Cordon location map. Guide to the passage of the modification - Last Stalker \ Last Stalker. Exit from ATP

Cordon Map in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

Cordon (tech. Escape; jarg. Escape) is a legendary location on the periphery of the Zone, present in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky. In the first game of the series, it is the starting location, and in the prequel, it is the second in turn.


Map of Cordon places in the "Shadow of Chernobyl"

Cordon is the well-known "dressing room of the Zone" - the transition from the ordinary world to the anomalous, therefore it is the most calm and safe location. It is from here that life in the Zone begins for most stalkers.

The area corresponds to the rural type: on the Kordon there is a hamlet, a farm, a mill; there is no industrial sector inherent in many other parts of the Site.

The landscape is mostly hilly. An automobile “road to the Zone” passes through the entire location, leading through the Dump to the area of ​​the “Rostok” plant. A railway is laid across the Cordon on a high embankment, which divides the location into two approximately equal parts.

Map of Cordon places in the "Clear Sky"

In the north, the Cordon borders on the Garbage, in the east - on the Swamps (in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear sky), in the west - with the Dark Valley. In the south is the border of the Zone, behind it is a distant cordon and the "mainland".

The location is sometimes called the Army Cordon, since it is here that the armed forces of Ukraine are concentrated, protecting the outside world from the Zone. In the south, the border is guarded by a large number of military personnel who open fire without warning on anyone who unauthorized entry into the Zone.

Despite the threat from the military, a large number of stalkers, mostly newcomers, settle on Cordon. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, they even manage to take control of most of the Cordon. However, in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, the number of stalkers here is significantly reduced. Bandits often enter the Cordon from the Landfill, which causes constant armed conflicts.


Military checkpoint

Checkpoint from the side of the Zone

A powerful army barrier located in the south of Cordon. There are several buildings on the territory of the post, which probably previously belonged to the security forces that controlled the passage to the Zone before the second explosion. On the side of the Zone, in front of the checkpoint, there is a minefield. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, a heavy machine gun is installed on the tower, which poses a danger to all who illegally entered the Zone. A megaphone broadcasts a recording throughout the district warning of the dangers of the Zone. Sometimes the remarks of the checkpoint commander are broadcast.

About fifteen soldiers are stationed at the checkpoint. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, there is a special forces unit in one of the buildings.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, this place does not participate in the faction war, unlike other objects in the location.

Novice village

Novice village

Not far from the southern checkpoint there is an old farm, consisting of several dilapidated houses and a country road.

In this place, a camp of stalkers, mainly beginners, was entrenched, which is why the farm began to be called the Village of beginners. Sometimes more experienced stalkers wander here to rest after a long raid and replenish supplies.

And in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, and in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Clear Sky, the main camp in the camp is a hardened loner nicknamed the Wolf, also during the game there are several quest characters.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, the Novice Village is a key site in the war between neutrals and bandits, however, this place is almost never captured by bandits.

Merchant bunker

In the bunker of Sidorovich

Behind the Novice Village is an old underground bunker, converted into a shelter for a local merchant. A small, lighted corridor leading downward leads to an automatic steel airlock door. Behind it, as befits such a place, there is a counter of the owner of this place - Sidorovich. The small space is filled with pieces of furniture, junk and merchandise.

Development of actions S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: The shadow of Chernobyl starts from here.

Destroyed bridge

Destroyed bridge

In the center of the location, above the road, there is a large railway bridge, which partially collapsed after one of the emissions. Some cars of the freight train standing on the tracks fell along with the metal structures of the bridge.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: The shadow of Chernobyl in the passage under the bridge by the military organized a kind of checkpoint. You can pass this place by giving a bribe to the squad leader or by destroying the military. There are also detours: from the west - through the tunnel filled with Electras, or from the east - along the embankment, through a gap in the barbed wire fence.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky in the same place, under the bridge, there is also a post, but not a military one, but lone stalkers who control the passage to the neutral base on Pig Farm. Several sentries took up positions on the bridge itself. This object can be attacked by mutants or, in rare cases, by bandits during faction wars. Hovered over the bridge spatial anomaly Teleport.

Pig farm-Base of neutrals

Base of neutrals on the farm in "Clear Sky"

Behind the railway embankment there is an old pig farm, which was closed even before the restructuring. Two long one-story rooms are located opposite each other.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, a couple of flesh can be found in old animal pens. Sometimes lonely stalkers wander here.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, the farm is significantly different from that in Shadow of Chernobyl. There is a well-fortified neutral base here. With the help of broken vehicles, a closed courtyard was created, self-made posts and defensive fortifications were erected. This place is the main base for loners in the game, but can be captured by bandits during the war of the factions. Mutants can occasionally attack the base. Here you can get the services of a technician and a trader.


ATP courtyard

The former motor transport enterprise cooperative “Locomotive” is located in the lowland, northeast of the Novice Village, and consists of several dilapidated service buildings and rusted trucks.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: The Shadow of Chernobyl is a favorite spot for bandits. All attempts of the Loners to finally knock out the bandit formations from here do not bring results. The story quest "Collect information from the scout" is associated with this place.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky ATP is occupied by a group of military personnel. Subsequently, an even more impressive detachment of military personnel appears here, with whom the storyline is connected. After completing assignments and destroying the military, this place is assigned to the Loners, but it can be recaptured by bandits during the war of groups.

Distant checkpoint

Distant checkpoint

A small old checkpoint at the northernmost point of Cordon. Until the second explosion, he served as a checkpoint (this is symbolized by a sign at the post with the inscription: "Military checkpoint. Prepare documents").

The passage to the Dump is located here, so in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky this place is crucial point in the war of bandits and Loners. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, clashes between these groups often occur here.

It is noteworthy that in the "Clear Sky" there is no iron tower near the checkpoint, and in the "Shadow of Chernobyl", where later events are presented, the tower appears.

Abandoned Mill-Elevator


To the southwest of the destroyed bridge there is a small mill building (in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky this place is called the Elevator) and an L-shaped brick warehouse.

In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, this place can be used to shoot the military at the checkpoint under the bridge. In "Clear Sky", according to the plot, a small detachment of the military is based here, which must be destroyed. And after the passage of the plot, mutants mainly live in this place.

Unimportant places

  • Tunnel under the road located between Novice Village and ATP. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, Khaletsky's driver is hiding here.
  • Burial ground of radioactive waste is located north of the Novice Village. A large number of gravitational anomalies and radiation-contaminated debris make this place life-threatening.
  • East Tunnel laid in a hill to the east. A country road leads from the ATP to it. Here is the passage to the Dark Valley. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl sometimes bandits enter the Cordon through the eastern tunnel.
  • Tunnel under the embankment located to the west of the destroyed bridge. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, the tunnel is filled with the wandering Electra anomaly. This place can be used to bypass the military checkpoint under the bridge. In "Shadow of Chernobyl" it is reported that through the tunnel, newcomers often penetrate the railway embankment.
  • Farm ruins are located east of the farm. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, here, according to the plot, you need to meet with the Fox, and later with the Guide. A favorite place for bandits and mutants.
  • Crash Truck of Death lies not far from the northern checkpoint. Many corpses are scattered around. A strong background radiation is emitted from the car.
  • Railway tunnel located at the eastern end of the railroad. The tunnel is blocked by the collapse of the vault. In "Shadow of Chernobyl" this place is not of interest, while in "Clear Sky" there is a spatial trap associated with the Teleport anomaly. Therefore, it is impossible to get into the tunnel in the usual way: when the player approaches, it turns in the opposite direction.
  • Parking in the hollow. A small parking lot not far from the farm in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, which is the staging area for the bandits' attack on Cordon.

Checking in a location

Characters (edit)

  • Wolf is the leader of the Novice Village;
  • Sidorovich - local merchant;
  • Nimble - Sidorovich's scout and Wolf man;
  • Petrukha - Wolf's scout;
  • Fox is an experienced stalker who returned from a raid;
  • Tolik - a wounded novice stalker at the trailer;
  • Fan is the leader of the new recruits after Wolf leaves;
  • Kuznetsov, a corrupt major at an army post under a destroyed bridge;
  • The Guide is a legendary stalker guide.
  • An unnamed stalker is a character that can be seen in the introductory video. Not found directly in the game;
  • The escort is a dead stalker next to the tunnel under the embankment.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky

  • Sidorovich;
  • Wolf;
  • The Tramp is an ambitious young stalker;
  • The Dog is the Wolf's brother;
  • Father Valerian is the head of neutrals;
  • Shilov is a trader based on neutrals;
  • Van is a neutral-based technician;
  • Khaletsky - the commander of the checkpoint, captured by stalkers;
  • General - an officer at the ATP, a colleague of Major Khaletsky;
  • Major Khaletsky's agent is a mysterious military man;
  • Semyon Ovechko - an army driver hiding in a tunnel under a road;
  • Pupin - a dead soldier in a railway tunnel;
  • Gaikin is a dead soldier.

Cut from S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

  • Toad - a merchant, the prototype of Sidorovich;
  • The huckster is an inconspicuous stalker merchant.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

  • The military. The main forces of this group are located at the southern checkpoint. Three soldiers constantly patrol the "Zone Road" all the way to the approaches to the Novice Village. A group of five under the command of Major Kuznetsov is based under the bridge. After a player visits Laboratory X-18, high-ranking military personnel who freely move around the location can be found in other points of Cordon.
  • Loners. There are mostly inexperienced stalkers. Most of them are in the Novice Village area. Small groups can also be found behind the railway embankment.
  • Bandits. Periodically appear at the ATP, knocking out stalkers from there. They are also found at the northern checkpoint, from where they can move to other points of the location.
  • Mercenaries. You can meet a small squad while completing the Fan's quest to protect the camp.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky

  • Military. Over a dozen soldiers also occupy the southern checkpoint. A small group settled down at the ATP. In the story, the player will have to engage in battle with two more military units. In addition, several unique military characters can be found at the location.
  • Loners. As in the first part of the game, they occupy a camp in the Novice Village. A large group of neutrals settled on the old pig farm, where their main base was organized. Small detachments of stalkers can occupy other key points throughout the Cordon, depending on the superiority in strength.
  • Bandits. Mostly they live closer to the transition to the Dump: at the northern checkpoint and in the destroyed farm.
  • Duty . Very rarely, in the course of a war between groups, single detachments of Dolgovtsy may appear on the Cordon, mainly near the western passage to the Garbage.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky

Just as in the previous part of the game, the main fauna of Cordon is made up of blind dogs, wild boars and flesh. Pseudo-dogs are rare, usually accompanied by blind dogs. Sometimes snorks appear on the Cordon, most often in the southern part of the location. Despite the peripheral position of the location, bloodsuckers occasionally appear here, mainly gathering three individuals in a flock.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

Burial ground of radioactive waste

The tunnel under the embankment is filled with the Electra anomaly, which changes its position in a specific sequence.

Gravity anomalies are represented by Tramplin, Funnel and Carousel. They are located almost throughout the entire area.

A large accumulation of these anomalies is observed at a small radioactive waste disposal site near the Novice Village.

Another congestion is around a derailed locomotive.

At the overturned truck of death, the radiation background is off scale.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky

Spatial anomaly over the bridge in "Clear Sky"

Anomalies of the gravitational nature are represented exclusively by Tramplin and are located throughout the location in small groups.

Of interest is the teleport spatial anomaly hovering over the destroyed bridge. Used by stalkers to dispose of garbage. The end point of the anomaly is located to the east in a railway tunnel. One of the secondary quests given by Semyon Ovechko is associated with the Teleport.

A powerful center of radiation is located north of the Novice Village, near the radioactive waste burial ground.

Plot and side quests


Main articles: S.T.A.L.K.E.R Walkthrough: Shadow of Chernobyl, S.T.A.L.K.E.R Walkthrough: Clear Sky

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

One of the stalkers brings the local merchant Sidorovich an unconscious man, whom he found among the corpses of the crashed Death Truck. In the PDA of the found one, there is one entry: "Kill the Strelka".

When the found stalker regains consciousness, it becomes clear that he has lost his memory. For ignorance of the nickname, Sidorovich calls the stalker Marked because of the tattoo "S.T.A.L.K.E.R." On the hand. Now he has to figure out what happened to him, and the first clue is the Shooter, who must be found. On the instructions of Sidorovich, Labeled goes to Agroprom to find the documents needed to open the road to the north of the Zone. In parallel with this, the first clues about the Strelka appear, leading to the Garbage.

Side quests

Main article: Cordon: quests

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

Several renewable quests to destroy mutant lairs and find some items can be obtained from Sidorovich and the Wolf. Also at the location you can get several unique secondary quests from Sidorovich, Shustry and Fan. The latter appears in the story after passing the X-18 laboratory.

Where is present

In addition to S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, where the location is present, elements of Cordon can be found in multiplayer. The location is also found in many assemblies of S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl and S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Oblivion Lost.

In multiplayer

Multiplayer ATP card in "Clear Sky"

ATP is one of the multiplayer maps found in all parts of the series, made from several locations in Cordon. The standard ATP was taken as a basis, on the territory of which the mill and the accompanying L-shaped building are located, as well as several more buildings from different parts of the location.

In assemblies

Build 1098 (with a pack of maps), Build 1114, Build 1096, Build 1154, Build 1465, Build 1472, Build 1834, Build 1842, Build 1865, Build 1893, Build 1902, Build 1911, Build 1935, Build 1936, Build 1994, Build 2205, Build 2212, Build 2217, Build 2571, Build 2588, Build 2947 (release build).

History of creation

Cordon is the very first location created for the world of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. During development, it went through many versions, but on the whole remained the way it was originally intended.

2001-2002 years

Oblivion Lost style cordon

The location with the technical name "Escape" began to be created at the stage of development of the Oblivion Lost project (that is, before the classic concept of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was born). It is known that Cordon took its origin from the appearance of the factory.

At the beginning of 2002, a landscape was created that resembles the Crimean mountains, limiting the playing area. In the middle of the location, a high railway embankment appeared with a bridge, which at that time was not destroyed. There are two railway tracks on the embankment. Several boxcars are modeled on the bridge, leaving the tracks. In the lowland, a road was made, passing through the entire location, at the ends bounded by prototypes of future northern and southern checkpoints. The factory is set at the same height as the embankment. On the right side of the road in front of the embankment there is a small one. Near it, under the embankment, a pipe was laid, which in the future will become an automobile tunnel. The location has a large size and scale of buildings (for example, a huge tunnel, which in the future will turn into a small passage under the road near the Novice Village). The light gamut of the location is similar to that of Aztec City - the almost complete Oblivion Lost location.

Novice Village Build 1154 (2002)

Around mid-2002, the Oblivion Lost concept was abandoned. Aztec City fades into oblivion, but Cordon remains, and work on it continues. The tones of the location are thickened, the textures change. Trees appear throughout the territory, in particular, pyramidal poplars along the road, without which this location is already unthinkable. In some places, the landscape is modified, little things are added (for example, a scrap dump near the factory).

At the end of summer 2002, textures are updated. The location takes on rich, bright colors. The factory is lowered almost to the level of the highway. New objects appear throughout the location: broken equipment, locomotives, wrecked, and the like. Between the embankment and the prototype of the northern checkpoint, a village “grew”. The first version of the future Novice Village has also appeared. In one of the basements, there is a closet of the merchant Toad. The southern checkpoint is modeled: two buildings, a tower, a carriage and a village toilet. Small swamps appear in the lowlands. The entire Cordon is abundantly planted with bushes.

2003-2004 years

Map with gameplay notes

2003 is "dead" for Cordon. Since 2002, almost no changes have been made at the location. We can only note an increase in the amount of grass and the placement of the same type of anomalies throughout the location. Most likely, this "lull" is associated with the active development of other locations.

2004 turned out to be rich in Cordon modifications. By the end of spring, the location is full of small and medium changes: various construction waste appears throughout the territory, the amount of vegetation decreases, in particular in villages. Despite the fact that the Toad's shack has not yet been eliminated, Sidorovich's bunker appears near the Novice Village. Opposite the village, behind an embankment across the road, a third small settlement was created. A trailer with garbage scattered nearby appears by the road in the area of ​​the Novice Village. There is no northern checkpoint yet, but at its prototype the gates are slightly opened for passage to the Dump. Check-in also started.

Novice Village carriage

By the middle of summer, the location does not change significantly. Some dynamic objects are added. They put Sidorovich in the bunker near the Village of newcomers and arrange the NPCs in a different way around the location.

In August, an experiment is being carried out to lay a bed of a dried-up river on the Cordon. The river channel runs from the north-west along the road, passes under the embankment through a special tunnel, which is formed from a pipe located here earlier, bypasses the tunnel under the road and goes to the south near the military checkpoint. The channel itself is filled with small swamps and reeds. Thus, the passage under the “road to the Zone” acquires meaning, and there is consistency in the location of the pipes for dumping the factory waste that go to the riverbed.

Tunnel for the river (1865 build)

At the same time, there is a transition from the "Crimean mountains" to flat terrain. The landscape around the embankment is changing: it takes on a flatter appearance. The bridge changes its model and becomes "destroyed". One of the sections of the bridge lies on the driveway, two cars hang from the rift. The location of houses in the western village behind the embankment is being changed. There are many other minor modifications going on.

By September, fences of a completely ridiculous kind come to replace the previously missing location-limiting mountains: they are waist-high to the player, and do not look like something that can be an obstacle for a healthy person.

Map concept art

Despite all the advantages of the riverbed venture, it had to be abandoned. Played a role here technical problems, including the unrealistic nature of the water in the game. By the middle of autumn 2004, the river bed was partially removed, the total amount of water at the location decreased significantly, the reeds disappeared, but a special water supply tunnel has not yet been removed from under the embankment. At the same time, some other changes are taking place at the location. It is believed that at this time the location had the most optimal and balanced view in the entire history of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

2005 year

This year the location moves from the old version to the release version. The widespread radical changes in Cordon are to some extent related to the departure of the project leaders and the pressure on the team from THQ.

Windmill in build 2205

By mid-spring, the overall detail of the location is improving. The scale also changes: Cordon begins to play with light green flowers. The landscape changes in places: mountains appear again from the west, but they do not look like the Crimean ones. If we talk about the development of the location, then by this time the Cordon is suffering a big loss: the factory disappears from the map, and a motor transport company, in other words, ATP, is placed in the lowland instead. This move is highly questionable, since the Factory was the symbol of Cordon for fans of the unreleased game. There is a road from the ATP to the still unbuilt eastern tunnel.

The Novice Village is also undergoing changes. All the bushes have been removed from its territory, the Toad's closet becomes history, it is replaced by a basement with an additional room. Finally, the newcomers themselves and the Wolf appear. Sidorovich's bunker takes on an almost final form: a radio appears, a TV, Iron door and ASUS laptop, however, an even older version than in the released game.

The third village behind the embankment is being replaced by a pig farm familiar to everyone. From the experiment with the riverbed, only the tunnel under the embankment remains. It is filled with rusty vehicles to disguise themselves as a car passage. While the southern checkpoint does not undergo any changes, the northern checkpoint appears. It survived to release in the same form as it was originally created. The water pump also disappears. A mill "grows" in its place, so far without a warehouse building.

It is not known for certain how the location was created from April 2005 until March 16, 2006 - the date of creation of build 2571, which hit the Internet.

2006-2007 years

One of the ATP buildings in the old version of Cordon is still on fire

By the spring of 2006, the location was again completely redesigned. It takes on almost the same shape and appearance as seen in the release. Literally everything has been redone, including the textures and colors of Cordon. Improved detail. Re-modeled: Novice Village, South Checkpoint, Railway Bridge, Underpass, Under-Embankment Tunnel. The houses opposite the farm take on a different look. An east tunnel, an L-shaped warehouse next to the mill, and a crashed death truck appear. One railway track disappears from the embankment, and a pile of earth that has come from nowhere appears under the bridge. Some quests and NPC placement are still somewhat different from the release game.

On February 27, 2007, the final assembly of the game appears, it will be recorded on discs, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl will appear on the shelves. By this time, subtle modifications were made on Cordon: rearrangement of NPCs, completion of quests, and the like.

At the end of the description of the creation of the Cordon for S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, it should be noted that initially the location was huge, and during the development there was a tendency to decrease the area of ​​the location.

2007-2008 years

Comparison of a farm in the Shadow of Chernobyl and Clear Sky

After the release of S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl, development of S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky - the prequel to "Shadows" begins. In this regard, a decision is made to "rejuvenate" all locations for a year, including Cordon.

The course of the development of Cordon itself is unknown, it is only possible to compare two versions of the location: in the original and in the prequel.

In Clear Sky, the number of objects on the Cordon increases dramatically compared to S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl. Fortifications created from cars and debris for the war of groups appear everywhere, as well as cosmetic improvements (replacement of some textures). A tunnel crossing to the Swamps was created near the military checkpoint.

In general, such a "rejuvenation" is not justified by the legend of the game. It is not clear where many broken cars, large containers and boxes will disappear in a year between S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky and S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl.

  • In the encyclopedia "Shadows of Chernobyl" located in the CPC, Cordon is called "Outpost".
  • The area of ​​Cordon near the death truck is significantly different from that shown in the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. intro video: Shadow of Chernobyl.
  • Initially, the first quest "Shadows of Chernobyl" consisted of finding an artifact in the area of ​​the radioactive waste disposal site, there was also a scripted scene with flesh falling into the Funnel, as the first demonstration of anomalies to the player. However, the quest was later removed, but the waste burial and script scene remained.
  • The cooperative “Lokomotiv” could not exist on the territory of the Zone, since the corresponding law “On cooperation in the USSR” was adopted only two years after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. In S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky, the developers apparently decided to smooth out this moment by replacing the sign with the name of the enterprise with a sign with the text "Registration of routes".
  • During the demonstrations of the not yet released S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl in Cordon, it was sometimes possible to see a patrolling helicopter attacking the player when it was detected. In the release version, the helicopter appears only once, and that one is scripted. It is noteworthy that in earlier versions of the game this helicopter was the cause of Tolik's injury and the death of his comrade.
  • In place of the ATP in the old versions of S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: The shadow of Chernobyl was a factory, but it was later cut out, but not without consequences. Many characters in the game refer to the ATP as a factory. For example, the line of the stalker Petrukha: “Wolf, the factory was cleaned up. We are moving forward to the starting positions. " It is noteworthy that Petrukha with the detachment still remains at the ATP, despite his words.
  • TVs in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl show a small snippet of gameplay on the 1154th Cordon Railroad Embankment.
  • Tuzla Bridge at the Swamp location in S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky is old version bridge on Cordon (for example, it can be seen in build 2205), but the second path is removed on it.
  • In build 1935 in the bunker of Sidorovich there is an inscription "Toad greedy donkey nah". This is very strange, given that Toad had already been replaced by Sidorovich a long time ago.
  • In builds from 1902 to 1935 at the southern checkpoint on the road it was written: "All warriors are stupid freaks."


S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Shadow of Chernobyl

S.T.A.L.K.E.R .: Clear Sky

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Builds: Shadow of Chernobyl

And again there comes a time when you can talk about mods more than about the main part. But mods really deserve such attention to themselves, because they offer players completely new stories in familiar locations. Now we will talk about the game Stalker Last Hope 2016 - 2017, you can download the torrent through our portal right now. This is a full-fledged mod, in which there is no bet on something specific. The developers have come up with a new storyline, introduced a new main character and new characters, improved the dialogue system and made it more interesting, and, of course, improved the gameplay along with everyone technical features... In this part, players will often have to include logic, since the main character still an inexperienced stalker. There will be times when the enemy can only be taken by cunning, but this will only improve the gameplay.

The plot of the game

The main character is a stalker called Shtyr. He is a newbie to the Exclusion Zone, which does not really want to take him into their arms. To help the protagonist in the implementation of his goals, you need the game Stalker Last Hope download torrent, which is available thanks to the resources of our site. Like many other stalkers, Pin only wants to make money. He does not have any romantic feelings for the Exclusion Zone, unlike many of his other colleagues. However, from the very beginning, everything does not go as the young guy would like. The character enters the Exclusion Zone right during the next strong blow. At the same time, an anomaly occurred - the territory moved. The pin ended up on the Cordon, which is almost impossible to cross. The cordon lives separately from everyone, has its own leader and, in general, its own laws. First of all, the main character needs to cross the Cordon, and then act according to the situation. In this part, the players, together with the hero, will fight their way through the Cordon, help the diggers and fight numerous mutants.

Gameplay of the groove process

This mod is relatively new, so the gameplay is equipped with all modern technologies. To evaluate them, it will be enough to download Stalker Last Hope via torrent, which can be done using our Internet resource. First of all, players will love the graphics. Developers spent Good work over visual issues. The gameplay also allows the use of various technical means to explore anomalous zones.

The developers advise players not to be lazy, and spend time exploring territories, even when completing a task. They will be able to find documents that contain important information.

Features Stalker Last Hope 2016 - 2017

  • One location. Initially, the main character's goal was the Swamp location. However, after the ejection, he ended up on the Cordon. The entire gameplay will indeed take place in one location, but it is large and has many of its own characteristics. Plus, players can customize some of the pictures.
  • Modified PDA. Previously, tasks came to the pager. Sometimes - messages from other stalkers. Now on this device the players will see the thoughts of the protagonist. Gamers will find out what their character is thinking, and this will help them understand each other. The thoughts also hide the tasks that the hero needs to do.
  • Graphics. As it should be for mods, the developers have seriously worked on the graphics. In general, the visual system has been seriously changed. Developers used modern technologies in order to make everything look more real. Together with appearance locations have changed and the weapon pack.

On this page, by the button below you can download Stalker Last Hope 2016 - 2017 via torrent for free.

About the plot:
A year after a hard battle with mercenaries in Pripyat, a bandit from Lesha Borman's group named Grek woke up in a dark cave. A dead bastard lay next to him. The last thing that remained in the memory of the Greek - he, along with his friend, the mercenary Johnny, leaves the battlefield. A shot, a terrible wound in the back, darkness, oblivion ...

Pass status: Supplemented
About the passage:
This passage at the current stage does not reflect all the paths of the plot development. Here is a description of the course of the game of 1 specific player, the mod has many options for passing, all the forks in the plot are marked here.

1.We watch the introductory video, which refers us to the previous project from this developer
2. We wake up in a cave, on the radar we see a corpse, go to it, search it, pick up a key, go further through the cave, see a tunnel with creeping white smoke, go there, go to the Dump
3. After going to the Garbage, we meet DeadMan, talk to him, find out what happened during our absence. Also DeadMena tells us about Shamray, we go in search of him.

3.1 At this stage, we can immediately go to Shamray, or we can walk through the Garbage, we won’t find anything particularly valuable on the move, but in the basement under the flea market we will find a closed door, a Stalker is sitting behind it, refuses to let us inside. This find may affect the further plot.
4. We find Shamray at the transition to Cordon, talk to him, learn a lot, go to Cordon

Shamray at the Garbage

5. We speak on the Cordon with Shamray, we go on reconnaissance
6. In the house on the left side of the road we find a Tankist with a dead comrade, talk to him, learn that two of Shamray's gang were here, went further south
7. At the Farm we find the "Sump". They refuse to let us in there, sends for a pass that we can get under the bridge
8. We approach the bridge, which is now a wall with turrets, expect Krasnov

9. We speak with Krasnov, learn about the new local order, go to the Sediment pit
10. In the Sump at one of the barracks, at the entrance, there is Shnyr, we talk to him, we go to the barracks, we find Primus there, we talk to him.
11. After talking with all the other inhabitants of the room. Barchuk tells us that he saw 2 of Shamray's gang, they were taken away for sorting. We learn from Khazar about the cache that can help us get behind the thorn.
Here we have 2 options for the development of events:
a) Find out about the cache
b) Remain in the sump
Choosing an option(a)

1. Khazar tells us about the cache in the armored personnel carrier, we go there, take everything from there, talk to Shamrai, get a task to search for stalkers at sorting.
2. We go to cut a thorn in the specified place
3. Cut the thorn, beacon Shamraya (Button "Radio communication" in the inventory), climb over the wall, run to the transition to the Sorting.
4. In the cave on the Sorting we find the cache, take the cloak, go to the village in search of Stalkers.

Sakhron in a cave at Sortirovka

5. We find Sanya Galash in the village, tell him about Shamray
6. We go to Sidorovich, find out about the current state of affairs. Sidor proposes to sew an e-commerce chip into our PDA
(a) agree
(b) we refuse
Choosing an Option(a)

1. We go to the village on the other side of the hill, there we follow to the Bar (at the entrance to the bar you need to press the remote control, then the door will open), there we talk with the bartender. We receive the task - to knock together a gang, we go to Sidor

2. We speak with Sidorovich, we get the key from the basement, the coordinates of the cache with the weapon, people will have to be recruited on their own
3. We go back to the Village with the Bar, there on the hill in one of the houses we find the Tankist

4. We speak with the Tankman, he offers negotiate with Uzbek, and kill the Gravedigger
(a) Agree
(b) Let's go look for another gang
Choosing an Option(a)

1. We leave for the Swamp in search of Uzbek (We will have to return to the Cordon, because the trail to the Swamp goes from there)
2. We take away the cache with the Weapon, we go to Uzbek (On the way we can go to the village with a water tower, there will be a military man in the basement, we talk to him)
3. We speak with Uzbek, he proposes to involve Shamraya in a skirmish with the Gravedigger, also talks about the advanced anomaly detector that the Stalker has, who disappeared in an adit under the bridge in the Swamps
(a) Agree
(b) We refuse
Choosing an option(a)

1. After leaving the house, we notice throwing knives on the wall. We return to Uzbek, asking where to get them. We will learn about the Stalker from the center of the Swamps. We can pick up the knives from the wall (It is better to go to the Water Rat right away, because after clearing the Gravedigger's camp, this quest will automatically fail)
2. We go in search of the detector on a tip from Uzbek. We search dead stalker in the adit, we pick up all the things. At the exit, a burer will be waiting for us.

Hiding place in the adit

2.1 After searching the Stalker, we learn about the cache, which is located on the Burnt Farm, you should look for it here

Cache on the Burnt Farm

3. We leave for Shamrai, tell about the Gravedigger. He agrees to help. We go to talk with Galash
4. Galash agrees to help us in the dismantling with the Gravedigger, but asks to find 2 people from his group, we agree
5. We leave for southbound, we find a rookery of wild boars, 2 corpses, we search, we tell about what happened to Galasha

6. Trying to contact the Tankman using a walkie-talkie - bummer. The transmitter is broken, we go to the base free (Base chn in part 2 of the original game)
7. We speak with the Bartender. We find out that he has a transmitter, but he cannot sell it to us, because the device belongs to Nurik.
8.From the notice board that hangs near the bar, we take a note, it says about the missing Stalkers

9. We speak with Siply, for 10 thousand he tells where he saw the missing Stalkers
10. Ideas in the indicated place, we find 2 corpses. The task to inspect the scene of the incident is activated.

11. Under one of the stones we find a cache, we search it, we also examine a board with a bottle and glasses

12. The task is completed, but DeadMan gets in touch, who is also interested in this matter, we will talk to him later, we go for the reward
13. We tell the barman at the Freedom base about what happened, we receive a transmitter as a reward, contact the Tankman, do not forget to inform the leader of the base about the results of the search for Stalkers
14. After a while, a Tankman will arrive at the base, talk to him, contact Uzbek, and move forward for an assault.
15. We clean the camp, talk with Uzbek, find out that there is no Gravedigger among the corpses, go to inspect the camp
16. Near the camp in the anomalous zone with frying we find a corpse, we search it, we learn from the PDA that Gravedigger's caches hidden by the military, we go in search of him

17. We find the cache in the basement of a house in a village with a water tower, after which the Gravedigger appears, we kill him, we see the lead.

Gravedigger's Cache in the Swamps

18. We return to the base of freedom for a reward, which should be given for the found diggers
19. We go to talk with DeadMan, after the dialogue we will receive a message from Uzbek to the PDA, from where we learn that the entire group of the Water Rat was killed, we go to their base, look around, go to Uzbek
20. Uzbek shows us a certain device that he found, examine it, talk to it again, remember our conversation with DeadMan, return to him, but the place is already empty. We break the box in the pipe, find a note there, read

21. The note mentions the place of "V.V. Sidor" and mentions O. Alexander. A. Alexander is a monk who is located near the church (On the Marshes), we go there

22. We speak with Fr. Alexander, he has no key. O. Sergius is mentioned in the dialogue
23. Find O. Sergius, talk to him. The monk tells us about the icons, which were carried in a helicopter, sends us in search of them.
24. We recall our conversation with DeadMan, go to the freedom base to Barman, ask him about the helicopter, find out about 2 of the Water Rat group who are now sitting at the tower, go to them
25. On the tower we find a corpse, we search it, we take away the PDA

26. From the PDA we find out the coordinates of the helicopter, we go there
27. We take the icons from the helicopter, here we have a flock of choice:
(a) Sell icons on the basis of freedom
(b) Give to the monks

Swamp icons

Choosing an option(b)

1. We attribute the icons to the monks. We find out that the transition is already open, and the keys we received are needed for something else. We go to the Cordon
2. On the Cordon we go to the Sidorovich Bunker, talk there with DeadMan, then go to the Sorting

Chapter 2

1. On sorting we go to the Bar, talk there with Barman, find out what awaits us in the back room, go to an audience.
2. In the conversation, we are made clear that we need to look for Bormann.
3. We go to another rock cafe, in which Uzbek people are sitting, we talk there with Barman. We learn about people from Bormann's group, about a chess game.
4. We leave the cafe - take a note from the bulletin board, go to Pulevich

5. We speak with Pulevich, we get a task to search for boxes
6. We go to the military checkpoint to exit the location. At the post we talk with the military at the gate, and after that, with the Stalker by the fire.
7. We arrive at 1 point on the Dump, look around, get a message from the Stalkers. They are waiting for us at the checkpoint in front of the Bar, we talk to them, learn about unusual artifacts.
8. We go to the Army Warehouses (Go to the Bar from PM)
9. A military man meets us at the AU, sends us to talk with Leo, we go to the base

10. Leo asks to take the Flash card to Agroprom, here we have a choice:
(a) Agree
(b) We refuse
Choosing an option(a)
1. We go further to Amber (Go to the Red Forest at the outpost of mercenaries from PM, and from there you can get to Amber)
2. After the transition to Amber, we see the military, talk to them, learn about the scientists
3. At the exit from the territory of the plant, they call us by radio, answer, find out about the beacons
4. Upon arrival at the base of scientists, we find a bunker with one soldier, talk to him, inspect the room.
5. After inspection, we go to the street, there is a radio exchange, we return to the bunker, ask the soldier about the stickers, peel them off the wall

6. There is a repeated radio exchange, we find out about the scientists at the Agroprom, we go there
7. At Agroprom we find a new mobile camp, but it is empty. We examine it, we find a hand-held flashlight on the floor in one of the rooms, there is also a PDA nailed to the table with a knife, we take the knife, PDA, Flashlight
8. Go to the complex closest to us, it is also empty there, we inspect the building
9. On the 3rd floor, we find a corpse that sits on a chair, we search it, listen to the recording from the recorder (He lies on the table), take the recorder.

10. We leave for the Agroprom dungeons (the entrance to the hole, as in the CHN), we approach the door - it is locked. We put a flashlight in the slot, shine on the wall - a combination lock appears. Enter the code from the PDA
11. In the dungeon we search the corpses at the entrance, at one of the Stalkers we find a gas mask, we take it away.
12. We go forward along the complex, we are looking for the cache of the Shooter from the PM, we go up into it
13. Find a cache with a note, go to the locked door, shine a flashlight on it, see a combination lock, enter the code "1331"

14. We search the corpse on the chair, we take away the note.
15. We go back to the installation in the large hall, we go up to it, we search the corpse that sits next to the remotes, we take away the key card.
16. From the note found earlier, enter the codes into 2 remote controls, the installation starts

17. We go back to the Arrow's cache, open the door with the code "666665", in one of the cabinets we take a box
18. We get out of the Agroprom dungeon, go to the helipad, wait for the helicopter there
19. The helicopter is shot down, we go to inspect it

20. After inspecting the helicopter, we return again to the module, our old friend will also fit there for a dialogue
21. We speak with Deadman, we leave for Cordon
22. On the Cordon, we give the container to the head of the barrier, go to an audience with DeadMan at the Garbage
23. After talking with DeadMan we go to the dungeons. The entrance is behind the door, next to it there is an input panel, it appears after we shine a flashlight on it. Door code - 1134
24. A detachment of mercenaries will be waiting for us in the laboratory. We kill everyone, follow the arrows, as previously advised us to do DeadMan
25. We meet 1 closed door. The note with the code lies in the corpse, which is located next to the door.
26. The code from the next door is 1730, behind it we find the container, we take
27. We go to the surface, contact the customer, talk to DeadMan, leave the tunnel
28. After the customer gets back in touch, we speak with Deadman, we go to hide the box at the Flea Market

29. At the Flea market we go down to the basement, hide the box there
30. We go to the ambush position, wait for the GRC militants, kill them, get in touch with the Customer
31. We speak with DeadMan, we go to the laboratory Of the Dark Valley... The transition is marked on the map
32. We go down to the laboratory.
33. We go down to the 1st floor (the lowest), in the elevator shaft we find the corpse of a scientist. We search, we take away the PDA
34. On the same floor we find the box we need

Location of 4 drawers

35. In one of the rooms we find the code from the exit (31777)

36. We get out of the laboratory in the same way as we got, we go to the Garbage dump to the cache to hide the container
37. We hide the container in the cache, the Forecaster gets in touch, calls to him for a conversation
38. We speak with the Forecaster, we go on his advice to Sorting (We will have to go there like this: Cordon-Marshes-Cordon-Sorting)
39. We speak with Sidorovich, the Bartender (the Bartender will ask to find a knife in the swamps, it seems that it has nothing to do with the main plot, but this is not certain), we also speak with Varnak, who is told by the code encrypted in the chess game (379)
40. At the exit from the Bar on the notice board we see 2 notes. 1 - about the scientist from X-18, 2 - about the ancient book. We take both
41. Go to the Swamps for a knife for the Bartender
42. At the Church we talk with O. Sergei, we learn about the holy land. We go to search a distant grave, we find a knife there, we take it to the Bartender

Bartender Knife

43. We give the knife to the Bartender, we learn that there is a path to Limansk. We ask him about the ancient book. We go to the village to Sidorovich in search of Kuchma
44. We find Kuchma by the fire, talk with him about the book, go to the Polyana
45. After we talked to Polyanka with Dushman - we go to Rok coffee, there Kuchma with our equipment should be waiting for us
46. ​​We come to Rok coffee - Kuchma is not present
47. We find McCleins' group not far from the coffee, talk to the leader, tell about the Gravedigger. Kuchma is sitting in the basement of the same house, we talk to him, find out about the cache with our things

48. We find a cache with our things in one of the basements of the village, we return to McCleans, we say, we are going to storm the Glade
49. We kill Dushman, take 3 keys, return to the Sorting
52. We go to a rock cafe, talk with the Barman, ask about Ivantsov
53. In the Bar we talk with the Barman about the Teuton
54. We find Teuton and Baida in the lake on Sorting. We go to Uzbek, in order to inform him about this
55. We tell Uzbek about Teuton, he sends us to talk with Galash, he directs us to Kutcher (Survivor of the Water Rat group, who sits under the tower not far from the entrance to the Freedom base), but now there is no point in going there, we return to Cordon
56. We go to the ATP, there in the passage we find a pentagram, lay out the keys, move to the location "ATP", we find the Gravedigger there

57. We speak with the Gravedigger, he tells us about the current situation. Here we have a choice
(a) Shoot the Gravedigger
(b) Agree to duel with the Gravedigger
Choosing an option b
1. We go after the Gravedigger, put the keys in the box
2. We disagree with him on different sides of the ATP
3. We kill our opponent (From 1 time it will not work, you will have to wet the Gad 5-7 times)
4. We go into one of the buildings, in the refrigerator we find the corpse of the Water Rat, there is a weapon nearby, there are batteries in the suitcase. We take everything with us

Water Rat on STP

5. We take the keys with the book from the drawer, we find a room with pentagrams, on the floor with the help of a flashlight we find a teleport, put the keys there, we go to the Cordon

Exit from ATP

6. We leave for the Red Forest for another container
7. In the Red Forest we find a coded door. Code - 379
8. In the Bunker we speak with the Leader, he asks us to start the generator, we agree. We offer to send fighters with us - I refused
9. We go to the generator, start it, open the safe with the code - 543210, leave the location
10. After we leave the bunker - we receive a message from Panzer, he asks us to return to exchange a few words, we return
11. We learn about the ambush at the Flea market, leave the bunker, take the box to the cache.
12. After the delivery of the box, an ambush is really discovered, Varnak invites us to Sidorovich
13. At the Sorting in the village of Sidorovich we find Ivantsov, we talk to him, we plan a special operation

14. For a special operation we need a sniper rifle, we go to Shustrom
15. For the rifle, Nimble asks to bring him artifacts from the X-18, here we have a choice
(a) Agree
(b) We refuse
Choosing an option a
1. We go to X-18 for artifacts, we find them in the ventilation shaft. After we take the artifact into the lab, a hostile detachment of mercenaries will descend

2. We take the art to Nimble, take the rifle, go to Ivantsov, talk to him
3. We go to McCleins, talk to him, return to Ivantsov, go to the assault
4. We shoot here in this window, the assault begins

5. We clean the city, find a key card at one of the corpses, use it to open the door in the basement, release the hostages.
6. On the way to the base, a message comes from Ivantsov, he calls us to the perimeter, we go there
7. On the perimeter we find the captive Pulevich, we go to talk with Ivanotsv
8. We talk to Pulevich again, find out the code for the safe with money (The safe is in his room, code 61522)
9. We are going to talk with Zolotiy about Limansk, but at the moment we will not find out anything worthwhile
10. In the village of Sidorovich, we talk with comrades from Bormann's group, we learn a lot of interesting things, we also talk with Gena, he refuses to help us
11. We go to Ivantsov, he asks for help with the attack on the barrier, here we have a choice
(a) We agree to help
(b) We refuse
Choosing an option a
1. After the conversation, we go back to Gena, give him the broken PDA, return to Ivantsov, go to the assault
2.After leaving the Cordon, we jump on the railcar, start, ram the gates, run into one of the brick towers, turn off the turrets there, find the PDA

3. We blow up the mobile point (the place is marked in the PDA), we go to the assault on the main perimeter
4. Open the gate with the code (12345)
5. As soon as Panzer comes to the mobile post, we talk to him. After we go to the Swamps
6. After moving to the Swamps, we immediately meet Degtyarev and the company. We speak with the Zulus. Let's go in search of Kutcher
7. We meet Kutcher at the Church, talk to him, go to the Freedom base
8. On the Freedom base, on the notice board, we find a note, read it, learn about the fallen air laboratory, take the note with us
9. We go to the Groover, find out about the figurines
10. On the basis of Uzbek we speak with Galash, we learn about the Pole
11. The downed drone is not far from the Uzbek camp

Downed Drone

12. At the Sorting, jumping over the gate from the hill, we make our way to the Factory, we find 2 modules there. We take with us

13. We go to the Rock Cafe, talk to Zolotny, go to the AS in the village of bloodsuckers to go to Limansk
14. When switching to the AU, a message comes from Gena Hacker (Regarding the military flash drive)
15. In the village of Bloodsuckers we meet Zolotoy, talk to him, go to the passage to Limansk
16. Upon entering the Red Forest, we receive a message from Gena Hacker about the installation. Somewhere here a messenger with information will be waiting for us
17. After we come to the required door in the Red Forest, Golden will be killed. We go in the door, we find the installation, it needs power supplies
18. On the opposite bank we find Kasper, talk to him, bring him to the installation
19. The power source we need is not far from the Debt headquarters.

20. Find the battery, listen to the recording, return to Casper, insert the battery, start the installation
21. We pass to Limansk.
22. After the Transition to Limansk we meet 2 Dolgovtsy, we speak with them, we follow Kasper
23. Upon arrival at the Dolga base, we speak with Yakovlev, take supplies, move on

24. On the way we will meet monks. We talk with those who are sitting around the fire, we learn new information. Move on
25. Next, we meet a group of Military Stalkers, talk to Leo, find out about the turrets, return to Dolgovtsy

30. In Limansk we speak with Leo, we go to the Garbage dump
31. At the Dump, we hide the container in a cache, at the transition to the AU the Forecaster will be waiting for us, we talk to him, we give the Necronomicon
32. Talk to DeadMan, let's go get ready for the raid (Be sure to take JJ knives with us)
33. When ready we move to Pripyat. In the Laundry we meet the monks, talk to them, find out that they are moving to the station, go in search of DeadMan
34. At the marked point, we meet the military led by Leo, we talk to him, there is no Dead Man
35. Not far we find the Zulu group, we talk to him, we go into the building, we talk with the Shooter (DeadMan is the Shooter), we return to the monks

36. We leave for the Storm of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
37. We clean the territory of the station, meet on it a group of Geeks, approach the Tactician, talk to him, we are transferred to the dungeons.
38. In the command room we find the Princeps, talk to him.
39. Do our business, talk to Princeps again, return to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant
40. On the pipe we see the transition, go up to the top, jump into the transition

41. We appear in Dead City, we talk to the military, we find a monk, we talk to him, we know about a boy and a girl, we go to the monument
42. At the monument we meet the children, listen to them, then take the keys from the backpack, go talk to the monk

43. We go to the gate about which the military man spoke
44. At the gate with the help of a flashlight we find a pentagram, put the keys in it, go to the Generators
45. On the Generators we speak with Slaven, Bormann, JJ
46. ​​Go to the Face Changer, which is in the center of the location. Here we have a choice
a) We kill the Changing Face (You can kill him with a knife with a well-aimed throw to the back of the head)
b) Letting go of the Changing Person (We just don't touch him)
How to proceed - it's up to you
Bormann is killed in a raid.
47. We search Nestor (The corpse lies not far from Nimble). We return to the base. The barrier is turned off, radio traffic is in progress.