Where to exchange coins. A trifle is pleasant: what to do with pennies that are not taken in stores. What coins can be handed over to Sberbank and get money for them

02/04/2018 at 14:43, views: 39230

A penny to a penny - the ruble runs up, they say among the people. And sometimes so many coins run up that you just have to store them in three-liter jars. Since other banks - those that are financial institutions - do not hurt them and accept them. Although, it would seem, it is quite a worthy means of payment: no one banned them on the territory of Russia, they did not withdraw them from circulation. However, as practice shows, far from all credit organizations accept deposits of small things, not to mention stores where a small change is not at all considered for money. MK understood how and where you can exchange pennies for banknotes.

Take it to the pharmacy!

Perhaps, in any Russian house there is a piggy bank where the whole family keeps unused coins. Moreover, citizens collect iron money most often not according to own will: a trifle by itself settles in wallets and pockets. Muscovite Nadezhda Sinitsyna did not even think of becoming a numismatist. A whole bank of coins from the Soviet and perestroika periods has accumulated. True, they no longer bear any financial burden: greetings from the past, a reason for nostalgia - that's all the value. However, there are also plenty of modern little things in the Sinitsyn family. “Teenage children collect. For them, this is a way to have some pocket money. They can safely go to the store with a can of change and unnerve all the customers standing in line after them. I myself would not have dared to do this, ”says Nadezhda.

Adults do not have such immediacy. In addition, in stores, to put it mildly, they are not always willing to take a trifle. “I recently tried to scrape together the required amount with coins of 10 kopecks and pay in the store. But the seller with a disgruntled expression literally threw them back to me, ”Anna Petrova complains on the Internet.

As practice shows, now special problem- hand over the smallest coins of 10 and 5 kopecks somewhere. This is despite the fact that they are considered legal tender in cash. "MK" decided to conduct an experiment: to look, where is a trifle taken into account?

The first point is a chain store. There, the cashier waved her hands as soon as she saw that I was taking out a change from my wallet: “Don’t, I’ll give you change anyway!” The next attempt is a print kiosk. I pay for the selected newspaper (21 rubles) with a pile of small coins. The kiosk girl, to her credit, at first begins to honestly count the change. But for a long time her enthusiasm was not enough, and in the end she gives up. “Where do you get them, where?! Have accumulated, carry them to the pharmacy. A change is always needed there, ”the woman is indignant.

And really, why not go to the pharmacy? I look into the nearest one, and - oh, joy! - I really managed to get rid of the jingling coins in my pocket. However, our wallet has not lost much weight. “Before, pennies were always needed. And now people are paying more and more bank cards, so the need for them has disappeared, ”pharmacist Elena Antonova told MK.

Mark Goykhman, a leading analyst at TeleTrade Group of Companies, explains that in Russia, albeit slowly, the share of cash in settlements is still decreasing. Per last years it decreased from 75% to 68%. As a result, iron money began to simply lie like a dead weight in the wallets of our citizens. According to the Central Bank, an excessive number of coins have now been issued in the country: their volume is approximately one and a half times higher than that of the European Union. “The population has accumulated large stocks of coins. Now there are 64 billion of them in circulation, which is about 92% of cash, but in terms of amount - only 1% of the total,” continues Mark Goykhman.

Unprofitable penny

Most recently, the Central Bank, in a recommendation form, asked commercial banks start collecting change from the population. For this, in particular, it is recommended to install coin acceptors in the branches of credit organizations, allowing people to exchange coins for paper money. Bank specialists also have to work with clients - so that they regularly hand over their accumulated change. In addition, the policy of exchange operations should be changed in favor of clients. Recall that now financial institutions for the exchange of metallic money for banknotes take a commission of up to 10%.

As experts explain, the need to withdraw slow-moving coins is long overdue. Firstly, the acceptance of iron money from citizens will allow, on the one hand, to involve this money in circulation. “Coins from 50 kopecks and below are practically not in circulation, which means that a significant share of the money supply is not involved in servicing the economy,” says Ivan Kapustyansky, an analyst at Forex Optimum.

Secondly, in this way it will be possible to compensate for the costs of minting new, still in demand coins. The fact is that their issue costs the Central Bank many times more than the value of the banknote itself. For example, the cost of issuing a one-kopeck coin is about 8 kopecks, and a coin of 5 kopecks is 13. The cost of a coin is now about 36% of the declared face value of the Central Bank. In the world, it reaches 15%. As for paper banknotes, their prime cost, even with all security levels, does not exceed 1% of their minimum value. In particular, issuing 50 rubles costs less than 50 kopecks, and 5,000 rubles costs less than 5 rubles.

It is no coincidence that almost five years ago, the Central Bank announced the cessation of minting coins of 1 and 5 kopecks, since their production is many times more expensive. However, as the Chairman of the Bank of Russia Elvira Nabiullina explained at the end of 2017, we are not talking about full withdrawal these coins from circulation. “Prices are set in kopecks, we are obliged to provide shops and pharmacies with change,” Nabiullina said.

Moreover, according to the legislation on the domestic currency, the ruble consists of 100 kopecks and must have an exchange. Therefore, pennies will still remain in wallets. It's just that their number, as planned by the Central Bank, should decrease somewhat.

From iron coin to plastic banknote

According to the regulator, as of January 1, 2018, there were more than 65.640 million coins of various denominations in circulation in Russia in the amount of 95.7 billion rubles, and their share of the total cash amount is only 1%. “It can be assumed that the regulator aims to withdraw about a third of all coins in circulation - about 21.880 million coins of various denominations, and in return will actually inject liquidity into the economy for the same amount,” Ivan Kapustyansky believes.

At the same time, inflation will not accelerate, since this money is already invested in circulation. “Approximately, 21.880 million coins is about 62 thousand tons of various metals. These include brass, copper-nickel alloy,” the expert continues. Most likely, the Central Bank will let the coins to be melted down. According to experts, as a result, he can earn over 12 billion rubles from this.

Thus, the Central Bank will be able to combine business with pleasure. On the one hand, the excess of monetary cash will be reduced, which, in turn, will accelerate the turnover of money by replacing iron money with banknotes or non-cash funds. On the other hand, subjects economic activity get rid of the need to collect a large amount of small things, transport, count, store it. This will certainly save them both man-hours and direct overhead costs. In addition, a profit of 12 billion rubles will not be superfluous.

However, as experts warn, it is unlikely that banks will be willing to accept deposits of coins from the population, since they will consider the process unprofitable and time-consuming. “Logistics and maintenance of coins requires certain conditions, which are paid by banks. That is, it is included in their calculations for the use of services for settlement and cash services, ”explains Gleb Zadoya, head of the analytics department at Analytics Online.

Therefore, it is not yet possible to completely abandon the little things. It is possible that the Central Bank will have to think about how to motivate credit institutions to accept iron money. For example, accept a coin above its face value, and place the difference in a bank reserve account.

Meanwhile in financial world have already come up with an alternative to both coins and paper banknotes - plastic banknotes, which are now used by fifty countries. For example, on September 13, 2016, the transition to polymer money began in the UK. 5 pounds were the first to go into circulation. And a year later, another plastic banknote will be put into circulation in the United Kingdom - with a face value of 10 pounds - with the image of the writer Jane Austen. Plastic bills are also common in Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Canada and the Maldives.

The service life of new banknotes is several times higher than life cycle the same paper money and reaches 5 years. Plastic makes money more durable by repelling water and dirt, and also protects banknotes from damage. “But such a re-equipment will require a decent amount of funds, which will be beaten off only after a few years. And given the deficit budget of the next three years, this is clearly not a priority task for the Russian economy,” Gleb Zadoya believes.

Meanwhile, while the Central Bank only gives recommendations to banks to more actively accept iron money from the population, special machines have already appeared in Moscow where you can deposit coins of all denominations - from 1 kopeck to 10 rubles. True, for the opportunity to get rid of the deposits will have to fork out. The machine takes almost 12% of the amount as a commission.

Moreover, the remaining amount (88% of the deposited) cannot simply be received in banknotes. They can either be transferred to a card or deposited into an account. mobile phone. Moreover, the amount should not be less than 1000 rubles. Now in the capital there are about 34 machines that accept coins. Most often they are located in large shopping centers.

Through thorns to cashless payments

Meanwhile, as experts predict, it is possible that after the Central Bank manages to somewhat reduce the amount of change in circulation, the turn will come to banknotes. It is no coincidence that on October 12, 2017, new banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles were put into circulation. At the same time, simultaneously with the introduction of new banknotes, the number of banknotes of 100 and 1000 rubles will be reduced. “New banknotes are printed not in addition to the current ones, but instead of them. That is, the volume of the money supply will remain the same, ”Ivan Antropov, first deputy director of the Institute of Actual Economics, explains to MK. The expert adds that the appearance of new banknotes will not affect inflation in any way.

According to him, there are rather questions of convenience of calculations and psychology of consumers. Maybe some of the Russians will be more pleasant to hold larger bills in their hands, having received a salary. In addition, as the MK experiment showed, it is difficult to pay with a trifle. At the same time, non-cash payments in our country are not yet so popular. “The transition to cashless payments alone is not yet possible due to the lack of the required infrastructure throughout the country, both for the population and for legal entities”, - notes Gleb Zadoya.

The appearance of new banknotes will first of all cost a pretty penny to banks, which will have to change software ATMs. By the way, now the new banknotes, which are slowly beginning to fall into circulation, are not yet taken seriously by the population. On the Internet, they are sold as souvenirs for twice the face value, and sellers in stores refuse to accept, fearing that they are facing a fake. In addition, ATMs “spit out” an unfamiliar piece of paper. As experts explain, credit organizations have not yet converted their equipment. Therefore, they accept new banknotes in the old fashioned way - so far only through the cashier.

Surely every family has a good tradition of putting change in a piggy bank, or at least many of us have at least once discovered a mountain of coins that we would like to exchange for paper money. Accordingly, each of us at least once wondered where you can exchange money. Let's answer an important question for many, is it possible to hand over a change to Sberbank, if so, how to do it? The first place we usually turn to on any issue related to finance is Sberbank.

Features of the operation

To begin with, we will answer the question of whether it is possible to exchange a trifle in a savings bank for banknotes. Yes, you can. There is only one feature, in the line banking services this operation does not exist. In simple terms, an employee, namely a cashier-operator, has the right not to accept coins, or to do so at his own discretion. The fact is that according to the internal regulations of Sberbank, the exchange of small things for banknotes remains at the discretion of the bank employee, and the client does not have the right to demand that this request be fulfilled.

Please note that the bank is considering complaints from customers online on the official website of the bank, and in this case, if you are dissatisfied with the employee’s refusal, you can write a letter to the support service, it is likely that the appeal will be considered, but this will not entail punishment for the employee .

How to exchange coins

Now let's take a step-by-step look at how to exchange change for banknotes at Sberbank. To begin with, you can call the bank branch to clarify whether it is engaged in the exchange of coins, that is, you can receive a refusal or consent in advance so as not to waste time visiting the bank. If you were given a positive answer, then you must come to the office with a passport and coins.

Next, you must go to the cashier and declare your intention to exchange coins for banknotes. The employee will issue you an application that you must fill out, namely, indicate your data, including passport data, this is necessary in order to exclude the sale of counterfeit banknotes. After the employee counts the coins and issues banknotes, in the application you write a receipt for how much you handed over and received.

Please note that the exchange of coins for banknotes at Sberbank is a paid operation and a commission of 1-3% is provided for it, determined by the territorial division, you can pay it separately.

There is one more nuance - this is the minimum amount, here it is 100 rubles, that is, if you have less than this limit, then it is not advisable to make an exchange. In addition, you can sell such an amount in any store, even regardless of the denomination of coins, because according to the rules of trade, any seller is obliged to accept monetary units of any denomination from you as payment for the purchase.


Sberbank takes maximum care of the quality of service for its customers, which is why it is trusted. Today, the bank began installing specialized terminals for the exchange of small change for paper money. Indeed, this is quite convenient, because here the process is fully automated, insofar as a specialized device is involved in counting coins, the operation of which takes a minimum amount of time, the exchange of small things for banknotes in Sberbank is a rather lengthy event, and there is no human participation in the terminal. Consider how to hand over a change to Sberbank using a specialized self-service device:

  • the client must load the coins into a specialized receiver;
  • then wait a while while the device counts;
  • when the calculation is completed, the device monitor will display the amount, taking into account the commission of 3%;
  • machine dispenses paper money.

There is one significant disadvantage, namely, that these devices can only be found in the capital, that is, only in Moscow.

Terminal for the exchange of coins for banknotes


What to do if you failed to exchange change for paper money at Sberbank, because in practice there is no guarantee that a bank employee will accept it from you. So, you can act differently, there are a few tricks that you can resort to, let's take a closer look.

If you have accumulated a lot of small change and the bank refused to change it, then you can pay it off in the same bank. For example, through the cash desk of a bank, you can make various payments, these include housing and communal services, traffic police fines, loans and much more. If you pay with coins, then the bank employee has no right not to accept them, and if this happens, feel free to complain to the support service - this is already a violation of internal regulations.

Another way - credit money to your Sberbank card account through the cashier. For this you will need a plastic card and a passport. Just count the change and hand it over to the cashier, he also has no right not to accept it. After the money is credited to your account, and this happens almost instantly, without leaving the bank branch, get cash from an ATM.

Don't have a bank card? It's not a problem, you can issue for free in 15 minutes debit card instant issuance, completely free of charge and immediately replenish her account with coins.

As a last resort, if you could not transfer money to Sberbank, then you can do this in the store. Some retail outlets are happy to exchange coins for banknotes, because basically an exchange is always needed, sometimes, on the contrary, there is not enough small money for change. Just do not contact large chain stores, they exchange according to internal rules. Money do not carry out.

So, in any case, if you want to exchange a trifle, then by all means contact the bank. Just before the visit, it is still advisable to call the office and ask if the employees carry out the exchange and for what fee, that is, specify the size of the commission. By the way, to go to the bank, you need to choose a convenient time so that the cashiers are not loaded.

Updated 06/29/2017.

I propose to take a break from such serious topics as license revocations from banks, reorganizations, all kinds of innovations in legislation, or discussion of the prospects for investing in a particular instrument. Today we will talk about a rather interesting question that concerns almost everyone: what to do with metal trifles, which for some reason tend to accumulate faster than they are spent.

Oddly enough, the state is extremely interested in that metal money does not lie in the bins of the population, but is in circulation. In any case, exchange is necessary, and minting new coins is very expensive.

For some, the question of where to donate change may seem rather naive, and the answer to it is obvious: “You take it and spend it.” And, in principle, you can not argue with this. True, this is not the only way hand over coins.

Where to donate change

1 You can put it in a bank account or pay some kind of receipt.
According to the federal law of July 10, 2002 N 86-FZ (as amended on December 30, 2015) “On central bank Russian Federation(Bank of Russia) ”a coin of the Bank of Russia is required to be accepted at face value for making all types of payments, as well as for crediting to accounts and making transfers:

True, this is according to the law, in practice, employees of a particular department will find a million ways to refuse to credit you to your heavy bag of metal cash, for example, they will say that their coin counting machine is broken.

In theory, the presence or absence of such a machine should not worry you, after all, the job of a cashier is precisely to count money. Moreover, it is unlikely that the cashier's salary somehow depends on the number of operations that he performs per day, so he should not care what specific job operations he performs.

The question here is different, you have the right to deposit a change into the account and load the cashier with work for half an hour, but the rest of the bank's customers, in my opinion, should not suffer after all.

Of course, the credit institution itself is obliged to provide the branch with the necessary number of staff, but it is better to meet halfway and notify the bank in advance about the proposed operation, especially if the amount of your change is already calculated in kilograms.

You can send a notification to the bank in person (make two copies in any form, indicating your full name, account number, date and amount of replenishment of the deposit). On your copy, ask to put a mark that your application has been accepted under such and such a number. Sometimes just a phone call is enough.

Your further actions depend on the reaction of a particular bank and the amount of your time and effort that you are willing to spend (the situation is very similar to refusals of so-called additional contributions. For details on how to assert your rights, read the articles: and).

A) Usually banks do not want to get involved and will accept your change on the day you specified.

B) The bank refuses to take your application, then you need to send it by registered mail with a list of attachments. If the issue is not resolved after that, you need to write a claim to the bank about the refusal to replenish the deposit. If the issue is still not resolved, we write a complaint to the Bank of Russia and Rospotrebnadzor. And then we sue the bank. Of course, usually it makes no sense to bother so much with a particular bank, it's easier to call different credit organizations.

It seems to me that the most reasonable thing is to simply divide the procedure for attaching your coins into several parts. Every time you replenish the deposit, just take an additional 50-100 rubles with you in small change, no one will say a word to you or look askance.

It is worth noting that some banks introduce a commission for replenishing an account with coins, citing the fact that they provide recalculation services. In fact, the service is imposed, you do not need to count the coins, the bank itself needs it. The cashier must, after accepting cash, verify the amount indicated in the incoming cash document with the amount of cash that appeared upon receipt ( Regulations on the procedure for conducting cash transactions dated April 24, 2008 N 318-P):

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Probably everyone in the apartment has accumulated a large amount of little things in some banks? Several places where coins were stored were found in my house. They have been accumulating for years and there is no sense from them. What to do with small coins 1, 5, 10, 50 kopecks? Where to donate change? You can take it to Sberbank and change it.

What to do with small coins? Where to donate pennies? There is an answer! Hand over to Sberbank

How and where to donate change

I describe my experience on how to get rid of the little things. I took a 3 kg bag of coins to Sberbank and exchanged them for paper bills. Exchange of coins for rubles in Sberbank without commission. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Arrange all the coins in different bags according to their value. Separately, 1 kopeck, 5 kopecks, 10 kopecks, etc. Since the pennies will be counted in a special machine, and not manually.
  2. We go to Sberbank with a passport. Find the nearest bank branch.
  3. In the terminal, select "Coins" and get a number in the queue
  4. We tell the cashier that we want to hand over the coins and that you have laid them all out at face value.
  5. We are waiting for the count, sign and get the money.


3 kilograms of change turned into 162 rubles. The amount is small, of course, but also money. In any case, now you can buy something with them, because you can’t go to the store with a can of 10 kopeck coins. I had to confuse a little with the sorting of kopecks, but I had to do it sooner or later. And then this trifle lies, accumulates for years and takes up space.