Pos of the brewhouse. Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery. With bated breath, we ascended the steps to the Cross, because on this place many, many years ago, the Monk Sergius himself stood

The Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery is beautiful with a special, welcoming beauty. His temples are somehow unusually accurately inscribed in the humble nature of the Rostov land. It is difficult to imagine that quite recently here, in the homeland of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the abomination of desolation reigned.

The Varnitskaya monastery became a monument to Saint Sergius on the Rostov land. The Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery is unique precisely in that it preserved to the saints the place of birth, physical and spiritual growth of the boy, who later became the “abode of the Holy Trinity”. There are hardly many monasteries that were founded on a place marked by the birth of some ascetic. Varnitsky is exceptional in this respect.

In the homeland of St. Sergius

With reverence, the pilgrim enters his gate (and the fact that the church of St. Cyril and Mary is now located above these gates is of particular importance: as if we are fulfilling the behest of St. Sergius - to bow before going to him, his parents) and goes along the road to the Trinity Cathedral. Tradition says that the cathedral stands exactly on the spot where the house of the parents of the youth Bartholomew was located. And, of course, prayer in this church becomes a great event for the believer. The church in the name of Saints Cyril and Mary above the northern gates of the monastery appeared already today, after the return of the monastery to the Church. In fact, in the 19th century, the construction of such a church was impossible, since at that time the pious parents of St. Sergius were venerated only locally, without being canonized.

Quite high, with one golden dome, this church very organically complemented the ensemble of monastic buildings. It is she, together with the dominant of the bell tower, that now forms the perception of the architectural complex of the monastery from the northern side - that is, from the side of the main road to the monastery. Subsequently, when the cathedral in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh, the view of the monastery from the north will benefit even more. The church of St. Cyril and Maria in 2003-06. Now it is completely ready, the iconostasis has already been installed. The church has a spacious and warm baptismal chamber with a large font.

The appearance of the monastery in the homeland of St. Sergius is not accidental. Hegumen of Radonezh during his lifetime was widely known throughout the Russian Land and beyond. And already at home, his birth in Rostov and during the life of the great elder was an object of reverent love. Yes, and in his visits to Rostov, Abbot of Radonezh visited his homeland, where he spent his years of childhood and adolescence. Therefore, the construction site of the monastery was marked exactly in the memory of the inhabitants, brought up among the shrines for which the ancient city was famous for a long time. The Rostov land, it seemed, was just waiting for the All-Russian glorification of the Monk Sergius, in order to indicate its involvement in the life and feat of the saint of God by the construction of a decent monument for this occasion. The Trinity-Sergius Varnitsky Monastery was such a monument. By the time the monastery was founded in Rostov, people were still alive who knew from their parents where the estate of the boyar Cyril, the father of St. Sergius. In the vicinity of the monastery, old-timers also pointed out an oak tree that grew in the place where the Angel of the Lord appeared to the youth Bartholomew. The monastery was famous for its holy healing well, called "Sergeev". After the closure of the monastery, the well was destroyed. The brethren needed a lot of work to find it and clear it when the monastery was returned to the Church.

It is impossible not to tell that on July 5, 1913, on the day of commemoration of the uncovering of the relics of St. Sergius of Radonezh, St. Tikhon (Belavin, 1907-1913), Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov, the future Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia, served the Divine Liturgy in the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery. During his six years at the Yaroslavl See, Saint Tikhon visited the Trinity-Varnitsky Monastery three times. At the departure of Saint Tikhon from the Yaroslavl diocese to the place of his new service, the inhabitants of the Varnitsa monastery presented him with an icon of Saint Sergius. And 6 years later, in March 1919, by decree of the new government, the Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery was closed. The brothers were assigned to the parish church. The seizure of the monastery property began. The last notes in the "Book" these are: "1923. March 20, Hieromonk George (the last rector of the Varnitsa monastery) in Yakovlevsky monastery elevated to the rank of hegumen and archimandrite "," 1924. On February 26, Archimandrite George was evicted from the cells and the monastery by order of the godless government. February 27. "Persecuted Archimandrite George is in good health." This ends the chronicle. The further fate of Archimandrite George is unknown. We also do not know about the fate of other Varnitsa monks. Where did their death overtake them, in what graves did they rest? Which of them ended their days peacefully, who was martyred? Searches in the archives have not yet yielded results, and questions remain unanswered.

But the fate of the Varnitsky Monastery is known. Despite the fact that for many years of Soviet power, the place of birth of St. Sergius was in desolation, a carriageway ran through the monastery, and a landfill stinked at the site of the blown up Trinity Cathedral, the memory of the significance of this small piece of land on the banks of the Ishni River was preserved. And isn't it an amazing miracle that once again reminds us of the special role of this place - such a rapid revival of the monastery? The rebirth was not even from ruins, since, by and large, there were none. And out of nothing. For the umpteenth time, the Lord gives us hope through the Monk Sergius. How can one fail to recall the return of the Church of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the 1940s, which was regarded by many believers as a promise of a future revival of religious life in a tortured country.

In the Varnitsky Monastery there are neither relics nor miraculous icons enjoying the special veneration of believers. But the fact is that the Varnitsky Monastery - with its Trinity Cathedral, built on the site of the house of the parents of St. Sergius, with a memorial cross at the meeting place of the holy youth with the mysterious monarch, with the very land on which the Venerables walked. Cyril and Maria and their chosen son of God are already a shrine. However, it cannot be said that in the Varnitsky Monastery there are absolutely no and never were "usual" shrines for us. Were. For example, one of the most revered icons remained here for centuries, the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh with his life - the temple image of the Trinity Cathedral. Written in the second half of the 17th century specifically for the Trinity Cathedral (in particular, this is indicated by the stamp with the image of the Holy Trinity, placed in the top row in the very center), it was removed from the Varnitskaya monastery and transferred to the Rostov museum. Now this icon, remarkable both for its artistic value and, at least, for its “historicity” (it is easy to imagine how many generations of monks and pilgrims, church hierarchs and ordinary laity prayed in front of it!), Is in the museum.

In the Varnitsky Monastery itself, at least two icons deserve special attention. Both of them are new - and very decent - letters, both - with particles of relics. We are talking about the icons of St. Sergius and St. Clement, Pope. The finding of the icon of St. Clement's is by no means an accident, but a manifestation of "historical memory." The fact is that in the past centuries (according to written sources - already in the 16th century) in the Nikolskaya Sloboda, as the Varnitskaya Sloboda was previously called, there was a wooden cemetery church in the name of St. Clement, the Pope. Now, on the site of the ancient church, there are two temples - the Resurrection of the Word and St. Paisius the Great and martyr. Huara. Although earlier these churches were not monastic, today they have the status of a courtyard of the Varnitsa monastery. The temples were returned to the Church in 1989 - the first of all the temples in Rostov and the Rostov region.

For the revival of liturgical life in the returned churches, three monks - Theodore, Sergius and Nikon - were "sent" from the Trinity-Sergius Lavra to the homeland of St. Sergius. They had to make a lot of efforts to make the churches suitable for holding services, since at the time of their transfer to the Church they were in a dilapidated state. In the temple of St. Paisius the Great and martyr. Huara in the first summer put in windows, moved the stoves and blocked the roof. Funds for the repairs were collected with the help of local residents. They also brought icons.

After many years of desolation, the Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery is being revived. The Vvedensky Cathedral has already been restored, the Trinity Cathedral has been rebuilt. And relatively recently, an extensive stone church was laid in the monastery in the name of the Monk Sergius. “It will be a temple,” said the abbot of the monastery, Archimandrite Silouan in 2007, when construction was still only in the plans, “which will take a central place in the monastery. His Holiness the Patriarch blessed the construction and personally signed the project for the construction of this temple. " By January 2009, the foundation had been laid. Of course, the completion of the cathedral is not a matter of the very near future. It is assumed that it will be completed by the 700th anniversary of the birth of St. Sergius, which falls in 2014. It is enough to look at the model of the future temple to make sure that it will indeed be very majestic and large-scale. This is especially evident when looking at the model of the monastery as a whole. The appearance of such a temple will undoubtedly become a great event not only for the monastery itself and the surrounding residents, but also for pilgrims from afar - after all, during the festive services (in particular, in the days of the memory of St. Sergius) it will be able to accommodate much more worshipers than the current one. cathedral church of the monastery, Trinity.

Today, the Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery - the courtyard of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra - is under the direct jurisdiction of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia.

In the village Varnitsa, now within the boundaries of the city of Rostov, Yaroslavl region, courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra (since 1995). The name comes from the salt brews, in the XV-XVII centuries. located near the mon-rya on the river. Ishne. According to legend, V. m. Was founded on the site of the home of the Monks Cyril and Mary, the parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh. In the Life of St. Sergius, the name of the estate of his parents is absent, in the Extensive edition of his life it is said that it “was not within the limits of the Rostov reign, not very close to the city of Rostov” (PLDR. XIV - mid. XV century, p. 288). In A. A. Titov's notes to "The Chronicler of the Rostov Bishops" St. Demetrius (Tuptalo) it is said that V. m. Was founded on July 5, 1427 by the Rostov bishop. Ephraim in the place where the house of the father of St. Sergius, however, the source of this claim is unknown. EE Golubinsky believed the legend about the founding of V. m. In the homeland of Venerable. Sergius was "completely new" and could not claim "special reliability." The legend is indirectly confirmed by the existence in the monastery at least from the 17th century. throne in the name of St. Sergius; in the collection of GMZ " Rostov Kremlin The Synodikon of V. m. Con. Has been preserved. XIX century, in which the relatives of St. Sergius (Р-1135. Sheet 2).

For the first time V. m. Is mentioned in the tarkhanny charter of the mon-ryu of 1614 of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, in which it is said about the existence of the monastery under the Great. book Vasily III Ioannovich (1505-1533) (IRI. T. 3. S. 500). In 1609 the mon-ry was ruined by the Polish. and litas. detachments and gangs of robbers; restored on the initiative of the Rostov Met. Jonah (Sysoevich), in the sentinel book. In 1619, the priest Ovdokim, who took part in the patrol, was mentioned in the Troetsky Monastery from Varnits. In the census book of 1678, the monastery is named Troitsky Sergiev, in the census book of 1685, the buildings of V.M are listed: the wooden Trinity Church, the tent c. St. Sergius of Radonezh, 2 gate churches - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saints Cosmas and Damian, a bell tower with a clock, a fence, abbot and brotherly cells, in addition to the abbot and treasurer, 4 monks lived in the monastery at that time. In the end. XVI century in the monastery blzh. Stefan Rostovsky († after 1592), at the beginning. XVIII century - blzh. Stephen († after 1718), a relative of the Rostov bishop. Dositheus (Glebova), who predicted to the latter the bishop's service and execution.

In 1725, by decree of the Rostov bishop. Georgy (Dashkova) mon-ry was converted to a woman, apprx. 100 sisters of the abolished Rostov monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin, 7 former. the inhabitants of the V. m. moved to the Rostov Preobrazhensky Monastery. Wooden cells of nuns were transported from the Nativity monastery to V.M. In 1731, the abbess V. m. Abbot. Christopher turned to the Rostov Archbishop. Joachim with a request to transfer the sisters back to the Christmas Monastery, since in V. m. There was a lack of everything, even in drinking water and firewood. In 1731 V. m. Again became a husband. By 1744, 300 people were assigned to the mon-ry. peasants. In 1764, V. m. Was removed from the state with the management of builders. The composition of the brethren (up to 10 people) was unstable, the abbots changed frequently (from the middle of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, about 35 abbots were replaced). From March 18, 1819, the Ufa Bishop was retired in V.M. at his own request. Augustine (Sakharov), whose homeland was s. Menagerie near V. m. In the monastery of Bishop. Augustine compiled the "Complete Collection of Spiritual Laws" (in 15 volumes) and other works, the bishop was buried near the south. walls of the Trinity Cathedral.

Until mid. XVIII century all the buildings of the V. m. were made of wood. 16 oct. 1771 Rostov Bishop Athanasius (Volkhovsky) consecrated the first stone church in the monastery - the one-domed Trinity Cathedral with side-chapels in the name of the Monks Sergius and Nikon of Radonezh (southern) and the saints of Alexandria Athanasius and Cyril (northern). From the west, a three-tiered bell tower was attached to the cathedral above the porch. In 1784-1785. at the sowing. the walls of the cathedral were erected with a warm stone St. Nicholas Church (the former wooden St. Nicholas Church "after the removal of the holy antimension from it" in 1784 was sold "for firing bricks"). In 1800, opposite the west. the entrance to the cathedral, a two-story abbot's stone building was built (rebuilt in 1847), in 1828 - a one-story building of fraternal cells (rebuilt in 1897). Fire on 26 Sept. 1824 destroyed the roof and part of the iconostasis of the St. Nicholas Church, all the outbuildings. Soon, under the care of Bishop. Augustine (Sakharov) and the Rostov merchant M.M. Pleshanov, according to the project of the Yaroslavl architect P. Ya. Pankov, the construction of the stone Vvedensky temple was started. On May 27, 1828, the foundation stone of the temple took place, October 7. the main throne was consecrated, the next year the side-altars were consecrated: in the name of St. John the Theologian (sev.) And in the name of the prop. Elijah (south). The iconostasis was executed by the Moscow carver M. M. Ermolaev, the icons were painted by the Yaroslavl master N. Antonov, later the Rostov artist. ND Gladkov painted the walls of the temple. In 1840, for the Vvedenskaya c. Pleshanov ordered 11 silver vestments for icons; in 1845 he donated icons to St. Nicholas and St. Theodore the Studite. In 1854, an unknown benefactor gave an icon of St. Sergius with a particle of the relics of the monk, as well as particles of the relics of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, John and Nikita, St. Novgorodsky, Venerable Makariy Kalyazinsky. In the years 1848-1852. V. m. Was surrounded by a stone fence with 4 towers, in 1867 over St. gates to the south. wall hierodiac. Mercury painted on a sheet of iron a picture "The Appearance of the Angel of God to the youth Bartholomew" with the inscription: "In this place the angel of the Lord appeared in the form of a monk to the youth Bartholomew, who was like Sergius, the miracle worker of Radonezh."

25 Sep 1892, when the 500th anniversary of the repose of St. Sergius, the festive liturgy in V.M. was performed by the Uglich Bishop. Amfilochiy (Sergievsky-Kazantsev), co-served by the clergy of 22 churches and 5 monasteries. In the same year, at V. m., A hospice and an almshouse for the elderly clergy of the Yaroslavl diocese were arranged, a school. The monastery belonged to several. chapels at the Moscow road and at the railway station "Rostov". At the expense of merchants V.A.Malgin and I.A.Rulev in 1897, repair and restoration work was carried out in the city. Thanks to donations from Rostov merchants by the beginning. XX century mon-ry's capital, kept in the state. bank, totaled more than 60 thousand rubles. Mn. benefactors of the mon-ry (merchants M.M. and D.M. Pleshanovs, V.A.Malygin and others) were buried at the monastery cemetery, at the altar of the Vvedenskaya c.

V.M. was visited by Saints Philaret (Drozdov) (1836), Innokenty (Borisov) (1841), St. right. John of Kronstadt (1894). In 1907-1913. the monastery was visited by the Yaroslavl Archbishop three times. St. Tikhon (future Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia), who assisted in the repair of monastery churches. 12 jan. 1914, on the day of the departure of the saint to the Vilna diocese, the inhabitants of V.M. presented the archbishop. Tikhon the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh. From 1 oct. In 1915, in connection with the First World War, the nuns of the Euphrosiniev Suzdal Monastery were located in V.M. (on September 30, 1918 they were evacuated to Polotsk), and the diocesan DU was located.

On March 1, 1919, the cemetery was closed, and silver utensils (more than 5 poods) were withdrawn from the churches. According to reports from local authorities, during the seizure of church valuables in April. 1922 in V. m. “A crowd of believers in the amount of 300 people. did not allow withdrawal. The members of the commission acted forcibly "(CA FSB. F. 1. Op. 6. D. 497. L. 45). The last abbot of V. m. Hierom. George and his brethren remained to live in the monastery, but were assigned to the Varnitsa parish St. Nicholas Church, March 20, 1923 hierom. George was elevated to the rank of hegumen, then archimandrite, on February 26. 1924 80-year-old Archimandrite George was forcibly evicted from the monastery together with other monks. The Trinity Cathedral with the bell tower was blown up, the cell building near the south was destroyed. walls, a fence, the monastery cemetery was destroyed. In the 60s-90s. XX century in the rebuilt Vvedenskaya c. there was a garage, an incubator for a poultry farm. Some of the icons and utensils that belonged to V. m., In the present. the time is kept in the GMZRK.

In 1989, the parish churches of the Resurrection of the Word (1814) and of Saints Paisius and Uar (1893) near V.M. were transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, they were repaired by the inhabitants of the TSL. time attributed to V.M. In 1992, when the 600th anniversary of the repose of St. Sergius, on the site of the destroyed Trinity Cathedral in V.M. a wooden chapel was erected, over the ancient St. a canopy is arranged with a well. Feb 13 1995 V. m. Was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church, by decree of the Holy. The synod became the courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, the abbot was appointed abbot. Boris (Khramtsov). Apr 30 2003 viceroy of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, bishop. Feognost (Guzikov) consecrated the restored Vvedenskaya c. By July 2003, the monastery built the Trinity Cathedral with a 4-tiered bell tower, a two-story refectory building, 3 walls with towers. On July 29, 2003, the foundation stone of the gate church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. By July 2003, 12 inhabitants lived in the monastery, the abbot was an abbot. Siluan (Glazkin; since 1998). The monastery has an Orthodox gymnasium, a Sunday school and a library. By the decree of the Holy. Synod of April 16. 2016 he was appointed rector of the monastery. Pemen (Artyukhov). June 9, 2016 by His Holiness Patriarch Kirill (Gundyaev) Hieromonk. Pimen was elevated to the rank of abbot.

Arch .: OR RNB. F. 775 (A. A. Titov Foundation). Unit xp. 1256, 2886; RGADA. F. 1209. Op. 1.D. 839.L. 290-290 rev .; A book for notes about historical monuments that happened, which can serve as a continuation Russian history// GMZRK. P-763; GAYAO, Rostov fil. F. 125. Op. 1.D. 2.L. 132, 135; F. 197. Op. 1.D. 778.L. 1, 21, 31-31 rev.

Lit .: Titov A. A . Historical description of the Troitsko-Varnitsky regular husband. mon-ry near Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl province .: Homeland of Venerable. Sergius, the wonderworker of Radonezh. Serg. P., 1893; Yaroslavl hierarchy in the description of Archpriest. John Troitsky // With a preface. and note. A. A. Titova. Yaroslavl, 1901. Issue. 1: State monitors Petrovsky, Belogostitsky and Varnitsky; Golubinsky E. E. Venerable Sergius of Radonezh and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra founded by him. M., 1909; Melnik A. G . Destroyed churches of Rostov the Great // Mosk. magazine. 1991. No. 11. S. 18-19; she is. Research of architectural monuments of Rostov the Great. Rostov, 1992.S. 56-57; Videneeva A. E. To the history of the Rostov Trinity-Varnitsky Monastery // Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the history, culture and spiritual life of Russia: Materials of Intern. conf. 1998. M., 2000.S. 196-208; Vakhrina V. AND . Trinity-Sergiev Varnitsky Monastery. M., 2001.

D. B. Kochetov

We continue to see the sights of Rostov the Great and today we stopped at the Varnitsa settlement located near the city and the Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery.

The first temple arose in 1427 on the very place where the famous Russian saint, the famous Sergius of Radonezh, was once born and lived with his parents and brothers. These events took place near the city of Rostov Yaroslavl region on the banks of the Ishnya river.

In the family of boyar Kirill and his wife Maria - that was the name of the parents of Sergius of Radonezh - there were three children, three boys. When was the future Russian saint born? The exact date of birth is not known.

Presumably, his birthday is May 3, 1319. Surprisingly, there are many blank spots in the life of such a famous person. Only the date of death is reliably known, the dates of other events only suggest.

On his birthday, the parents gave Sergius of Radonezh the name Bartholomew. The boy was the middle child in the family. His brothers studied well at school, but Bartholomew's study was difficult, he did not understand the Holy Books that he was trying to read. Bartholomew turned to God with fervent prayers, begging him to help him learn to read and write.

Accidental non-accidental meeting

And one day a miracle happened. When the boy was herding horses, he saw a man in a black robe. Through burning tears, he asked the stranger to pray for him. This moment is reflected in the painting by the artist Mikhail Nesterov "The Holy Vision to the Youth Bartholomew."

After this incident, Bartholomew quickly learned everything that had previously been given to him with great difficulty. He began to strictly observe the fasts, which caused anxiety to the mother. And by the age of 12 he had already made a firm decision to take a monk's hair.

When the boy was 15 years old, his family became completely impoverished. And in order to save everyone from hunger and want, the father had to decide to move to Radonezh. After the death of his parents, Bartholomew took monastic vows and became the monk Sergius. In a deep forest, on the banks of the Konchura river, he founded a church in honor of the Holy Trinity. Gradually the number of monks in it grew, and now it is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

In addition to her, Sergius of Radonezh built a large number of churches, he had many students and associates. Until now, several great monasteries are known, founded by the monk or with his blessing. For example, in Serpukhov, located near Moscow.

He did a lot of good and useful things for Russia, we know about the many miracles he performed in his life. So, before the Battle of Kulikovo, Dmitry Donskoy came to the monk Sergius for advice and blessing. And besides kind words of parting words, he also received a prediction about the victorious return home of the Russian army.

One of the saint's miracles is the resurrection of a little boy. The father in his arms brought it to the saint with a request for the healing of his son. But before he even had time to finish, the boy died. With tears, the inconsolable father went to prepare a small coffin. But at this time Sergius of Radonezh began to pray fervently to the Lord, and the returning father saw a living and healthy son.

The abbot died at the end of September 1392. His imperishable relics are now in the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Many icons are written in his honor, many temples bear his name. There are about 70 of them in Moscow alone! They rise not only in the cities of Russia, but also abroad: in South Africa, in Montenegro and other countries.

Varnitsa monastery became a monument to the great saint

One of these memorable places is Trinity-Sergievsky Varnitsky male monastery... It was founded 5 years after the relics of the Radonezh saint were found in 1422.

Its first buildings, as elsewhere, were completely wooden. But the time came, and the dilapidated Trinity Cathedral was rebuilt from stone.

For 6 years, starting in 1725, the monastery was for women. But then the male monks returned there again.

From the beginning of the 19th century, a kind of chronicle was kept in the Varnitsky monastery - a book about what happened there memorable dates and events. A lot of interesting things can be learned from these records. Now it is in the museum of Rostov the Great.

Here is one of the facts about the life of the monastery, recorded in this valuable book for history. In May 1811, a strong storm swept over the city, causing great damage to buildings. The roofs of the buildings of the Varnitsa Monastery were torn down. And then Countess Orlova, known for her charitable activities, donated as many as 500 rubles for iron roofs to the monastery.

Oblivion and revival of a spiritual shrine

After the revolution, the monastery was destroyed, and communal, small apartments were equipped in the monastic cells. A motor road was laid through the territory of the monastery, and the Trinity Cathedral, together with its bell tower, was blown up. Even the foundation was dug to the ground, and a garbage dump formed in its place.

And only in 1995, the Trinity-Sergius Lavra took this place of birth of the saint under its tutelage. And here, in the small homeland of Sergius of Radonezh, the revival of the Holy Trinity Varnitsky Monastery began. You can watch this video about the revival of the holy monastery.

Over the years, the Vvedenskaya church of the monastery was completely restored (it is built into the southern wall), which was consecrated on April 30, 2003. Originally a church dedicated to the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God was built in 1828.

The beautiful Trinity Cathedral with a bell tower was built again. True, at the time of our arrival he was in the scaffolding.

The Trinity Cathedral was rebuilt in 2005 at its original location, in the same size and style as the first stone cathedral, built by Bishop Athanasius in 1771 and destroyed in the 1930s. The red color of the temple is the Easter color of the Resurrection of Christ.

A new, majestic, very beautiful temple has appeared in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

The interior decoration has not yet been fully restored. A beautiful iconostasis has been erected; perhaps, over time, the walls will also be painted.

In the northern gateway church, the sacred rite of Baptism is held. There is a large font in the middle of this temple. This church is dedicated to the saint's parents - the Monks Cyril and Mary, who were buried in the Khotkovo Intercession Monastery in the Moscow region.

It was one of the first churches in Russia in honor of the parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Currently, their relics are at the burial site: the Intercession Monastery of Khotkovo and are its main shrine.

On the territory of the male monastery in 1991, the Sergius well was restored.

You can easily navigate the numerous monastic buildings by looking at the plan of the Varnitsa monastery.

It should be noted that the restored buildings of the monastery - the cathedral, walls, towers - are not exact copies of the original buildings.

A chapel was erected near the Sergius Cathedral in 1992, consecrated in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh. It was erected in memory of the Trinity Church destroyed in the 20th century.

Here is the holy land itself

Not far from the monastery walls, there is a worship cross. So people marked the place where the boy Bartholomew first met the monk.

An Orthodox gymnasium has been built and is already operating 700 meters from the monastery, in which children from Rostov and nearby villages and villages study free of charge. About a kilometer from the monastery walls, there is a holy spring with clean, cool water.

Monks personally collect fragrant honey in the apiary. They also bake delicious yeast-free bread, a variety of pastries, and make kvass. All this, as well as church literature, books about the history of the monastery can be bought at the local church shop.

The prayer service at the monastery takes place daily, it starts at 6:15. On weekdays, services begin at 7 am, and on holidays and weekends, at 9 am. Evening services begin at 4:30 pm and on Sundays and holidays at 5 pm.

Guided tours are held daily from 8 am to 7 pm. The tour of Varnitsa attraction with a guide lasts about an hour. The cost for adults is 100 rubles, for children 50.

Here, at the monastery, there is a hotel for pilgrims with comfortable rooms where you can relax in peace. And in the refectory, at your request, you will be served delicious breakfast, lunch or dinner for 100, 250 rubles and 150 rubles, respectively.

In Rostov railway the train station and the bus station are in the same place. Buses run from there to Varnitz. There is only about 3 km. As you can see, everything is provided here for the convenience of the guests. So come, they are waiting for you here!

Coordinates for motorists: 57.20224, 39.37767.

You can see the location of the monastery on the map (press "+" to zoom in on the objects).

Our trip to the Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery took place on July 18, 2016. Other sights of the Yaroslavl region, where I managed to visit, are on this map.

Varnitsky Trinity-Sergius Monastery, courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

The name comes from the salt barns, located in the 15th-17th centuries near the monastery on the Ishna River. According to legend, the Varnitsky Monastery was founded on the site of the home of the Monks Cyril and Mary, the parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh. In the Life of St. Sergius, the name of the estate of his parents is absent, in the Extensive edition of the life it is said that it "Be in the limit of Rostov reign, not too bad near the city of Rostov"... In A. A. Titov's notes to "The Chronicler of the Rostov Bishops" by St. Demetrius of Rostov it is said that the Varnitsky monastery was founded on July 5 of the year by the Rostov bishop. Ephraim) in the place where the house of the father of St. Sergius, however, the source of this claim is unknown. E. E. Golubinsky believed the legend of the founding of the Varnitsky monastery in the homeland of St. Sergius was "completely new" and could not claim "special reliability." The legend is indirectly confirmed by the existence of a throne in the name of St. Sergius; In the collection of the Rostov Kremlin Museum, the Synodikon of the Varnitsky Monastery of the late 19th century is preserved, which lists the relatives of St. Sergius.

For the first time, the Varnitsky monastery is mentioned in the tarkhanna charter of the monastery of the year of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, which speaks of the existence of the monastery under the Grand Duke Vasily III Ioannovich (1505-1533). In the year the monastery was ravaged by Polish and Lithuanian detachments and bands of robbers; restored on the initiative of the Rostov Met. Jonah (Sysoevich), the patrol book of 1619 mentions "Priest Ovdokim of the Troetsky Monastery from Varnits", who participated in the patrol. In the census book of 1678, the monastery is named Troitsky Sergiev, in the scribal book of 1685, the buildings of the Varnitsky monastery are listed: the wooden Trinity Church, the tent-roofed church of St. Sergius of Radonezh, two gate churches - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saints Cosmas and Damian, a bell tower with a clock, a fence, abbot and brotherly cells, in addition to the abbot and treasurer, four monks lived in the monastery at that time. At the end of the 16th century, St. Stefan Rostovsky (+ after 1592), at the beginning of the 18th century - blzh. Stephen (+ after 1718), a relative of the Rostov bishop. Dositheus (Glebova), who predicted to the latter the bishop's service and execution.

In the year, by the decree of the Rostov Bishop Georgy (Dashkova), the monastery was converted into a female monastery, about 100 sisters of the abolished Rostov monastery in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin were transferred to it, seven former inhabitants of the Varnitsky monastery moved to the Rostov Transfiguration monastery. Wooden cells of nuns were transported from the Rozhdestvensky monastery to Varnitsky. In the year the abbess of the monastery is abbot. Christopher turned to the Rostov Archbishop. Joachim with a request to transfer the sisters back to the Nativity Monastery, since in the Varnitsky Monastery there was a shortage of everything, even in drinking water and firewood.

In the year the Varnitsky monastery again became a man's. By the year, 300 people were assigned to the monastery. peasants. In the year the Varnitsky Monastery was taken out of the state with the management of builders. The composition of the brethren (up to 10 people) was unstable, the abbots changed frequently (from the middle of the 18th century to the middle of the 19th century, about 35 abbots were replaced). Since March 18, 1819, the Ufa Bishop Augustin (Sakharov), whose homeland was with. Menagerie near the monastery. In the monastery of Bishop Augustine compiled the Complete Collection of Spiritual Laws (in 15 volumes) and other works; the bishop was buried at the southern wall of the Trinity Cathedral.

Until the middle of the 18th century, all the buildings of the Varnitsa Monastery were made of wood. On October 16, the Rostov Bishop Athanasius (Volkhovsky) consecrated the first stone church in the monastery - the one-domed Trinity Cathedral with side-chapels in the name of the Monks Sergius and Nikon of Radonezh (south) and the saints of Alexandria Athanasius and Cyril (north). From the west, a three-tiered bell tower was attached to the cathedral above the porch. In 1784-1785, a warm stone St. Nicholas Church was erected at the northern wall of the cathedral (the former wooden St. Nicholas Church "after the removal of the holy antimen from it" was sold "for baking bricks" in 1784). In the year opposite the western entrance to the cathedral, a two-story abbot's stone building was built (rebuilt in 1847), in 1828 - a one-story building of fraternal cells (rebuilt in 1897).

A fire on September 26 destroyed the roof and part of the iconostasis of St. Nicholas Church, all outbuildings. Soon, under the care of Bishop. Augustin (Sakharov) and the Rostov merchant M.M. Pleshanov, designed by the Yaroslavl architect P.Ya. Pankov, the construction of the stone Vvedensky temple was started. On May 27, the foundation of the church took place, on October 7 the main altar was consecrated, the next year the side-altars were consecrated: in the name of St. John the Theologian (sev.) And in the name of the prop. Elijah (south). The iconostasis was made by the Moscow carver M.M. Ermolaev, the icons were painted by the Yaroslavl master N. Antonov, later the Rostov artist N.D. Gladkov painted the walls of the temple. In a year, Pleshanov ordered 11 silver vestments for icons for the Vvedenskaya church; in a year he donated icons to St. Nicholas and St. Theodore the Studite. In the year, an unknown benefactor in the Trinity Cathedral of the monastery was transferred to the icon of St. Sergius with a particle of the relics of the monk, as well as particles of the relics of the Great Martyr. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, John and Nikita, St. Novgorodsky, Venerable Makariy Kalyazinsky

In 1848-1852 the monastery was surrounded by a stone fence with 4 towers, in 1867 a hierodiac over the holy gates in the southern wall. Mercury painted on a sheet of iron a picture "The Appearance of the Angel of God to the youth Bartholomew" with the inscription: "In this place the angel of the Lord appeared in the form of a monk to the youth Bartholomew, who was like Sergius, the miracle worker of Radonezh."

September 25, 1892, when the 500th anniversary of the repose of St. Sergius, the Uglich Bishop celebrated the festive liturgy in the monastery. Amphilochius (Sergievsky-Kazantsev), co-served by the clergy of 22 churches and 5 monasteries. In the same year, a hospice and an almshouse for the aged clergy of the Yaroslavl diocese, a school were built at the monastery. The monastery owned several chapels at the Moscow road and at the Rostov railway station.

At the expense of the merchants V.A.Malgin and I.A.Rulev, repair and restoration work was carried out in the monastery during the year. Thanks to donations from Rostov merchants, by the beginning of the 20th century, the capital of the monastery, which was kept in the state. bank, totaled more than 60 thousand rubles. Many benefactors of the monastery (merchants M.M. and D.M. Pleshanovs, V.A.Malygin and others) were buried in the monastery cemetery, at the altar of the Vvedenskaya church.

The monastery was visited by Saints Philaret (Drozdov) (1836), Innocent (Borisov) (1841), St. right. John of Kronstadt (1894). In 1907-1913, the monastery was visited three times by Archbishop Tikhon (Bellavin) of Yaroslavl, who contributed to the repair of the monastery churches. On January 12, 1914, on the day of the departure of the saint to the Vilna diocese, the inhabitants of the monastery presented the archbishop. Tikhon the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh. Since October 1, in connection with the First World War, the nuns of the Euphrosiniev Suzdal Monastery were in the monastery (on September 30, 1918 they were evacuated to Polotsk), the diocesan religious school was located.

On March 1, the Varnitsa Monastery was closed, and silver utensils (more than 5 poods) were removed from the churches. According to reports from local authorities, during the confiscation of church valuables in April in the Varnitsa monastery, "a crowd of 300 believers did not allow the seizure. The members of the commission acted by force." The last abbot of the monastery is hierom. George and his brethren remained to live in the monastery, but were assigned to the Varnitsa parish St. Nicholas Church.

On February 26, 80-year-old Archimandrite. George was forcibly evicted from the monastery along with other monks. The Trinity Cathedral with the bell tower was blown up, the cell building at the southern wall, the fence, destroyed the monastery cemetery. In the 1960s-90s, the rebuilt Vvedenskaya church housed a garage, an incubator for a poultry farm. Some of the icons and utensils that belonged to the monastery are currently kept in the state museum-reserve "Rostov Kremlin".

State of the art

In the year the Church received the parish churches of the Resurrection of the Word (1814) and Saints Paisius and Uar (1893) near the Varnitsky Monastery, they were repaired by the inhabitants of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, and are now assigned to the Varnitsky Monastery. In the year when the 600th anniversary of the repose of St. Sergius, on the site of the destroyed Trinity Cathedral in the Varnitsky Monastery, a wooden chapel was erected, and a canopy was built over the ancient holy well. The brothers had to find it very hard and clear it.

On February 13, the Varnitsa Monastery was transferred to the Church and, by the decree of the Holy Synod, was designated as a courtyard of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. On April 30, the abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Bishop Feognost (Guzikov), consecrated the restored Vvedenskaya church in the Varnitsky monastery. By July 2003, the monastery had built the Trinity Cathedral with a four-tier bell tower, a two-story refectory building, three walls with towers. On July 29, 2003, the laying of the gate church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. By July 2003, 12 inhabitants lived in the monastery.

In - years, a church was built over the northern gates of the monastery in the name of the Monks Cyril and Mary. The church has a spacious and warm baptismal chamber with a large font. Quite high, with one golden dome, this church very organically complemented the ensemble of monastic buildings. It is she, together with the dominant of the bell tower, that now forms the perception of the architectural complex of the monastery from the northern side - from the side of the main road to the monastery.

There is an Orthodox gymnasium at the monastery, where children from Rostov and nearby villages and villages study free of charge; Sunday school and library.

There is a hotel at the monastery, a hotel for pilgrims. There is a holy spring about a kilometer from the monastery walls.


  • Abraham, the builder (January 1614)
  • Nifont (Jan. 1624)
  • Jonah (1647)
  • Timothy (1654)
  • Jonah (mentioned September 1657 - mentioned October-December 1662)
  • Barlaam (1708)
  • ...
  • Christopher (? - 1731)
  • Ioanniki (1738)
  • Irinarkh (1744)
  • Isaiah (1746 - 1749)
  • Misail (1757)
  • Isaiah (January 1758)
  • Adrian (1759 - 1764)
  • Ignatius I (1764 - 1765)
  • Hilarion (1774 - 1776)
  • Melchizedek (1776 - 1778)
  • Porfiry (1778 - 1783)
  • Anatoly (1783 - 1786)
  • Demetrius (1786 - 1798)
  • Dorotheus (1798 - 1809)
  • Isaac I (1809 - 1810)
  • Dionysius (1810)
  • Dorotheus, 2 times (1810 - 1816)
  • Heraclius (1816 - 1817)
  • Ignatius II (1817 - 1818)
  • Paul (1818 - 1819)