The perfect pair for a calf. Taurus woman compatibility in love and relationships. Taurus woman and Gemini man compatibility

Cautious Taurus ( April 20 - May 20) are truly revealed only to rare people. They are always distinguished by iron endurance and indestructible calmness. They are incredibly patient in relationships, but behind the external poise, old grievances are often hidden and serious passions are simmering.

An alliance with a solid Taurus is usually quite strong; representatives of this earth sign are secretly afraid to change anything. After a long relationship, you still need to try to break off the annoying relationship. In friendship and partnership, they are unusually reliable, they will always help out in the most critical situation.

Aries - opposites attract

The energy of the fire sign gives the sharpness of an overly measured life to a representative of the earthly element. An impulsive Aries is often pissed off by Taurus' poise, which only exacerbates conflicts. These are two extremes, the characters of which are united only by stubbornness, but over time they become just great friends.

In sex, the two signs are incredibly compatible, the hot Aries is great for Taurus with his huge love appetites. The marriage is very difficult, they will definitely not be bored together.

Taurus is two pragmatists

Their characters are too similar, in the presence of common interests, friendship is quite possible. Two such pragmatic people will definitely find a common language. The marriage is very calm, together they will be incredibly bored. They can be together exclusively if they, in addition to love, are united by something else, for example, close friendships. Often such a marriage is very much like an ordinary hostel. Quarrels are likely, where one stubborn person will never yield to another.

Gemini - rivalry and contradiction

Taurus is very attracted to Gemini's extraordinary interests, but relationships, friendship, partnerships between representatives of such different signs rarely last long. Vivid impressions can quickly turn to disappointment.

In marriage, they often compete with each other, the guy will stubbornly try to win power, and the girl is unlikely to give up. Taurus is also annoyed by Gemini's excessive talkativeness; he often considers a careless partner to be too unreliable.

Cancer is the perfect union

Incredibly compatible in all areas of life. Both are avid couch potatoes, and Cancer's solicitude is incredibly appealing to the practical Taurus. Representatives of signs are often friends from early childhood, there is always mutual understanding between them.

In marriage, the relationship is usually very close, Cancer understands the hidden feelings of the spouse very well, and the rationality of Taurus in financial matters helps family relationships. They are united by a constant desire for a stable existence, family comfort, a sense of duty towards loved ones.

Leo - a holiday and everyday life

The regal Leo and Taurus, who are solid and appreciate material beauty, feel a strong mutual attraction. A holiday man, spectacular, imposing, attractive, always arouses sympathy among the representative of the sign under the auspices of Venus.

Their union can only be destroyed by everyday domestic failures, which often darken interesting relationships and become the cause of enmity. Different Leo and Taurus also rarely find agreement in financial matters. The aristocratic extravagance of one meets the rational stinginess of the other.

Virgo - a practical relationship

The similarity of views, general conservatism, seriousness, practicality make the relationship harmonious, but sex for the insatiable Taurus, due to some of Virgo's puritanism, seems too insipid. Their family will be exemplary, these spouses will bring up children ideally. The girl in such a marriage has great power, and the guy is happy to solve important everyday issues.

In business, the scrupulousness, prudence, accuracy of the Virgo will greatly complement the persistence, pragmatism, and hard work of Taurus. Petty conflicts, trifling disputes caused by the stubbornness of one and some boringness of the other are possible.

Libra - harmony and practicality

Balance Taurus often helps restless Libra find harmony. The solidity and stubborn will of the earth sign in their union complements the mind of the most powerful representative of the air element.

Their joint affairs often end in success, in friendship, intellectual Libra somewhat dilutes the pragmatic earthiness of Taurus, together they become very useful teachers to each other. Both consider the marriage union from the practical side, each spouse sees in it his own self-interest.

Scorpio - attraction and contradiction

There is a mutual attraction between the signs, but long-term relationships are extremely problematic. If Taurus somewhat restrains his own stubbornness, he will clearly have something to learn from the emotional Scorpio. Couples are able to intuitively feel each other and touchingly empathize, but their aspirations are usually strictly opposite. Friendship will be incredibly beneficial and will definitely contribute to the self-development of both partners.

Sagittarius is the main balance

The freedom-loving Sagittarius is very attracted to the sensitive Taurus. In business, partners often achieve dizzying success thanks to global plans, the courage of one and the balanced practicality, hard work of the other.

Friendship is very possible, such a relationship will slightly ground the Sagittarius inclined to dream of the common good, and Taurus will be forced to get out of the daily routine. The marriage union is quite problematic - it will be extremely difficult to gain understanding, it will be extremely difficult to agree.

Capricorn - realism and understanding

The forecast of the relationship between representatives of the two signs of the zodiac having so much in common is favorable. Solid Taurus and Capricorn are successful in joint affairs, both are distinguished by a rational practical approach, decency, perseverance. A friendly relationship is full of mutual understanding. Both are realistic, so it's incredibly easy for them to communicate.

Taurus and Capricorn create a strong marriage, but without much romance, which is practically not important here, they value the loyalty of a partner more.

Aquarius - freedom or comfort?

A cautious Taurus may at first be suspicious of Aquarius's sparkling friendliness, but after that their relationship will become strong, despite the shyness of one and the detachment of the other.

The union promises to be interesting if in a pair Taurus is a guy, but conflicts are too possible. Aquarius values ​​freedom too much, such a girl does not tolerate a measured, comfortable existence. In business, Taurus willingly embodies the bold plans of a partner, it is easy for them to become successful.

Pisces - Difficulties of Understanding

An unstable relationship, there is little in common between the signs. Taurus seems incomprehensible to the partner's desire for certain high ideals, he does not know empty dreams, he is a person of concrete actions. A practical earth sign can channel the imagination of a colleague or friend in the right direction, which can help both benefit.

Sly Pisces will easily become the main ones in a marriage, despite their outward weakness. Mutual understanding is almost impossible, both live in opposite worlds. Pisces should show sensitivity and warmth in order to try to strengthen their union.

A patient Taurus can forge strong relationships with almost any sign, but being overly stubborn and down-to-earth will quite easily ruin a hard-working partnership or marriage. A pragmatic approach to any business and his loyalty allow people to consider Taurus to be extremely reliable; in order to achieve harmony, this representative of the Earth sign needs to become a little more romantic.

Representatives of the Earth signs are most suitable for Taurus: Virgo and Capricorns. There are many examples of ideal relationships between two Taurus, of course, provided that at least one of the two can sometimes overcome his stubbornness and yield. This relationship is a union of two sober realists, they are not alien to romance, but both tend to ensure that everything in the relationship is extremely simple and understandable. The marriage of Taurus to Virgo is much more successful, where Taurus is he, and Virgo is she. With the opposite combination, conflicts on the basis are not uncommon, because Taurus needs much more physical love.

In an intimate sense, Taurus has a very good relationship with representatives of the sign of Water - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio. The first ones attract him with their artistry. Earthly Taurus is flattered that such a sophisticated person is interested in them, and Pisces will be pleased that she does not need to think about how to survive in this rough world. Next to Taurus, she will be protected from life collisions. Taurus has even more in common with Cancer. Both signs refer to materialists, love hoarding, good food, fashionable resting places and home comfort. In addition to the material, they have a similar attitude to the spiritual. Both Taurus and Cancer like the same films, books, productions. They do not belong to adherents, preferring classic things of famous brands. Relationships are also developing very well. However, it is much better in a pair, where Taurus is he, and Cancer is she.

The union of Taurus and representatives of the signs of Fire: Aries, Lions and Sagittarius is not so rare. It would seem that they can connect? Nevertheless, Taurus men who are firmly on their feet are able to seriously interest women of fire signs. Especially when they "walk up" and begin to think about a quiet haven for the family hearth. Unfortunately, the peace in their relationship will always be only relative. Children will be able to strengthen. Also, harmony in relationships is possible when both signs are atypical. The reverse union, where he is the sign of Fire, and Taurus is she, is more common. It is built on the indestructible charm of the "Calf", which Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will admire all their lives.

Marriages of Taurus and Air signs, as a rule, do not lead to anything good. An exception is the frequent marriage with Libra, in which harmony is possible due to the action of the common ruling planet Venus. In this case, the spouses may wish to be more tolerant of each other's interests and, if possible, Libra not to interfere in Taurus's career, giving him the right to complete his work affairs himself. The union will also be harmonious if the partners are connected by common hobbies, for example, one of the arts: music, painting, literature.

The Taurus woman stands firmly on her feet, largely thanks to her sign element - the Earth. Practical, prudent, patient - she achieves everything with her mind and endurance. The Taurus woman has a very rich inner world, but she does not show it to everyone.

Who definitely does not have to complain about the lack of attention from the opposite sex is the charming woman, which is the Taurus woman.

If she were not so picky, men would line up in long lines to subdue this lady. She can be safely called a "real woman".

She will be meek and obedient, not claiming a leading role in an alliance with a man.

The calm and gentle look that the Zodiac has endowed her with will be able to captivate any gentleman. And she rarely denies herself the opportunity to diversify her personal life.

Such polygamy is possible only until the moment when Taurus decides to marry, since the compatibility of diversity in bed and a lasting family union, in her opinion, is impossible.

The gracefulness and attractiveness that the Taurus woman received from nature makes her noticeable among many others. This pleasant companion and charming companion are also distinguished by smooth movements and a soft voice. She is able to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility, which is so much lacking in modern men.

In relation to others, she is always friendly, and a pleasant manner of communication makes her a desirable companion, who is able to listen to everything calmly and will never allow herself to be harsh or rude. Her lively mind also makes communication with her interesting.

It is about such a woman that every man dreams. Good compatibility with her is possible due to her ability to understand her role. That is, she knows well what a man is needed for, and what a woman should do. She will not want to take on the male role, but she will perform her female role with an “excellent” grade.

It is very difficult to piss off this confident person. But there are things that the Taurus sign will not tolerate. For example, objections. Such opposition can generate negative reactions from her, especially if it is reinforced by the presence of the audience. Well, something, but public insult and humiliation, this woman will not tolerate and will show not the best side of her nature.

If there are any claims, then they need to be expressed in private and with weighty argumentation. She will accept unfounded suspicions and teasing as insults and turn into a vindictive person.

In communication, a Taurus woman may seem narrow-minded. But you will make a gross mistake by underestimating her intelligence.

Yes, she often relies on her feelings and emotions, but this does not prevent her from seeing the truth. In addition, the representatives of this sign are very practical, the idealist is completely absent in them. They prefer to "have a tit in their hands", which is especially applicable to the choice of a man.

The zodiac has endowed her with good taste, which she follows when choosing clothes. That said, you don't have to go beyond budget. She has a good sense of smell, which makes it easy for her to pick up perfumes.

Also, this sign is inherent in the compatibility of good taste and luxury goods, to which such a lady is not indifferent. Expensive furs and beautiful jewelry are always present in her image.

Particular emphasis is placed on the neckline and neckline, because nature rarely endows them with a gorgeous bust.

Among the many fans around her, the Taurus woman will choose her partner herself. She really doesn’t like being forced upon her and is unlikely to be supportive of someone who will press. She needs to be interested so that she herself comes up and chooses you.

If you decide to conquer this impregnable fortress, then first assess your capabilities. If beauty, brilliance, perfection and impressive financial support are not present in you, then you may not approach a lady born under the sign of Taurus, who is included in the Zodiac. She will likely weed you out as unworthy of her attention.

You can win her heart with beautiful and expensive gifts that she will appreciate. At the same time, there should be no luridness and "gypsy" in such presentations. Only exquisite taste can conquer her. Moreover, aristocracy should be present in everything: from the choice of wines to sex. She loves and enjoys making love. Therefore, poor compatibility in bed will not give such a would-be gentleman a single chance.

Having started a relationship, be prepared for the fact that the Taurus woman is a great possessive. If she was allowed, then she pasted over her chosen one with deeds on property and in big letters wrote a warning:

"Don't go, or I'll kill you!"

Of course, one should not expect smooth and cloudless relations with representatives of this sign. And if you give her a reason for jealousy, then get ready. You won't see scenes like this in any Hollywood movie. The same applies to the situation when the Taurus girl feels forgotten or abandoned. The home service will easily end up on the floor, smashed to smithereens.

A lucky man can be called a man whose wife is a Taurus woman. It will allow the husband to feel what it is like to be the “head of the family”, without interfering with his important decisions. She will position herself as a support for her husband, who copes brilliantly with the house and children.

Ladies Taurus are distinguished by their thrift. Perfect order will always be put in her house, a cozy atmosphere will be created by the selection of interior items according to style.

Good taste and sophistication are the traits that are inherent in her home. In addition, you will always be greeted by well-groomed flowers and a pleasant scent.

Thrift and economy characterize her farming style. Friends and acquaintances love to visit here, because the pleasant atmosphere at home and the wife, who is a role model, will always gladly welcome guests.

In such a spouse, compatibility is really possible:

  • a good housewife;
  • loving mother;
  • sensual mistress.

She simply adores children, tries to devote all her free time to them. They always feel her support and support and know who to go to with their troubles and joys.

The Taurus woman loves very much when there are many children and nature around. Therefore, a country house with a small garden and farm will become a place of happiness and self-realization for her. She is not afraid of hard work and is always ready to do it when necessary.

The down-to-earth Taurus woman does not understand what platonic love is. How can you deny yourself such a pleasant pastime like sex? Her polygamy is often manifested in the presence of several partners at the same time. And in this she does not see anything shameful.

Such a partner is ready to start a relationship with a gradual rapprochement. A man's tenderness and patience will be rewarded royally afterwards. The foreplay and slowness of movement may give the impression that this woman is too conservative and does not like experiments in bed. But this opinion is wrong. After a period of "getting used to" you will be able to fully appreciate the temperament and passion that this zodiac sign has endowed.

Any action that a man takes in bed will have a meaning and a sensual response from his partner. And then she will demand more active actions, for which, in fact, she was preparing.

Good compatibility in bed will be with the man who understands that romantic atmosphere and surroundings are important to her. Dinner by the fireplace, and then sex on a lying skin - this is a great option for an evening for the Taurus mistress. Sex for her is a stage in which she will happily play several roles. The transformation from a passionate seductress into a cold Snow Queen will be easy for her.

Convenient for a long-term relationship with a Taurus woman is the Pisces man. Calmness and silence will be present in their house, and she can show character, for example, by dislocating his jaw. And he will idolize her all the same.

The Cancer man is capricious and prone to mood swings, but the stability that the Zodiac bestowed on Taurus will be an excellent counterbalance to such behavior. The difficulties passed at the beginning of acquaintance promise a long and lasting union.

The Capricorn man will be an excellent spouse for the pragmatic lady, which is the Taurus woman. Of course, deep feelings are unlikely to be discussed here, but a marriage of convenience will be reliable and long-lasting.

Good compatibility for a Virgo man and a Taurus woman. She will fill the emotional emptiness in him, and he will smooth out possible conflicts and misunderstandings. And if necessary, he will be able to cheer her up.

For two Taurus, the union will be based on a strong sexual attraction, however, and they will "butt with horns" all the time.

The exact opposite is the Libra man and the Taurus woman. This union is doomed to disintegration.

The night of sex with a Gemini man will be amazing and unforgettable, because his compatibility with a Taurus woman in this regard is very good. But the strong pragmatism of the partner will be boring for the frivolous Gemini.

It will also be difficult to create an alliance with Sagittarius. As soon as he begins to insist that his lady Taurus change her lifestyle, she will immediately prefer to leave him and look for a more complaisant man.

The strong jealousy endowed with the zodiac of Taurus and Scorpio, with their union, will turn out to be an explosive mixture. Such a couple is doomed.

The lack of commonality between the beautiful ladies of Taurus with Aries and Aquarius makes their union almost impossible.

But the brutality of a Leo man will become a sign of "stop" for a gentle Taurus woman for further relationships.

Zodiac sign Taurus - general characteristics of the sign

Astrology influences many interesting aspects in a person's life, it also helps to determine which partner in love will bring more happiness. Anyone who is interested in horoscope predictions is interested in knowing what fate awaits him with a loved one. In this article, we'll take a look at who suits the Taurus woman.

Characteristics of the sign

  • Element: earth
  • Planet: Venus
  • Symbol: bull
  • The main properties of this sign are stability and constancy.

Taurus is driven by nobility and independence. They are balanced calm people with stable views on plans and goals in life. They love stability and don't really trust changes.

They love comfort very much and from the very youth they strive to provide for themselves good conditions... Taurus is strongly attached to the family, economic and practical. They rely only on their own strength and almost never seek support. Their inner strength is manifested as a steadfast endurance character. However, Taurus is characterized by slowness, so promising opportunities, both in personal affairs and in work, often go out from under their noses. Slow Taurus does everything with feeling, sensibly, with an arrangement, thinks everything over carefully, makes decisions thoroughly. It is useful for this sign to remain alone. Alone, he is engaged in introspection, which helps him to put things in order in his head and act more decisively.

In addition, Taurus people are kind, empathetic, gentle and romantic. They gratefully respond to a good attitude towards them, are always ready to help, be comfortable and interesting with them. There are many mysteries in these people, they themselves like to create intrigues, check others for feelings. And who, according to the sign of the zodiac, suits the Taurus woman, we will find out further.

Taurus woman

The Taurus woman is very feminine and perceptive. She has a special force of attraction, which she uses with pleasure. On the surface, it may be a fragile, sweet girl, but inside it is a strong person with spiritual hardening.

Taurus women are gifted with wisdom by nature, but they do not openly show this. In relationships, they do not like to lead, they need a man who will take everything into his own hands, and she will only competently direct him in the right direction. Such a woman is very intuitive and well versed in people. Men who show themselves from a not very positive side, she immediately weeds out. Most of all he values ​​loyalty and honesty.

They also value stability, calmness and comfort. Material values ​​are also quite important, since they are the basis of security and confidence in the future. Answering the question of who suits the Taurus woman, one can immediately highlight the main character traits of the companion she is looking for. This man must be confident, serious, purposeful, reliable. The Taurus woman needs a real man who will be her protection and support.


To understand which zodiacs are suitable for Taurus women, you need to get to know their own character better. All Taurus are purposeful and persistent. Women have an equally strong impetus to achieve their goals. Also, by nature, they are stubborn, restrained, independent.

With this rather solid side of character, they know how to show themselves very caringly, perceptively, kindly and responsive to people. Such women skillfully bring their relationships into harmony. If they really love, they will remain faithful and give their partner unlimited love.

Such women are wonderful housewives, they easily create coziness in the house, they try to make the whole family feel comfortable and warm. They have no need to complain about the hardships of life, and if such a woman has not yet met her man, then she can easily cope with any problems, without fear of any responsibility. Thanks to the ability to set serious goals and achieve them, they often become successful, wealthy, reach career heights and many merits in life. Signs suitable for a Taurus woman should be no less punchy.


The external features of a Taurus woman can immediately betray her. She is naturally attractive. She gets beauty and grace, often an elegant bust. Also, these ladies have a well-developed sense of taste, so they dress stylishly. The Taurus woman loves luxury and sophistication. To my outward appearance she happily adds furs and diamonds. That is why it is so important for her to find a wealthy partner who can embellish her already vivid image.

Taurus women are distinguished by their magnificent forms, it should be noted that by nature they are inclined to be overweight, but they can present themselves in such a way that they will look twice as effective as a slender rival. So which men are right for a Taurus woman?

Horoscope compatibility

What signs of the zodiac are suitable for Taurus women and what an alliance with this or that sign will represent - the horoscope suggests.

1.With Aries. Relationships can develop, but they are unlikely to be happy. Such a union has few common interests, but there is a fiery passion. Unfortunately, the passion of Aries cannot be kept for a long time, Taurus is inclined to experience paranoia of jealousy, which will make the freedom-loving Aries escape from this relationship.

2.With Taurus. Excellent prospects. Both signs will wonderfully understand each other, provide each other with support, in a relationship they will have few conflicts, if only on the basis of jealousy.

3. With Gemini. The union will be difficult due to the different worldview of the two signs. Gemini is too airy and careless in nature, while Taurus lives with strict requirements for constancy and stability. There are practically no chances for a successful continuation.

4.With Cancer. Suggests good love compatibility. mutual understanding, sincerity.

5. With Leo. Most likely, such a couple will not last long together. It will not be easy for a Taurus woman with such a man, there is a risk that the brutal Leo will simply charm the lady and take advantage of her.

6.With Virgo. The prospects are good. For a Virgo man, a Taurus woman will be just an ideal option, since she can support him in all endeavors and share his point of view in everything. The union promises to be strong, stable and prosperous.

7. With Libra. Perhaps the union will be sensual, but in business and the development of relations it will be unproductive. Both partners are not very decisive and slow, they will lack emotion and activity.

8. With Scorpions. In a pair there are two terrible jealous. These signs vary greatly, the chances of a short romance are almost 100%, but you should not count on a serious relationship.

9. With Sagittarius. In a romantic relationship, both signs will not be very comfortable because of their different views on life.

10. With Capricorn. Taurus and Capricorn in a love tandem will be able to go through many tests and love each other even more.

11. With Aquarius. Relationships run the risk of losing trust. Each of the partners will think of themselves first of all, so the compatibility is low.

12. With Pisces. A Taurus woman is not very suitable for a Pisces man. She will have to get used to his impulsiveness, inconstancy, changeable mood and instability for a long time. But if she falls in love with him with all the flaws, then this relationship will endure a lot, and they will be happy together.

Friendship compatibility

In friendship, Taurus behave no less faithfully than in love. In difficult times you can always rely on them, but friendly relations do not develop with everyone. What signs are suitable for a Taurus woman in friendship:

With other signs, friendship will be short and without mutual understanding.

Love compatibility

Who suits a Taurus woman in love and how does she manifest herself in a relationship?

The Taurus woman is jealous, but very caring and attentive to her partner. She chooses men with strong character and does not like importunity on the part of suitors. Obsession will not help you gain her favor. But in flirting, she is just an ace, and such a woman attracts the attention of men without difficulty.

Her chosen one must be wealthy and beautiful. These are the two main criteria that a Taurus woman relies on in her choice. She is very captivated by exquisite gestures of attention from men, beautiful courtship, romance, gifts. She also loves a rich intimate life. If the partner does not interest her in bed, then he has no chance of continuing the relationship.

What zodiac signs are suitable for Taurus women in romantic relationships:

  • Taurus men are ideal for Taurus women in love because these two signs feel good about each other and clearly understand what they need. They can create a honeymoon that will last forever. At the everyday level, they easily solve problems, but both Taurus are not too inclined to make concessions, therefore, if a scandal breaks out between the lovers, it will be difficult for both of them to wait for the first step from the partner. Both Taurus are practical and reliable, they can easily rely on each other. Also, personal relationships will not hinder them in their own development, but only, on the contrary, support them.
  • Cancer men are also great for Taurus women. They have a similarity in characters, so the signs are easy to communicate. They are always ready to understand each other without a long showdown. It is only a joy to carry out plans together, if they take up a common cause, this will have a positive effect on their relationship. These signs quickly find compromises and solve problems. High compatibility.
  • With a Virgo man, a Taurus woman will build a happy relationship. Signs differ in many ways, but in a love union - they are a single whole. The main advantage of this couple is that they quickly come to trust, know how to negotiate, both strive for comfort, order and stability. Strong disagreements are not expected here in everyday matters but emotionally, there may be a little tension. Accumulated resentment, hiding negative emotions can worsen relationships over time and lead to coldness between lovers.
  • Paired with Capricorn, the Taurus woman will feel protected, and this is what she needs. In this alliance, everything will be built on mutual support, each of the partners needs to develop, and they will gladly support their loved one. They will both create their own common world, inaccessible to prying eyes. The Capricorn man will definitely lead in these relationships, and the Taurus woman will feel comfortable behind his back.

Sexual compatibility

V intimate relationships the Taurus woman prefers variety and experimentation. The intimate sphere is very important for her, and she seeks to live this part of her life violently.

Who is more suitable for Taurus women in sexual relations:

  • Aries. A surprisingly very harmonious sex life will take place with Aries. Despite the fact that these signs are not similar in romantic and family relationships, they are perfectly combined in a sexual aspect.
  • Taurus. This sign is suitable in all respects. Personal life will be stormy and eventful, both signs know perfectly well how to please each other. Sex appeal is top notch here.
  • Crayfish. Intimate life with a Cancer man will bring the most vivid sensations. In this tandem sexual desire will mix with deep emotional feelings.
  • Scales. The couple will be able to show great variety in bed. For both signs, sex life will be filled with pleasant discoveries.
  • Scorpions. A magnetic bond is formed between Taurus and Scorpio, and their sex life is interesting and emotional. But intimacy alone cannot build a strong relationship. There is a great risk of jealousy and betrayal here.
  • Sagittarius. Good sexual compatibility is observed with Sagittarius. A stormy and passionate relationship is provided, but the monotony can quickly extinguish the excitement of both partners.
  • Capricorn. In a sexual relationship with Capricorn, there will be romance, and tenderness, and passion. The horoscope predicts excellent love compatibility.

Marriage compatibility

Taurus are especially serious about marriage. They choose a partner for life, and family for them is the most sacred thing in the world. A Taurus woman will respect her husband, listen to him and obey. In addition, these women make excellent mothers. With all family members, they will try to create a warm and trusting relationship.

Who suits the Taurus woman according to the horoscope? Creating a family is an important moment, because she is very selective in finding her future husband. Until he finds the one, he can break many hearts of simple boyfriends, but he will choose the man in whom he will be completely confident as her husband. After all, marriage for her is for life.

Zodiac signs suitable for a Taurus woman for marriage:

  • Taurus and Taurus will definitely find marital happiness. They may take a long time to decide to enter into a more serious relationship, but in marriage they will be happy.
  • Marriage with a Cancer man will also work out well. Serious quarrels in their union are not expected, the children who will appear with them are unlikely to witness scandals between parents. The union is very calm and harmonious.
  • Marriage to Leo. This union will not be cloudless at all if these two signs generally have enough strength to endure each other and arrange a wedding. Both will have to break their temper to please their spouse. In marriage, there are many provocations on both sides, little trust, perhaps disrespect for your partner. Children of such parents will also have a hard time, because mom and dad will always keep the atmosphere in suspense.
  • An ideal relationship will develop with a Virgo man before marriage. In marriage, both of them will have to make an effort to fully adjust to each other. A bit tricky compatibility, but overall, if both work hard, they can create a solid, strong family.
  • Wonderful family relationships will develop with Capricorn. Children will bathe in parental warmth and care. Signs have different approaches to education, on this basis, disagreements may periodically arise.

Perfect couple

Considering who is suitable for a Taurus woman, one can single out men with a persistent firm character and strong ambitions. Confidence, dedication, perseverance, striving for leadership - all these qualities should be present in her chosen one. But not all candidates, even with such a set of qualities, can win the heart of this lady. Astrological predictions describe in detail which zodiacs are suitable for Taurus women both for short-term romances and for creating a lasting family union.

Ideally, they will build deep, sensual and trusting relationships with Taurus, Cancer and Capricorn men. With such partners, the Taurus woman will be most comfortable. However, there are also signs with which it is better not to enter into a serious relationship. This is Aries, Leo, Gemini. Thus, it becomes much clearer who suits the Taurus woman in the zodiac and how to maintain the relationship between lovers.

Seems cold and unwavering They stand firmly on their feet, prefer to think realistically, and not fly in the clouds. The expression “everything comes from childhood” is perfect for Taurus. People of this sign literally absorb parental instructions, generally accepted norms, traditions. They will follow them throughout their lives.

Taurus are calm and somewhat detached. At the same time, they are wonderful, thoughtful interlocutors. This sign loves a comfortable environment and harmony in everything.

Choosing a Taurus life partner will be very detailed. People of this sign do not tend to exchange relationships: they strive to unite themselves by marriage once and for all. That is why offers or consent from Taurus can be expected for a long time. They strive to find a loyal, honest, sincere person.

Taurus is hard to bear. The real nightmare for them is: they themselves will never go for it. Heart wounds heal for a long time, therefore, after a rupture, they prefer to remain alone for a long time.

Having found their man, Taurus will envelop him with affection and warmth. The sign is in good physical shape, but he prefers sex "the old fashioned way". He has a negative attitude towards experiments, although he can buy into the persuasion of a partner. True, he will not get much joy from this. Taurus men prefer to lead in bed, do not like female domination. Taurus women adore affection and tenderness, they know how to speak frankly about their desires.

Taurus Compatibility

Regardless of the zodiac sign of the prospective partner, Taurus will keep an eye on him for a long time. A down-to-earth person who loves comfort needs those who will help create the required surroundings and support traditions. In this case, people born under the sign of Cancer are ideal for Taurus.

The Taurus-Cancer union will be strong. Both signs share the same value system, adore home and strive to create an ideal strong family. They will perfectly converge in bed: tenderness, affection and kisses will be the best antidepressant for both.

This pair will be especially successful after some time. Water and earth elements begin to seriously depend on each other. That is why Taurus will also be comfortable with Pisces and Scorpio.

Taurus are also well suited to representatives of their own element - Capricorns and Virgo. With the first, a stable and very strong union is possible. Both Taurus and Capricorn know how to be reliable and loyal people. Connecting with Virgo will give good results. However, if you believe the horoscope, Taurus in this pair will need to learn to be more cold-blooded, and Virgo - to relax more.