Excel reading program for Android. How to open a document WORD for reading

Word on Android. How to open file.doc on Android

Microsoft provides a native (free) application for opening and editing Vordov documents.doc i.docx on smartphones and android tablets. But there are alternative programs that allow in particular the use of third-party cloud storage services for files.

2015. Free Applications MS Office for Android phones

2011. LibreOffice will earn in the cloud, on iPad and Android

LibreOffice is the OpenOffice project open-source, which was formed after the acquisition of Sun by Oracle last year. A group of developers, which stands for LibreOffice calls himself a Document Foundation and aims to develop a free and open alternative to commercial office packages. In the development of LibreOffice also take part on Google and Red Hat. So, this libreoffice judging from all seriously configured not only to inherit the glory and the base of OpenOffice users, but also to step on the Tail of Microsoft. This week, Document Foundation announced the release in 2012 online version of LibreOffice Online, which will work on HTML5, as well as mobile versions office package for iPad tablets And Android.

2010. QuickOffice came out for Android

Finally, the most popular QUICKOFFICE mobile office reached the Android platform. Until now, he worked on the iPhone, Symbian, Palm and BlackBerry. The QuickOffice trial version for Android allows you to view documents in MS Office formats 97-2008 (Doc, DocX, XLS, XLSX, PPT, PPTX), and the paid version (which costs $ 14) allows you to edit them using basic tools. There is even a good PDF viewer. QuickOffice For Android, you can connect to online storages Dropbox, Google Docs, Box.NET and MobileMe to edit files stored there. Worders of devices on Android 2.0 and 2.1 will also be able to use the multitouch scaling of documents.

The network contains a huge number of books and documents in the Word format, and Android devices gradually capture the Internet.

As far as I remember in the old versions of Android - up to 5.0 programs for opening such formats are not provided.

In Android 5.0 and above there is an office from Microsoft (I will not sign for everyone - I have).

In general, usually do not need to run programs. If you are installed, then the system will apply them yourself.

If there are two programs, it will offer a choice - what to use, only it can be applied in the future.

First you need to open the application. If you have never read or did not create Word documents on your phone, smartphone or tablet Android, then the list will be empty.

If the program you want to use, should see all the documents with which they recently worked, regardless of where they are stored - just click on one of them to open it.

How to open documents for Android in Microsoft Word

Then click on the "This device" string.

Now you can access the documents that are not displayed in the list of recently open.

To start reading, choose a place where it is: if you downloaded, then in the folder - download, if you have saved, then - storage or documents.

How to open and read documents Word from OneDrive

To open documents stored on ONEDRIVE, go to the opening screen.

Then select (Click) Onedrive to access files stored there.

Now select the folder in which your data is stored using a simple click on its name.

How to open and read a WORD document from the Dropbox repository

As in other places, the opening of files on Dropbox starts with clicking on the icon in the main application window.

You must click on Dropbox to view files saved in this cloud service.

Open Word Document on Android - Conclusion

The Microsoft Office Pack for Android is a modern application, which means that you can open and read not only the files in the phone, smartphone or tablet.

You also have the opportunity to get quick access to various cloud services.

Opening documents on the local device, onedrive and Dropbox is a very simple process, and almost identical in each case.

You do not have to study various menus and settings for each account. If you have any problems with Microsoft Office for Android - contact us in the comments. Successes.

Modern phones left their predecessors with small displays and large antennas. Now they can be used not only for communication, but also for work. For example, to work with text files, but for this you need to know how to open a document Word With the help of a special program and where it can be found. However, intending to download a specific program, you should not forget, and use to download reliable resources.

Where to find a program for opening documents Word on android phones and iPhone

Modern Android and iPhone with each new model approaching computers. You can not only open on them, but also edit the Word document. The main thing is to download the desired program.

To view and work with text files, android phone holders should first shut down Play Market In search of a special application. You need to search in the "Programs" category, section "Office". Guided by your personal opinion, as well as user reviews, select the desired utility and install it on your phone (among the most famous, we note OfficeSuite, Documents2Go and Kingston Office).

The owners of the iPhone should be done all the same, just to search need in the AppStore or iTunes. The best utilities as Mobile Office Suite and Documents have proven to IOS.

Utilities for reading documents Word on ordinary phones

The need to open the document created in the Word editor may arise from everyone. This is not a problem for a PC with a modem connected to a telephone socket. How could you understand outlined above, not a problem for newest iPhone. And Android. But, unfortunately, not everyone has an iPhone or a multifunctional modern smartphone on the Android platform. So how do you open a Word document in your phone if you are a possessor of a simple mobile apparatus?

Diversity special programsintended for the opening of Words on the most ordinary phones allows you to do it without special problems. Just download and install one of the phone next applications - DocViewer, Book Reader, MjBook, Tequilacat BookReader, Readmaniac. Their functionality is not as wide as I would like. Most often it comes down only to banal view / reading text filesBut sometimes enough and that. Programs for opening documents Word on phones are created quite often, so this list will be constantly updated and supplemented.


Features of the program reading program Word Documents:

  • creating and editing documents
  • convenient interface
  • support for various languages
  • working with cloud storage
- The most frequently used software package for viewing PDF files, creating, editing and viewing files doc., Exel and TD. on android screen Smartphone or tablet.

The application is free, and some of the necessary functions can be purchased directly from it. In this list, synchronization of documents from a PC, connecting to various cloud storage facilities, work with Doc and DOCX and files and the ability to open perelnaya files.
For more than fifteen years, the Word document reading program is installed on many gadgets. In addition, Android users of gadgets are more than forty million times set it yourself. A program for reading Vords documents in Russian provides the ability to perform a number of operations. So, the availability of INTACT Technology ™ technology allows you to save the original formatting of documents to be edited. The application is very convenient in operation, because all the necessary files are displayed in one application. It will save you from the need to upload various programs or components that can be required when working with cloud media. In the arsenal of the application several synchronization options and saving files. If necessary, they can be saved on a computer, laptop, on one of the cloud storages or on any Android device. At the moment, the application is available in several languages: Russian, English, German, Japanese, etc.