Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. Occupation career. How a prosecutor from Mordovia seized Crimea and Donbass

The prosecutor's "vacationer" began his military career in Ukraine during the seizure of Crimea, and then he was noted in the Donbass, where he later received one of the highest positions of the quasi-republic - "Attorney General of the DPR".

The Kremlin sends generals and political advisers to the aid of the L / DPR leaders Alexander Zakharchenko and Igor Plotnitsky. TSN.uа together with the counterintelligence service of the SBU collects data on the citizens of Russia who take part in the creation of quasi-republics.

One of these "advisers" is the so-called former DPR Prosecutor General, 47-year-old Ravil Khalikov, originally from Mordovia.

Mordovian prosecutor with a military background

Ravil Zakarievich Khalikov was born on February 23, 1969 in the village of Belozerie, Romodanovskiy district of Mordovia.

In 1987 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Law College with a degree in Jurisprudence in the Social Security System. After a break in the army, Ravil returned to his studies, enrolling in faculty of Law Mordovia University. N.P. Ogareva.

After graduating in 1994, he got a job in the prosecutor's office of Mordovia. He held the position of senior investigator of the department for particularly important cases. Since June 1997 - Prosecutor of the Moscow Transport Prosecutor's Office.

2000 went to serve on a contract as the commander of a paratrooper platoon.

From December 2001 until the last moment he headed the department for the protection of property rights of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow.

In 2002 Ravil Khalikov graduated Russian Academy public service under the president Russian Federation specializing in finance, credit and taxes. In 2004 he underwent professional retraining under the program "Public Administration and National Security".

In 2006 he became a candidate of economic sciences, and in 2012 - a professor.

Has a military rank - major. In 1995 he took part in hostilities in Afghanistan, as well as in Chechnya, where he headed the investigative and prosecutorial group of the Caucasian regional prosecutor's office. He also got into the second Chechen war in 2000. He was awarded the Order of Courage and 16 medals.

Khalikov is the vice-president of the All-Russian Taekwondo Federation, has a black belt, 1 dan. Fluent in Tatar, knows a little German. He is the Deputy Head of the Interregional Public Organization "Mordovskoe Zemlyachestvo" in Moscow. Member of United Russia.

Married. There is a son and three daughters, the youngest is eight years old. There are also two older brothers. Odin - Deputy Head of the Russian economic university named after Plekhanov, another manages his own farm.

Since 2000, Khalikov has been actively traveling. His most popular tourist destination was Turkey, he was also in Croatia, Greece, Tunisia and Cyprus.

Before working for the Donbass terrorists, Khalikov permanently resided in Moscow.

Crimean campaign

In March 2014, Khalikov took part in the annexation of Crimea. During the capture of the peninsula, he was assigned to command a reconnaissance platoon.

This is how his brother Fyarit told reporters: “Before his appointment as Prosecutor General of the DPR, my brother worked at the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow. When the events in Ukraine began to take place, he took a vacation at his own expense and flew to Crimea. There he supported the“ militia ”.

For his "merits" Khalikov received two medals. The Russian government awarded him a medal "for the protection of Crimea", and the RF Ministry of Defense - "for the return of Crimea."

Chief "prosecutor" and security officer of the "DPR" terrorists

Khalikov's "vacation" in Crimea is not over. In early May, he was sent to Donetsk, which had already been captured by terrorists. Here, in the same rank of the commander of the intelligence platoon, he "supported the fraternal people of the southeast of Ukraine."

In particular, he received an award for several military operations, including on the territory of Donetsk airport.

It is obvious that Khalikov showed himself well both during the annexation of Crimea and during the terrorist activities in Donbass, therefore, at the end of May 2014, despite his prosecutorial experience, he was assigned one of the highest positions in the quasi-republic - the "Prosecutor General of the DPR" And also awarded the rank - the actual state counselor of justice.

Among his first steps in the new post was the opening of a "case" against the owner of the SCM company Rinat Akhmetov about "tax evasion" and "an attempt to overthrow the government."

In June, the chief "prosecutor" of the terrorists said in an interview with the Russia 24 TV channel that many "militias" and civilians had been killed in the eastern regions, and that Ukrainian aviation carried out bombing raids and snipers shot civilians.

He also gave extensive interviews to other Russian and separatist publications on several occasions, such as Russian Spring, Free Press and the like. In them, he assured that the "DPR" would live by the laws, and also expressed confidence that "America will fight to the last Ukrainian."

According to his brother, Khalikov was called a "warring prosecutor" in the Donbas because, in addition to his official duties, he participates in military operations.

Khalikov received a lot of money for his work. In accordance with the "price list" that fell into the hands of the SBU counterintelligence service, his official salary was $ 3,000. For comparison, his deputies received $ 2.5 thousand, and ordinary prosecutors received $ 550.

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine has opened a case against the newly-made "Prosecutor General" for the creation of a terrorist organization.

“It was established that in May of this year (2014 - ed.) This radical citizen, who took part in the terrorist organization“ DPR ”, opposed the activities of state authorities and local self-government. For example, with the aim of violently overthrowing the constitutional order, seizing state power he was appointed Prosecutor General of the "DPR", - said in the press service of the GPU.

However, the criminal case did not stop Khalikov. Within a few months, he received a promotion - he was appointed "Deputy Prime Minister" for power issues of the "DPR". In this post, he replaced Vladimir Antyufeev, who before the Donbass experience distinguished himself in Transnistria, where he was "the Minister of State Security."


After serving his term in the Donbass, Khalikov returned to Moscow, where, according to local media reports, in early September he was appointed assistant to the head of the Main Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee (Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee).

"Khalikov is responsible for the observance of discipline. He monitors the state of staff coming to the service, how they store material evidence, documents, etc. It is known that there are about ten people in his team. In this composition, they conduct checks several times a week," write the media with reference to the news telegram channel Mash.

True, no official confirmation of this information has been published.

Ravil Zakarievich Khalikov was born on February 23, 1969 in the Romodanovsky region of the Mordovian ASSR. In 1987 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Law College and went toto fulfill international duty to Afghanistan (Airborne Forces).
After the army he entered the law faculty of the Mordovian State University. N.P. Ogareva. In his final years, he was offered a job in the prosecutor's office of the republic. Khalikov worked as a senior investigator of the department for particularly important cases.
1st Chechen headed the investigative and prosecutorial group of the Caucasian regional prosecutor's office in Chechnya. Since June 1997 - prosecutor of the Moscow Transport Prosecutor's Office. During the 2nd Chechen War, he went to serve under a contract as the commander of an airborne platoon. For participation in the establishment of constitutional order in the North Caucasus, he has state awards: the Order of Courage and 16 medals.
Since December 2001, he headed one of the departments of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow. Graduated from the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation, underwent professional retraining under the program "Public Administration and National Security". In 2006 he became a candidate of economic sciences, in 2012 - a professor. He taught at Moscow universities. Has the title of "Honorary Worker of the Highest vocational education Russian Federation ". Vice-President of the All-Russian Federation of Taekwon-Do; has a black belt. One of the founders (February 2011) anddeputy Chairman of the Council of the public organization "Mordovskoe zemlichstvo" in Moscow and the Moscow region.
After the well-known events of the beginning of 2014, Ravil Khalikov took a vacation at his own expense and flew to Crimea. He became the commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the People's Militia of Crimea. He was awarded the RF Government Medal "For the Protection of Crimea" and the Medal of the RF Ministry of Defense "For the Return of Crimea".
In early May 2014, he volunteered for Donetsk and was appointed commander of a reconnaissance company. After a number of successful military operations, he was presented for the award. At the end of May, the leaders of the DPR offered Ravil Khalikov to head the Republic's General Prosecutor's Office. He agreed, and on May 23, his candidacy was approved by a resolution of the People's Council of the DPR, and on May 26 he was awarded an extraordinary class rank - a full state counselor of justice.
At the post of Prosecutor General, he was noted, in particular, by the fact that he initiated criminal cases against the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. Later sanimal the post of first deputy prime minister for work with law enforcement agencies.
A certain "Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine" opened a criminal case against Khalikov "on the fact of his creation of a terrorist organization." Ravil Khalikov was one of the first to be included in the database of the "Peacemaker" terrorist site. Around the same time, a network campaign against Khalikov was conducted by the Kurginyanites and the colonelcassad.

Help "VS"
Khalikov Ravil Zakarievichwas born on February 23, 1969 in the village of Belozerye, Romodanovsky District, MASSR. In 1987 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Law College with a degree in Jurisprudence in the Social Security System.
After serving in the army, he entered the law faculty of the Mordovian University. N.P. Ogareva. After graduating in 1994, he began his career in the Prosecutor's Office of Mordovia - he held the position of senior investigator of the department for especially important cases. Since June 1997 - Prosecutor of the Moscow Transport Prosecutor's Office. In 2000, he went to serve on a contract basis as the commander of a paratrooper platoon. From December 2001 until the last moment he headed the department for the protection of property rights of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow. In 2002, Ravil Khalikov graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, and in 2004 he underwent professional retraining under the program "Public Administration and National Security". In 2006 he became a candidate of economic sciences, and in 2012 - a professor. Has the title "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation". He was engaged in teaching activities. He was the head of the department "Theory and methodology of vocational education" in State Academy professional retraining and advanced training of executives and investment professionals and High school economy. He was awarded the Order of Courage and 16 medals. He is also vice-president of the All-Russian Taekwondo Federation, has a black belt, 1 dan.

Our fellow countryman, a native of Belozerye, Romodanovsky district, 48-year-old Ravil Khalikov, was awarded the title of Hero of the DPR for outstanding services, and he was also awarded one of the highest state awards of the Donetsk People's Republic - the Order of the Republic. On October 11, the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko personally presented the award to Khalikov.

"The award came as a surprise to Ravil"
In May 2014, a native of Mordovia was appointed to the post of the DPR Prosecutor General. And since September 2014 - to the post of First Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR with the title of General of the Army. He was in charge of the entire power block of the Donetsk Republic. In July this year, Ravil Khalikov resigned from his high post in the people's republic and returned to Moscow. According to the "VS", he is currently accepted for a significant position in one of the power structures.
“The award came as a surprise to Ravil,” says his brother Farit. - In October, he went on a business trip to Donetsk and suddenly learned that Zakharchenko had decided to award him with the Order of the Donetsk People's Republic and confer the title of hero. It's nice that the DPR remembers and appreciates what Ravil did for the republic. "
“I used to work in the investigative department to investigate especially important cases in the republican prosecutor’s office,” Ravil Khalikov said three years ago in an interview with the “VS” journalist. - He worked on the investigation of a high-profile case of illegal registration of cars in the Zubovo-Polyansky district, various murders, including with the participation of local criminal groups. Then I worked under the leadership of Matvey Kazakov. Now, as you know, he works as a deputy prosecutor in the Chamzinsky district. I already called him, invited him to work in Donetsk. At first he agreed, but then he called back after a week and a half and said that he probably could not. Since I was appointed Prosecutor General in Donetsk, I resigned from my last job - the post of head of the department for the protection of property rights of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow.
... I am a paratrooper major and I own all types of weapons, but the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine was the most difficult. Previously, neither planes nor helicopters bombed us during hostilities. At first, the militias had practically no weapons, except machine guns. And the enemy is armed to the teeth - planes, helicopters, tanks, "grads", etc. Then the situation with our weapons became a little better. The militia acquired heavy weapons - tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, albeit in small numbers. All equipment is mostly captured, captured in battles. Then MANPADS appeared, however, they shoot every other time, and Mukha grenade launchers generally shoot one or two out of five. We still have weapons - from some ancient warehouses, he has already expired all the terms. Nevertheless, we shoot down planes with such weapons ... ”.

Mordovian community sent humanitarian aid to Syria
Ravil Khalikov's brother Farit told "VS" that in early October, together with his other brother Fail, he traveled to Syria on a humanitarian mission. “This is the second humanitarian trip to the Syrian Republic for my brother and me. The first time we raised money for humanitarian aid from the Mordovian community in Moscow in July. The initiator of the delivery of aid to Syria was our fellow countryman Viktor Grishin, the rector of the Russian University of Economics. Plekhanov. Then the delegation was headed by a member of the Mordovian community Hero Soviet Union pilot Nikolai Antoshkin.
In October, my brother Fail and I delivered humanitarian aid to Syria for the second time.
We had to load humanitarian aid on the plane, which is more than 20 tons of flour, rice, washing powder. The road to Syria turned out to be a long one, at first we took off on a military plane from the Chkalovsky airfield near Moscow, then flew to Mozdok and only the next day flew to Syria. We flew for about 5-6 hours. By the way, in Syria we met with brother Ravil, where he was on a business trip.
In Damascus, soldiers were already helping to unload aid. The Reconciliation Center has decided where to send humanitarian aid. She entered the provinces of Latakia and Damascus. Where government troops are stationed, I was struck by the sheer number of posters of Bashar al-Assad and his father. They are almost at every turn.
Help was distributed over several days. Local residents thanked for the help, some of them speak Russian quite well, at one time they studied in the Soviet Union. The Syrians have always treated the Russians well. Of course, we were not in those places where they shoot, but the situation where humanitarian aid was distributed is clearly improving. People are optimistic about the future. Everyone hopes that the war will end soon.

It is felt that the war is drawing to a close, however, will there be peace after it on Syrian soil? big question... Now the government has managed to negotiate a reconciliation with some opposition leaders - de-escalation zones have been created in a number of provinces. While there is a truce with them, no one is shooting, but what will happen next is unknown. Whether Bashar al-Assad will remain in power after the end of the war is also a question. "

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First Deputy Prime Minister of the DPR on abandoned Russian patriots, national unity, new laws of the republic, US nuclear provocation

(see further below)

Anastasia Mikhailovskaya: - Hello. Today the guest of the Open Studio is Ravil Khalikov, First Deputy Prime Minister of the Donetsk People's Republic. I, Anastasia Mikhailovskaya, will talk to him.

Ravil, how did you end up in Crimea, what brought you there, or did someone send you there?

Ravil Khalikov: - Nobody sent me to Crimea. When the events in Ukraine began, and then Crimea announced its claims to the Ukrainian government, naturally, every normal, sane person wanted to be in Crimea and participate in these events. We believe that this territory of Russia due to a misunderstanding turned out to be Ukrainian at one time. And, naturally, the only message for normal Russian patriots was one, to go and help the Crimeans. So I took a vacation and went to Crimea. I had some experience. In 2000, I retired from the Narofominsk paratrooper regiment. There was Chechnya in 2000, before that, in 1995, there was the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, the Tajik-Afghan border, and the first war I visited was in Afghanistan. There I was on urgent service.

AM: - Tell us about Crimea.

R.Kh .: - Having arrived in Crimea, he was appointed commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the 1st consolidated regiment of the Crimean people's militia. We fulfilled the task that was assigned to us. Crimea is indicative in terms of the rise of national self-awareness. He was picked up worthy people, became the leaders of this movement, having organized it correctly. To say the operation is not an operation, because no one expected that such a situation could arise in Crimea. It was clear that Crimea is mainly Russian-speaking, and the attitude towards Russia was special. Everyone understood that they were part of Russia.

AM: - How do you view the analogy with Novorossiya? Are there worthy leaders there? We see the rise of the masses.

R.Kh .: - With Novorossiya, the situation is actually the same. Naturally, the rise of the masses there was also wide. Naturally, leaders appeared: Strelkov, Bezler, Khodakovsky, Zakharchenko. Zakharchenko was the youngest among them and, perhaps, did not really stand out against their background at the beginning, but history ordered it so that it was he who was supported. But here, it seems to me, the situation was such that those leaders who could theoretically lead the republic were less willing. They are different. If you take Khodakovsky, he is an intellectual, a man of honor, he comes from Donetsk, at that time he enjoyed tremendous authority. He is a patriot of Ukraine, he started the fight against fascism, which came to Ukraine. Zakharchenko is the same.

AM: - How do you feel about the Minsk truce?

R.Kh .: - A double feeling in reality. To be frank, for me it would not have been better this way, because everything that happened after the Minsk agreements has not led to anything good until today. The ceasefire regime remained on paper. The agreements that were in Minsk are not being respected by the Ukrainian authorities. The moments of a relative truce, the Ukrainian troops took full advantage of to deal with redeployment, rearmament, etc. I personally believe that for us, in general, there is very little benefit in fact today. Another point is that the idea itself is correct. And the idea itself is correct in the sense that, of course, it is necessary to stop hostilities, to minimize losses. We, in general, began to defend ourselves only when the Ukrainian troops attacked us. We did not go to the territory of Ukraine. We did not bomb cities, villages. On the other side, people, in general, did not suffer, and to this day do not suffer from the conduct of hostilities, except for those servicemen who participate in the ATO. Naturally, we were forced to defend our land. The people of Donbass rebelled precisely against the occupation of their territories. It was not possible to part with Ukraine peacefully. Moreover, at first the people simply demanded federalization. And there, when the people were not heard and troops were sent to them, they began to actually destroy their own people, what else was there to do? And here, if we continue the topic, in general, the people of Donbass are suffering. It is difficult, of course, to think in fascist categories, to try to get into the head of a fascist, what motives he is guided by when bombing the people. Very hard. And this has already, I think, gone beyond the framework of Ukrainian fascism, it is already the whole world fascism has begun to pull there. In practice, the war in Donbass is now being waged against world fascism. Unfortunately, global community doesn't understand it yet. But very soon they will understand when these people, who are now engaged in lawlessness in Donbass, killing civilians, etc., will return to themselves. Then they will understand when these borders will expand towards Europe. The influence of fascism, we remember how it began with the German fascists: here is no different.

AM: - What are your predictions?

R.Kh .: - The forecasts are the same - all the same, we will definitely defeat them, there is no other way.

A.M .: - Ie. we are on the border with Russia. And if we give up our positions, will they go further to Rostov, Rostov Oblast and Russia, or will they stop at the border? How do you think?

R.Kh .: - There may be enough brains there to go to Russia. And, most likely, this is the ultimate goal to destabilize the situation in Russia. The Americans will fight to the last Ukrainian. Therefore, they do not care what is there, who dies there. The more the Ukrainian people die, on the one hand, on the other, this is all for the benefit of America. There will be fewer people to feed.

AM: - Why don't the DPR and LPR unite? If you unite in a common fist, it will be more powerful force.

R.Kh .: - There were attempts. But, apparently, there are some peculiarities in the LPR and DPR. While there, we saw it. I may be wrong, a little different mentality, maybe. Maybe it started a little differently in the LPR and DPR, events unfolded a little differently.

AM: - Is the humanitarian situation in both republics equally difficult now?

R.Kh .: - I think so. In Lugansk, unfortunately, later state authorities began to form. In Donetsk, elections were already held in May, and after them, on the 23rd of May, I was appointed Prosecutor General of the Donetsk People's Republic. This is one of the first state bodies, if I may say so, the authorities, which was created. After that, some ministries began to work, etc. In general, the structure of state power, state administration began to be built.

AM: - Did you carry out any new martial law bills?

R.Kh .: - Of course. Using, for example, the legal legislation of the initiative, I submitted more than 12 bills to the Supreme Council of the Donetsk People's Republic, which were adopted. The first thing we started with was the law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Donetsk People's Republic". Then they prepared the Criminal Code of the Donetsk People's Republic ... Today, all government bodies are working.

AM: - Despite the fact that the war is going on, do you act according to the Civil Code?

R.Kh .: - Yes. To get carried away with the application of the laws of wartime, I think, is not right. In general, it is necessary to minimize the participation of military institutions in the management of the state. It's just that the withdrawal of military units from the territory of settlements, including Donetsk. Then, too, a proposal came from us, and it was supported by Oleksandr Vladimirovich Zakharchenko that those settlements that were liberated from the Ukrainian armed forces, mayors of cities are appointed here and all control is transferred to civilian bodies. The institution of commandants remains in the zones close to the line of contact with the enemy forces.

(The second part of)

AM: - Right now they are talking a lot about a possible provocation from Ukraine, they agreed to such delirium that Russia wants to use atomic weapons. Most likely, as in the case of Boeing, they are preparing some kind of provocation. Do you think this could be?

R.Kh .: “In fact, this is a very bad signal, if such accusations against Russia sound from the lips of these gentlemen, it can only mean one thing that they are preparing some kind of provocation. But God forbid that these inflamed minds still have enough intelligence not to commit such crimes and provocations. Indeed, in fact, Russia is a guarantor of some degree of peace on the Ukrainian side, it ensures this peace of mind. But you have puzzled me with a question that cannot be answered seriously. I will only say that we are losing somewhat in the information war. The world community should be aware of everything that is happening, what is planned.

AM: - But the world community basically took the side of Ukraine, declaring Russia an aggressor.

R.Kh .: - The situation in Ukraine did not arise from scratch. The so-called world community just pushed Ukraine to this. If we talk about America, these are training camps, endless propaganda against Russia, pushing Ukraine into conflicts with Russia, decades of constant activity of special services on the territory of Ukraine, aimed precisely at confrontation with Russia, this is the separation of Ukraine from Russia. Europe was also very actively involved in this. Do not be surprised, because everything was prepared by their hands, everything was done by them, the script was written by them.

AM: - But the passionate part of the Russian male society is dying. Maybe this is also part of the plan?

R.Kh .: - Of course. Let's just say that some of the best went there. This once again proves that Russia is strong in its people.

AM: - The neutrality held by the official authorities, how humane is it for our patriots?

R.Kh .: - To my great regret, I will probably say seditious things here, but this is my conviction. Those who fought there and return here are abandoned by the state. Fortunately, there are organizations that were created in the course of events. There are people who are ill with this. I can personally say that the Union of Russian Paratroopers provides assistance in rehabilitation, helps in everything it can. People give their money, their salaries, someone's pensions, etc. in order to collect some kind of humanitarian aid, to collect for treatment to some of the soldiers, their families. You see, the topic of humanitarian aid is actually not so simple. Firstly, everything seems to be simple, humanitarian aid arrived, it was distributed to the population, etc. On the other hand, around this there are a lot of all kinds of, to put it mildly, unscrupulous people who are trying to make money on this. The difficulty still lies, probably, in the fact that there is more speculation on this topic. I fully admit that this is an open information war on the part of the Ukrainian special services, which very actively exaggerate the topic of embezzlement of humanitarian aid, etc. It seems to me more rumors than in fact. There is control over humanitarian aid. And, of course, Donbass urgently needs humanitarian aid.

The program was worked on by: Anastasia Mikhailovskaya (presenter), Maya Mamedova (producer), Elena Naumova (photo), Alexander Fateev (camera-editor), Tatiana Parubaymekh (build editor).

Note: Dear Free Press readers, we apologize for possible technical inaccuracies that you may have encountered while reading this material.

ruscesar — 27.09.2014 The Russian Foreign Ministry denied the Reuters report that appeared in the media that a certain meeting of the Russian and Ukrainian military was supposedly taking place in the Donetsk region to define a "buffer zone between the positions of the DPR and LPR and the Ukrainian side."

You can practice verbal balancing act as much as you like, but this does not change the essence.

By the way, Khalikov is being interviewed. We read about him at Kassad:

3. Surrounded by the DPR Prosecutor General Ravil Khalikov (who officially replaced Antyufeev - as mentioned earlier, he is unlikely to return to Donetsk, however, a number of people he brought to him remained), who is in conflict with the DPR military, are now collecting dirt on all the same military ... At the same time, groups of armed people subordinate to Khalikov work under the prosecutor's office itself, including those whom the military would like to "put in the basement" for murder, looting and robbery. Khalikov essentially provides them with a roof. Under the command of Khalikov, up to 300 armed people. To touch all this kublo is afraid, as it is fraught with battles in the center of Donetsk.

I was immediately interested in this information, until I speak for what reasons.

With a cursory search, we find out that Khalikov is a citizen of Russia:

Ravil Zakarievich Khalikov is the Deputy Head of the Interregional Public Organization "Mordovian Community" (Russia).

The official information about the MOO "Mordovskoe zemlichstvo" states that it was "created to unite people from the Republic of Mordovia living in Moscow and the region, based on a common interest in preserving their identity, promoting the development of their creative, business and cultural initiatives.

Khalikov resides in Moscow and is an economist by education. Previously, he worked as the head of the department of theory and methodology of vocational education of the Institute of Continuing Professional Education GASIS NDU "Higher School of Economics".

In Mordovia, by the way, they are proud of their fellow countryman - a native of the village of Belozerye, Romodanovsky district.

Here is what Ravil Khalikov's brother Farit tells:

“Before his appointment as DPR Prosecutor General, my brother worked at the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow. When events began to take place in Ukraine, he took a vacation at his own expense and flew to Crimea... There he supported the militia. Participated in the Crimean events as reconnaissance platoon commander... He was awarded the RF government medal “For the Protection of Crimea” and the Medal of the RF Ministry of Defense “For the Return of Crimea”. In the beginning of May volunteered for Donetsk to support the fraternal people of the southeast of Ukraine. Was appointed commander of the reconnaissance company. After a series of successful military operations, including on the territory of Donetsk International Airport, he was presented for an award. Soon authorities began to form in the Donetsk People's Republic. At the end of May, the leaders of the region offered Ravil to head the General Prosecutor's Office of the republic. He agreed, and on May 23, his candidacy was approved by a resolution of the DPR Supreme Council. And on May 26, he was awarded an extraordinary class rank - a valid state counselor of justice.

The proposal to head the General Prosecutor's Office came for a reason. My brother has extensive experience in the prosecutor's office. After the army, he entered the law faculty of the Mordovian State University. In his final years, he was offered a job in the prosecutor's office of the republic. Ravil worked in the department for the investigation of particularly important cases under the leadership of Matvey Kazakov. Then my brother was transferred to Moscow, where he worked as a prosecutor in the transport prosecutor's office. The last place of work was the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow. In parallel, Ravil taught at universities. He is a professor, candidate of economic sciences. He held the position of head of the department of theory and methodology of vocational education.

For Ravil, this is not the first military conflict, during his service he managed to take part in the war in Afghanistan, was on a business trip to the first Chechen - headed the investigative and prosecutorial group of the Caucasian-regional prosecutor's office in Chechnya. He also captured the second Chechen war. For participation in the establishment of constitutional order in the North Caucasus, he has state awards. "

Doesn't the biography of Khalikov remind you of the biography of Strelkov?

Ravil Khalikov is called a "warring prosecutor": in addition to direct law enforcement functions, he also has to participate in clashes with the militias.

From the interview:

“At a time when the people of the Donetsk People's Republic are fighting the Ukrainian military, some local residents or visitors from other regions are looting and committing crimes,” Ravil Khalikov said. - In this regard, we have already opened a number of criminal cases under the articles "Robbery", "Extortion", "Fraud", "Banditry", etc.
Cases have become more frequent when criminals pose as representatives of the DPR, appeal to the population and collect money from them, allegedly for the needs of the militia. I officially declare that there are no funds that collect money for the DPR. We have already detained several of these crooks. They will be prosecuted. I assure all residents of the DPR that the law on the territory of the republic will be observed by everyone, regardless of position, merit, rank and regalia! Everyone who breaks the law will be punished in the most severe way. We will find such people and get them out of any crevices and mines, we will not be able to escape from justice! ”

At the post of the Prosecutor General, Khalikov noted that he initiated criminal proceedings against the owner of the SCM company, the oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. Cases were initiated under two articles: "For non-payment of taxes" and "For an attempt to overthrow the government."

Another high-profile case, which the DPR prosecutor's office is dealing with, is the murder of the assistant to the head of the Donetsk People's Republic, Maxim Petrukhin. He was shot on June 7 in the center of Donetsk. The Toyota Camry, driven by Petrukhin, was fired upon from a passing car. After that the armed men fired several shots at him point-blank. After making sure that Petrukhin had died, they left in an unknown direction. “A passenger Yegor Pozdnyakov was also in the car with Maxim Petrukhin,” says DPR Prosecutor General Ravil Khalikov. - He was wounded - he was taken to the hospital. It is known that Petrukhin was supposed to have a meeting in the Priramida cafe ”. The DPR authorities definitely called this murder a political one.


Khalikov Ravil Zakarievich was born on February 23, 1969 in the village of Belozerie, Romodanovskiy region, MASSR.

In 1987 he graduated from the Chelyabinsk Law College with a degree in Jurisprudence in the Social Security System.

After serving in the army, he entered the law faculty of the Mordovian University. N.P. Ogareva. After graduating in 1994, he began his career in the Prosecutor's Office of Mordovia - he held the position of senior investigator of the department for especially important cases.

Since June 1997 - Prosecutor of the Moscow Transport Prosecutor's Office.

In 2000, he went to serve on a contract basis as the commander of a paratrooper platoon.

From December 2001 until the very last moment he headed the department for the protection of property rights of the Territorial Administration of the Federal Property Management Agency in Moscow.

In 2002, Ravil Khalikov graduated from the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, and in 2004 he underwent professional retraining under the program "State Administration and National Security".

In 2006 he became a candidate of economic sciences, and in 2012 - a professor. Has the title of "Honorary Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation". He was engaged in teaching activities. He was the head of the department "Theory and methodology of vocational education" at the State Academy of professional retraining and advanced training of executives and investment professionals and the Higher School of Economics. He was awarded the Order of Courage and 16 medals. He is also vice-president of the All-Russian Taekwon-Do Federation, has a black belt, 1 dan.

How does this all fit with the information provided by Kassad?