B 52 and TU 95 comparison. Chief of the Strategic Committee on rearmament of the US nuclear forces

And the American B-52 is called the "grandfathers" of long-range aviation. These models, taking into account modernization, have been in service with both countries for over 60 years. The Americans call the Russian plane "Bear", their own - "Stratospheric fortress". Disputes about which plane is better and by what parameters do not subside until now. The answer to this question, in an interview for the website of the TV channel "Zvezda" was given by the historian military aviation Nikolay Bodrikhin The expert said that both aircraft have evolved from bombers to strategic missile carriers. In terms of individual characteristics, the planes are very similar. “Both have a range of over ten thousand, both reach the enemy's territory in any variant, not even along a straight trajectory, but with an approach from west to east, they have the same practical ceilings and comparable speeds - this is about up to 850 km / h for the Tu-95 and about 1000 km / h for the B-52 ", - said Nikolai Bodrikhin. The domestic bomber surpasses the overseas in engine efficiency." If the B-52 takes on a long-distance flight at a distance of 10-12 thousand kilometers 160-170 tons of fuel, then Tu-95 only 80 tons. The savings are almost doubled with us. If you count, ours consumes 7 kilograms of fuel per kilometer, and the American consumes about 13 ", - said the historian. In terms of reliability, our engines exceed those on the American" Stratospheric Fortress ", - the expert is convinced." We have 4 engines and propellers. opposite rotation. The system is such that if the engine fails, then it is not necessary that both screws. A very reliable system. For Americans, engines are a problem. One can refer to the losses - 740 aircraft were produced in the United States, and 120 of them were lost. They lost several thermonuclear bombs because of the B-52, they have not yet been found. One in Greenland, the other on the coast of Portugal ", - said Bodrikhin. He also commented on the official data of the United States, according to which the American aircraft surpasses the domestic one in missile and bomb load." Yes, there is such data that they surpass us almost several times, but the Americans cannot be trusted. This is a very subtle thing, and this data tends to be manipulated. By and large, only the commander of a particular vehicle knows what and to what extent he has on board. I would not trust these data, "Bodrikhin explained. The expert recalled that it was from there that the most powerful thermonuclear ordnance in history was dropped on Novaya Zemlya, equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT, the blast wave from which circled the globe three times. Today both bombers have cruise missiles on their sides, including those with nuclear filling. - it is an integral part of Russia's nuclear triad. According to the expert, it is distinguished from the American competitor by the reliability of the engines and their efficiency. In turn, it was the engines that became the Achilles' heel of the American "Stratospheric Fortress".

Both aircraft have been in service for over 60 years and, according to the expert, have evolved from bombers to strategic missile carriers. According to some characteristics, the planes are also very similar. The expert noted that the range of both bombers goes beyond ten thousand kilometers, both can reach enemy territory not even along a straight trajectory. These machines have comparable speeds (850 km / h for the Tu-95 and about 1000 km / h for the B-52), as well as practically the same ceilings.

The expert singled out the efficiency of the engine as an advantage of the Tu-95. According to an aviation historian, the B-52 takes 160-170 tons of fuel on a long-distance flight at a distance of 10-12 thousand kilometers, while the Tu-95 takes only 80 tons. Thus, it is almost twice as economical. And if you count, then the Russian plane consumes 7 kilograms of fuel per kilometer, and the American one about 13.

However, the expert is silent about the fact that although the motors of the "Bear" have a record efficiency (82%), they are very noisy. Even the sonar systems of submarines can hear the flying Tu-95. Also, on the plane, everything is very sad in terms of the comfort of the crew: for example, there is no normal toilet for the crew.

The expert also noted reliability as an advantage of the Tu-95 engines. According to him, the bomber is equipped with four counter-rotating propellers. "The system is such that if the engine fails, it is not necessary that both propellers. A very reliable system." In confirmation, the expert cites the following statistics: of the 740 B-52s produced, 120 were lost. In addition, due to the unreliability of the B-52, several thermonuclear bombs were lost, which have not yet been found. One, according to the expert, was dropped in Greenland, and the second - on the coast of Portugal. "

From the editorial board, we add that in 1961, the B-52, on board which there were two thermonuclear bombs, literally collapsed in the air over North Carolina, the wreckage of the plane fell somewhere near the city of Goldsboro. One of the bombs fell into the swamp and went deep. Some of its parts were found, but the uranium core and the second-stage thermonuclear charge remained in the quagmire. The second bomb opened its parachute, and it landed intact.

Even Bodrikhin doubted the superiority of the B-52 in bomb load: "Yes, there is such data that they surpass us almost several times, but the Americans cannot be trusted. This is a very delicate thing, and they usually like to manipulate this data. By and large, only the commander of a particular vehicle knows what is in what volume he has on board. I would not trust this data. "

Summing up, Nikolai Bodrikhin noted that it was from the Tu-95 that the most powerful thermonuclear ammunition, equivalent to 50 million tons of TNT, was dropped. And from the B-52, the Russian bomber is primarily distinguished by the reliability of the engines and their efficiency, recalling that it was the engines that became the Achilles' heel of the American Flying Fortress.

On November 12, 1952, the strategic bomber Tu-95, "Bear" according to NATO codification, made its first flight. With the American B-52, an aircraft of the same "weight category", it was put into service almost simultaneously. And for almost half a century, these two unique machines have retained their relevance.

Stalin was displeased

At the end of the 40s, when intercontinental ballistic missiles did not exist at all, in order to maintain the defense capability at the proper level, it was necessary to significantly increase the range of heavy aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons. To deliver it nonstop across the Atlantic Ocean. Moreover, this task was faced by both Soviet and American aircraft designers.

The Americans began to solve the problem posed by the entire course of post-war history earlier. In 1947, Boeing, anticipating an imminent government order with strong funding, began to work out pre-sketch options for creating an air giant. And in 1951, having won a competition from a number of competitors, she began to create a prototype of the X-52. The work went on in forced mode, since in the spring of 1952 the plane made its first flight.

Despite the observance of increased secrecy measures, Moscow learned not only about the training of the American super heavyweight, but even found out some technical details of the project. In particular, the General Staff was greatly impressed by the news that the B-52 will fly on turbojet engines. Therefore, in 1949, Tupolev was offered to conduct research in order to find the possibility of creating a strategic bomber with a range exceeding 10,000 km and a speed of at least 850 km / h. This machine must have been with turbojet engines.

Having made the necessary calculations, Andrei Nikolaevich, being a realist, said that it was impossible to obtain the required range on those turbojet engines that were not only at the disposal of the aviation industry, but were also preparing for tests. And he proposed to make a long-range bomber on turboprop engines. This firm confidence of the general designer was also based on the experience of creating the Tu-85 strategic bomber on piston engines.

Tupolev's refusal irritated Stalin. And by his highest order, the Design Bureau of V.M. Myasishchev was recreated, which, after being removed from the solution of high-profile design problems, quietly worked as the dean of the aircraft department at the MAI. Myasishchev was provided with most favored nation treatment for the creation of a jet bomber.

However, the production of the prototype of the Myasishchev aircraft, called the M-4, was delayed. In this connection, in 1951 it was decided to finance the development of a turboprop version at the Tupolev Design Bureau in parallel.

Turbojet dead end

The first flight of the M-4 was late in relation to the first flights of both the Tu-95 (November 12, 1952) and the B-52 (April 15, 1952). It took place only on January 20, 1953. However, then OKB-23 jerked forward. As a result, Myasishchev's car was put into operation a few days earlier than the B-52 - in February 1955.

Alas, Tupolev's predictions that it was impossible to extend the required range with the help of Soviet turbojet engines came true. M-4 could fly no further than 8100 km. This was 2000 km less than the requirements of the TK. And this despite the fact that the designers have improved the aerodynamics of the car as much as possible, often at the expense of other functions. So, for example, a “clean wing” was used, that is, without the chassis retractable into the nacelles, which were made of a bicycle type. That significantly complicated the takeoff and landing of the aircraft. It also limited the volume of the bomb bay and worsened its layout.

Due to the fact that the bomber turned out to be a "welterweight action", when using it, a "semi-Kamikaze" maneuver was envisaged. If the target lay outside the range (and there were many such objects), an option was considered in which the bomber did not return to the base, but was brought out to a given area of \u200b\u200bthe ocean, where the crew left the car and waited on inflatable boats when the submarine would pick it up. It was believed that even one dropped atomic bomb would justify such a "waste" method.

For all other flight parameters, the aircraft suited the Air Force. Its speed was 947 km / h, the ceiling was 11,000 m, the combat load was from 5 tons to 24 tons. The thrust of the power plant was 4 × 8750 kgf.

However, its reliability turned out to be extremely low. Of the 32 mass-produced vehicles, 9 crashed. And equipment breakdowns and failures were in the order of things. Each flight for the pilots was fraught with increased nervous stress. And because of the poor operation of the air conditioning system, the crew constantly had a cold.

As a result, all the cars were soon converted to refuellers. In this capacity, they held out in service until 1993.

Correspondence dispute

The Tu-95 could have entered service earlier than the B-52. At first, the prototype was tested successfully. But during the 17th flight, which took place on May 11, 1953, due to an engine fire, the bomber crashed. The second copy of the car was built only in July 1954, and its tests began in the spring of 1955. It was put into service in April 1956.

And although this happened a year after the start of operation of its American rival B-52, the Tu-95, which NATO called "Bear", became the first intercontinental bomber in history. Its first modification covered 13,500 km with a bomb load of 5 tons. The B-52A had a range of 9500 km. And only in the modification of the B-52G, which appeared at the end of 1958 due to the installation of additional fuel tanks, the flight range exceeded 12,000 km.

At the same time, the difference in speed between the "Bear" and the "Stratospheric fortress" (Stratofortress), as the American heavy truck was called, did not play a fundamental role. Tupolev managed to accelerate the 172-ton whopper to 890 km / h, the first B-52 had a maximum speed of 1010 km / h, while the cruising speeds of the two aircraft differed only by 50 km / h. The practical ceilings were 12,000 m and 14,400 m, respectively. In terms of the most important parameter - bomb load - the American surpassed the "Bear" by 7 tons - 19,000 kg versus 12,000 kg. At first, these were free-falling bombs, dropped without trickery using an optical sight and having a nuclear warhead.

At the same time, in terms of survivability, the Tu-95 was not inferior to the B-52 due to the excellent armor of the cabins and the most important components of the aircraft. It was equipped with 3 double-barreled guns of 23 mm caliber. Boeing relied primarily on its ceiling, inaccessible to fighters. Therefore, only three 12-mm machine guns were installed on it.

However, by the end of the decade, due to the development of fighter technology, the situation had changed significantly. The height of the "Stratospheric Fortress" no longer guaranteed her complete safety. Powerful anti-aircraft missile systems also appeared. As a result, some loss in flight speed in our car meant practically nothing from a safety point of view.

It was decided to increase the survivability of the bomber in a different way - by equipping it with powerful strike weapons that suppress the enemy's air defense. In 1959, the Tu-95K, equipped with a powerful supersonic cruise missile X-20, equipped with a nuclear warhead, and designed to destroy ground-based radio-contrast and large sea targets, began to enter service with long-range aviation. The missile, which had a speed of 2 M, had a range of 600 km and was guided to the target using an onboard radar with a wide field of view or inertial mode.

Tu-95 was constantly being modernized. This explains the fact that its latest modifications are still in service and carry out combat patrols with nuclear missile launchers on board. Consistently, the bomber was "taught" to refuel in the air, to resist radar detection and guidance, its electronic equipment was periodically "modernized", the power of the power plant increased, it was equipped with more and more intelligent missile weapons... The same thing actually happened with the B-52.

The most last modification bomber - Tu-95MS - began to enter service in 1983. This aircraft is equipped with X-55 nuclear warhead cruise missiles with a range of 3,000 km. The Kh-102 missile with a range of 5500 km is on the way. In this connection, the ultra-high range and high speed of their carrier, which does not approach the enemy air defense zone, does not play a significant role. Serial production of these machines was stopped in 1992.

The latest modification of the Stratospheric Fortress is the B-52H. This model was produced from 1960 to 1962. And also periodically underwent modernization.

During the entire existence of these two bombers, approximately 500 Tu-95s and about 750 B-52s were produced.

LTH Tu-95MS and B-52N

Wingspan: 50.05 m - 56.39 m

Wing area: 295 sqm - 371 sq.m.

Length: 47.09 m - 49.05 m

Height: 13.2 m - 12.4 m

Empty weight: 94,400 kg - 78,600 kg

Maximum takeoff weight: 187700 kg - 221500 kg

Fuel weight: 87,000 kg - 135,800 kg

Engine type: TVD NK 12 M (MV) - TRDD Pratt-Whitney TF33-P-3

Number of engines: 4 - 8

Aggregate thrust of the theater engines: 4 × 15,000 hp -

Total thrust of turbojet engines: - 8 × 7710 kgf

Maximum speed: 850 km / h - 1000 km / h

Cruising speed: 750 km / h - 819 km / h

Practical range: 15,000 km - 15,000 km

Service ceiling: 12,000 m - 16,000 m

Crew: 7 - 6

Number of bombers in service: 63 - 65.

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress - The US strategic bomber replaced the Boeing B-29. The B-52 aircraft entered service in 1951 and since then has been one of the main bombers. Its exceptional longevity is due to the fact that when it was created, it was possible to carry out modernization. This concerned primarily the replacement of onboard equipment and weapons with more modern ones. The combat capabilities of a strategic bomber are very great, as evidenced by the results of the participation of this aircraft in almost all the hostilities that the United States fought in the second half of the 20th century.

The Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, or, as it is also called, the "Stratospheric Fortress", is a heavy strategic bomber for intercontinental flights with a bomb load on board. This machine was developed by American designers for the Air Force in 1955.

The main design task was to replace the less efficient old B-36 bombers. The new machine could fly at altitudes of 15 kilometers, while carrying powerful weapons, which could also include nuclear. But still, the main task of the device was the delivery of thermonuclear bombs to the territory of the USSR. This machine was the record holder among all combat aircraft in terms of flight range, but the USSR had its own counterweight in the form of the Tu-95 aircraft. In addition, the B-52 has been used for military purposes for over 50 years.

Despite the fact that this machine was designed during the Cold War, it remains in service today and will be used until 2040. In the process of use, the aircraft will undergo constant modernization. So, according to the latest data, the US government plans to allocate about $ 12 billion for modernization.

A brief history of the creation and use of the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress

At the end of the development of the B-52 aircraft, three flight copies were prepared. For the first time an aircraft of this type took off in August 1954. Serial production of these machines took place quite actively, since by 62, 744 such devices and its various modifications were ready. The most famous modifications are the GB-52G and OV-52R models, which were used mainly for pilot training. The model NB-52 was also created, main task which was the launch of a new generation hypersonic aircraft with the designation X-15.

The aircraft holds many world records, mainly related to flight range. So, with its help, a flight without landing around the American continent was carried out. Flights were carried out across the Pole, while the car traveled 27 thousand kilometers. In the winter of 57, a link of three B-52 aircraft made a round-the-world flight, the range of which was almost 40 thousand kilometers. To do this, the cars took 45 hours at a speed of 850 km / h. A combat flight with a hydrogen bomb was dropped on May 21, 56.

These aircraft were constantly on duty at strategic US bases and were ready to fly with nuclear weapons on board. But by 88, the number of bases with these bombers had dropped to 12. At the beginning of the 90s, about 40 vehicles of this type were on constant combat duty. Due to the fact that the car was designed for flying at high altitudes and dropping powerful bombs, the sighting system, by and large, he did not need, but still the designers equipped the car with an optical sight.

Comparing the new aircraft with the previous B-29 bomber, we can conclude that the new aircraft had a significantly higher level flight speed and, at the same time, could climb to great heights. This means that the B-52 designers have achieved their assigned tasks. In addition, these indicators increased the survivability of the device during combat operations. The creators of this project spent a lot of time so that this machine could easily go to low altitudes and perform more complex maneuvers. For this, many hull systems have been reinforced. But still, it should be noted that the B-52 reacted strongly to changes in the flow of winds. This was due to the large mass of the structure and rather large wings, which lacked rigidity.

Design features of the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bomber

The machine is built in a normal aerodynamic configuration with the wings high. To ensure separation from the runway and a sufficiently high horizontal speed, the device was equipped with 8 engines, which were attached to twin nacelles mounted on the wings. The aircraft was equipped with a powerful bicycle-type landing gear system. Different modifications of the bomber had different service life. So, the B-52D model was designed for 6 thousand flight hours, and the B-52 G / H model could be operated for 12.5 thousand hours.

As for the wings, they were made in a coffered manner using two metal beam spars. They had a swept shape, and the sweep angle reached 37 degrees along the front edge. The wings were attached to the fuselage of the vehicle at an angle of 8 °.

The fuselage of the machine is built as a semi-monocoque and has an oval cross-sectional structure, while the side walls are flat. The cockpit is installed in the nose compartment of the device. It should be noted that 6 crew members must operate this unit. The cockpit was low, which did not allow the pilots to move in full height... As mentioned earlier, the hull was reinforced by the installation of a nose baffle that connected the tail and central bomber compartments. A new, more powerful skin was thought out.

Despite the fact that the designers developed many modifications of this machine, in all cases the geometric dimensions remained unchanged, with the exception of the keel length. To reduce the visibility of the B-52 from the ground, its lower part was painted in white color, which protected the plane from powerful radiation in the explosion of a nuclear bomb.

For more efficient operation of the aircraft, many systems were installed, among which were:

    air conditioning system, which was powered by compressors installed on motors;

    a system responsible for managing mechanical wiring;

    a system for maintaining a normal microclimate in the cockpit for high-altitude flights, oxygen cylinders with a capacity of 8 liters;

    an emergency power supply system with regulators and current converters, which made it possible to continue efficient flight;

    heating system for the wings and hull, which prevented them from icing in flight.

As for the navigation equipment, it was the same in all B-52 models. All vehicles of this type had powerful radar installations that were active, that is, they could create radio interference and misleading action. To protect against enemy attacks, the aircraft is equipped with IR traps and dipole reflectors.

At this time, the B-52 aircraft project continues to develop and modernize, since it is quite relevant and in demand in the US Air Force. To obtain the desired characteristics, designers work through many programs. Basically, the car is prepared for military operations with conventional weapons on board. So, due to the improvement in the 80s, holders for new generation missiles were installed on the wings. This significantly increased the combat power of the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress.

B-52 videos

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress characteristics:

Modification B-52G
Wingspan, m 56.39
Aircraft length, m 48.03
Aircraft height, m 12.40
Wing area, m2 371.60
Weight, kg
empty plane 76405
normal takeoff 137272
maximum takeoff 221352
engine's type 8 turbojet engine Pratt & Whitney J57-P-43WВ
Traction unforced, kgf
nominal 8 x 5080
with water injection 8 x 6240
Maximum speed, km / h 1024
Cruising speed, km / h 842
Ferry range, km 12836
Combat radius of action, km 6600
Max. rate of climb, m / min 1661
Practical ceiling, m 14326
Crew, people 6
Armament: four 12.7 mm M3 machine guns

The B-52 and Tu-160 strategic bombers, developed in the middle of the 20th century, are still in service. They are timeless. Both aircraft took part in hostilities on several occasions.

During the Cold War era, the United States and the Soviet Union terrified each other for decades with the threat of nuclear annihilation. The efforts of millions of people and countless funds were spent on the development and deployment of weapons systems equipped with the most modern technologiesto ensure the complete destruction of the enemy state in case the Cold War goes into a hot stage.

In the course of this arms race, both sides created bombers capable of crossing oceans and continents to drop nuclear bombs directly onto enemy territory. Subsequently, when this became impossible due to the improvement of air defense systems, missiles began to be placed on these aircraft for launching as close as possible to the target. It seems incredible that some of these engineering wonders of the 1950s and 1970s continue to fly today, 26 years after the collapse. Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War for which they were designed.

Some planes are piloted by the grandchildren of their first pilots, and these aircraft do not lose their effectiveness. They are being modernized so as not to be removed from service, for example, American B-52s or Russian Tu-95s (Bear - "Bear" according to NATO classification), or their production is resumed to release new models, in particular, the Russian Tu-160. The giants of the Cold War will stay with us for years to come, some of them lasting over a hundred years, which is an eternity for an airplane.

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress

The contract for the development of the B-52 strategic bomber was signed in 1946, the first flight of this device took place on April 15, 1952, in 1955 it was put into service with the US Air Force. After 62 years, this modernized and modified aircraft continues to fly and participate in hostilities. The B-52 Stratofortress (flying fortress) was developed as an intercontinental jet bomber carrying unguided nuclear bombs to strike cities and strategically important infrastructure of the USSR.

© RIA Novosti, Skrynnikov

Nuclear bombs were never dropped from these aircraft, which were used for operational and tactical purposes in all armed conflicts with the participation of the United States, since 1965 - the Vietnam War. But they dropped thousands of tons of unguided and guided bombs with a conventional charge, and now they continue to plow the sky, sometimes piloted by the grandchildren of their first commanders. Among themselves, the pilots call this bomber Buff (Buff). It is an acronym derived from the words Big Ugly Fat Fucker (big, ugly, fat type).

The length of the aircraft is 48.5 meters, the wingspan is 56.4 meters, and the wing area is 370 square meters. The height of the vertical stabilizer is 12.4 meters, the empty weight of the aircraft is 83.25 tons, the maximum take-off weight is 220 tons, which allows it to carry 31.5 thousand kilograms of weapons and 181 thousand liters of fuel.


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The bomber has swept wings (sweep angle 35 degrees), from which hang four twin compartments with TF-33 turbojet engines manufactured by Pratt & Whitney. The device can reach a top speed of up to 1046 km / h (650 mph or Mach 0.86). The maximum flight range without refueling in the air is 14 thousand kilometers (the ferry range is more than 16 thousand kilometers), but when refueling in the air, the maximum flight range depends on the endurance of the crew. The plane can fly at an altitude of 15.24 thousand meters. The crew consists of five people (commander, co-pilot, navigator, radio operator-gunner and electronic engineer), although sometimes it also housed gunners for firing from anti-aircraft guns removed from the device in its latest modifications.

The B-52, designed to transport a large bomb load, is equipped with a large internal cargo bay and four underwing weapon suspension systems, thanks to which the device can carry various types of unguided and guided bombs (nuclear, cluster and conventional), as well as air-to-surface missiles. designed to strike both ground and surface targets, mines, electronic suppression systems with a total mass of up to 31.5 tons. A total of 744 aircraft were built in eight modifications (from A to H), the last aircraft left the factory workshop on October 26, 1962.

As new models of the bomber were developed, its design and electronic equipment installed on board were improved, the structure of the tail section was changed, including the location of the tail machine guns (which were subsequently removed from the apparatus). Also, the aircraft were equipped with new target designators, electronic warfare systems, modified models of engines of higher power and lower fuel consumption. Currently, the US Air Force is armed with about 70 B-52 bombers in full combat readiness, and another 20 are in reserve. All devices belong to modification H, have been upgraded to extend their service life.

The first combat missions of these aircraft, originally developed for participation in a nuclear war, were the so-called carpet bombing using conventional unguided bombs (during the Vietnam War), like those used during World War II. Throughout the US military campaign in the Persian Gulf, B-52s carried out high-altitude bombing and low-altitude attacks, including missile strikes.

Today, US strategic bombers are used in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq as high-altitude support aircraft using guided munitions. Due to their combat radius and high survivability, these devices are ideal "flying arsenals" for dropping guided bombs (with laser guidance or GPS) on command from the ground. Equipping the aircraft with the Litening module since 2007 has made it possible to use them to perform the aforementioned tasks. In addition, the B-52 can be used to patrol offshore areas and take on board mines or Harpoon missiles. The speed and range of the bomber allows it to fly over vast areas during search operations.

Over the long years of the B-52's service, at least 11 aircraft were lost in plane crashes, including the B-52G, which collided with a KC-135 Stratotanker tanker on January 17, 1966, in the skies over the Spanish village of Palomares (province of Almeria). Four thermonuclear bombs on board the bomber fell to the ground, causing radiation contamination of the area. Another 30 aircraft were lost during the Vietnam War: at least ten of them were shot down by the enemy, and five received such serious damage that they could hardly reach the Allied airfields. In turn, the arrows of two B-52D aircraft shot down two MiG-21 fighters from tail machine guns. Currently, B-52s continue to carry out combat missions in Syria and Iraq, striking the positions of terrorist groups, including the Islamic State (the organization is banned in the Russian Federation - approx. Per.), And flying for "show of force" in areas of increased international tensions: the Baltics, Eastern Europe or the South China Sea.

The last B-52 aircraft produced has been in operation for 55 years and has tens of thousands of flight hours, but the design of these aircraft in the style of the 50s and repeated upgrades and modifications allow them to operate for many years to come. This is exactly what the new proposal to replace the engines of American bombers - their weakest link - is aimed at. US Air Force has requested about ten million dollars to conduct work to study replacement options latest version TF-33 Pratt & Whitney engines for the most modern power plants, which should reduce aircraft operating costs (cost of a flight hour, fuel consumption) and increase the flight range.


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The cost of upgrading the B-52 bomber fleet, including rebuilding the cargo bay to accommodate guided munitions, is $ 227 million. In the period from 2018 to 2020, it is expected to spend $ 1.34 billion to modernize radar installations and equip devices with new systems. The US Air Force intends to continue operating the Buffs until 2040, when this aircraft turns 100 years old. And he will continue bombing.

Tu-160 "White Swan"

The Soviet counterpart to the American B-52, in fact, was the Tu-95 strategic turbo-propeller bomber with a swept wing, designed to perform the same combat missions in the same era, and which also continues to operate today. But a more interesting example in terms of modernization is, without a doubt, the successor of this aircraft - Tu-160 "White Swan" (Blackjack - "Blackjack" according to NATO classification). This aircraft belongs to the next generation of bombers and is truly worthy of respect.

The Tu-160, the development of which began on a competitive basis in 1972, was supposed to compete with the American XB-70 Valkyrie or B-1A models, which were never put into service. As part of the implementation of this task, the Tupolev Design Bureau created a monster: the world's largest and heaviest combat aircraft with variable wing geometry, capable of speeds twice the speed of sound, and the world's fastest bomber currently in service. All this was so expensive that today there are only 16 such devices that can be operated. But they have such potential that russian Ministry Defense plans to resume production of this aircraft.

By appearance Tu-160 resembles the American aircraft Rockwell B-1 Lancer in an enlarged form. The Russian bomber is larger than its American counterpart (length - 54.1 meters versus 44.5 meters; maximum wingspan - 55.7 meters versus 41.8 meters), it is heavier (maximum takeoff weight - 275 tons versus 216 tons), faster (maximum speed - Mach 2 versus Mach 1.25), can carry more weapons in the cargo hold (40 tons versus 34 tons). It was designed as a missile carrier, the cargo compartments are equipped with two drum launchers, each of which can carry six Kh-55 cruise missiles (with conventional and nuclear charges and a range of up to 2,500 kilometers) or 12 Kh-15 aeroballistic hypersonic missiles (nuclear or anti-ship) short-range (up to 300 kilometers).

The maximum flight range of the Tu-160 without refueling in the air is 12.3 thousand kilometers, the combat radius is about 7 thousand kilometers, it is equipped with an air refueling fuel receiver bar, which is used in rare cases. The maximum flight altitude is 15 thousand meters. Although the aircraft was built without the use of Stealth technology, a number of design features reduce its radar signature, for example, compared to the B-52.

In April 1987, the 184th Guards Poltava-Berlin Red Banner Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment in Priluki (on the territory of the Ukrainian SSR) was equipped with Tu-160 bombers, but after the release of 36 devices, the collapse of the Soviet Union occurred, which influenced the further fate of the Tu-160.

After the USSR ceased to exist in 1991, Ukraine nationalized all the Armed Forces located on its territory. There were 19 "White Swans" at the Priluki airfield, which Ukraine appropriated for itself, although most of the pilots and aircraft technicians chose to leave for Russia.

In the 90s, these aircraft gradually went out of order due to the lack of the necessary repair and restoration services. Russia and Ukraine were negotiating the possible sale of these aircraft. Ukraine did not need them, but the asking price (about $ 3 billion) was too high for Moscow. After long wrangling and disposal of one apparatus under the treaty on nuclear disarmament of Ukraine, the parties came to an agreement: taking into account the cancellation of part of the debt on gas purchases, Russia had to pay Ukraine 285 million dollars for eight Tu-160s in better condition, three Tu-95MS and 575 Kh-55M missiles. After the necessary preparation, in the period from November 1999 to February 2001, the Tu-160s were relocated to the Russian airbase near the city of Engels, Saratov region.

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A rare visitor in the skies over the Baltic

Ilta-Sanomat 17.06.2017
The 121st Guards Sevastopol Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, based at the airfield near Engels, already had six Tu-160 vehicles, eight more bombers transferred by Ukraine were added to them, and several aircraft that were being completed by the Russian Ministry of Defense after the collapse of the USSR. After a number of plane crashes and the commissioning of new missile carriers, the Russian Air Force now has 16 Tu-160s (in the Tu-160M \u200b\u200bmodification) in service, although only 11 of them are believed to be on full alert. These vehicles carried out demonstration flights in South America (in 2008 in Venezula and in 2013 in Colombia). In November 2015, Tu-160 bombers took part in hostilities for the first time, striking targets in Syria with cruise missiles.

Given the power and potential of these vehicles, it is not surprising that the Russian Ministry of Defense wanted to increase the Tu-160 fleet. There was an idea to resume production of these aircraft (one aircraft in two to three years) and bring their number to 30 by 2030-2040. The missile carriers will be produced in the Tu-160M2 modification and, according to official data, will be equipped with new components by 60%, including new power plants, which should increase the Tu-160's flight range by about a thousand kilometers and a flight altitude up to 18 thousand meters.

It is planned to integrate the latest high-precision instruments into the aircraft's on-board system, which will allow the shooters to use "smart" ammunition, as well as the latest generation of radar and communications systems. Another important change will be the replacement of all Ukrainian-made equipment, since now, when relations between Russia and Ukraine are tense, its import is impossible. The resumption of production of the Tu-160 will slow down the implementation of the program for the development of a promising long-range aviation complex (PAK DA), but will extend the service life of the apparatus, which in this case can remain in service for more than 50 years. And then no one will be able to say that the "old people" are not good for anything.

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