Tincture on black currant leaves recipe. Tincture of blackcurrant leaves. Blackcurrant sugar liqueur

Black currant comes from the word "currant", which in translation from Old Russian means "strong smell". That is why tea is often prepared from the leaves of this shrub, and they are also used for conservation.

Why currant leaves are valued

If you open an encyclopedia and read about black currant berries, then it says that it contains a number of valuable elements, being very useful for humans: vitamins A (carotene), B, C, E, K, P; other substances. The same vitamins, but with a different proportion, are also found in the leaves (in particular, vitamin C is present in a slightly larger amount in the leaf). All these components in the proportion that are in the leaves are useful for humans.

Tea on leaves turns out to be tonic, restorative, antiseptic. In addition, it has properties such as diuretic, antirheumatic, and cleansing. The listed qualities make it possible to use it as an adjunct to medicines (or medicine). For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use tinctures on the leaves.

Tinctures lead to the excretion of uric and puric acid from the human body, they are also diaphoretic and mild laxatives. Tinctures are also used for metabolic disorders, bleeding, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gout, gastritis.

Used tinctures and decoctions from parts of this shrub in the old days. Traditional medicine advises using the leaves in the treatment of exudative diathesis (sorcerers, however, were literate), eye diseases and dermatitis.

Alcohol tincture on currant leaves

There are some guidelines for making tinctures on blackcurrant leaves. First of all, it is advisable to collect young leaves in spring or early summer. In general, when preparing and eating, often
it is advised to use spring young shoots, this applies to many plants.

There are two fundamentally different approaches to obtaining tinctures from black currant berries or other parts of plants, including leaves.

The first approach is that alcohol is formed in the workpiece as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms and bacteria. It turns out a little, from ten to fourteen, not more. It is important to observe the proportions of sugar in water and leaves, otherwise the taste will most likely be worse than it could be. No alcohol is added in this process. The process of obtaining itself contains two stages: at the first stage, fermentation takes place in a container covered with gauze, the solution is periodically stirred (the process lasts 3-4 days); at the second stage, the dishes are covered with a rubber glove or a lid (gases in this case escape through a water seal). The second stage can take quite a long time, several weeks. The resulting cider is then bottled. In the future, this drink can be fortified with alcohol, then it will be stored longer.

The second approach is that we simply pour the leaves or berries with alcohol or vodka. Bacteria do not live in such an amount of alcohol, so the processes are different. If the first method requires a month or more, then when using alcohol, the drink is obtained in a few days, or even every other day. If such a tincture was made with alcohol, then at the final stage of cooking, boiled water is added to obtain from thirty to forty degrees of strength. Recipes like these are pretty vague, as it all comes down to how strongly flavored the drink turns out.

The recipe for how to prepare a tincture based on black currant leaves is as follows. Prepare young leaves, wash them from dust and dry them. Then you fill the bottle with them, almost to the top, and fill it with vodka. Insist for a day or more. That's the whole recipe. A similar recipe with berries, they are poured up to half or two-thirds of the dishes, and then poured with alcohol. After the drink has settled, the alcohol
diluted with water.

Indications and contraindications for use

There is very little information about alcohol tincture from blackcurrant leaves (there are no exact data on indications and contraindications), but since the composition of berries and leaves is largely similar, the indications of contraindications will be approximately the same. As for alcohol, its effect can be reduced to accelerating the assimilation of elements by the body. There are also contraindications for alcohol, about them at the very bottom.

Despite all the benefits of black currant, there are contraindications to its consumption. It is not advisable to eat this berry for a disease such as thrombophlebitis (mainly due to the fact that this berry contains vitamin K in significant quantities), too frequent consumption of the berry in large quantities can lead to an increase in blood clotting.

This berry is also contraindicated in some types (hypercidal) gastritis, hepatitis, ulcers and increased acidity of the stomach. Also, it is not recommended to use this berry in case of a stroke or heart attack.

The indication was written above, so here are some folk recipes:

  • cervical arthrosis: in this case, it is recommended to take two hundred and fifty grams of dry leaf extract daily,
  • violation of the structure of the veins: (be careful here) long-term use of leaf infusions in combination with other plants antioxidants,
  • rheumatism, circulatory disorders, infections of the excretory system: drink two to three cups of leaf infusion a day (tea from currant leaves).

Contraindications to alcohol:

  • pregnant,
  • coded,
  • alcohol addicted
  • taking strong drugs,
  • taking psychotropic drugs,
  • if you have liver disease.

These contraindications refer mainly to the tincture, as for the cider obtained by fermentation, there are not many degrees in it. It should not be taken by pregnant women, for others - as directed by a doctor.

If you have a lot of currants, and you don't have much free time, try making simple, but no less delicious berry liqueurs. Of course, you will have to tinker a little during the initial preparation of the berries (they will need to be sorted out, discarding all rotten and moldy ones, as well as freeing them from plant excesses such as ridges and cuttings), but then, then, nature will do almost everything by itself.

Basic Blackcurrant Recipe

In fact, this is a classic that is recommended for beginners to start with. Berries for a drink can be taken both fresh and frozen (of course, after defrosting it). At the same time, if you want the fresh currants to get their natural sweetness, it should be slightly frozen before insisting.


    Black currant - 1 kg

    Vodka or 45-degree alcohol - 1 l ()

    Sugar - 100-250 g

Cooking method

    Transfer the washed currants to a jar.

    Mix alcohol with sugar and add to the berry.

    Shake the tightly closed jar and place in a cool, dark place for a couple of weeks.

    Drain the tincture, filter through a dense filter and bottle.

    Leave the drink in a cool, dark place for another 2-4 weeks for final ripening.

Tincture of red or white currant

Red, and even more so white varieties of berries of interest to us are rather inexpressive. But for tinctures, in a certain scenario, they are more than suitable.


    White or red currant - 300 g

    Sugar - 100 g

    Orange peel - 10 g

Cooking method

    Put the prepared berry in a jar, add the zest, cover with sugar and pour alcohol.

    Close the container tightly, shake it and send it to a cool dark place for 2 weeks (during this time, the drink must be shaken well every 3-4 days).

    Filter the result, bottle it, then either immediately offer it to guests or cork it and send it to the cellar for storage.

Polish red currant tincture on bison

The name of the drink speaks for itself.


    Red currant - 200 g

    Zubrovka - 500 ml

    Sugar - 100 g

Cooking method

Blackcurrant tincture in English

As you may have guessed, we are talking about gin tincture. In this case, it is advisable to use simple solid drinks, such as "" or "". A homemade juniper is also perfect.


    Black currant - 1 kg

    Gin - 750 ml

    Powdered sugar - 30 g

    Lemon zest - 5 g

Cooking method

Without bothering, we act on.

A simple quick tincture on mashed berries

If there is a jar or two of berry twists left from last summer, they can also become an aid for preparing a very pleasant drink.


    Mashed black currant - 300 g

    Mashed raspberries - 100 g

    Vodka / moonshine / water-alcohol solution - 600 ml

Cooking method

    Mix the berries, put in a jar and pour alcohol.

    Close the container tightly, shake well and leave in a cool dark place for 3-4 days.

    Filter the drink thoroughly and drag it onto the table.

Tincture on currant buds

Consider this simple recipe as a bonus.


    Unopened currant buds - 1 handful

    Vodka - 500 ml

Cooking method

    Pour the freshly picked, slightly washed buds with vodka.

    Insist for 5-7 days (if the drink seems too vigorous, dilute it with vodka).

    Filter and bottle the result.

    Store no longer than two weeks. When the color of a drink turns brown from emerald, this is a sure sign of its unsuitability (of course, you can drink it, but only for drunkenness).

Grape tincture with red currant


    Alcohol - 1 l

    Water - 500 ml

    Grapes - 1 kg

    Red currant berries - 500 g

    Sugar - 500 g

Cooking method

    Mash clean, dry and sorted grapes and red currants well, transfer to a large glass container, pour alcohol on top.

    Close the container with a lid, leave in a dark place for 14-15 days.

    It is good to strain the tincture, filter.

    Cook and strain hot.

    Allow to cool, combine with tincture, shake and pour into bottles for storage.

    Cork, keep until use in a cool dark place for 120-130 days.

Currant juice tincture


    Alcohol - 1 liter of alcohol

    Fresh juice of any currant (you can mix it) - 3 l

    Sugar - 2.5 kg

Cooking method

    Pour the currant juice into a large container, cover with sugar and heat over low heat, stirring occasionally, until completely dissolved.

    Add alcohol, stir, leave covered for 10 days at room temperature.

    Drain the infusion, filter well and pour into dry bottles, close tightly.

Tincture on currant leaves


    Fresh green leaves of black currant - 45-60 g

    Vodka - 1 l

Cooking method

    Place clean leaves in a bottle, pour vodka and insist in a dark place.

    After 5-7 days, strain through 4-5 layers of gauze, pour into a bottle and let stand.

    Re-filter after 1–2 days.

This shrub has both berries and leaves useful.

They have an unsurpassed aroma, color and taste, so the home-made currant tincture on moonshine will become your alcoholic hit.

Try it - this is an incomparable raw material for.

Peculiarities... The best flavor and color bouquet will be provided by black currant.

Its slightly tart characteristic smack and dark ruby ​​color will decorate the table. Red does not provide such versatility, however, the tincture from it contains a delicate acidity, has a red color, and a pleasant aftertaste.

  1. Black currant- a popular favorite. Its berries are dried, ground with sugar, boiled. Using then for the treatment of vitamin deficiencies, colds, improving appetite and raising vitality. Black currant leaves also - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals... They are added to pickles, used in decoctions as an antipyretic agent, they are treated - from rheumatism to tuberculosis. In folk medicine, bush buds and even young twigs are in demand.
  2. Red currant often found in gardens. This plant is also rich in vitamins. There are only slightly fewer of them than in her black sister. There are also some substances that are not found in other species. However, its beneficial properties are not yet well understood.
  3. White currant not so popular, it is disliked for its sour taste. And in vain, because it is acidic due to the content of vitamin C.

Reference. 100 g of black currant contains a triple daily dose of vitamin C (333%). In 100 g of red and white varieties - only 65%.

Preparation of raw materials

For tinctures, take only ripe and not spoiled berries, separated from the branches. Therefore, the collected or purchased currants are sorted out, washed, removing floating sepals, twigs, etc. Then they are pounded to crush each berry. So they will give the drink useful substances without a trace.

Some recipes allow using frozen currants... This allows you to prepare delicious alcohol all year round. Even if this berry is not found in the freezer, it is sold in supermarkets. Pre-defrost, add together with the resulting juice.

When using leaves, pick whole, healthy plants without exposing the branches. The masters of tinctures use only black currant leaves, no less berries are rich in substances beneficial to health. Other types do not have a pronounced taste, moreover, their benefits have not been studied.

Popular recipes

Alcohol is prepared using currants, often "by eye", adding ingredients at their own discretion.

Experiments, however, can be both successful and poor. Therefore, we offer proven popular recipes.

With raisins


  • 1 kg of currants (choice of black, red or white);
  • 0.5 - 0.7 kg of sugar;
  • 30 - 40 g of raisins;

Attention. Raisins can be replaced 30 g wine yeast. Alcoholic or bakery products will give an unpleasant aftertaste.

  • 1 glass of water.

Do not wash the raisins! It is undesirable to wash the berries, since the surface also contains wild yeast.

Fold the currants into a three-liter glass jar and crush thoroughly with a wooden rolling pin. Add sugar in the process, so it dissolves better. Add water, throw in raisins, stir. Install (wear a medical glove).

Leave warm, but not in the light, while fermentation lasts. It usually takes 20 - 45 days. When the gurgling stops (the glove deflates), filter the liqueur through several layers of gauze. The cake is carefully squeezed out.

Leave in glass in the basement (refrigerator) for 3 months to stabilize the taste. This tincture has a strength of 10-12 °. If desired, you can add alcohol or moonshine.

Moonshine on currant leaves

This tincture has a strong currant aroma. It is used not only for drinking, but also for treatment. You will need:

  • 4 cups black currant berries;
  • 20 large blackcurrant leaves;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 2.5 - 3 liters.

In a three-liter jar, crush the berries, add the leaves and honey. Fill with moonshine, leaving 5-6 cm of free space. Stir, cover with a nylon lid and put it away in warmth and darkness for a month. We filter and drink in reasonable portions.

Blackcurrant tincture

We have already mentioned some of its properties. Try to prepare a tincture that will help get rid of diseases of the respiratory organs, liver, and urinary tract. Regular use will prevent atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, vision problems.

For tincture, take:

  • 1 kg of black berries;
  • 3 kg of sugar;
  • 200 ml of alcohol or 0.5 l of moonshine () will be needed at the final stage.

Prepared berries are placed in a three-liter jar, layered with sugar. The top layer is sugar. Put a glove on the jar (install a water seal). They are placed on a window in the sun and kept for 40 days, shaking occasionally.

When fermentation is over, filter the tincture and add alcohol, vodka or moonshine to it. They insist for a couple of months, from which the taste improves.

How to insist on red currants?

Scientific research has proven that red currant, when consumed regularly, reduces the risk of oncology, raises hemoglobin levels, improves blood counts, and has a positive effect on intestinal motility, blood vessels and the heart.

Try this recipe:

  1. Crush 0.5 kg of red currant berries.
  2. Pour it with a glass of nutmeg and a liter of moonshine.
  3. After 2 weeks of infusion, filter in a dark place.

For therapeutic purposes, take 30 ml of tincture before dinner or, if desired, but in reasonable doses.

Blackcurrant vodka

From it, moonshine, excellent in organoleptic and taste qualities, is obtained. There are many recipes for cooking. You can add crushed berries or leaves in, but it is advisable to observe the proposed proportions:

  • water - 10 l;
  • black currant berries - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • crude alcohol yeast - 400 g.

They put the mash under a water seal. She matures for 1.5 - 2 weeks. Be sure to strain before distillation so as not to burn.

Advice... Try this life story. Cut a twig from a blackcurrant bush and simply place it in the alembic as you chase.

Home »Recipes» Tinctures

Hot liqueur "Berry"

Hot tincture ?! Intrigued?

Most people believe that tinctures are made with alcohol-containing drinks (vodka, cognac, alcohol) at room temperature. But this is not the case. I offer a rather unusual and quick recipe for making a tincture.

The hot tincture is made from the following berries: cranberries, lingonberries, black currants, viburnum, cherries, blueberries, and perhaps ... that's all. The tincture can be made from one variety of berries, or from several. It all depends on your taste and imagination.

For the manufacture of the future drink, it is necessary to use only enamel and glassware. A knife, wooden shovels, a pusher and other kitchen tools should not only be clean - these accessories should be just for working with fruits and berries! If you use kitchen utensils that you used to prepare other dishes (fish, meat, etc.), then the tincture may have a kitchen aftertaste. Whatever is is good!

Let's start the process of making this strong drink. Pour a liter jar of berries and two glasses of sugar into an enamel pot. Mix gently and crush the berry. After the berry gives juice, add one and a half liters of vodka and mix. We put the pan on low heat and stir constantly with a wooden spatula. As soon as a light steam appears and the liquid becomes hot, remove the pan from the stove. In no case do we bring it to a boil!

Let the resulting product cool to room temperature. Pour into a glass container along with the berries and put in a dark place for two to three weeks. After completing the infusion process, filter the drink. It has a very rich, dense, dark red color.

The tincture can be consumed hot or cold. Especially in winter. Heat your red one, add spices and honey, and you get Siberian mulled wine! Strong, tasty, warming quickly!

Tincture "Burunduchok" (Evgeny Korepin)

Often in the forest, on a picnic or fishing, you can see a funny striped animal. A nimble, restless, extremely curious beggar. He is constantly cheerful, sociable, restless. Energy is bursting with him and he does not know how to use it. This is our native Siberian chipmunk. And looking at him, I decided to name one of my tinctures - "Chipmunk". Why? Because, many of my friends, having taken fifty grams of the strong ambrosia I created, became as energetic, cheerful and cheerful as the aforementioned animal.

Burunduchok tincture is a strong alcoholic drink, which is preferable to drink in winter (for example, on winter fishing). It is easy to drink, has a berry aroma and a true Siberian character. The drink is good, but very strong (55-70 degrees). Therefore, be careful when using. Do not overdo it!

There are three types of drink.

So, "Chipmunk" number 1 is the easiest to manufacture. Take a glass container, pour into it a liter jar of cranberries and a liter jar of lingonberries, add four tablespoons of honey and five slices of lemon. We fill all this with one and a half liters of pure drinking alcohol. Then, put the container in a dark place and forget about the drink for three to four months. The longer the tincture is, the better. When you think the product is ready, open the container and strain the tincture. Do not squeeze or crush the berry. The color of the drink is dark ruby. Clean and full-bodied.

"Chipmunk" No. 2 is more difficult to prepare. Pour a liter jar of cranberries, a half-liter jar of lingonberries into a glass container and add three tablespoons of honey. We insist on all this for a month and a half. Then add a half-liter jar of black currant and leave for another two weeks. And finally, fill in a half-liter jar of blueberries, one glass of ranetka (cut the ranetka, remove the seeds) and half a small lemon (do not cut the lemon into slices). After all of the above, the infusion is placed for a month and a half in a cool place.

"Chipmunk" No. 3 is the most difficult and time-consuming to manufacture. But the result will exceed all expectations.

Put chopped currant leaves (3 cups), one glass of pine nuts in a small glass container and fill with alcohol (1.5 liters). We insist for two weeks. Then we take out the leaves and nuts, and add cranberries (1 l), lingonberries (0.5 l), black currants (0.5 l) and 3 tablespoons of honey. We insist for two months. After that, add blueberries (0.5 l), mountain ash (0.5 tbsp.), Rose hips (1 tbsp.). And we insist for another 1.5 months. After a lapse of time, we filter the resulting product, cool it and can be poured!

Tincture "Proletarskaya" (Evgeny Korepin)

There are situations when a fisherman wants to take not just a strong drink, but home-made and, moreover, quite strong. There is no time to insist for a long time - what to do? I offer my own version of quick-make liqueurs. These are drinks that can be prepared just before departure or right in nature. The main thing is to have the necessary ingredients, a little patience and desire.

So, the tincture "Proletarskaya", or, as I call it - "Red Proletarian". Why red? Because basically, the color of these tinctures includes all shades of red. Pale pink to deep ruby. But if you want, then tinctures can be given other colors (orange, yellow, blue, green, etc.).

The ingredients of the drink are: vodka, various syrups and citrus fruits (oranges and lemons). You need to insist in a glass container. But if you don't have it at hand, you can use plastic bottles. Nothing terrible will happen, since the drink is quickly prepared and drunk just as quickly.

The basis of the drink is vodka. Its quality depends on the manufacturer. Therefore, when choosing a product, be guided by your taste and capabilities. Tincture syrups are a separate topic. They fall into three categories. These are: home-made syrups from wild berries, syrups from backyard berries, and store-bought syrups. And finally, the last ingredient is citrus fruits. You can use: lemons, oranges, limes, etc.

The most delicious infusions are naturally obtained with the addition of wild berry syrups. They have an indescribable aroma and a very rich taste and color.

Let's start making a drink. Cut off three slices of lemon and orange and put them in a container where the drink will be. Then pour 0.5 liters of vodka, add 30 ml of lemon syrup and 60-70 ml of the main one (cranberry, lingonberry, currant, cherry, strawberry, etc.). You can take mint, maple, curazo, pineapple. Whichever you wish, or whatever will be at hand. The final touch is to shake well and place in a dark and cool place. It is necessary to insist from 4 hours to 6 days.

The resulting product will have a strength of 30-35 degrees. The longer you infuse it, the better it will taste. Citrus fruits weaken the alcoholic aftertaste and set off the sweetness of the syrups.

Try to make a drink like this and you won't regret it! Enjoy your stay!

Currant leaf tincture (Evgeniy Korepin)

Everyone is well aware of such a shrub as black currant. For many, it grows in their summer cottages, and is often found in the forest. Wonderful jam, fragrant syrup, excellent jam are made from currant berries, tinctures and liqueurs are made. But now we are not talking about a berry, but about a currant leaf.

First of all, currant leaves are a unique addition to tea. By the way, many people brew blackcurrant leaves instead of tea. The result is a scalding aromatic and very healthy drink with a taiga spirit. Take a sip, close your eyes, and it seems that you are in the forest ... But let's put aside the lyrics, forget about tea for a while and talk about another drink-tincture on currant leaves.

The tincture is made from three types of leaves. These are young leaves and shoots, mature leaves and dried ones. There are some differences in taste, a little in color and infusion time.

The infusion of young leaves and shoots initially has a slightly green color. Then the infusion darkens and becomes olive.

The infusion from a mature leaf takes on the color of an emerald in a couple of days. Gradually becoming dark green with a shade of brown.

The color of the dried leaf tincture usually goes from pale olive to olive brown.

Currant leaves almost completely kill the taste of alcohol. The drink becomes soft and slightly tart.

And now let's proceed directly to the recipe for the preparation of the tincture. Take a three-liter glass jar and fill it by a third with leaves. But you do not need to tamp the leaves tightly. Pour one and a half liters of vodka into a jar and add three tablespoons of honey. Put the resulting liquid in a dark and cool place. From young and mature leaves, the product is infused for 10 to 15 days. From dried leaves from three weeks to one and a half months. A good snack for such a drink would be a thin slice of dried black bread with boiled pork. Bon Appetit!

Tincture "Wormwood with honey" (Evgeny Korepin)

Wormwood ... Many people consider this plant to be a weed or worthless grass. And few people have pleasant memories of wormwood. For me, the smell of wormwood, this is childhood, summer, July and ringing heat. Cloudless blue sky, the air is melting and somewhere high up a lonely kite is circling and circling ...

Enough memories! Let's continue.

Some of my friends collect wormwood in bunches and hang them at home or in the country - for the smell. By the way, if your pets have fleas, bring wormwood home and the dashing little riders will leave your pets. Wormwood has many positive qualities, and one of them is that wormwood can be used in tinctures.

For example, tincture - "Wormwood with honey".

Add one or two small sprigs of wormwood to half a liter of vodka. You need to insist from three to fourteen days. The main thing is not to overexpose! Otherwise, the infusion will taste bitter. Then we filter the resulting product and add two tablespoons of honey. We put it in a cool place for another week.

Before use, squeeze a third of the lemon into a bottle. Anyone can invite friends to taste this unpretentious, but original and very bad liqueur.

Wormwood tincture should be drunk chilled !!!


Moonshine tincture on currant leaves

We got somehow dry currant leaves. I don’t even know from black or what other currant. And that would not lie idle decided to fill them with moonshine. It turned out not at all a bad thing.

I took a fist of currant leaves for 0.5 liters of moonshine. This is quite enough. I took it off after 2 days.

The taste and smell are amazing. It is drunk very easily and naturally. but the main thing is to stop in time) The color gave green. But I think it will fade after a while. But let's see - there is a lot of time.

It is possible and even desirable to insist currant leaves on moonshine for at least 2 weeks. I took 2 days later. So it was necessary. But next time I will insist on a longer period.

Above is the finished product. A perfect addition to your dining table.


Currant tincture on alcohol - photo recipe, how to cook

Currants, like many other berries, contain a large amount of nutrients and trace elements. It is useful to use it not only fresh, but you can also prepare delicious and healthy tinctures from it. You will find recipes on how to make a tincture of black or red currant in this article.

Take a bottle or other glass container and pour black currant berries into it (it is recommended to fill the berries in half or even two-thirds of the container), you can add a couple of currant sheets, preferably so that they are fresh, just picked from the bush.

Now you need to fill the black currant with vodka or moonshine and cork very tightly. The tincture will be ready in 3-4 days. How to prepare for use: first, the tincture must be filtered, and then diluted with water (approximate calculation: 2 parts of the tincture for 3 parts of water) and only then can you drink. Enjoy!

Black currant tincture - recipe number 2

For 1 liter jar or bottle, you need to take 300-350 grams of berries and crush them. Place the resulting gruel in a liter container and pour over moonshine, add a little sugar if desired. The tincture will be ready in a week, but it is advisable to let it brew a little more.

Recipe for red currant tincture with alcohol

Ingredients: red currant, currant leaves (up to 10 pcs.), Granulated sugar - 800 grams, 2 glasses of water, alcohol. Preparation of the tincture: red currant berries are added to the container, filling most of it, then put the leaves and pour alcohol to the very neck. Let it brew in a hermetically sealed container for about 7 weeks. After that, the tincture is filtered, the berries are crumpled and the juice is squeezed out of them.

Alcohol is combined with juice and cooked sugar syrup (sugar + water) is added. Mix everything well, then strain the tincture and bottle (preferably dark in color), close tightly and store in a dry place. Red currants are notable for the fact that they require a longer exposure time than black currants, so the more you store the tincture, the tastier it will be.

How to make a tincture of currant leaves

Tincture on black currant leaves is very tasty and has medicinal properties. For its preparation, as a rule, young currant leaves are taken, but the old ones can also be suitable for tincture if they were harvested at the beginning of the summer months. Use dark bottles to store and prepare the tincture.

Leaves are harvested under good weather conditions (no rain, dry weather). The leaves are placed on a sieve, the dust is carefully removed, sprinkled with water a little, and then laid out on paper or cloth, allowing it to dry a little. Leaves are added to clean dark-colored bottles almost to the very top and poured with vodka. Then it is tightly corked and placed in a warm room for 24 hours.

Currant kidney tincture recipe

Ingredients: currant buds and vodka. Buds should be collected unblown, that is, those where young leaves have not yet begun to appear. The number of collected buds depends on the container in which you will prepare the tincture. Rinse the kidneys, put them in a bowl about half of its volume and fill with vodka so that the kidneys are completely in it. Cover the container with gauze and put in a sunny place.

Store in the sun for no more than 1.5 months. Further, after this time, the tincture must be filtered, allowed to stand for a while and again filtered if a sediment appears. Then pour into bottles, seal hermetically and keep in a cool place. It is noteworthy that the longer the tincture is stored, the better its taste.


Blackcurrant tincture - the best homemade alcohol recipes

The magnificent rich taste and aroma of berries encourages lovers of homemade alcoholic drinks to use the gifts of nature, using them to decorate homemade masterpieces. One of these is black currant tincture, which is not difficult to prepare on your own.

How to make blackcurrant tincture?

If properly prepared, the blackcurrant infusion can compete with elite drinks and satisfy the most diverse demands of fastidious consumers. For a positive outcome of the case, in addition to fulfilling the recommendations of the recipes, certain requirements must be observed.

  1. Blackcurrant tincture will delight you with excellent characteristics, if you use a high-quality alcoholic base and selected ripe and aromatic berries for its preparation, which, depending on the recipe, can be fresh, frozen, ground in the form of jam.
  2. During holding, the container with the workpiece must be tightly closed so that alcohol vapors remain inside and do not evaporate.
  3. The drink should be filtered through clean cheesecloth without third-party odors, and filtered at the last stage before use through a cotton swab placed in the opening of the watering can.

Blackcurrant tincture with vodka - recipe

Often, currant tincture is prepared at home using vodka, which is financially available, ideally suited for strength and, with decent quality, will be an excellent basis for such homemade alcohol. Sugar can be completely excluded from the recipe, its amount can be reduced or increased to taste, and to reduce the strength, the drink can be diluted with boiled water if desired.


  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 100 g.


  1. The black currants are washed, dried thoroughly, mixed with sugar and poured over with vodka.
  2. Seal the container, shake until the sweet crystals dissolve and leave in a dark and cool place for 2 weeks.
  3. Ready-made black currant tincture on vodka is filtered, filtered, bottled.

Blackcurrant tincture for alcohol - recipe

The following recipe for currant tincture involves the use of alcohol diluted to a strength of 45 degrees as an alcoholic base. In order for the berries to maximize their aroma and taste, they are pre-allowed in boiled sugar syrup, after which they are smashed with a blender or pounded with a crush.


  • black currant - 800 g;
  • diluted alcohol - 1 l;
  • water - 400 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 400 g.


  1. Mix water and sugar, let the syrup boil, boil prepared washed berries in it, knead them.
  2. Alcohol prepared, diluted to the desired strength, is added to the cooled berry base.
  3. Close the container tightly with a lid and place in a dark place for 14-20 days.
  4. When ready, currant tincture on alcohol is filtered, filtered, bottled.

Blackcurrant tincture on moonshine

A strong blackcurrant tincture prepared according to the following recipe, especially revered by the male audience. The drink is prepared without adding sugar and water and has an impressive degree, acquiring an additional berry aroma and taste. It is important to use high-quality refined home-brewed moonshine.


  • black currant - 6 glasses;
  • moonshine - 1 l;


  1. The washed and thoroughly dried berries are poured into a jar with moonshine, covered tightly with a lid and left in a warm, dark place for 2 weeks.
  2. After the time has elapsed, the blackcurrant moonshine tincture is filtered, filtered, and bottled.

Tincture on black currant leaves

Blackcurrant tincture can be prepared not only with berries, but also with the addition of fragrant bush leaves, which will give the drink a special refined taste and aroma. In this case, a variant of the design of a drink with raspberry, cherry and currant berries is presented, which, if desired, can be replaced with an additional portion of the leaves.


  • black currant - 300 g;
  • vodka - 1 l;
  • currant leaves - 50 g;
  • raspberry and cherry leaves - 30 g each;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g.


  1. Rub the currants with sugar, add the leaves, fill everything with vodka, cover tightly with a lid and leave for 1.5 months in a warm, dark place.
  2. When ready, the tincture of currant leaves, raspberries and cherries is filtered through cheesecloth, filtered and bottled.

Blackcurrant jam tincture

It is elementary to prepare a tincture of black currant from jam at home. You can use any stock: grated berries with sugar, harvesting from a new crop or unclaimed last year's jars. The result is a drink whose strength and sweetness can be adjusted by diluting with boiled water or adding sugar.


  • black currant jam - 500 g;
  • vodka - 0.5 l.


  1. The jam is mixed in a jar with vodka, covered tightly with a lid and left in a dark and warm place for a month, shaking occasionally. During the last week, the contents of the jar are kept at rest.
  2. When ready, the tincture of blackcurrant jam is drained from the sediment, filtered several times through 3-4 layers of gauze, filtered, and bottled.

Blackcurrant and gooseberry tincture

After tasting, a lot of positive reviews are received by currant and gooseberry tincture, prepared according to the following recipe. A drink is being prepared in a three-liter jar, which is filled with berries in an arbitrary proportion. The taste of the resulting alcohol will entirely depend on the amount of those and other components.


  • black currant - 1/3 can;
  • gooseberries - 2/3 cans;
  • vodka - 0.5-1 l;
  • granulated sugar - 300 g.


  1. Prepared gooseberries and currants mixed with sugar are poured into a jar.
  2. Pour the contents of the container until it is completely covered, close it tightly, shake it, leave it for 1.5 months to infuse.
  3. The resulting drink is filtered, the berries are squeezed in gauze, the tincture is filtered and bottled.

Blackcurrant sugar liqueur

Sweet blackcurrant tincture is made from sugar syrup and juice from berries with the addition of vodka or alcohol diluted to the desired strength. If desired, the drink can be filled with spicy notes by adding a cinnamon stick, a vanilla pod or other aromatic additives to your taste at the first stage.


  • black currant - 1/3 can;
  • water - 800 ml;
  • vodka - 800 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.


  1. A thick sugar syrup is boiled from water and sugar, after which freshly squeezed currant juice is added to it and boiled again.
  2. Vodka is poured into the sweet berry base, mixed, placed on the stove over a low fire and heated, stirring, but not boiled.
  3. The finished drink is allowed to cool, poured into bottles.

Tincture with black currant and honey

The following recipe for blackcurrant tincture will make it possible to enjoy the sweetness of the drink, but in this case, without the participation of sugar. Honey is used as a sweetener, which must be extremely liquid or melted in a water bath to the desired texture. The amount of water added at the final stage can be adjusted depending on the desired final strength of the tincture.


  • black currant - 800 g;
  • water - 500-700 ml;
  • moonshine or vodka - 1 liter;
  • cinnamon - a pinch;
  • honey - 1 l.


  1. The currants are crushed with a blender or grind through a sieve, mixed with honey and vodka, adding cinnamon.
  2. Leave the tightly covered container for 14 days in a dark place.
  3. The finished tincture is filtered, diluted to the desired strength with water.

Currant tincture on cognac

The infusion made from currant berries on cognac is excellent in taste. In this case, it is important to use fresh ripe berries, which will give the drink a particularly bright aroma and pleasant aftertaste without excess liquid, which is abundant in the frozen product. If desired, the tincture can be sweetened to taste by adding honey or sugar.


  • cognac - 1 l;
  • fresh black currant - 1 kg.


  1. Prepared washed and dried currant berries are poured with cognac and left for a month in a hermetically sealed jar, placing it in a dark, warm place.
  2. Ready tincture of currant berries, filtered through cheesecloth, wrung out, filtered and kept for a week in a cool place.

Blackcurrant tincture with alcohol is a simple but very tasty drink that is not difficult to prepare at home.

To prepare currant tincture for alcohol, it is best to take fresh berries, but if they are not there, you can use homemade preparations from the freezer.

Prepare a clean jar, fill it about 2/3 full with berries and fill it with alcohol.

Close the jar with a nylon lid and put the drink in a dark place. It is best to keep the tincture at room temperature - it will take longer to cook in a cool place.

Alcohol tincture of black currant will be ready in a week. The finished drink will need to be filtered through several layers of gauze, poured into a convenient container and refrigerated for 1-2 days.

When the tincture has rested, it can be diluted with water, as it turns out to be very strong.

Fragrant red currant tincture with alcohol

Red currant tincture on alcohol is a delicious and very aromatic drink that is suitable for both men and women. Despite its strength, the tincture is quite soft and very easy to drink.

Required Ingredients:
  • Red currant - 1 liter jar
  • Currant leaves - 7-10 pieces
  • Granulated sugar - 3 cups
  • Water - 3 glasses
  • Alcohol - 2 glasses

Rinse the berries, drain off excess water and put in any glass container - jar or bottle. You need to fill the cans at least halfway, pour alcohol on top - almost to the neck. The tincture will need to be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark, dry place.

Alcoholic currant tincture will be ready in about 2 months - the longer it is infused, the richer its taste will be.

The finished drink will need to be filtered, the berries are thrown in a colander and squeezed well through cheesecloth.

Boil the syrup from sugar and water, cool well and mix with strained tincture and squeezed juice.

Pour the resulting mixture into bottles, close the lids tightly and put in any cool place. You can drink the drink right away, but it is best to let it ripen for at least 1-2 months.

Currant alcohol tincture can be diluted with any amount of water and make it less strong, this will not change the taste and aroma. You can drink it either in pure form or use it to make great cocktails.