When is Matronushka Memorial Day in the year. Prayer to the matron of Moscow on Memorial Day. Special days of commemoration of Matronushka

The Orthodox Church celebrates in 2017 the 65th anniversary of the repose of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow.

Memorial Day of the Righteous Eldress is celebrated on May 2. On this day in 1952 in Moscow, Matushka Matrona peacefully departed to the Lord, predicting her death in three days.

As life tells, Matronushka did not refuse to help anyone and only before her death, already very weak, limited her reception. But people still walked, and she could not refuse to help some of them.

Before last days life Matrona of Moscow confessed and received communion with the priests who came to her. In her humility, she, like ordinary sinful people, was afraid of death and did not hide her fear from loved ones. As contemporaries say, before his death, a priest, Father Demetrius, came to confess it. The righteous woman was very worried if she had folded her hands correctly. Father asks: "Are you really afraid of death too?" And Matrona replies: "I'm afraid."

On May 2, Eldress Matrona died, but it was only earthly death... As Matronushka predicted, more than thirty years after her death, her grave at the Danilovskoye cemetery became one of the holy places of Orthodox Moscow, where people from all over Russia and from abroad came with their troubles and sorrows.

On May 2, 1999, Blessed Matrona was canonized as a locally revered Moscow saint. Every year, on the Day of Remembrance of the saint, many believers come to the Intercession Convent, where the relics of Matronushka are buried today.

On the day of remembrance of Blessed Matrona of Moscow on May 2, 2017, His Grace Vladimir, Bishop of Klintsovsky and Trubchevsky celebrated the Divine Liturgy in the church in honor of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos in the village of Sachkovichi in the Klimovsky Deanery. The clergymen of the nearby parishes of the Klintsy diocese arrived to prayerfully honor the holy ascetic of piety and perform divine service with the Archpastor. His Grace was co-served by: Archpriest Vladimir Pohozhai, Confessor of the Diocese and Dean of the Novozybkov District; Archpriest Dimitri Snegirev, Dean of the Klimovsky District; and. O. governor of Klimovsky Pokrovsky male monastery Hieromonk Photius and the rector of the church, Archpriest Ilia Vakaryuk. During the service, the choir of the church in honor of the Miracle of the Archangel Michael in Khonekh of the city of Novozybkov sang harmoniously and prayerfully under the direction of the choir director Lyubov Pohozhay.

For a rural church, the arrival of the ruling Bishop is always a holiday. And for the parishioners of the Intercession Church in the village of Sachkovichi, it is a double holiday: in 73 years this is the second Bishops' Divine Service. This majestic rural temple, striking in its size, was consecrated 153 years ago. During the hard times, the temple was closed, plundered, mocked and rebuilt. Local residents and pilgrims come here to worship holy icons and ask for help for themselves, their families and the parish. Therefore, it is not surprising that on the day of commemoration of Blessed Matrona of Moscow, in the church, one could feel a special unity and a prayerful mood of all those present at the service.

Blessed Matrona of Moscow is one of the most famous and revered Russian saints of the 20th century. Closeness to the people, simplicity, perspicacity, readiness to help all those who come and those in need - all this made her close and beloved for everyone.

At the end of the service, a procession with the icon of the Matrona of Moscow, after which His Grace addressed the parishioners with an Archpastoral word, in which he spoke about the life of the holy blessed Matrona. Vladyka said in particular: “She was born blind, but turned out to be so strong in spirit and faith in the Lord that the Lord gave her an inner sight, deeper than ours - He gave her the gift of clairvoyance, seeing a person and seeing events .... She helped people a lot and by her repose she helps everyone who comes to her. The path to her grave at the Danilovskoye cemetery in Moscow did not overgrow. Every day people came to her, raised their requests and, most importantly, left her consoled. Now the relics of Matrona have been transferred to a convent, and here there is always a huge queue of believers and unbelievers. Because human suffering makes a person turn to God and to the intercession of Matrona. And wherever we are with you, here or in other places, prayer is so strong and close that no distance matters for the Lord and for His saints. When we turn to Matrona with our most intimate request, we know that Blessed Mother Matrona hears each of us and prays to the Lord for us to grant us what is necessary, above all, for spiritual salvation. "

Archpriest Elijah thanked the ruling Bishop for the divine service and, in memory of the common prayer, presented him with the icon of the Last Supper.

Based on materials from the site http://eparhia-klintsy.ru/

Religious reading: prayer to the matron of Moscow on Memorial Day to help our readers.

Saint Matrona is an example for all of us. During her lifetime, she helped people, healing them and encouraging them in difficult times. Many prayers are dedicated to Blessed Matrona.

Holy Matrona removes the evil eye and corruption. Prayers addressed to this saint save from diseases and ailments. For her enormous contribution, for her sacrifice and faith, she was canonized. March 8 is a day dedicated to the memory of Matrona.

Life of Matrona of Moscow

Matrona was born at the end of the 19th century in an ordinary family. The parents were horrified when they realized that the girl would be blind all her life. At first they wanted to send her to an orphanage, but after Matrona's mother had a prophetic dream, she decided to leave the child.

The girl was deeply religious. Soon, people learned that she was able to heal ailments and even predict the future. Throughout her life, she helped people. Even before she died in 1952 at the age of 70, she accepted people. She helped everyone, without exception. At night she prayed to God, and did not rest.

It was canonized only in 1999. Until that time, her grave was a place of pilgrimage for many believers. Her relics were transferred to the Intercession Monastery. The uncovering of the relics of the blessed Matrona of Moscow is celebrated on March 8.

How and what to pray to Saint Matrona

Not only on March 8, but on any other day, the Pokrovsky Monastery is visited by thousands of people. There is also an icon of the blessed Matrona. People stand in line for hours on March 8 and on regular weekends just to pray in front of the icon.

You can also go to the Intercession Monastery on this day. If this is not possible, then you can go to church for the liturgy to pray and perform the sacrament of communion. You can also pray to Matrona at home on any day convenient for you. At the same time, there are absolutely no restrictions on what you can ask a saint in prayers - about love, healing, good luck, happiness, children's health, and so on.

The miraculous power of these prayers is great, because Matrona of Moscow has lived all her life in blindness. She did not lose her faith, but, on the contrary, strengthened her day by day, helping people. Before the icon of Matrona, you can read the prayer "Living Help" or "Our Father" - before going to bed, in the morning or according to your mood. There is also a special prayer to Matrona:

Those who hear about you, Saint Matrona, who have received predictions from you, people flock to you with their sorrow and sorrow. We all seek consolation and prudent advice, we all call you with a grateful heart: Rejoice, kind admonishing of our delusions and perplexities; Rejoice, quenching our sorrows. Rejoice, comforter of our sorrows; Rejoice, teacher of piety; Rejoice, driving away all kinds of ailments. Rejoice, blessed eldress Matrona, wonderful miraculous mother.

Read this prayer not only in difficult moments or during Great Lent 2017, but also in moments of happiness, for the real prayer is not asking, but thanksgiving. May your every day be bright. Good luck and remember to press the buttons and

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Prayers to Blessed Matrona of Moscow for help, health and love

Orthodox Christians especially value and revere the Holy Matrona of Moscow. During life and after death, the eldress does not leave.

Prayer before starting a business

Every person wants his plan to come true and any business to succeed well. A correctly chosen prayer will help everyone,.

Icon of St. Matrona of Moscow

Matrona of Moscow is one of the saints beloved and revered by the Orthodox believers. From the very birth she possessed the divine gift of miracles.

Prayers to Matrona of Moscow for help, healing and happiness

Matrona of Moscow is one of the most revered saints in Russia. Thousands of people annually come to the relics of St. Matrona,.

Memorial Day of Blessed MOTHER OF MOSCOW Read a special prayer!


Believers turn to the saint in a variety of life situations, problems and trials. She is a prayer book for our souls and an ambulance in any sorrow. Many believers, talking about the miraculous help of the eldress, say that she very soon responds to prayers spoken sincerely and with faith.

There is no obligatory list in which life situations Matrona helps. Nevertheless, people remember, and with what did the pilgrims come to mother during her lifetime? With the usual troubles: a serious illness, the departure of the husband from the family, unhappy love, the loss of a job. They came with everyday needs and questions. Should I change my place of residence or service? There were no less sick people, obsessed with various ailments. And Matronushka did not refuse anyone.

As believers testify, the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow helps in a variety of troubles and sorrows: in healing from diseases, in financial difficulties, in maintaining a family, in caring for children and their well-being. They pray to the matron for the conception and birth of children. There are many cases when, after earnest prayer of the spouses, a long-awaited pregnancy occurred. And Matronushka strengthens everyone who turns to her for help in faith, teaches them to trust the Lord and rely on His will.

You can pray to the holy blessed Matrona, like any other saint of the Orthodox Church, whom we call for help following our Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Mother of God remembering that first of all we must turn in prayers to the Savior and His Most Pure Mother - says Archpriest Maxim Kozlov.

You can address Saint Matrona anywhere - including in the city where you live, in the church you go to, and at home. It is true that there is an ancient and pious, correct custom of making pilgrimages to church shrines, including shrines miraculous icons or to the relics of the holy saints of God.

And if the circumstances of your life allow you to visit the first capital city, visit the Intercession Monastery there, stand with many other Orthodox people in a line of pilgrims, venerate the relics of Blessed Mother Matrona - this is a good deed, and it can only be welcomed. However, let us remind you again and again that the saints hear us anywhere. "

O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, you are coming, in your body they rest on the earth, and with the grace given from above, they exude various miracles. Consider now your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations your days are dependent, console us, desperate, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are tolerated by our sin, save us from many troubles and situations, pray our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, lawlessness and fall, we have sinned from our youth even to the present day and hour, and by your prayers we have received grace and great mercy, we will glorify in the Trinity of the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen.

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Matrona of Moscow - life of the holy eldress, prayer for help, memorial day and how to get to the relics in Moscow

One of the most revered and greatest spiritual personalities in Russia is Matushka Matrona of Moscow, whose relics are kept in the Intercession Monastery. Hundreds of pilgrims come there every day to ask holy help or health for themselves and their loved ones. In our time, after death, the eldress continues to help those who come to her with real faith in a miracle.

Who is Matrona of Moscow

Her name is Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova. In October 2004, she was canonized. Such a massive veneration of the saint is not accidental. The lives of the blessed eldress are a great life-long spiritual feat. She helped people, trying not to ignore any request or appeal. Before her death, mother said that everyone should come to her relics and address her as if she were alive, and she would hear and help.

Biography - life and miracles

Matrona Nikonova (pictured) was born in the village of Sebino, Tula province, in 1885. It received its name in honor of the Venerable Matrona of Constantinople. Matrona was the youngest child of the already middle-aged Dmitry and Natalia Nikonov. After her birth, they were going to give her up to the orphanage of Prince Golitsin, but her mother saw in a dream an unborn girl in the form of a white bird with a human face, with closed eyes. The girl was born blind and was left at home.

During the sacrament of baptism, a miracle occurred, a column of fragrant haze appeared over the font. Father Vasily predicted that this girl would carry the Orthodox faith to the people. In addition, the baby's chosenness was indicated by the sign of the miraculous cross on her breast. When Matrona grew up, she began to visit the church with her mother, learned church chants, and began to pray a lot. At the age of 7-8, the girl discovered the gift of healing and the gift of prediction, she began to accept people. This is how Matrona's childhood passed.

At the age of 17, the saint's legs were taken away. Mother herself claimed that this illness had a spiritual cause. She knew that at the service a woman would approach her and take away the ability to walk, but she did not avoid this, repeating that everything was God's will. For the next 50 years of her life, she remained sedentary, but this did not prevent the saint from traveling. In 1925 Matrona moved to Moscow, where she wandered among relatives and friends.

She predicted the revolution, the 1941 war and the Russian victory. Matronushka blessed Stalin, and he did not leave Moscow, but remained to organize the defense of the city. The death of mother fell on May 2, 1952. Two days later, the funeral of Matrona is organized at the Danilovskoye cemetery, as she wanted. More than 30 years have passed since then, but all these years, day after day, thousands of pilgrims visit the saint's grave. At the Danilovskoye cemetery, the prayer to St. Matrona is heard from people who have come with their troubles and requests, as she once predicted.

Special days of commemoration of Matronushka

Matrona was remembered for her predictions and miraculous healings, therefore she is remembered, and the days of the memory of St. Matronushka are established Orthodox Church... May 2 - on this day she died and was canonized; November 22 - Mother's birthday, Angel Day; commemorate and read the troparion on March 7, 8 - the days of the uncovering of the holy relics of Matronushka; during the days of the Cathedral of Moscow Saints (September 2), the Cathedral of Tula Saints (October 5).

Canonization of the saint

On the night of May 2, 1999, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow, a ceremony was held for the canonization of Matrona. Liturgy was served in the Church of the Intercession Church, and the last requiem for the old woman was held. All night long the people walked to venerate the relics of the blessed one, by dawn a queue of many kilometers lined up at the gate. In the morning, the patriarch read the act of canonization of mother in the face of locally revered saints.

How to get to Matrona Moskovskaya by metro

The monastery is located at the address: Moscow, st. Taganskaya 58. The nearest metro stations: “Marksistkaya” on the Kalininskaya line, “Proletarskaya” on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya line. From the metro station "Marksistkaya" through the underground passage to the left you can get to the square to make it easier to find your way, then across the road you can see the shopping center "Zvezdochka" (you do not need to cross the road to it). At the bus stop you can take:

  • by minibuses: 463 m, 567 m, 316 m, 63 m;
  • on trolleybuses: 63 k, 26, 16, 63;
  • by buses: 4, 51, 106.

You need to get to the Bolshaya Andronievskaya stop (two stops). The monastery will be visible fifty meters away. You can get to the Moscow Intercession Monastery from the Proletarskaya metro station from the stop 3-y Krutitskiy pereulok, 13A, 100 meters from the metro. You should get off at the Abelmanovskaya Zastava stop and walk 150 meters. You can pass:

  • tram 43 has two stops;
  • trolleybus 25 has five stops.

Pokrovsky stavropegic convent

Since 1998, it has been the seat of Matrona's relics and receives Orthodox people every day. Temple visits are allowed all week. Every day in the Cathedral of the Intercession Women's Monastery, the Liturgy is celebrated: in the morning - 7.30, in the evening - 17.00. Sundays - 6, 9 am. Every day, a prayer service with an akathist is performed at the relics of the eldress, on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - with blessing of water. The funeral service is held on Saturdays and Wednesdays. In the church where the icon is located, you can always turn to the saint with requests.

The relics of Mother Matrona

On March 8, 1998, the remains of the ascetic Saint Matrona were found at the Danilovskoye cemetery. They were taken to the Danilov Monastery, where they were placed in a gate church in the name of Simeon the Stylite. You can find a lot of testimonies about how, after death, the saint continues to help those who turn to her with great faith. Eyewitnesses claim that a prayer at the relics of Matrona can restore health to a dying person, help get married, conceive a child, get Good work, housing, to find peace, faith in the soul.

How to ask for help

Help from the eldress comes during the prayer appeal. The prayer in front of the icon of Matronushka is read to help with various problems: you can ask for heart experiences, for healing from diseases, for children, for well-being, etc. Matrona of Moscow will hear, even if you pray over the image of the icon at home. There is a custom to bring flowers to the shrine with the relics of the eldress, then they are illuminated and distributed to people.

.What people ask the eldress

Throughout her life, Saint Matrona of Moscow bore the cross of service to people who came to her and still come to this day with ordinary troubles: they ask for the healing of the sick, ask to return a husband or wife to their family, help find a job, buy an apartment, etc. her questions, for example, is it worth getting married? Do I need to move to another city? Should I change my job? People with various mental ailments can visit the eldress.

What flowers did Blessed Matrona love

Matrona of Moscow loved wildflowers, was very happy with cornflowers or daisies, although visitors rarely bring them. Most often they come with chrysanthemums, peonies, red tulips, roses or carnations. After all, it is not the shade of the flowers that is important, but the feeling with which they are presented. In the Intercession Monastery, they can be placed in vases near the icon or placed near its relics.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow for help

There are many special prayers, but each person may have some kind of prayer to Matronushka, it is important that it be read with sincere faith and love. You can pray anywhere, for example, visit the Church of the Matrona of Moscow to venerate her relics, or do it in your own home, in front of the icon. If there is an opportunity to visit the Intercession Monastery, it is a good deed. However, it must be remembered that the saints hear worshipers on every corner of the globe.

How to write a note asking

The petition-notes that people bring to Matronushka, and in our time they are already sending to the site of the monastery (novices copy them on paper, and then put them on the relics of the eldress), have extraordinary power. The note sets out a person's request, which should come from the heart, be truthful, sincere, but the main thing should be faith that the saint will hear, regret and help.

Matronushka's instructions

Mother taught: “When I die, you need to go to my grave, be sure to pray and talk about your troubles, and I will put thoughts in you how to be. The time of delight is coming, do not look for anyone - be deceived. " Mother told me not to be afraid, no matter how terrible it was, because the Lord will arrange everything as it should. Matrona's instructions to lovers are always the same - to get married, and not live in a civil marriage. Do not condemn, do not pay attention to dreams or omens, take care of yourself, get treatment on time, help the sick, resignedly bear the cross, entrusting yourself to God's will.

Why the icon of Matrona of Moscow is streaming myrrh

In Belgorod, in the hospital church on April 3, March 8 and 18, parishioners watched the icon of Matronushka pacify, and soon crowds of people came to see the miracle. The abbot of the temple claims that it is good sign, because the holy old woman shows that she hears prayers and helps all those who come with faith and turn to her for help for themselves or loved ones.

Predictions of the blessed eldress for 2017

The prophecies of the eldress for 2017 concern Russia. Matrona predicted the end of the world for this year, but the death of people will not be the war, but something else. One cannot accurately interpret her words, one can only speculate. Most likely, the saint did not mean the physical end, but the end of the spiritual struggle and the coming of God's righteousness, when human souls will be reborn.

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    MATRONA OF MOSCOW: YEARS OF LIFE, prayers, days of remembrance.

    Matrona of Moscow - millions and millions of people today call her "our beloved Matronushka, our reliable intercessor, who gives us strength and hope." Throughout her life, she taught true love, spiritual vision, helped to choose the right path in life ...

    And today her words sound like a testament to all of us: "I will see and hear you, and help you." Great patience of a pure heart and ardent love for God and neighbors helped her on her difficult earthly path.

    Days of memory of Matrona of Moscow

    Commemoration of Matrona of Moscow - May 2, as well as September 2 as part of the Cathedral of Moscow Saints and on October 5 as part of the Cathedral of Tula Saints. Since 2013, an additional day of memory of the holy blessed Matrona of Moscow has been established in memory of the acquisition of her honest relics - March 8.

    The years of the life of Matrona of Moscow

    The future seer (Matrona Dmitrievna Nikonova) was born into a poor peasant Nikonov family in the village of Sebino, Tula province. Even before birth, the parents, who could hardly make ends meet, wanted to send the child to an orphanage. But the baby was born in November 1881, completely unprotected before the world - blind. And the mother's heart trembled, realizing that no one would take care of himself except his own mother.

    Matronushka remained to grow up in the family. The village children did not accept a small girl with short arms and legs, and even a blind girl. Adults also had no time for her. But the little one did not lose heart, she found her life in subtle communication with the surrounding world and its Creator - God. She was given a different vision and prepared for a different fate ... Once in the middle of the night Matrona woke up her relatives and said that Father Vasily had died. The one who baptized her. Parents were surprised, did not believe ... But it turned out to be true. How could she find out?

    There was a special light, a special gift in Martrona's soul. To protect and help Matrona grew up as an unusually kind child. Some kind of tremendous true joy of life and sincere love for people lived in her. Thanks to her gift to know about unpleasant upcoming events, she tried to protect others from wrong actions, from spiritual and physical misfortunes ... She warned, helped, saved ... And she did this unselfishly, for the glory of God.

    It was a year, two, three ... People from the surrounding villages and cities came to the village of Sebino, to the house of the Nikonovs, and from Moscow. People went to little Matrosh for days and weeks, some for advice, some for support, some for help. Matrona did not refuse anyone.

    At the age of 17, Matrona's legs gave way. Physical suffering, the weakness of the flesh and grace ... And the gift, thanks to which she again and again tries to warn people, to protect them from black desires, empty aspirations, crazy, destructive actions. Matrona predicts war, revolution, destruction, fires ... Revolution, famine, domestic problems forced Matrona to leave her native village and move to Moscow. Since 1925 she has been living in a semi-legal position without registration. And so for 30 years. During this time, there were dark basements, cold unheated warehouses, and bright rooms. Anything happened. And everything in her fate Matrona accepted with joy and humility. But Matronushka did not hide her gift, as she considered it “not hers,” but received for serving people. And the people found God's helper and made requests.

    It happened that several dozen people a day turned to her for advice and help. (By the way, these appeals could cost trouble at work or even arrests.) Matrona did not grumble, was happy with the people and accepted everyone. Her day went according to the established routine: during the day visitors, at night - prayers and short breaks for sleep. And in the morning after prayer again to everyone with a smile and a kind word. And no pride. Although even for the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra she was a "spiritual mother", whose prayers were cherished.

    There is a version that in the fall of 1941, when the Germans were eager for Moscow and the question of moving the government to Kuibyshev (Samara) was acute, Joseph Stalin gave the order to find Matrona, and then secretly visited her. Then Matrona advised Stalin not to leave Moscow, and also said that the red rooster would win, but the victory would not be soon and the losses would be great.

    Blessed Matrona lived in faith and prayer for 71 years. Before her earthly death, she asked to be buried in the cemetery, next to which there was a functioning temple, in order to “hear the service”. Matrona knew when she would leave our world, and she began to prepare for death in three days. At first, after her death, few knew about her grave at the Danilovskoye cemetery. As the years passed, more and more people learned about the miracles and help of Matrona.

    The relics of Matrona of Moscow

    On March 8, 1998, the relics of Matrona of Moscow were removed from the Danilov cemetery and transported in a special ark to the temple on the territory of the Intercession stavropegic nunnery in Moscow. A year later, the eldress was ranked among the righteous for local (Moscow and region) veneration. In the fall of 2004, the righteous blessed eldress became an all-Russian saint. We feel her great miracles, her good deeds, her support and help every day: "I will see and hear you, and help you."

    The Intercession Monastery today carefully preserves the relics of St. Matrona, to which hundreds of believers flock every day. There is never a day when the territory of a monastery is empty. Long lines line up of people who came from different parts of the country to venerate the relics of the saint, bring fresh flowers, pray and ask Matronushka for help.

    HOW TO GET THERE: to the Intercession Convent (Taganskaya St., 58) in Moscow. From the metro station "Taganskaya", "Marksistskaya", "Proletarskaya", "Krestyanskaya Zastava", "Ilyich Square" 10-20 minutes walk to the Intercession Monastery.

    Prayers to Matrona of Moscow

    Before her death, Matrona of Moscow said: "Everyone, everyone, come to me and tell me how alive you are, about your sorrows, I will see you, and hear you, and help you." Today Saint Matrona of Moscow hears everyone who turns to her with prayer. Believers tell about numerous miracles. Believers can turn with prayer to Saint Matrona anywhere - including in the city where they live, in the church they go to, and at home. If the circumstances of life allow you to visit the first capital city, visit the Intercession Monastery there, venerate the relics of Blessed Mother Matrona, this is a good deed, and it can only be welcomed. But do not forget that the saints hear us anywhere.

    What to ask Matrona of Moscow

    In prayers to Saint Matrona, they ask for healing, for help in everyday affairs, for a meeting with a betrothed, for preserving marriage, for motherhood, for getting rid of drunkenness and drug addiction, for help in solving material problems, for help in studies, work, for deliverance from suffering.

    Prayer to Saint Matrona

    “O blessed mother Matrono, with your soul in heaven before the Throne of God, you will rest in your body on the earth, and with the grace given from above, you will exude various miracles. Consider now your merciful eye on us, sinners, in sorrows, illnesses and sinful temptations your days are dependent, console us, desperate, heal our fierce ailments, from God we are tolerated by our sin, save us from many troubles and situations, pray our Lord Jesus Christ forgive us all our sins, lawlessness and fall, we have sinned from our youth even to the present day and hour, and by your prayers we have received grace and great mercy, we will glorify in the Trinity of the One God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever. Amen."

    Short prayers to Saint Matrona

    "Holy righteous old lady Matrono, pray to God for us!"

    “Holy righteous mother Matrona! You are an assistant to all people, help me too in my trouble (… ..). Do not leave me with your help and intercession, pray to the Lord for the servant of God (name). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

    “Blessed Eldress Matrona, our intercessor and supplicant before the Lord! You look with your spiritual gaze both into the past and into the future, everything is open to you. Enlighten the servant of God (name), give advice, show the way to solving the problem (….) I thank you for your saint's help. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

  • Blind from the moment she was born, Matrona of Moscow saw more than the rest. Her gift as a healer and advice helped people. She left prophecies for generations to come.

    Predictions for Russia

    How to decipher the message of Saint Matrona

    Literally, Matrona's message for 2019 reads as follows:

    • “There will be few believers, life will be worse and worse. The people will be as if under hypnosis. "

    • “If people lose faith in God, then calamities befall him. How many peoples have disappeared, but Russia has existed and will continue to exist. "

    • "Great tribulations await people, which they have not yet experienced."

    You can take each of these quotes both literally and figuratively.

    Icon of St. Matrona of Moscow

    Matrona said that prayer and turning to God will help people to save themselves from any troubles and sorrows that are about to fall on their heads. Every believer can receive divine help in overcoming difficulties:

    Take the earth, roll it into a small ball, and start praying to God. Eat it and you will be full. God will not leave his children.

    Therefore, a believer should definitely not worry. You can simply follow the advice of this wise saintly woman and turn your gaze not to the material world, but to the spiritual. And then both you and your loved ones will surely pass all the sorrows and sorrows predicted to her and other negative ones.

    In contact with

    In grief and sorrow, for a request and advice, for help and just to speak out, over the course of many years people from any town in Russia have been heading to the relics of Blessed Matrona. This saint is revered, and the stream of people does not stop to her relics. The longest queues to the shrine with the relics in the days of the memory of Matrona of Moscow. There are 3 such days in the year and 2 more in the days of the Councils of Saints.

    Before her death, Matrona bequeathed to come to her as if she were alive and talk about problems, ask for help. She helps. Even those, they say, who do not ask, but believe. Matrona of Moscow is very much loved and revered by the people of Russia. The days of memory of this saint are marked by an increase in the endless flow of people to her.

    The second of May is celebrated as the Day of Remembrance of the Matrona of Moscow in 2018, as usual since 1952. it fixed date... She is identified by the date of her death.

    Interesting! This is one of the few days of commemoration of the Saint. The blessed matron left this world on May 2, 1950. She predicted the date of her departure three days in advance. And as usual, everything happened exactly as she said.

    They buried Matrona at the Danilovskoye cemetery in Moscow. She chose this place shortly before her death. Her wish was fulfilled.

    Many years later, she was canonized as locally revered. This happened in 1999. And in 2004, her church-wide canonization took place.

    Memorial Day by the date of birth of the saint

    The second day of memory of Matrona of Moscow is considered the date of her birth - November 22. This date is called Angel Day. The matron was born in an ordinary peasant family, but her fate was prepared for a completely extraordinary one. Enduring and putting up with the suffering that befell her, Matrona helped as best she could to everyone who asked and came to her.

    Many miracles of healing are known. An example is one case when Matronushka put on his feet a man who could not walk at all. She told him to crawl to her. He did it, although he had to overcome a long distance. From the house of the Saint, he walked on his own feet.

    Matrona helped many, those who asked and listened. The most blissful life was not easy, full of trials. She was born in 1881. Her parents were ordinary peasants. From the very birth Matrona was blind and for this reason her mother and father wanted to send her to a boarding school. But my mother had a vision that one white, beautiful, but blind bird sat on her chest.

    This vision was correctly assessed by the parents, and the girl remained in the family. Years passed, but from childhood Matrona began to show unusual abilities. Despite the fact that she did not see with her eyes, much was revealed to her. At the age of 17, Matrona lost her legs and she could not move.

    The blessed one had to move from the village to the capital. In Moscow, she lived with relatives. Already many became aware of her unusual gift, and people went to her for help. They thanked her for food and clothes.

    The old woman healed ailments and helped to choose the right path. There are many known cases of her miraculous power. During the day, she helped everyone who turned to her, and at night and during free daytime she prayed to God.

    Before her death, Matrona bequeathed to come to her and after her death as if she were alive with appeals and requests. She promised to help and keeps her promise.

    The days of the Cathedrals of Saints and the date of the uncovering of the relics

    There are 3 more dates when the days of memory of Matrona of Moscow are celebrated. One of the days is March 8th. This is the day of the uncovering of the relics of the Saint. By order of the patriarch, the relics of Matrona of Moscow were removed from her grave and sent to the Danilov Monastery, and then transported to the Intercession Monastery, where they remain to this day. Pilgrims come here with appeals, requests, and simply speak out with hope and faith that they will be heard.

    In addition, Matrona is commemorated on September 2, on the day of the Cathedral of Moscow Saints, and on October 5, on the day of the Cathedral of Tula Saints.