Is everyone going to be blonde. Want to know which hair color is right for you? Who is dark color suitable for?

Erofeevskaya Natalia

For men, girls and women of all ages are divided into three types: blondes, brunettes and redheads. But we ourselves understand that not everything is so primitive, and the palettes of well-known branded dyes are voluminous and diverse: blondes, chocolates, chestnuts, ash, black and copper tones - their number is approaching infinity, and the newly released collections are full of a variety of "tastes".

The easiest way to change a familiar and even slightly annoying way that a woman knows is with a haircut and / or coloring. But not every beauty is ready to part with maxi or midi hair lengths, but to change their color and thereby add bright notes to the image - why not? But the color, even if it is, cannot be taken at random: the result may not justify itself, “kill” the face and “erase” the eyes.

Hair color during dyeing forms the personality of a person, but the procedure for choosing the right option is complex and responsible

General classification of color types

The correct choice of hair color is based on the female color type. Some stylists working with hairstyles do not bother much and single out only two types of women: "cold" and "warm". In their classification, they are based on the color and type of skin, the iris of the eyes and the natural shade of hair given by nature.

Warm appearance includes golden or peach skin tone, amber eyes, green color or the color of tea. Copper strands shine through the normally auburn hair. Penelope Cruz will also be named as bright media representatives of the warm color type. "Warm" girls and women are recommended to use any warm shades that revive the natural hair color and perfectly harmonize with it - golden, red, hazel.

It is strongly not recommended to introduce cold tones into a warm color type, which include numerous ash and platinum, as well as light blond - unusual for a fairly dark skin, they will highlight every wrinkle and visually add a dozen years to their owner.

Warm color type - warm golden-copper-red color scheme and no ash and classic blonde

Cold beauties are characterized by blue and gray-green, as well as light brown eyes in combination with light or pale skin with a barely noticeable blush. Natural hair color ranges from ashy in varying degrees of saturation to raven. It will look spectacular, original and stylish on such women, platinum or black, and for those with dark and black hair color, a noble shade of red wine and mahogany will do. But warm and bright red, golden and honey shades will create a color imbalance, worsen and make an unhealthy greenish complexion, unfavorably shading it with their sunshine.

Cold color type - choose a paint among ash and black shades, all kinds of blond and natural light brown, bypassing golden-red and nut tones

Winter spring Summer Autumn

More scrupulous stylists and hairdressing masters approach the matter more globally and distinguish not two very generalized color types, but four - two in each of these: Spring and Autumn are warm, Winter and, oddly enough, Summer are cold. The principles remain the same, but the colors can be chosen more carefully:

Summer is the most common cold color type among Russian women: pale or slightly olive, practically not tanning skin; gray-blue, gray-green, green-blue, and sometimes hazel-colored eyes; "Native hair" - light blond (always with an ashy tint) or cold brown. Optimal tones for hair coloring - from cool blonde with light brown undertone to nut-chocolate.
Winter - pale, even bluish skin; necessarily dark hair - from dark chestnut to bluish black; eyes of saturated bright color - gray, blue, brown. Optimal dark tones for hair coloring: from chocolate and cold chestnut to ultra-black.

Spring - a good tanning shade of ivory or bronze light skin and light, wheat-colored hair, eyes can be different - blue, green, hazel. Optimal tones for hair coloring: warm wheat shades and cappuccino, caramel, nut, copper and amber tones.
Autumn - native hair certainly shines with gold or copper, skin from easily burned almost transparent to dark with an excellent even tan, eyes of any color, but always with glowing golden sparkles. Optimal tones for hair coloring: from golden copper and caramel to chestnut and hot chocolate.

Determining your own color type and orientation on it in choosing a hair dye is the surest way not to get into trouble when changing the image: the palette of tones recommended for each color type is wide, and therefore every girl or woman will find one hundred percent of her color in it.

Skin condition

Few of those who want to change the natural hair color think about the factor that the result obtained after seemingly such a careful selection is far from ideal, because the skin of the face has played a role. Unhealthy skin - acne rashes, allergic rashes, skin irritations, liver and age spots, peeling, - requires not only close attention and care, but also the correct choice of hair dye, otherwise you risk aggravating the situation and making all these facial "charms" clearer and know better.

Poorly chosen hairstyle color will make unnecessary emphasis on problem skin

Radical colors - very dark tones (dark chestnut, black, blue-black), very light tones (warm and cold blondes, ashy, etc.), rich red or copper - will only emphasize all skin imperfections. If the skin is not entirely attractive, it is not recommended to experiment with hair dyes that differ by more than a couple of tones from natural. Full head coloring is optional, but it will be somewhat more organic to perform color coloring with suitable tones, and for fine light heads -. Then the main tone of the hairstyle will remain your own, dear, and the skin of the face with imperfections will not draw attention to itself.

How to choose a new hair color?

If the determination to change the image has grown stronger, you have decided on the color type, it is time to ask yourself the question: what do I want? Introduce a subtle revival in the usual hairstyle in tones that are in harmony with the "native" color, perform coloring or radically transform from a brunette to a blonde or vice versa?

If you prefer dyeing your hair at home, then, having narrowed the search for the desired tone to your own color type, in the beauty store in the department of hair dyeing and care products, refer to the palette of the selected manufacturer. The palette is a ruler of tones, for greater clarity, made in the form of a "paint map" with samples of colored strands and usually a two-digit number for each. The first digit in this number means the color depth, the second - its shade. In natural light conditions, determine the correspondence of the palette strand to your own "native" tone, and then (depending on whether you want to become darker or lighter) choose a tone for coloring that is different from yours within two points. And now, in this depth and the proposed shades, choose the one that is closer to the soul.

When choosing professional shades and wanting a natural result, use the color palette that is developed by brand manufacturers.

Even with the help of a professional stylist, it will not be possible to turn from a brunette to a blonde in one fell swoop: such an execution is beyond the power of even healthy and strong hair - global lightening is performed only gradually. But from light to dark - please: the dark pigment will happily block the light one at a time.

The correct choice of tone for coloring will refresh the face and make it rested and young, and the eyes - expressive and deep; unsuccessful paint will highlight imperfections and shade the skin of the face with an unhealthy color.

April 27, 2014 12:51 pm

The word "blonde" immediately introduces the American actress Marilyn Monroe from the movie "The Misfits" or Lyubov Orlova from the movie "Funny Guys". These beautiful blonde actresses are the standard of beauty for many women of any generation. And if a few years ago it was believed that men prefer blondes, then in the modern world they prefer smart women with a beautiful figure, regardless of their hair color. But some ladies still want to look cute, delicate blondes.

Modern women sometimes prefer to change their preferences in choosing a shade of hair. The difficulty lies in the fact that not every representative of the fair sex knows whether a light hair color suits her. It's good if her "female intuition" helps her in this. And if not? We will try to help you - to understand this issue.

We decided all the pluses and minuses to decompose on several points. If there are more advantages for you, in favor of the "Blonde" color, then you can undoubtedly become a "burning" blonde. Well, if not, then don't be upset.

Who can go blonde: spring, summer, fall or winter?

"Girl spring"

If your natural hair has light shades, blue or gray eyes are combined with fair skin, then your type of appearance is "spring girl". Natural tones will suit you: from light gold and honey to sandalwood. Light milling or dyeing using modern sharusha technique will look charming.

"Girl - Summer"

"Girl - Summer" possesses noble features with a slight blush and ashy hair color burnt out in the hot sun. If you belong to this color type, then choose shades of wheat or ash brown - they will give your hair warmth and life.

"Girl - Autumn"

At the "girl - autumn" the hair is bright red or with a reddish tint, the white delicate skin is covered with small freckles, in the bright sun it quickly burns and turns red. Your best option is the warm tones of sandalwood.

"Girl - winter"

Such girls are the owners of milky white skin combined with dark hair shades, eyes of cold light shades. In this case, it is not advisable to become a blonde. You can lose not only color, but also expressiveness. But there are some exceptions to the rule.

Age is not a hindrance for blondes

It has long been known that changing your hairstyle can change your character, and therefore your life. A new hair color can refresh your face, make it look younger, or it can age or deprive you of color and expression. Modern stylists argue that with age, women need to switch to lighter shades, and hair dye can help them with this. If you decide to become a "natural blonde" in order to look younger, then take our advice:

Use natural blonde shades - this will give your hair a vibrant depth;

Very light tones will give your face a pale, unhealthy look;

Pros: if you, by nature, have light brown or light brown hair, do not hesitate - "rejuvenate" by lightening your hair.

Cons: by turning into a "blonde" you will not be able to hide gray hair if you were a brunette before.

It is a troublesome and expensive pleasure to paint in chic blonde tones. It is better not to do this at home. Many have experienced this for themselves - having received burnt yellow strands, and even with unpainted areas. Constant dyeing of regrown roots every 1-1.5 months and regular care for dry damaged hair - that's what awaits our "blondes". But if you stop at nothing to achieve your desired goal, then you will become the owner of gorgeous blonde hair. And such a woman cannot be ignored by men, and many women will envy you.

Pros: beautiful hair, delight of men, not hidden envy of all women.
Cons: troublesome and costly.

Hair condition and desire to become a "natural blonde"

Hair care - this is the lot not only of blondes, but also of other representatives of the fair sex. But you are blonde, so to create the look of well-groomed hair you will have to spend a lot more time and a lot more money. Otherwise, your hair will not look well-groomed and sloppy, and for such an effect, it was hardly worth bothering yourself like that. Women with "fair-haired" heredity will be much easier in this matter. but brunettes will have to try to achieve an excellent result. Light hair is much thinner and is easily dyed, but dark hair is difficult to dye.

Experimenting with hair color is a fun and easy way to change your appearance... If you have long dreamed of creating a new look for yourself with blonde hair, there is a lot to consider before diving into the alluring waves of a light shade. Blonde hair can be beautiful and even gorgeous. But beauty costs money. Blond hair is a great responsibility that requires care and love. The process of transitioning to your chosen blonde shade can be a big blow to your hair and wallet. The good news is, no matter what skin tone you have, there is sure to be a blonde hair shade that is right for you. Well, if you're up to the challenge, read the article and begin the process.


Consider your interests and personality

    Consider your lifestyle. With blonde hair, you will have to change your lifestyle to a more gentle one. For example, as a blonde, you cannot jump into a pool without a special hat. Blond hair absorbs chlorine and other elements, which can change its color to green. In addition, blonde hair can turn orange-red or green if washed in the shower, where the water is rich in copper or iron. Shampooing blonde hair is recommended every three days so that it looks healthy, and the dye does not wash out so quickly.

    • If you just need to wash your hair daily, it will be quite difficult for you to be blonde.
  1. Think about how blonde hair suits your personality. Blondes are said to have fun, but prepare yourself to draw undue attention to yourself. If you do decide to dye your hair light, you will have to develop immunity to jokes about blondes. Such jokes are usually harmless, they are just rude and tasteless. Blonde hair attracts not only negative, but also positive attention, so in any case, prepare yourself to be gazed at.

    Ask a friend for their opinion. If you are not completely sure that you are ready for such a significant change in hair color, you can seek advice from family and friends. Tell them you want to be blonde and see how they react. If they are both in favor and seem inspired by this decision of yours, then this may be a good sign for you. If they express concern, please clarify why.

    • Take their opinions and advice into account, but no matter what they say, do what makes you happy.
  2. Check out how you look with blonde hair using Photoshop. There are many hairstyle kit websites that will allow you to upload your photo and experiment with hair colors so you can gauge your potential look before taking the desperate step. You can also experiment with different colors and haircuts to match your style!

    Choosing the right blonde hair tone

    1. Determine your skin tone. This is one of better ways choose the right shade of hair dye for yourself. If you choose the wrong shade, it may wash out. Regardless of how light or dark your skin is, your skin tone falls into one of two main categories. Most people have either warm or cold skin tones, and only a handful of people fall somewhere in between. Here are the best indicators of your skin tone:

      Choose the right blonde hair tone. There are many different shades of blonde hair color - when you decide your skin tone, start choosing!

      Consider your natural hair color. If your natural hair color is more ashy or deep chestnut without a reddish tint, you should look for cool shades of light dye. If your natural hair color has warm notes, such as red or golden, you should choose warm shades of light dye. Keep your natural hair color in mind and you will achieve a more natural looking new blonde color.

      • To find out which shades are prevalent in your hair, look at them in the sunlight.
    2. Consider how dark or light your skin color is. The result will be better if you choose a paint color that provides a more striking contrast between your skin and hair color. The hardest part about choosing a paint is finding an option that will both contrast with your skin and complement it.

      • Don't choose a color that is almost the same tone as your skin.
    3. Try highlighting instead of dyeing your hair completely. Highlights are a great way to brighten your face. When highlighting, you can get the same effect as from dyeing in blond, but without much harm to the hair. Highlighting is also good because it is easier to care for. As the roots grow back, it will not be as noticeable and you will have to visit the salon less often. You can do both thin and thick strands, and choose where it is better to apply the paint - all over the head or just on the face to frame it.]

    We maintain and care for blonde hair

      Determine the degree of hair care that is right for you. Blonde hair needs more grooming than other hair colors. Keep in mind that going from a natural hair color to a darker or lighter shade requires more maintenance. When the roots begin to grow back, you will have to see a specialist so that everything goes smoothly when freshening the paint. If hair care can be a problem for you, think twice about going blonde.

      Get professional hair lightening and toning. Do not lighten or tone your hair yourself. Lightening is a very harsh chemical process that destroys hair follicles. You'd better pay a professional at the salon to switch to a lighter hair color and care later. Of course, self-painting will cost less, but it can lead to a real hair nightmare, which you can hardly cope with yourself.

      • You can easily burn your hair, make it orange or deprive it of any volume. For everything to go well, you should consider whether you can afford to use the services of a professional.
    1. Treat your roots regularly and tone your hair. To keep your hair the desired shade and the roots do not stand out, you need to touch up the tone every 4-6 weeks. When the roots begin to sprout, it is necessary to lighten and tone them so that they do not differ from the rest of the hair. In addition, you will need to trim your hair periodically, as blonde hair is more prone to split ends.

    2. Plan your financial spending. You will have to go to the salon many times before you can boast of one beautiful shade of blonde hair, and it all costs money. A great solution is to plan your financial expenses so that you can be prepared.
      • You can call the salons and find out the prices, but most likely you will have to come to the salon in person for the stylist to check and examine your hair, and also determine the further procedure for you personally.
      • When you discuss what you want and how you will achieve it, your stylist will have a good idea of \u200b\u200bhow much it will cost you to switch to blonde hair.
    3. Look for quality hair products. Chemicals that provide a beautiful blonde color also take a heavy toll on the hair follicles. To restore essential vitamins, minerals and moisture in your hair, you need to use quality products. This includes shampoos, conditioners, deep conditioners, thermal protectors, and moisturizers. If you want your hair to stay healthy, buy quality products.

      • Ask your stylist what products they recommend for blonde hair.
      • It is very important to take care to saturate the hair with moisture and strength, which they are deprived of due to lightening. You may notice changes in the texture of your hair after dyeing it, and then you will have to use additional products to give it shine, volume and softness again.
    • If this is your first time dramatically changing your hair color, see a professional.
    • Go to a colorist and ask if the chosen shade of blonde suits you.
    • Professionals will also be able to advise you on haircuts that will highlight your chosen hair color.


    • If you are swimming in a pool with chlorine in your blonde dyed hair, remember to use shampoo after swimming to prevent your hair from turning green. This shampoo helps to neutralize the chemicals in the chlorine water.

There are more than fifty shades of blond. Some of them are a relic of the past and are associated exclusively with kitschy dressed women who strive to be like a Barbie doll, others, on the contrary, are a classic noble pallet that never goes out of fashion, but still others are hits of the season that change with the arrival of each summer ...

Fashionable blond

To the most fashionable and popular in hairdressing salons, blonde hair shades include:

  • very light Nordic shades, belonging to a cold color palette (for example, ash blonde, pearl blonde, or platinum blonde). In comparison with other, previously popular, blond shades, they are as close to white and are commonly known as "silvery shades." They are trendy, modern and very stylish, but they only suit a certain type of appearance. It is recommended to paint in a cold blond only for young girls, since older women with such a shade can achieve a completely undesirable aging effect.

Pure Nordic blond hair color is very difficult to obtain at home, so it is best to use the services of a professional master;

  • warm light and dark blond shades (e.g. golden blonde, pink blonde, vanilla blonde). This color palette also does not suit everyone and is designed only for a specific type of appearance.

As you can see, the assortment of fashionable shades for blondes is very diverse. But, as you know, the wider the choice, the harder it is to make it. The positive news is that overgrown roots remain in trend, which means that no permanent stains are required.

Moreover, to make the difference between natural hair color and dyed blond even less noticeable, some stylists recommend dyeing the regrown roots a tone or two darker than the chosen blond, but slightly lighter than natural hair.
Thus, the transition of shades looks more natural, and the regrown roots are not so striking against the background of a light blond shade.

Natural blondes value their hair color very much, but they often try to bring it to perfection with the help of tint products.

Choosing a shade of blond

A huge selection of blonde shades and long-term experiments of professional stylists have made it possible to refute the assertion that only fair-skinned girls can be beautiful blondes.

So how do you check which shade of blond is best for your type of appearance?


Can trust the knowledge of an experienced professional or conduct a small test yourself. It is enough just to take a mirror, stand in the sunniest place (weather conditions permitting, it is optimal to carry out the test outdoors), find a natural strand of hair without coloring and consider how it reflects light. If you can see warm colors in the form of red, red or brown shades, you should give preference to a warm blond palette. Well, if the hair reflects ashy, gray or even purple shades, you can afford a cold, very light blond.

Another, easier way of choosing the appropriate shade of blond for the type of appearance is trying on silver and then gold jewelry. They revitalize the skin tone, giving it a special shine. Well, at the same time, they allow you to understand what type of beauty you are endowed with - cool or warm. Silver is a symbol of cold blond shades, and gold is a warm one.

The four tone rule

When choosing the optimal blonde shade for your appearance, be sure to the natural hair color should be taken into account, because a change that is too abrupt is rarely successful. The safest solution is using the principle of four tones: as the owner of dark hair, choose a color that is lighter than your own by a maximum of four tones (and in no case more). The same rule, by the way, applies to blondes who have decided to radically change their image: only a color four shades darker than what is available will look beautiful and natural.

Applying this principle, it is much easier for newly-made blondes to cope with the problem of regrown roots.

For the first time, a radical change in color from dark to blonde should be done in the salon, since if the wrong paint is chosen, there is a huge risk of getting yellow instead of the desired shade of wheat.

It is generally safer to dye in cool tones - the chances are that instead of a beautiful blonde hair color you will get red, reddish or yellow in this case, an order of magnitude lower.

Difference between cold and warm blond shades

IN recent times the most popular are cold blonde shades. We are talking about platinum, frosty, pearl and gray shades. But very often, unfortunately, the color is chosen solely on the basis of its trend: in such cases, it not only does not decorate, but even levels the natural female beauty... Everything is very simple - the Nordic blond does not suit ladies with a warm type of appearance (that is, those who are distinguished by golden highlights in their hair, peach skin, freckles and brown eyes). Instead of emphasizing their merits, he hides them. For women with this type of appearance, all warm shades of blond are ideal - honey, red, gold, caramel or mustard.

Who is cool blond for?

Recently, the shades of Nordic blond have made a splash, both among models on the catwalks and among ordinary fashionistas. However, cool shades only suit girls with a similar type of appearance. You can define it by the following criteria:

  • light, porcelain, clear skin of a light pink or bluish color;
  • cold, blue, or dark brown eyes (but no beer or gold spots)
  • natural hair color is cool and free from golden highlights.

A great example of a cold type of appearance is Uma Thurman. Platinum hair color has long become a real business card for her.

Who is warm blond suitable for?

All the above-mentioned shades (gold, honey, etc.) perfectly emphasize the natural shine of girls with a warm type of appearance. It includes the following characteristics:

  • skin with a yellowish tint (it can be light, but always in warm colors);
  • freckles;
  • beer, green, blue eyes of warm shades;
  • natural golden highlights in hair.

The ideal representative of this type of beauty is Jennifer Aniston. Her warm blonde shade, imitating natural sun-bleached color, is the object of desire of many fashionistas. This is a great example of skillfully choosing a blonde shade for a specific type.

Top 8 trendy blonde shades

In 2017, the fashion trends of colors pleased with the presence of new shades, which you should definitely pay attention to. Fans of blonde color and those who just intend to join their ranks should definitely choose something from the recommended list below!

Caramel blond

Like your favorite caramel candies, the caramel on your hair should also look delicious. This is ideal for those who want to get closer to blonde color gradually and slowly, without making any sudden movements. Depending on the natural hair color, the caramel can be slightly darker or applied using the balayage technique.

Warm platinum

The updated version of the "platinum blonde" is designed for brave admirers of the "blonde religion". It is important to take into account that the color "warm platinum" tends to yellow quickly, therefore it requires very careful care (preferably with a shampoo with a special shimmer "silver blond"). If you do not want to repeat the painting every four weeks, you can limit yourself to a platinum ombre or platinum balayage.

Golden blond

A little gold never hurts! Warm shades suit almost all blondes. Courageous girls can combine warm and cold shades to create cool new contrasts that give their hair extraordinary liveliness and volume.

White blond

This shade is the choice for real snow queens. It is especially relevant for those who already boast blond hair. But, of course, in order not to spoil the existing result, it is imperative to consult a professional hairdresser regarding any changes.

Sunny blond

Those who like natural blonde should try to imitate the glare created by the sun in summer on their hair. Depending on the type of hair and their initial color, a natural blond can be applied to individual strands or completely dyed the hair with it. Sunny blond brightens the complexion. Natural blond as in the photo gives the appearance a special charm.

Ash blond

Hair color ash blonde or ash blonde is a timeless classic of the genre. The cold blonde in the photo looks a little softer than in real life. Some of its varieties resemble a beige blond. Ash blonde hair color looks very stylish, sexy, and most importantly - always relevant.

Pearl Blond

The photo only slightly conveys this precious shimmer created on the hair by this variation of dye. Since this is a cold shade, it looks aristocratic only on a lady with porcelain skin. In this case, only yellow hair color shines for dark-haired women (a photo of an unsuccessful painting is attached).

Strawberry blond

The combination of a delicate blonde and fiery red has been popular for several seasons. The summer sun gives it even more playful highlights. There are many varieties of this shade, each of which looks very interesting and fresh. Strawberry blonde looks beautiful on girls with slightly pinkish skin.

Shades of blonde photo

Blond hair color is an unimaginable variety of shades that cannot be covered in one article. A small selection of photographs will allow you to better get acquainted with fashion trends and tendencies, help you choose a shade that does not discord with the color of the skin, eyebrows, eyelashes and eyes.

Ash blonde hair color photo

Dark blonde hair color photo

Natural blonde hair color photo

Peach hair color photo

Blondes don't go unnoticed. At all times, they were considered the most attractive and charming. Unsurprisingly, the popularity of the blonde is not going away. Classic natural, platinum, strawberry, caramel, honey.

The choice of shade depends on many factors: eye color, skin, general color type.

How to get a cool blond

When it comes to getting a clean blonde, you can't do without powder clarification. The brightening composition creates a clean, light-colored canvas. The canvas is tinted in the required shade.

For clarification, take 6% and 3% oxidizing agent. One part of the powder is diluted with 3% oxidizer. The root zone is clarified with this solution. Another, 6% - to lighten the length. Why a different percentage? The scalp has more heat. Clarification goes better. If we apply a solution with a large percentage over the entire volume, we get different background clarification. Light yellow at the roots. The length is orange-yellow.

Brightening law - apply the clarifying powder in sufficient quantity. Do not smear, apply in large quantities. Some will be absorbed into the hair, some will work on the surface. The discoloration will take place evenly. We get a light yellow background.

After applying the mixture, wait 20 minutes, visually observe. We wash off the composition with water and deep cleaning shampoo. Align the hair structure with a balm, a mask to level the structure.

Mandatory step - toning... Toning fills in the voids after bleaching.

  1. We take two dyes in a 1: 1 ratio - 10.12 or 10AV with 8.2 or 8P. Mix with 3% oxidant. Apply to the root zone.
  2. For length - 10.12 or 10AV with 3% activator in a 1: 1 ratio.
  3. Exposure time from 15 to 35 minutes. Depends on porosity - the more, the shorter the holding time.
    Wash off the dye with a shampoo for colored hair. Apply color balm.

Shades of blonde in the names of paints

They are often called very poetically. Sunny, gold, sandy, caramel, frosty, icy, honey, amber, flaming, natural, gray, pearl. We often come across such definitions. Interpretation can be very subjective. Not necessarily in line with our expectations.

When we already know what a color spectrum (hue) is, let's check what can be hidden under these beautiful names. What to expect from them.

Let's add separate terms to separate the shades into warm, cool, neutral:

  • neutral (, sandy, natural)
  • warm (golden, sunny, copper, amber, glowing, honey, caramel)
  • cold (gray, shimmer / pearl / purple, icy, frosty, cold, platinum)

Sand - gray-golden, golden-gray (caramel blonde) or pearl. Depending on the brand, it can be beige (for example 9.13) or warm (for example 9.31 and 9.23).

Natural blonde - in theory, it should be neither warm nor cold. In fact, it can be cold (9) and warm (9NB) or intense (9NI) - with an olive sheen.

This even includes natural, for example 7.0 Garnier Color Sensation. Very dark with brown tones. It is important not to apply it to highly bleached hair. We can get a greenish, earthy color).

Sunny, golden - yellow base.

Pearl - mostly purple, ash. Contains a lot of blue dye (gray-blue, gray-green). Cool is a combination of blue and purple pigments.

Frosty - common terms for cool shades like / 21 or / 12.

Copper, amber and fiery - warm blonde, orange-based (7.4 or 8.44). Honey is often a combination of gold and copper, copper with a dominant nature (eg 8.304, 8.04) or gold (eg 8.3).

Red blond, for example 7.6 and 8.66 - intense red.

It is important to understand that the most important are numeric characters. The terms used by manufacturers can only direct and, together with the beautiful hair color of the model shown on the package, make us pay attention to this particular pack.

Natural blond

The shade marked "natural" is natural and organic. Sheer blonde shade. The natural tone is unobtrusive. Natural gradation from dark roots to light ends. Suitable for girls whose natural hair color is close to light shades. Those who have light blond hair color.

Garenier Olia 110, Igora Royal New 9-0, Igora Royal Hightlifts 10-0, Igora Royal Fashion Light L-00, Londa Professional 12/03.

Cold blond

A cold blond is the ultimate dream of many girls. Color is not easy to achieve. Clean, without a hint of yellowness. Creates the impression of coldness, often called icy. It is chosen by women whose color type is also cold. We are talking about the Winter and Summer color types.

You can get a cool blonde on your hair thanks to the following dyes: Pallete Permanent Cream Color 12, Garenier Color Sensation 10.1, Pallete: Color and Nutrition c12.


Ash blond belongs to light shades. A distinctive feature is a grayish ash haze. Looks stylish and natural. Ash goes for girls with a cold color type.

Look for it from the following manufacturers: Garenier Olia 10.1, Londa Professional 12/1, Koleston Perfekt Innosense 7/1, Princess Essex Estel Professiolal 10/1, Pallete: Persistent C9 cream paint, Palette Salon Colors 10-2, Palette Fitolinia 219.


Popular shade of blond. Platinum is expensive and stylish. The most capricious tone. It's hard to achieve. Provides for the presence of a stylish hairstyle - straight square, bob-square. It looks ugly on unkempt hair. Platinum belongs to the cool color scheme. Looks on women with delicate pinkish skin with gray or blue eyes... It is contraindicated for swarthy girls.

A platinum shade can be obtained thanks to the following paints: Garenier Color Naturales 111, Princess Essex Estel Professiolal 10/0, Palette Salon Colors 9.5-1.

Strawberry blond

The shade is picky and not suitable for everyone. IN last years is very popular. Looks like blond with a slight touch of peach pink haze. It will look best on girls with fair, porcelain skin. With green eyes. Strawberry blonde looks luxurious and attracts everyone's attention.

You will find this color from the following manufacturers: Loreal Sublime Mousse 822, Indola Professional Blonde Expert 1000.32, Krasa Faberlik 8.8.

Pearl Blond

Pearl blond is a beautiful, stylish shade. Has a light pearlescent tint. Belongs to cold shades. Suitable for women with Summer and Winter color types.

The following paints will help you find a similar hair color: Garenier Color Naturales 112, Princess Essex Estel Professiolal 10/8, Pallete: Persistent cream paint A 10, Syoss Professional Perfomance 9-5.

Wheat blonde

It looks gentle and natural. Has a light brown undertone. Wheat belongs to the warm range. Suitable for owners of dark, olive skin. Fits well on light blond, medium blond hair.

To get wheat blond, use one of the following colors: Garenier Color Naturales 8, Princess Essex Estel Professiolal 9/3, Inoa 9.31, Revlon Colorsilk 74.

Caramel blonde

Caramel Blond is a sophisticated blend of yellow and brown. Has a shade of burnt sugar. A distinctive feature is a reddish undertone. Can be golden, reddish. It harmonizes with olive, golden skin, brown, green-brown eyes.

To make your hair akin to sweet caramel, use the following colors: Syoss Professional Perfomance 7-8, Wella Coleston Perfekt 9/03, Garenier Color Naturales 6.34.

Beige blond

Natural is a rarity. Soft, light, slightly muted. Has some resemblance to light blond. The latter is darker. Looks beautiful on Slavic girls. It goes well with a cold color type. Helps to make the face youthful and fresh. The shade is recommended for those whose natural color is dark blond or reddish.

To dye your hair beige, use one of the following dyes: Igora Royal New 9-4, Pallete: Persistent cream paint B9, Palette: Fitolinia 254, Londa Color 38.

Honey blonde

Intense yellowish-golden color. It looks like freshly picked honey. Honey-colored hair is not for everyone. Honey blonde looks in combination with peach, beige skin color, brown, dark blue, green eyes. For girls with a cold appearance, it is absolutely contraindicated. Honey is not recommended if there is an expressive blush on the cheeks. Emphasize it even more.

Golden blond

Refined light shade. Visible, attention grabbing. Belongs to warm colors. Suitable for women of warm color type - Autumn and Spring. It goes well with yellowish, dark skin, brown, green eyes.

Golden blond is represented by the following paint numbers: Palette: Fitolinia 460, Wellaton 9-3.

What shade will we get

When choosing paint in a store, pay attention to the name of the color, the photo of the model shown on the pack. What do the symbols and numbers mean? For example 9.21 or H8 applied by manufacturers? Pay attention to them? Of course yes! These awkward numbers / letters are the most important. They will tell the whole truth about the chosen dye.

Color levels

Let's start with the color levels, with the brightness and darkness levels. The number at the beginning of the symbol informs us about this. Placed in front of a comma, period, slash. The scale starts with black and ends with super light tones.

2 / the black

3 / dark brown

4 / medium brown

5 / light brown

6 / dark-blonde

7 / medium blond

8 / blond

9 / very light blond

10 / very light blond


12 / blonde special (platinum)

Color directions

It is important to pay attention to the number after the comma, period, slash. This is a subtone. Depending on the brand, it is indicated by numbers or letters.

Separation of color directions (blond):

neutral (natural, beige),

warm (gold, copper, red),

cold (gray, shining / pearl, purple, silver, platinum).

Digital and letter marking:

/ 0 - natural (with letters N, NB, NN, NI or without a decimal point / dot / slash)

/ 1 - gray (A)

/ 2 - shining / pearly, purple (P, V, 6, 8, 89)

/ 03 or / 13 or / 31 - beige (B, GB)

/ 3 - gold (G, H)

/ 4 - copper (K, H)

/ 5 - Red tree

/ 6 - red (R)

/ 7 - matte (brown)

If there are two numbers after the dot / comma / slash. For example 11.21 - we are dealing with a double shade. The first tone prevails (in the given example it is purple or 2). In the case of two identical numbers - 11. 11, it is read that there is an increase in color intensity. In this case, a double, intense gray. Among the alphabetic characters:

NA - natural gray
NB - natural beige
ITD - natural pearls
GB - golden beige
KN - natural
VR - purple red

Sometimes a paint maker does not use a period, comma, or slash. Garnier Color Naturals 111. The color is called super bright blonde. We can put a full stop after the first two digits. We get the brightness level 11. The third number 1 - gray tone. A cool shade that neutralizes warm tones.

9NB - very light, natural beige and 11.11 - super bright, intense gray blonde

The correct choice of colorant is important to obtain a beautiful new color. Opt for gray pigments in case of persistent natural pigment of pheomelanin. This is when the tone turns to a reddish tint, soon after staining.

If the hair is very dark (level 4-5), tends to appear coppery or rusty, a cool tone is required. Choose a super-bright color (level 11 or 12) with a shade of gray (/ 1) or double gray (/ 11) ...

When applying such an intense gray, ash (for example 11.11) to dark natural hair, we will not get a bluish-steel lightness from the level 11 indicated on the package. We will only cool down the target background for a more natural final effect.

Super brightening paints (levels 11 and 12) are combined with higher concentrations of oxidants - 9 or 12%. They allow you to lighten natural hair by 4-5 levels. Creates a very light result. But this only applies to the natural base, previously not dyed.