Sweet kissing mother of God icon. Icons of Athos: Sweet kiss (Glycophilus). Religious procession with the icon "Sweet kiss"

Among the revered faces of the Mother of God, the image "Sweet kiss", written, according to legend, by St. Luke, stands out especially. This miraculous icon showed miracles of healing more than once.

Famous for its miracles. The image "Sweet kiss" has saved believers from hunger and disease more than once. Many pilgrims strive to worship the icon, which is located on Mount Athos, but in many cities and villages of Russia there are lists from the icon. They also have the gift of healing and often performed miracles in healing terminally ill parishioners.

History and description of the icon of the Mother of God "Sweet kiss"

The image of the Mother of God became famous for its abilities during the reign of Theophilos, the emperor of Greece. During the struggle with the icons, the shrine was ordered to be burned, but the pious woman, in whose possession the image was, decided to use a trick. The icon was launched into the sea, and then, many years later, it was regained without visible damage. Threw the face of the Mother of God on the shore in front of the Athos monastery. At the place where the icon was found, a miraculous source began to beat out of the ground, to which pilgrims from all over the world rushed.

The image became especially famous during the German occupation. In the monastery of the Monk Philotheos, where the laity were received and modest food was handed out to them, the stocks of provisions were running out. The brethren decided to close the doors for the parishioners, but the pious Elder Savva dissuaded them. He continued his godly work, despite running out of supplies. On the day when there was no food left, a ship moored to the shore. The Mother of God did not leave people without her patronage, and the clergy exchanged grain for firewood with the sailors. Thereafter significant event there was no doubt that the miraculous face protects Orthodox people from adversity and bestows salvation.

According to legend, this icon is one of seventy images that emerged from the brush of the Apostle Luke. It is written on both sides. On one of them, the Mother of God tenderly kisses the baby Jesus sitting on her lap. The crucifix is ​​depicted on the reverse side of the icon.

How does the miraculous image "Sweet kiss" help?

Believers pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God, asking her for everything that they lack for a happy righteous life:

  • good health, both physical and mental;
  • getting rid of torment;
  • strengthening in the Orthodox faith;
  • forgiveness of sinful acts;
  • help in vital matters;
  • strengthening family ties;
  • protection and assistance in raising offspring;

Everything that you have in your soul, you can tell before the image. The Higher Forces will surely hear you and help you cope with difficulties. Be honest with yourself, and then you will receive the patronage of the Mother of God.

Where is the miraculous image

  • Moscow region, Leningradsky district, Ilinskaya church in Dydyldin;
  • Moscow region, Shchelkovsky district, Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary;
  • Filofeevsky monastery on the holy Mount Athos.

Date of veneration

The veneration of the icon of the Mother of God takes place on Monday of Bright Week, so the date changes every year. On this day, believers offer prayers to the Virgin Mary, asking her for protection and patronage from various troubles. On this day, there is a procession of the cross, as well as a prayer service for water.

Prayer before the icon "Sweet kiss"

“Blessed Virgin, accept the prayers of the sincere servant of God (name), for your protection of the one who hopes. Save and preserve, Lady, my mind is clean and my health is strong. Get rid of torment and negative thoughts. Help me to cope with difficulties and take me under your divine protection. Do not refuse advice in a difficult hour, accept gratitude in a moment of joy. By your prayers may the power of our Lord Almighty be with us. Do not leave your children to be mocked and torn apart by the forces of the devil. Amen".

There are a great many holy faces with the image of the Mother of God. Each icon has a unique ability to protect believers from troubles, diseases and negativity. If you need the support of the Higher Forces, pray sincerely, wherever you are. We wish you happiness and health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

30.04.2018 05:18

Icons in the Orthodox world are of great importance and history, rooted in the deep past. Icon...

In the cathedral of the Athonite monastery of Philotheus on the left kliros there is a well-known miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Sweet kiss" (Greek "Glykofilusa"). According to legend, the Evangelist Luke wrote it.

During the reign of the Byzantine emperor-iconoclast Theophilos (829-842), the pious resident of Constantinople Victoria, the wife of one of the emperor's close associates named Simeon, rescuing the icon from destruction, with danger to her life, honored and kept it in her room. The husband demanded that she burn the icon, but Victoria preferred to throw it into the sea. Thus, the image arrived on the Holy Mountain, about which hegumen Philotheus was miraculously warned. At the place where the icon was found, holy water flowed out.

Since then and until now, on Easter Monday, a procession has been performed from the monastery to the place where the icon appeared.

In 1793, Deacon Ioanikios, while lighting candles in front of the icon, often complained that the Mother of God did not care about the monastery, because the other monasteries of Athos did not need anything, and Philotheus was in need.

Once the deacon made his complaint at midnight. He was very absorbed in his prayer and did not notice anything around him. Suddenly the Mother of God appeared before him in a mysterious light and said that his complaints and complaints were in vain - if her care was not there, the monastery would not have been able to exist. He asks in vain for wealth - gold and silver are of no use to the monastery.

When the deacon woke up, he realized that he was wrong, and humbly asked forgiveness from the Most Pure One. Then he told the brethren about what he had seen.

In 1801 one money-loving pilgrim kidnapped the women of gold hanging from the image. Having committed sacrilege, he boarded a ship departing from the Iberian pier. But the ship, having sailed a little from the coast, stood still, despite the favorable wind. Meanwhile, when they learned about the loss in Philothea, people were sent in all directions to catch up with the thief. One of them swam in a boat to a ship that was not far from the Iverskaya pier. Meanwhile, the criminal, enlightened by the miraculous stop of the ship, himself repented of the sacrilege and hastened to voluntarily return the goldsmiths, after which the ship continued to sail freely.

It is impossible not to mention here one instructive miraculous incident that happened in 1830. At this time, one pilgrim came from Adrianople to the Filofeevsky monastery. Here in the monastery, he accidentally spoke to the ecclesiarch (caretaker of the temple). The latter, in a sincere conversation, told the pilgrim about the various miracles of the Mother of God and also told about how her icon, the Sweet kiss, appeared on the seashore in front of the Philotheevsk monastery of Athos.

Bogomolets with curiosity asked the ecclesiarch about everything, listened attentively to his stories and, apparently, took everything to heart. The Ecclesiarch went to meet his wishes. But what was his amazement when his interlocutor finally expressed his doubt about the truth of everything told, and the monk's story about the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God Glykofilussa considered a simple fable, which only a child can believe.

Ecclesiarch considered. He had not expected anything like this. There is no doubt that evil seeds were sown in the soul of the pilgrim, and they poisoned his Christian mood. Maybe he was already close to a complete fall. Indeed, from the denial of the blessings shown to the human race by the Mother of God, and from doubts about the miraculous appearance of Her holy image, there is only one step to doubt about miracles in general, and in particular, the miracles of the Savior of the human race ...

Seeing the imminent death of his interlocutor, the ecclesiarch tried to dispel his spirit of doubt, but the pilgrim stubbornly denied all his words and arguments. So deep he fell.

And it was not the monk's arguments that convinced the pilgrim: he was returned to the number of sincere followers of Christ by the Heavenly Queen herself.

On the same day, a miracle happened over him, and from him he could be convinced of the miraculous power of the Most Pure Virgin. Walking along the top floor of the house, he stumbled and began to fall down. Then he exclaimed: “ Holy Mother of God help us! " and descended to earth without any harm ...

Another miracle in the list of countless miracles performed by the icon happened to a Christian from Praor. His wife could not have children, and therefore the couple suffered greatly. While on Mount Athos, the Christian fervently prayed to the Blessed Virgin in front of the icon "Sweet kiss". Before going home, he took some oil from the lamp burning in front of the icon and, returning, anointed himself and his wife with it. And in the same year his wife gave birth to a son. The Christian was very grateful to the Virgin Mary and brought the gift of the monastery of Philotheus.

Through prayers at the icon of the Mother of God, many miracles have happened in our time. One of them happened during the years of the German occupation. The story about him is contained in the book of Elder Paisius Svyatogorets “The Fathers of the Holy Mountain and the Holy Mountain Stories: During the German occupation, the stocks of wheat in the monastery of St. Philotheus were running out, and the fathers decided to stop receiving visitors. One pious elder, Father Savva, upon learning about this, was saddened and began to beg the advice of the elders of the monastery not to do this, because this would sadden Christ and the monastery would be deprived of its blessing. He gave many examples from Scripture, including the story of the widow from Zarephath of Sidon and the prophet Elijah (see 1 Kings 17), and he was finally obeyed. However, after some time had passed, they began to pester the elder with reproaches, saying: “The torment is over. What will happen now? The elder answered them: - My fathers, we will eat the little that is still left with the people, but the Mother of God will not leave us. In the pantries of the monastery there were only twenty-five okads of wheat and nothing else, and the monks began to reprimand Father Savva rather caustically: - Father Savva, the wheat is over, what will happen now? But the pious and faithful old man answered this: - Do not lose hope in Glycophilus. Knead the remaining twenty-five okada, bake bread from them and distribute it to the brethren and laity, and God, as a Good Father, will take care of all of us. When they ran out of their last bread, they did not even have time to get hungry, when a ship from Kavala moored at the pier of the monastery, and the captain offered to exchange the wheat he was carrying for firewood. The monks, seeing the obvious Providence of the Mother of God, Who, like the Good Mother, took care of Her children, glorified God. Of course, Father Savva praised God most of all and thanked the Mother of God, always giving Her thanks by his very holy life. After that, he reminded the fathers: "Didn't I tell you that the Mother of God would not leave us?"

Sources: N.P. Kondakov Iconography of the Mother of God. Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary. T. II. SPB: P.P. Soykin Publishing House. S.2077. Elder Paisiy Svyatorets. The Holy Mountain Fathers and the Holy Mountain Stories E. Poselyanin. Mother of God. Description of Her earthly life and miraculous icons "http://agioritikesmnimes.blogspot.ru/2012/03/982.html Χαραλάμπους Δ. Βασιλόπουλου," Θαύματα της Παναγίας "

Religious procession with the icon "Sweet kiss"

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Sweet kiss", or "Glykofilussa" they pray for strengthening in the Orthodox faith, for protection Orthodox icons, in case of troubles and adversities, with bodily and mental ailments.

to the Most Holy Theotokos
before Her icon "Sweet kiss", or "Glycophilus"

Accept, All-Powerful, Most Pure Lady, Lady of the Mother of God, these honest gifts, applied to You alone, from us unworthy of Your servants, chosen from all generations, who appeared above all the creatures of heaven and earth. For the sake of You for the sake of the Lord of forces was with us, and for You the Son of God is known, and we are made worthy of His Holy Body and His Most Pure Blood. The same blessed art thou in the birth of generations, God-blessed, the most luminous cherubim and the most honest being of the Seraphim. And now, All-chanting Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease praying for us, unworthy of Thy servants, hedgehog to rid us of every advice of the evil one and from every situation, and keep us intact from every poisonous admonition of the devil. But even to the end, by Thy prayers, not condemned, observe us, as through Thy intercession and help we save glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to the One God and all to the Creator, now and forever and forever. Amen.

Troparion, voice 7

Obsessed with heresy, about Your honest icon, Virgin, you are doing business: by the sea of ​​Your abode, as the gift is worthy to bring. This very same we are naming the sweet-loving right, We please you.

Kontakion, voice 8

Even in the temple and abode of Thy coming Ty and God-pleasing salvation persecuting and honoring Thy holy image, grant this, Virgin, Thy mercy, from all those who have delivered these sorrows, Crying to Thee: Rejoice, the One God-blessing.


We magnify Thee, Most Holy Virgin, God's Chosen Young Woman, and we honor Your holy image, and sharpen healing for all who flow with faith.

Sweet Kissing (Glykofilussa), the miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos on Mount Athos. It is named so because the Mother of God is depicted on her kissing the infant Christ, belongs, according to legend, to one of the 70 icons painted by the Evangelist Luke. Is in Filofeevsky monastery on Athos.

The icon became famous at the time iconoclasm... It belonged to the pious woman Victoria, the wife of a certain Simeon Patricius. Victoria, with danger to her life, honored and kept it in her room. Husband demanded that she burn the icon, but Victoria chose better let her out to sea- and let it go.

The icon appeared on the shore in front of the Filofeevsky monastery. The abbot and the brethren brought it into the cathedral church. Since then and until now, on Easter Monday, a procession has been performed from the monastery to the place where the icon appeared. Miracles are still performed from this icon.

The care of the icon of the Mother of God Glycophilus for the monastery of the Monk Philotheos

During the German occupation, the stocks of wheat in the monastery of the Monk Philotheos were running out, and the fathers decided to stop receiving visitors. One pious old man, Father Savva, upon learning about this, was saddened and began to beg the advice of the elders of the monastery not to do this, because this would sadden Christ and the monastery would be deprived of its blessing.

He gave many examples from Scripture, including the story of the widow from Zarephath of Sidon and the prophet Elijah (see 1 Kings 17), and he was finally obeyed. However, after some time, they began to pester the elder with reproaches, saying:

- The flour is over. What will happen now? The elder answered them:

- My fathers, we will eat the little that is still left with the people, but the Mother of God will not leave us.

In the pantries of the monastery there were only twenty-five okads of wheat and nothing else, and the monks began to reprimand Father Savva rather sarcastically:

- Father Savva, the wheat is over, what will happen now?

But the pious and faithful old man answered this:

- Don't lose hope in Glycophilus. Knead the remaining twenty-five okada, bake bread from them and distribute it to the brethren and laity, and God, as a Good Father, will take care of all of us.

When they ran out of their last bread, they did not even have time to get hungry, when a ship from Kavala moored at the pier of the monastery, and the captain offered to exchange the wheat he was carrying for firewood. The monks, seeing the obvious Providence of the Mother of God, Who, like the Good Mother, took care of Her children, glorified God. Of course, Father Savva praised God most of all and thanked the Mother of God, always giving Her thanks by his very holy life.

After that, he reminded the fathers: "Didn't I tell you that the Mother of God would not leave us?"

Akathist of the Mother of God "Sweet kiss"

Kontakion 1

Chosen from all families of the Most Pure Virgin Lady, exuding endless mercy to the whole world and especially to our country of Russia; commendable we will write about Her miracles, phenomena and miraculous icons. But you, Delighted One, do not reject our chants, but accept them and give joy to us, who are calling to you:

Ikos 1

Archangel Michael and all heavenly powers sing songs to Thee, the Lady, the Most Honorable Cherubim and the Most Glorious without comparison Seraphim, the Mother of God; and we are sinners on earth, becoming like these disembodied forces, and rejoicing at the first verb of joy brought to you by the Archangel Gabriel and the righteous Elizabeth, together with them from the depths of our heart, crying Ti:
Rejoice, Blessed One.
Rejoice, as the Lord is with You.
Rejoice, blessed woman in women.
Rejoice, you who have received grace from God.
Rejoice, for you will find the Holy Spirit on You, and the power of the Most High Autumn is on You.
Rejoice, conceived in the womb, giving birth to the Son, and calling His name Jesus.
Rejoice, for what you have begotten is Holy, and will be called the Son of God.
Rejoice, for blessed is the Fruit of Thy womb.
Rejoice, Mother of our Lord.
Rejoice, you who believed, the hedgehog is done with the verb from the Lord,
Rejoice, for Thy spirit rejoiced at these greetings in Thy Bose Savior.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, all peaceful Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 2

Human reason cannot comprehend how the Lord Himself dwelt in Thy virgin womb and how Thou art a Virgin, and after the birth of Thy Son, bowed before the command of the secret incarnation of God the Word, joyfully crying out to Thee, who gave Thy flesh to Him, nourished Him with milk and carried Him with His hands His own, Angelic song: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Throughout all the days of Thy life on earth, from the meeting of Thy meeting in the temple of righteous Simeon, the prophet of Ty, as a weapon will pass through Thy soul. Every joy in the world itself, all sorrow was involved, until the morning of the first day on Saturday, when you heard the voice of the Angel, asking you: "Rejoice, Blessed One, Thy Son is risen three days from the grave." And we with him with a joyful voice bring our praises to Ti:
Rejoice, Mother of the eternal King,
Rejoice, you who gave birth to the fruit of our belly.
Rejoice, faithful servant of the Lord,
Rejoice, for all the birth of you is blessed.
Rejoice all of us, having adopted Thy Son at the cross of Thy Son.
Rejoice, always showing motherly love for us.
Rejoice, longed for Help of the Christian faith.
Rejoice, for pray for all Thy Son Christ our God.
Rejoice, Ever-Blessed and Immaculate,
Rejoice, abiding in heavenly glory at the right hand of God.
Rejoice, shining with purity more than the sun,
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy.

Kontakion 3

In what many ways did Ti, the Most Pure Lady, strengthened the human race in faith in God and Thy Son? Koliko have you given us your miraculous icons? How much have you been a plurality, and in your sleep, as an ascetic of piety? Who can count all your wonders? Cue verb can you praise? Who will not please you, Holy Virgin? Cue lips will be silent, when they rejoice about you, Blessed one, every creature, the Angelic Council and the human race! We will never keep silent, Mother of God, Your power to speak unworthy, and cry out to God for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Saints Ignatius the God-bearer and Dionysius the Areopagite, looking at Thee, Most Pure Lady, did not find words to describe Thy radiant face, and Thy divine grace and strength, and the flock was not crushed, as if Thy was not able to mature, Heavenly Virgin. You, out of love for those who believe in your Son, commanded the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Lutsa to depict Your honest image with the Divine Infant and Your Son, so that all tongues and earthly tribes, beholding nan, have for all eternity ascend in thought to You, blessed Lady: and we are sinners, kneeling before this image, we cry to Ty, the All-chanted:
Rejoice, admonishing this primordial image: "With him my grace and strength will remain."
Rejoice, who bestowed it on our country of Russia in the city of St. Vladimir.
Rejoice, for today the most glorious city of Moscow flaunts in this way.
Rejoice in this icon, the grace and mercy that gives us a purely gift.
Rejoice, miraculously depicting Her Face in Your temple in the city of Lydda.
Rejoice, you delighted the Apostles and all the faithful with this miracle.
Rejoice, you who worship You in front of this image, exuding miracles.
Rejoice, who taught the Apostles to cry out to You: "Most Holy Theotokos, help us!"
Rejoice, who visited the Holy Mount of Athos during your life on earth and chose this place for your inheritance.
Rejoice, who sent the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina to enlighten your earthly lot, the country of Iveron.
Rejoice, bright prophetic realization and praise of the Apostles.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 4

When the enemy of the human race raises persecution against Christians and betrays the bodies of believers to torture and death, since you were your fortifier in this feat, a mentor in the faith of Christ, a giver of strength and wisdom to them. And now this Holy Martyr, enduring great torment, Christ's brides: Catherine, Barbara and others, accompany You in Your visit to God's chosen ones Alleluia on earth, and cry out a song to God for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Blessed and Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, who led the people of the Russian land to Christ, after His baptism, build the first temple in the city of Kiev in honor of Thy Most Holy Nativity, Lady of the world, and giving tithes of His acquisitions to decorate Him. And from those days until now, You, Most Blessed One, have poured out tirelessly augmented grace over our country and bestow upon it the orders of Your mercy. And as a special gift of your favor and your choice of the city of Kiev as your own inheritance, you miraculously bestowed upon him the miraculous image of Your "Dormition" and commanded you to build you a temple in the monastery of Saints Anthony and Theodosius. Who can read the multitude of people who bow their knees with tears before this Most Pure Image? Kiy city and kaya does not all lead to these many wonderful images and abode? Who is the story of all the miracles that are manifested in this image? We do not conceal Your blessings, Most Pure One, and we, with emotion, cry out to Ty:
Rejoice, Delighted, who does not leave us in Thy success.
Rejoice, received from the earth by the hands of Thy Son.
Rejoice, you who ascended to the highest, enjoying His glory.
Rejoice, having assured through the Apostle Thomas about your ascent to heaven with your flesh.
Rejoice, flaming throne of the Lord, lifted up from the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, in a vision you showed the great image of the Kiev-Pechersk Church,
Rejoice, Who herself gave the relics of the Holy Martyrs and gold for her building.
Rejoice, having handed over the Holy Icon of Your "Dormition" with Your own hands to the Holy buildings.
Rejoice, who showed miracles to the place of Your temple with the fire of heaven, who cleansed this place.
Rejoice, accepting the angelic singing of the monks of praise before Your miraculous icon of the Dormition.
Rejoice, transforming the sorrow of all who come to You into joy.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 5

Seeing, the Most Immaculate, from the height of His heavenly dwelling, where He was with Thy Son in glory, the grief of Thy servants in the city of Kazan, as an angry faith for the sake of God's visit, the faith of Christ was desecrated by Agarian wickedness, Thou was pleased to reveal the icons of Thy miracles, and to glorify grace, Christ-loving people faithfully cry out to You: Rejoice, zealous intercessor of the Christian race, and the Creator of all God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Wanting to show currents of miracles to all the grieving, sad, offended and lost, Thou, All-Merciful Lady, bestowed upon Thy miraculous icons, called: "Joy to All Who Sorrow", "Satisfy My Sorrows" and "Seeking of the Lost." All the sea of ​​tears before them shed in sorrow and sorrow of those who exist? What soul has not flowed to You in your life, falling to these Your icons? Whose sorrows have you not transformed into joy? To whom of the perishing, but praying to Thee, Thou didst not extend a helping hand? We thank You, All-singing, for all the mercies bestowed on the sinful race of man, and with all my soul we cry out to Ty sweetly:
Rejoice, gracious Virgin Mary, joy to all who grieve!
Rejoice, Mother of Mercy!
Rejoice, ambulance Assistant to those in trouble and adversity.
Rejoice, our Joy, deliver us from all evil in our sorrow that soothes!
Rejoice, by Your representation we destroy our temporary sorrows.
Rejoice, showing signs of grace in the Church by the manifestation of these icons.
Rejoice, with this, like a pillar of fire, driving away the darkness of sin.
Rejoice, glorifying Thy icon, called "Consolation in sorrows and sorrows."
Rejoice, praised in the monasteries on Athos and in our land before Your image "Joy and Consolation"!
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 6

It is comforting for all the faithful to gaze at Thy icon, which Thou hast uttered to the "Quick to Hearken", to worship Thee before Her, not only in the monastery of Dochiarsti, but also in many cities and mirths of our country, crying out to Ty: and singing with tenderness to the heart of Thy Son, Christ our God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The Power of the Most High overshadows with faith and reverence those who resort to Your All-Honorable Cover, Most Pure Lady, and from the ancient years to the present day You cover with Your omophorion the entire Christian race, and especially our Russian country, and many monasteries created in it. And Orthodox people, looking at Your icon, on it are You with the Archangels, Angels, Forerunner, the Theologian and all the Saints in the face of intercession for us before the Lord, kneeling down and Your head, crying out to Ty affectionately:
Rejoice, our Joy, covering us from all evil with your honest omophorion.
Rejoice, holy abodes of Christ's Protection and salvation.
Rejoice, holy temples and altars are the first adornment.
Rejoice, blessing of the houses and families of the pious.
Rejoice, faithful pastors of the Church, courage and admonition.
Rejoice, teacher of God-fearing monks and nuns.
Rejoice, obvious strengthening of the manifest devotees of piety.
Rejoice, secret admonition among the world of God's servants.
Rejoice, and she does not leave us naked good deeds with Her Protection and grace.
Rejoice, strong intercessor of those in captivity and exile.
Rejoice, unceasing guardian in the chains and dungeons of those who sit down.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 7

Seeing the fisherman above the abyss of waters carried by invisible power and light like the sun shining Yours, Bogomati, Tikhvin icon, crying out to the Lord: “Show us this Divine gift; do not hide treasures, I also hope to enrich our spiritual poverty: shake off our tears and sobs "... and having received what I want, I cry to You, O Most Pure One:"
Rejoice, mistress, merciful for us before God the Intercessor, ”but to Thy Son and God I sing the Angelic Song: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

The faithful cue, having visited the city of Moscow, will not bow to the Lady of the Theotokos, before Thy Most Pure icons "Iversky" and "God-loving"? Who would not be moved to see in the midnight a multitude of people kneeling on their knees to pick up Your "Iberian" icon? Who can read your "God-loving" image, day and night, kissing during the days of the festival? Do not depart from us all the days of our life, Mother of the All-Merciful, and hear our singing brought to You:
Rejoice, Good Intercessor, opening the doors of heaven to us.
Rejoice for all the reverent people of Muscovy before your most pure "Iveron" image.
Rejoice, for day and night this icon is brought to the homes of the mourning and sick.
Rejoice, for you worked miracles in this way even on His way from Mount Athos to the Russian land.
Rejoice, you who commanded the pious Manuel to give ransom to the unfaithful, who forbade the procession of the Holy Icon to the Russian country.
Rejoice, for after that you gave this ransom to him.
Rejoice, for you have glorified many copies from the icon with great miracles.
Rejoice, God-loving Queen Mother of God, our hope and refuge!
Rejoice, who appeared to Prince Andrei, who reclaimed Thy will and commanded to build a monastic monastery in the name of Thy Nativity at the place of Thy manifestation.
Rejoice, depicted on Thy icon, a hedgehog in the city of Moscow, with the chief priests of Moscow, blessed, reverend and martyrs.
Rejoice, glorifying the miracles with Her "God-loving" icons in the cities of Uglich, Tula and others.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 8

Ascend to us, like a bright dawn, your miraculous icon "Unexpected Joy", before Her people in sins, troubles, sorrows and anger of creatures, many times with faith in prayer bow their knees, crying out: "
Rejoice, giving unexpected joy to the faithful, and having received Your mercy, they cry out to God for You: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Your Evangelist Archangel Gabriel, by God's command, by a wondrous phenomenon, teach us on earth, we praise Thee in the same way, as the Angels sing of Thee in heaven, giving this song: It is worthy to be, as the Mother of God, the Most Blessed and Most Immaculate, and the Mother of our God, is truly blessed. And from those days, crying out to You, All-chanting, this song brought by the Angel, we cry out to You like this:
Rejoice, Christian helper and merciful representative of sinful women.
Rejoice, exceeding all the powers of Heaven ...
Rejoice, who gave the Holy Mount Athos, through your many icons, miracles, blessings and admonition.
Rejoice, who fulfilled the prophecy of Saint Sava, who was consecrated through your icon "Mammal".
Rejoice, the prayers of the monks of Athos in front of Thy image are the "Forerunner" and the abundance of oil for Thy temple has given.
Rejoice, the abbess of the Hilendar Monastery, having received Thy icon "Three-handed".
Rejoice, praised in front of Your images, "Who has made the ecclesiarch" and "Gerondisus" wise, she is an eldress.
Rejoice, who is called "Akathist", telling from your icon to the elder who reveres Ti akathist: "Rejoice, you too, older than God."
Rejoice, your icon "Hodegetria" miraculously carried two carats from the monastery of Vatopedi to the monastery of Xenophia.
Rejoice, wondrous miracles revealed on Athos from the Sacrificed and Ktitor's icons.
Rejoice, daughter of the king Placidia, who brought up, like a wife, from visiting the monasteries of Athos and mercifully forsaken this sin to her.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 9

During the days of Bright Easter, when the Church joyfully sings about the Resurrection of Christ, we, Most Pure One, also remember Your miracles, for their sake Thy icons were painted " Life-Giving Source"And" Eyesight of the eye "and miraculously preserved from the hands of the iconoclast Your image" Sweet kiss ", and thanks to the Resurrector of our souls and our bodies, we sing to Him joyfully a song: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

With all their love for Thee, Lady, the Vitias will not be able to adequately name Thy, Most Pure One, and out of an abundance of heart they call Thy icons many joyful names, which we also receive from us now:
Rejoice, "Fadeless Flower" and "Blessed Sky".
Rejoice, "Blessed Womb" and "Most Bright Star".
Rejoice, "Joy of the angels" and "Three joys."
Rejoice, merciful and merciful.
Rejoice, "Waking Eye" and "Giver of the Mind."
Rejoice, "Look at humility" and "Key of understanding".
Rejoice, "Softener of Evil Hearts" and "Savior of the Drowning."
Rejoice, "Immaculate Virgin" and "Help in childbirth."
Rejoice, "Assistant of Sinners" and "Healer".
Rejoice, "The Word was made flesh" and "Before and after the birth of the Virgin."
Rejoice, "All-blessed" and "Seven-shot".
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy

Kontakion 10

Novgrad will preach Your glorious intercession, Most Pure Lady, as in the days of the invasion of powerful and armed enemies, from Your holy icon "Sign", Thy grace-filled help to Thy people showed Thy, hostile regiments with fear of turning back, but Thy city is safe and intact from them ; Yes, all cry out thanks to Thee: Rejoice, mistress, showing us the sign of Thy mercy, and singing to the Savior to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

By the Power of the Most High, acting, the Lady of the Abiding, the power of fiery nature, taming the Holy Icon of Your "Burning Bush" and many miracles that Yu has done in the Universe. In this way, the human mind of all Thy good deeds emanating from Thy miraculous icons cannot disappear, those who are on Pochaev Mountain, in Czestochowa, in the weight of Akhtyrka, from those called "Feodorovskaya", "Tolgskaya" and others, there is no way to remember them. We do not conceal Thy blessings, All-blessed one, and in the joy of our hearts we cry out to Thee the titular praise:
Rejoice, Blessed Bush, unburnt, delivering us of fiery incineration,
Rejoice, Praise of Pochaev, our hope and consolation.
Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous Representative and Intercessor, who gave us the Obnorskaya icon.
Rejoice, Sophia, the hedgehog is the Wisdom of God, who created for Himself churches in the cities: Kiev, Novyegrad and others.
Rejoice, miraculously finishing the painting of your icon "Sign" in the Seraphim-Ponetaevsk monastery.
Rejoice, who came to the Holy Kievo-Bratsk monastery in the miraculous icon of Her “Kievo-Bratsk” and is still in it.
Rejoice, the monastery of nuns who gathered around Your miraculous icons, even in "Kozelshchany".
Rejoice, who gave consolation to the city of Odessa and Kherson, your icon "Kasperovskaya".
Rejoice, who consecrated the city of Vilna with Your image of Ostrabramskaya. Before him, everyone who is pious bows his knees.
Rejoice, "Unbreakable Wall" and "Queen of Loaves".
Rejoice, "Leaping" and "Crying".
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 11

The pious shepherds and people praise Thee, the Most Pure One, like "Hodegetria" - the Guidebook, every week; and there is no one to number your icons of these in all Christian countries to you, Most Pure, built. Most of the others, Ty is praised by the grateful city of Smolensk, but you saved it from the yoke of the Tartars, giving a wondrous command with the voice of Your warrior Mercury to fight the enemy; Yes, every language cries out to You: “Rejoice, All-Merciful Hodegetria, universal miracle and hearing, and sings a song of praise to Your Son: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Cue voice will depict the joy of God's chosen ones, when You, out of Your love, appeared to them on earth, strengthening, comforting and instructing. At that hour, the heavens unite with the earth, and the light, more than the sun, shines upon the wretched cells of the saints. And we are sinners, remembering this and partaking of this spiritual heavenly joy of the saints of God, in humility crying Ti:
Rejoice, you who commanded the Theologian, teach the doctrine of Holy Trinity To the Illuminator Gregory of Neocessaria.
Rejoice, you who instructed the Monk Dositheus in Gethsemane to fasting and prayer, and who called him into monasticism.
Rejoice, having saved the disciple of the Monk Paul the Pre-Prostago from hellish torments, having appeared to the Monk and taught Him to pray for the dead.
Rejoice, who rejoiced Mayumsky for whom, rekshi him, if the song composed by him is pleasant to you: the most honest Cherubim and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim.
Rejoice, with the Apostles Peter and John, you have dedicated the Monk Sergius of Radonezh and His disciple Micah.
Rejoice, who many times appeared to the Monk and God-bearing Seraphim of Sarov and gave him the command to arrange Your last lot on the lands of the Seraphim-Divee monastery.
Rejoice, on the day of the Annunciation, who visited him with the Apostle John and the Forerunner, and the twelve virgins-martyrs, and announced to him his imminent transfer to the heavenly abode.
Rejoice, blessing the humble nun of Diveyevo Eupraxia with this.
Rejoice, in wondrous sleepyheads you appeared to St. Cyril of Alexandria, Peter the Athonite, Roman the Sweet Songwriter and many other saints and saints.
Rejoice, with Thy sweet voice emanating from Thy Holy Icon of Edessa, who introduced the man of God into the temple of Alexy.
Rejoice, with such a voice you guided the Monk Mary of Egypt on the path of repentance.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 12

You exuded a deep grace, O Most Pure One, from your icon "Tenderness" in the monastery of Seraphim-Diveevskaya; before Her, the chosen one of God and Yours, God's representative and Your representative for the Russian land, the Monk Seraphim praying to You day and night, calling Thee "the Joy of all joys" and singing to You in the wilderness with His song: "World glory from a man who has grown weak." With him it is bought and we praise Thee, the Most Pure Lady, with these same words, and we bring Angelic singing to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing Your innumerable mercies, miracles and manifestations, given to the whole world by You, falling to You in the tenderness of your heart, we thank You, Most Pure Lady, we praise You, we sing and exalt Your name, and we pray You, do not reject Your face from us from now on, intercede, protect and save all of us in the sin of those who perish: subdue our lives, guide those who err on the right path, educate our children in the spirit of piety, strengthen our shepherds, keep us in pure faith, so that our lips praise Thee. Higher than heaven and purer of the sun's lordships, such are the voices:
Rejoice, unbelieving Bride and Queen of Queens.
Rejoice, Heavenly Kivota and bore the Word of God.
Rejoice, God-voiced dove and dove, meek and quiet.
Rejoice, immeasurable depth and unspeakable mystery.
Rejoice, unknown miracle and source of shrine.
Rejoice, virgin purity and quiet joy of mothers.
Rejoice, guardian of babies and protection of widows.
Rejoice, deliverance of the sick health and the captives.
Rejoice, you who labor for a good rest and who do not hope for hope.
Rejoice, our hope is one in life after our departure from the earth.
Rejoice, protecting us during ordeals and our Intercessor at the terrible judgment of Christ.
Rejoice, Most Pure Virgin, worldwide Glory and Joy!

Kontakion 13

Oh, Blessed Virgin, Lady of heaven and earth! Receive from all our souls this laudatory singing that is offered to You, and grant us sinners in eternal villages to see You, our worldwide Glory and Joy of all joys, singing to You and to God about You a great song, in the Highest three words of song: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1 and kontakion 1).

Prayer to our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, common

Accept, all-powerful, most pure Mistress, Mistress of the Mother of God, these honest gifts, applied to You alone, from us, Your unworthy servants, chosen from all generations, who appeared above all the creatures of heaven and earth. For the sake of you, the Lord of forces was with us, and through you the Son of God is known, and we will be made worthy of His holy body and His most pure blood. The same blessed art thou in rodech generations, God-blessed, the most luminous cherubim and seraphim are the most honest. And now, all-chanting Most Holy Theotokos, do not cease praying for us unworthy servants of Thy, hedgehog to rid us of every advice of the evil one and from every situation, and keep us intact from every poisonous admonition of the devil. But even to the end, with Your prayers, not condemned, observe us: as if by Your intercession and help we save glory, praise, thanksgiving and worship for everything in the Trinity to one God and all to the Creator, now and forever and forever.

In contact with

On the left kliros there is a well-known the miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Sweet kiss" (Greek "Glycophilus"). According to legend, the Evangelist Luke wrote it.

During the reign of the Byzantine emperor-iconoclast Theophilos (829-842), the pious resident of Constantinople Victoria, the wife of one of the emperor's entourage named Simeon, saving the icon from destruction, with danger to her life, honored and kept it in her room. The husband demanded that she burn the icon, but Victoria preferred to throw it into the sea. Thus, the image arrived on the Holy Mountain, about which hegumen Philotheus was miraculously warned. At the place where the icon was found, holy water flowed out.

Since then and until now, on Easter Monday, a procession has been performed from the monastery to the place where the icon appeared.

In 1793, Deacon Ioanikios, while lighting candles in front of the icon, often complained that the Mother of God did not care about the monastery, because the other monasteries of Athos did not need anything, and Philotheus was in need.

Once the deacon made his complaint at midnight. He was very absorbed in his prayer and did not notice anything around him. Suddenly the Mother of God appeared before him in a mysterious light and said that his complaints and complaints were in vain - if her care was not there, the monastery would not have been able to exist. He asks in vain for wealth - gold and silver are of no use to the monastery.

When the deacon woke up, he realized that he was wrong, and humbly asked forgiveness from the Most Pure One. Then he told the brethren about what he had seen.

In 1801 one money-loving pilgrim kidnapped the women of gold hanging from the image. Having committed sacrilege, he boarded a ship departing from the Iberian pier. But the ship, having sailed a little from the coast, stood still, despite the favorable wind. Meanwhile, when they learned about the loss in Philothea, people were sent in all directions to catch up with the thief. One of them swam in a boat to a ship that was not far from the Iverskaya pier. Meanwhile, the criminal, enlightened by the miraculous stop of the ship, himself repented of the sacrilege and hastened to voluntarily return the goldsmiths, after which the ship continued to sail freely.

It is impossible not to mention here one instructive miraculous incident that happened in 1830. At this time, one pilgrim came from Adrianople to the Filofeevsky monastery. Here in the monastery, he accidentally spoke to the ecclesiarch (caretaker of the temple). The latter, in a sincere conversation, told the pilgrim about the various miracles of the Mother of God and also told about how her icon, the Sweet kiss, appeared on the seashore in front of the Philotheevsk monastery of Athos.

Bogomolets with curiosity asked the ecclesiarch about everything, listened attentively to his stories and, apparently, took everything to heart. The Ecclesiarch went to meet his wishes. But what was his amazement when his interlocutor finally expressed his doubt about the truth of everything told, and the monk's story about the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God Glykofilussa considered a simple fable, which only a child can believe.

Ecclesiarch considered. He had not expected anything like this. There is no doubt that evil seeds were sown in the soul of the pilgrim, and they poisoned his Christian mood. Maybe he was already close to a complete fall. Indeed, from the denial of the blessings shown to the human race by the Mother of God, and from doubts about the miraculous appearance of Her holy image, there is only one step to doubt about miracles in general, and in particular, the miracles of the Savior of the human race ...

Seeing the imminent death of his interlocutor, the ecclesiarch tried to dispel his spirit of doubt, but the pilgrim stubbornly denied all his words and arguments. So deep he fell.

And it was not the monk's arguments that convinced the pilgrim: he was returned to the number of sincere followers of Christ by the Heavenly Queen herself.

On the same day, a miracle happened over him, and from him he could be convinced of the miraculous power of the Most Pure Virgin. Walking along the top floor of the house, he stumbled and began to fall down. Then he exclaimed: "Most Holy Theotokos, help us!" and descended to earth without any harm ...

Another miracle in the list of countless miracles performed by the icon happened to a Christian from Praor. His wife could not have children, and therefore the couple suffered greatly. While on Mount Athos, the Christian fervently prayed to the Blessed Virgin in front of the icon "Sweet kiss". Before going home, he took some oil from the lamp burning in front of the icon and, returning, anointed himself and his wife with it. And in the same year his wife gave birth to a son. The Christian was very grateful to the Virgin Mary and brought the gift of the monastery of Philotheus.

Through prayers at the icon of the Mother of God, many miracles have happened in our time. One of them happened during the years of the German occupation. The story about him is contained in the book of Elder Paisius Svyatogorets “The Fathers of the Holy Mountain and the Holy Mountain Stories: During the German occupation, the stocks of wheat in the monastery of St. Philotheus were running out, and the fathers decided to stop receiving visitors. One pious old man, Father Savva, upon learning about this, was saddened and began to beg the advice of the elders of the monastery not to do this, because this would sadden Christ and the monastery would be deprived of its blessing. He gave many examples from Scripture, including the story of the widow from Zarephath of Sidon and the prophet Elijah (see 1 Kings 17), and he was finally obeyed. However, after some time had passed, they began to pester the elder with reproaches, saying: “The torment is over. What will happen now? The elder answered them: - My fathers, we will eat the little that is still left with the people, but the Mother of God will not leave us. In the pantries of the monastery there were only twenty-five okads of wheat and nothing else, and the monks began to reprimand Father Savva rather caustically: - Father Savva, the wheat is over, what will happen now? But the pious and faithful old man answered this: - Do not lose hope in Glycophilus. Knead the remaining twenty-five okada, bake bread from them and distribute it to the brethren and laity, and God, as a Good Father, will take care of all of us. When they ran out of their last bread, they did not even have time to get hungry, when a ship from Kavala moored at the pier of the monastery, and the captain offered to exchange the wheat he was carrying for firewood. The monks, seeing the obvious Providence of the Mother of God, Who, like the Good Mother, took care of Her children, glorified God. Of course, Father Savva praised God most of all and thanked the Mother of God, always giving Her thanks by his very holy life. After that, he reminded the fathers: "Didn't I tell you that the Mother of God would not leave us?"

Iko-na "Sweet Lob-za-nie" (in Greek Gli-ko-fi-lu-sa) was glorified in the kingdom fast im-pe-ra-to-ra-iko-no-bor-tsa Fe-o-fi-la (829-842).

One of the close-wives im-pe-ra-to-ra, Si-me-on, pod-ra-pressed his-e-mu-ve-li-te-lyu in nena-vi-sti to iko-us. His wife, Vik-to-riya, secretly honored the icons and had them in his internal -to-swarm and clo-nya-las. The husband looked at it from him and, finally, demanded an icon from his wife to burn her. Ve-ru-yu-shi-shi-na decided to break up with the venerable saint, but not to put her in the hands of mu-mum.

She put her in the sea.

Through an unknown number of years, this sa-may iko-na appeared on the shore-re-gu of the sea in front of the Athos Philo-Feev-skim monastery. The Igu-men and the brothers, with pride and honor, took her and brought her to the congregation church of the Monastery. The place of the phenomenon of the icon is called "Agi-asmoyu". In the Light on-not-del-nik every year, but here, there is a procession of the cross.

It’s impossible not to mention here about one very wonderful case, which was in 1830. At this time, one godfather came from Adri-a-no-po-la to the Philo-fe-ev-skiy monastery. Here in the obi-te-if he accidentally for-go-ril with ek-kle-si-ar-kh. The last in the is-skew-she be-se-de ras-ska-hall bo-go-mol-tsu about different-personal chu-de-sah God-zhi-her Ma-te-ri and co-communicated also about how he appeared on the shore of the sea in front of the Athos Philo-Fee-ev -skoy monastery Her idol on Sweet-something lob-for-nie.

Bo-th-mo-lets with any-b-tty about all ras-ask-shi-val ek-kle-si-ar-ha, heed-ma-t-t-but you-heard-the-val of his races -ska-zy and, in-vie-di-mo-mu, everything is close-to-ni-mal to heart. Ek-kle-si-arch went to-meet-chu his own-la-ni-yam. But how was his amazement, when his co-driver, at the end of the day, expressed his opinion in truth -no-sti of all ras-said-no-go, and about the miraculous phenomenon of the icon of God Ma -ter-ri Gli-ko-fi-lus-sy considered it to be a simple bass-nu, which-swarm can only believe once-only-to-be-nok.

Ek-kle-si-arh za-doo-mal-sya. He did not expect anything like that. Undoubtedly, in the soul of God, there were evil se-men, and they poisoned him. mood. Maybe he was already close to the full pas-de-nii. After all, from the denial of the blah-go-de-i-niy, turned out to be the ro-du che-lo-ve-che-mu Bo-go-ma-te-ryu, and from co-me-niy in the miraculous phenomenon of Her holy ob-ra-for everything is only one step to the con-nection and in the chu-de-sah in-ob- shche, but in particular, and chu-de-sah Spa-si-te-la ro-da che-lo-ve-che-th ...

See-dya close gi-bel of his-th-th-so-be-be-se-ni-ka, ek-kle-si-arh tried-tal-sya-sow-sow his spirit of mind, but the god-boy stubbornly denied all his words and do-it-s. So deeply he fell.

And not before-in-dy, ino-ka convinced-di-di-go-mol-ts: he was revived in the number of is-roll-them after-to-va-te-lei Hri-sta Sa-my Tsa-ri-tsei of Heaven.

On the same day, a miracle was over him, and from him he could convince in the miraculous si-le Pre-chi-sta De-you. Walking along the top-no-moo eta-zhu-ma, he left-drank and began to fall down. Then he echoed-click-zero: "Pre-holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsa, how-can-tell us!" and went down to earth without any harm ...

Iko-na Sweet lob-for-pro-glav-le-na and other-gi-mi chu-de-sa-mi. She stands in the congregation temple obi-te-li and is-bo-ma-ter forehead-for-yu-shcha Pre-eve-no-go Mla-den -ca. Iko-na has 1 ar-shin 12 vers-kov in height, and in shi-ri-nu 1 ar-shin 3 1/2 vers-ka. There is a church tradition that she is one of the 70 icons, inscribed by the evangelist Lu-ka.

The ski-that of the Russian Athos-Pan-te-lei-mon-nov-sko-mo-na-st-rya has a snapshot with a chu-do-creative icon " Gli-co-fi-lu-sa ".