Katya Iftodi and the Supreme Court. Ekaterina Odintsova: My children were familiar with Anna Duritskaya. Why Nemtsov hid his relationship from everyone

Former lovers of Boris Nemtsov continue to fight for the billion dollars left by him. And although some experts believe that the amount is overstated, and all of Nemtsov's savings and property can be estimated at a maximum of 200-300 million rubles, this does not cool the ardor of the applicants. The war is fought not only in court, but also on the Internet. Ekaterina Odintsova, who has two children recognized by him (Anton and Dina) from Nemtsov, shared footage from the family album on social networks.

“I have never posted such homemade photos before. For some reason, she was embarrassed and did not want to let strangers into the inner world of our family, - wrote Ekaterina. - But now, when some ladies, who seem to the whole family to be impostors, are slandering our good name (sic. - Ed.), I decided to show what a wonderful father Boris was and how he loved our children, how he spent with them time at home and on vacation. "

Is Anton not your own?

Odintsova exposes a photo of Boris with children in order to prick me, - admitted to "KP" Ekaterina Iftodi, who is suing for the rights of her two-year-old son Boris, born, according to her, from a politician.

According to Iftodi, Odintsova turned against her for saying that the politician gave Anton his last name only when the boy was nine years old. And before that, they say, I hadn't really seen the child. In response, the wounded Catherine began to publish a photo.

Borya told me that he doubted whether Odintsova gave birth to Anton from him, - says Ekaterina Iftodi. - She lived with her husband, and in parallel met with Nemtsov. Borya said that Odintsova's husband was dark-haired and curly. And I want to raise the question of who is Anton's real father in court. I have already collected a whole archive of interviews with Boris from different years. According to him, Odintsova gave birth to her second child by deception. And with the birth of the first, a completely dark story. After all, Anton promised at first to help me with a genetic examination so that I could prove that I gave birth to Borechka from Nemtsov. But Odintsova forbade Anton to donate biomaterial. Why? Maybe he's afraid that a DNA test will establish that Anton is not Nemtsov's son?

Of course, this version is more like an attempt to destroy the enemy morally. But it turned out that the method can become effective in the struggle for inheritance.

The question of who is the father of Anton Nemtsov, the child of Ekaterina Odintsova, is very relevant, - lawyer Georgy Tyurin stunned KP. - Boris turned to me for advice on personal matters, and I know the true relationship between him and Odintsova. Now Catherine says that everything was cloudless with him and Boris. But this is not the case. Catherine had a husband, and at the same time she secretly met with Nemtsov. And then she gave birth to a son. Therefore, Nemtsov did not immediately recognize Anton. But later I decided: the boy went to school, looks like it, I must, probably, admit. So I gave him my last name. However, it is possible to raise the question of challenging paternity through the court. There is a huge amount at stake ...


Opposition children

Zhanna Nemtsova, 1984. Daughter from marriage with Raisa Nemtsova.

Anton Nemtsov, 1995 Illegitimate son from Ekaterina Odintsova.

Dina Nemtsova, 2002 Illegitimate daughter from Ekaterina Odintsova.

Sofia Nemtsova, 2004. Daughter from common-law wife Irina Koroleva.

Prove kinship:

Boria Iftodi, 2014 From the beloved Ekaterina Iftodi.

Zlata V., 2007 Illegitimate daughter from Christina V.

Danila Lesnikov, 1998 From beloved Anna Lesnikova.


Iftodi was not allowed to pass the lie detector

Moscow's Zamoskvoretsky court refused to recognize the son of Ekaterina Iftodi Borya as the son of Nemtsov. The woman provided a joint photo with the politician, a video, their love correspondence, but she did not convince the ministers of Themis. Ekaterina also asked to appoint a genetic examination or to allow exhumation in order to obtain Nemtsov's biomaterial and conduct a paternity test. The court denied all claims. Iftodi offered to interrogate her with a lie detector - and also to no avail.

As reported to "KP" Ekaterina, she will appeal the decision of the district judge in the Moscow City Court.

Ekaterina Iftodi. She was born in 1982 in the Vologda region. Russian media person, mother of the illegitimate son of Boris Nemtsov.

Ekaterina Iftodi was born in 1982 in the Vologda region.

Has a younger brother.

Graduated from the Institute of Innovative Technologies, Faculty of Economics.

However, it initially worked as a model. According to her stories, she starred for magazines, as well as in video clips of domestic performers, quite famous -,.

But she considered the modeling business frivolous and wanted to build a more solid foundation for her future - so she decided to work in her specialty, obtained at the institute.

She worked at Gazprobank. She was even the face of the bank - she advertised banking services from billboards.

She said: "I worked in the cash management department. I was photographed in front of the label. Banners with my face are still hanging all over Russia. But hostile looks from my boss began, and I quit."

She became widely known in 2015, having declared herself the mother of the illegitimate child of a famous Russian politician.

The growth of Ekaterina Iftodi: 177 centimeters.

Personal life of Ekaterina Iftodi:

As Iftodi said, before meeting with Nemtsov, she had a civil marriage.

“I lived with a man for eight years, but there were no children, and I didn't want to get married,” she said.

Before meeting with Nemtsov, she lived in Moscow in a rather prestigious area.

In 2013, at Easter, she met Boris Nemtsov. On that day, she and her family in a restaurant celebrated the birthday of her younger brother. Nemtsov sat at adjacent tables with his colleague Yashin and a certain woman. At some point, Nemtsov approached their table, congratulated the birthday man, said a toast. They met and exchanged phone numbers. Then they began to call each other, and then meet.

According to Ekaterina, they met "very intensively" in his apartment on Ordynka. And two and a half months after they met, she realized that she was pregnant. If you believe Iftodi, Nemtsov was delighted with the pregnancy. But he asked not to publish this information - they say, it could interfere with his political career.

According to Catherine, he called her "Christ", gave gifts, in particular, a ring with a diamond in a carat. "Basically he gave me little things - linen, perfume. I remember how he always ran to meet me from the second floor of his penthouse:" Christ has arrived! "He called me" Christ "because we met on Easter," she recalled she.

On April 14, 2014, she gave birth to a son, whom she also named Boris. Nemtsov did not want to write down the boy in his last name, promising - according to Iftodi - to do it later.

She was not going to marry a politician: "I did not ask him unnecessary questions. I knew that this was not necessary. I never made plans to marry Borya. Knowing how he loves freedom, and how many women he had! Why? I knew that Boris would still give us time to the best of his ability. "

Allegedly on the anniversary of Boris Jr., i.e. On April 14, 2015, the politician was going to recognize his son. But he didn't have time.

And then Catherine herself announced to the public that she had given birth to a son from a famous politician.

"My son is also from Nemtsov": another love of Boris enters the fight for the inheritance. Live broadcast (14.04.2015)

For 2 years, she fought in the courts for the recognition of Boris Nemtsov as the father of her son.

Sometimes it was very shocking. Ekaterina Iftodi even took a shovel and, accompanied by the NTV television channel, went to the politician's grave - she demanded the exhumation of the remains and further DNA examination. For genetic examination, either the politician's clothes with blood stains, or a voluntary examination of relatives, or the exhumation of a corpse are needed.

Catherine became a frequent guest of various talk shows on central channels.

"Mirror for a Hero": Ekaterina Iftodi

Since the entire family of the Nemtsovs unanimously refused the voluntary examination, she had to go to court. In April 2016. The court session was held behind closed doors.

However, in the end, she managed to get a DNA paternity test.

Battle for millions: the court recognized the new heir to Boris Nemtsov. Let them talk

Now Boris will have a surname. Before the court decision, he was recorded as Boris Borisovich Iftodi.

The public learned about this woman only after the death of a famous politician. As it turned out, Boris Nemtsov had been living in a civil marriage with Ekaterina Iftodi, and even had a child with her.

They met in 2013, exactly on Easter, in one of the restaurants. The politician who became interested in the girl took her phone, soon called and asked her out on a date. So their romance began, which for a long time remained a mystery to everyone. By the way, due to the fact that their meeting took place on Easter, Boris came up with an unusual nickname for his beloved. As Catherine said, he called her Christ.

Nemtsov insisted that no one knew about their relationship. And Catherine kept a secret. Even when her child was born, her acquaintances did not know who the baby's father was. The son was named Boris. In March of this year, he turned one year old. It was by this time that the secret lover promised the woman to dot the i's and finally introduce her and her son to their loved ones.

Shortly before his tragic death Nemtsov, according to Iftodi, proposed to her by presenting an expensive diamond ring. However, he still asked to keep everything a secret, without telling anything to his relatives and his past wives (from the first of whom he never divorced), who, as you know, lived peacefully and even made friends with each other, celebrating the birthdays of the “father of the family” common company. When the secret was revealed - and this happened after the funeral of the politician - they together took up arms against Catherine, not allowing her into their "clan".

A month after the murder, Ekaterina Iftodi decided to reveal the truth about her relationship with Boris Nemtsov to correspondents. The woman herself is sure - a significant role in the death of her lover was played by Anna Duritskaya, the same one with whom Boris Efimovich spent his last days in Moscow. She, Iftodi believes, simply brought politics to death, perfectly aware of everything.

And the secret wife does not understand why the relatives of her deceased beloved are "poisoning" her, considering her a swindler and not wanting to recognize another family member - baby Boris, whose father is Nemtsov. She intends to pursue her rights and the rights of the child, whom she now has to raise alone. The woman has already filed documents in court, demanding a DNA test to establish paternity.

Nemtsov never forced his beloved women to have an abortion

It can be seen with the naked eye that, more acutely than others, the death of NEMTSOV is experienced by individual representatives of the weaker sex. Why be surprised? The charismatic tanned athlete could easily breed almost any woman for sex. In Boris's life, there were much more of them than all famous Russian politicians put together. Moreover, he did not offend any of his former passions, did not deprive them. And the ladies do not consider themselves loyal at all.

Legal wife Raisa with daughter Zhanna. Photo: nemtsov.ru

Boris formulated his formula of happiness in the book “Confessions of a Rebel. Politics without blasphemy. "
“There are fewer men in Russia than women,” Nemtsov reasoned. - Of these, ten percent are alcoholics, ten are sex minorities and 30 are impotent. Conclusion: "For women to feel more or less comfortable, one normal man should date two or three women." And for this, a law on polygamy should be passed.
He considered other approaches to be hypocrisy and hypocrisy. That is why he did not marry the future actress Natalia Lapina ("Maid of Rouen, nicknamed Pyshka", "Island of the lost ships"). They met on a tennis court - Boris served as a modest research assistant, and Natasha was only 18 years old. We met in Nemtsov's "odnushka" where he lived with his mother, and when his mother was at home, they made love in doorways and on benches in dark alleys. Then they parted ways.
- If we got married, it would be terrible! - said Lapina in an interview with Express Gazeta in 2002. - Borya is a charming man, but a playboy.

Irina KOROLYOVA and daughter Sonya. Photo: nemtsov.ru

Sociable boy

The last time Boris experienced problems with the fair sex, perhaps, at school. He was hopelessly in love with a girl who did not reciprocate. To get her attention, he even punctured the wheels of her father's car!
And in adulthood, he constantly had to fight off sexual harassment. For example from Bozena Rynska.
- She's a fucking bitch! - Nemtsov once spoke emotionally on the phone to the liberal journalist Sergei Parkhomenko. - Due to the fact that I am not you ... used to her in due time, I was screwed up in her newspaper Izvestia for a whole year. And not at all on the topic ... Let's organize a club "Who are not you ... Bozena Rynska!"

When the conversation hit the Internet, the politician had to apologize.
But his wife Raisa, it seems, never demanded an apology from him. Boris Efimovich met a young foreign language graduate in the canteen of the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin. She was reading a thick magazine while standing in line with a tray.
- He was a smart boy, sociable, very noisy, - recalled the official wife, the mother of his daughter Jeanne. - I didn't make any plans. We had too different characters, and it seemed to me that he needed a completely different girl.
Raisa Akhmetovna was wrong. Boris Efimovich needed not one, but many girls.
During his time as governor, Nemtsov was credited with an affair with the star of the then NTV, Irina Zaitseva. He became the hero of her super popular show "Without a tie", after which there was a fleeting but passionate romance.

Following Ira, the TV star Arina Sharapova hit the Don Juan network (by the way, she is now, after 15 years, wow!), With whom Boris even appeared at official events.
Of the famous women, Khakamada should, of course, be noted. Partaigenosse from the Union of Right Forces recall that in the Swiss Davos-93 he allegedly lived with Irina Mutsuovna in the same hotel room.
But most of all the rustle in the corridors of power was caused by rumors about Boris's connection with Yeltsin's all-powerful daughter, Tatyana Dyachenko. In the spring of 1997, Tatyana Borisovna secretly came to him in Nizhny. The meeting took place in a luxury suite in a private hotel. What they did there, one devil knows. But it was after that meeting that Nemtsov became a politician at the federal level.

The average size

There were also fleeting meetings with ordinary simpletons in the biography of our handsome man, whose names he could not remember after a month. In 1998, Express Gazeta published a frank interview with one of these lucky women - Maria Belova from Nizhny Novgorod. Girl with two higher education was a good acquaintance of a well-known journalist from Nizhny, to whom she told under the record a lot of juicy details of her acquaintance with the ex-governor of her hometown.
Their paths crossed in the sauna of the sports complex, where Masha was with her friend from the regional administration. Boris Efimovich was accompanied by his assistant Pavel Chichagov and a number of other officials. A few days after they met, they went to Moscow in a large company, staying at the Ukraine Hotel.

The room had two separate beds, - said Maria. “Go to bed separately,” says Nemtsov, “I have to get up early tomorrow.” The light went out. And then he: "You give me your hand, do not be afraid!" It was then that his energy suddenly passed on to me! The kisses began. He turned on the lamp under the shade. We stood opposite each other. My face was just above his nipple. “You can kiss my chest,” he said half-jokingly. I kissed ...

Then Masha described their closeness in detail. There were only two "shots", as she put it, and the intimate parameters of the partner did not boggle the imagination - "the size is average." But Boris turned out to be a tireless and resourceful partner, which the girl had never had before. And most importantly, he knew how to “ride on the ears”: he literally conquered her with his wit. Masha really fell in love and then recalled this wonderful night with gratitude for a long time.

Random kids

After moving to Moscow, Nemtsov was repeatedly spotted in strip clubs. The magazine "People", funded by "Menatep", in 1998 broke out with a photo report in the private rest house "Luzhki" and threats to publish a video of an orgy with the participation of elite prostitutes and the deputy prime minister. They tried to buy the scandalous film from the editor-in-chief Boris Utekhin, who stubbornly resisted, and as a result he was dismissed. Nobody saw "Pornofilm".
And soon the journalists found out that two secretaries of Nemtsov - Natalya Samoilenko and Olga Peklo - were selected for him at a special casting to provide, you know, what services. All this did not prevent (recall, he was officially married!) Boris to communicate closely with TV presenter and businesswoman Ekaterina Odintsova.
For a long time they met in secret, but after the birth of two children with an interval of seven years - Anton's son and Dina's daughter - the truth came out.

- To give birth was Katerina's decision, planned in an incredibly cunning way. She did not consult with me, - Boris Nemtsov told Express newspaper in 2013. - I just put it before the fact, they say, is pregnant. Whether you want it or not, whether it is appropriate now or not, does not matter. I knew very well that my mother raised me, and I would not dare to send a woman with whom I have a relationship for an abortion. Actually, all my four children were unplanned. For love, but spontaneously.
These words deeply touched Odintsova.
- Maybe Boris Efimovich did not expect that after a night of love children will be born? - she said sarcastically in an interview with our correspondent in August 2014. - I loved him so much that I could not part with him, even realizing the futility of the relationship. When I realized that I was expecting a second child, the doctors announced the threat of miscarriage. I had to go to the hospital, and I honestly told him: "I was prescribed hormones, I can change, get better." “I won't leave you, everything will be fine,” Boris replied. He avoided talking about his wife Raisa, but he himself understood that, giving birth to a second child, we must decide. I turned 30. Boris honestly said: "A divorce from my first wife is not included in my plans."
Nemtsov did not return to his wife, but a full-fledged family did not happen to Katya either.

Imp in the rib

Having crossed the 50-year-old milestone, Don Juan, who had turned a little gray, suddenly switched to young ones. Sometimes these connections surfaced.
In several newspapers, for example, a report appeared about his vacation in Dubai with the red-haired beauty Anastasia Ogneva. They wrote that this is a girl of easy virtue. In response, the angry playboy said on social networks that he had been dating Nastya for about three years, she was a decent girl, and would beat the slanderers in the face. The journalists suggested that the policy should study the photographs on escort service websites. The incident resolved itself.
Another high-profile affair with Boris Efimovich happened with his secretary Irina Koroleva, who gave birth to his daughter Sonya. He insisted that Ira leave her job and take care of the child's upbringing. And it seems that they began to live in a civil marriage. However, our loving oppositionist again went to the left.
- IN recent times began to look at their wrists, - Nemtsov admitted to the Express newspaper a year and a half ago. - I think this is a very feminine part of the body. And before, like everyone else, he looked at his lips. Lips are sexuality, kindness or anger, sincerity or deceit. But now the main thing for me is femininity, masculine individuals do not attract me.
Anna Duritskaya, a Kiev lady of the half-world, possessed this quality completely.

Caucasian trace

A failed model gave him in Turkey three years ago. Boris nicknamed her Bounty, and this nickname stuck. They met about once a month, and Nemtsov, apparently, treated this connection as another adventure. What to talk about, if recently, as it turned out, he met in parallel with 31-year-old Zamira Duguzheva, a native of Karachay-Cherkessia, whom he met at an opposition rally. Zamira and her girlfriend just walked by and tried to photograph the oppositionist, which attracted his attention. And he took them both off in a different sense of the word.
On October 8, Zamira (Boris called her "Caucasian kitty") celebrated her birthday in Nemtsov's apartment on Malaya Ordynka. She told reporters that on that day she accidentally saw an SMS from Anna Duritskaya, in which she affectionately addressed Boris, calling him “darling”. The indignant Duguzheva demanded an explanation.

- Don't worry, I have nothing serious with her, - assured Boris Efimovich.
Apparently, he spoke quite sincerely, since he persuaded Anya to have an abortion. From women who meant something in his life, he preferred to receive heirs. By the way, Ani's mother, who did not approve of her daughter's relationship with a man who is twice her age, unsuccessfully tried to persuade Duritskaya to keep the child.
And last week, information spread that Anna was sleeping with the commander of the Dnipro-1 battalion, Ukrainian deputy Yuriy Bereza.
“I can't help but envy the deceased,” wrote a well-known blogger. - Such a beautiful death, on the bridge near the Kremlin, under a light wonderful snow, next to a young Kiev woman. The one who prepared this murder treated Nemtsov well, killed him lovingly. Only did not put a pillow ... "

After the tragic death of the oppositionist, the scandals associated with his name do not subside. The so-called "secret wives" of Nemtsov came to the fore. The name of one of them, Ekaterina Iftodi, became known to everyone, even not interested in the gossip.

The biography of Ekaterina Iftodi is foggy. It is known that the young woman moved to Moscow from the Vologda region. The woman has a rather rare surname for Russia, which has Romanian roots. Most of the people bearing the surname Iftodi live in Moldova, therefore Catherine's ancestors are most likely Moldovans by nationality.

Little is known about Catherine's life before meeting Boris Nemtsov. According to unofficial information, the girl worked as a dancer for some time. Then she continued her career at Gazprombank, where, according to some sources, she was a cashier, according to others, the face of Gazprombank's advertising (Ekaterina's photo adorns the bank's advertisement). In profile in Facebook Ekaterina indicated that she studied at the Enotria wine school.

Personal life

With Boris Nemtsov, 32-year-old Ekaterina Iftodi met at Easter 2013 in a restaurant. The politician asked for a phone number from the girl he liked. A relationship began. Boris Efimovich was pursued by the glory of a playboy. He had a weakness for beautiful women, and the weaker sex reciprocated the policy.

In the first marriage with Raisa Nemtsova, Nemtsov's eldest daughter, Zhanna, was born. Journalist and TV presenter Ekaterina Odintsova gave birth to the politician's son Anton and daughter Dina. Businesswoman Irina Koroleva gave Boris a daughter, Sophia.

Catherine knew that the politician was not free, but, having fallen in love, she did not claim official status. Being a mistress suited the young provincial. Nemtsov called his girlfriend Christ in memory of the day they met. As Iftodi said, she came to Boris Efimovich at the first call, tried to create a cozy atmosphere, to pamper the politician with delicious. Nobody knew about the relationship, not even relatives. According to her, Boris Nemtsov accepted the news of Iftodi's pregnancy with joy.

On April 7, 2014, Catherine gave birth to a son, Boris. As Ekaterina says, Boris Efimovich did not see the child, but he was often interested in him in telephone conversations. In the birth certificate, little Boris bears the name of his mother. According to Ekaterina, the politician promised to recognize the boy documentarily after the child was one year old. Nemtsov stated that he was free and did not intend to hide his paternity. Shortly before his death, according to Catherine, Boris Nemtsov presented a ring with a diamond and offered to become a wife.

But Nemtsov did not have time to recognize the boy: late in the evening of 2015 on the Moskvoretsky Bridge in Moscow, the politician point-blank. During the investigation into the murder of Boris Nemtsov, Zaur Dadaev, Anzor Gubashev, Temirlan Eskerkhanov, Shadid Dadaev, Khamzat Bakhaev were arrested. On June 29, 2017, the Moscow District Court found the suspects guilty and issued a verdict on July 13, 2017.

The relatives of Boris Nemtsov first saw Yekaterina Iftodi at the politician's funeral. The loved ones of the deceased were shocked by the photo session at the coffin, published by Catherine on Instagram and scattered across the Web. A month after the funeral, the woman gave her first interview in the press and spoke about her relationship with the deceased oppositionist. This was followed by a trial. Ekaterina Iftodi filed a lawsuit to recognize Boris Nemtsov as the father of Boris Iftodi.

Nemtsov's mother, Dina Yakovlevna, refuses to recognize Boris's children, whom she does not know about. The politician's relatives behave in the same way: brother Dmitry, sister and children of Nemtsov. Catherine knocked on all doors and tried in every possible way to attract attention to herself: she participated in scandalous talk shows, gave provocative interviews.

“I wrote letters that there is a baby, and you need to be merciful and with a Christian impulse to relate to life. But I did not receive not only a letter, but even a comma. Nobody has ever commented on anything, ”the woman said.

On the air of the program "Mirror for a Hero" on NTV, the mistress shocked Nemtsov's relatives with accusations of involvement in the death of the politician and demanded the exhumation of the body. Catherine does not understand why the Nemtsov clan took up arms against her.

Ekaterina Iftodi now

Having lost in the courts of first and second instance, Ekaterina Iftodi reached the Supreme Court. In an interview, the plaintiff stated:

“Hands did not drop, and we reached the Supreme Court. It was extremely difficult, hyper-impossible, there were a lot of tears, suffering, experiences, ”she admitted.

The defendants in the civil case were Nemtsov's children - Zhanna, Anton and Diana, Nemtsov's actual wives - Irina Koroleva and Ekaterina Odintsova. A DNA examination was required to establish paternity. A blood sample of Boris Nemtsov was taken in evidence in the case of his murder. showed: Boris Efimovich Nemtsov is the father of Boris Iftodi. By latest news, The Supreme Court upheld the claim of Ekaterina Iftodi, demanding to recognize Boris Nemtsov as the father of her child.

There are no other details: the meeting was closed, since the interests of the minor were pursued. According to Iftodi, justice was done. From now on, Nemtsov's mistress will not be called a swindler. According to the media, the process of establishing paternity is associated with claims to the inheritance of Boris Nemtsov. Nemtsov's common-law wife Irina Koroleva and four children are claiming the inheritance. They were joined by Iftodi and Anna Lesnikova (the mother of another politician's illegitimate child).

According to preliminary estimates of experts, Boris Nemtsov's fortune is at least 300 million rubles. The murdered politician had three apartments in Moscow and Yaroslavl, securities of large companies - Norilsk Nickel, Sberbank, VTB and others. Some suggest that his fortune totals about a billion rubles. Much, according to rumors, the heirs may not be counted. As gossip in the press, Irina Koroleva is selling Nemtsov's real estate. An elite duplex apartment in Moscow with a view of the Kremlin is currently on sale.