Why do you dream of a big fire explosion? Why do you dream about an airplane exploding? The explosion of a conventional bomb - what is it for?

Sometimes you wake up in the morning and want to pinch yourself to understand that everything you saw in your dream has nothing to do with reality. For example, many experience exactly this feeling if, while wandering around the astral plane at night, they come across an explosion. The dream book, of course, will definitely tell you what the essence of the message from the subconscious is. However, it’s worth thinking with your own head and speculating why the disaster was able to penetrate night vision. Interesting?

Analyzing the message

Perhaps the first thought after such a plot is alarming. It seems to a person that something very bad is coming. This is how many people argue, because what else could an explosion promise? Tsvetkov's dream book, for example, confirms this intuitive assumption. But before you study the sources, you should remember what impressions you received the day before. Maybe you watched a disaster movie and were amazed by the vividness of the terrible events on the screen? Or were you deeply touched by an analytical program in which politicians vying with each other promised the imminent start of the Third World War? In this case, you should not leaf through the dream book. A nuclear explosion in a nightmare is just a reflection of the impressions received during the day. This is a general rule. You should be able to separate images generated by the brain, replaying real events, and iconic stories containing clues from the unmanifested side of your “I”. Although sometimes the subconscious tries to use visions that have a clear emotional connotation for the sleeper. This is done so that the dream is remembered and does not disappear with the first rays of the sun. So it contains a very important message. From this point of view, the explosion is very interesting. Miller's dream book classifies such a plot as a negative symbol. But let's look at some sources in detail, keeping in mind that you didn't have to admire the real explosions the day before.

Women's dream book

War and explosions do not often appear in the dreams of beauties. Why would they look at such terrible things? It is better to go on astral travel to the country where happiness is born. And if you dream of an explosion, then get ready for those around you to test your patience. You know, we can’t solve everything on our own. Quite often, events or circumstances created by other people burst into life. And it’s good when their “parents” are wise and kind. But this is clearly not your case. An explosion, the dream book is sure of this, appears before you have to face the stupidity and carelessness of others. This will be very annoying. You may even want to reprimand the culprit. However, you shouldn't do this. The person will still not understand the course of your reasoning. But he will turn out to be a dangerous enemy. Better be patient a little. This fool himself will suffer from his stubbornness, the dream book hints. A house explosion is a very alarming sign. If it appears in a woman’s dream, then the beauty cannot deviate one iota from moral norms and principles. There is a very bad person nearby, just waiting for the moment when he can discredit the dreamer. They may turn out to be either a dishonest admirer or an evil girlfriend. Be carefull!

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The author of this source of vision, where an explosion appears, does not like it. It says here that such a plot directly predicts loss of health. You need to see a doctor so as not to bite your elbows later, the situation can still be corrected, the dream book suggests. The explosion of a bomb that sounded in the distance is intended to push a person to develop character. The fact is that the dreamer is afraid of making a mistake, and therefore does not show initiative. This position is wrong and will not lead to success. Change is long overdue; you just need to take one step towards it. Don't be afraid, everything will work out in the most favorable way.

Ukrainian dream book

This source views the bomb explosion extremely positively. The good news will soon come to man. You just need to try not to miss it. Many chances will open up before the dreamer. If he uses them, he will be able to achieve a lot. Well, if he doesn’t catch the right moment, he will lose the opportunity to create happiness for himself with his own hands. Then in old age he will bitterly regret the lost prospects. Look into both eyes and be quick, the dream book recommends. An airplane explosion in this source has a negative meaning. Some very important information is being kept from you by ill-wishers. If you fail to expose these villains, you will suffer from their cunning. In addition, such a vision foreshadows material losses caused by a wrong decision.

Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

Surely a person who sees a terrible explosion in night vision will like this particular source. It says here that such a catastrophic plot appears before a sharp turn in fate. He foretells glory. Some action of the dreamer will be perceived almost as a feat. He will receive recognition in certain circles. I wonder, do show business stars also dream about explosions? After all, they are surrounded by the love and worship of many people. This is exactly the fate that awaits the one who saw the explosion, according to this source.

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

To see a war or a terrorist attack means to suffer from enemies, this interpreter is sure. If a person in night vision suffered from shrapnel or fire, then he will have to justify himself for a long time, convincing others of his innocence. He will be charged with some kind of accusation that is as terrible as it is unfair. Don’t give up, be sure to expose the cunning enemy and clear your good name, the dream book advises. A nuclear explosion foreshadows some kind of global catastrophe that will affect the viewer of such an astral plot. You need to closely monitor events in your region. The situation is heating up. You need to protect yourself and your loved ones in a timely manner.

Esoteric dream book

This wise source also views our story negatively. A person who dreamed of an explosion will have to suffer and suffer due to the severance of some extremely valuable connection for him. This will happen through no fault of his own. However, it will make a deep negative impression on the dreamer. The suffering will be so severe that the person may become ill. We need to understand that we cannot always remain in the same circumstances. This limits personal development. Once the connection is interrupted, it means that it has already outlived its usefulness. We need to move on and not shed tears.

Miller's dream book

Betrayal and false accusations await those who saw the fire of an explosion while wandering the astral plane at night. The dreamer is literally surrounded by people who are ready to hold him responsible for their own thoughtlessness or shameful miscalculations. Unfortunately, the situation will be extremely unfavorable for you. The opportunity to achieve justice will not appear soon. This is not to say that efforts should not be made to expose liars. It will just take a lot of time. Be patient and stick to your line. In the end, their cunning will be understood by those around them, and the bastions of dirty slander will fall. If in a dream you saw victims of an explosion, you will find yourself accused of gossip. Any word after such a vision must be weighed five times before being spoken. Even the most innocuous remark can turn out to be fatal. If in a dream you are captured by a blast wave, then beware of arrogant friends. They are already ready to exceed the credit of trust. Your secrets may become known to the general public. This will greatly damage your reputation. There is no need to be frank with unverified people. The dream of an explosion is especially unfavorable for a young lady. She may become a victim of someone else's deceit.


Dreams of an explosion are often vivid and clear. Upon awakening, a person rejoices, realizing that it was just a dream. But should you worry about what he is dreaming about? Dream interpreters will tell you the answer to this question.

Most dream interpreters agreed that the explosion seen in the kingdom of Morpheus does not bode well:

  • American. Night vision indicates a personality crisis, problems with mutual understanding that arise between the dreamer and others.
  • Wangi. It is pointless to resist the troubles that are coming. In many ways, you yourself are to blame for your problems. Humble yourself and endure the vicissitudes of fate.
  • Grishina. Night dreams are favorable.
  • For the bitch. To chagrin, dissatisfaction and problems in the business sphere.
  • Islamic. To family discord or depression.
  • Chinese. Beware of deception.
  • Miller. You will be dissatisfied with the actions of people around you.
  • Newest. To unexpected changes.
  • From A to Z. Due to the dissatisfaction that you will experience in connection with the inappropriate actions of loved ones, things will go downhill.
  • Peter Leiman. You are in a difficult situation from which you are trying to find a way out. You try to suppress the strong emotions you are experiencing now, but sooner or later all the negativity will come out.
  • Modern woman. You will experience irritation.
  • Modern. Decline in business. Serious problems will arise because of someone close to you.
  • Wanderer. For some, the dream promises glory, for others - receiving unexpected news, and for others - irritation.
  • Ukrainian. The work will be appreciated.
  • Fedorovskaya. The cause of trouble will be a loved one.
  • French. You will encounter deceit and hypocrisy.
  • Hasse. Climb the career ladder. Your loved ones and colleagues will begin to treat you with respect.
  • Tsvetkova. You'll get sick.
  • Gypsy. The dream indicates to us laziness and fear of finding ourselves in a difficult situation.
  • Esoteric. To the separation or death of a loved one.
  • Were you engulfed in flames after the explosion? You trust people too much. Fake friends take advantage of you.

    In women's and men's dreams

    The interpretation of a dream is also influenced by who dreamed it:

  • A girl and a young woman. If you see an explosion in your night dreams, be careful when making new acquaintances with individuals of the opposite sex.
  • Married. Disappointment in your spouse. Treason is possible. If you dreamed of an explosion that occurred in your own home, then due to protracted conflicts with your spouse, decide to file for divorce. This decision will be extremely difficult.
  • Pregnant. Be careful when making new acquaintances, and also do not tell your friends too much about yourself, so as not to regret it later.
  • To a man. A friend is using you for his own purposes. Soon the unpleasant truth about him and his actions will be revealed.
  • If you happen to see the explosion of a multi-story building in your night dreams, then troubles will occur that will affect not only you, but also other people.

    What kind of explosion did you dream about: bombs, grenades, shells and others

    The interpretation of the vision is influenced by the location where the explosion occurred, as well as the type of shells that exploded:

  • Bomb. Receive bad news. Your health will deteriorate. According to Freud, expect a storm of passions.
  • Grenade. Thanks to a successful combination of circumstances, you will be able to avoid trouble.
  • Projectile. To life changes. There will be a desire to break old ties and make new acquaintances.
  • House. A series of failures is coming. Think it through and plan well before you act. Seeing your own home explode in a dream means problems in the family. Pay more attention to your loved ones. Try to solve problems together and respect each other’s opinions, only in this case will you avoid collapse and improve your family life.
  • Car. They will want to deprive you of money and property, so be on your guard. There was an ill-wisher among my acquaintances. If you are careful, you can nip his actions in the bud and avoid sorrows in the future. Seeing a burnt car frame after an explosion in a dream means losses. Do not invest money in dubious enterprises, otherwise you will burn out.
  • Airplane. To a nervous breakdown that will have to be suffered. After all the shocks, it is necessary to improve your health and find peace of mind. It is advisable to take a vacation, relax and change your surroundings. Seeing the crash of a burning airliner indicates that there are envious people. If in a dream a plane collided with a house, then you are not in the best shape. A seemingly minor ailment can develop into a serious illness. Do not delay visiting a doctor, otherwise in the future you will greatly regret your disregard for your health.
  • Train. The interpretation depends on which train you dreamed about. If it’s cargo, then get ready for complete failure in business. The explosion of the passenger train portends great difficulties in family relationships. If the electric train appeared in the kingdom of Morpheus, then don’t even hope to get rich quickly. You definitely won't be able to do this in the near future.
  • Bus. You should be careful not to get into a difficult situation.
  • Ship. Soon a terrible catastrophe will happen; not only the dreamer, but also many of those around him will suffer from its consequences. Such information is offered in the dream book of Nostradamus.
  • Gas. Meet an unpleasant person. Did you dream that a gas cylinder exploded? You will suffer because of a rash act. Also watch what you say. Sometimes it is better to remain silent than to say something stupid.
  • Lamp. Friends will unite against you, wanting to take revenge for the grievances caused.
  • The force of the explosion and the reasons that led to it are also important.

  • Nuclear. Parting with a loved one, a tragic incident.
  • Thermonuclear. You will encounter betrayal that you will not be able to forgive.
  • Atomic. Serious changes will occur in all areas of the dreamer’s life. If you managed to remain unharmed, then get ready for your entire way of life to change completely. Another dream may warn that you will soon learn something shocking about loved ones.
  • Big. Something will greatly shock you. If you happen to see him from afar, but at the same time survive, then relatives or friends will find themselves in a difficult situation, and you will come to their aid.
  • According to the Ukrainian dream book, if you see explosives, then your efforts are not in vain, you will soon be highly appreciated.

    Actions in a dream

    Events occurring in night dreams affect their interpretation:

  • See from afar. Get interesting news.
  • Run away from the explosion. Take a rash act, for which you will soon have to pay. According to the family dream book, you will be able to avoid troubles in reality.
  • Hear. To complications in the workplace, quarrels with colleagues. Because of this, going to work will become a real torture.
  • Fly away after the explosion. Circumstances are working against you. You need to take active action, otherwise you will fail.
  • Explode yourself. You will suffer because of your friends. According to the family dream book, you will make a spontaneous decision, which you will regret in the future.
  • Preparing a terrorist attack is for an important event.
  • Participate in hostilities. To problems with money. There is a possibility that you will have to move or change your job. According to the modern dream book, you are ready to fight adversity.
  • In the kingdom of Morpheus, did you see how after the explosion a man was thrown to the side? A relative is in trouble and will need your help.

    Sometimes a dream about an explosion can portend recognition of your merits

    Interpretation of other dreams about an explosion

    If you dream of your own death from an explosion, then you will soon be defeated by the enemy, and all you can do is shed bitter tears.

    Did you see yourself crippled after an explosion in a dream? To unfounded accusations. Circumstances will not be in the dreamer’s favor. According to the dream book from A to Z, to be seriously injured in night vision after an explosion is a result of the cavils of others.

    Dreaming of smoking ruins after an explosion means losses and conflicts.

    If in a dream you felt like you were thrown up by a blast wave, then the people you consider to be your friends are actually not such. They don’t mean well, they try in every possible way to ruin your life.

    Have you seen explosion victims in the kingdom of Morpheus? Try to be less outspoken. Talkativeness can play a bad joke on you.

    If in a dream, due to an explosion, a house or car ends up in the air, then luck will turn away.

    If you dreamed that after an explosion everything was on fire, then your acquaintances take advantage of your dependability and burden you with their work. Learn to say no, and then you will notice that life will begin to improve.

    Often, dreams of an explosion promise problems, troubles and unexpected changes in life. Having seen such a dream, there is no need to panic, because you have the power to avoid difficulties. The main thing is to be careful, do not tell unnecessary things to other people and listen to your inner voice.

    Interpretation of the dream Explosion in Miller's dream book

    Seeing explosions foretells that the wrong actions of people around you will be the cause of your dissatisfaction. Your affairs will also upset you. If you dream that your face or the faces of others are blackened or mutilated, this means that you will be unfairly accused of being talkative, and circumstances will be against you. Seeing smoke and fragments means failure in business. If in a dream you are engulfed in flames or thrown high up by a blast wave, the dream predicts that your unworthy friends will violate your rights and abuse your trust. Young women having such a dream should be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men.

    Explosion in Vanga's dream book

    The explosion symbolizes the power of fate, which is useless to resist, but which can be avoided by building your life correctly and existing peacefully in the surrounding space. If you saw an explosion on the horizon in a dream, it means that your existence will soon be overshadowed by a sad event that could crush you if you do not turn to friends and relatives for help and support. Seeing a house being destroyed by an explosion is a bad sign, which warns that you will have to experience all the vicissitudes that evil fate has in store for you. If you were knocked down by a blast wave in a dream, then such a dream predicts internal devastation, disappointment, depression associated with the realization that you spent most of your life aimlessly. If you rise to your feet after a blow, this means that in reality you will be able to overcome adversity and regain strength.

    Dream Explosion according to O. Smurov’s dream book

    Hearing an explosion in a dream is a sign of approaching danger and a big scandal that threatens your close friend or relative. If in a dream you were not afraid of him, then trouble will not affect you and you will be able to avoid unpleasant consequences. The dream warns you that your frivolous behavior and rash actions can lead to serious consequences and your good name may suffer. To suffer from an explosion is a sign of great distress due to failure, wounded pride and gossip. If in a dream you also see the destructive consequences of an explosion, then loved ones will betray you.

    The meaning of the dream Explosion in Hasse’s dream book

    A dynamite explosion portends a high appreciation of your person. The louder he was in the dream, the more recognition and glory you will receive from the people around you. If you caused the explosion yourself, your fame may have a tinge of scandal. To suffer as a result - such a dream warns that fame will have a disastrous effect on your soul.

    See also:

    If quiet, pleasant dreams after waking up leave good impressions, then night dreams with fiery flashes and strong roar can ruin your mood for the whole day. Why do you dream about an explosion? Any dream book classifies an event as a warning about catastrophic consequences. A terrible dream scenario warns of an impending surge of emotions; behavior should be changed so that emotions do not explode in reality.

    Working through the details of the dream will help you decipher the symbolism of the frightening illusion in more detail. After all, the result of a surge of emotions can be surprises, but not only of an unpleasant nature, but even pleasant ones. What you should pay attention to:

    • what exactly exploded according to the scenario of your dream;
    • how vivid the catastrophic event was;
    • did you hear the roar of the explosion itself;
    • did the night vision scare you?

    If you accurately recall in your memory the details of how you happened to see an explosion in a dream and remember your feelings, you will receive an accurate interpretation of the dreamed event. Moreover, in reality, the details of the night picture will help to cope with the complexities of the upcoming situation. What details might there be?

    The nature of the destruction of the night scenario

    • If the blast wave resulted in global destruction, it is important to remember the details of the dream. Then it will be possible to predict in which area of ​​life the dreamer can expect strong emotional turmoil.
    • If in a dream a blast wave turned a city into smoking ruins, in reality a major scandal awaits with a break in relations with loved ones. The contemplator of the night illusion will have to start a new life.
    • According to the dream book for family people, the destruction of one’s own home from an explosion is an impending conflict with a scandal. For lonely people - a warning about the need to release emotions.

    It is important to understand that night visions with catastrophic events are considered harbingers of serious events in real life. Therefore, the dreamer should pay attention to his emotional state, because emotions can explode.

    Getting injured during the dream

    • An unpleasant vision of a charred head in a dream warns that others consider the dreamer to be a gossip. Most likely, a person will not be able to regain his good name.
    • If, according to a night scenario, an explosion in a dream turns into a lot of fragments for a person that are stuck in the body, the result of the conflict in reality will be loneliness. Changing the opinions of others about yourself will not be easy.
    • A particularly strong sign is a huge fragment stuck in the body. It is with this part of the body that there may be problems, and there is a need for a medical examination.

    Among the frightening transcripts of the events of the night disaster, there are pleasant moments of interpretation. This refers to the contemplation of a bright glow during an explosive event, which prophesies to the dreamer an explosion of tremendous success. It's time to implement long-cherished plans, the finest hour is near.

    How famous dream books interpret a terrible sight

    Miller's dream book

    The psychologist believes that a disaster promises drastic changes in life, and the vision of an explosion with a fire is a difficult situation, at work it will end in dismissal. Why do young women dream about explosions? The night illusion warns that you need to be careful when communicating with unfamiliar men. If a bomb exploded in a dream, this is a harbinger of dizzying passion that deprives one of reason.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    The famous soothsayer's interpretations of night dreams are associated with explosions on a ship, which in those days was associated with happy changes in life. Therefore, the dream book interprets the explosion as follows:

    • a disaster with the destruction of an old ship warns of the collapse of hopes for happiness, it is necessary to change the country or change the political system in the country of residence;
    • the soothsayer associates seeing the explosion itself with an impending catastrophe on a global scale; for the present time it could be a threat from space, an environmental crisis, the beginning of a nuclear war;
    • a fire on a ship will result in a sudden collapse of prosperity, a declaration of war, or a powerful natural disaster that brings grief and suffering to the dreamer’s native country.

    The illusion of a nuclear explosion is a fairly rare event for a night scenario. This is a warning sign to the viewer of the dream picture about his future wrong actions, which may turn negative with radical changes in worldview.

    Dream interpretation from A to Z

    • an explosion of a lamp seen in a dream promises the sleeping person the revenge of friends and enemies; in reality they will act together;
    • if in a night scenario you happen to see a grenade explosion, real dangers can be avoided by chance;
    • a sleepy picture of especially injured victims of an explosive event foreshadows accusations of talkativeness and the emergence of fatal circumstances.

    You cannot avoid losses; fortune will turn away from you if you happen to see planes, buildings, cars, etc. taking off from an explosion. If you yourself had to blow something up while contemplating a dream, your rights will be trampled upon by two-faced friends. Preparing an explosion and planting explosives in reality promises a very important event.

    Women's dream book

    A collection of interpretations, specially compiled for modern women, deciphers an explosion in a dream from the point of view of female psychology. What do dreams portend for the fair sex:

    • seeing explosive events leads to future discontent;
    • a disaster with smoke and flying fragments - to failures in business;
    • A dreamer engulfed in flames on the crest of a blast wave in reality should expect troubles from loved ones.

    Interestingly, the majority of dream books are made up of men. The dream book of a modern woman is compiled taking into account the subconscious messages of the female psyche, which help ladies correctly interpret the dream.

    Why do you dream of an explosion if the dreamer is at its epicenter? This is a warning about a deadlock situation, even illness. Running away from bomb explosions is a direct hint that you should get rid of rose-colored glasses, otherwise disappointment is inevitable. If the dreamer happened to be a passenger on an airplane that exploded in a dream, such a sign reinforces the negativity of the dream.

    Although there is nothing pleasant in dreams with explosions, you should not be frightened by night images and be disappointed. By correctly deciphering dream images together with popular interpreters, you can prevent troubles and protect yourself from fatal mistakes in real life.

    Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

    For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

    When you are ready, draw a card:

    Do you often have disaster dreams? Perhaps they are associated with excessive impressionability after watching films or news broadcasts. Or has a storm of emotions accumulated in your soul? Let's find out the opinion of dream books on this matter.

    Women's dream book

    Seeing an explosion in a dream foretells that the actions of others will cause your rage. If fragments fly and smoke is visible, then expect failure in an important matter. A blast wave throws you off or you find yourself engulfed in fire - loved ones will take advantage of your gullibility. The dream warns a young girl to be careful with strangers.

    Miller’s dream book adheres to a similar interpretation, adding that having a disfigured face after an explosion is a harbinger of accusations of talkativeness. People and circumstances will be set against you.

    Wanderer's Dream Interpretation

    According to this dream book, an explosion is recognition, honors, as well as news that will cause anger.

    Esoteric dream book

    According to the dream book, an explosion means the loss of a dear person, a sudden break.

    French dream book

    He believes that seeing an explosion in a dream is a symbol of someone else’s deceit and hypocrisy. Such a dream calls for caution.

    Dream Interpretation of Felomen

    He considers such a dream to be the fruit of emotional overstrain. Perhaps someone is causing you irritation or provoking aggression. It is recommended to be patient and understanding to avoid quarrels and maintain relationships.

    Seeing an explosion in a dream and running away from it means trying to avoid someone or something. The upcoming event causes anxiety, so you try to push it away. It is better to deal with the situation immediately so as not to escalate the situation. Otherwise, serious problems may arise.

    If you had a dream in which a nuclear explosion scared you, you may have problems with self-control. Your irritability and breakdowns with loved ones depress you. Internal discomfort can lead to health problems. Therefore, a nuclear explosion is a dream foreshadowing illness.

    Hearing explosions means unexpected difficulties, obstacles on the way to the goal. The reason for this may be events in the recent past that you did not pay attention to.

    As the dream book interprets, a bomb explosion and military operations promise troubles in your personal life. A conflict is brewing in the family. For a couple, this means a showdown and a difficult conversation. In general, the dream book deciphers a bomb explosion as enmity, quarrels, loss of money.

    But it is not all that bad. An explosion accompanied by fire promises great success and recognition of your projects and ideas. They will bring profit and fame. This will come as a big surprise to everyone.