That does not apply to the Internet. Internet services. Social research methods include

Currently, the Internet has a fairly large number of services that provide work with the entire range of resources. The most famous among them are:

Electronic mail (E-mail), providing the ability to exchange messages between one person with one or more subscribers;

Teleconferences, or newsgroups (Usenet), providing collective messaging capabilities;

FTP service - a system of file archives that provides storage and transfer of files of various types;

Telnet service designed to manage remote computers in terminal mode;

World Wide Web (WWW, W3) is a hypertext (hypermedia) system designed to integrate various network resources into a single information space;

DNS service, or the domain name system, which provides the ability to use mnemonic names instead of numeric addresses for addressing network nodes;

The services listed above are standard. This means that the principles of building client and server software, as well as communication protocols, are formulated in the form of international standards.

Along with the standard services, there are also non-standard ones, which are the original development of a particular company. As an example, we can cite various systems such as Instant Messenger, Internet telephony systems, broadcasting radio and video, etc. An important feature of such systems is the lack of international standards, which can lead to technical conflicts with other similar services.

1. Email (E-Mail)

Electronic Mail (E-Mail) is a service that provides the ability to send messages between two or more subscribers.

The user uses special software to create a message on his site and then forwards it to the mail server. The main task of this server is to deliver messages to another server, which provides storage for the recipient's incoming mail. After that, the subscriber to whom this message is addressed, using the mail software, can contact this server at a convenient time for him, read the mail and, if necessary, process it.

Each subscriber, from the point of view of the postal service, is represented by a mailbox. A mailbox (mailbox) is an information space allocated at a certain host for storing mail messages and has a unique name within the host. The unique box name combined with the unique host address represents the unique box address across the entire network. To control user access to messages, each mailbox is associated with a specific set of data called an account.

An Account is a collection of information about a mailbox user, as well as additional control parameters. This information usually includes:

1. The account name, or login (login) is a sequence of characters that is used by the server to identify the user when establishing access to the mailbox. Typically, the account name is the same as the mailbox name.

2. Password is a sequence of characters that is used in conjunction with an account name when establishing access to a mailbox to confirm that it is the owner of the account name who is accessing.

The process of verifying the legality of a user based on an account name and confirming that name with a password is called authentication.

3. The process of granting access to a legal user (ie, authenticated) is called authorization. Additional information about the user. This information is intended to enhance your e-mail experience and is generally optional.

The structure of the E-mail service includes the following components:

1. Information resource - a set of information objects, the use of which is provided by the e-mail service. Consists of the header and body of the message - a block of information that must be transmitted to the recipient.

2. Mail server is a software package that provides forwarding of e-mail messages, their storage, management of the message database, and also allows the subscriber to work with his mailbox.

3. Mail client - a program that allows the user to create and send messages, as well as manage received messages (view, organize, print, delete, etc.) from their own mailbox.

4. Protocols of interaction between mail clients and servers. Currently, the main protocols are:

Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) delivers messages from the sender to the recipient's mailbox. An important feature of the basic version of the SMTP protocol is the lack of means of user authentication, since it is not required to send mail. Therefore, in theory, you can use any SMTP server to send mail. On the one hand, it is quite convenient, since you can send messages if your "own" mail server is down for some reason. However, on the other hand, it allows you to hide the source of "spam" - imposed messages that are unnecessary for recipients (advertisements, dangerous messages containing viruses, etc.).

Given such problems, an extension has now been developed for the SMTP protocol that allows you to authenticate users and block the sending of mail if the sender has not been authenticated.

Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) enables a mail client to retrieve messages accumulated in a mailbox. The protocol allows client and server to communicate in an autonomous model. The main characteristics are:

· Lack of support for creating folders inside the mailbox and working with them.

Internet Message Access Protocol version 4 (IMAP4) is a newer protocol that allows a client to retrieve messages from a mailbox. The protocol allows interaction according to any of three models - stand-alone, interactive or disconnected. The main characteristics of this protocol are:

· Support for selective loading of messages from the server;

· The ability to process mail on the server;

· The ability to create folders inside the mailbox in order to organize the storage of messages and, accordingly, - the ability to work with folders;

· The ability to create and use collective mailboxes;

· Availability of a mechanism for searching messages on the server without downloading by the client.

In addition to simple messaging, the e-mail service allows you to organize various informational interactions of Internet users. Most famous example such interaction are mailing lists.

A mailing list is a named list of subscribers' mailing addresses, designed to facilitate mass mailing of mail messages, usually corresponding to a specific topic. The mailing list name is a virtual collective mailing address: messages directed to this address are delivered to all members of the list.

Mailing lists can be moderated or unmoderated. Moderated mailing lists are lists in which all messages to be sent in bulk are checked for content. As a result of this check, messages that are not related to the subject of the list, containing advertisements, profanity, contrary to legislative acts, etc. may be discarded. Such a check can be carried out by special people called moderators, or automatically, for example, by certain keywords.

Internet users have the opportunity to join the mailing list they are interested in (subscribe to the mailing list). This is usually done by sending a special message to a specific address.

2. Teleconferences

Teleconferencing is a generalized concept that refers to two types of services and, accordingly, two network technologies: discussion groups (or mailing lists, mailing lists) and newsgroup (newsletter system) USENET. The former are supported by servers or "mail robots" that send messages to specific email addresses of subscribers. The second - through a transport "broadcast" system based on the NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol), when a stream of messages is transmitted from one node to another, i.e. for the widest user groups. This type of service is similar to the Internet mailing lists, except that messages are posted on news or news servers. Subscribers to the teleconference can then read the incoming message and, if desired, reply to it.

A newsgroup is like a bulletin board where anyone can post their announcement and read the announcements posted by others. To simplify the work with this system, all newsgroups are divided into topics, the names of which are reflected in their names.

To work with the teleconferencing system, you need a special software, with which you can establish a connection to the news server and access the news articles stored on it. Since the news server contains articles from a very large number of newsgroups, users usually highlight those that are of interest to them (or, in other words, subscribe to them), and then work only with them.

After subscribing to the selected newsgroups, it is necessary to establish a connection with the news-server in order to view the received messages. Thus, teleconferences are virtual communication clubs. Each teleconference has its own address.

3. FTP file archives

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a protocol that makes it easy to transfer files and documents. It is usually considered as one of the methods for working with remote networks. There are FTP servers that contain a lot of information in the form of files. The data of these files cannot be accessed directly, only by rewriting them entirely from the FTP server to the local server.

In case the file transfer was interrupted for any reason, the protocol provides means for downloading the file, which is very convenient when transferring large files.

Two software components are involved in providing the FTP service:

1. FTP server. It is a program that runs on a computer providing an FTP service. It accepts FTP commands and executes them.

2. FTP client. It is a program that runs on the user's computer. With its help, the user establishes a connection to the FTP server and sends commands to it: requests files for downloading, deletes files, renames them, etc.

One of the most common types of FTP servers is anonymous FTP server. Working with them, you do not need to know the username and password to connect to the server and receive files. On an anonymous FTP server, the username is usually "anonymous" or "ftp" and the password is your email address.

4. Telnet

TELNET is one of the oldest information technologies on the Internet. The main purpose of the protocol is to implement a network terminal for accessing the resources of a remote computer. The TELNET protocol provides a bidirectional eight-bit data link. His main task is the creation of a standard method of interaction between terminal devices and terminal-oriented processes through the network.

TELNET uses a TCP connection to transfer data interspersed with protocol control information. In principle, it is not necessary to transmit any control information for the protocol to work. Thus, the protocol can be used to connect to any service using TCP as a transport protocol and exchange data between the participants in the connection.

The protocol is based on three basic concepts:

The concept of "Network Virtual Terminal"

Parameter matching principle,

Symmetry of terminals and processes.

The concept of "Network Virtual Terminal"

When a connection is established, it is assumed that it starts and ends at a "Network Virtual Terminal" (NVT). NVT is an imaginary device, it is a standard description of the most widely used capabilities of real physical terminal devices. NVT allows you to describe and convert to a standard form how information is displayed and entered.

The terminal program and the process working with it transform the characteristics of physical devices into the NVT specification, which allows, on the one hand, to unify the characteristics of physical devices, and on the other hand, to ensure the compatibility of devices with different capabilities.

The characteristics of the dialogue are determined by the device with the lesser capability. As a result, the "user" and "server" nodes do not need to store information about the characteristics of each other's terminals. All nodes display the characteristics of their devices in such a way that the other side thinks that it is dealing with NVT. Usually, "user" means a node to which a real terminal is connected, and "server" - which provides a certain service.

Parameter matching principle

NVT is the minimum required set of parameters that allows even the most primitive devices to work. Real modern devices have much greater capabilities for presenting information.

The principle of parameter matching allows these possibilities to be used. For example, NVT is a terminal that cannot use the cursor control functions, and the real terminal from which the work is carried out may be able to do this. Using parameter negotiation, the terminal program prompts the backend to use escape sequences to control the output of information. Upon receiving such a command, the process begins to insert escape sequences into the data to be displayed.

The protocol offers a structure of additional parameters "DO, DON" T, WILL, WON "T", allowing the user and the server to more precisely agree on the agreements used in the connection.

The WILL XXX command indicates the sending party's offer to use the XXX parameter. DO XXX and DON "T XXX are positive and negative responses, respectively.

Likewise, DO XXX is sent as an invitation to the receiving party to use parameter XXX. WILL XXX and WON "T XXX are both positive and negative responses. Since NVT is what remains when no parameters are used, the DON" T and WON "T responses ensure that the connection remains in a state that suits both sides. transmitted as eight-bit sequences (bytes).

Setting a certain parameter is as follows: one of the participants in the connection sends another request, offering to use a certain parameter in the session.

If the other party agrees, the setting takes effect immediately. If a failure occurs, the parameter value that is determined for the NVT is used.

Symmetry of terminals and processes.

The symmetry of terminals and processes reflects the fact that all protocol control commands can be issued by either side of the connection. There is no division into "client" and "server".

Telnet is one of the fundamental types of Internet service.It provides the user with the opportunity to contact his computer, even being hundreds of kilometers away from it, view his mail, check the progress of running tasks and, if necessary, start new ones, chat with friends who are working at that moment on a computer, and much, much more.

The main condition is the connection of the computer to the Internet and the possibility of terminal access.

5. World Wide Web

The world wide web (world wide web) is a system of documents, including text and graphic information, located on the Internet and linked by hyperlinks

The main idea that was used in the development of the www system is the idea of \u200b\u200baccessing information using hypertext links. Its essence lies in the inclusion in the text of the document of links to other documents, which can be located both on the same and on remote information servers.

Another feature that favorably distinguishes www from other types of service is that through this system you can access almost all other types of Internet services, such as FTP, Telnet.

The world wide web is a multimedia system.

To provide addressing of Web documents and other information objects, the concept of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) was proposed. A URL is a collection of information needed to determine:

1. the network node on which the information object is located;

2. the location of the information object at the node;

3. method of getting access to the object.

The www architecture, like the architecture of many other types of Internet services, is built on a client-server basis.

The main task of the server program is to organize access to information stored in the computer on which this program is running. After starting the server program works in the waiting mode for requests from client programs. Typically, web browsers act as client programs. When such a program needs to get some information from the server (usually, these are documents stored there), it sends a request to the server. With sufficient access rights, a connection is established between the programs, and the server program sends a response to the request to the client. After that, the connection established between them is broken.

The main protocol for interaction between WWW-client and WWW-server is HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol).

The protocol assumes that the transmitted information is presented exclusively in the form of text in ASCII format. It turns out to be inconvenient for transferring data of various types - text written using non-Latin letters, graphics, sound, files, etc. To solve this problem, MIME encoding techniques are used to convert data of any kind to ASCII text.

6. DNS

IP addresses that uniquely identify nodes on a network are not easy for the user to remember. To solve this problem, the Domain Name System (DNS) was developed, which allows you to assign mnemonic names to nodes on a network, by which you can determine the belonging or functional purpose of a node. For example, the site that hosts a Web server is often referred to as "www". DNS assumes that nodes based on some characteristic, for example, by belonging to a particular organization or region, can be combined into logical groups called domains. Domains, like nodes, have names. Domains can be part of larger domains etc. Thus, a hierarchical structure of domains and, accordingly, domain names is formed, which requires a certain organization. The principles for organizing such a hierarchical namespace are defined by the DNS standard.

It should be noted that a domain is a logical group of computers that can include nodes regardless of whether they belong to the same physical network or not, whether their IP addresses belong to the same class, etc.

Despite the fact that mnemonic names are convenient for users, they cannot be used for real interaction of computers on a network, since the functioning of network layer components is based on the use of IP addresses. Therefore, a mechanism is needed that would allow mapping domain names to IP addresses. When developing DNS, a radical solution was proposed: to place a database of correspondence between domain names and IP addresses not on all network nodes, but only on some specially allocated for this. This greatly simplified the administration of the correspondence database.

Thus, DNS has two main functions:

Organization of a hierarchical namespace;

Providing resolution (i.e., matching) domain names to IP addresses.

DNS is built on a client-server basis.

The following components are distinguished in the structure of the DNS service:

1. Information resource - a hierarchically organized domain name space. The correspondence between domain names and IP addresses is described in a database distributed over special nodes called name servers. The portion of a hierarchical namespace maintained by a single nameserver and represented in its local database is called a zone of authority.

2. DNS client (resolver) - a software module that provides queries to the name server in order to resolve the domain name. Typically, a DNS client is included with the operating system.

3. A name server, or DNS server, is a program that stores a part of a distributed database of correspondences between IP addresses and domain names, and also searches for an IP address based on the proposed domain name at the client's request.

4. DNS protocol - protocol of interaction between DNS clients and DNS servers

The domain name space is hierarchical. At the top-most level in the hierarchy is the root domain, which is usually denoted by a period ("."). The next level of the hierarchy is comprised of the Top Level Domains (TLDs). Each top-level domain includes second-level domains, etc.

In theory, a domain of any level can contain both individual nodes, represented by their own names, and lower-level domains (subdomains). However, in practice, domains below the third level are extremely rare.

First-level domains are divided into three groups:

1. general purpose domains;

2. national domains;

3.reverse domain

The first group consists of general purpose domains (Generic TLDs, gTLDs). These domains include:

- "com" - COMmercial, commercial organizations;

- "gov" - GOVernment, US government agencies;

- "int" - INTernational Organizations, international organizations;

- "mil" - MILitary, US military organizations;

- "edu" - EDUcational, educational projects and institutions;

- "org" - ORGanisations, non-profit organizations or organizations that do not fall into other categories;

- "net" - NETwork, general purpose networks;

- "info" - INFOrmation, a free-use domain for providing information on the Internet;

- "biz" - Business Organizations, various organizations;

- "name" - the domain is intended for use by individuals;

- "museum" - museums.

The second group includes national domains (Country Code TLDs, ccTLDs). The name of each such domain consists of two characters and is an abbreviation of the name of the state (so-called "country code") to which the domain belongs, for example. The list of country code domains is developed and approved by the US National Standards Institute.

The third group consists of one domain with a four-character name "arpa", designed to search for a domain name by IP address (reverse resolution). This domain is often referred to as a reverse domain. Second and lower level domains

Each top-level domain typically includes second-level domains whose names are chosen relatively arbitrarily, for example, by the name of the organization for which this name is registered, or by the name of the region. The order in which second-level domains are created is determined by the administrators of the corresponding parent top-level domain.

Similarly to second-level domains, the structure of lower-level domains is determined by the administration of the parent domain. Therefore, there is no single scheme for structuring such domains.

The name must be unique within the domain where it is registered;

One DNS server should be defined (or several - for reliability) that will serve the namespace of the created domain and to which the corresponding zone will be delegated.

7. Internet telephony

Currently, more and more users around the world prefer IP telephony (VoIP telephony) to traditional types of communication, due to two significant advantages:

The gateway (also known as a server) is connected both with telephone lines (which makes it possible to call any number in the world) and the Internet (due to which there is a connection to any computer connected to the Internet). IP telephony over the Internet uses non-traditional communication channels, so a voice signal, before being transmitted to another subscriber, goes through several stages. First, it is digitized, which is broken down into packets that are transmitted over the Internet. Then the signal is converted from digital back to voice format.

When they talk about using the Internet, then in fact we are talking about individual services (services) that are implemented in this network. Depending on the goals and objectives, network clients use the services they need.

Different services have different application protocols. Their observance is ensured and supported by the operation of special programs that must be installed on the computer. Recall that such programs are called client programs.

Terminal mode (Telnet) ... Historically, one of the earliest services on the Internet is the Telnet Computer Remote Control Service . By connecting to a remote computer using the protocol of this service, you can control its operation. Such management is called console or terminal. Previously, this service was widely used to perform complex mathematical calculations on powerful computers. It is impractical to indicate the names of the main Telnet clients, since each server providing such a service offers its own client software. Work in this case resembles work at the computer terminal in the time-sharing mode. In practice, this mode is rarely used.

Electronic mail (E-mail).It is a method of transmitting messages electronically. Special mail servers provide this service on the Internet. Mail servers receive messages from clients and forward them down the chain to the recipient mail servers.

The principle of working with e-mail is very similar to working with regular correspondence. The Internet service provider (ISP) opens an electronic mailbox for the user, into which the correspondence sent to the user will fall. This mailbox is assigned a mail address, the so-called Emailand password. In fact, the user is given the opportunity to save a certain amount of information on the provider's computer. Since the capacity of the provider's disks is not unlimited, the information in mailboxes is either limited in volume and storage time, or a fee is set for storing mail. When exchanging mail messages, the sender and the recipient do not need to be on the communication line at the same time. The sent messages go to the mailbox, from where they can be taken at a convenient time. When a connection is established between the addressee and his mail server, the received messages are automatically transmitted to the addressee's computer.

The postal service is based on two application protocols SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer ProtocolThe simplest mail transfer protocol)and POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3 - Post Office Protocol, version 3).The first is used to send correspondence from the computer to the server, and the second is to receive incoming messages.

There is a wide variety of email client programs. These include, for example, Microsoft Outlook Express, included as standard with the Windows98 operating system. A more powerful program that integrates, in addition to e-mail support, other office work tools -MicrosoftOutlook2000. The Bat and EudoraPro programs are quite popular.

Mailing lists (MailList). Regular e-mail involves the participation in the correspondence of two partners. To expand your circle of communication, you can subscribe to receive postal information on topics of interest to you on the so-called mailing lists... Special topic servers collecting information on specific topics forward it to your email address.

Teleconferencing services(Usenet).This is a huge message-based bulletin board called teleconferencesor newsgroups... Unlike e-mail, newsgroup information is publicly available. For the convenience of discussions, various groups have been formed, whose members send and receive messages on a specific topic.

The basic technique for using newsgroups is to ask a question to the world and then get an answer or advice from those who have already figured out the question. Care should be taken to ensure that the question matches the topic of the conference.

There are special client programs for working with the teleconferencing service. For example, Microsoft Outlook Express also lets you work with the teleconferencing service. To get started, you need to configure the program to interact with the newsgroup server, subscribe to certain groups and periodically receive all messages related to the selected topic.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol- File Transfer Protocol).This service allows you to receive and transfer files and today is the most common for obtaining software products.

WWW (World Wide Web- The World Wide Web).This service makes it possible to work with hypertext and hypermedia documents . To work with the WWW, a special protocol HTTPHyper Text Transfer Protocol (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is used. Hypertext documents are created using the special language HTMLHyper Text Markup Language. A document prepared using this language and available for viewing by the user is called a Web page. Programs for viewing Web pages are called browsers or browsers. The most apt term for a Web browsing operation is navigation.

ServiceArchie.Allows you to find a file on the Internet by its name. Recently, however, this service has become less popular, as search engines have appeared on the WWW, allowing you to search in an easier way.

Gopher.This system of access to information through submenus. It is the prototype of the world wide web, but now it is gradually dying out, since moving around the WWW is more simple and convenient.

WAIS (Wide Area Information Service-Wide area information service)... This is a search engine for information by keyword.

IRC. (Internet Relay Chat)... Designed for direct communication of several people in real time. This service is sometimes called chat conferencesor chat rooms.

There are several popular server and network client programs that support the IRC service. One of the most popular programs is mIRC.exe.

ICQ... This service is designed to find the network IP address of a person who is currently connected to the Internet. To use this service, you need to register on the central server ( http:// www. icq. com) and get a personal identification number UIN ( Universal Internet Number). This number can be communicated to contact partners, and then the ICQ service acquires the character of an Innernet-pager.

There are many more interesting uses of the Internet, for example, telephone calls,receiving radio and television broadcasts.

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4.selection of a fragment of text

    The main elements spreadsheet are:

Choose one answer:



    Where should the information about the educational institution be posted (according to the "Law on Education"):

Choose one answer:

1.on the computer of the administration in the educational institution emails from an educational institution

3. on the official website of the educational institution on the Internet

    Text editors include the following programs:

(multiple answers allowed)

Select one or more answers:

1. Notebook

2. Applications Microsoft Office

3. MS Word

4. Internet Explorer

    Specify the mode in which the document is presented on the screen in the form in which it will be subsequently printed

Choose one answer:


2.reading mode

3. page layout

4. Web document


    Informatization of education is -

Choose one answer:

1.developing users' skills to obtain information using a computer

2.use of computers in the education system

3.A set of measures to transform pedagogical processes based on the introduction of information products, tools, technologies into education a teacher to work on a computer

    Search engines include:

Choose one answer:

    Indicate in which direction the windows in the informatics office should go:

Choose one answer:


2. North

3. east

    Specify multimedia devices

Select one or more answers:





    Indicate how natural language differs from formal language:

Choose one answer:

1. Unambiguous correspondence between groups of signs

2. The physical nature of signs

3. The presence of strict rules of grammar and syntax

    When Microsoft Word starts, it creates a default new document with the name:

Choose one answer:

1. Book1

2. New document1

3. Document1

4. Document

    Information recorded on a tangible medium, with details that allow it to be identified, is called

Choose one answer:

1.commercial secret




    Bring into the system the following stages of the lesson with the system-activity approach:

A. actualization and fixation of an individual difficulty in trial action;

B. identifying the place and cause of the difficulty;

C. motivation for learning activities;

D. reflection of educational activity;

D. building a project for overcoming difficulties;

E. independent work with self-test according to the standard;

G. implementation of the completed project;

H. primary reinforcement with pronunciation in external speech;

I. inclusion in the system of knowledge and repetition.

Choose one answer:

1.C, B, A, D, H, F, I, E, D

2.V, A, B, D, G, H, E, I, D

3.Z, A, D, D, C, F, I, B, E

    The site is:

Choose one answer:

1.list of files available for download

2.the set of hypertext documents

3.file opened with Internet Explorer

4.collection of web pages

    Monitoring learning outcomes is

Choose one answer:

1.the leading type of teacher-student feedback in the learning process

2.system of evaluation and marking activities aimed at the formation of an adequate understanding of objectively occurring processes in the social continuum

3.Verification of the results of assimilation of knowledge, abilities, skills, as well as the development of certain competencies

4.Mechanism for checking only students' knowledge

    What is a browser?

Choose one answer:

1. Antivirus protection program

2. This is Internet Explorer

3. A program for searching and viewing information from a computer network on a computer screen

    Social research methods include

Choose one answer:

1. questionnaire


3.all of the above

4. survey

    Email allows you to send

Choose one answer: images

2.only messages

3. messages and attachments

    The "Format" command allows you to:

Choose one answer:

1.insert a picture

2.saving document to folder paragraph and font options

4.insert a table

    Internal criteria for the formation of a skill include

Choose one answer:

1.Lack of focus of consciousness on the form of the task

2.Reducing the number of errors during the task

3.increase in independence when performing the task

4.increasing the speed of the task

    The main directions of development of general education in accordance with the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation "Our new school" does not include

Choose one answer:

1. Expanding the independence of schools

2. Preserving and strengthening the health of schoolchildren

3. Additional monetary reward for performing the functions of a class teacher

4. Improving the teaching staff

5. Transition to new educational standards

    Information and telecommunication network using the installed software and hardware for students and teaching staff at a speed not lower than:

Choose one answer:

1.30 Mbps

2. 512 kbps

3.500 kbps

    A legal act regulating social and labor relations in an organization and concluded by employees and the employer is called

Choose one answer:

1. Collective agreement

2. Labor agreement

3. Employment contract

4. Bilateral agreement

    Personal socialization is

Choose one answer:

1.the development of moral values \u200b\u200bof society

2. autonomy

3.adaptation, activity

4.all of the above

    Check online resources that are social networks?

Select one or more answers:

1. Wikipedia

3. VKontakte

4. Classmates

    Internet services do not include:

(choose the correct answer)

Choose one answer:

1. FTP File Transfer

2. Email e-mail

3. Standard Microsoft Windows applications

4. Usenet newsgroups

    From the point of view of psychology, the process of education is

Choose one answer:

1.the process of development of the child's motivational-needs sphere

2.the development of the child's intellectual sphere

3.the leading professional function of teachers

4.part of the learning process

    The .zip file extension is:

Choose one answer:




4.Microsoft Office application file

    Searching for information on the Internet using keywords involves

Choose one answer:

2. entering a word (phrase) into the address bar

3.entering a word (phrase) into the search bar

    What is an IP address?

Choose one answer:

1. Provider address

2. Your registration address in your passport

3. Unique network address of a node in a computer network

    Learning principles are

Choose one answer:

1.techniques for organizing the learning process

2.means of folk pedagogy and modern pedagogical process

3. basic ideas of learning theory

4.theses of the theory and practice of teaching and education, reflecting the key points in the disclosure of processes, phenomena, events

    The official publication of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is

Choose one answer:

1. "Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive bodies"

2. “Bulletin of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Higher and secondary professional education»

3. "Collection of legislation of the Russian Federation"

4. "Bulletin of Education"

    Pedagogical technology is

Choose one answer:

1.the set of provisions that reveal the content of any theory, concept or category in the system of science for achieving the learning goal

3.a set of operations for the design, formation and control of knowledge, skills, abilities and relationships in accordance with the goals

4.the stability of the results obtained during repeated control, as well as similar results when it is carried out by different teachers

    Select from the list the address of the Federal Portal "Russian Education":

(choose the correct answer)

Choose one answer:

1.http: //

2.http: //

3.http: //

    Tools distance student support

Select one or more answers: form of education

2.Electronic modules in the system distance learning Moodle

3.Subject sites of teachers

4.the official website of the educational institution

5.electronic resources of the Internet

    Please provide the correct definition of the term "learning task"

Choose one answer:

1. Learning task is the message of the topic of the lesson

2. A learning task is a goal that is personally significant for the student, which motivates the study of new material

3. An educational problem is a solution to a mathematical problem different ways

4. Learning task is a specific task for the student to complete in the lesson

    ICT competence is

Choose one answer:

1.confident mastery by the user of all the components of ICT literacy skills to address emerging issues in educational and other activities

2.the ability to type texts with high typing speed

3.use of digital technologies, communication tools to gain access to information

4.knowledge of various computer programs and their use for information processing

    According to L.S. Vygotsky, the leading role in the development of the psyche of a student belongs

Choose one answer:

1.Communication teach

3. education

4. game

    Processing and formatting of information in a word processor MS Excel. Information formatting capabilities include:

Choose one answer:

1.changing the font

2.changing the height of the cells

3.create table borders

4.all of the above

    Basic services of the global networkInternet and their meaning.

The most common functional services on the Internet are:

1) E-mail E-mail - an offline electronic communication service;

2) Distributed Hypermedia Word Wide Web (WWW);

3) File transfer - FTP;

4) Search for data and programs - Archie;

5) USENET, News - teleconferences, newsgroups (message boards) or discussion groups on various topics;

6) Data search by keywords WAIS (WAIS implements the concept of a distributed information retrieval system);

7) Whois - Internet address book. Upon request, the user can obtain information about the owners of domain names;

8) Access to computers in the remote terminal mode - Telnet;

9) Gopher is a service for accessing information using hierarchical directories (hierarchical menus).

10) Services for online electronic communication: instant messengers and VoIP service.

All services provided by the Internet can be divided into two categories: information exchange between network subscribers and the use of network databases. In fact, all services (services) of the network are built on the client-server principle. A server on a network is a computer or program capable of providing some network services to clients upon their requests.

Client programs include:

    browsers - programs for viewing Web servers;

    ftp clients;

    telnet clients;

    mail clients;

    WAIS clients.

E-mail became the first Internet service and is still the most used service on the Internet. E-mail is intended for the exchange of mail messages between subscribers of the Internet. With the help of E-mail, you can send and receive messages, reply to received letters, send copies of the letter to several recipients at once, forward the received letter to another address, and so on.

To work with e-mail, use mail clients (Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook, The Bat) and mail Web-interfaces located on mail web servers (for example,, ru / and others).

Word Wide Web (WWW) - "World Wide Web"

The Web is the most popular service on the Internet. Many Internet users believe that the World Wide Web is the global Internet. It should be noted that this is not the case. WWW is one of the services of the Internet, but it is its basis, it is a distributed hypermedia (hypertext) system in which documents are placed on Internet servers and are linked to each other by links.

In 1991, the European Laboratory for Particle Physics (CERN) in Switzerland announced the creation of a new global information environment, the World Wide Web. The creation of the World Wide Web, based on the hypertext technology and the HTTP application protocol for transferring Web pages, is a major event in the history of the Internet. Web pages are created using a special HTML language.

HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language is a hypertext markup language, the markup is done using tags. These tags provide formatting of page elements and allow you to place graphics, pictures, hyperlinks, etc. on the page. Today the WWW has become a means of access to virtually all Internet resources.

Browsers are used to view Web pages. The most popular browsers are: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, MyIE Web Browser, Opera, etc.

FTP is an FTP service or client program that transfers files between computers on TCP / IP networks using the File Transfer Protocol, which defines the rules for transferring files from one computer to another.

In other words, FTP is the name of a service or client program and is an abbreviation for File Transfer Protocol. To transfer files using ftp, you need to have access to a remote computer (server) from which you need to download files and log in to it, i.e. enter your username and password.

With the ftp client program, you can browse the contents of directories on a remote computer and switch from directory to directory by selecting the required files. The selected files can be downloaded to your PC.

To download files, you can use specialized FTP client programs or graphical ftp-shells such as ftptool. In addition, the FTP client is included in modern multi-protocol browsers, file managers such as Total Commander, and other applications. Thus, using browsers or file managers, you can upload files to a remote computer or download files from a remote computer.

It should be noted that there are so-called anonymous ftp-servers (file archives) on the Internet, access to which is open, i.e. access does not require username and password. These servers can host files of various application programs, for example free (free) or shareware ( software).

To search for files on FTP servers by the names of the files and directories themselves, you can use, for example, the search engine

In addition, it is possible to access FTP servers via e-mail, some FTP servers can send files by e-mail.

It is an application service that helps you find files stored on anonymous FTP servers on the Internet. Archie servers maintain file lists of many FTP servers, constantly updating them in their databases. Since finding the required file in FTP servers is a difficult task, to search desired file FTP servers use the Archie tool. Archie's job is to scan FTP archives for the required files. You can work with Archie through a telnet session, through a local client, or by email.

USENET news is a teleconferencing system (a network of thematic teleconferences, i.e. conferences of remote Internet users) or newsgroups. USENET was formed in 1970 to exchange information and discuss projects between UNIX OS developers. USENET can be thought of as a bulletin board with sections containing articles on various topics. Each teleconference is dedicated to a specific topic.

The exchange is carried out using the application transfer protocol NNTP (Net News Transfer Protocol). You can work with teleconferences both on-line and off-line. To read news on-line, you can use special programs or navigators, and in off-line mode, you can work through e-mail (using the Outlook Express mail client, you can read news in Usenet groups).

Participants in topical teleconferences can read posts or articles and post their responses to posts by other authors. To work with newsgroups, you need to find the required server.

Wais (Wide-Area Information Servers) is one of the Internet services that is poorly used by Internet users. The service is built on the client-server principle; the exchange is carried out using the WAIS application protocol, which is based on the Z39.50 standard. There are more than 250 WAIS libraries on the Internet, the bulk of the materials related to the field of research and information technology.

WHOIS (from the English who is - "who?") Is an application-level network protocol based on the TCP protocol. WHOIS is mainly used to obtain information about domain name owners, domain name registration date, domain expiration date, and IP addresses. The service is built on the client-server principle and is used to access public database servers (DB) of IP address registrars and domain name registrars. For a request, web forms are usually used that are available to users on many sites on the Internet, for example,,

Gopher is a client program that is a fairly well-known and widespread Internet service. Currently, specialized GOPHER client programs are not used, as modern browsers provide access to GOPHER servers. There is a lot of information on the GOPHER servers.

Telnet is the ability to interactively work with a remote PC and resources of the network to which the remote computer is connected. The TELNET protocol allows you to connect to a remote computer. To enter, you must have a username and password. You can work with TELNET using a client program that functions under operating system Windows.

Finding information on the web

Finding information on the Internet is an art. The means for finding information on the Internet are reference search systems. All existing types of reference search engines on the Internet can be divided into the following groups:

    web search systems;

    fTP search engines;

    gopher archive search engines;

    usenet search engines;


Each search engine indexes server pages in a special way, the priorities in search by indexes are also different from other systems, so a query for keywords and expressions in each of the search engines can give different results.

VoIP service

VoIP (Voice-over-IP) or IP telephony (digital telephony) is a technology that provides voice over packet-switched networks (IP networks). VoIP services are services that are designed to make Internet calls to regular phones. On the IP telephony market, there are many applications for Internet calls in the following modes: computer - computer; computer - telephone and telephone - telephone.


Messengers (Instant Messenger - instant messaging) are applications or services for instant messaging, voice communication and video communication on the Internet (the most popular: ICQ, Skype, and others).