Higher education in italy for Russians. Famous universities of the country. Private or public universities in Italy - the difference

According to the Italian Ministry of Education (Ministero dell "Istruzione, dell" Università e della Ricerca - MIUR), there are currently 95 universities in Italy. Of these, 47 are state, 20 specialized institutes of physical education and two Universities of the Italian language and culture. More than 1.7 million students from all over the world study at Italian universities annually.

MIUR statistics show that higher education in Italy is on average cheaper than in other European countries. The average student's annual expenses are 7000 euros, which is 2000 euros less than in the 27 countries of the European Union. Against this background, the annual spending of Italian families on university education (2 billion euros) does not seem so high. These costs are differentiated: the North of Italy is undoubtedly more expensive. For example, in the Veneto region, the average annual tuition fee per year costs a student 1,381 euros, while in the South (for example, Puglia and Calabria) this figure does not exceed 550 euros.

Funding for public universities comes from several sources: tuition fees (13%), government subsidies (63.6%), European and international programs (2%), public organizations (6.1%), private foundations and firms. The Ministry of Education (MIUR) allocates 8 billion euros annually for university education needs.

Top Universities in Italy

The classification of universities is a rather complicated procedure. The age of the educational institution, the number of students and teachers, the percentage of teachers with a PhD degree, the number of graduates who got a job immediately after graduation, participation in international programs, a variety of educational and research programs, faculties, scientific achievements, library and museum funds, online educational services, etc. In the classification of universities in the world, the first places are occupied by American and English educational institutions. Due to the fragmentation of the classification, some universities may occupy the first places in terms of certain criteria and at the same time being in a humble position on others.

In Italy, according to the newspaper "Panorama", the top twenty are occupied by the following universities:

Index of Italian Universities by Region

Università Iuav di Venezia
Tolentini - Santa Croce, 191 - 30125 Venezia

Università "Ca" Foscari "di Venezia
Dorsoduro 3246 - 30123 Venezia

Università degli Studi di Padova
Via VIII Febbraio, 2 - 35122 Padova

Università degli Studi di Verona
Via dell "Artigliere, 8 - 37129 Verona

Università della Valle d "Aosta - Université de la Vallée D" Aoste
Strada Capuccini, 2A - 11100 Aosta

Università degli Studi di Perugia
Piazza dell "Università, 1 - 06100 Perugia

Università per Stranieri di Perugia
Palazzo Gallenga - Piazza Fortebraccio, 4 - 06122 Perugia

Libera Università di Bolzano
Via Sernesi, 1 - 39100 Bolzano

Università degli Studi di Trento
Via Belenzani, 12 - 38100 Trento

Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa
Piazza dei Cavalieri, 7 - 56126 Pisa

Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di Perfezionamento "Sant" Anna "- Pisa
Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33 - 56126 Pisa

Università degli Studi di Firenze
Piazza San Marco, 4 - 50121 Firenze

Università degli Studi di Pisa
Lungarno Pacinotti, 43/44 - 56100 Pisa

Università degli Studi di Siena
Via Banchi di Sotto, 55 - 53100 Siena

Università per Stranieri di Siena
Via Pantaneto, 45 - 53100 Siena

Università degli Studi di Catania
Piazza dell "Università, 2 - 95124 Catania

Università degli Studi di Messina
Piazza Salvatore Pugliatti, 1 - 98122 Messina

Università degli Studi di Palermo
Palazzo Steri - Piazza della Marina, 61 - 90133 Palermo

Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Via Università, 40 - 09124 Cagliari

Università degli Studi di Sassari
Piazza Università, 21 - 07100 Sassari

LUM - Libera Università Mediterranea "Jean Monnet"
Strada Statale 100, km. 18 - 70010 Casamassima (Bari)

Politecnico di Bari
Via Edoardo Orabona, 4 - 70125 Bari

Università degli Studi di Bari
Palazzo Ateneo - Piazza Umberto I, 1 - 70122 Bari

Università degli Studi di Foggia
Via IV Novembre, 1 - 71100 Foggia

Università degli Studi del Salento
Piazza Tancredi, 7 - 73100 Lecce

Politecnico di Torino
Corso Duca degli Abruzzi, 24 - 10129 Torino

Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro"
Via Duomo, 6 - 13100 Vercelli

Università degli Studi di Torino
Via Verdi, 8 - 10124 Torino

Università di Scienze Gastronomiche
Piazza Vittoio Emanuele, 9 - Frazione Pollenza - 12060 Bra (Cuneo)

Università degli Studi del Molise
Via De Sanctis, snc - 86100 Campobasso

Università Politecnica delle Marche
Piazza Roma, 22 - 60121 Ancona

Università degli Studi di Camerino
Via del Bastione, 1 - 62032 Camerino (Macerata)

Università degli Studi di Macerata
Piazza dell "Università, 2 - 62100 Macerata

Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo
Via Saffi, 1 - 61029 Urbino

IULM - Libera Università di Lingue e Comunicazione
Via Carlo Bo, 1 - 20143 Milano

Politecnico di Milano
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - 20133 Milano

Università Carlo Cattaneo - LIUC
Corso Matteotti, 22 - 21053 Castellanza (VA)

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
Largo Agostino Gemelli, 1 - 20123 Milano

Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
Via Sarfatti, 25 - 20136 Milano

Università degli Studi dell "Insubria Varese-Como
Sezione di Varese: Via Ravasi, 2 - 21100 Varese

Sezione di Como: Via Valleggio, 11 - 22100 Como

Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Via Salvecchio, 19 - 24100 Bergamo

Università degli Studi di Brescia
Piazza Mercato, 15 - 25100 Brescia

Università degli Studi di Milano
Via Festa del Perdono, 7 - 20122 Milano

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Piazza dell "Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126 Milano

Università degli Studi di Pavia
Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia

Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele
Palazzo Dibit - Via Olgettina, 58 - 20132 Milano

IUSM - Università degli Studi di Roma "Foro Italico"
Piazza Lauro de Bosis, 15 - 00194 Roma

Libera Università degli Studi "San Pio V"
Via Cristoforo Colombo, 200 - 00145 Roma

LUISS - Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli
Viale Pola, 12 - 00198 Roma

LUMSA - Libera Università "Maria Ss. Assunta"
Via della Traspontina, 21 - 00193 Roma

Università "Campus Bio-Medico" di Roma
Via Emilio Longoni, 83 - 00155 Roma

Università degli Studi della Tuscia
Via San Giovanni Decollato, 1 - 01100 Viterbo

Università degli Studi di Cassino
Via G. Marconi, 10 - 03043 Cassino (Frosinone)

Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza"
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 9 - 00185 Roma

Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata"
Via Orazio Raimondo, 8 - 00173 Roma

Università degli Studi Europea di Roma
Via Aldobrandeschi, 190 - 00163 Roma

Università degli Studi "Roma Tre"
Via Ostiense, 159 - 00154 Roma

SISSA - Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati
Via Beirut, 2/4 - 34014 TRIESTE

Università degli Studi di Trieste
Piazzale Europa, 1 - 34127 Trieste

Università degli Studi di Udine
Palazzo Florio - Via Palladio, 8 - 33100 Udine

Università degli Studi di Bologna
Via Zamboni, 33 - 40126 Bologna

Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Via Savonarola, 9 - 44100 Ferrara

Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia
Via Università, 4 - 41100 Modena

Università degli Studi di Parma
Via Università, 12 - 43100 Parma

Istituto Universitario "Suor Orsola Benincasa"
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 292 - 80135 Napoli

Seconda Università degli Studi di Napoli
Viale Beneduce, 10 - 80138 Napoli

Università degli Studi del Sannio
Palazzo S. Domenico - Piazza Guerrazzi, 1 - 82100 Benevento

Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II"
Corso Umberto I, 40 - 80143 Napoli

Università degli Studi di Napoli "L" Orientale "
Via Chiatamone, 61/62 - 80121 Napoli

Università degli Studi di Napoli "Partenophe"
Via Ammiraglio Acton, 38 - 80133 Napoli

Università degli Studi di Salerno
Via Ponte Don Melillo, 1 - 84084 Fisciano (Salerno)

Università degli Studi "Magna Graecia" di Catanzaro
Via Sensales, 20 - 88100 Catanzaro

Università degli Studi Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria
Via Zecca, 4 - 89125 Reggio Calabria

Università della Calabria
Via P. Bucci, snc - 87036 Arcavacata di Rende (Cosenza)

Università degli Studi della Basilicata
Via Nazario Sauro, 85 - 85100 Potenza

Università degli Studi "Gabriele D" Annunzio "
Via dei Vestini, 31 - 66013 Chieti

Università degli Studi di L "Aquila
Piazza Vincenzo Rivera, 1 - 67100 L "Aquila

Università degli Studi di Teramo
Viale Crucioli, 120/122 - 64100 Teramo

31,940 viewed

Italy is one of the countries with the richest culture and ancient traditions rooted in. It is a true honor to get an education in universities that are filled with the spirit of such geniuses as Giordano Bruno, Dante Alighieri. And today Italy remains a country in which higher education has its undeniable and attractive sides for students from all over the world.

Undoubtedly, by popularity among foreign students Italy is inferior to other European countries, and the Italian language is far from the status of "a means of international communication." But this amazing country is strong in many ways:

  • higher education in Italy is, first of all, good educational traditions, cultural and spiritual growth;
  • it was Italian design and fashion that won international domination and, as a result, Italy is the number 1 country in the world for obtaining a diploma in this area;
  • the affordability of education from an economic point of view varies from the choice of the university and your income; the cost of studying at a state university varies from 600 to 3000 euros per year, private universities set prices from 6000 to 20,000 euros per year;
  • training is possible both in Italian and in English;
  • the principle of the education system is “academic freedom”: students do not take the compulsory sessions every semester with compulsory attendance of classes, but listen to a course of lectures and take an exam when it is convenient;
  • another important point is that you are not only for the period of study, but also for at least another year after graduation in order to find a good job.

The higher education system in Italy consists mainly of universities, but there are also educational establishments other types are academies of fine arts, conservatories and two Pisa institutes. The vast majority of students study at Italian universities. There are 47 public universities in Italy and 9 independent ones with a state license. The higher education system can be conditionally divided into 3 stages:

  1. Step. Corsi di Laurea - Identical to the Bachelor's degree, lasting 3 years.
  2. Step. Corsi di Laurea Specialistica - specialist training programs lasting from 2 to 3 years, Corsi di Specializziazione di 1 ° livello - specialization programs and Corsi di Master Universitario di 1 ° livello - first level master's programs.
  3. Step. Dottorto di ricerca - programs for the preparation of doctors of science, specialization and master's degree of the second level.

The Universities of Italy have a “credit system” (CFU). A university “credit” usually corresponds to 25 hours of study. Typically, a student “earns” 60 credits annually. For the entire academic period, the student needs to study about 20 disciplines, including compulsory and optional.

The academic year at the university begins in October-November and ends in May-June. During the year there are 4 sessions (January-February, April, June-July, September), during this period the classes are suspended.

Each student decides for himself when and what exams to take, since students are entitled to their individual curriculum.

Exams are written and oral, but with an important difference from our system in the absence of examination tickets. Thus, each exam requires a lot of self-preparation, since the lectures give only a small portion of what you need to know. Not everyone cope with the exams: only three out of ten applicants make it to the diploma.

Requirements and procedure for admission to universities in Italy

Anyone can enter the University of Italy if he meets all the conditions for admission. It is definitely worth submitting documents to universities in Italy in advance.

Slow Italians consider documents for a long time, but you still need to have time to prepare the documents and get a visa.

Applications for admission are submitted through the Italian embassy in their country, there you need to send your documents and application forms there by the end of February.

Step-by-step instructions for admission to a citizen of Belarus

  1. For admission to the University of Italy for Belarusians there are general rules(12 years of education). The school system in the Republic of Belarus implies 11 years of schooling, so it is necessary to complete at least 1 year of college, technical school, university or other educational institution.
  2. We take a certificate and an academic transcript from the university (or other educational institution). But here's the catch: an academic certificate is given only in case of expulsion. But some Universities give the so-called “transcript”, which is equal to the same academic transcript. THE DOCUMENT MUST BE ON THE OFFICIAL FORM OF THE UNIVERSITY, WITH THE STAMP SEAL (or on a copy of this official letterhead) AND SIGNED BY THE RECTOR or any of the Vice-Rectors. Otherwise, the document will not be apostilled!
  3. We bring these 2 documents to the Ministry of Education in Minsk for apostille. Cost of one apostille: 35,000 Belarusian rubles (2010). We serve from 9 to 11 am on Sovetskaya str., 9. Apostille production time: 24 hours. When submitting, you will be given a piece of paper, be sure to keep it to receive the documents.
  4. We take all these documents to accredited translators (Alekseeva Nina Kirillovna Tel. 204-72-46, mob. 8-029-708-06-77 Minsk, Skryganova st., 7/2 - 24 metro Molodezhnaya; Gavrilovich Larisa Nikolaevna Tel. 233-63-55, mob. 8-029-773-63-55
  5. Minsk, st. Kakhovskaya, 27-16 metro station Yakub Kolas Square; Svetlana Golovko Tel. 284-85-06, mob. 8-029-684-85-06 Minsk, Independence Avenue, 53-102 metro station Yakub Kolas Square; Kizenkov Sergey Pavlovich Tel./fax 247-68-86, mob. 8-029-337-07-07 Minsk, Rokossovsky avenue, 76-178 Office: Komsomolskaya st., 34-1 metro station Oktyabrskaya) ATTENTION! We have the right to submit for translation only to them and no other translation agencies !!! Translation cost: 30,000 rubles for 2000 characters. The term of production is 1-3 days. On average, a certificate costs 30 thousand rubles. Certificate for 1 year - 30 thousand rubles.
  6. We submit documents for legalization to the embassy. Legalization takes 1 day. Reception Mon, Wed, Fri from 9 am to 11.30 am (through the main entrance, into a special window). Let me remind you that the embassy is located at the address: Minsk, Rakovskaya str. 16b. More detailed information about the embassy can be found in the article “VISA TO ITALY FOR BELARUSIANS. HOW TO OPEN IN MINSK YOURSELF? " or on the embassy website: www.ambminsk.esteri.it/Ambasciata_Minsk
  7. We are waiting for the MIUR calendar. We arrive at the embassy on time and fill out the modello (the consul helps and dictates).
  8. We are waiting for an invitation from the university, which usually comes in July - early August. An invitation with an appointment for a visa comes to your e-mail.
  9. In August we apply for a visa (until August 15).
  10. Upon arrival in Italy, you need to go to the police station to register and apply for a residence permit (you must have a document about your financial capabilities with you).

Documents required to obtain a student visa

  1. Passport valid for at least three months after the expiry of the requested visa;
  2. Invitation from the University;
  3. Visa application form;
  4. Photo of the appropriate format;
  5. Documentation related to their own economic situation, or parents, if they are dependent:
    a) documents from a school or university, or from a place of work;
    b) documents confirming the employment of the parents, while being dependent on them;
    c) documents confirming ownership of real estate or rent ownership, lifetime payments or other sources of income;
    d) bank statements or credit cards;
    e) declarations of income or documents on the payment of taxes, balance sheets of the enterprise
  6. Financial means necessary for living, for the entire period of stay in Italy. At least 417.30 euros for each month of the academic year;
  7. One-way ticket or booking, you can read about the modes of travel “”;
  8. Documents confirming the availability of housing in Italy;
  9. Medical insurance policy valid in all countries of the European Union.

How to choose a university in Italy

In my personal example, the choice of the university was not so relevant, since there was little information on this issue. But thanks to the advice of the consul, having entered the State University of Milan - Bicocca, I was very pleased with both the university and the cost of training.

Università degli studi di Milano - Bicocca

- Bicocca founded in 1998. In total, there are 17 buildings on the territory of the university, which offer students 195 classrooms, 46 linguistic and computer centers, 3 large libraries, 2 hostels. The university also offers 226 laboratories, and all of them are included in a cultural network that is closely connected with the economic and social life of the city. Research centers cooperate with a system of exhibitions and seminars, with a social and state program aimed at the development and protection of various branches of knowledge, but especially at a developed business community, which in general ensures the competitiveness and constant development of the University of Milan - Bicocca.

More than 32,000 students study at the university, and education is conducted in eight faculties. Main areas of study: tourism economics, business organization and management, economics and law, statistics, health care, funds mass media and journalism, social and human sciences, natural sciences, psychology and pedagogy.

The territory of the university is a whole area of ​​the city called Bicocca, located in the north. On the territory of Bicocca you can find everything: shops, bars, restaurants, entertainment centers, cinemas, gyms, swimming pools, canteens, theater, libraries and much more. Bicocca is a kind of small town within the city.

The above university turned out to be my choice without a choice, but I want to offer you the most popular universities among Italian students.


Università di Roma "La Sapienza"- is one of the oldest universities in the world and the second largest university in Europe. It was founded in 1303. The University of Rome offers students over 300 undergraduate programs, over 250 professional graduate programs, 119 postgraduate and over 150 doctoral programs, 6 of which confer international doctorates.

Today 170 thousand people are studying in it, including foreign students. 4200 people teach at 14 faculties of the temple of knowledge, among them the best professors in Italy.

There are 69 specialized schools and 1604 refresher courses. Status - state, language of instruction - Italian, English. At this university, you can study Ludovico Quaroni architecture, Valle Giulia architecture, economics, humanities and philosophy, law, mechanical engineering, mathematics, physical and natural sciences, medicine and surgery, psychology, statistics, political science, humanities, sociology, pharmacology and more. The University of Rome is the first in Italy to teach technical sciences.

Official website of the University of Rome: www.uniroma1.it

Università di Bologna(University of Bologna) is the oldest university in the world, whose history has not been interrupted since its inception and, in fact, the cradle of the very word "university". The date of foundation is 1088. Historically, the university was founded to study Roman law, but today it includes 23 faculties, as well as additional campuses scattered throughout northern Italy, as well as a campus in Buenos Aires, but, as before, Faculty of Law The University of Bologna is one of the best in the world. For international students in The University of Bologna programs are available in both Italian and English language... Tuition fees at the University of Bologna are 600 Euros for undergraduate studies and 910 Euros for graduate studies.

Faculties: jurisprudence, mathematics, architecture, art, agriculture, culture, pedagogy, economics, foreign languages ​​and literature, technology, chemistry, philosophy, physics, natural science, medicine, pharmacology, political science, psychology, statistics, veterinary science.

Official website of the University of Bologna: www.unibo.it

L'Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi

L'Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi- a private higher education institution in Milan, graduating specialists in the field of economics, law and management sciences.

The university is recognized as one of the world's leading schools of business administration, and the teaching itself is conducted in English, along with traditional curricula in Italian.

  • University official website: www.unibocconi.it

Università degli studi di Milano

Università degli studi di Milano- founded in 1924, and originally consisted of 4 faculties: law, literature and philosophy, medicine and surgery, natural, mathematical and physical sciences.

Today it offers 9 Faculties, 137 courses (bachelor's and master's), 20 Doctoral Schools and 74 Schools of Specialization. 2,500 faculty members represent the highest concentration of scientific expertise in the region, and research is ranked highest among universities in Italy and Europe.

The university departments are housed in important historic buildings in the center of Milan and in modern buildings in the area known as the Campus. Research works, publications of the University of Milan are of scientific value, as well as numerous research centers (77 in total).

  • University official website: www.unimi.it

Universita degli Studi di Siena, UNISI- located in, Tuscany is one of the oldest and first publicly funded universities in Italy. Originally named Studium Senese, the University of Siena was founded in 1240. Siena is a city of students. The University of Siena accepts students from all over the world!

The University has approximately 20,000 students, almost half of the total population of Siena. Today, the University of Siena is renowned for its School of Law and Medicine.

The University consists of eight Schools:

  1. Economy
  2. Engineering
  3. Humanities and Philosophy
  4. Jurisprudence
  5. Mathematical Physical and Natural Sciences
  6. Medicine and Surgery
  7. Pharmaceuticals
  8. Political Science.

The universities have an excellent organization of services for students: a hostel, a canteen.

  • University official website: www.unisi.it

Politecnico di Milano

Politecnico di Milano Is the largest technical university in the country and is the oldest in Milan. It was founded on November 29, 1863. In 2009, Italian researchers recognized it as the best in Italy in terms of scientific production and attractiveness to foreign students.

Today, the Polytechnic University of Milan teaches more than 42,000 students in the fields of technical sciences, architecture and industrial design, consists of 17 faculties and 9 schools.

On the territory of the university, with a total area of ​​350,000 square meters, there are 355 modern laboratories and 42 libraries. The university itself is located on 7 main campuses in the regions of Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna. The university pays special attention to international projects for foreign students. So, 2 bachelor's courses, 10 master's courses and 12 master's programs are taught exclusively in English.

The faculty includes 1200 full-time professors and researchers and about 1300 contract professors. Interestingly, many scientists working in polytechnic university, are award-winning and recognized by the scientific community.

  • Official website of the Technical University: www.polimi.it

Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti in Milan - at the same time provides art education in Italy and is the cultural center of the northern part of the country. As a private institution, the Academy of Fine Arts of Milan teaches bachelors in English in design, fashion design, graphic design and art direction.

In addition, the private university runs summer education programs in in-demand specialties such as fashion marketing, fashion design, fashion photography and interior design.

  • Academy official website: www.naba.it

When choosing a university, also take into account your level of language proficiency, since in one institution you will have to take a test, in which case your knowledge should be at the advanced level, and in another university you will only be interviewed to make sure that you understand the language. In this case, basic knowledge of the language will be sufficient.

If there are any doubts about admission, I will be glad to answer in the comments or in my group to

For admission to undergraduate programs: have a certificate of secondary education and one year of study at a Russian university.

For admission to master's programs: have a bachelor's degree.

Language proficiency requirements:

  • Good knowledge of Italian or English. Knowledge is checked during an interview. If you already hold a B2 level certificate, you can get an exemption from the screening exam. Students from Moscow and the regions should take into account that a TOEFL or IELTS certificate is required for admission to those universities in Italy where training takes place in English.
  • Pass an exam in specialized subjects (for admission to some specialties, for example, medical).

You need to prepare the following documents:

  • a school certificate plus a statement of grades for the first year of university studies or a bachelor's degree;
  • translations of diplomas into Italian;
  • confirmation of the diploma from the consulate;
  • a questionnaire about the chosen university and city.

Famous universities of the country

University of Bologna... The oldest university in Europe, dates back to the 10th century. As in the days of its foundation, the Faculty of Law of the university is unmatched in the whole world.

Italy is a land of arts, ancient monuments and famous fashion houses. You need to go here for a European diploma, rich culture and great opportunities both for representatives of creative professions and for those who dream of a career in business.


  1. Higher education in Italy is relatively inexpensive, especially in public universities. For students from families with a small income, it is possible to receive a scholarship that will cover the tuition costs.
  2. Universities (especially private ones) have programs in both Italian and English. Most of all English-language programs in the specialties "Economics" and "Medicine", as well as in the field of fashion, design and architecture.
  3. If you have chosen fashion and design as your career, then there is no better place to study in Italy than Italy.
  4. Italy has a very rich culture, a pleasant Mediterranean climate and open people who, as many say, are close to Russians in spirit.


In general, Italian education is not considered as prestigious as, for example, British or German, but in those specializations with which Italy is strong, and these are fashion, design and art, Italian universities have few peers in Europe and in the world.

The Russian intelligentsia from the nineteenth century gravitated towards Italy. The favorable climate, ancient traditions of education, the cultural history of the country contributed to this. Italian music, painting, architecture - were standard for Europe.

Nowadays young people are attracted to Italy by low tuition fees, leading positions in world design, household appliances, construction, and fashion. Employment after study in Italy is possible in any European country.

Secondary education

Little Italians begin to prepare for elementary school at the age of three in preparatory kindergartens. Most children start school at the age of six. The thirteen-year school system is free of charge in the first two stages. The compulsory subjects scuola elementare 1, 2 include reading, writing, arithmetic, drawing, music, one foreign language. Religion is studied at will.

In large classrooms public schools there are no high requirements for quality, digital assessments. The five-year scuola elementare ends with two examinations (written and oral), a primary school certificate. Education until the age of 14 continues in secondary school, where there are much more subjects - history, geography, mathematics, natural sciences are added. Annual exams are held on a credit system, with a second year left.

The scuola media results in final exams in all major subjects. At this (or by age) the compulsory education program ends. Only three types of lyceums prepare for higher education - classical, technical, and natural sciences. Of the non-traditional subjects for Russia, one can note Latin, philosophy. The highest quality training (the right to enter all faculties) is given by classical lyceums. The right to enter the university is given by a certificate of maturity, which reflects the results of final exams.

Professional education

After secondary school, it is possible not only to enter the lyceum, but also to find self-employment. Italy has a developed system vocational education which starts with vocational schools, high school arts schools. After graduation, admission to technical institutes is allowed.

Higher education

The higher education system itself was born in Italy. The first university in the civilized world in 1088 was the University of Bologna. Somewhat later, other oldest universities in Europe appeared in Padua, Modena, and Rome. For foreign applicants, Italian education in authoritative areas of industrial production ( Appliances, construction, architecture, automotive industry), study at art academies, conservatories.

There are more than fifty universities in the country, 20% of them are private. Rome became the most university city in Italy. There are five large universities in the capital, among them - the University "La Sapienza" (about 200,000 students).

There is a kind of rating of higher schools in the country according to the authority of teaching certain disciplines, although most of the oldest universities have not changed the historical principle of construction. In the field of legal sciences, the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna is considered the best, fundamental knowledge of medicine is given at the University of Salerno, all designers in the world respect the graduates of the European Institute of Design in Milan.

"New" universities combine fundamental sciences with teaching technical, applied disciplines, becoming multidisciplinary universities. In the current Italian rating, corresponding to the international one, the first place is shared by the University of Pisa and La Sapienza.

The University of Pisa is included in the "world hundred" in the teaching of mathematics and physics. It has up to 57,000 students in eleven faculties. The "young" faculties include economics, political faculties, and a large faculty of foreign philology.

The University of Bologna is developing along the path of introducing new specialties and training systems. For seventy thousand students, 70 departments of university faculties are available. Here they teach such non-standard disciplines for an academic university as veterinary medicine, agriculture, statistics, tourism.

Most Italian universities require a certificate of education for admission, a certificate of language proficiency. For a number of higher schools, the English language test is sufficient. Higher Italian education is considered free, but even public universities collect an annual fee. Private universities are not inferior to other European countries in terms of annual tuition fees (on average, about 10,000 euros).

useful links

  • www.study-in-italy.it Study in Italy for foreigners
  • www.study-italy.ru Russian-language portal about studying in Italy
  • www.asils.it ASILS - Association of Schools of Italian as a Foreign Language
  • www.iicmosca.esteri.it Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow

The oldest traditions in Europe, leadership in world design, fashion - determine the interest of Russian applicants to study in Italy. Help in finding a job after school is also important.

Higher education in Italy is the oldest in Europe. The University of Bologna (1088) became the "father" of all higher educational institutions, followed by the opening of the universities of Padua, Modena, Rome, Perugia, and Pisa. Italy attracts foreign students with strong positions in industrial production (automotive industry, household appliances), leadership in world design, fashion industry, success in music education, fine arts.

History and modernity

47 state, 9 private universities - the basis. The total number of students reaches one and a half million. The largest university city is Rome (five universities). The largest university in the country is the University of Rome "La Sapienza" (200,000 students).

Some educational institutions enjoy high international prestige for the level of teaching of major disciplines. The University of Salerno is famous for the best teaching of medicine, the Faculty of Law is the best in the University of Bologna. "Mecca of world design" - European Design Institute (Milan). Most of the universities in Italy are built on a historical basis, combining fundamental sciences, technical disciplines. The Italian University is at the same time a pedagogical, agricultural institute, and a technical school.

The University of Bologna is a prime example of this combination of specialties. Seventy thousand students study in faculties with about 70 "departments". These include such unusual disciplines for the university as statistics, veterinary science, agriculture, tourism, mass culture, pedagogy, and economics. Among the famous university employees are Torquato Tasso, Paracelsus, Carlo Goldoni, Copernicus, Albrecht Durer.

The specifics of studying in Italy

For admission to most Italian universities, you need a document of education, test results, a certificate of language proficiency (Italian, English). In any case, this issue needs to be clarified personally, as well as the list of required documents. In many institutes there is a parallel reading of courses in Italian, English.

It is generally accepted that education in Italy is free. But almost all public universities practice an annual compulsory contribution. Most commercial institutions are distinguished by high fees, up to 10,000 euros per year.

Many universities use a differentiated payment system based on family income. The annual fee waiver is often used as a scholarship incentive.

Most universities build the learning process according to the "Bologna system". As it is easy to understand from the name, the system originated at the University of Bologna, was adopted by many European universities, and reached the CIS countries.

The system sums up the points for the entire period of study. Units of measurement are called "credits" and are credited for lecture hours, independent work, participation in seminars, and passing exams. Additional credits can be obtained by participating in Olympiads and conferences. A common system for Europe allows free movement between universities of the same system, up to other countries.

All universities have medical centers, sports complexes, and organize Italian language courses for foreigners. For successful students from low-income families, work is available in libraries, student offices (with a payment of about 8 euros per hour). Student hostels are recognized as a "sore spot" of Italian institutes, few universities have their own "campuses". The cost of living is 80 - 250 euros per month.

After study

Italian institutes do not leave attention to the future fate of students. Practice, training (tirocinio curriculare) - accepted in many public universities, private universities. Professional internships are also practiced for undergraduate students. Paid, free internships (up to six months) are required to adapt to the professional specialization received. Personal applications for students who have proven themselves in internships are not uncommon.

Many institutes participate in internship selection programs, job search in Italy and other countries - Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, for which separate grants are allocated. Major Italian universities have graduate employment centers with which Italian companies actively cooperate. Most often, this is informational assistance, collection of applications for specialties from Italian, European employers. Advisory help is important - an explanation of qualification requirements, the rules for drawing up a resume, the nuances of an interview with an employer.

Interest in the graduates of Italian universities is most of all expressed in European countries. Designers with Italian education are needed in all countries. For the CIS countries, there is a certain vigilance towards the bachelor's diploma, which is not perceived as full-fledged. Foreign representations in the CIS, employers of “third world countries” do not attach such importance to this nuance.