Pros and cons of issuing Russian passports to residents of the LPR and DPR. Why did Russia recognize passports of the DPR and LPR People of the DPR and LPR on the recognition of passports

On February 18, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree recognizing the passports of the LPR and DPR on the territory Russian Federation... What does this decree give for the residents of the young republics and why did the Kremlin take this step?

5 questions about what the decree of Vladimir Putin on the recognition of documents issued on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics means.

1. Why did the Kremlin take such a step?

The Decree of the President of Russia on the recognition of the documents of the DPR and LPR exhaustively says why this was done: "In order to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, guided by the universally recognized principles and norms of international humanitarian law ..."

During those 3 years, while Ukraine is waging a civil war with the independent Donbass and keeping its inhabitants practically in a blockade, millions of people in these territories could not really change their surnames, or register a marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child. Documents about this were issued in the local registry offices, but they were simply not recognized by anyone and anywhere, except in the DPR and LPR themselves. Those who reached the age of majority did not understand what kind of passport they should get, and those who graduated from school or university - what to do with a certificate that is not recognized anywhere. It's not to go to Ukraine for a Ukrainian passport and a certificate, you don't have to come back.

Well, you can't hang so many people between heaven and earth, denying them such an elementary civil law.

2. What kind of documents are recognized?

Firstly, these are passports issued by the DPR and LPR, and other identity cards, birth certificates, marriage certificates or divorce, name change, and death certificates.

Secondly, certificates of education and professional qualifications.

Thirdly, certificates of registration of vehicles, registration plates of vehicles.

Due to the recognition of LDNR documents, including passports and car license plates, panic arose in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The reason was the statement of the Vice-Speaker Iryna Gerashchenko that Russia could appropriate property in the uncontrolled Ukrainian territories.

3. Are there many people with such documents?

It is known that more than 40 thousand DPR passports have already been issued in Donetsk alone. By the way, they look like Russian ones - the cover is also red, but darker. And the double-headed eagle on it - not with the coat of arms of St. George the Victorious, but the Archangel Michael. But the LPR passport looks more like a Soviet one. Because on the dark red cover there is a coat of arms of ears of corn entwined with a ribbon. Only in the center of the coat of arms is not the globe (as it was on the coat of arms of the USSR), but a five-pointed star.

Surely now there will be much more DNR and LNR passport holders. After all, from 2 to 3 million people live in the territories of these republics today (it is impossible to say more precisely because of the large number of refugees who either return to Donbass or leave again with each escalation of shelling from Ukraine). It is one thing to have a passport that is valid only in Donbass, and quite another when it is recognized in 1/6 of the planet - from Donetsk - to the Pacific Ocean itself.

By the way, last year the Russian actor Ivan Okhlobystin solemnly received the DPR passport, and the famous American boxer Jeff Monson received the LPR passport.

4. What does it give the inhabitants of the LPR?

Most importantly, they will be able to move freely with their passports in Russia. Check into hotels, buy plane tickets and train tickets, get a job with them.

A very important line of the Decree - with the documents of the DPR and LPR, it will be possible to cross the border with Russia without any visas!

It's the same with car license plates. Cars registered in Donbass are also allowed to drive in Russia.

Well, with Donetsk and Luhansk certificates it will be possible to enter Russian universities or present them to the employer as a certificate of education.

5. Does this change the status of the republics themselves?

Formally, nothing changes. This is not yet the recognition of the DPR and LPR. The decree does not even mention the names of these republics. They are designated as "the territories of separate areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine." That is, it is impossible to put forward any political and legal claims from international structures against Russia in this regard. You will not undermine.

But at the civil law, at the household level, this is a huge shift. This is moral support and recognition for the people of Donbass, who are tired of living as if they do not seem to exist officially.

Moreover, the decree was issued in the midst of another blockade, this time a trade blockade, arranged by Ukraine on Donbass. And at that moment when Kiev has already made it clear that it is not going to fulfill the Minsk agreements, having unleashed a new round of the war.

Recognition of the documents of the Donbass republics can also be called a soft coercion of Kiev to peace - Ukraine was made to understand that if it continues to treat its citizens in the southeast of the country formally as a pig, then they have somewhere to go. And this is a clear hint to the West - do not start seriously, in fact, demand from Kiev to make peace with the Donbass, the next step may be the recognition of the DPR and LPR themselves.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree recognizing documents issued in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics.

"In order to protect human and civil rights and freedoms, guided by the universally recognized principles and norms of international humanitarian law, I decide:

1. To establish that temporarily, for the period until a political settlement of the situation in certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine on the basis of the Minsk agreements:

a) in the Russian Federation, identity documents, documents of education and (or) qualifications, birth certificates, marriage (divorce), name change, death certificates, vehicle registration certificates, vehicle registration plates issued by the relevant bodies (organizations) actually operating in the territories of these regions, to citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in these territories;

b) citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in the territories of certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine can enter the Russian Federation and leave the Russian Federation without a visa on the basis of identity documents (minor children under the age of 16 - based on a birth certificate) issued by the relevant authorities actually operating in the territories of these regions.

2. The Government of the Russian Federation to take the necessary measures to implement this Decree.

3. This Decree shall enter into force on the day of its signing. "

In early February, when the Russian Federation formally recognized the passports of the DPR and LPR - with them you can cross the Russian border, fly domestic flights, use the services of Russian Railways, hotels, and so on.

Putin's press secretary Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the publication of RBC, explained that "this is not the official recognition of passports, we are talking about individual decisions that could be made by municipal, local authorities, as well as various companies, based solely on humanitarian considerations, guided by the need really humanitarian aid to these people who live in the regions of Donbass ".

LPR passports began to be issued in mid-2015, and DPR passports - in March 2016.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko: "For me, this is yet another proof of both the Russian occupation and the Russian violation of international law."

Oleksandr Turchynov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council (NSDC) of Ukraine: "Such a step by the Kremlin completely negates the Minsk process and is equal to Russia's statement of withdrawal from it."

The head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko: "The decree of the President of Russia on the recognition of documents issued by the Donetsk People's Republic is another evidence that Russia has supported and will continue to support the right of its compatriots to fight for their lives, their culture, their language and, ultimately, for our honor and dignity. If the Motherland loudly and boldly supports our struggle, then our struggle is just. It means that our sacrifices are not in vain. This means that our hopes are justified. Therefore, I want to once again express my gratitude and gratitude to Russia, the Russian people and its president, and at the same time I want to bow low to my fellow countrymen for their courage, fortitude, diligence and patriotism. "

DPR Plenipotentiary Denis Pushilin: “We are very grateful to Russia for this step. Ukraine has done everything to deprive the residents of Donbass of as many rights as possible. This concerns freedom of movement, issuance of new documents, including passports, and the extension of existing ones, obtaining an education , and other rights. So, Ukraine no longer recognizes educational documents issued to our children, teachers of Donbass universities are deprived of scientific degrees and titles in Ukraine. Therefore, we were forced to issue our documents - the Donetsk People's Republic. "

The head of the LPR Igor Plotnitsky: "This is yet another proof that the republic has taken place as a state. Today has brought the republic one step closer to the world recognition of our sovereignty. Vladimir Putin's decision is a vivid illustration of who exactly is a brotherly people for us. We believe, that our future is inextricably linked with Russia, we are an integral part of the Russian world and the signing of this document is a confirmation of that. For 3 years, the inhabitants of Donbass are tired of the horrors of war, of continuous shelling, bringing blood, pain, loss and destruction. The Ukrainian side is not enough the fact that he does not take any steps aimed at reconciliation with Lugansk and Donetsk, is also trying in every possible way to complicate the life of the population of the republics. "

February 20, 14:55 The State Border Committee (GPK) of Belarus said that it would not work to enter the territory of the republic with passports of the DPR or LPR.

We comply with applicable laws. If the persons crossing the state border do not have documents giving them the right to do so, we cannot let them through, "explained Anton Bychkovsky.

He noted that if such persons are identified at the exit, they will be held accountable in accordance with the current legislation, for example, for violation of the rules for the stay of foreign citizens and transit travel through Belarus. "Entry for residents of Donbass to the territory of Belarus can be carried out with Ukrainian passports," he added.


February 20, 15:56 German Foreign Ministry: "The decree signed by President Putin on Russia's recognition of the documents issued in the DPR and LPR, from our point of view, unequivocally contradicts the spirit and goals of the Minsk agreements. For us, full support for the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as full implementation of the Minsk agreements, are indisputable. the step of the Russian side as contradicting "Minsk".

French Foreign Ministry: "France took note of the decree of the President of Russia on the recognition of official documents issued by the de facto authorities of certain areas in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions. France regrets this decision, which is not in the spirit of the Minsk agreements. France calls on the Russian authorities to concentrate their efforts and use its influence on separatist leaders so that the Minsk agreements are implemented without delay. the only way peaceful and sustainable solution to the crisis in eastern Ukraine ".

"This decree in no way runs counter to international law and does not lead to violations of international law. You know that this is, in fact, de jure alignment of the situation and what was de facto just recognition. Because for humanitarian reasons it is necessary do ", - said Peskov to reporters.

He explained that this situation arose due to the blockade of the DPR and LPR by the official Kiev, as a result of which hundreds of people are unable to issue passports, renew them, and so on. "In this situation, solely guided by humanitarian considerations, the Russian president signed such a decree," Peskov added.

"Naturally, I would not like to comment on the statement of the US Embassy in Ukraine. This is not our interlocutor," Peskov replied to a request from journalists to comment on the statement of representatives of the American diplomatic mission in Kiev that the decree of the President of Russia causes concern.

Answering a question about whether Russia equates a DPR passport with a Ukrainian one, Peskov explained that this is a question of actually issued documents, which Russia recognizes for humanitarian reasons.

"The whole region is in the conditions of the most severe blockade, the most severe embargo from its capital, from Kiev. Under the conditions of this embargo and blockade, people are not able to update, correct, receive, restore lost documents. In fact, they are issued documents in this region. In fact, issued documents, based on humanitarian considerations, will be recognized here, "Peskov said.

RIA News"

February 20, 17:11 IN " United Russia"they said that having a DPR or LPR passport does not make a person a citizen of a foreign state, because none of the self-proclaimed republics of Donbass is a state." You need to understand the difference between the recognition of individual documents and the international recognition of the state, "the first deputy head of the United Russia "Konstantin Mazurevsky. So he commented on the presence of a DPR passport at the State Duma deputy Joseph Kobzon. According to the law, a deputy cannot have two citizenships at the same time.

"I handed over my passport of Ukraine to apply for temporary asylum"

Russia's recognition of DPR and LPR passports has once again stirred up global community... Kiev saw this as evidence of "Russian occupation", Brussels considered that such actions by Moscow push the Minsk agreements "a step back", and at the American embassy in the "Square" they heard "warning signals."

We spoke with a former Ukrainian citizen with a DPR passport and found out how she treated him in Russia.

Recall that by decree of President Vladimir Putin, Russia recognized the passports of the DPR and LPR. The reaction of Ukraine and its Western partners was not long in coming. All spoke out radically against the decree of the President of the Russian Federation - from the US Embassy in Kiev and the OSCE Secretary General Lamberto Zannier and ending with the President of the "Independent" Petro Poroshenko. Official Washington has not yet reacted in any way to Russia's decision. In the OSCE, however, they considered that Russia, by its decision, in fact, recognized the self-proclaimed republics.

The words from the Russian side that the innovation in no way speaks of the recognition of the republics of Donbass in Europe was ignored. At the same time, the same OSCE has repeatedly stated that Kiev must fulfill its social obligations to the citizens of Donbass. But they turn a blind eye to Ukraine's inaction, but in Moscow's actions they see steps that violate the Minsk agreements. The European paradox.

Moscow did not ignore the position of Ukraine and the OSCE Secretary General. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov explained that Russia's decision was linked to humanitarian considerations. Moreover, the preamble of the decree states that the recognition of the passports of the Donbass republics is "a temporary measure, for the period until a political settlement of the situation in certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions of Ukraine on the basis of the Minsk agreements."

But for some reason the OSCE does not want to notice the key phrase in the decree - about a temporary measure. The reluctance of Kiev itself to give the residents of Donbass the right to a normal life - this is precisely what caused Russia's decision to recognize the passports of the republics. If Ukraine begins to effectively implement the Minsk agreements, the "Steinmeier formula" and fulfill its obligations as a state to the inhabitants of Donbass, then the decree will lose its force and there will be no sense in it.

According to the president of the Center for Systems Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko, Kiev and Europe have once again made empty statements behind which there is nothing.

Passports were created due to Kiev's refusal to comply with social obligations to the residents of Donbass. People could not get any documents, be they diplomas, or certificates from any institutions. In order for citizens to live a normal life, Russia had two options: either issue them their passports, or recognize them. As we can see, Moscow took a softer path, since if the first option had been chosen, it would have created even more panic in Kiev and in the West than it does now. Their current statements are purely ritualistic; they simply had to react in some way to Russia's actions.

Political analyst Sergei Markov believes that Ukraine and its Western partners were scared of the Abkhaz scenario:

The West is afraid that Russia has decided to apply the so-called Abkhazian scenario in Donbass. Although the decree on the recognition of passports of the DPR and LPR states that the measures are temporary, and Donetsk and Luhansk regions are considered part of Ukraine, and not independent states. In Europe, they fear a tightening of Russia's policy. Now, when Russia has decided to soften its relations with the West, they perceive us as a weak side, and the weak are often crushed.

Why do I need a DPR passport

Residents of the DPR and LPR express their sincere gratitude to Russia. After all, they did not acquire the passports of the republics from a good life. For the most part, this is a forced measure. The stories are similar.

40-year-old Marina is a native Donetsk resident who lived near the Airport district. The woman received the DPR passport in 2016, she had to urgently issue it due to legal formalities.

“The fact is that I was going to apply for Russian citizenship under the compatriots resettlement program. We, Donetsk and Luhansk, are taken into it in the first place.

The initial stage is obtaining temporary asylum. For which I had to hand over all my old documents, including I lost my passport of Ukraine. But I couldn’t come home at all, since I still have elderly parents in Donetsk, and I periodically check my apartment ...

In general, in order not to slow down at the border, I obtained the citizenship of Donbass. Vladimir Vladimirovich, thanks to him, nevertheless legalized our Donetsk passports, but actually I used to buy buses and even air tickets with them. No one really nagged at me ... Now we are officially recognized. All my friends are very happy about this circumstance.

But with a DPR passport, thank God, I don't have much time left to walk, in spring I will become a full-fledged citizen of Russia and am going to leave to live near Lipetsk, there are many of our people from Donetsk there.


From now on, Russia recognizes passports issued in the separatist republics on the territory of Ukraine - DPR and LPR. The corresponding decree was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin, the Kremlin press service reported. This happened against the backdrop of a meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Normandy Four in Munich: diplomats on Saturday are discussing the possibility of moving forward in resolving the armed conflict in Donbass.

The decree signed by Putin is entitled "On the recognition in the Russian Federation of documents and registration plates of vehicles issued to citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine."

The Kremlin press service notes that it has been done "in order to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, guided by the generally recognized principles and norms of international humanitarian law."

The text of the decree notes that these measures are in effect "temporarily, for a period until a political settlement of the situation in certain areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine on the basis of the Minsk agreements."

"In the Russian Federation, identity documents, documents of education and (or) qualifications, birth certificates, marriage (divorce), name change, death certificates, vehicle registration certificates, vehicle registration plates issued by the relevant bodies (organizations) actually operating in the territories of these regions, citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in these territories, "Interfax quotes the decree.

It is also indicated that citizens of Ukraine and stateless persons permanently residing in the territories of certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine will be able to enter and leave the Russian Federation without issuing visas on the basis of identity documents issued by bodies actually operating in the territories of these areas.

Information about the tacit recognition of the DPR and LPR passports appeared in the media in early February. Then the press secretary of the head of state Dmitry Peskov emphasized that this is unofficial: "This is not the official recognition of passports, we are talking about individual decisions that could be made by municipal, local authorities, as well as various companies, based solely on humanitarian considerations."

Conflict settlement is discussed in Munich

The meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the "Normandy Four" (Russia, Germany, France, Ukraine) began in Munich. A message about this on the tapes of agencies passed half an hour before the news of the signing of the decree.

The heads of the foreign affairs agencies of four countries are taking part in the negotiations - Sergei Lavrov, Sigmar Gabriel, Jean-Marc Herault and Pavel Klimkin. The main topic is expected to be the next aggravation in Donbass and the implementation of the Minsk agreements.

Before it began, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke at the Munich conference, where he said that the restoration of Kiev's control over the border with Russia is possible only after the implementation of the Minsk agreements. Currently, some checkpoints are controlled by the separatists of the DPR and LPR. Earlier in Kiev, it was stated that control over the border should be transferred to the Ukrainian border service before elections are held in "certain areas of Donbass".

The last meeting of the Normandy format foreign ministers was held in Minsk in November 2016.