Why do they propose to create a new state in the DPR? "Empire" DNR: how Novorossiya turned into Little Russia

The Russian political scientist told why Kiev and Europe reacted so painfully to the proposal to create Little Russia, although they consider such a project impossible.

The day before, on July 18, the head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko called for the creation of Little Russia - a new state that should replace Ukraine. This proposal provoked a strong reaction from the Kiev authorities and Western politicians. So, Petro Poroshenko promised to restore control over Donetsk and Crimea as soon as possible. His position was shared by many "patriotic" officials. In Europe, they again preferred to blame everything on Russia and called on Moscow to "influence" Zakharchenko. IReactor correspondents contacted Russian political scientist David Giberman with a request to tell us how realistic the creation of a new federation is.

“Zakharchenko’s statement was more of a political nature than a declaration. It does not mean at all that the construction of a new state will begin from day to day. The DPR simply showed that the situation had reached an impasse and that new decisive changes were needed. In addition, the leadership of Donetsk has declared to the whole world that their goal is not to join Russia, but to save Ukraine. This does not fit into the fictional world of European politics, where the militias are represented by the destroyers of the country, because now they have directly declared their desire to save Ukraine from death.

The reaction of the Ukrainian authorities to the Molorossiya project only proves that Zakharchenko hit the mark. Note that the president of the largest European country and his team are beginning to find fault with the leader of the "separatists", whom they do not even give a penny to, according to their own statements. This is an obvious discrepancy, which suggests that they consider the "Little Russian" method of breaking the impasse to be quite real and extremely dangerous for themselves.

Indicative, in this case, is the position of the US State Department. A spokesman for the department, Heather Nauert, noted that she did not intend to comment on the DPR's call, but she focused on what she calls the militia "so-called separatists." , Zakharchenko's statement was aimed precisely at changing the attitude of the West to the conflict - in the Donbass there is a struggle for Ukraine, not Russia.

Remarkable. That the new position was announced only in the United States. It is likely that this is a direct consequence of the talks between Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump in Hamburg, especially since representatives of both leaders confirmed the information that the discussion at the closed meeting was about Ukraine. The problem was the position of Washington, which tried to "drag" the Kremlin to the Ukrainian war, but now they are ready to take a more realistic view of events where Russia is only the guarantor of the safety of civilians. "

The head of the self-proclaimed DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, announced the creation of a new state - Little Russia. It should be established within the borders of Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea. Donetsk was chosen as the capital, and Kiev will become the historical and cultural center of the country.

The creation of Little Russia is possible only with international support, said the head of the self-proclaimed DPR Alexander Zakharchenko: “We offer all residents of the former Ukraine a way out of the war through the re-establishment of the country. This is a peaceful way out. It can only take place under a few conditions. First, we must be supported by the residents of the former Ukraine themselves. Secondly, this way out will become possible only on condition that the international community, that part of it that is involved in our conflict, supports our idea and acts as a mediator. This is an offer from Donbass for residents of the former Ukraine, as well as for politicians in Europe and the United States of America. I want to say that this is our first and last proposal, backed up not only by our armed forces, but also by the will to win. "

Alexander Zakharchenko also announced that representatives of the “former regions of Ukraine” were working on the Little Russia project. Which ones - he did not specify. The self-proclaimed Luhansk People's Republic has already denied their participation in the discussion of the plan.

In the Donbass itself, they doubt the feasibility of creating Little Russia. Even if all the parties agree, the implementation of the plan will be delayed due to legal difficulties, says the former head of the Supreme Council of the so-called DPR Boris Litvinov: “The statement of Alexander Vladimirovich is still declarative. We have a constitution of the DPR, which states: changes in the territorial and state structure requires parliamentary discussion. He is on vacation now. This issue was not discussed in the deputy corps. Alexander Vladimirovich proposes, for example, to establish a state of emergency for three years, during which elections do not take place. And our powers of the head of state will expire in a year ”.

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has already announced that Ukraine will restore its sovereignty in the Donbass and Crimea.

Igor Strelkov said in an interview with Kommersant FM.

The idea of ​​creating Little Russia is an attempt to influence the implementation of the Minsk agreements and the process of peace negotiations, says the Kiev political scientist Aleksey Kurpas: “Zakharchenko's move is absolutely clear: Little Russia is the second attempt to create a federal state. If this happens, then all previous agreements will have to be revised. This wasting time will play into the hands of Russia, because now the advantage in the negotiation process is on the side of France, Germany and the United States. "

According to representatives of the DPR, Little Russia will be a federal state with broad autonomy, its creation will be dealt with by a constitutional assembly, which will consist of representatives from all regions of Ukraine.

The sensational news about the creation of a new state of Little Russia instead of Ukraine, announced by the leader of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko, "put on the ears" of the whole world. And it gradually dawns on the world that they are not joking with him ...

It is especially valuable that the enemies are agitated.

For some reason, for some reason, he decided to become the mouthpiece of Russian "Jews" -liberals! tovarischa completely.

"The statement of the head of the" DPR "Zakharchenko about the creation of" Little Russia ", a ghost state instead of Ukraine, the Russian authorities are trying to portray as an amateur. Despite the insane content of the idea itself, I am sure that behind it are Kremlin curators, in whose heads delirium still wanders about the "Russian spring" as an instrument of the subordination of Ukraine to the Putin regime.

The idea of ​​Little Russia was formulated and thrown in by the curators in their usual clownish, mocking form. So that it looks frivolous, but would make both Kiev and the West think about Moscow's readiness to raise rates: so, they say, Kiev's inability to negotiate leads to what, the self-proclaimed republics have to think about independence.

This embittered cynicism looks like a threat: something needs to be done when the Kremlin-cherished Novorossiya project has failed. In the spring, Russia recognized the documents of the self-proclaimed republics, the ruble became the official currency, and enterprises were "squeezed" from their legal owners. With these steps, the Russian authorities immediately crossed out the Minsk agreements. Thanks to Minsk-2, the Kremlin hoped to get a lever of pressure on Kiev through the special status of the current rulers of the self-proclaimed republics. It was not possible to translate these plans into reality. For the third year in a row, the destroyed Donbass has been a heavy burden on the shoulders of Russian taxpayers.

Putin still has his last trump cards in his arsenal. Behind the absurd promises to create "Little Russia" there may be quite real plans for the official recognition by Moscow of the so-called. "Lao PDR", especially in the context of the need to create an "image of the future" on the eve of presidential elections... Of course, the Kremlin does not seriously count on the seizure of the territory of Ukraine to the Dnieper, but the blackmail of the Kremlin can easily become a reality within the borders of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions. "

For some reason, McCain, Russia's "bosom foe", was suddenly alarmed: "Donbass is not enough for Putin, he needs Little Russia, sanctions do not work !!!"

The chairman of the US Senate Armed Forces Committee, John McCain, blamed the proclamation of Little Russia in the DPR on Russian President Vladimir Putin, and once again called on the US and EU to increase pressure on Russia and provide Ukraine with lethal weapons.

“Vladimir Putin’s ambitions to rebuild the Russian Empire took one step further when Russian separatists in Ukraine’s Donetsk region proclaimed an independent state called“ Little Russia. ”The ultimate responsibility for this gross violation of Ukraine’s sovereignty rests directly with Russia, Vladimir Putin, under whose leadership , for financing, as well as on the supply of troops and weapons of which the separatists are completely dependent, "- emphasized the head of the Senate committee.

"By its aggressive behavior, Russia has demonstrated that it does not want peace and the achievement of the goals of Minsk-2," emphasized McCain, who was not embarrassed and for two years now has not been embarrassed by the fact that the Russian Federation is not a party to the Minsk agreements.

“However, Putin expects that the more his armed forces and supporters kill Ukrainians, the more Ukrainian territory they can seize. And the more Putin forces Ukraine to give its limited resources to the war rather than improving the economy, the more he will be able to undermine the power in Kiev and prevent Ukraine from realizing its Euro-Atlantic future ",- writes McCain, who, like Poroshenko, can translate a conversation on any topic into "Russian aggression" and end with "this time final farewell to the USSR and imperial Russia."

But there were also signs of a sound perception of the situation in McCain's words: he wrote that the United States and the EU "we must face reality honestly, admitting that we have not been able to radically change Russia's plans in Ukraine over the past three years."

In this regard, McCain stressed: Washington's statements that sanctions will continue until Russia fulfills its obligations are not valid.

In conclusion, McCain habitually called on the United States to impose powerful sanctions against the Russian Federation and provide Ukraine with lethal weapons of a defensive nature, which it needs for self-defense.

Unbelievable, but true: something began to reach Svidomo. On his page in the social network, the adviser to the head of the DPR Zakhar Prilepin wrote a message with a reference to an article by the Ukrainian online edition daily.com.ua. In it, a man named Garmash regained his sight and explained to his compatriot that they were idiots and Zakharchenko divorced them, - a quote from a message from a Russian writer.

The news in the Ukrainian media came under the heading "The goal of the Little Russia project is to change the ideology of the conflict from interstate to intra-Ukrainian" ... In it, the Ukrainian expert writes that if yesterday the news about Little Russia sounded like raving from a hangover, then today, when the whole world community reacted to it, it looks no longer funny.

Here is a part of the article:

And here is the message of Zakhar Prilepin.

So, we have the realization: Little Russia as an alternative to Galicia

The proclamation of Little Russia in Donetsk by the head of the DPR, Alexander Zakharchenko, had the effect of an exploding bomb in the Minsk political process. Political scientists from all sides are discussing the meaning of this statement by Zakharchenko, and the majority, with the exception of Rostislav Ishchenko, do not really find it. So, the ex-Rada deputy, who fled from the Banderaites, Oleg Tsarev, speaks of the belatedness and irrelevance of this statement. In a purely practical sense, he is probably right. And in a political sense, Zakharchenko has already blown up the Minsk process, in this sense, the proclamation of Little Russia has already achieved its goal.

Another question: is the idea of ​​Little Russia an initiative of Donetsk, or a political action coordinated with Moscow? If you look at who benefits from it, then it is, of course, beneficial for Moscow. In the Minsk process, Donbass is equalizing its position with Kiev, claiming not for the special status of Donbass as part of Ukraine, but for the whole of Ukraine, like Kiev. If the project of Novorossiya covered only the South-East of Ukraine, then the project of Little Russia covers Ukraine to its western borders. Some experts believe that the Little Russia project will become a pretext for new Western sanctions, however, they will always find a reason there if they want to.

Moscow says it will be a project of Little Russia, if suddenly there are no Minsk agreements. After all, Minsk is buried and revived again, Bandera's Kiev is not going to fulfill it, but the Western guarantors of Minsk are not imposing sanctions against it. The draft law on the "reintegration of Donbass" is openly directed against "Minsk", but Western guarantors do not condemn it.

The proclamation of Little Russia is an obvious "response" to the declared "reintegration of Donbass," and Zakharchenko said directly about this: Little Russia is an attempt to reintegrate Ukraine, since "Ukraine" has exhausted itself and discredited itself with Bandera, which is unacceptable for Donbass and the entire South-East of Ukraine

Western guarantors of "Minsk" demanded from Moscow immediate condemnation of Little Russia, but it did not follow. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov noted that this "topic is subject to reflection and analysis," and then added that it "is a personal initiative of Zakharchenko," and "Russia remains committed to Minsk." So it begs to ask: while keeping? This is definitely not a condemnation.

Russia's representative in Minsk Boris Gryzlov acted as captain Obviously: "Little Russia does not fit into the Minsk process," and Donetsk's lawyer: "The initiative to create Little Russia is a response to Kiev's provocative actions."

Moscow, obviously, is strengthening its position in front of Berlin and Paris, and demands from Europe to condemn the draft law on the "reintegration of Donbass", and the ongoing revival of Bandera Nazism in Ukraine. In general, Little Russia is a serious political move, but it was made as if spontaneously and unexpectedly for everyone.

The representative of the Luhansk Republic, Vladimir Deinogo, called it an untimely initiative, which was not discussed with them. Maybe it was not officially discussed, but the idea of ​​Little Russia has been discussed at least since 2011, when the historian A.V. Marchukov published his work "Little Russian Project" (2011), and then "Little Russians and the All-Russian Idea" (2015).

Little Russia is, of course, a response to Bandera's "Croatian scenario", Donbass unequivocally says that it is not afraid of this scenario. And Russia, as it were, warns the Pentagon, where they announced the decision to supply Ukraine with lethal weapons: you will not have time to deliver. In Syria, a relative ceasefire is very conveniently established, and the Russian Aerospace Forces can perform other urgent tasks.

In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the statement of Sergei Lavrov, albeit on the basis of the Russian diplomatic property selected in the United States: he called Washington a bandit from the high road. This is some kind of serious sign, the imperturbable diplomat Lavrov was indignant to swear words. Our best enemy McCain, on the other hand, confirms the seriousness of the moment: "The statement of Alexander Zakharchenko is Putin's direct responsibility."

So far, Alexander Zakharchenko has proclaimed Little Russia as a political idea, but this is a powerful idea, it can capture the broad masses and become a real force. Ideally, this is a challenge and an alternative to Bandera's Galicia, which has donned the guise of Ukraine. If there is Galicia, then there may be Little Russia. This ideological challenge to Bandera is worth a lot.

Victor Kamenev

Swan Lake

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      • Edition 19-07-2017
      • Ukrainian political scientist Mikhail Pogrebinsky on the proclamation of Little Russia:
        "The proclamation of Little Russia is an increase in rates and a toughening of the position" ...
        According to Pogrebinsky, the proclamation of Little Russia is not yet a final decision, but evidence of a toughening of the position of representatives of Donbass, as well as an attempt to “raise the stakes” and send several signals at once.
        One of them is addressed to Kiev, which has already “crossed all the red lines” by various laws on reintegration and violations of the Minsk agreements. DPR representatives directly say that the current Ukrainian government is illegitimate, which means that it is pointless to conduct further negotiations with it. The Kiev elite "with all sorts of Poroshenko, Turchynov and Yatsenyuk" is simply taken out of the legal field, the political strategist explained in an interview with the newspaper "Vzglyad".
        Another signal can be sent to the United States, which are now showing stubbornness in the situation around the diplomatic property of the Russian Federation. Here Pogrebinsky sees the role of Moscow, which thus makes it clear that in case of refusal to lift the arrest, it will not hold back the collapse of Ukraine.
        The political scientist also noted that formally the DPR would not even violate the Minsk agreements, which presuppose the integrity of the Independent. Donbass representatives do not propose to divide the country, but want to turn it into Little Russia - a new state in which there will be no place for "Bandera" and corruption.

        So, finally, what has been expected for so long by many in Russia and in Ukraine has finally come true. A fresh, constructive idea has been proposed for resolving the Ukrainian crisis, which has long been deadlocked in its current format.
        And, symptomatically, it was proposed not by the “pocket” opposition in Kiev and not by the stupid Ukrainian emigration in Moscow, but by a man who in Donbass and the entire South-East personifies the struggle for the ideas of justice and peace. Alexander Zakharchenko.

        “We believe that the state of Ukraine in the form that it was cannot be restored. We, representatives of the regions of the former Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea, declare the establishment of a new state, which is the successor of Ukraine, ”DPR head Alexander Zakharchenko told reporters.
        According to him, the city of Donetsk is now becoming the capital of Little Russia, and the city of Kiev remains a historical and cultural center without the status of a capital city.
        Hardly anyone would argue that Zakharchenko would have dared to voice such bold, even revolutionary statements without the consent of Moscow. This means that the Kremlin approved these ideas - and most likely even generated them.
        A bad signal for the current Kiev criminal authorities - from now on, Russia will gradually begin to rely not only (and not so much) on the long-rotten Minsk agreements, but on the concept of building a new Ukraine - Little Russia.
        And not in the format of the rabidly Bandera Russophobic Ukraine, but in the format of a friendly state to Russia (and the rest of its neighbors). That was emphasized by Zakharchenko himself.

        “We agree that the new state will be called Little Russia, since the very name“ Ukraine ”has discredited itself,” the DPR head added.
        The idea of ​​"Ukraine is not Russia" promoted by Kuchma, and earlier voiced by Dontsov in his "integral nationalism", led to a civil war, loss of territories and a growing split within the state and society.
        Most of the Ukrainian politicians who fled to Russia, daring to call themselves "political emigrants", did not dare to openly voice the thesis: Ukraine outside the Russian World is not viable! Only in close alliance with Russia (or as part of it) Ukraine-Little Russia can live in peace and develop. Europe, by and large, does not need these lands, and the EU will never recognize Ukrainians as equals and will not accept them.
        What today's Ukrainians are convinced of every day. In a country that is rapidly turning into Ruin, threatening to suck into this deadly whirlpool and part of its neighbors in Europe.
        In contrast to the insane initiatives of Poroshenko and his entourage, which are destroying the country and leading to impoverishment and the extinction of the population, the head of the DPR (hopefully soon - and the whole of Little Russia) proposed real measures to get out of the tailspin into which Ukraine fell after the Maidan.
        “In view of the avoidance of chaos, we propose to introduce a state of emergency for three years, during this time the activities of any parties are prohibited, at the same time, investigations with the involvement of the international community on crimes in Odessa, on the Maidan, in the Donbass begin. This decision has matured a long time ago, but everything has its time, and today we are offering the option that will stop the war, ”Zakharchenko said.
        We have yet to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of these measures, but Oleksandr Zakharchenko said that consultations are already being held with both ordinary citizens and representatives of government and business in various regions of Ukraine.
        But personally, I am sure that the idea of ​​Little Russia is to be! since Ukraine and its current ideology have completely exhausted themselves and pose a threat both to Europe and Russia, and to their own citizens.
        Zakharchenko shares this view of things.

        So, the first emotions have subsided, opinions have been expressed, it's time to sort it out. And why does Russia actually need the Little Russia project?

        Actually, there is nothing fundamentally new in the idea of ​​Little Russia. It can be seen as the next stage in the development of the Novorossiya project, shelved back in 2014. But why today? And for what purpose did Moscow remember him?
        Actually, there is nothing fundamentally new in logic. Perhaps the geography has become somewhat larger. Now we are talking about all of Ukraine, which must be liberated, relying on the resources of Donbass and Russia. But from whom and when? Really from the Poroshenko regime, the legitimacy of which Russia recognized back in the spring of 2014?

        No. Everything is much more complicated and simpler at the same time. The Little Russia project is not being created to fight the Poroshenko regime, which today suits Moscow quite well. But for the same reason, it does not suit Washington in its current form, and since it still has every opportunity to destroy it, the likelihood of such a development of the situation is clearly great to be neglected.
        What should Russia do if the United States, having fully understood the situation and realizing that the Poroshenko regime will lead to the destruction of the “Ukraine is not Russia” project in the foreseeable future, and globally break their plans, try to destroy it and bring outright Nazis to power?

        It is for this that the Little Russia project is being created. With such a development of events, Moscow immediately recognizes this government, which by that time should (if it can, which is not yet obvious) develop a program based on a new idea (re-assembling Ukraine on new principles, which has already been announced). In this case, the war in Ukraine will flare up again, and even then no one will stop the corps until Lviv itself, which will be taken either by them or by the Poles. In any case, no one will leave the anti-Russian gasket.
        By the way, by this time PMCs in Syria will be free (Private military companies (PMCs; English Private military company) about which everyone prefers to remain silent in the media (but they exist, although they are called differently) and they can form the backbone for the formation of two more corps And at that time, internal strife within Ukraine will cause ferment within the army of the split junta and it is still unknown how this will all end in the presence of two illegitimate governments on its territory.

        Also, the Little Russia project will be in demand if, with the legitimate transfer of power after Poroshenko, the new president will somehow not suit Washington and he will follow the scenario of the third Maidan. Probably, in this case, Moscow will not recognize the legitimacy of the new coup and will prefer to officially work with Donetsk, especially since by that time it will be fully prepared to return to Ukraine.
        In general, the Malorossiya project, like the previous Novorossiya project, is an alternative to Minsk.
        If the United States does not agree to its implementation and tries to start an escalation inside Ukraine, then new project will allow Moscow to thwart these plans and deprive Washington of the opportunity to thwart its game.

        The unification of the two "people's republics" will allow the project operators to conduct personnel rotations in the leadership of the Donbass republics, get rid of no longer relevant characters and bring new figures to the fore

        Birthday of Athanor 812

        Prostakov Ivan 07-19-2017 07:15:20 Prostakov Ivan 07-19-2017 07:15:20

        Potroshenko, Turchinova and co - on the pillars of Ukro-Appieva)))) roads. Although this is not easy to do! Rosenbaum is remembered: two bullets between the eyes of Him, during Shukhrah in the Crimea, shouted blue-eyed guy!)))). Eh, ma, damn geopolitics.))))

        Ivan Starikov 19-07-2017 07:52:18 in response to: Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:52:18

        "Potroshenko, Turchinova and co - on the pillars .."

        But Serdyukov ... Vasilyeva ... Zakharchenko (local ... from whom the money was confiscated) and other "heroes of labor"? Where are they? Or are there no pillars for them?

        Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:53:30 in response to: Ivan Starikov 07-19-2017 07:53:30

        Pro-Kremlin ... that's the same ...
        And what about the "Kremlin" ones?

        Ivan Starikov 19-07-2017 07:54:52 in response to: Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 07:54:52

        "Trump is bound hand and foot by Congress and impeachment."
        - shed a tear ... for Trump ... impeachment ... blasphemy ... a serious thing ...

        Count Svinin 19-07-2017 08:04:23 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 08:04:23

        What a bloodthirsty tyrant! Hang on poles? This is MEDIEVAL cruelty. In China, they have already stopped shooting. Officials are imprisoned for 12 years.

        Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 08:05:01 AM in response to: Ivan Starikov 07/19/2017 08:05:01

        "If there are conditions, then both the Ukrainian youth and the Ukrainian society will be cured of the misanthropic (and what other Russophobia?) Ideology."

        With regards to "Ukraine" - you are simplifying everything ...
        There is no particular "Russophobia" there.
        It's just that the "Ukrainians" believe that in this very "New Russia - Little Russia" there are some "separatists", of which 80 percent are citizens of the Russian Federation .... "vacationers", "yesterday sacked" and "lost" ... and personal weapons and heavy weapons and armored vehicles and ammunition and fuel oil and field kitchens and communications equipment and field training and much more in endless quantities, knocked together in illegal armed groups and operating on the territory of "Ukraine" ...

        In the "corps", the moods are ambiguous ... One of the strong "stabs in the back", after which the corpsmen are still perplexed, is the recognition by the Russian authorities of legitimacy " better choice Ukrainian people "...

        Count Svinin 19-07-2017 08:08:04 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 08:08:04

        In the "corps", the mood is ambiguous ... One of the strong "stabs in the back", after which the corpsmen are still perplexed, is the recognition by the Russian authorities of the legitimacy of "the best choice of the Ukrainian people" ... >>>>>

        “The centuries-old existence of a feudal society has left a deep imprint in the hearts of the Chinese about their idea of ​​exclusive powers. The results of a poll conducted by the People's Forum in 2012 show that 50% of respondents clearly understand the injustice of special privileges, but at the same time they themselves would not refuse from using them. " (With)

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:32:11 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:32:11

        Generally in China application data death penalty- there is a state secret and, whatever they say, all this is not entirely true. And the fact that there were almost no executions - yes - they switched to injections. Somewhere in the mountains they are still shooting, but along the east coast they are using a needle.

        atanor812 07/19/2017 08:40:45 atanor812 07/19/2017 08:40:45

        Trumpet is going to appoint the former ambassador to China, John Huntsman, a Mormon (= polygamist, libertine, sectarian) and billionaire by inheritance as the new US ambassador to the Russian Federation.

        Huntsman was forced to leave the post of ambassador to China with a scandal after his participation in the "jasmine revolution"

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 08:41:19 Vova Second 07/19/2017 08:41:19

        Leckmich wrote on 17-07-2017: “Everything is fine here, but without you, Russians! I mean, without your politicians! You fucked up Ukraine! She will not return to the sphere of Russian interests.
        The country is pro-Western and within six months there have been changes for the better - in our direction.
        Put things in order at home, and only then teach your neighbors to live! And help if asked. you can close the topic "Ukraine" on the website. The country is not yours.
        But when you want to remember "Where the Russian Land went from" - then you should go to Kiev - there it is carved in stone. The stone is already many years old ... ".
        But you are itching to do it, you don’t want to close the topic.
        Then I'll have a little fun. Zakhar Prilepin writes about his acquaintance who does business in Ukraine: “So I have been traveling to Kiev for three years, stretching out the remaining threads of the business. I sit down to the taxi driver, I say - Hello. He replies - Is it from Moscow, a Muscovite? Sits, is silent for a minute, and then says: - When will Putin arrive? I'm tired of it already. First one, then the second, then the fifth said it. And five taxi drivers, two managers and four janitors are already statistics. And three years ago, all the people of Kiev were sitting there with such faces: we will tear you, we will cut you into pieces. People are gradually rebooting, and time is working for us. " So who to believe - Prilepin's acquaintance, or mister leckmich? Or the latter doesn't want to reboot. In general, who is this?

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:49:02 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 08:49:02

        > Wrote the same leckmich
        > Then I'll have a little fun too

        My neighbor is 80 years old, and he says that 2 times a day he can ...
        - And you also say.

        atanor812 19-07-2017 08:52:28 in response to: atanor812 07-19-2017 08:52:28

        In Domodedovo, sit next to the left taxi driver, simply by raising your hand. He will tell you something else. And then he will announce 50 pieces for a trip to the center of Moscow.

        Well, there is probably no such well-functioning taxi service in Kiev. Or the familiar podlepin is a clumsy goof. By the way, whose friends of the gentleman are doing business in Ukraine, he did not explain? Moreover, in Kiev, in the den of Bandera.
        Mr. podlepin works with his statements for money, but Mr. leckmich, whoever he is, does not.

        Ivan Prostakov 07/19/2017 09:20:28 in response to: Prostakov Ivan 07/19/2017 09:20:28

        Prilepin works for money (c), brilliantly noted for sure!)) And Leddchik works for chtoli or for kisses in the ass? I don't understand why Prilepin is to blame for you, Vladyka !?))).

        Naum Kaufman 07-19-2017 09:30:15 Naum Kaufman 07-19-2017 09:30:15

        Here you are discussing Little Russia. Does the Constitution of this Little Russia provide for the development of democracy?

        Naum Kaufman 07-19-2017 09:30:45 Naum Kaufman 07-19-2017 09:30:45

        This Zakharchenko did not say a word about democracy!

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 09:45:37 in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 09:45:37

        Unlikely. It was announced that the state religion is Orthodoxy. What kind of democracy is there? But don't worry. Well this is all a provocation. Politics.

        Piyavkin 07/19/2017 09:46:14 in response to: Piyavkin 07/19/2017 09:46:14

        Stick your democracy in your jo ... ny

        Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:50:19 Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:50:19

        Vladimir Putin signed a law on the deprivation of benefits for servicemen who could not pass the drug test and were fired

        In Afghanistan, almost everyone smoked for ////
        and what now?

        Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:51:44 Bzdulin 07/19/2017 09:51:44

        This "Law" was written by those who did not smell gunpowder
        go fight without ...!

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 10:19:00 AM in response to: Kraskopult 19-07-2017 10:19:00

        In any case, vodka was always given during hostilities. And in the Napoleonic era, it was generally an obligation. And nothing.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 10:36:08 AM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 10:36:08

        Will there be a turnover of power?

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 10:41:41 AM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 10:41:41

        I think both work for money. And a little for the idea

        Naum Kaufman 07-19-2017 11:18:10 Naum Kaufman 07-19-2017 11:18:10

        I'm afraid you misunderstood me here.

        mig29 07/19/2017 11:21:31 AM in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 11:21:31 AM

        The idea is to distinguish ours from others. It is shameful to rob "friends", but "strangers" can be robbed without a twinge of conscience.
        So the idea is always to rob one or another in one way or another - that's the whole idea.

        renikold-forte 07/19/2017 11:32:05 am in response to: renikold-forte 07-19-2017 11:32:05

        They just rob their own people. Because there is no one to complain to and nowhere to run.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:32:17 AM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 11:32:17

        Good idea

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:32:44 AM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 11:32:44

        How else to understand you?

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 11:34:05 am in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 11:34:05

        Has Prilepin already robbed someone?

        mig29 07/19/2017 11:45:58 AM in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 11:45:58

        I think that Mr. Warrior-Writer thinks that they are trying to rob him. Therefore, he went to fight with those who think the same way (Ivan Starikov, for example, also thinks so that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, which means that those who want to divide this people and have already divided them, they do it with the aim of this people first quarrel with themselves, and then, when weakened - to rob).
        Civil strife did not make anyone stronger yet, and was always in favor of the conquerors.

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 11:51:45 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 11:51:45

        I still do not understand: from your point of view, is he a positive hero, or a negative one? And a hero?

        renikold-forte 19-07-2017 11:52:51 in response to: renikold-forte 07-19-2017 11:52:51

        In my opinion Prilepin's pride leaped. Lef Tolstoy and Sevastopol, Lermontov and the Caucasus.

        mig29 19-07-2017 11:56:23 in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 11:56:23

        Dear Naum. You are again about your democracy. And democracy is not an idea. This is just one way to manage property. The democratic way involves hiring an effective manager for a management position. If he does not cope well with his responsibilities to manage the property, then the owners change him to a more efficient one.
        Other methods of management imply not replacing an ineffective manager, but replacing ineffective owners with effective ones. That's all Pupkin's arithmetic with pictures.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:11:21 PM in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 12:11:21 PM

        "Replacing ineffective owners with effective ones."
        So this is a revolution. Or a banal robbery.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:12:23 PM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 12:12:23

        Good landmarks. But I don't think that Tolstoy and Lermontov were volunteers.

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:19:22 PM in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 12:19:22 PM

        How can I tell you ....
        Two days ago there was an interesting discussion about patriotism here. (I read it with pleasure).
        A few pennies in this discussion ...
        The word patriotism is derived from the word Father. Just like the Fatherland, it is also derived from the word Father. So it turns out that the basis of patriotism is respect for their Fathers (ancestors), for their deeds. Moreover, with respect and reverence it is necessary to treat both their "glorious" deeds, and those mistakes and miscalculations - "not glorious" deeds. The historical experience of our predecessors - the patriots, both positive and negative - is the basis of patriotism. And if someone takes something selectively from this experience (for example, from the Soviet past, or from the tsarist past, or the princely past, or the common Slavic past), and accepts something, and denies something, then such a person is understanding the meaning of this word cannot be considered a patriot.
        If forces appeared in Ukraine that are trying to destroy the memory of the deeds of our ancestors, take something from this past in today, and delete another as a shameful page of their ancestors, then these forces are clearly antipatriotic - aimed at destroying their people. Prilepin is fighting these forces. Doesn't sit out in the bushes. That means he understands his patriotic duty that way. This inspires respect in me. But those who are now trying to fight their Soviet, tsarist, princely and common Slavic ancestors - they do not cause me respect.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:27:07 PM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 12:27:07

        Fight against ancestors? So they are gone, this is not a struggle, but a dance. But he is critical of his past (not to spit on his history, not to offend the memory of the "patriarchs") is necessary, otherwise it will be marking time

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:31:16 PM in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:31:16 PM

        > The word patriotism is derived from the word Father

        Patriot from Greek - πατριώτης - countryman

        Perdasov 19-07-2017 12:33:25 in response to: Perdasov 07-19-2017 12:33:25

        You can use the neologism matriatism

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:33:58 PM in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 12:33:58

        "Or a banal robbery."

        Well, let's all the same proceed from the fact that the so-called "robbery" was, is and will always be, that under "democracies" (with effective managers, periodically replaced), that under unitary methods of management. There are always enough people who think that they are "underpaid" for the work done, they are "underestimated". And there is always a smaller number of people, but to whom the main property belongs, who believe that for the money that they pay, they are "underperforming", and these "underperforming" themselves are "overestimated."
        The so-called conflict of interest. Thanks to the conflict of interests (contradiction), development takes place. If there were no conflict, there would be no development. There would be degradation and subsequent extinction.

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 12:35:56 PM in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 12:35:56 PM

        The movement of the country forward is impossible without patriotism. Her development. Patriots must lead the country. There are either patriots or traitors.

        Count Svinyin 07/19/2017 12:36:31 PM Count Svinin 07/19/2017 12:36:31 PM

        The so-called citizens of the world or indifferent are the same traitors.

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:41:45 PM in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 12:41:45

        I recently argued with one stubborn former political officer. Under Soviet rule, he was a stubborn communist, and now he has become no less stubborn anti-Soviet - he sees everything that was under Soviet rule only in black.
        I ask him: "Why don't you love your father, grandfather, great-grandfather so much?"
        And he told me:
        - And what does my father, grandfather and great-grandfather have to do with it? They were worthy people.
        And a person cannot understand that the history of the country is not something so abstract. This is the story of hundreds of thousands of families. And his family as well. By denigrating the history of his country, he denigrates the history of these hundreds of thousands of families, and the history of his family as well.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:42:49 PM in response to: Kraskopult 07/19/2017 12:42:49 PM

        And the mat and the countryman are they what side?

        Sayapin 07-19-2017 12:44:57 in response to: Sayapin 07-19-2017 12:44:57

        A very familiar picture. My parents' neighbor at the dacha is the former third secretary of the district committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. He does not speak about Soviet power without a mat.

        Perdasov 07/19/2017 12:48:59 PM in response to: Perdasov 07/19/2017 12:48:59 PM

        Matriatism is from the word mother. Motherland.
        Patriotism is from the word fatherland.

        Kamatsu Caterpillar 07/19/2017 12:51:38 PM Kamatsu Caterpillar 19-07-2017 12:51:38

        Something our newborn hero of the day is not visible. Not otherwise as drunken votku.

        atanor812 07/19/2017 12:54:08 PM in response to: atanor812 07/19/2017 12:54:08

        Drinks nothing. I'm preparing a fish. Goltsov. Two beaches ...

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:54:48 PM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 12:54:48

        So development by weaning is still a revolution. Or robbery, which can hardly be called development, because this way the conflict of interests will not be exhausted.

        mig29 07/19/2017 12:54:50 PM in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 12:54:50 PM

        The main thing is that the ugliness is not ugly.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:56:02 PM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 12:56:02

        But Fidel Castro - is he a patriot, or a traitor? Something you have in your palette only two colors

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 12:59:24 PM in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 12:59:24

        Traitors like Brodsky, Unknown, Rostropovich?

        mig29 19-07-2017 13:05:13 in response to: mig29 07-19-2017 13:05:13

        We cannot stop scientific and technological progress, can we? Therefore, scientific and technical breakthrough discoveries - revolutions - occur periodically.
        And after them social revolutions also take place. This - inevitably happens.
        Was the first bourgeois revolution in Holland? Was. And in France Great revolution... And in England. And in Russia. These were all revolutions, because following the scientific and technical progress of the mode of production, the main owners also changed.
        And in 1991 we had a revolution.
        But the Maidan (and other "color revolutions") is not a revolution, whatever you call it, because there was no change of ownership due to scientific and technical progress. This is a palace coup between the same major owners.

        I forgot podzapatstsa, assel 19-07-2017 13:09:24 in response to: I forgot podzapatstsa, assel 19-07-2017 13:09:24

        > Patriotism is from the word fatherland

        No, he is from another word. Look "Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language" A. Preobrazhensky, vol. 2, M .: 1914.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:10:58 in response to: Kraskopult 07-19-2017 13:10:58

        Yes, everything, in the mind already.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:21:42 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:21:42

        In 1991 we had a bourgeois revolution?

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 13:24:36 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 13:24:36

        I can name a hundred more names.

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 13:25:41 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 13:25:41

        It was a coup d'état aimed at seizing the property of the country by a handful of villains.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:33:42 in response to: Kraskopult 07-19-2017 13:33:42

        Scoundrels are only a tool in the hands of world capital. Bourgeois revolution, yes, only external, export. Not done in our best interest. Capital has returned what was once lost.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:35:57 in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 13:35:57

        And MiG claims that the revolution

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:39:30 in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 13:39:30

        "Undoubtedly - a revolution, because it led to radical changes in the country and the world. Obviously, the people's revolution, because without the people's energy, nothing would have happened: tens of thousands of people would not have gathered and there would have been no need to introduce tanks; - the decaying regime could have crawled a couple more decades, but it will not end so peacefully. And, of course, the anti-communist - the communist ideology, Russian empire and suppressing a person, after 1991 it ceased to dominate society and the individual. "
        Victor Aksyuchits

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:41:19 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:41:19

        You can name a hundred. So who are they - traitors or patriots?

        Yurka_stsobako 07-19-2017 13:45:27 Yurka_stsobako 07-19-2017 13:45:27

        The State Duma adopted a law on resort fees
        The document provides for an experiment to introduce fees for the use of resort infrastructure in the Crimea, Altai, Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories


        Piyavkin 07/19/2017 13:45:29 in response to: Piyavkin 07/19/2017 13:45:29

        The 2013 Maidan is also called a coup

        Yurka_stsobako 07-19-2017 13:47:33 Yurka_stsobako 07-19-2017 13:47:33

        The experiment will last until the end of 2022. At the same time, the subjects must pass laws on the introduction of the resort tax no later than December 1, 2017, and its collection must begin no earlier than May 2018.
        But why? why EXPERIMENT ????
        how so? to calculate the consequences (both negative and positive) of the brain chtoli no? we made a drain of departments ...
        those who muddied it, I skate, do not really represent the reality.
        a sharp minus.

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:48:54 in response to: Kraskopult 07-19-2017 13:48:54

        On the one hand, of course, it is a worldwide practice. On the other hand, only biased people can call it infrastructure. Krasnodyr is still all right, but what the hell is the infrastructure in Altai?

        Kraskopult 07/19/2017 13:49:37 in response to: Kraskopult 07-19-2017 13:49:37

        A conceptual prototype of an experimental prototype.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 13:50:43 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:50:43

        Count, and the architect Vasily Fedorovich Svinin, by chance, is not your ancestor?

        Vova Second 19-07-2017 13:52:14 in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 13:52:14

        They will be plundered anyway. And the money is small - a hundred rubles.

        atanor812 07-19-2017 13:55:32 atanor812 07-19-2017 13:55:32 Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:06:10 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:06:10

        No, he is from the peasants. Not our kind.

        Count Svinin 19-07-2017 14:09:01 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:09:01

        After the "catastrophe" of 1861, many peasants were given passports, where the names were written down by the surname of their master.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:11:01 in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 14:11:01

        According to the approved list

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:13:15 Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:13:15

        No, this Svinin lived later. Wonderful built building of the Ethnographic Museum. True, various pigs put sticks in his wheels and did not let him finish his plan.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:15:44 in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 14:15:44

        Why a disaster? Are you for the slave system?

        Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:18:23 in response to: Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:18:23

        You weren't here yesterday, and Navalny posted yesterday a photo of the girls in the metro - look at yesterday's comments (material A wedding according to Putin) there in the middle of comments 6 photos

        Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:25:28 in response to: Count Svinin 07/19/2017 14:25:28

        Actually, I don't care anymore, especially since there are no peasants left as such.
        But I remember how my eighty-nine-year-old grandfather Boris Petrovich Svinin said "life before the catastrophe of 1861" and "life after the catastrophe of 1861". Tsar Alexander II never pronounced his name and stamped his feet when he was remembered.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:27:25 in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 14:27:25

        I was in Moscow, returned at night, but I watched Navalny's work. Then I could not sleep for a long time. Did you make a hole in your backpack for the camera?

        Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:32:12 in response to: Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:32:12

        my camera has a retractable swivel monitor. If you switch the viewfinder to the monitor, you can put the camera on your knees, as if you were looking at old photographs taken earlier, and unnoticeably click the girls of Navalny yourself - moreover, you can turn the camera with the lens back and forth, and look down at your knees at the screen yourself. Girls don't notice ANYTHING

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:36:04 in response to: Vova Second 19-07-2017 14:36:04

        How is it that there are no peasants left? And this one?

        "And then many people sit and work as lackeys - lawyers or, excuse me, journalists ... Give up all these stupid activities and organize your own, even a small, peasant farm!"
        German Sterligov.

        Vova Second 07/19/2017 14:37:07 in response to: Vova Second 07-19-2017 14:37:07

        Is it like a rifle with a curved muzzle? Or like a periscope?

        Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:43:16 in response to: Andrey Lebedev 07/19/2017 14:43:16

        Something like that! In general - sometimes (sometimes) - I feel like a "spy"

I asked Russian parliamentarians how the creation of a new state would affect the residents of Donbass, whether Moscow's position would change and what to expect from the West.

“We, representatives of the regions of the former Ukraine, with the exception of Crimea, declare the establishment of a new state, which is the successor of Ukraine,” Zakharchenko said. He stressed that the situation in Donbass had reached an impasse, and "the state of Ukraine in the form that it was, cannot be restored."

In addition to representatives of the DPR and LPR, the creation of Little Russia was supported in 19 regions of Ukraine, according to the Minister of Income and Duties of the Donetsk Republic. At the same time, for Lugansk, according to the head of the People's Council of the LPR, the news of the unification of the two republics came as a surprise.

Little Russia, according to representatives of the Donetsk Republic, will become a federal state with broad autonomy for three years. The capital is Donetsk, and Kiev is a historical and cultural center. Zakharchenko proposed to recognize the banner of Bohdan Khmelnitsky as the state flag. A state of emergency will be introduced on the territory of the state.

“Ukraine has two ways out of the catastrophic situation in which it found itself: the first is federalization. Painfully different Ukraine in the south, in the north, in the east, in the west. The second condition for the normalization of the situation is the improvement or full restoration of relations with Russia: fraternal, friendly, economic, political, and so on. The proposal voiced by Zakharchenko is pushing Kiev towards federalization. Life itself proves that such education as Novorossiya has the right to life. This confirms what has been happening in Ukraine over the past three years.

In general, the east of Ukraine has always been different from the rest of its territory. To do this, you just need to pay attention to what happened during the 1917 revolution, how the situation developed after the Great Patriotic War... I repeat, Zakharchenko's proposal has the right to life. I think that the leadership of Ukraine will eventually come to this, but not the current one. Because the current one is guided by myths that they create out of the blue: from the five thousand-year history of Ukraine to the words about its oppression by Russia. (...)

Will it harm the residents of Donbass? Much worse! They are already in blockade. International community I am sure will react generally negatively. Although some of the EU member states periodically indicate the need for decentralization of Ukraine, and in fact - its federalization. "

Get rid of Poroshenko

Ruslan Balbek, State Duma deputy from Crimea, " United Russia»:

“The creation of Little Russia is the removal of the clumsy player Petro Poroshenko from the political field. No matter how much the Ukrainian president shouts about his plans for the DPR and LPR, an independent, albeit unrecognized state with its capital in Donetsk is not going to talk with him at the same table.

Of course, Europe will take a long time to figure out how to change the Normandy format, but the political presentation of an independent state - Little Russia - has already taken place, which means that this factor will still have to be reckoned with. Of course, now the mouthpieces of democracy will scream about Russia's tricks, but it's no secret that since 2014, despite any negotiations, Poroshenko's hands itched with regard to the rebellious republics. That's the bottom line: now the president of Ukraine only has to scratch the back of his head, because the other part of the body is already being fried.

Europe does not recognize any decisions to create Little Russia if they are not approved by Ukraine. The very presence in the root of the name "Russia" immediately buries any constructive negotiations.

Regarding recognition by Russia today, this should be a political decision, but before that Ukraine must publicly refuse any negotiations with the new state, which means leaving the Normandy format and recognizing the independence of the new country. It is then that the preconditions are created for negotiations on relations between Russia and Little Russia. "

Closer to Russia

“In this case, we are talking about the fact that a rather appropriate step would be to unite the DPR and LPR into a single public education... They have similar economic opportunities, most importantly, they have similar priorities related to relations with neighbors, be it Ukraine or Russia. The republics simultaneously declared their independence, this was due to the same reasons. In short, there are all the prerequisites for the creation of a single state entity on their basis.

“The patient people of Donbass waited a long time and tried to establish any contacts with the so-called Ukrainian authorities. But the years go by, and things, as they say, are still there: nothing happens. Moreover, we see that the Nazis, who today have a fairly large influence on the Ukrainian government, are increasingly claiming their rights. Poroshenko is not going to fulfill any Minsk agreements.

The Ukrainian authorities are trying to drag the United States into the Normandy format in order to bury the Minsk agreements altogether. You must either do something or leave it as it is. But this is impossible, because people are being shot and killed. Zakharchenko is absolutely right here: the time has come when it is necessary to proclaim a new state formation. But we are talking not only about those territories that are currently controlled by the DPR and LPR, we are talking about a much larger territory.

The West is satisfied with the uncertainty and complete lawlessness that is happening on the border with the DPR and LPR. This is their strategy, I am convinced of this. They no longer need anything: NATO troops are on the territory of Ukraine, conduct their exercises, place their bases, albeit unofficially for now. It’s ridiculous to close our eyes to that. To then follow the Croatian scenario, when they accumulate strength and with one throw try to destroy those who are in the Donbass?

We need to react as we have always reacted: Russians do not abandon their own people, and we will not abandon them. This must be understood. If someone in the West has doubts about the fact that we will be afraid of the next sanctions or a terrible shout from overseas, they are greatly mistaken. Our throat will be more abrupt, we can also bark. As a State Duma deputy, I will advocate for the recognition of the independence of the republics. "

Revival of normal Ukraine

“Everything is determined by the people. If people want to create a new state, then it is necessary to hold a referendum in accordance with the legislation of the country. We remember how the same Yugoslavia was divided. There are positive aspects, there are negative aspects of any such process. But today these are more populist statements.

Today, first of all, the implementation of the Minsk agreements is necessary. Since they are not being met, people living in Donetsk and Lugansk regions are trying to take some steps to get out of the dire economic situation. We are also very concerned and worried about the future of these territories, but Zakharchenko cannot alone announce the creation of a new state. "