How long does it take to fry potatoes? Delicious fried potatoes in a frying pan: the subtleties of cooking. How to make a delicious sauce

In Ireland, it is believed that there are only two things in the world that should be taken seriously - marriage and cooking potatoes. Next, we will partially consider the second point, namely, how to fry potatoes in a frying pan so that they turn out aromatic, crispy with a delicate yellowish crust. Despite the apparent simplicity of the technology, there are nuances in it, without understanding which the dish will not turn out delicious.

1. Variety. Not all potatoes are suitable for frying. It is better to leave varieties with a high starch content for puree, since they do not give a golden brown crust, and when frying, the pieces stick together. Soaking in water only partially solves the problem of excess starch.

I recommend frying potatoes with red or yellow skins, since the flesh of white varieties darkens faster after cutting or develops a bluish tint. Choose large, smooth tubers with thick skins and no signs of spoilage. At the end of spring or beginning of summer, last year's potatoes shrivel, becoming unsuitable for frying.

2. Frying pan. The stores have a wide selection of frying pans of different shapes, sizes, materials and bottom coatings. But for fried potatoes, most professional chefs prefer to use a classic cast-iron frying pan with a thick bottom and high sides, which maintains a constant temperature, and when stirring, potato pieces do not fall out onto the stove.

Cast iron frying pan - best friend fried potatoes

Modern models include a hemispherical wok frying pan. This frying pan heats up quickly, fries even large pieces well and saves oil. It is clear that you can fry potatoes in any frying pan available in the house, but the result will be worse.

Wok - a modern replacement for its cast iron counterpart

3. Oil. Any refined vegetable oil is suitable. It can withstand high temperatures without changing the taste of potatoes. Considered the most useful olive oil, you can fry in any variety except “Extra Virgin”, created for salads and other dishes without heat treatment.

Unrefined oil contains residual water, foams when heated, absorbs other flavors and boils the potatoes rather than frying them. Butter is added only at the end of cooking to enhance the flavor. Under influence high temperature it burns quickly, giving an unpleasant bitter taste.

Potatoes fried in lard or lard turn out more filling, but their aroma and taste change slightly, and the golden crust takes on a sloppy brownish tint. This dish is not for everyone.

The amount of oil for frying depends on the pan. The potatoes shouldn't float, but the pan shouldn't be dry either. The normal layer is 5-6 mm. It's better not to save money by adding a little more oil. When properly fried, the potatoes quickly become crusty and do not absorb much oil.

4. Slicing. The shape of potatoes for frying can be any: circles, cubes, slices, large or small straws. Slicing only affects the aesthetic perception of the dish. The bars look beautiful with fried meat or fish, circles are usually served with fish dishes, long slices are in harmony with baked meat, and straws are combined with cutlets and steaks.

The shape of the cut is not of fundamental importance

The main thing is that all the pieces are approximately the same size and shape, otherwise the small slices will burn before the large ones have time to fry. The optimal thickness of the pieces is about 1 cm.

In most cases, potatoes are peeled before slicing. The edges of peeled tubers are smooth and neat, but fried potatoes with skins have a more interesting texture. The taste doesn't change. In some recipes, the presence of peel is a prerequisite, for example, in country-style potatoes.

Young potatoes harvested before the beginning of July are usually not peeled, but fried with their tender skins.

5. The advisability of pre-boiling. The procedure increases cooking time, but makes sense. Fried raw potatoes turn out fattier and not as crispy as first boiled ones, since the pulp loses a lot of starch in boiling water. But drying boiled potatoes before frying is more difficult than raw ones. There is one secret: after draining the water, cover the pan with a lid, then put it on high heat for 20-30 seconds, this will allow the excess moisture to evaporate.

6. Adding other ingredients. As seasonings, onion, red and black ground pepper, garlic, parsley, dill, and rosemary root are added to fried potatoes. It is important to know at what stage to add each ingredient. For example, if you add onions right away, they will burn quickly. Therefore, it is better to fry the onions in a separate frying pan and mix with the potatoes at the very end of cooking (4-5 minutes before readiness); this applies to other vegetables, as well as mushrooms, which need less time for heat treatment. To enhance the taste, 1-2 minutes before the dish is ready, you can put a piece of unsalted butter.

You need to salt fried potatoes at the very end, otherwise they will soften and turn into mush!

Classic fried potato recipe


  • potatoes (medium) – 6 pieces;
  • vegetable oil– 50-100 ml (depending on the frying pan);
  • lemon juice – 5-6 drops (optional);
  • pepper, garlic, other seasonings, herbs (optional) - to taste;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon (optional);
  • salt - to taste.


1. Cut the potatoes into pieces of arbitrary shape up to 1 cm thick.

2. Place the pieces in a deep plate, cover with cold water, leave for 10-30 minutes to wash out excess starch.

To prevent the pulp from darkening, you can add 5-6 drops to the water. lemon juice or 1-2 grams of citric acid.

3. Drain off the cloudy starchy water. Pour fresh cold water over the potatoes again. Let stand for 2-3 minutes, then drain the water again.

4. Dry the potato slices on napkins or paper towels to remove any remaining water.

You can only fry completely dry potatoes, otherwise the hot oil will splash. As water particles evaporate, they rise to the top, taking the oil with them. If you are careless, you can burn your face and eyes.

5. Pour vegetable oil into a cold frying pan; you should get an even layer. Heat the frying pan as hot as possible until light smoke appears. Very important point! If you don't do this, the slices will stick to the bottom of the pan and then burn.

6. Place the potatoes in the pan in an even layer. There is no need to completely fill the pan; it is better to fry the slices in a couple of batches. This way the potatoes will fry faster and will be easier to stir.

7. After 1-2 minutes, shake the pan slightly so that the pieces stuck to the bottom come off, but do not turn it over!

8. Finely chop the onion (optional).

9. When a golden or light brown crust appears on the bottom of the potato slices (usually after 5-10 minutes), carefully turn the potatoes over to the other side so that the top unfried layer is in the oil.

10. Turn the potatoes periodically (4-5 times throughout cooking) so that they do not burn. Turning too often degrades the flavor.

It is convenient to turn the slices with a wooden spatula

The total cooking time for fried potatoes depends on the power of the stove, pan, and variety. On average, frying takes 20-25 minutes.

11. 4-5 minutes before readiness, add chopped onion, garlic, spices, and herbs.

Those who like soft fried potatoes can cover the pan with a lid.

12. 2-3 minutes before removing from heat, salt the dish and add butter (optional).

13. Ready fried potatoes Serve hot; cold it is not tasty.

This dish can leave few people indifferent, especially the simple Slavic soul who loves potatoes so much. Women are afraid of him (they protect his figure, you see), but they love him very much, just like men.

Fried potatoes - what could be simpler and tastier?

However, not everyone knows how to properly prepare this dish so that a golden crispy crust is formed, how long to fry the potatoes so that they are well fried and not stewed or very dry. This simple dish requires some skill. So, let's reveal all the secrets.

It is very important to choose the “right” potatoes. Pink and yellow varieties are more suitable for frying, but white potatoes are more likely to turn into mashed potatoes.

We'll make country-style fried potatoes.

To do this, take a piece of lard, one tomato, onion, herbs, vegetable oil and add a good mood to all this. However, you can get creative and create your own recipe for fried potatoes, which will contain your favorite spices, vegetables, herbs, mushrooms...

Cutting and ingredients

It is better if the potatoes are small in size: you will have to tinker with them, but this way we can cut them into beautiful, thin circles. You can cut it into strips, cubes, or sticks; you can use special devices for cutting vegetables for this. To remove excess starch, the slices need to be washed and then drained in a colander or blotted with a towel. This will make the dish juicy and crispy.
Cut the lard into small pieces and simmer in a frying pan over low heat. Place the browned pieces of lard on a plate and in the same frying pan fry the onion, cut into half rings, until golden brown. Remove from heat.

Frying time

In another frying pan (preferably cast iron and with a thick bottom) heat up vegetable oil - ideally olive, but you can use any other one or mix vegetable oil with melted butter. Place the chopped potatoes in hot oil and fry for no more than 10 minutes over high heat, turning them every 3 minutes to form a golden crust. Then cover the pan with a lid and reduce the heat to medium.

  1. Fry potatoes, cut into cubes, for 20-25 minutes over medium heat. Fry potatoes, boiled in their skins, for 7-5 minutes until golden brown.
  2. Fry the potatoes in a slow cooker for 30 minutes on the “Baking” mode.
  3. Fry the new potatoes for 12-15 minutes.

5 minutes before the potatoes are ready, add salt, chopped tomatoes, fried onions, pieces of lard, and sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving. You can also experiment: fry garlic with onions, break an egg into potatoes, add your favorite spices to the dish, and you will certainly get the most delicious fried potatoes!

How long does it take to fry a potato?

How much do potatoes shrink when fried? 500 grams of raw, unpeeled potatoes will yield 400 grams of fried potatoes.

When to salt potatoes when frying?

The potatoes must be salted at the end of frying, 5-7 minutes before the end of frying. In this case, the potatoes will turn out crumbly and crispy. If you don't salt the potatoes at first, they may fall apart when frying.

What to serve potatoes with:

Potatoes are served with ketchup, sour cream, mustard, and soy sauce. You can sprinkle the potatoes with cheese and herbs (dill, green onions, parsley).

The question of how to fry potatoes in a frying pan will probably not confuse anyone. However, this does not mean that everyone turns out to be tasty, appetizing, with a golden, inviting crust. From this article you will learn how to cook fried potatoes so that even your neighbors will want to come visit you. There are a huge number of recipes, but first we will discuss those 7 rules of the process, without which you will not advance a single step in this matter.

Rule 1: what kind of potatoes to use for frying?

It should be a variety that contains as little starch as possible, otherwise the result will not be a crispy crust, but a real puree. To get rid of excess starch, leave the peeled tubers in cold water at least for 20-30 minutes. If you are concerned that the potatoes may darken, add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.

Rule 2: how to cut tubers?

If we really want to learn how to fry potatoes in a frying pan according to all the rules, then this point cannot be ignored. So, as soon as our potatoes have given up excess starch, they need to be cut into cubes. It is advisable that their width should not be more than 1 cm. Otherwise, the small pieces will dry out very much, and the large ones will not be fried. After cutting, rinse the product again, then place it on a paper towel to dry.

Rule 3: a heated frying pan is the key to success!

Every person associates fried potatoes with a golden crust. It is precisely to obtain such beauty that you need to heat the frying pan very high, and only then add the product. However, do not wait for the sunflower oil to start smoking; this will not make the potatoes tastier, but will only burn them.

Rule 4: how much sunflower oil to pour?

The answer is simple: more! Naturally, within reason. On the one hand, the potatoes should not float in oil, on the other hand, the pan should not be dry. Don’t be afraid, pour in the oil, the potatoes will take as much as they need.

Rule 5: How often to stir?

Try to do this as rarely as possible, otherwise you will end up with a mess. If you do not fry a lot of potatoes at once (and this is not recommended), then it is enough to stir everything 3-4 times during cooking.

Rule 6: do not add salt

Of course, no one will like fried potatoes without salt, but you should not add salt immediately, but 5 minutes before they are ready. Why is that? If you do this right away, the potatoes will release a lot of excess juice, and this will deprive you of the much-desired golden brown crust.

Rule 7: Cooking time

If you are wondering how long to fry potatoes in a frying pan, then it is impossible to give a definite answer. It depends on the type of potato, on what heat you cook at, and on your preferences. So all that remains is to try!

The benefits of potatoes

Above, we reviewed the basic rules that must be followed in order for fried potatoes in a frying pan to be aromatic and appetizing. Is this product useful? Of course, there are plenty of calories in such a dish, but this stops few people. How can you refuse such yummy food? In order not to think about calorie content, it is better to know that fried potatoes contain potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, folic acid, carotene and others healthy vitamins and microelements. Now let's move on to the recipes.

Classic cooking option

You already know all the rules about how to fry potatoes in a frying pan. So feel free to start the process. Take the required amount of potatoes, wash them, leave them in water for a while, then cut them into cubes, rinse them again, and dry them.

Now heat the frying pan and add enough vegetable oil. By the way, this product must be refined, otherwise the finished dish will smell not of potatoes, but of what the oil is made from. Add potatoes. Try not to be distracted from the process for a long time, keep an eye on when it is time to stir the potatoes. When the product has the same crust and becomes softer, salt the dish, and after 4-5 minutes turn it off. This is the simplest and quick recipe, which is ideal for those who are just learning how to fry potatoes in a pan.

Fragrant potatoes with bacon and mushrooms

Now let's move on to a recipe that you can cook every day without getting tired of it! So, let's stock up on groceries. You need to purchase: 800-900 g of potatoes, 300 g of champignons, 2 onions, 3 eggs, 80-90 g of bacon, green onions, salt, ground pepper.

We prepare potatoes for frying in the manner described above, only we cut them not into cubes, but into circles, mushrooms into slices, bacon into thin slices, onions - as you like. Beat the eggs a little, add salt and spices to taste.

In the fat left over from the bacon, fry the mushrooms and also place them on a separate plate.

Now pour high-quality vegetable oil into a frying pan, fry the main product there until almost done, and salt it. Now add the onions to the potatoes and fry for another 5 minutes. After this time, add bacon and mushrooms to the mixture and mix.

Distribute the egg mixture on top as evenly as possible, place the frying pan on low heat for 5 minutes, do not stir! Sprinkle the finished dish with green onions.

New potatoes with dill

This aromatic summer dish will please everyone, so cook and enjoy! And if you don’t know how to fry new potatoes correctly, then write it down or memorize it. So, you need to prepare the following ingredients in advance: 1 kg of new potatoes, vegetable oil, salt, dill to taste.

When the potatoes are still young, you can't just fry them, otherwise everything will turn into mush. The product must first be boiled a little. To do this, boil the kettle, wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into 2-3 cm cubes, not 1 cm. Put the main product in a pan, pour boiling water over it and cook for about 10 minutes. Next, drain the water, heat the frying pan, add vegetable oil and fry the potatoes there for only 5-7 minutes. Try to stir as little as possible, do not forget that the potatoes are young.

Now wash the dill and chop it finely. Salt and pepper the potatoes, add herbs and mix everything carefully. Bon appetit!

Frying potatoes with pumpkin

This is a rather unusual dish, which is not as popular as, for example, regular potatoes fried with onions. But it is very healthy; it can be cooked during Lent or served as a vegetable side dish for meat dishes.

Take the main ingredients, pumpkin and potatoes, in equal proportions, wash, peel, and cut into small pieces. Fry the potatoes (you already know the rules), and 10 minutes before they are ready, add the pumpkin. When the dish is almost ready, salt it and add spices to taste. Bon appetit!

Recipe for potatoes with garlic, onion and thyme

The very name of the dish makes you want to rush to the kitchen and cook, doesn’t it? No problem, just prepare in advance necessary products and go ahead! So, we need to purchase: approximately 1 kg of potatoes, 9-10 tbsp. l. unsalted butter, 1 onion (preferably red), 2 cloves of garlic, a few drops of lemon juice, thyme, salt and pepper to taste.

For this recipe, as for one of those described above, we first boil the potatoes until half cooked, after cutting them into cubes.

We put the potatoes in a colander, all the water should drain. After this, transfer the main product into a frying pan with the remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly. Reduce heat and cook for 20-25 minutes.

As soon as the main product is ready, sprinkle it with salt, pepper, and thyme. Bon appetit!

Potatoes cooked with egg

This dish is prepared quite quickly, it can be made when guests unexpectedly arrive or when there is a lack of time. You will need the following ingredients: about 1 kg of potatoes, 4 chicken eggs, vegetable oil, pepper and salt to taste.

Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut them into strips. Heat a frying pan, add oil, add the main product and cook it over medium heat for about 15 minutes. When the potatoes are almost ready, salt and pepper them, beat in the eggs, and fry until done. This dish can be served with both vegetables and meat. It will be delicious in any case.

It’s up to you to decide how best to fry potatoes, with what ingredients. Don't be afraid, experiment. Bon appetit!

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How long to fry potatoes in a frying pan, step by step video recipe

IN fast days You can easily fry potatoes in vegetable oil, add some salt, take out the sauerkraut, pour in some aromatic butter - and you’ve got a tasty, satisfying and simple dish. So, today we will find out how long to fry potatoes in a frying pan so that they are moderately browned, not mushy and not too fried.

So, the first recipe is just fried potatoes, the basis for other options.


  • Actually, potatoes (it’s better to choose the same ones, because different varieties will cook at different times, and as a result you can end up half raw, half falling apart)
  • vegetable oil

Initially, wash and peel the strawberries, then the next important process is to cut them correctly. I usually do this - I cut large potatoes into several slices lengthwise, and then start slicing them thinly across, trying to make the pieces approximately the same for even frying.

Next, put the frying pan on the fire, add enough oil so that the potatoes don’t turn out dry. When the oil is hot enough, only then add the potatoes, otherwise they will stick to the pan.

I stir occasionally with a wooden spoon until browned, then cover with a lid and reduce the heat to steam.

Advice: look at the potatoes, and how you like them - if you like them crispy, then don’t cover them with a lid, and continue cooking. If you want something soft and tender, then a lid is a must. In terms of time, if the potatoes are good, boiled, you will have to fry for 15-520 minutes, if durum varieties- up to half an hour.

Second option - fried potatoes with onions

At the half-ready stage, add onions cut into thin half rings to the potatoes, and then fry together. Salt almost at the end. You can add crushed garlic along with salt, a couple of minutes before turning off, the additional taste and aroma will be very appetizing!

Fried potatoes with mushrooms

Another lean version of pan-fried potatoes. You do everything as usual, but in a second frying pan you simultaneously fry the mushrooms and onions cut into slices, and then add them to the potatoes, add salt and pepper, let the flavors mix and turn it off.

You can add mushrooms and onions right along with the potatoes, but the first option is tastier.

Fried potatoes with lard- when the post ends!

Potatoes cooked in lard are very tasty, or even better, fried on a meat slice or with pieces of meat.
Again, cut the potatoes as in the first recipe, cut the lard into slices, and do this: first heat the frying pan; if there is a lot of lard, add the lard right away; if you have meat that is not fatty, first heat the vegetable oil a little, then lay out the meat pieces. Once they are lightly fried, then add the potatoes and continue cooking as usual.

Now let's look at main question: how to properly fry potatoes? Before starting this action, it is advisable to place the potatoes cut into slices in some container and rinse in water. After this, drain the water.

Next, place the potatoes in a frying pan with well-heated oil. You need to start frying it on big fire, turning occasionally so as not to burn. When the slices acquire a beautiful golden brown color and are covered with a crispy crust, you can reduce the heat and cover the pan with a lid.

It is recommended to salt fried potatoes at the end of cooking, for about five minutes before turning off the heat. This is done to taste, followed by one-time stirring. The duration of frying is determined individually, as it depends on the amount of potatoes and the size of their cutting. To do this, you should take one slice from the frying pan and try it. If the degree of roasting is satisfactory, then the potatoes are ready to eat. On average, potatoes are cooked in a frying pan for 20-35 minutes, depending on the degree of frying you need.

You can cook potatoes with different fillings, for example, with onions. To do this, potatoes are fried classic recipe. When it is almost ready, it is moved closer to the edges of the pan, freeing up a small space in the center, where finely chopped onions are placed and fried. After this, the onions are mixed with potatoes and everything is added with salt.

Fried potatoes are a great side dish, but at the same time, they can become a meal in their own right.

Fried potatoes are a very simple dish with a minimum of ingredients. It would seem - well, what might not work out here. But not everyone’s fried potatoes always turn out great: the kind where the top is crispy and golden, and the middle is tender and tasty.

Often, during frying, potatoes burn in some places and remain raw in others. Sometimes potatoes stick to the pan. To ensure that your whole family enjoys the taste of fried potatoes, remember some tips:

Cut the potatoes into equal pieces. Better - in cubes. Then it will cook evenly and it won’t happen that some of the potatoes are already overcooked and some remain raw.

Dry the potatoes before frying. The presence of moisture on the surface of the potatoes prevents the formation of a golden crust.

For instant cooking Potatoes can be pre-immersed in boiling water for 1 minute.

To create a golden crust, you can sprinkle the potato wedges with a small amount of flour.

Do not salt the potatoes while frying so that their juice does not release. This will prevent a crust from forming. You can add salt at the end of frying or already in the plate.

Fry potatoes over medium heat. On low heat, a golden crust will not form, but on high heat, the potatoes will begin to burn on top, and the middle will remain raw.

Fry the potatoes by placing them in a well-heated frying pan with a fairly large amount of sunflower oil. Never place potatoes in a cold pan.

For frying, choose a wide frying pan with a thick bottom - potatoes will turn out best in such a frying pan.

Place potatoes in the pan in no more than two layers. Otherwise, the potatoes will not be fried, but will be stewed.

How to fry potatoes? How long does it take to fry and how do you know when it’s ready?