Broccoli hair mask. How useful is broccoli oil for hair: all about effectiveness and application. Why is broccoli good for hair?

Good afternoon, my dear friends and readers! ღღღ

Probably, there is not a single person left on the Aircommend website who has not heard about the miraculous properties of broccoli oil - natural silicone , as everyone likes to call it. I will tell and show you the effect of broccoli oil not only on the hair, but also on the skin of the face . ABOUT latest information Unfortunately, I didn't see it in this thread.

Where could I buy: on Aroma-Zone (French online store of natural cosmetics, components for soap and cream making). But delivery there is very expensive, at least to me in Kazakhstan. That's why I personally buy products from this wonderful site. in a joint venture with Aroma-Zone in Kazakhstan (if interesting, I will give a link to the VKontakte group). It turns out much more profitable, since the order from a certain amount sent free of charge. You can also look at other IMs in your country that usually resell Aroma-Zone products.

Price: depends on volume. Broccoli oil is sold in two volumes - 10 ml. costs 1.50 euros , but for 30 ml. will have to pay for 4.50€. Everything prices are inclusive of VAT, but again I repeat that I indicate prices with VAT (VAT), which apply only to residents of EU countries, and for you and me on the site you can calculate the cost without VAT by entering your country in the appropriate box.

Package: I have 30 ml. bottle and he must say quite comfortable.

This is, firstly, the correct bottle is made of dark glass (!), not plastic , like many other oils from Aroma-Zone.

What is very important to me the bottle has a dropper.

How I miss such a simple dropper from other bottles from this site!

The bottle had control of the first opening.

I like the design of the bottle. Information on a minimum, but the most necessary is. There is a composition, expiration date, batch number, but the place of growth and from which part of the plant the oil was obtained, like other oils, is not indicated. Although it is no brainer that broccoli oil is obtained from seeds.

Composition: 100% pure broccoli oil first cold pressed

100% Brassica oleracea italica oil

The composition of the oil from the Aroma-Zone website. Translation made by Google.

Composition of fatty acids - Gas phase chromatography:

  • Irreplaceable fatty acid polyunsaturated (PUFA or AGE) or vitamin F: linoleic acid (omega-6) (11.08%), linolenic acid (11.79%), éicosenoïque acids (4.05%)
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) : erucic acid (45.92%), oleic acid (omega-9) (8.74%)
  • Saturated Fatty Acids (AGS): Palmitic Acid (3.31%)

Best before date: listed on the bottle and website. There are also codes on the bottles, and how to decipher them is indicated on the site itself. So, in these codes, the dates of manufacture and the expiration date are also encrypted.

Tek stura, smell, taste: by consistency it yellow oil.

It has bright cabbage smell.

This odor can be masked by the use of essential oils and disappears fairly quickly after application.

Which is absolutely accurate information and verified from our own experience.

And immediately ABOUT MY INITIAL DATA.

About my skin: problematic, sensitive, oily , but there are also peelings, with enlarged pores, black dots, permanent rashes, age spots and rosacea.

About my hair: mixed type - oily roots, dry ends, hair thin, curly, tinted with henna.

From the manufacturer: translated by google.

Vegetable oil Broccoli is a true source of natural shine And softness for your hair.
His action comparable to silicones and gives the hair softness And shine without weighing them down.
His smoothing effect allows you to control small curls and curls. Broccoli vegetable oil facilitates combing with a brush.
it's the same excellent source of nutrients for hair and skin.

My impressions:

If in all previous reviews of oils I wrote "BEFORE USING THE OIL, IT IS MANDATORY TO DO A SENSITIVITY TEST!", then here I don’t even know if it makes sense to write like this, because This oil is intended for dry and irritated skin.

In general, I ordered this oil, so to speak, "to the heap." Well, like "where everything is, there I am." After all The reviews for this oil are fantastic. Planned to use for hair as a "natural silicone". Although my hair, to be honest, loves ordinary silicones. And at first this oil lay idle, because skepticism about this oil did not subside in my soul. Then I started using broccoli face oil

I use it in its purest form. , that is, I do not make oil blends of mixtures.

I would like to point out right away that broccoli oil - very light , I can compare it in lightness with papaya oil. Therefore, with my oily skin, it went with a bang! It has an excellent absorbent effect and does not leave a feeling of the presence of a film on the face after application. The main thing is to apply it correctly! BUT I apply oils EXCLUSIVELY ON WET SKIN! Or immediately after washing or by blotting your face with a towel, then I spray thermal water or hydrolat on my face, and then oil. With this application, the oil, firstly, easy to distribute , and secondly, absolutely does not overload the already oily skin.

Concerning effects of this oil on problem skin , then it does not aggravate her condition at all. Does not clog pores, does not provoke inflammation. But it doesn't cure breakouts either. But it reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

In addition, it perfectly nourishes the skin.

Here's what I found about broccoli oil...

The use of this tool is also possible for the skin on the face of a sensitive type. This is due to the high concentration of vitamin E and fatty acids in broccoli oil. With it, you can achieve an amazing effect for the face.

  • Softening and deep moisturizing of the skin surface.
  • Elimination of redness and irritation.
  • Elimination of peeling and cracking of the skin.
  • Smoothing out small wrinkles that lie in the area around the eyes.

I just have sensitive skin. Here elimination of redness and irritation , By the way, didn't notice at all. Concerning smoothing wrinkles in the eye area , then with good care I have them and so imperceptibly. Think, broccoli oil also contributes to this.

Besides , this oil is recommended for use in rosacea.Even the bottle says "strengthens capillaries". So far, I don’t see any obvious progress, I don’t use it regularly, but rather from time to time. Perhaps otherwise there would be a noticeable result.

This is what my skin looks like with broccoli oil.

Now my skin is not in the best condition, but still better than when I did not use oils at all.

In general, I believe that 30+ oils in skin care are a must! And oily skin is no exception! However, this is just my humble opinion.)

To enhance the effect of using broccoli oil, you can make an oil mixture with fats that have a transport function. These products include shea or jojoba butter, cocoa, coconut and macadamia nuts. By applying these oils, you can also massage the skin on your face every evening.

So, putting aside all your skepticism, I decided to try broccoli hair oil as a leave-in. When applied receded from the roots and applied only to the length. And of course, on still wet hair!

In the process of applying, I still could not believe in the miraculous outcome of this case. I did not believe until the last in the promised effect, but it turns out it is.

Let's Let's compare the effect of broccoli oil and the well-known silicone leave-in. I have the most common from Avon. But in the photo with Avon leave-in, the hair is dried with a hairdryer, and with broccoli oil in a natural way, so the hair is not so smooth.

Here's what I found about broccoli hair oil...

This product contains a large amount of fatty acids, which include two fairly rare species, eicosenoic and erucic acid. The use of these acids together with carotenoids and vitamin complexes, which are also part of the oil, has an amazing effect on the hair.

  • Bulb strengthening.
  • Eliminate static electricity from hair.
  • Facilitates styling and combing.
  • The effect is similar to the effect of silicone, but without weighing down the hair.
  • Fat control.
  • Gives smoothness, elasticity and shine.

From all this I can say that hair is combed and styled as easily as after silicone products. Hair is really smooth, shiny, elastic. Everything is true here.

But everything else regarding the strengthening of the bulbs and the control of fat content , then I can not say anything, because I did not use this oil in masks.

True oil keeps the tips in decent shape.

Summing up, I will say that broccoli oil is really worth a try! It is universal - suitable for both face and hair. I think everyone will find his most effective use for it. That's why I recommend!

Not necessarily this brand of oil, but just I trust this brand 100% and I can confidently say that their oils highest quality , and at affordable prices, even with the current exchange rate.

Thank you for your attention to my review! ツ

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The best oils FOR PROBLEM SKIN!

For now, I can recommend quality tea tree essential oil from Aroma-Zone. This review contains BEFORE/AFTER PHOTOS.

Your Nadya Smith ღღღ(to me on "you")

Broccoli seed oil is a true source of natural shine and softness to hair. Its action is comparable to that of silicones - it gives the hair smoothness to the touch and shine, without weighing them down and without preventing them from breathing (proven by studies). It has a smoothing effect, which allows you to form small curls and curls. Broccoli oil facilitates combing and eliminates frizz. Rich in vitamins, it is also an excellent source of nutrition for skin and hair. It has excellent oxidative stability and moisturizing properties, making broccoli seed oil a valuable emollient ingredient in cosmetics and personal care. It is quickly absorbed, has a light texture, has a non-greasy texture and high moisturizing properties.


    Broccoli Seed Oil unrefined.

Mode of application

Use when added to:* shampoos and conditioners* smoothing serums* styling* moisturizing and conditioning skin lotions and creams* hair waving oils or serums* care that gives a "smoothing" effect* hair balms and masks* lip balms and lipsticks *massage mixtures* for a glossy sheen effectWhen added to massage mixtures, creams and lotions, the penetrating action of broccoli seed oil helps to reduce the feeling of greasy.Doses: used in combination with other oils in mixtures or in emulsions in the oil phase from 5%

1784 09/02/2019 6 min.

Broccoli oil is a unique substance obtained from the seeds of a green vegetable and is actively used in cosmetology.

Despite the rather weak popularity, broccoli oil in its qualities is a worthy competitor to the famous base oils such as burdock and castor.

Broccoli is useful not only in nutrition, but also in hair restoration, it has a beneficial effect on the skin and can even become an ideal component in a wide variety of home remedies - masks, tonics and even shampoos.

And despite the fact that broccoli oil is considered essential, it is used in fairly large quantities along with base oils, since it does not cause skin irritation, but, on the contrary, has a very effective and effective effect on it.

Oil properties and its benefits for hair

Surprisingly, broccoli oil is one of those rare cosmetic oils that can be used as food. Its composition includes a huge number of useful components, among which a special place is occupied by:

  • vitamins of several important groups (A, C, K, E);
  • many trace elements, in particular, iron, calcium and potassium;
  • large amount of saturated fatty acids.

It is this rich composition that determines the positive properties of the oil both for general health and for the condition of hair and skin.

Dry, lifeless hair with split ends, brittle along the entire length, is saturated with the substances necessary for them and restored in a short time.

In addition, broccoli oil is perhaps one of those few products that are absorbed into the hair, but do not leave the effect of greasy strands - the hair seems as clean as before the procedure.

Among the main effects oil on the hair should highlight the following actions means:

  • smoothes, straightens the entire surface of each hair;
  • increases elasticity and strength of hair;
  • allows you to get rid of the electrified hair;
  • moisturizes hair, allows you to get rid of excessive dryness and prevent dandruff;
  • gives shine and silkiness to hair.

Application methods

Few girls who have learned about broccoli oil know how to use it, how to apply it.

In fact, this tool is as easy to use as possible and for its use it is absolutely not necessary to have any special knowledge in cosmetology.

First of all, it is worth recalling the simplest use case, which allows repair split ends.
It is enough just to take a few drops of the product, rub them between the palms and gently apply to the ends of the hair, allowing them to be nourished and saturated with useful substances.

Five to seven days later, after regularly carrying out this procedure, the split ends will really disappear, the hair will become soft and smooth along all their lengths.

It is also possible to carry out wrapping from 50 milliliters of broccoli oil or from a mixture of base and essential oils, the main part of which will be precisely this substance.
The oil or mixture is distributed over all hair, after which they are wrapped in a towel and polyethylene, and after about an hour everything is washed off with shampoo.

And if the first option is a quick recovery, allowing you to secure your hair at a particular moment of application and restore it in a week, then wraps are a real salvation even for the most weakened hair– their transformation is noticeable immediately.

A good solution would also be adding oil to shampoo, so it will act every wash and repair the damage caused to the hair during the day.
A bottle of shampoo with a volume of 200 milliliters will require only 15-20 drops of oil.

Hair masks

Recipes for masks with broccoli oil they are quite simple, they do not require a large number of ingredients and are quickly prepared at home.

For example, for normal hair to support their condition, enhance the shine and elasticity of the hair, it is recommended to mix two yolks, 10 milliliters of broccoli oil and 30 milliliters of base burdock oil.

If desired, you can add just two drops essential oil such as chamomile, sandalwood and the less popular geranium.

On the hair, such a mask should remain for two hours under a towel and polyethylene, after which it should be washed off with warm water and a mild shampoo. Repeat The use of this recipe is recommended no more than once a week.

Another recipe will help cure already dry hair.

To restore them, you must use all the same burdock and broccoli oil, 20 milliliters each, but add another 20 milliliters of wheat germ oil, as well as only 10 milliliters of castor oil. Read about
Essential oils of chamomile and lavender complete the mixture - a total of 8-10 drops are required.

When if the hair is very dry and brittle, then the whole mixture should be left on the hair all night, but if their condition is normal, then you can limit yourself to a few hours, after which you also wash your hair with shampoo.

Watch the video: How Does Broccoli Seed Oil Transform Hair?

Where could I buy?

for broccoli oil can vary significantly depending on where the oil is sold.

So, in cosmetic stores, this product will be much more expensive than in pharmacies, but at the same time, it is in cosmetic stores that it is likely to find larger packages, while in a pharmacy it will be difficult.

It is much better to order broccoli oil directly from the manufacturer - in wholesale warehouses of cosmetics or in small workshops that produce natural cosmetics.

So, for example, in the workshop of Olesya Mastaeva, you can buy a miracle cure for a price of 240 rubles for 10 milliliters, but in a convenient package with a dispenser for more practical use.

Larger containers already 50 milliliters can be ordered from the company "Aromashka", available in many online stores. The cost of such a tool will be from 300 to 400 rubles.

IN pharmacies, broccoli oil is sold only in volumes of 10 milliliters and in the most ordinary packages without dispensers and other things. Depending on manufacturers the price can be from 180 to 300 rubles, but the choice, unfortunately, is very small, since not everyone knows about the benefits of broccoli.

Broccoli oil “Spivak”

The Spivak company received the greatest recognition among broccoli oil producers.

The oil of this brand is quite inexpensive (on average 180 rubles for 10 milliliters), and it’s easier to find it than everyone else.

Broccoli seed oil has been successfully used to improve the condition of the skin of the face and hair. The tool can be added to masks, creams or used in its pure form.

Benefits of Broccoli Seed Oil for Hair and Skin

Broccoli seed oil is a treasure trove beneficial vitamins and fatty acids. It has a pleasant aroma and does not leave a feeling of greasy film. The product is obtained in two ways: by extraction and cold pressing. In the first case, the oil will be yellowish, and in the second - green. This product is actively used in the beauty industry for the creation of cosmetic products, personal care products. It is one of the ingredients in lip balms, creams, hair masks.

Broccoli seed oil has been successfully used in home care. The product has the following advantages:

  • smoothes mimic wrinkles;
  • moisturizes and nourishes the skin;
  • eliminates signs of fatigue;
  • tones up aging skin;
  • masks irritation, peeling, cracking;
  • regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

If you use this oil regularly, your skin will repay you with health and radiance. Do not worry about how the product will be felt on the face. It is very well absorbed, so such problems will not arise.

Broccoli seed oil is often used as an ingredient in cosmetics.

Broccoli seed oil is suitable for home hair care. The product perfectly replaces all serums that contain silicones and make hair heavier. The tool allows:

  • smooth the hair cuticle;
  • prevent the appearance of split ends;
  • eliminate brittleness, increase hair strength;
  • reduce the oiliness of the scalp;
  • give your hair an amazing healthy shine.

Hair masks

There are many hair masks using broccoli seed oil.

Use as a cleanser

To give greasy strands a more well-groomed look, take:

  • 10 ml of broccoli seed oil;
  • 10 ml shea butter;
  • 30 ml of burdock oil;
  • 6 drops of grapefruit oil, neroli, lemon.

All ingredients should be mixed, heated in a water bath, and then applied to the hair, including the roots. The mask must be kept for at least 2 hours. Then the composition is washed off with water with the addition of vinegar. For five liters of filtered water, you need to take one teaspoon of acetic acid. Repeat the procedure twice a week for two months.

Broccoli oil absorbs quickly and easily, making it suitable for all hair types.

From seborrhea

Valuable oil will help those who suffer from seborrhea. Take:

  • 20 ml of broccoli and burdock seed oils;
  • 10 ml of castor oil;
  • 7 drops of tea tree essential oil.

All oils are thoroughly mixed and applied to the hair. You need to wrap your head with a warm shawl, towel or put on a hat to create a greenhouse effect. The mask should be kept on the head for 3-4 hours. The composition is also washed off with a solution of vinegar. A similar procedure can be carried out a maximum of once every 7 days for a month.

From fragility

To give hair shine, make it more elastic, you will need:

  • 2 egg yolks;
  • 30 ml of broccoli and burdock seed oil;
  • 6 drops of essential oils of chamomile, geranium.

The yolks are combined with burdock oil, after which the remaining ingredients are added to the mixture. The composition is applied to the hair for at least two hours. The head should also be warmed with a towel or hat. The best effect can be achieved if you make a mask once a week for two months.

For dry hair

The drug helps well with dry and brittle hair, damaged by paints, straightening irons. Would need:

  • 20 ml each of broccoli seed oil, wheat germ, burdock;
  • 15 ml of castor oil;
  • 5 drops of essential oil of lavender, chamomile.

Wheat germ oil perfectly nourishes and strengthens hair

The heated mixture should be applied to all hair and wrap the head with a warm shawl. If possible, make a mask for the night, and in the morning wash the strands with shampoo and rinse with water and vinegar. It is recommended to carry out the procedure twice a week for at least three months.

From baldness

For those suffering from baldness, it doesn't hurt to make a course of broccoli seed oil masks. Take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. mustard powder;
  • 3 art. l. hot water;
  • 15 ml of broccoli seed oil;
  • 25 ml of jojoba oil;
  • 30 ml of burdock oil;
  • 1 tsp warm honey;
  • 2 egg yolks.

Mustard powder is mixed with water, after which oils, honey, and yolk are added. The mixture should be applied to all hair for 40 minutes, warming. It is better not to make a mask if you have wounds, abscesses on your scalp. Mustard is very baking, so sitting with a mask on your head will be unbearable. The procedure should be carried out once a week for 2 months.

How to apply for health and brilliance

Broccoli seed oil is good for split ends. Rub 3-4 drops of the product on the palms, then distribute the composition over the ends of the hair. It is recommended to rub the oil into damp hair. If you want to give the strands a natural shine, distribute a couple of drops of the product over the entire length of the hair.

Facial Beauty Recipes

Homemade skin care with broccoli seed oil will make it healthy and velvety. The tool can be added to almost any cosmetic product to enrich it with vitamins.

Applying pure oil on the face instead of a cream is not worth it, it is too heavy for the skin

Makeup remover

The oil is great for removing eye make-up. At the same time, it interacts with eyelashes and stimulates their growth. Take a piece of cotton wool soaked in water, apply broccoli seed oil on it and in a circular motion begin to remove makeup from the face and eyes. If desired, add 5-7 drops of the product to the ready-made make-up remover gel.

Skin hydration

The product is used in its pure form as a moisturizing face mask. Apply generously to your face, hold for 10-15 minutes, then blot the remnants with a paper towel. It also does not hurt to add oil to store-bought masks, such as clay masks. To do this, dilute the clay with water to a state of sour cream and add one teaspoon of oil to it. Clay of any color will do. It is advisable to do the mask every other day for a month.

What to do with high fat

If the skin is oily, it is best to add 1-2 drops of oil to a single portion of the day and night face cream. The oil perfectly restores and moisturizes the skin. It works well for severe acne. It is enough to wipe the face twice a day with a cotton pad dipped in the preparation. Acne will disappear in two weeks.

Contraindications and storage rules

  • Contraindications for the use of broccoli seed oil include individual intolerance. If you are allergic to it, you will have to choose another drug.
  • Do not use the oil without consulting a dermatologist and trichologist if there are serious pathologies of the skin and hair. For example, with androgenetic alopecia, psoriasis, scabies.
  • Be careful with heating the product. Under the influence of high temperature, the microelements of the oil are destroyed. Do not use a microwave, but a water bath.
  • Once opened, it should be kept in a dark, cool place and used within a maximum of two years.

Oil is obtained from broccoli seeds in two ways:

  • Cold pressed, while the final product is green.
  • Extraction (oil has a golden color).

The product produced in the first way saves more useful substances and preferred to use.

It includes many important substances necessary for the health and strength of hair:

Each element performs its function and is indispensable and useful: fatty acids make hair supple and moisturized, vitamins help strengthen it, give vitality and shine, and microelements enhance and accelerate growth.

Erucic acid is a natural silicone that smoothes every hair, protects against negative impact ultraviolet rays.

Fatty acids envelop the hair and penetrate into its deep structures, glue the particles of the cuticle, thereby healing effect. This is the main difference from synthetic silicones, which simply create a temporary protective film.

Due to its balanced and rich composition, the oil is indispensable and necessary product for hair. In addition, it has a very light non-greasy texture, is instantly absorbed and saturates the hair with moisture, without weighing it down and making it shiny, soft and manageable.


Broccoli oil has a beneficial effect on both hair and scalp. It has lubricating properties, thanks to which the strands look light, well-groomed, obedient, confusion and fat content disappear. The tool is also used to eliminate brittleness and split ends, perfect for owners of porous, damaged, overdried and dull hair.

A unique tool has the following effects on the hair:

  • Smoothes the cuticle, acts as a natural natural silicone.
  • Increases strength, nourishes and restores, facilitates combing.
  • Removes electrification, especially during the heating season.
  • Gives shine, smoothness and elasticity.
  • Protects against harmful UV rays.

So, oil has a nourishing, regenerating and moisturizing effect. Correctly using this tool, you can achieve a stunning effect and become the owner of thick and silky hair.

Application of pomace from seeds

The oil is widely used to nourish the hair. It is noteworthy that the tool can not be washed off after application, it does not weigh down the strands and is perfect for naughty hair, instantly smoothing them.

You should be careful about the dosage of the oil, it is important not to exceed it, otherwise the hair will look greasy and the curls will stick together.

Broccoli oil can be used in several ways:

End care

Oil perfectly helps to cure and eliminate split ends. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to rub 4-5 drops of the product in the palms and apply to clean and slightly dried hair (at least 10-12 cm from the bottom edge).

You can distribute the oil additionally along the entire length so that the strands shine and look well-groomed. It is not necessary to rinse off the product, it is quickly absorbed and does not weigh down the hair.


Before trying broccoli oil for the first time, it is necessary to test for a possible allergic reaction. To do this, apply a small amount of the product to the wrist and rub it thoroughly. If the skin remains clean and not irritated during the day, then the oil has come up and you can use it further. But in case of itching, rash, redness, immediately wash the affected area. clean water and stop using the drug.

Although broccoli oil is indispensable for the treatment and restoration of hair, there are still several contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance, which is expressed in allergies to the components of the product.
  • Pathologies of the skin of the head and hair (baldness, psoriasis, scabies). Oil can aggravate the situation and cause discomfort so it is best to consult a dermatologist or trichologist before using.


Broccoli seed oil has gained wide popularity worldwide due to its unique therapeutic effect on hair. Oil can be a great substitute for artificial conditioners and hair products. It is very easy to use and the effect is amazing.

The benefits of oil are invaluable for the health and beauty of hair - oily sheen disappears, the scalp is nourished and moisturized, and the curls become strong, elastic and elastic. It is important not to forget about contraindications and buy the product in specialized stores and pharmacies, then an excellent result is guaranteed.