There are three types of teacher competence ICTs. ICT competence: concept, structure, main aspects. The importance of the competence of participants in the educational process

Information and communication competence of a teacher

as part of a modern lesson

(Reflections on the topic ...)

R.O. Kaloshina

Deputy Director for IT

Today everyone knows what informatization is.

· There are many programs, electronic textbooks, websites, publications written and developed for teachers and teachers.

· A huge number of all kinds of IT courses offer their services to educators.

· The school is supplied with new equipment (computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards).

But, unfortunately, we have to admit that work not everyone with IT training can use this equipment.

Often teachers are fond of presentations, this comes down to the obligatory accompaniment of a lesson or extracurricular activity with pictures-slides, often even unformatted, of low quality, overloaded with animation or sound effects. They could well have been replaced and replaced earlier by tables and other visual aids.

The work of the supporters of "chalk" technology, who do not use a computer at all, can be much more efficient than such "innovations".

The situation is no better with the use of media resources. Because for a specific lesson, the teacher needs a specific (only for this class and lesson) development.

The teacher needs the ability to "change", "correct", "correct" existing product, or even create your own, author's. And it is then that the use of information and communication technologies opens up unlimited possibilities.

BUT only for those who really own ICT !!!

It is believed that

· informatics teachers and IC staff should help subject teachers in preparing for lessons;

· Informatics classrooms and ICs must work until 17.00 so that subject teachers have access to computers.

This indicates that many subject teachers have already understood the advantages of ICT, felt the need to translate their ideas into specific teaching aids and developments, as well as their helplessness, lack of competence, lack of knowledge and skills in the field of ICT.

But, dear colleagues, as long as we put someone's debt at the forefront, the matter will not get off the ground. Nobody owes us anything!

A computer is just a tool, the use of which should organically fit into the learning system, contribute to the achievement of the set goals and objectives of the lesson.

Until a subject teacher realizes the need to independently study the basics of computer literacy that he needs, and does not begin to study and apply them, he will not learn to master this tool at the proper level.

Each teacher cannot be assigned a specialist who will embody his ideas.

Therefore, there is only one way out - to learn by yourself!

V It is important to distinguish between ICT literacy and ICT competence of a teacher.

ICT literacy - knowledge about what a personal computer, software products are, what their functions and capabilities are, this is the ability to “press the right buttons”, knowledge about the existence of computer networks (including the Internet).

ICT competence - Not only use of various information tools(ICT literacy), but also their effective application in teaching.

An indicative list of the content of a teacher's ICT competence:

(as competence develops from basic to advanced).

· Know the list of the main existing electronic (digital) textbooks on the subject (on disks and on the Internet): electronic textbooks, atlases, collections of digital educational resources on the Internet, etc.

· Be able to find, evaluate, select and demonstrate information from the CRC (for example, use materials from electronic textbooks and other manuals on disks and on the Internet) in accordance with the assigned educational objectives.

· Install the used program on a demo computer, use projection equipment, master the techniques for creating your own electronic didactic material.

· To be able to transform and present information in an effective form for solving educational problems, to compose your own educational material from available sources, generalizing, comparing, contrasting, transforming various data.

· To be able to choose and use software (text and spreadsheet editors, programs for creating brochures, websites, presentation programs (Power Point, Flash)) for the optimal presentation of various kinds of materials necessary for the educational process:

o materials for the lesson,

o thematic planning,

o monitoring in their subject,

o various reports on the subject,

o analysis of the learning process, etc.

· To be able to apply NITI-methodologies (New Information Technologies and the Internet) - these are methods of conducting lessons, united by one topic, using ICT. They contain links to electronic materials and websites that are useful for teaching lessons on a given topic.

· Effectively apply tools for organizing student learning activities (testing programs, electronic workbooks, systems for organizing student learning activities, etc.).

· Be able to form a digital portfolio of your own and a student's portfolio.

· To be able to correctly choose the form of transferring information to students, parents, colleagues, school administration:

o school network,

o Email,

o site (site section),

o forum,

o W iki-Wednesday (Wiki ( Wiki) - hypertext Wednesday for collective editing, accumulation and structuring of written information),

o blog (weblog or event diary),

o RSS feed (intended for describing news feeds, newsletters);

o podcast (newsletter with audio or video content).

· Organize the work of students within the framework of network communication projects (olympiads, contests, quizzes ...), remotely support the educational process (if necessary).

For a teacher to be able to do all of the above, an organization is needed. methodological, organizational, technical and motivational support.

On the portal Creative Teachers Network created for educators interested in improving the quality of education through the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), was held survey:

"What, in your opinion, will become the main means of education in our country by 2020?"

Poll results

As you can see, opinions were divided ...

It seems to me that it is possible to use ICT components in the lessons of any subject.

The whole thing is in expediency, availability of appropriate high-quality programs, conditions of use.

As practice shows, teachers are not very active in using ICT in the classroom, and this is due to a number of objective reasons:

· Not all teachers are psychologically ready to use ICT in the educational process.

· Insufficient number of electronic means capable of adequately solving the pedagogical tasks of the teacher when studying a specific topic.
Probably we can agree with the dean of the Faculty of Pedagogical Education of Moscow State University N. Rozov, who noted: “We all perfectly understand how far from ideal e-learning products are. There is a long way to go through comprehension, search and accumulation of pedagogical experience before the computer component of the educational process becomes an equal partner for the textbook. "

· Lack of clear methodological recommendations on the use of electronic teaching aids available on the domestic market.

· Low level of proficiency in software for creating your own e-learning tools (presentations, e-textbooks, simulators, etc.).

· Teacher time limit to create your own electronic didactic material, as well as to study, develop and implement new computer teaching methods.
(In this regard, maybe we should reconsider the question of the teacher's workload? Teaching requirements are growing, but the "workload" has remained the same. Do you need a creative ICT-literate teacher? This means you need to give the teacher time to be creative.)

In the materials of the international conference held in November 2009. in Moscow and devoted to the problems of introducing IT into education, it was noted that “a lesson with the use of a computer will be more effective for the teacher who

· Retains human learning priorities.

· Has a kind, trusting attitude to the machine and its pedagogical capabilities.

· Knows how to carefully and at the same time boldly handle a personal computer.

· Intellectually developed, erudite, able to assess the pedagogical capabilities of computer programs.

· Methodically flexible "

How does the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation see teachers in the Year of the Teacher?

On January 16, 2010, a meeting of the Public Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation took place. The topic of the session was "How to teach teachers?"

It was noted that: it is necessary to pay attention, first of all, to information technology, distance learning.

The Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A.A. Fursenko summed up the meeting of the Public Council: “In order to do something, you need to know what a good teacher is. We have already introduced and agreed with the trade unions the requirements for the certification of teachers. The teacher must meet certain qualification requirements. "

According to the Minister, the teacher must you need to provide an opportunity to improve your qualifications.

Thus, one cannot do without professional growth in mastering information and communication technologies and the desire to apply them in the educational process!

"If the soldiers don't practice day after day,

then on the front lines they will fall into the grip of fear and doubt.

If the generals don't train day after day,

they will be unable to maneuver during combat. "

(Sun Tzu "The Art of Winning"

in Vinogrodsky's translation)

Technology will never really replace the teacher, but it is increasingly replacing older ways of teaching. The teacher is a general on the field, leading his army not only to the comprehension of fragmentary knowledge, but each and every one separately to the discovery of the surrounding world and the development of his own personality in this world.

Referring to the law of diffusion of innovation, Simon Sinek (TED talks How Great Leaders Inspire to Act) cites interesting figures: "... The first 2.5% of the population are innovators. The next 13.5% of the population are early adopters. The next 34% are early adopters. most, later most and 16% - mossy brakes - people who are hard to climb. The only reason such people buy touchtone phones is because rotary dial phones are no longer available. "

Apparently, this law applies to innovation in education. To which group who belongs, each of us understands for himself, but it is obvious that the general should not hesitate with "training" - the "rotating disc telephone" no longer provides the necessary opportunities for us to maneuver - to implement our pedagogical tasks. The basic literacy skills of a user of information technology are clearly not enough, the developed digital competence of the general is on the agenda.

There are a number of definitions of the concept of digital competence, here we give a definition from the research of G.U. Soldatova, in which ICT competence is understood as "based on the continuous mastering of competencies (knowledge, skills, motivation, responsibility) the ability of an individual to confidently, effectively, critically and it is safe to choose and apply information and communication technologies in different spheres of life (information environment, communications, consumption, technosphere), as well as his readiness for such activities. " According to the authors of the study, digital competence is not only the sum of general user and professional knowledge and skills that are presented in various ICT models - competence, information competence, but also an attitude towards effective activity and personal attitude towards it, based on a sense of responsibility. "

There are the following types of digital competence :

The UNESCO standards for digital competence of teachers (2011) affect all aspects of education, including the teacher's understanding of the role of information technologies for the learning and development of their students, knowledge of basic tools and the development of a strategy for their use to solve didactic problems, implement curricula, evaluate results, manage educational process and monitoring, professional development.

In the structure of ICT competence, the professional standard of a Russian teacher identifies three blocks, including a list of skills corresponding to the activity: general user ICT competence; general pedagogical ICT competence; subject-pedagogical ICT competence

* * *

"There is no absolute benefit or harm in anything,

there is always a predominance of one side. "

(Sun Tzu "The Art of Winning")

With the obvious rapid spread of information technologies, discussions around IT in education have not ceased to this day. And if we are not already talking about whether the teacher needs to spend time and effort on their mastering and what is more in them - benefit or harm, then about to what extent, which, how and when to master and apply, and which modern teacher skills are needed - all of this is actively discussed. There is no doubt that, as experience shows, today's "general" on his battlefields needs daily training in the following skills:

Operational skills - the teacher must confidently use technologies, be able to solve the problem arising during the lesson associated with their use; be able to quickly master, based on their experience, new services and applications on their own or in collaboration with colleagues (and students).

Search skills - you need to be able to use different search engines in order to consider different resources and presented points of view on the desired issue.

Critical Assessment - you need to be able to yourself and teach students to critically assess and select adequate, appropriate for the time and educational task, reliable and safe resources and information.

Creativity- knowledge of the purpose and the ability to see the feasibility of using certain tools to expand opportunities and creativity in solving specific didactic problems, implementing projects.

Communication skills - the ability to use, according to the pedagogical tasks being solved, the available means of communication (e-mail, chats built into applications, instant messengers, etc.).

Safety skills - the teacher must own and teach students safe behavior and the use of Internet resources, social networks, the protection of personal information, constantly working to form students' skills as a digital citizen.

Flexibility- technologies and services are constantly being improved, and a teacher with digital literacy must be able to adapt to new changes, be open to learning.

Knowledge of communication platforms - more and more widely in the educational process, communication tools such as Skype or Google Hangouts are used, which open up great opportunities for students to communicate with experts around the world, conduct video tours, and online training with remote teachers. Therefore, knowledge of such platforms is especially valuable for a teacher.

The process of informatization of modern society has necessitated the development of a new model of the education system based on the use of modern information and communication technologies.

There are many programs, electronic textbooks, websites, publications written and developed for teachers and teachers. A huge number of all kinds of information technology courses offer their services to educators. The school is supplied with new equipment (computers, projectors, interactive whiteboards). But, unfortunately, we have to admit that not all teachers can and work with this equipment.

The introduction of ICT into the professional activity of teachers is inevitable in our time. The professionalism of a teacher is a synthesis of competencies that include subject-methodological, psychological-pedagogical and ICT components. In the scientific pedagogical literature, many works are devoted to clarifying the concepts of "competence" and "competence".

Competence- includes a set of interrelated personality traits (knowledge, abilities, skills, methods of activity), set in relation to a certain range of objects and processes and necessary for high-quality productive activity in relation to them.

Competence- possession, possession by a person of the appropriate competence, including his personal attitude towards her and the subject of activity.

Competence approach- This is an approach that focuses on the result of education, and the result is not considered the sum of acquired information, but the person's ability to act in various problem situations. Let us dwell on the issue of the formation and development of ICT - the competence of subject teachers.

Under ICT competence of the subject teacher we will understand not only the use of various information tools, but also their effective application in teaching.

For the formation of basic ICT competence necessary:

  • the presence of ideas about the functioning of the PC and the didactic capabilities of ICT;
  • mastering the methodological foundations of the preparation of visual and didactic materials by means of Microsoft Office;
  • the use of the Internet and digital educational resources in teaching;
  • formation of positive motivation to use ICT.

And according to the new regulation on certification, if a teacher does not own a computer, then he cannot be certified for the first or highest category.

To improve the level of ICT competence, the teacher can

  • participate in seminars at various levels on the use of ICT in educational practice;
  • participate in professional competitions, online forums and teachers' councils;
  • use in preparation for lessons, at electives, in project activities of a wide range of digital technologies and tools: text editors, image processing programs, programs for preparing presentations, spreadsheet processors;
  • ensure the use of the CRC collection and Internet resources;
  • to form a bank of educational tasks performed with the active use of ICT;
  • develop their own projects on the use of ICT.

A computer is just a tool, the use of which should organically fit into the learning system, contribute to the achievement of the set goals and objectives of the lesson. The computer does not replace a teacher or a textbook, but radically changes the nature of pedagogical activity. The main methodological problem of teaching is shifting from "how best to tell the material" to "how best to show it."

The assimilation of knowledge related to a large amount of digital and other specific information through an active dialogue with a personal computer is more effective and interesting for the student than studying boring pages of a textbook. With the help of training programs, a student can simulate real processes, which means he can see causes and effects, understand their meaning. The computer allows you to eliminate one of the most important reasons for a negative attitude towards learning - failure due to a lack of understanding of the essence of the problem, significant gaps in knowledge.

The inclusion of ICT in the course of the lesson makes the learning process interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful, working mood in children, makes it easier to overcome difficulties in assimilating educational material. Various aspects of the use of information and computer technologies, support and enhance the interest of children in the subject. The computer can and should be viewed as a powerful lever for the mental development of a child. However, it is not a fact that using a computer in a lesson makes it possible to master, for example, mathematics “easily”. There are no easy paths to science. But it is necessary to use all the opportunities so that children learn with interest, so that most adolescents experience and understand the attractive aspects of the subject being studied.

The use of new information technologies in teaching allows the formation of special skills in children with various cognitive abilities, makes the lessons more visual and dynamic, more effective in terms of learning and development of students, facilitates the teacher's work in the classroom and contributes to the formation of key competencies of students.

The use of a computer in teaching mathematics, in my opinion, is especially promising. And this is not only visualization of the material presented, but also the development of visual thinking. By consistently forming a "live contemplation" of educational mathematical information, we not only use the natural properties of the student's visual apparatus, but also form the ability to transform visual thinking into productive thinking.

MS PowerPoint, MS Excel, Live Mathematics and the use of the capabilities of an interactive whiteboard (SMART Notebook 10 software) have become a wonderful help in my teaching activities for presenting new material, lessons of repetition, generalization and control of knowledge.

For example, when studying the topic "Graphs of functions" in algebra, you do not need to re-draw the coordinate system for each task. This saves time. The pace of the lesson is good. It becomes possible to solve graphically a large number of equations and inequalities, including with a parameter, changing the drawing during the solution, making it more visual for a particular purpose. When students build a graph of a function on paper, significant spatial restrictions arise, because, as a rule, the graph is depicted only in the vicinity of the origin of the coordinate system and the students should continue mentally to the region of the nearest infinity. Since not all students have the necessary spatial imagination, as a result, superficial knowledge is formed on such an important mathematical topic as graphics.

For the development of spatial imagination and the correct formation of concepts related to this topic, the computer becomes a good helper.

Programs that draw graphs on the display screen allow you to consider the drawing for arbitrary values ​​of the function argument, scaling it in various ways, both decreasing and increasing the unit of measurement. Pupils can see the simplest transformations of graphs of functions in dynamics.

In addition, on a regular blackboard, graphics are indistinct, cumbersome, even with the use of colored chalk, it is difficult to achieve the desired clarity and clarity. The interactive whiteboard avoids these inconveniences. The whole process of transformation of the graph, its movement relative to the coordinate axes, and not only the initial and final result are clearly visible.

You can quickly review homework, for example, by showing a scanned solution to students on an interactive whiteboard. If questions arise about previously solved problems, you can quickly return to them, therefore, there is no need to restore the condition or solution. The latter is the most important, since the saved solutions can always be easily restored both in the lesson and after the lessons, in particular, in additional lessons and consultations for those students who missed, or did not quite master the topic.

Verification of the assimilation of the material can be quickly carried out through frontal or individual testing with subsequent analysis, reflecting the results in an electronic journal on the teacher's computer. This form of work allows each student to have operational information about the state of the process of assimilating knowledge on a given topic. Students' interest in the subject being studied increases. The motivation of students' cognitive activity increases due to the multimedia capabilities of the computer.

Color and multimedia design is an important means of organizing the perception of information material. Students imperceptibly learn to note this or that feature of the information message, which (outwardly involuntarily) reaches their consciousness. Magnets and buttons, illustrations on cardboard, chalk on a blackboard are replaced by images on the screen.

As a result of teaching with the help of information and computer technologies, we can talk about a change in priorities from the assimilation of ready-made academic knowledge by students during the lesson to an independent active cognitive activity of each student, taking into account his capabilities.

The use of ICT makes it possible to implement the ideas of individualization and differentiation of education. Modern textbooks created on the basis of ICT have interactivity (the ability to interact with the student) and make it possible to more fully implement the developmental paradigm in education.

By organizing work with tests in electronic form in the classroom and after school hours, the children develop basic "information" competencies, and for many, they are the most relevant today and will be needed by the children in the future. At the same time, the level of training of weak students rises, and strong students do not turn out to be neglected.

It is desirable to use modern computer technologies in extracurricular activities. For example, I conduct various quizzes on a subject using presentations that include the appropriate music and necessary illustrations, quiz questions, and assignments for teams. Such events are interesting to everyone: participants, fans, and the jury.

Monitoring among my students of different grades in order to identify their interest in using ICT in teaching showed the following: 87% consider it interesting, 5% consider it uninteresting and 8% found it difficult to answer.

But it is imperative to take into account the health-preserving conditions for teaching students and rationally use computer technologies in combination with traditional teaching methods.

It should be noted that the time for preliminary teacher training when using ICT at the first stage undoubtedly increases, but the methodological base is gradually accumulating, which greatly facilitates this training in the future.

I am deeply convinced that a modern teacher should make full use of the opportunities that modern computer technologies provide us in order to increase the effectiveness of pedagogical activity.

The concept of ICT competence in modern pedagogy

Currently, computers and other information technologies have firmly established themselves in the lives of both teachers and students. It is very difficult without PC skills in the modern world, since computerization has penetrated into all spheres of activity.

The potential of ICTs in education is enormous. Modern pedagogy could not ignore such a phenomenon. Accordingly, various interpretations have arisen in science. Separately, scientists paid attention to the study of the term "ICT competence".

Table 1 summarizes the key approaches to defining ICT competence.

Table 1. Interpretation of ICT competence in pedagogy

Definition formulation

V.F. Burmakina

ICT competence- confident possession of all the components of ICT literacy skills to address emerging issues in educational, educational and other activities ..

A.A. Elizarov

ICT competence- this is a set of knowledge, skills and experience of activity, and it is the presence of such experience that is decisive in relation to the performance of professional functions.

HE. Shilova M.B. Lebedeva

ICT competence Is the ability of an individual to solve educational, household, professional tasks using information and communication technologies

L.N. Gorbunova and A.M. Semibrates

ICT competence- this is the teacher's readiness and ability to independently and responsibly use these technologies in their professional activities. "

Having considered the existing interpretations of the term ICT competence, a general interpretation can be distinguished according to which:

ICT competence Is the ability to use information and communication technologies to access information, to search for it, organize, process, evaluate, as well as to produce and transmit / distribute, which is sufficient to successfully live and work in the emerging information society.

Figure 1. Main aspects of ICT competence

ICT competence includes several components, thanks to which it can be considered an independent unit of pedagogical competence according to the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation. The basic structure of ICT competence is presented in Table 2.

Table 2. Structure of ICT competence

Structure element


  1. the ability to accurately interpret the question;
  2. the ability to detail the question;
  3. finding information in the text, given explicitly or implicitly;
  4. identification of terms, concepts;
  5. the justification for the request made;

Access (search)

  1. selection of search terms based on the level of detail;
  2. correspondence of the search result to the requested terms (evaluation method);
  3. formation of a search strategy;
  4. quality of syntax.


  1. creation of a classification scheme for structuring information;
  2. using the proposed classification schemes for; structuring information.


  1. the ability to compare and contrast information from several sources;
  2. the ability to exclude irrelevant and irrelevant information;
  3. the ability to concisely and logically correctly present generalized information.
  1. development of criteria for the selection of information in accordance with the need;
  2. selection of resources according to developed or specified criteria;
  3. the ability to stop the search.


  1. the ability to develop recommendations for solving a specific problem based on the information received, including contradictory information;
  2. the ability to draw a conclusion about the focus of the available information on solving a specific problem;
  3. the ability to substantiate their conclusions;
  4. the ability to balance the issue in the presence of conflicting information;
  5. structuring the generated information in order to increase the persuasiveness of the conclusions

Message (transmission)

  1. the ability to adapt information for a specific audience (by choosing the appropriate means, language and visuals);
  2. the ability to correctly cite sources (in the case and in compliance with copyright);
  3. ensuring, if necessary, confidentiality of information;
  4. the ability to refrain from using provocative language in relation to culture, race, ethnicity or gender;
  5. knowledge of all the requirements (communication rules) related to the style of specific communication

ICT - teacher competence

ICT competence of a teacher is an important element of the qualification level of a modern teacher. In the context of the growing requirements for the level of teaching subjects at school, the possession of ICT allows you to individualize the learning process and introduce innovations that will improve the assimilation of information by students and increase their interest in education.

Modern standards require a teacher's ICT competence to match the content, the components of which are shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Content of teacher's ICT competence

A modern teacher masters ICT in several stages, which increase the level of his professionalism. In pedagogical science, specialists consider each of the stages separately. So the first stage provides for the development of information and communication competencies of the teacher, related to the organization of teaching students. The second stage is characterized by the formation of pedagogical ICT competencies associated with the improvement of the educational process, in the mode of networked pedagogical interaction.

Improving the qualifications of teachers today is becoming one of the most important tasks during the transition of schools to specialized education. It is possible to raise the system of advanced training to a new level through informatization, which is impossible without the development of the teacher's ICT competence.

The model of ICT competence existing in modern standards allows the teacher to develop progressively, constantly expand his knowledge and capabilities in the pedagogical field.

Figure 3. Model of ICT competence

In ICT - competence, elements are distinguished that are formed and used in individual subjects, in integrative interdisciplinary projects, in extra-subject activity. At the same time, the development of ICT competence within the framework of a separate subject contributes to the formation of metasubject ICT competence, plays a key role in the formation of universal educational actions.

Assessment of ICT competence

Existing approaches to education require constant monitoring and assessment of the teacher's ICT competence level. The main goal ICT competence assessment is the diagnosis of the dynamics of development and the timely identification of "stagnant phenomena" and gaps.

Monitoring is one of the key approaches to assessing a teacher's ICT competence. It aims to explore and select relevant methods to address gaps in ICT competence. The modern concept of monitoring the teacher's ICT competence is based on the works of the famous teacher L.V. Kochegarova. Monitoring, as a method for assessing ICT competence, performs the functions of monitoring the quality of teacher training. Key features include the following:

  1. information function- allows you to record the learning outcomes and judge the progress of each teacher, his achievements and difficulties;
  2. control and corrective function- provides objective data on the level of informatization of an educational institution as a whole, ICT - the competence of an individual teacher, which serves as the basis for making adjustments to the teaching methodology, choosing an individual educational trajectory. This, in turn, will contribute to the creation of positive motivation and comfortable conditions for each teacher, taking into account the axeological aspects of adult education;
  3. motivational function stimulates to improve and deepen their knowledge, develops the skills of self-control and self-esteem.

The basic level of a teacher's ICT competence should include a system of skills, which are presented in the figure below.

Figure 4. Basic level of teacher's ICT competence

Currently, the ICT competence of teachers can be assessed through an expert assessment of the development of their lessons. An individual teacher is considered and a comparison is made between the level of ICT use recorded in terms of and the real one. Based on the results of the comparison, a certain grade is given.

Diagnostic map of teacher's ICT competence formation

The diagnostic presented below allows you to quickly assess the level of the teacher's ICT competence. The assessment is carried out using the placement of points in accordance with the level of a particular skill specified in the diagnostic card:

  1. 3 points - high level,
  2. 2 points - average level,
  3. 1 point - low level,
  4. 0 - no indicator
ICT competence

Knowledge, abilities, skills.

Knowledge of what a personal computer is, the purpose of computer devices

Knowledge of the purpose of software products (Windows, MS Office), their functions and capabilities

Knowledge of the existence of computer networks (including the Internet)

Ability to type text in Word

Ability to create a spreadsheet in Excel

Ability to create a chart from a spreadsheet in Excel

Ability to create a simple presentation for the lesson

Ability to create a presentation for a lesson with hyperlinks, sound, etc.

Knowledge of teaching staff on the subject

Ability to install the used program on a demo computer, use projection equipment

Be able to find, evaluate, select and demonstrate information from the CRC

Ability to extract and select information from the Internet on the taught discipline

Ability to choose and use software (text and spreadsheet editors, programs for creating brochures, websites, presentation programs for the optimal presentation of various kinds of materials necessary for the educational process

Possession of techniques for creating your own electronic didactic material.

Using ICTs for thematic planning

Use of ICT for monitoring in its subject

The use of ICT for the preparation of various reports on the subject

Using ICT to analyze the learning process

Ability to form a digital portfolio of your own and a student's portfolio

Application of tools for organizing student learning activities.

Remotely support the educational process, for example, through

Organize the work of students within the framework of network communication projects (Internet Olympiads, contests, quizzes ...)

Creation of a bank of CMMs, test tasks

Striving for self-education in the framework of ICT

Interaction and collaboration with parents using ICT (e-mail,

Ability to effectively build the process of communication with various EP participants using ICT


  1. Burmakina V.F., Falina, I.N. ICT competence of students. - URL:
  2. Galanov A.B. Model for the formation of ICT competencies among teachers //. - URL:
  3. Gorbunova L.M., Semibratov, A.M. Building a system of advanced training for teachers in the field of information and communication technologies based on the principle of distribution. Conference ITO-2004 //. - URL:
  4. Elizarov A.A. Basic ICT competence as the basis of the teacher's Internet education: theses of the report // International scientific and practical conference RELARN-2004.
  5. L.V. Kochegarova Scientific and methodological support in the information environment as a comprehensive solution to the problem of personnel training // Sakhalin Education - XXI. 2008. No. 1. P. 3-5
  6. Lebedeva M.B., Shilova O.N. What is ICT competence of students of a pedagogical university and how to form it? // Computer science and education. - 2004. - No. 3. - S. 95-100.

At the present stage of development for Russian education, a priority has been established in the progressive development of society as such, along with its informatization. It is against this background that such a concept as the ICT competence of a teacher, as well as students, acquires special significance. Therefore, the issues of using IR technologies are being actively studied and introduced in the educational sphere.


The life of a person of any age is closely intertwined with information technology. They are essential for both students and educators. In the modern world, it is extremely difficult to realize oneself without having elementary computer skills, since this technique is now actively used in any field of activity.

The use of information technologies in the educational sphere has great prospects. The concept, as well as the features of the development of ICT competence, were described in their works by many specialists.

In general terms, ICT competence today is understood as the ability for practical application of communication information technologies that provide access to this or that information or its search, processing, organization of the dissemination process. Its level should be sufficient for life and work in a modern information society.

Basic structure

The modern concept of ICT competence includes several different components, due to which it is one of the main indicators of the teacher's competence according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main aspects of the concept of ICT competence are:

  • sufficient functional literacy in ICT as a sphere of life;
  • justified introduction of ICT both in the processes of solving professional problems and in the framework of educational work;
  • ICT as the basis of a new educational paradigm, which is aimed at the active development of students.

Educator goals

By increasing the teacher's ICT competence, the following will gradually be implemented:

  • New educational goals.
  • Ability to use information and communication technologies at a high level.
  • New forms within the organization of the educational process.
  • Content within the framework of modern educational activities.

Literacy and Competence Concepts

It is important to distinguish between concepts such as ICT literacy and ICT competence of a teacher.

So, ICT literacy is understood only as knowledge of the basics of working with software products and computers as such, their basic functionality, the general concept of working on the Internet.

At the same time, within the framework of ICT competence, knowledge alone is not enough. It involves the real use of certain information tools, their introduction into the educational process. At the present stage of development, they can be used in the course of solving cognitive and communicative issues, in carrying out experiments.


One of the main elements of a modern teacher's qualifications is ICT competence. Every year the level of teaching of any discipline is increasing. Due to the introduction of ICT, the educational process itself becomes individual and more effective. Thanks to the teacher's ability to use information and communication technologies, it is possible to really increase the degree of student interest along with the assimilation of information.

Educators are constantly being improved in accordance with the needs of the information society. To increase professionalism, you need to go through several consecutive stages.

If at the first stage the teacher masters the basic information and communication skills, then at the second stage the teacher's ICT competence is formed. This ensures the continuous improvement of the current educational process against the background of pedagogical network interaction.

In modern educational schools, when organizing the educational process, societies are certainly taken into account. The process of informatization is under way along with the active development and improvement of the ICT competence of the teachers themselves.

The need to improve the competence of the teaching staff

Professional improvement is now impossible without taking into account modern information technologies, since the teacher's ICT competence is its most important component. The modern world is characterized by dynamic development, the presence of extensive information flows. It is especially important for teachers to pay attention to the improvement of scientific work, while enlightening in other areas of society. Without this, it is impossible to change the ICT competence of students for the better.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the process of forming ICT competence involves the active use of existing information tools along with their effective implementation in the educational process.

Real structure

A detailed examination of the structure of the ICT competence of a modern teacher highlights the presence of the following components in it:

  • understanding the need to introduce ICT in the educational sphere;
  • introduction of ICT capabilities into the educational process;
  • management and organization of the learning process using ICT;
  • constant professional improvement in this area.

Components of teacher competence

To assess the levels of a teacher's ICT competence, it is necessary to consider the presence of the following components in it:

  1. Knowledge of basic electronic manuals, based on the specifics of the subject, including electronic atlases and textbooks, educational resources located on the Internet.
  2. The ability to install the necessary program on a computer used in the educational process, the ability to practical use and create didactic electronic materials, the active use of projection technology in work.
  3. Ability to use and select the necessary software to provide students with materials in the most convenient and understandable form for them.
  4. Active use of tools during the organization of the educational process, including software testing, electronic workbooks, etc.
  5. The ability to determine the optimal form for delivering the necessary information to students, as well as parents, teaching staff and even the administration of an educational institution - this can be e-mail, a website and its sections, forums, blogs, school network opportunities, social networks, mailings, etc.
  6. The ability to find, process, evaluate and correctly demonstrate information collected in educational digital resources, based on the tasks set, within the educational process.
  7. The ability to competently transform incoming information for solving educational problems during the preparation of educational material.
  8. The ability to practically use the possibilities of information technology, including the means of the Internet, for the preparation and conduct of lessons.
  9. Formation of a digital portfolio.
  10. Organization of students' work in communication network projects such as quizzes, providing for remote conduct and monitoring, assessment of results.

This list of the main components of the ICT competence of a modern teacher will be gradually supplemented over time as the information community develops and improves as new achievements of scientific and technological progress appear.

The importance of the competence of participants in the educational process

At the present stage of development of society, particular importance is given to both the ICT competence of students and teachers. The fact is that now information technology has become one of the main components of the life of a modern person. Possession of them becomes a necessity, just like the ability to read, write and count. But, as the introduction of ICT into everyday life intensifies, a corresponding increase in information and communication enlightenment is required for participants in the educational process.

Not so long ago, a new standard was introduced that is relevant for general and primary education. It requires the creation of one information and educational environment for each of the educational institutions. But for this, students must also understand the intricacies of the practical use of ICT in the course of solving both educational and professional tasks.

Therefore, the main task of a modern teacher is to familiarize students with IC technologies, along with teaching the reasonable and correct use of the capabilities of information systems in practice. This is necessary for the full-fledged formation of precisely competence, awareness and understanding of this area. Now computer literacy alone is not enough - something more is needed.

It is important to be able to create such conditions for the educational process, when from the very initial stages of cognition of the surrounding world, children will get acquainted with high-tech processes and equipment. Therefore, among the priority areas for improving the educational process is precisely the work on its informatization.


As noted above, ICT competence is understood as the ability to collect, evaluate, transfer, search, analyze information, model processes, objects through the full use of the capabilities of available means within the framework of communication and information technologies.

In order for each lesson to arouse real interest from the students, it is important to choose the right techniques and methods for the learning process. They should be as diverse as possible, applied as needed.

Due to the high ICT competence of the teaching staff, the following opportunities have emerged:

  1. Presentation of information during the educational process in a variety of ways - it can be audio, animation, text or video form.
  2. Issuance of significant volumes of information for the same period of time in parts, which greatly facilitates the assimilation of the material.
  3. Mobilizing students' attention.
  4. Playback and annotation of information flow.
  5. Formation of cognitive interest along with increased motivation to learn.
  6. Obtaining primary skills in working with a computer, acquaintance with the possibilities of the global Internet.
  7. Activation of thinking, memory, perception and imagination during learning.
  8. Clarification and increasing the objectivity of the assessment of the knowledge gained.
  9. Strengthening student motivation.

ICT competence is understood as the competent use of the capabilities of computer technology, which works both with a local network and with the Internet.

Features of competence

In the early stages, when information technologies were just beginning to be introduced into the life of modern society, ICT competence was nothing more than a component of a person's computer literacy. It boiled down to a specific set of technical skills and abilities within the so-called standard set.

Now information technologies have become ubiquitous in modern life. Therefore, they are actively used in a variety of areas, including in an effective educational process. This is how the concept of ICT competence of a teacher, a student appeared.

It is important to understand that a complex concept is hidden behind the teacher's ICT competence - the ability for practical implementation of communication and information technologies in the educational process. This indicator cannot stand still. Due to the constant development, they should also be regular.

The ICT competence of a teacher includes not only theoretical knowledge, but also their real application. A modern teacher must confidently master all the basic computer programs, freely use the possibilities of the Internet, and at the same time use modern equipment such as a printer, scanner and other things.

Within the framework of the activity level, it is assumed that functional literacy is systematically used in the organization of the educational process, when it gives real positive results. As part of this level, there are two sublevels - innovative and creative. Implementation involves the inclusion of modern media resources in the educational process, which are created taking into account the specifics of a particular subject. In turn, creative presupposes the independent development of electronic means of various types that can be used in the course of the educational process.

Experts noticed that the active use of IR technologies in the modern educational process can significantly change the usual approach to learning. By creating an open environment for the educational sphere, the teacher has the opportunity to use a variety of resources and forms of education.