Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov. Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov Sergei Mikhail

Life and tragic death forever tied the family of the last Russian emperor and a very solid and faithful, as if hewn from one block, such a person as the Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich. The House of Romanov, which has existed for four hundred years, perceives the power as a heavy burden and service to the national unity and is ready to work for the good of the Motherland.

Childhood of the Grand Duke

The father of Sergei Mikhailovich was the son of Emperor Nicholas I, Mikhail Nikolaevich. He was appreciated as a major military leader and a very capable administrator. For 22 years he was the governor of the Caucasus. This post was both responsible and dangerous. But Mikhail Nikolaevich managed to conquer Chechnya, Dagestan, the Western Caucasus and put an end to the endless war. Mother, Olga Fedorovna, Princess of Baden, was the niece of Elizabeth I Alekseevna, who herself grew up in Spartan conditions. The family had 7 children.

In the photo Olga Fedorovna with her son Sergei. She raised her children in unconditional admiration for their father. Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich was born on the Borzhom estate in 1869 and was baptized in honor of saint Sergius Radonezhsky. The father and mother were strict with children, raising them to be able to endure hardships that could meet in military service, for which they were trained from childhood. Their grandfather Nicholas I was clearly taken as a model, who slept on a soldier's bed and covered himself with an overcoat. The sons had narrow iron beds, instead of box-spring mattresses - boards on which the symbolic thinnest mattress was laid. The rise was at six in the morning. Late was not allowed. Then kneeling prayer and a cold bath. Breakfast was the simplest - tea, bread, butter.


Initially, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich, like his brothers, received home education for eight years. He studied the Law of God, the history of Orthodoxy and other confessions, the history of Russia, Western European countries, America and Asia. Classes in mathematics, geography, languages \u200b\u200band music were required. Due to a mistake in a foreign word, the punishment followed - deprivation of sweets, in mathematics - an hour-long kneeling in the corner. In addition, the Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich mastered the handling of firearms, fencing, and even a bayonet attack. Horse riding was an integral part of the training. From the age of seven to fifteen, Sergei Mikhailovich and his brothers lived near Strelna in five rooms of the grand ducal palace on the high shore of the Gulf of Finland. This education and training determined the future direction of Sergei Mikhailovich's activity - military service. Capable of mathematics, loving precision in everything from the most early years, he chose the Mikhailovsky Artillery School in 1885. With this he made his father very happy, who himself had the education of an artilleryman.


In 1890-1891, when Sergei Mikhailovich was a little over twenty years old, together with his brother Alexander Mikhailovich, a naval officer, he made a trip on the yacht "Tamara" to the Indian Ocean, visited Batavia and Bombay. It was in India that Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich learned about the sudden death of his mother from a heart attack. Still a young woman could not bear her son Mikhail with Countess Merenberg, Pushkin's granddaughter.


In 1889 S. graduated from an artillery school with the rank of second lieutenant. He grew up quickly and successfully in service.

Almost every three years he was promoted for his diligence. In 1904, we were already facing Major General Sergei Mikhailovich. The Grand Duke, simultaneously with the new rank, was enrolled in the retinue of His Majesty. Sergei Mikhailovich put a lot of effort into creating modern artillery, for its renewal in the Russian army, for the training of young artillerymen, both lower and higher ranks. The quality of the gunners' training under him increased dramatically.

Participation in coronation events

In May 1896, on a fine day, Sergei Mikhailovich took part in the coronation ceremonies in Moscow. On the occasion of the fine weather, the Grand Duke proceeded to the Khodynskoye field in an open carriage together with the Grand Duchess.

Among the military ranks, he greeted St. Sergius of Radonezh, members of the imperial family.

Fiery passion

The prima ballerina of the Imperial Mariinsky Theater MF Kshesinskaya was an extremely purposeful and strong-willed woman. Flirty to the core, she relied on sexuality. Manipulating men, driving them crazy, she succeeded with ease.

In his youth, Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov fell in love with her. In 1894, the Grand Duke gave the twenty-two-year-old beauty a dacha for her birthday in Strelna, not far from his family estate Mikhailovskoye. At this dacha, Sergei Mikhailovich spent five years with his Malechka, living like a family. But life with a notorious flirt was not easy. At the same time, she had an affair with the Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich. She distributed the roles in such a way that Sergei Mikhailovich paid all her bills and defended her interests before the administration of the theater. If Matilda Feliksovna wanted to perform in diamonds and sapphires, although such decorations did not fit the costume in terms of their role, it was still done as the incomparable ballerina wanted. She needed Vladimir Alexandrovich to ensure a strong position in society.

The birth of a son

In 1902, she gave birth to a son, who was named Vladimir in baptism, he received his patronymic Sergeevich, and the surname Krasinsky and the title of a hereditary nobleman were given to him by the emperor himself. Sergei Mikhailovich wanted to adopt a boy, although the child was not at all like him. However, Matilda Feliksovna hesitated. She had other plans. In the meantime, Sergei Mikhailovich happily engaged in the upbringing of the boy and did not complain about fate, although Matilda Feliksovna had already practically excommunicated him, carried away by the young Prince Andrei.

And Sergei Mikhailovich, meanwhile, forbade him to look at other women, but allowed herself to make gifts. The Grand Duke's character changed, he became withdrawn and did not attend social events. Twenty-five years of boundless love and forgiveness - is this not a true feeling that came to Sergei Mikhailovich. Volodya, whom he considered his son, on his sixteenth birthday, already being imprisoned in Alapaevsk, he sent a congratulatory telegram. And the young man sincerely loved him as a loved one.

After the abdication of the emperor

In the summer of 1917, Kshesinskaya, fleeing, fled away from revolutionary Petrograd to Kislovodsk. SM Romanov remained in it to settle the affairs of his beloved woman.

He wanted to equip a treasure hiding place in her mansion. Having lingered too long in the revolutionary city, trying to smuggle jewelry abroad through the British embassy and put them in the name of Vladimir, which he failed, the Grand Duke was arrested in the spring of 1918.


At first Mikhailovich, along with others, was exiled to Vyatka. Then a month later they are sent to Yekaterinburg. He, judging by the reviews, was very democratic about the new government. This was reported by the bank manager V.P. Anichkov, who played preference with him in the evenings.

At the end of May 1918, all the Grand Dukes were transferred to Alapaevsk. At first, they were allowed to walk around the city, and residents communicated with them with love. But a month later, strict control was established over everyone, guards were installed. The number of products decreased, and Sergei Mikhailovich protested against such treatment. But secretly on the night of July 18, they were loaded onto a train under the pretext that they would transport everyone to a safe place. However, they were brought to the mines. Sergei Mikhailovich, feeling the atrocity, began to resist and was killed. His last thought was about his beloved Male, whom he held in his hand. The rest were thrown alive into the mines, where they perished like true martyrs.

So, tragically, as a result of bloody terror, Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich Romanov ended his life. The biography, which began with severe ordeals in childhood, continued with a half-shared love for a windy coquette, ended at forty-eight years old. He was too young to die, but life decided otherwise.

Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 2. K-R Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

RATOV Sergey Mikhailovich

RATOV Sergey Mikhailovich

present fam. Muratov;

Actor, director, theater critic, teacher. On stage since the 1890s. Roles: Akim ("The Power of Darkness" by Tolstoy), Rasplyuev ("The Wedding of Krechinsky" by Sukhovo-Kobylin), Robinson ("The Bride of the Bride" by Ostrovsky), Lemm ("The Noble Nest" after Turgenev) and others. Contributor to the magazine "Theater and Art"

“He published large and voluminous studies on the 'physiology of the actor' (something like that), where he glorified the talent and divine gift of the actor.

The most remarkable thing - what made him unique - was that this favorite of the muses was a hunchback. He served in theaters, playing the first roles, and wore his hump, as another wears a lion's head. He played the only time a hunchback - Caliban in Shakespeare's Tempest and told me:

- Here's a role that I don't like.

About two years before the revolution, he once appeared to me and stuck, one might say, with a knife to my throat, asking me to come to a meeting of the “Society beautiful life“, Of which he was chairman.

“This is the most important thing now,” he explained. - All live ugly. That is why it is ugly in the theater. And it is necessary that life be beautiful. After all, how do they go today? Slouch. Or they think the crows ... But it should be beautiful - like this ...

And trying to straighten his hump, he showed how people should walk beautifully. In this aspiration of Ratov for beauty there was an evil, hunchbacked paradox of his unlucky life. He was created with the whole store of his soul for an artistic life - free and passionate; and on his shoulders he had a hump. Not an allegorical, symbolic hump, which often burdens artistic natures, but a real, physical one.

He died in the Obukhov hospital, forgotten and abandoned by everyone. Two or three actors accompanied his ashes, and a good half of the current actors, perhaps, do not know the name of Ratov.

And I remembered how one day he came to the editorial office of Theater and Art with a small manuscript wrapped in a tube and mysteriously looked around for a long time, until all the “outsiders” had left the room. Then he came close and with the same solemnity with which he announced the establishment of the Society of Beautiful Life, he said:

- Here (he slapped the pipe) I said everything about the modern theater. In one word. Printed.

- What is the word with which you stamped?

He chuckled like a petty demon and unfolded the manuscript. On the first sheet it was inscribed calligraphically: "Caliberda".

- Caliberd?

- Caliberd. You see, Caliberda. It is also "rubbish" and is not clear. From the director's notes.

And he began to rub his hands smugly.

I turned the page and read: “We are rehearsing a new play“ Wooden Birds ”. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe play is deep and simple. The performers are tied by the throats with a thin string, which is not visible on stage due to the lighting effects, but I hold the ends of the string, and pull at the conventional sign, standing behind the scenes. The main thing is to throw out the inner monologue to the public, and so that each visitor gets a hanger number on his ticket number, on which he can hang himself. For I am breaching the wall of opportunity. Caliberda - I repeat with hope - caliberda! "

- What? How did I seal them? It's over! Caliberda!

And Ratov looked at me with eyes full of vengeful faith and passionate anger. His hump protruded majestically forward, and he was all striving, impulse and will to fight "( A. Kugel. Leaves from the tree).

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STEPNYAK-KRAVCHINSKY SERGEY MIKHAILOVICH (born in 1851 - died in 1895) Famous Russian revolutionary, terrorist, talented writer. Sergei Kravchinsky was born on July 13, 1851 in the village of Novy Starodub, Kherson province, into the family of the chief physician of a military hospital. After graduating

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EISENSTEIN SERGEY MIKHAILOVICH (born in 1898 - died in 1948) Soviet theater and film director, artist, art theorist, teacher. Doctor of Art History, Honored Art Worker of the RSFSR, laureate of the Stalin Prize of the USSR. Created a new method - "installation of attractions",

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Smolenskiy Sergei Mikhailovich Born in 1911 in the city of Chemerkino, Volokonovsky District, Belgorod Region. Before being drafted into the Soviet Army, he worked at mine No. 2 of the Uzlovskugol trust in the Tula region. From March 1942 he participated in the Great Patriotic War... In 1943 at

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Chizhov Sergey Mikhailovich Was born in 1912 in the village of Vysokoe Safonovsky (now Efremovsky) district of the Tula region in a peasant family. He took part in the defense of Tula, Stalingrad, in offensive battles to liberate the Soviet land from the Nazi invaders. Rank

From the book The Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 1. A-I author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

SPIGELGLAS Sergei Mikhailovich Born on April 29, 1897 in the town of Mosty, Grodno province in the family of an accountant. After the end of the 1st Warsaw real school entered the faculty of Law Moscow University. In 1917, from the third year, he was drafted into

From the book The Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 2. K-R author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

From the book The Silver Age. Portrait gallery of cultural heroes of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. Volume 3.S-Z author Fokin Pavel Evgenievich

ROMANOVICH Sergey Mikhailovich 30.8 (11.9). 1894 - 11.21.1968 Painter, graphic artist, sculptor. Friend of M. Larionov and N. Goncharova. Participant of the exhibitions "Donkey's Tail" (1912), "Target" (1913), "No. 4" (1914), "Makovets" (1922), etc. "It is clear to me that art can develop only when a person ,

From the book Chiefs of Soviet Foreign Intelligence author Antonov Vladimir Sergeevich Romanov.

Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich (September 25 (October 7), 1869, the Borzhom estate, Tiflis province - July 5 (18), 1918, near Alapaevsk, Perm province) - the fifth of the six sons of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich and Olga Fedorovna, grandson of Nicholas I; adjutant general (1908), general of artillery (1914), field inspector general of artillery under the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (1916-1917), member of the Council of State Defense (1905-1908).

Father - Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich Romanov

Mother - Grand Duchess Olga Fedorovna (Cecilia of Baden)

Olga Fedorovna with her son Sergei

Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich

Family of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich

In 1890-1891, together with his brother, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, he sailed on the family yacht "Tamara" from Sevastopol to the Indian Ocean to Batavia and India, to Bombay - the journey was described by Gustav Rudde in the two-volume book "23,000 miles on a yacht" Tamara "" (1892-1893).

Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich

Tsarevich, Grand Duke Nikolai Alexandrovich, Grand Dukes Alexander and Sergei Mikhailovich, Prince George of Greece in Colombo (Ceylon), 1891 State Archive of the Russian Federation. F. 601. Op. 1.D. 1470.L. 3.

Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich

Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich

He made efforts to influence the government on the issue of rearmament of Russian artillery in anticipation of a war with Germany; his efforts in this matter were unsuccessful. Count A. A. Ignatiev, who was a military agent in France during the First World War, in his memoirs "Fifty Years in the Service" directly pointed out the incompetence of Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich in matters of artillery and his "inclination" to certain suppliers. He was a close friend of Emperor Nicholas II for many years and was at Headquarters until the last days of the Russian Empire.

Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich

Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich

In early April 1918 he was expelled by the Bolsheviks from Petrograd to Vyatka, in May 1918 he was transported to Yekaterinburg, and then to Alapaevsk. On the night of July 5 (18), 1918, together with other members of the Romanov family, he was taken out of the city, resisted and was shot. His body, along with the still living Alapaevsk prisoners from the Romanov family, was thrown into one of the abandoned mines of the Nizhnyaya Selimskaya iron mine. When the White Guard troops entered the city and the bodies of the executed were raised to the surface, a small gold medallion with a portrait of Matilda Kshesinskaya and the inscription "Malia" was clutched in Sergei Mikhailovich's hand.

On June 8, 2009, the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia posthumously rehabilitated Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich.

A family

Sergei Mikhailovich has never been married. He avoided taking part in secular celebrations and in high circles was known as a closed and silent person. Was easy to handle common people and is available to everyone.

For many years he cohabited with the famous ballerina Kshesinskaya. On June 18, 1902, her son Vladimir was born, who received the surname "Krasinsky" (according to family tradition, according to family tradition, the Krzhezinskys descended from the counts Krasinsky), the patronymic "Sergeevich" and hereditary nobility. When, after the revolution, Kshesinskaya married the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich, he adopted her son, who became Vladimir Andreevich - and in his memoirs written after World War II, Kshesinskaya claims that the child was from Andrei, and Sergei nobly "took the blame" to myself.

EI Highness Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich

Romanov Sergey Mikhailovich

  • Dates of life:25.09.1869-18.07.1918
  • Biography:

Orthodox. Conducted. prince. The son of a field marshal general, general field marshal, chairman of the State. Council led. book Mikhail Nikolaevich, brother led. book Nikolai Mikhailovich and led. book Georgy Mikhailovich, as well as admiral, field inspector general of the air force, led. book Alexander Mikhailovich. Born in the Borzhom (Borjomi) estate of the Gori district of the Tiflis province. Educated under the supervision of the August parents. He entered the service on 09/25/1885. Graduated from the Mikhailovskoe Artillery School. Released by Second Lieutenant (art. 25.09.1889) in the Life Guards horse art. brigade. Lieutenant (Project 1892; Article 30.08.1892; for distinction). Headquarters Captain (Project 1896; Art. 05/14/1896; for distinction). Captain (Project 1898; Art. 05.04.1898; for distinction). The commander of the 2nd battery of the Guards. horse art. brigade (08.11.1898-13.11.1903). Colonel (art. 18.04.1899). Major General (pr. 1904; Art. 10.03.1904; for distinction) with admission to the Retinue of His Vel-va. The commander of the 2nd division of the guards. horse art. brigade (11/13/1903-10.03.1904). Was at the disposal of the General Feldzheichmeister (10.03.-16.06.1904). Commander of the Guards. horse art. brigade (16.06.-07.09.1904). Inspector of all artillery (09/07/1904-02/07/1905). With the creation in 1905 of the posts of inspector general S.M. became inspector general of artillery (from 02.07.1905). Lieutenant General (Project 1908; Art.13.04.1908; for distinction). Adjutant General (1908). General of artillery (pr. 06.04.1914; Art. 06.04.1914; for distinction). He did a lot to improve Russian. artillery, the initiator of strengthening (and actually creating) in Russian. army of rapid-fire artillery. Achieved a dramatic improvement in the training of the gunners. At the same time, in January-June 1915, the chairman of the Special Administrative Commission for art. parts. On 05/01/1916, field inspector general of artillery under the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. After the February Revolution, he was removed from office. 03/22/1917, among other members of the Imperial Family, dismissed from service on request with a uniform. In 04.1918 he was expelled from Petrograd to Vyatka, in 05.1918 he was transported to Yekaterinburg, and on 20.05.1918 by order of the Ural Council to Alapaevsk. He was killed along with the Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna, princes John, Constantine and Igor Konstantinovich and Prince V.P. Paley. All were thrown into the Nizhne-Selimskaya iron ore mine 11 versts from Alapaevsk alive, only S. resisted and was shot, his body was already thrown into the mine. The body was taken by whites to China and buried in the crypt of the St. Seraphim Church of the Russian Spiritual Mission in Beijing. Canonized by Russian orthodox Church abroad (1981). He was rehabilitated by the General Prosecutor's Office of Russia on 06/08/2009, together with all the executed members of the imperial family.

  • Ranks:
on January 1, 1909. - Main Artillery Directorate, Lieutenant General, Adjutant General, Inspector General of Artillery
he is the Retinue of His Imperial Majesty, Lieutenant General, Adjutant General of the EIV retinue
  • Awards:
St. Andrew the First-Called (1869) St. Alexander Nevsky (1869) St. Anna 1st Art. (1869) White Eagle (1869) St. Stanislav 1st Art. (1869) St. Vladimir 4th Art. (17.12.1894) St. Vladimir 3rd Art. (25.01.1901) St. Vladimir 2nd Art. (1911) Foreign Orders: Mecklenburg-Schwerin Wendish Crown 1st Art. and Vulture of the 4th century; Württemberg Crown; Romanian Stars 1st class; Oldenburgsky Duke Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig with chain; Austrian St. Stephen's; Bulgarian St. Alexander 1st Art. (08/20/1898); Bukhara Big Star.
  • Additional Information:
-Search for the full name in the "Card index of the Bureau for the registration of losses on the fronts of the First World War 1914-1918." in RGVIA -Links to this person from other pages of the site "Officers of the RIA"
  • Sources:
(information from the site
  1. The offensive of the Southwestern Front in May-June 1916. Collection of documents of the world imperialist war on the Russian front (1914-1917). M., 1940.
  2. Brusilov A.A. My memories. M. 2001
  3. Zalessky K.A. Who was who in the First World War. M., 2003.
  4. Brusilov A.A. My memories. M. 2004
  5. List of senior military commanders, chiefs of staff: districts, corps and divisions and commanders of individual combat units. St. Petersburg. Military Printing House. 1913.
  6. List of generals by seniority. Compiled up to 15.04.1914. Petrograd, 1914
  7. List of generals by seniority. Compiled on July 10, 1916. Petrograd, 1916
  8. VP 1914; List of Adjutant Generals, Major Generals and Rear Admirals of the Retinue of His Vel-va and Adjutant Wing by seniority. Done on 03/20/1916. Information was provided by Valeriy Konstantinovich Vokhmyanin (Kharkov)

) - the fifth of the six sons of Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolaevich and Olga Fedorovna, grandson of Nicholas I; Adjutant General (1908), General of Artillery (1914), Field Inspector General of Artillery under the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (1916-1917), Member of the Council of State Defense (1905-1908).


In 1890-1891, together with his brother, Grand Duke Alexander Mikhailovich, he sailed on the family yacht "Tamara" from Sevastopol to the Indian Ocean to Batavia and India, to Bombay - the journey was described by Gustav Rudde in the two-volume book "23,000 miles on a yacht" Tamara "" (1892-1893).

He made efforts to influence the government on the rearmament of Russian artillery in anticipation of a war with Germany; his efforts in this matter were unsuccessful. Count A. A. Ignatiev, who was a military agent in France during the First World War, in his memoirs "Fifty Years in the Service" directly pointed out the incompetence of the Grand Duke Sergei Mikhailovich in matters of artillery and his "inclination" to certain suppliers. He was a close friend of Emperor Nicholas II for many years and was at Headquarters until the last days of the Russian Empire.

A family

Sergei Mikhailovich has never been married. He avoided taking part in secular celebrations and in high circles was known as a closed and silent person. He was easy to use with ordinary people and accessible to everyone.

For many years he cohabited with the famous ballerina Kshesinskaya. On June 18, 1902, her son Vladimir was born, who received the surname "Krasinsky" by the Imperial decree of October 15, 1911 (according to family legend, the Krzhezinsky descended from the counts Krasinsky), patronymic " Sergeyevich"And hereditary nobility. When, after the revolution, Kshesinskaya married the Grand Duke Andrei Vladimirovich, he adopted her son, who became Vladimir Andreevich - and in his memoirs, written after the Second World War, Kshesinskaya claims that the child was from Andrey, and Sergey nobly "took the blame" upon himself.

Achievement list

  • 11/08/1898 - 03/10/1904 - commander of the 2nd E.I.V. of the General Feldzheikhmeister of the battery of the Guards. horse artillery brigade
  • 03/10/1904 - 06/16/1904 - was at the disposal of E. I. V. General Feldseichmeister
  • 06/16/1904 - 08/07/1904 - commander of the guards. horse art. brigades
  • 09/07/1904 - 06/02/1905 - inspector of all artillery
  • 06/02/1905 - 01/05/1916 - inspector general of artillery
  • 01/05/1916 - 1917 - Field Inspector General of Artillery under the Supreme Commander-in-Chief

Military ranks and titles

  • Entered service (09/25/1885)
  • Second lieutenant of the guard (art. 09/25/1888)
  • Adjutant wing to His Majesty (High pr. 26.11.1888)
  • Lieutenant of the Guard for Distinction (Art. 30.08.1892)
  • Head Captain of the Guard for Distinction (Art.14.05.1896)
  • Captain of the Guard for Distinction (Art.5.04.1898)
  • Colonel of the Guard (art. 18.04.1899)
  • Major General with admission to the Retinue of His Majesty (High pr. 10.03.1904)
  • Lieutenant General (High pr. 13.04.1908)
  • Adjutant General to His Imperial Majesty (High pr. 13.04.1908)
  • General of artillery (Art.6.04.1914)


  • Chief of the 153rd Baku Infantry Regiment (High Ave. 09/25/1869)
  • Chief of the 3rd Vladivostok Fortress Artillery Regiment (High pr. 7.09.1909)


  • Order of St. Anne 1 st. (1869)
  • Order of St. Stanislaus 1 st. (1869)
  • Order of St. Vladimir 4 st. (17.12.1894)
  • Medal "In Memory of the Reign of Emperor Alexander III" (1896)
  • Order of St. Vladimir 3 tbsp. (25.01.1901)
  • Highest gratitude (1904)
  • Order of St. Vladimir 2 st. (1911)
  • Mecklenburg-Schwerin Order of the Wendish Crown 1 st.
  • Mecklenburg-Schwerin Vulture Order (English)russian 4 tbsp.
  • Order of the Württemberg Crown [ ]
  • Order of Merit of Duke Peter-Friedrich-Ludwig with chain
  • Grand Cross of the Royal Hungarian Order of St. Stephen (1898)
  • Bulgarian Order "Saint Alexander" 1 st. (20.08.1898)
  • Grand Cross of the French Order of the Legion of Honor (20.06.1911)

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  • Kuzmin Yu.A. Russian imperial family name 1797-1917. Biobibliographic reference. - SPb. : Dmitry Bulanin, 2005 .-- S. 322-324. - ISBN 5-86007-435-2.
  • Miller L. Holy Martyr Russian Grand Duchess Elizabeth Feodorovna. - M .: Pilomnik, 2006 .-- 266 p.
  • on the site ""