Recipes for fried potatoes in a rustic pan. Rustic fried potatoes. Grandma's easy recipe

  • my tubers, do not clean, cut into slices
  • fry in a hot pan seasoning with spices and salt

I must say right away that if you want to cook this dish for the whole family, then the process will take you quite a lot of time. This recipe involves frying the product in portions until cooked. Despite the apparent simplicity, there are several points that deserve separate clarification. The first is the choice of the product itself. It is advisable to use young potatoes, because they have a very thin skin, which we will not peel off. The variety must be suitable for frying. In cross section, it should be yellowish. White color, suggests that this variety is more suitable for cooking. Having chosen the best option, let's start the process!

Once cooked, drain excess oil and serve. As a result, you should get potato wedges with a dense, well-salted crust in spicy spices, and tender and, as it were, boiled potatoes inside! This is delicious! Great to serve as a side dish or just with beer! Bon Appetit!

This is one of the most crucial moments! If you want to get a truly delicious dish, carefully evaluate the following factors.


Celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal says Heston Blumenthal's 10 tricks to the perfect roast potato that the most delicious rustic potatoes come from the dry, most starchy varieties - those that are easy. As a rule, such root crops have a light brown skin and almost white flesh. Starchyness will allow you to achieve the most impressive contrast between the crispy crust and the middle of the finished dish, literally melting in your mouth.

But a distinctly yellowish, moist, dense, like a wax potato should be set aside for some others.


Small round potatoes are not your option. They are difficult to cut in such a way that you get as many flat edges as possible. But the fried crispy sides in rustic potatoes are the key, perhaps the most delicious moment!

It is better to choose elongated potatoes about the size of a medium-sized avocado. It is easy to cut into eight pieces, each of which will have three large flat edges.

There are different approaches here. But they are united by one goal: keeping the skin and the recognizable triangular shape important for potatoes in a rustic way, to make as many flat edges as possible.

All the same culinary master Heston Blumenthal, for example, suggests cutting potatoes crosswise. First - along into two halves. Then, turning the potatoes 90 degrees, once again along - you will get four identical elongated "slices". And then in one motion - across.

This is really simple and fast, but not the best option. Students at the University of Essex did a simple geometric analysis of potatoes and figured out how to cut the root crop to get the maximum crispy surface area.

The first step in their concept follows Blumenthal's practice of cutting the potato in half lengthwise. But then you need to turn the potatoes 90 degrees and cut into a fan.

This cutting technique is called edge cut. You can learn more about mathematical calculations and knife work in a video prepared by students.

The students said that potatoes cut in this way are tastier. And they were not unfounded. The experimenters were not too lazy to cook a couple of hundred servings of country-style potatoes in traditional and new cuts. And then they sent the resulting dishes for tasting to comrades on campus and to several nearby restaurants. Completely free, just asking eaters to compare and rate differently cut portions of potatoes.

Result: tasters liked edge cut potatoes more. So use the best practices and do not thank!

How to cook country style potatoes

1. Get rid of excess starch

Despite the fact that initially it is better to choose starchy varieties as they are more tender, some of the starch still needs to be removed. Firstly, this will allow the potatoes to better keep their shape during heat treatment. And secondly, starch is excess glucose, which not everyone needs. Of course, first of all we are talking about those who follow the figure or suffer from.

Good way get rid of excess starch - put the peeled and chopped potatoes in a saucepan and put for 5 minutes under running cold water.

2. Weld

Bring the water to a boil and put the prepared potato wedges into it so that the liquid covers them by at least 1 cm. You can salt the water, but it is not necessary. If you are a fan of sophisticated flavors, add a small bunch of thyme and some lemon zest.

Put in boiling water, this is important. The longer the tubers are in the water, the more useful substances they lose, so our task is to weld them as quickly as possible.

Until ready. It is enough that the potatoes become soft and easily pierced, for example, with a knife or a toothpick. This will take 7-10 minutes.

Don't let the vegetables boil! You need whole slices.

3. Dry the potatoes

Dump the boiled potatoes into a colander. If you are afraid that the potatoes will fall apart, use a slotted spoon. With it, carefully transfer the slices to a colander or to a prepared towel. Be careful, try not to get burned.

Wait until the water has completely drained and the slices have cooled.

4. Check for Important Cracks

If you do everything right, when cooling, the flat sides of the potato will go into small, shallow cracks. In the next step, these cracks will help the potatoes soak up the fat and get really crispy.

If they are not there, carefully work with a fork: make shallow holes on the flat edges of each slice.

5. Fry in your favorite oil

Someone prefers liquid peanut, someone likes olive, someone is not wiser and manages with ordinary sunflower. There are no single guidelines for selection.

The roasting process may vary depending on where exactly you are going to cook the potatoes.

The pan should be deep and wide enough to fit a portion of the potatoes in a single layer. You can save a little on oil: 0.5-0.7 cm is enough.

Bring the oil to a boil over high heat, spread the potato slices over the entire surface and leave to fry for 5 minutes. Do not turn over so as not to break the slices before they grab the crust! And be careful not to burn the potatoes.

After the indicated time, turn the potato over so that it touches the bottom with not yet fried edges.

Fry over high heat, turning from time to time and achieving an even golden color on all sides. Try not to overcook, otherwise the potatoes will acquire a characteristic burnt aftertaste.

Rustic potatoes in the oven

You will need a deep and wide form so that all the slices fit on it in one layer. Oil should be poured more so as not to overdry the potatoes.

Preheat the oven to 180°C, place a baking dish with oil in it and wait 15 minutes. When the oil is hot, put the potato slices into it, mix gently and return the pan to the oven. Let sit for 60-75 minutes, turning every 20 minutes until browned evenly on all sides.

We’ll warn you right away that you won’t get the same crispy crust, since the temperature in the slow cooker is small and the potatoes will boil rather than fry. However, the crust - albeit not ideal - will still be, and the dish will still turn out delicious.

Pour the selected oil into the multicooker bowl so that it rises about 1 cm above the bottom. Select the "Multi-cook" or "Baking" mode with a temperature of at least 125–130 ° C and bring the oil to a boil. Carefully put the potatoes in the bowl and, without lowering the temperature and without turning the slices, leave for 20 minutes. If possible, leave the lid on so that the potatoes get rid of excess moisture.

Then turn the slices over and leave again for 20 minutes. Depending on the desired degree of doneness and readiness, you can turn over again and leave to fry for 10-15 minutes.

6. Add flavor to the dish

Crush a few cloves, mix with finely chopped rosemary and add to the potatoes 3-5 minutes before done. You can also add a few whole garlic cloves and chopped onion. Don't forget to stir!

7. Serve Potatoes Hot

If you did not add salt to the water during cooking, sprinkle the potatoes with coarse salt to taste before serving. Garnish each serving with a sprig of rosemary.

Of the many different dishes of Russian cuisine, the most popular is village potatoes. It is often served in prestigious restaurants, cafes and McDonald's. Prepare for festive table and for a regular meal. After all, almost everyone loves potatoes, especially deliciously cooked ones. Even those who are too picky about food will not refuse to taste the crispy and tender country-style potatoes. True connoisseurs of this dish can easily cook it on their own if they listen to the advice of experienced chefs.

Interestingly, the potato came to Russia during the reign of Peter I and was considered an overseas delicacy. In our time, he won the hearts of not only Russians, but also the surrounding peoples.

Grandma's easy recipe

What could be more pleasant than memories of a cloudless childhood, when the trees were big, the roads were long, and grandmother's treats were the most delicious? Rustic potato is a dish with which so many wonderful moments of youth are associated. Anyone who puts on an apron, picks up a knife and is armed with a reliable recipe can cook it.

To begin, collect products:

  • medium sized potatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • garlic (can be dried);
  • seasoning "Curry";
  • ground pepper;
  • salt.

The process of cooking rustic potatoes in the oven consists of simple steps:

The variety of potatoes will help determine the cooking time of the dish.

Summer gourmet treats

If we do not know how to cook rustic potatoes in the oven, it is best to ask the connoisseurs. They will gladly share their experience. Consider the summer version of the preparation of such a dish.


  • new potatoes;
  • vegetable fat;
  • seasoning "Provencal herbs";
  • paprika;
  • turmeric;
  • Dill;
  • salt.

Operating procedure:

Oven-cooked potatoes in a rustic style with garlic are served with any salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes and.

Since each seasoning has its own characteristics, these points should be remembered. Paprika gives the dish a slight sweetness. Turmeric gives it a golden color. "Provencal herbs" - fill it with an exquisite aroma.

Delicious treat for McDonald's fans

You can cook rustic potatoes at home no worse than in a branded cafe using such a simple recipe.

Main components:

  • small potatoes;
  • vegetable oil;
  • Dill;
  • paprika (ground);
  • oregano (dried);
  • salt.

Cooking steps:

The original version of the dish - in the company with pork breast

lovers hearty meals can cook rustic potatoes in the oven according to the recipe of experienced chefs. The main feature is that potatoes should be boiled before baking.

So, the list of products:

  • pork breast;
  • potato;
  • green onion feathers;
  • garlic;
  • salt.

Step by step cooking instructions:

When the dish is ready, the sleeve is unpacked very carefully so as not to suffer from the hot jet of steam.

Cooking delicious in a slow cooker

Some traditional dishes are especially appetizing when cooked with an electric saucepan. She is equipped special program for baking, the required temperature and tight tightness. Ultimately, country-style potatoes cooked in a slow cooker are obtained with an exquisite aroma.

The taste of the delicacy depends entirely on the set of seasonings used and additional ingredients.

List of required components:

  • potato;
  • vegetable oil;
  • greenery;
  • spices for every taste;
  • garlic;
  • salt.

The cooking steps consist of simple operations:

It is worth noting that after half an hour, the potatoes will be ready. But in order for a brown crust to form on it, it is better to wait another 20 minutes. The dish is served with cucumbers, tomatoes or sour cream.

Spicy mustard dish

Fans of spicy food can cook for themselves potatoes baked in a rustic oven with mustard. For this you will need the following products:

  • small potatoes;
  • mustard;
  • vegetable oil;
  • garlic;
  • seasonings to taste;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

The preparation option consists of several operations:

Rustic french fries

You don't have to fly across the ocean to enjoy the American equivalent of french fries. You can cook it in a regular frying pan. Some of our compatriots make this dish in nature under smoldering charcoal. There is nothing tastier than country-style potatoes cooked in a pan. For the dish, it is enough to take a few simple ingredients:

  • potato;
  • refined vegetable oil;
  • spices;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

For a treat, an oblong-shaped potato without growths and gross damage is suitable.

The process begins with the preparation of the vegetable. It is thoroughly washed under the tap, and then cut into four parts.

Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan or pan and put on fire. When it boils, lower the potato slices and fry for 15 minutes, provided that the oil completely covers the vegetables.

Product readiness is determined by appearance. If a brown crust has formed on all sides of the potato slices, it means that it should be soft and tender inside. Next, with the help of a slotted spoon, slices of the vegetable are caught and put in a bowl. In order for the product to steam a little, it is covered with a lid.

You can put a thick napkin on the bottom of the container so that it absorbs excess oil.

Potatoes cooked in a pan are sprinkled with spices and served to the table in the company of tomato sauce or mayonnaise.

Video recipe for rustic potatoes with cheese sauce

This potato is known to many from fast food restaurants, but not everyone knows that in this way it is prepared both in America itself and in many European countries. Including in Russia.
In order to cook country-style potatoes in a pan, you do not need special efforts and culinary skills, the main thing is to follow the recipe and you will get ruddy and fragrant potatoes. This dish is not called so in vain, because it is very often prepared in the villages, because of the ease of preparation, because in the village there is not always time to prepare culinary delights.
The basis for the dish is satisfied, simple - slices of unpeeled potatoes, which were previously boiled, but not completely. Then they were fried in a sufficient amount of oil with the addition of garlic and, if desired, adding other seasonings.

Moreover, the fat that is used in cooking may differ in different countries. Fried in both sunflower oil and ghee butter, sal. For the dish, young potatoes are ideal, which do not need to be pre-peeled, because the skin on it is thin and very tender.

TIME: 40 min.


Servings: 4


  • 5 tablespoons sunflower oil
  • 500 g potatoes
  • A couple of pinches of salt
  • A pinch of ground black pepper
  • 3 garlic cloves


In order to cook delicious potatoes, the first thing we do is thoroughly wash the root crops, remove the earth from them. An ordinary hard brush is best suited for this.

Washed potatoes, cut into fairly thick slices.

We put a pot of water on the fire and add salt, wait until it boils, and then spread the potatoes. Our slices need to cook for 5 minutes, and then drain the water.

Do not cook to the end, this is important O!

Drain boiling water through a sieve.

After you have drained the water, dry the potato slices well. To do this, simply place them on napkins or paper towels.

At this time, put a frying pan on the fire, add sunflower oil, heat this mixture well.

Village potatoes, in villages they most often use heavy cast-iron pans, if you have one, cook on it. If not, then take your favorite, the main thing is that it is wide and nothing sticks to it. Otherwise, all the crispy crust will remain at the bottom.

We spread the potatoes in the pan, for the first 10 minutes we do not interfere with it at all, so as not to break the slices. During this time, the pieces will have time to fry from the bottom, then, stirring from time to time, it will be possible to bring to readiness.

Mince a couple of garlic cloves with a garlic press.

Potatoes can be removed when a golden crust forms on them. But here the main thing is not to overcook, or the potatoes will get a burnt aftertaste.
Salt potatoes, pepper, add garlic and mix. We take it off the fire.

After garlic, village-style potatoes become very fragrant, at this stage you can also add chopped urop. It will be delicious so that the neighbors will envy. And if one of them sees these crispy pieces, they will definitely ask.

After frying, village-style potatoes from the pan can be laid out on a paper towel for half a minute so that it absorbs the fat and the slices remain crispy, but this is not necessary. So, the dish is ready, and it should be served!

Surely everyone loves when the dish is not only tasty, but also looks appetizing. Therefore, country-style crispy in the form of oblong slices has long been a classic dish served as a side dish in many restaurants. It is also very popular in various fast food cafes. Try frying the same delicious rustic potatoes at home. quite simple to implement. We offer you several options.

Rustic Potatoes: Recipe"Like McDonald's"

Five medium potatoes;

Three table. tablespoons of olive oil;

Half tea. spoons of turmeric, sweet paprika, curry, marjoram, ground coriander and a mixture of peppers;

One teaspoon of salt.


Fried potatoes rustic: recipe for cooking in a pan

The dish described above can be prepared with almost the same success without using the oven. It is very important to thoroughly dry the pieces before dipping in seasonings, while reducing the amount of oil by half. Take a deep frying pan with high sides for frying. Place the potatoes in the heated oil in small portions and stir constantly. Put the finished ruddy pieces with a slotted spoon on a paper towel.

rustic: a recipe for cooking with herbs and garlic in the oven

Ten small young potatoes;

Three cloves of garlic;

A bunch of dill, parsley, green onions;

Two sprigs of basil;

China. a spoonful of salt;

Two tables. tablespoons of vegetable oil.


How to cook in a rustic way?

Since meat takes longer to cook than potatoes, you must first fry it until golden brown separately in a pan. Then mix it with spices and salt and place on a baking sheet. Lay the potato slices on top. After baking for half an hour, sprinkle the dish with seasonings and herbs and cook for another ten to fifteen minutes. Rustic potatoes in a country style with meat are ready! Serve hot with vegetable salad.