Kazan State Aviation University. Kazan National Research Technical University. A.N. Tupolev-KAI. Latest reviews of knitu-kai

Kazan Aviation Institute was formed on the basis of the aerodynamic department of the Kazan state university by the decision of the Main Directorate of the Aviation Industry of the People's Commissariat of Heavy Industry on March 5, 1932.

At the beginning, the institute consisted of two departments: aerodynamic and aircraft engineering, on the basis of which the aircraft engineering faculty was officially opened in 1934 (the first dean was K. A. Arkhipov).

In 1945, the institute organized the first department of jet engines in the country's higher educational institutions, and the future academician V.P. Glushko, the founder of the domestic rocket engine building, was invited to head it. Among her first teachers were S.P. Korolev, later the chief designer of the country's rocket and space systems, Professor G. S. Zhiritsky, after whom one of the craters of the moon is named.

In 1951, a new faculty of aviation instrumentation was opened at the institute (the first dean was V.V. Maksimov). In 1952, the Faculty of Aviation Radio Engineering was created, which soon became the largest at the institute (the first dean was V.I. Popovkin).

In the mid-1950s, they gained full strength and won all-Union fame scientific schools: motion stability, strength of aircraft structures, optimal processes, aircraft engine building, progressive technological processes, etc. The recognition of their authority was evidenced by the fact that in 1956 the Council for the award of the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences was formed at KAI.

Today KNRTU-KAI is a modern educational and research complex recognized in Russia and abroad, which trains highly qualified personnel for high-tech industries. Over its 85-year history, KNRTU-KAI has developed traditions that allow the university to occupy high positions among technical universities in Russia. The material and technical base is being modernized, the educational process is being improved, relations with production are being strengthened, and international cooperation is developing. KNITU-KAI is becoming a center of attraction - a university corresponding to the best world standards.

The scientific potential of the university consists of: 7 research institutes, 1 faculty, 45 departments, 11 research and educational centers, 2 colleges, 1 business incubator, 48 research laboratories. More than 3000 teachers, scientists and engineers work here, including over 120 doctors of sciences and professors, among them 17 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan and the International Academy of Sciences high school, more than 700 doctors and candidates of sciences.

KAI is the largest technological university in Kazan and one of the largest and most prestigious in Russia. The university trains specialists in the transport industry, aircraft construction, innovation, nanotechnology, and electronics. It also trains specialists in the field of IT, instrumentation, design engineers, production economists and managers.

An aviation institute was established in Kazan in 1932 - from that time the history of the modern Kazan National Research Technical University began. Since 1973, KAI has been named after the outstanding aircraft designer A.N. Tupolev.

Now KAI is the largest aviation technological university, more than 100,000 people have become its graduates. It includes 6 institutes and a faculty, colleges, branches and a lyceum, various research and scientific-practical centers, laboratories, 8 campuses, and sports facilities.

KAI is an internationally recognized owner. Back in Soviet times, the works of the university were translated and distributed abroad. Now the university is a member of the European Association of Universities and the European Association of Aerospace Universities PEGASUS. Education at the university meets international quality standards.

The university is implementing a large-scale world project - the German-Russian Institute of New Technologies. It trains engineers according to the most modern German and Russian educational standards. A graduate of the institute receives two diplomas. You can enter the Institute only for master's programs.

At the disposal of students is an aircraft modeling laboratory (its participants have won world championships for decades), auto courses, a ski base, a tourist club, an intellectual games club and a sports club. The KAI Olympus complex is one of the largest sports facilities in Kazan and Russia.

The university also has a construction team "North", open to all comers - students provide assistance in the construction of residential and industrial facilities in the northern region, adapt to modern industrial realities. There is a Center for Youth Innovative Creativity - an open laboratory where prototyping, modeling, programming and industrial design are taught. Social and cultural projects are carried out by the volunteer center.

The applicant must be ready not only for hard study, but also for immersion in science and practice. KAI is focused on innovation and development, implementation in production. The university conducts monthly scientific events and continuously conducts research. Applicants can try their hand at KAI Olympiads and competitions, increase their chances of admission and replenish their portfolio.

University graduates work in the transport industry, mechanical engineering. These are design engineers, IT specialists and information security, communication systems, telecommunications and other areas of technical sciences, as well as first-class specialists in demand in Russia and abroad.

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Kazan National Research technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (Tat. A. N. Tupolev Isemendәge Kazan Mill Tiksherenү Technician Universities), the former Kazan Aviation Institute (KAI) - founded in 1932, received the status of a university in 1992. On October 7, 2009, the university received the new official status of national research university.


At first, the institute had two departments: aircraft building and aerodynamic, and the first was created by transferring the entire contingent of students, graduate students and teachers of the aerodynamic department of KSU to the institute, and the second was to be formed by transferring students from other universities in Kazan.

The temporary performance of the duties of the director of KAI concurrently was entrusted to the director of KSU NB. Z. Vekslina (concurrently). N.G. Chetaev became the deputy director for educational and scientific work, M.N.Popov, assistant for the administrative and economic part.

The very next day after the decision to organize the institute was made, that is, on March 6, a meeting of the leadership of the KAI was held, at which priority activities were outlined: the premises of the university were determined, in which the institute would begin its work; established selection committee on the selection of candidates for the aircraft engineering department from among the students of Kazan universities; the issue of the possibility of attracting teachers and engineering and technical workers from other universities in Kazan to work at the institute was considered; it was decided to immediately send N.G. Chetaev to Moscow for development together with Glavaviaprom curriculum and programs, as well as for the selection of teachers for special disciplines of the aircraft engineering department.

The premises for the new institute were allocated at the corner of Chernyshevsky and Gostinodvorskaya streets (now Kremlevskaya and Chernyshevsky).

1. In accordance with the publication in Krasnaya Tataria of March 6, 1932, the decree of the All-Union Communist Party of the Soviet Union (b), to separate the aerodynamic department from the KSU, transferring it completely to the Director of the Avia-Institute of Glavaviaprom after the order of the RSFSR People's Commissariat for Education. To ensure uninterrupted educational work at the aerodynamic department (AO) of the Avia-Institute, transfer for its use the premises occupied by KSU AO in the former mechanical office (1st floor of the former Rector's apartment building) until the institute is fully located in a specially designated building.

Due to lack of space, a memo was sent to the head of the Main Directorate of the Aviation Industry Baranov P.I. from KAI with a request for assistance in moving no later than May 15 to the building of the former Forestry Institute on Karl Marx Street (now the 1st building of KNITU-KAI). On April 8, it was ordered to transfer to KAI the first stream of AO of Physics and Mathematics, as stated in the minutes of the meeting under the first director of KAI, Vekslin Nanson-Ber Zalmanovich (also director of KSU).

The first teachers of KAI in April 1932 were enrolled N. G. Chetaev, P. A. Shirokov, E. I. Grigoriev, Yu. A. Radtsig, B. M. Stolbov, N. I. Dvinyaninov, V. G. Voidinov ...

In May 1932, an order was issued on the organization of the first departments of the institute: aerodynamics, structural mechanics, mathematics, theoretical mechanics, the united department of social disciplines and the department of languages.

In June 1932, by order of the Glavaviaprom, a graduate of the Novocherkassk Aviation Institute S.P. Gudzik was appointed the first director of the KAI. The contingent of students grew rapidly. If in March three groups of the aerodynamic department began classes in the first three courses, then by July 1932 nine groups with a total of 202 students were studying at the institute.

In August 1932, the first entrance exams to the institute and by September 1, the number of students was about 600 people.

The teaching staff was replenished at the expense of invited experienced teachers in physics, mathematics and general engineering disciplines from KSU, universities and enterprises of Kazan and other cities: N.G. Chebotarev, N.N. Parfentiev, V.A.Yablokov, K.A.Arkhipov, H.M. Mushtari, I. G. Malkin, K. P. Persidsky, B. M. Gagaev, A. V. Bolgarsky, S. F. Lebedev, I. D. Ado, B. L. Laptev, L. I. Stolov and others.

In 1933, the Institute began to publish "Proceedings of KAI" - collections of scientific articles. The first defense of candidate dissertations also began in 1933. In the period until 1941, candidate and doctoral dissertations were defended by G.V. Kamenkov (future rector), H.M. Mushtari, I.G. Malkin, and others.

In the same year, along with the organization of the educational process at the institute, work began on the design and manufacture of aircraft.

In 1934, on the basis of the aircraft engineering and aerodynamic departments, the aircraft engineering faculty was opened, the first dean of which was K. A. Arkhipov.

Since the beginning of the institute's existence, research has been carried out in it. In particular, N.G. Chetaev created a scientific school of general mechanics. The development of this direction did not go unnoticed, and in 1940 Chetaev was transferred to work in Moscow, where in 1944 he became the director of the Institute of Mechanics of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

Among the design developments, one can note the single and twin-engine aircraft created in 1933-1939 at the KAI Design Bureau, on which several official records have been set.

Since 1939, the engine-building faculty has been functioning at KAI (the first dean is A.A. Chuslyaev). S.V. Rumyantsev was appointed the head of the department of aircraft engines, who later became the rector of KAI, and then - deputy minister higher education USSR, Rector of Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba.

The main facade of the Kazan Art School on a pre-revolutionary postcard. From 1941 to 2003 - the second building of KAI

During the Great Patriotic War KAI received a number of evacuated units and laboratories of the Institute of Physics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, TsAGI, (LII), the Scientific Research Institute of the Civil Air Fleet, as well as the entire staff. In the period from 1941 to 1943, the leading aerodynamic scientists A. A. Dorodnitsyn, S. A. Khristianovich, V. V. Struminsky, headed by the future president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, M. V. Keldysh, conducted work within the walls of the KAI.

In 1945 the department of jet engines was organized at the institute - the only one among the country's universities. The future academician V.P. Glushko was invited as the head of the department, and among the first teachers were S.P. Korolev, G. S. Zhiritsky.

The development of aviation prompted the creation of new faculties: in 1951, the Faculty of Aviation Instrumentation, (the first dean - V.V.Maksimov), in 1952 - the Faculty of Aviation Radio Engineering, which soon became the largest at the institute (the first dean - V.I. Popovkin) ...

In the mid-1950s, such scientific schools as motion stability, strength of aircraft structures, optimal processes, aircraft engine building, progressive technological processes and others. As a result of their work and recognition of their achievements, in 1956, the Council for awarding the scientific degree of Doctor of Sciences was formed at KAI.

Since 1958, the publication of a new scientific series of journals "Izvestiya vysshego educational institutions" began. For the direction, "Aviation technology" in charge of aviation, responsibility was assigned to the institute. The magazine is still being issued today, while the magazine is distributed in 30 countries of the world, and, in particular, to english language published in the USA as "Soviet Aeronautic".

Development information technologies prompted the opening of the Faculty of Computing and Control Systems (the first dean since 1972 - Yu.V. Kozhevnikov). In 1973, the institute was named after the outstanding Soviet aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev. In March 1982, the institute was awarded the Order of Friendship of Peoples in honor of the 50th anniversary of the educational institution.

During the years of perestroika, the institute began global reorganization work, and in 1987, for the first time in the city's universities, held the election of a rector. The first alternative rector was Professor G.L.Degtyarev - by 2012 - President of the University.

In 1991, a new faculty of management, economics, finance and entrepreneurship was founded at the institute (the first dean was T.K.Sirazetdinov).

The reorganization processes that began in the 1980s continued into the 1990s. So in 1992 the Kazan Aviation Institute was transformed into the Kazan State Technical University (KSTU). Having become a technical university, KAI began to expand the directions and specialties of higher education. In 1992, the Center for Continuing Education (CSO) was created - the first director was A. K. Vatolin. In 1995, the university formed the Faculty of Humanities (the first dean - D.K.Sabirova), in 2000 - the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics (the first dean - K.G. Garayev), in 2003 - the Faculty of Economic Theory and Law ( Dean A. Sh. Khasanova) and the Faculty of Psychology and Business Administration (Dean R. V. Gabdreev).

In 1999, it was formed on the basis of the faculties of aircraft and aircraft engines. The first director is A.F.Dregalin. The use of a multilevel system for training specialists has begun: specialist-engineer, bachelor and master.

Further restructuring led to the fact that in 2003, on the basis of the radio engineering faculty, director G.I.Shcherbakov was formed. Further, other institutes were formed: automation and electronic instrumentation, technical cybernetics and informatics, engineering and economic, social technologies, business and innovative technologies.

On September 2, 2014, on the basis of cooperation between KNRTU-KAI and two universities in Germany - the Technical University of Ilmenau and the Otto von Guericke University of Magdeburg - the German-Russian Institute of New Technologies (GRIAT) (German-Russian Institute of Advanced Technologies (GRIAT) ).

On September 1, 2015, the Engineering Lyceum of KNRTU-KAI was opened on the basis of the university. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that children from the 7th to the 11th grade, in addition to studying classical school subjects, receive initial engineering, technical and physical and mathematical training. In January 2016, on the basis of the MAOU "Lyceum No. 121" (Education Center No. 178) with the support of the Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev (KNRTU-KAI) opened a "Lyceum - Engineering Center".

Educational buildings

Initially, the institute was located in the building of the former Forestry Institute on Karl Marx Street (now the 1st building of KNITU-KAI). Over time, KAI began to own eight campuses throughout Kazan.

    Kazan art school. From 1941 to 2003 - the second building of KAI

    View of the entrance to the 2nd building of KAI

    3rd building of KAI

    4th building of KAI

    5th building of KAI

    Tu-144 on the territory of the 6th building of KAI (behind)

    Main entrance to the 7th building of KAI

    8th building of KAI (German-Russian Institute of New Technologies)


Educational units

Corporate Institute

  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Pedagogical Personnel (IPPK)
  • Educational and innovative center "Academy of Information Technologies" (TEC "AIT")
  • Center "Expert"
  • Educational and research center "Technologist"
  • Educational Research and Production Center "Energotech"
  • Training Center "Automobiles and Automotive Industry" (TEC "AiAH")
  • Training center "Albatross"
  • Educational and methodological center "Methodologist"
  • Center "Inzhekol-M"
  • Educational and methodological center "Organization of production"
  • Educational center "Professional"
  • Center for Remote Automated Learning Laboratories ("CDAUL")

Center for Continuing Education

The center provides advanced training services, additional education and pre-university education.

Kazan Training, Research and Methodological Center (KUIMTs) for people with disabilities (by ear)

In the center, people with hearing disabilities can receive education in the technical specialties "Radio Engineering", "Materials Science and Technology of Materials", "Informatics and Computer Engineering".

Engineering lyceum-boarding school KNITU-KAI for gifted children

An educational institution for schoolchildren of grades 5-11 with the function of living on the territory.

During 1940-1945. In Kazan, V.P. Glushko worked at a motor-building plant, heading first a special group, and then the OKB on liquid-propellant rocket engines. On his initiative, in 1945, KAI organized the country's first department of rocket engines, among the first teachers who was S.P. Korolev, later - Chief Designer, Academician, twice Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin Prize laureate.
Kazan State Technical University named after A.N. Tupolev, which until 1992 was called Kazan Aviation Institute named after A.N. Tupolev, was formed on March 5, 1932 on the basis of the aerodynamic department of KSU.

Initially, the institute consisted of two departments: aerodynamic and aircraft engineering, on the basis of which the aircraft engineering faculty was officially opened in 1934 (the first dean was K.A. Arkhipov), the first departments that survived to this day were created: aerodynamics, higher mathematics, theoretical mechanics, resistance materials, physics and chemistry.
The peculiarity of KSTU-KAI education is a combination of traditions inherited from Kazan University, characterized by the depth and fundamental nature of the educational process, with the practical and applied orientation of modern knowledge.
The university is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Full Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Higher Education, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation Gennady DEGTYAREV.
The most popular are the following specialties, which are taught at the university - all specialties of the Faculty of Technical Cybernetics, specialty "multichannel telecommunication systems" of the Institute of Radio Electronics and Telecommunications; specialties related to the operation of cars, all specialties of the Faculty of Economics and Humanities.

Meanwhile, due to the crisis in the country's aerospace complex, aviation specialties are in little demand. There is a growing need for specialists in computer science and computer technology, communications, management and service technology.

Employment of graduates is carried out by concluding contracts with specialized enterprises. About 60% of graduates work in their specialty, the remaining 40% find jobs quite easily in related fields of engineering, technology or mass communications. A recruiting agency has been created.
At the moment, about 26 thousand students of various forms of education are studying at KSTU-KAI. The number of graduates with honors is about 15% of the graduation (150-160 people).

Competition for admission to a university ranges from 2 to 12 people per place, depending on the specialty.

Among the outstanding graduates of the university:
Silaev I.S. - the first prime minister Russian Federation;
Gubanov B.I. - Chief Designer of the Energia - Buran rocket and space system;
Simonov M.P. - General Designer of the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau, Hero of Russia.
Sadovnikov V.G. - general director NPO Votkinskiy Zavod - designer of the SS-20 rocket;
Belugin V.I. - Director of the Federal Nuclear Center of Russia;
Matrosov V.M. - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, President of the Academy of Nonlinear Sciences, Director of the Institute for Mathematical Modeling;
Alemasov V.E. - Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, a leading scientist in the field of rocket engines.
All of these persons, as well as other outstanding graduates, are constantly interested in the life of the university and take an active part in solving educational, scientific problems and social issues.