already be clear to you.

The knife must be sharpened at the end of the work, and ... that's all.

If by that time you don’t know what to do with the rod, then I, apparently, didn’t explain something correctly.

Reward: Your Own Leveled Staff, Promotion to Specialist
Glory / Fame: Glory +2
ID: MG08MagesStaff
Order of passage
  1. Talk to Raminus Polus about the University of Wizardry. Once accepted, your task is to make your own staff.
  2. Travel to Inexhaustible Well Cave. Here you will find that there are problems with the magicians who guard this holy place.
  3. Make your way through the cave, killing (or avoiding) any enemies you come across.
  4. Deal with the necromancers on the far side of the cave.
  5. Take a wooden blank from the chest and return to Raminus, who instructs to find Delmar in Chironasium.
  6. Delmar asks you to select the type of enchant you want to cast on the staff. He needs a full time job to complete the job.
  7. Come back a day later and Delmar will tell you to take the staff from the closet.
  8. After you have your staff, go to Raminus and get promoted in the guild to a specialist.

Once sacred, now a desecrated place

Inexhaustible Spring Cave

After you have received all the recommendations, head to the Wizarding University and speak with Raminus Polus during the daytime. It will not be available at night. As soon as you are accepted into the guild, talk to him about the tasks. First you need your own mage staff. Travel to the Inexhaustible Well Cave, east of the Imperial City, to retrieve the Special Woodwork for the Staff.

Darkness on the horizon

Once you enter the cave, the quest journal will direct you to speak with Eletta or Zarasha. However, you will face a slight difficulty in this regard: Zarasha was killed by a necromancer. Take the Key to the Inexhaustible Well from Zarasha's body and continue to find out what happened here. More necromancers are further away, so take care of them as you go.

Exit the other end of the cave with the key (the lock cannot be broken). You will enter an island in the middle of Lake Rumare, just in time to watch Eletta kill. You will then be approached by Noveni Otran, who wants to talk before she tries to kill you. She will be assisted by two other necromancers. All three must be killed to advance the quest. If you have difficulty in this fight, there are a number of strategies you can use:

  1. If you have a high enough acrobatics skill, then there is an easy way to take their life - just jump off the rocks to the left. One by one, the necromancers will start jumping after you ... to their death. However, after you jump off the rocks, the only way return to the center of the island - through the Inexhaustible Source cave (the island is surrounded by invisible one-sided walls that can be traversed in the southwest corner of the island, between two large rocks. After you talk to Noveni Otran, the invisible barrier is removed).
  2. Turn around and re-enter the cave. Only one of them will follow you. Kill them one at a time by exiting and re-entering the cave. It is easier to kill them alone.
  3. Enter the cave and dive under the water. An Argonian character can just float, otherwise use the Buoyancy spell (or any other spell that allows you to breathe underwater) until your enemies drown.
  4. Imperial soldiers often patrol the road south of Fort Magia, north of the hill to Fort Urasek. If you leave the cave with necromancers running after you, then quickly go to the soldiers who will take care of them for you.

Completion of the staff

Once all the necromancers are defeated, check Eletta's body, and then get wood for your staff, which is located in the chest in the center of the island. Return to Raminus and tell him what happened. Raminus will direct you to speak with Delmar at Chironasium to continue crafting the staff.

With the staff, return to Raminus to be promoted in the guild to "Specialist" and receive a new task.

Which staff to choose

To get the best staff, you should wait until you reach level 15, as the item is leveled. You will have a choice of enchantments from three schools, covering nine possible effects.


Fire Damage: Trolls and many undead are vulnerable to this type of attack, however, most Daedra are immune to fire.

Frost Damage: Many undead are resistant to frost and only a few enemies are vulnerable. Overall, this is probably the least useful variant of the staff of destruction.

Electric damage: Many Daedra are vulnerable to electricity, and only some opponents have resistance to it, so this a good choice.


Enchant: Enchant spells are easier to cast on your own, as they are not cumbersome. In addition, the effects of the staff are not very strong. You might be better off choosing something else.

Paralysis: This can be extremely helpful, as paralysis spells are difficult and expensive. Paralysis is also included in the list of magical effects that cannot be enchanted. At a high enough level, your staff can cast a master-level Paralysis spell. Even a simple spell is useful as it knocks down the target. Though ethereal creatures and skeletons are immune.

Silence: Another good choice, especially against all the necromancers you come across.


Soul Trap: Perhaps not as useful as the others, although convenient if you don't want to cast Soul Trap yourself.

Telekinesis: No real practical use, although it can be handy for theft, home decorating, or simple sabotage. If your character has the Atronach birth sign, then you can use the staff to recharge magic, since at high levels of "Spell Absorption" all "Telekinesis" spells have a chance to be absorbed instead of the usual action.

Dispel: It can be useful in battles with sorcerers or opponents who use shield spells, but in most cases it is useless.

  • Save before talking to Delmar. This will allow you to restart the dialogue and change the staff you receive if you are not happy with your initial choice.
  • To move forward, you must travel to the island through the Inexhaustible Well cave. If you instead bypass the barriers blocking access to the island from the lake, Eletta and Zarasha will be found wandering around the island, but you will not be able to talk to them about the quest.
  • You don't have to wait for the staff. Just steal it from the large cabinet with the retort at the top and you will automatically complete the quest.
  • After you have completed the quest, you can hear members of the Mages Guild commenting on the situation in the cave: “It looks like the Council of Mages recently held additional meetings. I'm not sure what that means. "
  • An achievement will be unlocked on the Xbox when you reach the rank of Specialist.
  • The journal states that the entrance to the grove can be found northeast of the Imperial City. Actually the entrance is directly to the east.
  • Sometimes Delmar gets stuck in the stairs. If this happens, just leave the room and return. If the situation persists, then keep trying, and perhaps leave the University of Wizardry and return.
    - This bug is fixed by version 3.0.0 of the unofficial patch.
  • Sometimes (especially in playing with mods) not all necromancers will appear on the island after you pass the Inexhaustible Source cave. The quest script relies on the death of all three necromancers to move forward, meaning the quest cannot be completed. However, if you've killed the necromancers along the lake and expected them to drown (or attacked them in the water), some might head ashore. Check along the shores around Memorial Cave, Fort Magia and Fort Uresek.
    - On PC, the player can progress the quest by entering the console command setstage MG08MagesStaff 30.

Diary entries

KZDiary entry
10 I need to find a grove near Inexhaustible Well cave northeast of the Imperial City and retrieve a tree for my mage staff.
20 I am at the Inexhaustible Source cave. Now I need to talk to Eletta or Zarasha.
22 Zarasha is dead. We need to find out what happened here.
22 Zarasha is dead.
25 Eletta is dead.
25 Eletta is dead. We need to find out what happened here.
30 The necromancers who attacked me are defeated. We need to take this unfinished staff, return to Raminus Polus and tell him what happened.
30 The necromancers who attacked me are defeated. We need to take the tree for the staff, return to Raminus Polus and tell him what happened.
40 We met with Raminus Polus. Now you need to find it in the Delmar Magic University.
50 When the staff is ready, I will need to speak to Delmar.
100 My mage's staff is ready.


  • Not all entries may appear in your quest diary; which entries appear and which do not appear depends on how the task is completed.
  • The stages are not always in order of passage. This usually refers to quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks can be performed in a random order.
  • Mark in the "KZ" column (End of the Task) means that the task disappears from the list of active ones, but you can still get new records for it.
  • you can use console to progress through the quest by entering the code setstage MG08MagesStaff stage, where stage is the number of the stage you want to complete. Please note that it is impossible to undo (i.e. go back) stages of the quest. See SetStage for more information.