How to quickly achieve financial independence and start enjoying life? From slave to financially independent person How to become financially independent

Today we were at an important event dedicated to financial investment. It took place in Kiev, Ukraine.


We listened to many lecturers all day and received very important information... We knew most of what was said, but only in theory. Today I realized that I have already begun to forget a lot, since I do not always use it in my life.


A person's financial literacy implies that you take care of yourself on three levels: protection, safety, and freedom. At first glance, these concepts are very similar in meaning, but at the same time they are very different. Those who distinguish between these three levels generally have no money problem.

These people start from the first level - financial protection. After all, each of us may be out of work, clients, sales markets or become disabled. No one is immune from this.

This level assumes that you have at least six months of cash reserves, provided you maintain your usual lifestyle. These funds must be inviolable. This is your protection!


The second level is financial security. Everything is much simpler here. Your monthly passive income should equal your monthly expenses. This money must come from somewhere outside without your special investment yourself. For example, renting out an apartment or online products that automatically sell themselves.

Remember the simple arithmetic of the modern capitalist world: multiply monthly costs by 150, and provided that you have 8% per annum, you can ensure financial security for yourself. Whether you work or not, you will still have money.


The third level is financial independence or financial freedom. This is the amount of money that you do not need for anything. If you have reached a level where your passive income exceeds $ 10,000, and you understand that the created system will work for a long time, then you have secured yourself financial freedom. You can not work at all and do what you want.

Having money for a rainy day, saving so that monthly in liability receive an amount equal to monthly spending, and gradually move towards financial independence - these are simple, elementary things that are very easy to implement.

One of the main rules of financially successful people is: pay yourself first! You should save at least 10% of the earned money so that it turns into a financial instrument that will subsequently work for you!

Most people become financially independent and successful people using roughly the same algorithm. This algorithm is not so difficult to understand, but it is not so easy to constantly apply it in life.

I would not like to belittle the importance of luck or chance. Its influence is quite significant. With the same efforts and abilities, someone becomes simply earning significantly above average, (5-10 times), and someone is really rich. Read about how to attract good luck.

However, even the goal of earning 5-10 times the average wage in your city is not a bad goal anyway. Its achievement is almost guaranteed if you follow the algorithm. Well, if you are lucky, then maybe you will become really very successful and very rich.

So how do you do it in order to become a successful and financially independent person?

First, work harder.

I thought a lot before writing this advice. On the one hand, it seems to be obvious. On the other hand, a fairly decent number of books have appeared, which describe how you can work a little and get a lot. Quite a lot of stories appear on the network about how a person became rich in a couple of months or even a couple of weeks. It is possible that you see examples of successful and wealthy people in front of you who currently work relatively little.

All this taken together leads to the feeling that you can earn good money and still work a little. The main thing is to work smart, not just work. (a lot and tense)

Is it so?

If you ponder this question a little, you will of course come to the conclusion that there is nothing further from the truth that you can make good money and work little.

Why? Why are there examples of successful people who work little?

Let's use a sports analogy that works pretty well here. Let's say that you see an athlete in front of you who trains 2-3 times a week for 30-50 minutes and at the same time shows relatively good results for several years. Does this mean that you can also show good results by exercising 2-3 times a week for 30-50 minutes?

Of course not. It is obvious. This athlete, whom you are guided by, did the first 10-15 years in an intense mode, competed, monitored nutrition, sports regimen, etc., as a result of which he achieved good results. Later, for some reason, he decided not to reach Olympic heights (or had already reached) and decided to switch to a supportive training regime.

So it is with rich people, entrepreneurs, business owners, just successful people. They worked hard for several years, developing their skills, their business, connections, etc. After some time, they achieved a good result, became financially independent and successful people. Some of them do not need more, and they have switched to maintenance mode, when you can work much less. (If there is no task of constant growth)

By definition, you are at the beginning of this path (otherwise you would hardly have read this article). This means that without constant hard and long work, you will not be able to achieve success. In this article, I talk more about success in money matters, but the principle is common everywhere.

In total, to achieve success and financial freedom you need to work harder.

Wherever you read the opposite statements, it is only the connivance of the majority of the population who want to succeed, but do not want to work for it. For them, they write books, articles with interesting and enticing titles about how you can sit on the seashore and do nothing, and money will almost float into your hands.

This is all a lie. For the rarest cases of success that cannot be repeated, this does not happen. (We are now talking about making money on our own, not dad gave) Anyone who wants to make money has to work harder and harder than the average person.

Another seeming exception is people who, from the outside, seem to be doing much better than you. You are trying to figure out something, and he already understood right away. You are trying to remember something, but he has already memorized a hundred something. You are trying to build a relationship with someone, and he has already built relationships with a dozen people. And all this without any effort.

This is usually just a variation of the athlete example. After all, different people have completely different upbringing. Someone from childhood (that is, a couple of decades) was taught work skills, responsibility (usually more in older children), developed memory, attention, etc. Others lived in a completely different environment.

I won't say much about this, since it is quite obvious.

In other words, the ability to work hard and hard is probably the most valuable skill in increasing your income and becoming financially free and successful.

The next thing I would like to say. Monetary compensation is not always proportional to labor effort. In other words, if you work 30% more than the average employee, this does not mean that you will earn 30% more.

Sometimes the reward will not be different. However, more often than not, it will be a difference in times, and maybe even hundreds of times. (Model first gets everything)

So, it is imperative to work more, work harder, work without significant interruptions (do not stop moving the business). Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but it will definitely affect your income.

Don't try to work hard at once. It will not work. Develop your work skills gradually. Get used to thinking that working hard is right and good. Your income will definitely get higher.

Second, you need to learn how to make money..

Learning how to make money out of your efforts is one of the most important conditions for financial success. Usually such training has a very remote relationship to receiving formal education.

But this skill, even in the most primitive forms, can often help you extract many times more money from the same effort and will often save you from large financial losses.

There is really nothing complicated and tricky here. It is clear that in a few paragraphs I will not be able to tell you about how and what to learn, but I will try to direct your efforts in the right direction.

So, what do you need to learn to make more money (which is the most important component of financial independence).

- Work faster.

It's amazing how many generally good people fail to understand this simple axiom of money. Such specialists do their job efficiently, and they are justly proud of it. However, at some point, they always lose to those who can do the same (or a little worse), but much faster. That is, for example, do not 1 operation in 2 days, but 2 a day.

Working faster doesn't mean rushing or working harder. As a rule, it is the opposite. Fast work should be less tense and unhurried. This is usually achieved by division of labor, specialization (which is essentially the same thing), development of templates (using ready-made others' developments), work on typical mistakes, automation (software, devices, machines), more even loading, round-the-clock work of workers, removal of some unnecessary operations, preliminary preparation, etc.

I am not writing here in any detail. If this is relevant for you, then there is a lot of literature on this issue. The main thing is not to forget that acceleration should bring you money, and not be an end in itself.

- Work better.

Here, of course, better quality means an extremely wide range of issues that your customers value (or can potentially appreciate), and not your understanding as a specialist. Qualitatively - it can be beautiful, error-free, fast, reliable, easy to maintain, the ability to reduce the tax base, etc.

The main thing in this matter is not to start from your perception better, but from a better part of the Clients (you cannot please everyone).

How can you work better? There are also a lot of techniques here. For example, analysis of the most common mistakes, purchase of higher quality material (maybe partially) or equipment (maybe partially). Again, there is a lot of literature.

And again, do not forget that quality is not an end in itself, but a means for making money.

- Work in a way that makes it easier to convince potential customers to give you money.

It's amazing how well (quickly and efficiently) working people and organizations can completely fail that stage of work when it is necessary to convince a potential client to give money.

At the same time, I'm not even talking about complex sales techniques. You often come across the fact that a designer cannot show samples of his work, and a builder cannot show photographs of those elite repairs that he made.

The consequence of this, of course, is a large number of “empty” visits to potential clients (loss of time and money), the need to reduce prices (direct loss of money), incomplete workload (loss of money).

Since everything in this matter strongly depends on the specifics, I will not describe in detail what and how to do.

So, I have provided some examples of those skills that will help you make more money from the same job. Of course, this is only a limited list. This also includes advertising skills, the ability to make the right assortment, the ability to set prices correctly, etc.

The main thing is to always think about how it will bring, or at least can bring money with a minimum investment of time and money.

If you know how to do one of these skills well, and you are a business owner, then it will immediately affect your income almost instantly. If you are an employee and know how to make money for your enterprise, then sooner or later, but you will certainly be paid more not in this place, but in another.

In other words, if you know how to make money (easily, guaranteed, quickly, inexpensively), then you will definitely earn more or much more. (Depends on your self-confidence, market, ability to replace you, etc.) And the more you earn, the more your chances of becoming financially independent increases.

So, training in the ability to make money (this only to some extent can be attributed to vocational training) is the most important component of high income and financial independence.

Third, you need to work for the long term..

Of course, this is a conditional rule. You need to work simultaneously for the short term, that is, do what you need to do today and in a couple of weeks. However, everyone works in the short term (rarely does anyone manage to work only for the sake of a brighter future), so I will not even dwell on this.

But in the long term, few work (or at least work correctly)

Those who work for the long term almost always earn more than those who do not. Moreover, the difference in income can be colossal, that is, several times or even thousands of times.

What does it mean to work for the long term? I will give a few examples to make it clearer.

Reputation and money today.

Reputation, strong brand or some other words, but their meaning is in one. A person or organization invested money, effort and time to make their name remembered among a certain circle of people (maybe wide, or maybe very narrow) from some side.

And if a certain reputation has developed, then it begins to live its life, already separately from the facts themselves (within reasonable limits). And then, when the question arises of whom to give the money to, the choice falls in favor of the one whom they know in principle, or what is even better known from the good side. This is especially pronounced in services and products, where the choice is difficult and not obvious (a surgeon, not a car), and mistakes are expensive, but in other areas it also works, although not so much.

The recipe for building a reputation is simple, but few people use it. The reason is that few people want or can look ahead for several years.

After all, many simply want to "cut the dough" right now, even if it will obviously negatively affect his reputation (that is, to take up some business without experience, resources, etc., just to get money today).

In addition, a reputation or brand requires an investment of money and effort over several years before results appear. Maybe you need to write 100 articles, place them in 100 magazines, websites, pay for it (for several years, of course). All these or other methods require a lot of effort today, and the result in money will not appear soon.

Therefore, in fact, few people have a good reputation from which you can extract money.

Predicting the development of an industry or profession.

In general, money in any profession or industry moves according to certain laws. At first, very few people need a profession and they have to explain why this service 100 times, but there is no competition. Then demand sharply arises at high prices (time to cut the money), then competition gradually appears, but the market grows and money can be made relatively easily.

The next stage is when the market continues to grow, but there are more competitors or they become the largest and more professional. At this stage, it is already difficult for beginners to enter the profession (industry), and even for those who have been on the market for a long time, it becomes more difficult to earn money due to competition.

The next stage is a market decline with a lot of competition. At this stage, only leaders can earn at least something. The rest lose money.

As practice shows, many do not even try to look at their profession or business through this scheme. But if you devote at least a little time to it, it will immediately become clear that in some direction your efforts are in vain, but somewhere you need to increase the investment of effort and money and get easy money.

Everything, of course, cannot be predicted. But there are fairly well-studied patterns. If you use them, you will earn more and easier.

You just need to invest money and time in yourself and (or) your business.

This is the most obvious idea of \u200b\u200ball of the above. Invest in what has the potential to bring money, effort, and time. At least something. Try to measure the impact somehow. Identify working and non-working.

If you do this relatively regularly, then you are already looking into the long term.

Fourthly, you must not run into non-working methods, projects.

In essence, making money and gaining financial independence and success is the identification of those methods (by yourself or through copying) that make money with the least expenditure of their time, energy and money. We talked about this above in the paragraph about training.

However, the second, no less important method is the fastest possible rejection of those projects that do not work (do not work well).

Hanging on those unsuccessful projects to which you have given a lot of time, invested a lot of energy that fuel your hopes and raise the expectations of your loved ones (press, etc.) is one of the main reasons for failure in increasing income.

It can manifest itself in a variety of ways. For example, in the unwillingness to quit a profession (enterprise), to which you gave 5 years of institute and 5 years to gain experience, despite the fact that the level of salaries in it is low and no progress is expected. It could be a new line of business, an affiliate, a client that you have a lot of hopes for, but which do not bring results.

In general, it doesn't matter what a specific project is. The main thing is that it does not bring profit (brings little), does not grow by itself (or grows only with large infusions) and the project has no clear prospects.

It is imperative to give up such projects, especially if they take up a decent amount of time. Often in such matters it seems that just about, you need to push a little more, improve a little, fake it, take it and everything will go well. But such illusions, as a rule, never come true. On the contrary, they eat up a lot of your time, nerves or money.

And the rule is obvious. You need to be able to refuse unsuccessful projects, despite the fact that you have invested a lot of time in them, despite the fact that their closure will bring displeasure to people, in general any circumstances. You can close it softer, stretch out in time, shift the responsibility onto someone, etc., but these are all tactics. The main thing is that you need to close the project.

In general, if you want to become financially independent and successful, make good money, then this should be one of your core skills. There will always be unsuccessful projects and, as a rule, the majority of them. And you need to learn not to invest a lot of energy in them at the initial stage and to quit on time.

This technique is quite simple in theory, but its application in practice often leads to difficulties. After all, some project is your life. This is the life of some other people. And if you give up something, then you can be called a coward, you can be called a traitor who does not know how to be persistent and something like that.

However, cowardice is precisely the inability to refuse something unsuccessful. Fear of admitting to yourself and others that you have failed. Fear of open conflict with other people.

And it seems, let's postpone the closure of the project today until tomorrow, and then until the day after tomorrow. Maybe something will happen by itself. However, 99.9% of the time, nothing happens. The project gradually stalls by itself, but during its slow dying, it can take a lot of money, time and nerves. And if there are several such projects? (What happens most often)

So think carefully, what are you doing during the month?

What activities do you devote time and attention to?

Does what you pay attention to give the expected result or not? Why?

Is there anything you can do for sharp leap? If not, then maybe it makes sense to stop over the obviously unsuccessful project?

It would seem how easy it is to remove non-working projects and focus on working ones. In fact, this is one of the most difficult strategic questions that largely predetermines the answer to whether a person will be successful in life (or an enterprise) or not. (mediocre success) Solving this issue requires both independent thinking and a certain amount of character.

If you can immediately identify successful and unsuccessful projects, as well as have enough courage to abandon unsuccessful projects, then only space will be the limit of your success.

Fifth - Limiting costs.

This is a sad point that most financial losers are trying to flip through faster and find another fantastic recipe for success. For some reason, most losers don't even see spending limits as a recipe for financial independence.

I partly agree with this. Sometimes it is much easier to increase your income. Sometimes it is easier to work harder, work more efficiently, use other methods of selling or promoting your own or other people's services.

Indeed, from such efforts, you can sometimes increase your income several times in just a year or a couple of years. And then euphoria often sets in. I had it, many people and businesses had it. When money comes in, it seems like there is little point in controlling costs.

And therefore cars and apartments are bought on credit, people are hired, related businesses are bought or new directions are opened. Payback is not particularly considered. Nobody is particularly trying to understand what will happen even with the payback enterprises in the event of a small crisis. (A crisis is a decrease in income and usually the inability to take a new loan).

And due to the cyclical development of a person, industry, profession and life in general, sooner or later, but a crisis comes. And at this moment everything depends on your previous behavior and in particular on the ability to control costs. If you control them, then nothing terrible happens.

If not, then you have to literally "cut to the living." That is, to sell real estate, cars, profitable enterprises on the cheap. To fire wonderful and, in principle, very necessary people. Substitute your suppliers and not pay them money. I'm not even talking about trifles like delayed wages and other payments.

In my memory, such crises have swept away quite a few rich enough people and prosperous enterprises. If it seems to you that this will never affect you, then it means that you are too inexperienced in life (working for hire in a large enterprise) or too young.

I tell you that if you want your financial success to be sustainable, then you must control your expenses and have cash reserves. I understand that this is not a breakout strategy. I understand that this is boring. I understand that this requires effort and some special type of thinking like asceticism.

So, I gave five ways to become financially independent and successful. These methods are fundamental. That is, it is almost impossible to become successful without having skills in each of these methods of success, at least at the initial level. Therefore, study them, try to apply them in life, and you will certainly achieve greater success than now. Much more.

Best regards, Rashid Kirranov.

Hello, friends!

What a tempting two words - financial independence! Show me at least one person who doesn't dream of achieving it. Maybe everyone dreams, but only a few are able to do it. Why?

Commentators like “half of the country is interrupted from paycheck to paycheck, what kind of independence are you talking about” should become more active on this issue. I will probably stay out of these “optimistic” statements. There is something to talk about, and this should be done as much and often as possible.

When for one such commentator there are 2 or 3 people who will object to him with their personal example, then it will be possible to say that the mentality of a Russian citizen has begun to change. And he must change. Otherwise, we will perceive the increase in the retirement age initiated by the government as the greatest disappointment and the collapse of all foundations of life.

Financial independence or financial freedom? Is there a difference?

After looking at the material of my colleagues in personal finance, I saw controversy around two terms: financial independence and financial freedom. Someone proves that these are fundamentally different concepts, while someone considers them as synonyms. Which camp to join? I thought about it and decided that to no one. My goal is quite different.

Together with you, I want to understand what needs to be done in order to achieve such a level of life at which one does not need to think about how to make money for existence. They will be enough to provide for basic needs and some weaknesses, such as travel. Do only what brings pleasure and, without hesitation, fulfill your dreams. This is financial independence or financial freedom for me.

Independence is the lack of subordination, dependence on something, the ability to act independently and not be under pressure from any factors.

Freedom is the right to dispose of your life as you want it.

Therefore, financial independence (freedom) is an opportunity not to depend on the employer, salary and bonuses, a working day from 9 to 18, vacation once a year and two days off a week. At the same time, you do not experience any financial difficulties, because the created assets work for you with minimal participation.

So what's the difference, what is the name of such a state - freedom or independence? The main thing is to achieve it, and then you can go into philosophy and look for fundamental differences in terminology.

What financial condition are you in?

Before drawing up a strategy for achieving financial independence, you need to decide on the current level. I made a little comic schedule, but it helps to visually assess your financial status.

Level “Below the plinth”. Your expenses exceed your income. You don't even live paycheck to paycheck, but have to borrow from friends, relatives or at the bank. Any force majeure situation is a disaster for you.

Plinth level. You are standing on a solid surface. Expenses are equal to income. There are no debts or payments on them are already included in the monthly expenses, so you can easily pay them off. There is no talk of any savings. And force majeure situations are still a disaster.

"Above the plinth" level. Your income exceeds your expenses. You save some of the money for a rainy day. In any force majeure situation, you have money without getting into debt.

Dream skirting level. You have achieved financial independence. We have formed a “safety cushion”, you have accumulations in various assets that generate a stable income that covers not only your current expenses, but also allows you to realize your wildest dreams. Moreover, capital only increases over the years.

So what step are you on? For example, my place today is “Above the Plinth”. My husband and I have formed a reserve fund and are actively saving money for further investment in various instruments. In less than a year we will have enough money to invest in some of the assets available to us. It would seem that there is only one step left and we are financially independent. But it is this step that is the most difficult and time-consuming.

Let's take a closer look at all the stages of achieving financial independence.

The road to financial independence

Analysis of the current situation

Before moving on to saving or investing, you need to analyze the current situation with your finances. If you are leading, then there should be no problem with this. Monthly income and expense tracking will paint the picture in real time. You just have to study the numbers.

But just looking at them is not enough. The budget is drawn up not only to analyze the current situation, but also to plan for the future. If your expenses exceed your income (look at the comic ladder), then it's time to correct this situation.

I will say the most banal thing in the world: “We need to cut costs or increase revenues. Better to do both. ” Everything is simple in theory, but so difficult to implement in practice. I already see comments like “I live in a village, I get a salary of 10,000 rubles, I don’t get out of debt to make it to my paycheck, I got loans to buy…” Friends, you are reading this article on the freelance blog. Have you heard of telecommuting, freelancing and?

Well, I will not teach you how to increase your income. Now there are many opportunities for everyone. You just need to learn and try. Make mistakes and try again. In just 1 year, I started working as a freelancer, 2 - 3 times higher than the salary in my main job. And this is not the limit.

In my articles, I have repeatedly raised this issue. First, define your goals:

  • short-term: winter coat, boots, TV, etc .;
  • medium-term: car, repair, etc .;
  • long-term: dacha, apartment, children's education, pension.

A personal financial plan will help here. It is such a plan that will help to prioritize goals, determine the amounts and mechanisms of accumulation.

Ideally, each short-term and medium-term goal should have its own mechanism and instrument of accumulation. For example, a bank deposit, metal account, foreign exchange account, mutual funds and other instruments for.

You can't do without studying financial books, special resources on the Internet, or the help of a personal finance consultant.

The main principle of achieving financial stability is investment diversification. Everybody talks about it a lot. Therefore, it is so important to improve your own in order to navigate the existing investment instruments. Unfortunately, so far most of the country's citizens mainly use bank deposits.

Achieving financial independence

The top of our ladder is financial independence. You are free to choose where and how you live, what to do. Your money works without you and for you. In the wonderful book by Bodo Schaefer "Mani, or the ABC of Money" there is a parable about a hen laying golden eggs. Adults should know her and tell her children. It contains the seed of correct investment. You cannot kill the goose that lays the golden eggs for you.

So it is with capital. You cannot spend the accumulated capital that brings passive income. It can be increased, but not decreased.

No one will ever tell you how long it takes to become financially independent. But once you stand on this ladder, you will not be the same. When I hear the proverbs ingrained among our citizens “Money is not happiness” or “Money spoils people”, I always remember a group of drunks who regularly gather in an abandoned house next door. For sure, their happiness is not in money, which can hardly spoil these people.

And who still believes that money is a universal evil, and remained wonderful people.


Personal finance articles always garner the most responses and comments. Evil and kind, judgmental and supportive. This means that this topic is relevant. I think that talk about another pension reform will shake up our citizens, who are wary and wary of any changes.

I am not teaching anyone to live. Every person has a choice. Someone is satisfied with a salary of 10,000-15,000 rubles and hanging on blogs similar to ours in order to offend the authors, accuse them of populism, isolation from real life and other mortal sins. And someone is looking for a way to another life, which is real. There it is not money that controls a person, but a person controls money.

How to get financial freedom and independence? Of course, one article cannot find the answer to this question. But she gave clues as to what and how to look next. So let's take our first step up the stairs, or will we sit below the plinth?

Everyone is capable of becoming a successful and financially independent person. The only question is how to do it quickly and accurately.

There are universal rules, on the regular observance of which the future of a person depends. Their effectiveness can be easily verified by reading the biography of any successful person: from a writer to a participant in the foreign exchange market.

However, in order not to waste time in vain, let's start studying them. So how do you become a financially independent and successful person?

At one of the seminars Australian billionaire Peter Daniels was asked about the most profitable way to invest $ 100,000. The answer was perfect. The tycoon advised to invest all funds in education, since it is this that is the most important asset of any successful and financially secure person.

An ardent supporter of this rule is the famous business coach Brian Tracy, who advises everyone to become "eternal students" and daily replenish their piggy bank with useful knowledge (he considered seminars, reading and audiobooks to be the most important sources of information).

It is impossible to list all the followers of this rule, however, the above examples are enough to understand the cost of continuous learning.

Rule # 2. Look for an activity you like

If a person feels pleasure from what he is doing, then he practically will not know fatigue, he will have no time to worry, be distracted and do extraneous things. And if we add financial interest to such productivity, then we can assume that happiness has been found in life.

Two main questions remain to be answered:

  • how to find a similar occupation?
  • how to make it for life?

It's simple. Imagine what kind of business you could do for an infinitely long time and for free. Rank the answers. Choose the main one. Set a goal to achieve the pinnacle of skill in this matter. Now it remains to find a way to find the optimal use for the chosen occupation.

This is where your creativity should kick in. There is another option: study the biographies of successful people in your chosen field and just copy their path.

Rule number 3. Give up mental blocks

All obstacles exist only in the head. Once they are destroyed, impossible things become achievable. A successful person has an inevitable success mindset. This allows him to ignore failures and treat them as a temporary phenomenon. Force yourself to think this way.

Rule # 4. Use Messi's Formula

Recently, a video with football star Lionel Messi appeared on the Internet, who in one and a half minutes talks about the secret of his success: "Get up early, work hard, do it day after day, year after year ...". To this we can add only the Pareto principle, according to which important tasks provide most of the result (80% of success depends on 20% of purposeful efforts).

Rule number 5. Learn financial literacy

A fabulous capital passes through the hands of even the most unclaimed worker in life. The problem is that many do not even realize this fact. It is easier for people to blame their hated work and bosses, which bring in a penny income. But it is easy to destroy such a myth.

It is enough to read a few books by Robert Kiyosaki and Robert Allen, as the status of a millionaire will seem not so distant.

Rule # 6: Master Time Management

Time is a free resource, managing which you can reach heights in any business. Even from school, everyone knows the statement that each person has only 24 hours a day to realize his potential. So why do some become famous and rich, while the latter live out their days in a squalid hut? It's all about the art of planning. Master it and be amazed at how your productivity increases every day.

Rule No. 7. Progress and "comfort zone" are incompatible concepts

Everything is simple here. Until a person learns to ignore his fears and worries, while he polishes the plan for his triumph, success will be further and further away.

We need to act now. It may be uncomfortable and scary, but there is no other way.

Study the biographies of any major businessmen. It is almost impossible to meet among them the lucky one who conquered the top of the investment world from the first try. So why are you worse?

Rule # 8. Practice Quality Relationships

Progress is stimulated by like-minded people. It is an axiom of success, written in all of the bestselling personal development books. Start them.

Strong people try to ignore "mentally petty" individuals who, apart from negative and poisonous emotions, are not capable of anything.

Rule # 9. Become a disciplined titan

One of the key economic laws of capital accumulation is to invest money continuously. The same can be said about personal growth, career, family relationships and any other area. If you take a step towards the goal every day, then its achievement will become inevitable. The trick is that destiny rewards targeted people with a bonus in the form of experience that can multiply the speed on the way to a dream.

And finally, I would like to say about the unspoken secret of all wealthy people, which comes from the heart. Help those in need - this is the essence of it. If a person begins to give something, then this something begins to grow in him. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon, you just need to believe in it.

Good luck and see you in the next article.

This question is mainly asked by people who are "to death" tired of working from morning till night for someone else's uncle or the state. So they begin to "puzzle" their brains as to why someone succeeds, while someone is still trying to survive on a meager salary. And no matter how hard a person tries, and no matter what he undertakes, he so fails to achieve success.

Why does this happen? What criteria can be used to define a financially independent person and what habits he possesses, as well as what needs to be done in order to still achieve success in life and become a financially independent person, let's try to understand this article.

The main criteria for financial independence

A person can be called financially independent if:

  1. He has enough money to live

Each person determines the level of financial independence for himself. Someone and 15 thousand rubles. enough, but someone and 200 thousand rubles. cannot live a month. The amount of income can be anything, the main thing is that it should provide the required level of quality of your life. That is, your income should more than cover all your expenses.

  1. Has an airbag

Airbag - this is the sum of all your savings, which you can live on for 6 months without any sources of income without changing your usual lifestyle. This is your emergency reserve, money for a rainy day.

Financial illiteracy is a problem for most people who live paycheck to paycheck and do not think about what will happen to them tomorrow. This is at its best. Many of this majority, in order to provide themselves with a standard of living like “everyone's”, take loans and drive themselves into a debt hole. Then the loss of the job on which they spend most of their time, and on which they focus, becomes a disaster for them. A person, with this way of life and actions, drives himself into a corner and becomes a slave to the situation.

Therefore, we need a "safety cushion" to protect yourself from such force majeure circumstances. The minimum size of such a "pillow" should be equal to six to ten monthly expenses without losing your quality of life.

To create a "safety cushion" it is necessary to postpone a certain amount money. At first it will be a little uncomfortable, and then you will get involved. And it will become your very good habit and a big step towards financial freedom.

  1. Has passive sources of income

Anything can happen in life, and an airbag cannot always help out. And, in order to protect yourself for all occasions, and ensure yourself a comfortable existence in old age, you just need to create as much as possible.

Passive income gives a sense of security, stability and independence. You don't have to think about how to live on your meager salary, and what will happen if you lose your job.

  1. Has freedom of movement

A financially independent person is not tied to a place of work. He can go on vacation when he wants and where he wants, to work where he wants and when he wants. It may not even work at all.

This is the key criterion for financial independence. A person cannot be called financially free if he has a need to go to work every day in order to receive his monthly income. If earning income requires direct participation from a person, then he cannot be called financially independent. And it doesn't matter if the person is a simple employee or a businessman.

Basic habits of a financially independent and successful person

Good habits are the key difference between a financially independent person and a poor person, thanks to which he succeeded in life. A poor person remains poor all his life because their actions and deeds are radically different from successful people. And, if you want to be successful in life, then start changing yourself first. And the very first thing you will need to do is gradually instill in yourself the habits of successful and rich people.

  1. They set themselves financial goals and work hard to achieve them.
  2. Make up your personal financial plan for months - years ahead.
  3. They keep a strict record of income and expenses, spend less than they earn.
  4. They use their own time efficiently, prioritize and don't waste time on useless activities.
  5. Always have a positive attitude. Avoid people with negative and depressive thinking.
  6. Constantly learning and self-development. They pay special attention to financial literacy.
  7. Don't be afraid to take risks. Failure is regarded as an invaluable lesson that can bring good income in the future.
  8. They are hardworking. They are making colossal efforts today to get tangible profits tomorrow. They direct their strength and energy to receive passive income.
  9. Regularly set aside cash to create savings and capital for the purpose of building a safety cushion and investing.

These habits individually can improve your financial situation. Taken together, they truly work wonders. If you don't have such habits, don't be discouraged, start small. Develop them in yourself gradually, moving from one to the other. So, step by step, you will not even notice how your life will change dramatically, and your financial situation will improve significantly.

How to become a financially independent person. Step by step guide to action

Step 1. Changing the attitude towards money

It is impossible to become a financially independent person if you have negative attitudes towards money. You don't even have to start. First, you need to love money and allow yourself to become a rich and financially free person.

Step 2. Make a firm decision

If you have succeeded in changing your attitude towards money in a positive way, in the second stage you will have to make a firm decision to become a successful and financially independent person. The decision should be so firm that you do not turn back under any circumstances.

Step 3. Set yourself specific financial goals

You have made a firm decision. Now you need to set specific financial goals for yourself. You must clearly decide for yourself what you specifically want to achieve in life. Financial goals must be correct and realistic. This means that you do not have to jump over your head and try to achieve what is simply not realistic to achieve. And you don't have to try to achieve what your neighbor (relatives, etc.) has, but you really don't need it.

Step 4. Improve your financial literacy

The majority of the population of our country has either a low level or is absolutely illiterate. Therefore, after setting financial goals for yourself, start self-study to begin with according to your aspirations, and then expand your horizons.

Step 5. Make a short and long term action plan

All successful and financially free people draw up a clear plan of action for a month, a year, two, five, ten years, etc. They know very well that a specific and clear plan of action is the key to success that guides you on the way to your goals.

Step 6. Learn to manage your personal finances

To become a financially independent and successful person, you need to learn. Start keeping a strict record of your income and expenses, planning and budgeting. This will help you a lot to take control of your finances and optimize your expenses.

Step 7. Stop being afraid, start acting

Do not sit still, do not shake with fear and do not wait for the right opportunity, it will not be. On the contrary, there are a thousand excuses not to even start your path towards the goal.

If you are determined to become a financially independent and successful person, then you just need to understand that without risk and loss you simply cannot achieve what you want. Failures and losses are your best teachers at. And the more times you make mistakes and fail, the faster you will get there.

There are no unattainable goals, there is a high coefficient of laziness, a lack of ingenuity and a supply of excuses.

Step 8. Be patient, start investing and create sources of passive income

And creating sources of passive income is the surest and correct way to become a financially free person. Others have not yet been invented.

You just need to be patient, put in tremendous efforts at the very beginning, and just get started. And don't wait for quick results. Investing is a long-term process, at the beginning of which you put a lot of your energy and time, after which the return will follow in the form of the long-awaited passive income.

The best investment is in knowledge

Benjamin Franklin

Who works all day has no time to make money

John Rockefeller

Instead of a conclusion

So we figured out how to become a financially independent and successful person. Now you can, using the above step by step guide, take action. Just be patient, the path will not be short, on which you will make mistakes and fail. Do not despair and turn back, no matter what happens, step on. Remember always:

Life breaks the strong and makes them fall, so that they can rise again. She does not touch the weak, they are always on earth.

It is impossible to find oneself - one can only create oneself.

Johnny Depp

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