Useful properties of onions for the human body: benefits and harms, contraindications, recipes. Onions: useful properties and contraindications. What is useful onion Onion for the human body

Onions are one of the most ancient vegetable crops. About 5 thousand years ago, the first specimens appeared, which even then were distinguished by their healing properties.

Chemical elements of the composition, their use

  1. Ascorbic acid - a vegetable crop is considered the champion in the accumulation of natural vitamin C. The element belongs to the category of antioxidants, provokes the production of collagen fibers, elastin, and moisture. Askorbinka strengthens the body's defenses, helps a person to resist off-season viral diseases. Vitamin C is involved in the renewal of blood cells and the general cleansing of the flow. The substance controls the density of the bones and does not allow them to break (crumble). Participates in the prevention of infertility and the treatment of pathological abnormalities.
  2. Retinol is another natural antioxidant that is best for skin condition. Due to the systematic intake of onions, the self-purification of the epidermis improves, dead scales are removed, and the water balance is normalized. Also, vitamin A affects the central nervous system of a person, relieving him of anxiety, nervousness, feelings of false fear. Retinol improves the fat content and therefore the quality of breastfeeding mother's milk. Thanks to the element, all tissues of the body are updated.
  3. Tocopherol - in other words, this substance is called vitamin E. It is not surprising that it is also one of the antioxidants and bactericidal elements. Vitamin E is responsible for the digestibility of fats and proteins. It strengthens the immune system, cleanses the liver of free radicals, and is an excellent prevention of cancer. Participates in the production of red blood cells, gently opens blood vessels and stimulates brain neurons. All this leads to better mental activity, memory, concentration.
  4. Thiamine - a substance stimulates the reproductive system in women and men. The element is called vitamin B1, it is necessary for normal reproductive activity. Thiamine increases spermatogenesis, thereby enhancing the ability to conceive. Onions are recommended for families that cannot reproduce. Also, vitamin B1 protects the skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation and frost, is involved in the renewal and formation of the central nervous system. Without this substance, the transmission of genetic data through cells becomes impossible.
  5. Riboflavin is a vitamin B2 that is required by the human body for the formation of the peripheral nervous system. Riboflavin is actively involved in hematopoietic activity, enriches the bloodstream with oxygen. Without this substance, the adrenal glands cannot work properly. The vitamin is needed to strengthen vision, it protects the eye socket from the harmful effects of UV rays. Onions must be eaten to prevent the development of cataracts.
  6. Folic acid - is responsible for the formation of the neural tube, which leads to the fetus of a pregnant girl. Vitamin B9 controls fertility, enhancing it. Without folic acid, the formation of human DNA is impossible. The substance is necessary for the absorption of proteins and the transformation of carbohydrates into energy, not fat.
  7. Nicotinic acid - controls cholesterol levels, does not allow harmful substances to be deposited on the walls of blood vessels and clog blood channels. This leads to the prevention of the formation of thrombosis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis. Vitamin PP is needed by a person to treat diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis. The substance generates energy and retains strength for the whole day.
  8. Water - it is interesting that onions are among the products in which most of the volume is occupied by water. She gets 86%. At the same time, in combination with natural saccharides and fiber, the activity of the digestive system is normalized in humans. Onion accelerates metabolic processes, contributing to accelerated weight loss. An auxiliary effect is also achieved due to pectin, proteins, starch, organic acids.

  1. Many modern parents are aware of the beneficial qualities of onions, so they try to introduce their child to this vegetable crop as soon as possible. The product is shown to children starting from 3 years.
  2. If you want to treat the child before the specified time. Take a closer look at the recommendations for feeding children from the age of seven months. If complementary foods with zucchini, carrots, potatoes have already been carried out, onions are given in boiled form.
  3. Despite all the valuable qualities, it is not recommended to treat babies with raw vegetables. Otherwise, the quantity should be minimal. Combine the vegetable with salads, soup, bread and other foods. Such a move will relieve the mucous membranes of the internal organs from irritation and increase the digestibility of onions.
  4. In addition to consumption, vegetable-based juice is used to treat ailments. It is used as a composition for cough and sore throat, runny nose, in the form of inhalation to free the airways from mucus and spasms. However, such actions can be performed at the onset of 3 years and only after the approval of a pediatrician.
  5. To reduce irritation, which often appears on the walls of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, onions are given to a child after taking the main meal. Also, the culture is necessarily combined with honey and milk.
  6. The same applies to the treatment of cough with boiled onions. The child should eat the composition, combining with water or milk. To improve the taste, the mass is combined with any sweetener (granulated sugar, jam, honey, etc.).
  7. During the spread of seasonal viral infections, the child automatically falls into the risk zone. To protect the child, chop a head or two onions in circles, arrange them on a plate and put them in the room. In this simple way, you will carry out a general disinfection of the room.
  8. In the process of aromatherapy, onions have a beneficial effect on all body functions. The essential oils that make up the composition are responsible for moisturizing the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx, making breathing easier. Sometimes parents inhale with onion juice mixed with water, but such procedures do not give a lasting result.
  9. In order to avoid harm that may be caused to the child, it is necessary to control the consumption of vegetables by the child. It should be understood that onions are spicy foods that greatly affect the mucous digestive systems. As a result of uncontrolled intake, pain in the abdominal cavity may appear.

  1. Pregnant girls and during lactation, the use of onions should be done with extreme caution. To do this, consult your doctor. With regular use of the permitted norm, you can overcome vitamin deficiency and strengthen the immune system.
  2. Onion in a short time fills the body's need for ascorbic and nicotinic acids. The vegetable effectively protects a woman during a crucial period from seasonal colds. The positive effect is achieved thanks to phytoncides.
  3. The presence of folic acid has a positive effect on the formation of the nervous system of the baby. Vegetable helps a woman to gently cope with constipation. Failure to comply with consumption norms will lead to inflammatory processes of the mucosa.
  4. In this case, overeating onions threatens the formation of ulcers, gastritis or heartburn. It is also not recommended to give the product to children under 3 years of age. Thermally processed onions are allowed in the diet of babies from 7 months. During lactation, the vegetable can change the taste of milk, so it is worth reducing the use of the product at this time.

The benefits of onions for men

  1. Onions are valued for their unique properties not only for the whole organism, but also for the stronger sex in particular. It is highly recommended to consume the fresh vegetable for men.
  2. Juice has a number of useful enzymes necessary for the male body. The composition restores reproductive function and potency. Increases the production and burning of spermatozoa, stimulates libido.

The benefits of onions for the liver

  1. The benefits of onions have been proven for the liver. The vegetable qualitatively cleanses the body of toxins and slagging. To do this, the product must be consumed raw with a sufficient amount of water.
  2. With such a diet, it is allowed to subject the onion to heat treatment. The product must be consumed with sugar. The composition effectively removes toxic substances from the gallbladder and liver.

Benefits of onions for the heart

  1. Onions are famous for their abundance of B vitamins and potassium. A high content of enzymes is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Eating onions regularly improves the quality of blood vessels and increases the process of hematopoiesis. Often the vegetable is used to treat hypertension.

  1. Studies have shown that the valuable composition of onions is essential for brain activity. Consumption of the product in small amounts rejuvenates gray matter tissues.
  2. As a result of such reactions, a person noticeably improves memory, a more positive mood appears. Onion slows down the aging process of tissues. Vegetable fibers are easily absorbed by the body.

The benefits of onions in diseases

  1. For breast cancer patients, the consumption of onions has positive results. The vegetable resists the active reproduction of harmful cells.
  2. Calcium contained in onions is easily absorbed by the body, the vegetable is recommended to combat osteoporosis. The product must be included in the diet for gout and the prevention of kidney ailments.

benefits of onions for diabetics

  1. The properties of onions are invaluable for diabetics of all types. The product in a short time reduces the level of glucose in the blood due to the inclusion of nicotinic acid.
  2. Daily consumption in any form will help people who cannot do without insulin. The product helps a person to live without the use of an injection. The effect of the onion does not appear immediately.

Harm and contraindications of onions

  1. In addition to the benefits, onions have a specific unpleasant odor that many do not like. Also, when overeating, a vegetable irritates the mucous membrane of internal organs, which can provoke a number of troubles.
  2. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you should refrain from consuming onions. Abuse of a vegetable for a healthy person is fraught with the development of asthma attacks and unstable blood pressure.
  3. It is forbidden to eat onions with chronic and acute ailments of the liver and kidneys, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, high acidity in the stomach, diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension.

To date, the beneficial and harmful qualities of onions have been studied thoroughly. Nevertheless, culture to this day surprises scientists with its effectiveness in the fight against many ailments.

Video: what is the use of onions

There are at least 400 types of onions in the world, the most popular of which are turnip and feather leaves. Is onion good? Yes, this product is rich in useful substances that give strength to the human body.

Useful properties of onions

Onions are rich in B and C vitamins, macro- and microelements, essential oils. All these important elements can be obtained by eating both raw and processed onions. Potassium-rich onions have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. In the juice of onion feathers, there is a lot of carotene, folic acid, vitamins, essential oils, carbohydrates. Spicy onions have more sugars. This product stimulates appetite, improves the tone of the whole organism, it is an excellent antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-sclerotic agent. It will help in the fight against low blood pressure, will not allow cancer cells to form. This fruit is taken both internally and locally, for example, by applying raw onions to the heels for colds.


Useful substances of onions:

  • Vitamins (PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, H, PP);
  • Macronutrients (magnesium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, sulfur);
  • Trace elements (aluminum, boron, iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, chromium, cobalt, fluorine, nickel, rubidium).

Is onion good for you

Useful properties of onions were described by Hippocrates and Avicenna. The ancient Greeks treated them with rheumatism, gout and obesity. Ancient Roman soldiers ate onions every day.

This is an excellent remedy for combating beriberi, it normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, improves the functioning of the digestive system, increases the tone of the body, and has a diuretic, antimicrobial, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory effect.

Onions are useful for hypertension and atherosclerosis. It is used in the manufacture of medicines.

For cosmetic purposes, an onion mask will cure seborrhea, patchy baldness, remove dandruff and strengthen hair roots. Freckles are removed with onion juice, it improves the condition of the skin, evening out its color, giving a blush.

Is boiled onion healthy?

Boiled onions are rich in all the same useful ingredients as fresh ones. During heat treatment, it loses a minimum amount of useful properties.

Boiled onions are often used in traditional medicine recipes. For example, in case of skin diseases, a bandage with boiled onions is applied to the affected area. Onions boiled in milk are used topically for trichomonas, bronchial asthma and bacterial colpitis, boils, hemorrhoidal bumps.

Apply an onion cooked in table vinegar to unwanted corns and warts.

Is fried onion healthy?

Fried onions also have medicinal properties. Among other things, it helps to increase sexual function, fights impotence, and increases sperm production. Even Pliny the Elder said the following about the bow: "... the bow pushes sluggish and elderly men into the arms of Venus."

Are green onions healthy?

The juice of green onion feathers is saturated with useful substances, trace elements, vitamins, carbohydrates and essential oils, like any other onion. This is an excellent tool for combating beriberi, it increases appetite, speeds up the process of digestion, keeps the body in good shape, is useful for SARS and influenza, and in other cases, in which onions are also useful.

Onions are contraindicated:

  • With bronchospasm;
  • With flatulence;
  • With diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Patients with a stomach ulcer;
  • Patients with duodenal ulcer;
  • With glomerulonephritis;
  • With heart defects.

How much onion can you eat per day

Half an onion every day will help lower cholesterol levels, prevent heart attacks, and lower blood pressure.

How to choose and how to store onions

Golden onions keep the longest.

The bulb should be covered with a dense layer of scales without damage.

The tail of the bulb should be dry, and the base should be flat and rounded.

The surface of the onion should be hard and dry.

Recipes for healthy dishes with onions

Onion stuffed with chicken fillet

  1. Peel two large onions without cutting the root part. Cut each onion in half. Put in a saucepan, add half a liter of water, 1 tsp of vinegar, salt and spices to taste. After boiling, boil for 5 minutes, remove from water and set aside.
  2. Beat off 150-200 g of chicken fillet, fry on each side for 4 minutes. Finely chop the finished meat, add 2 cloves of garlic, 50 g of olives and 50 g of cheese to it.
  3. Put the minced chicken in the onion halves, pour over a small amount of vegetable or olive oil, put in the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Appetizer of onion with pepper

  1. Cut 4 peppers into strips. Boil them together with onions in salted water for 5 minutes. Chilled onions, from which the cores were taken out, fill with pepper.
  2. In the broth add 5 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and pour them onions. Insist a snack for a day.
  3. The next day, drain the liquid and bring it to a boil again. Pour the chilled marinade over the onion again. Send the snack in the refrigerator for several days. Is onion useful in such an appetizer. Of course yes.

Bon appetit!

Everyone tries to eat right, eating a variety of fresh vegetables and fruits. However, many forget that some products can not only but also harm. This list also includes onions. Of course, the benefits from it are much greater than the harm. However, the use of this product is strictly prohibited in the presence of certain diseases. Let's look at the topic "Onion - the benefits and harms."

What is the best onion to eat raw?

Most often we have Spanish, or yellow onions. This variety is quite pungent, and its smell is very difficult to get rid of. Therefore, it is undesirable to eat it. If there is no other way out, then you can lightly marinate the product in vinegar or lemon juice, adding a small amount of sugar. More pleasant and milder in taste It can be eaten raw.

What can harm onions

What is the harm of onions? Many believe that after consuming this product is a negative quality of the product. This is especially acute before a meeting or going to work. Of course, the smell from the mouth should not be attributed to harm. It's just a feature of the vegetable.

The main harm of onions is that its use negatively affects the work of the heart. It is worth noting that the product can cause an asthma attack, as well as increase blood pressure. This happens as a result of the fact that onions irritate the nervous system.

The product in large quantities is prohibited for problems with metabolism, as it can increase the amount of gases and mucus formed. In addition, the product can cause severe malaise and catch up with sleep. It is forbidden to use onion juice for instillation of the eyes, as the cornea can be severely damaged.

Do not use this vegetable for those who suffer from liver or heart disease. Onions negatively affect their work.

You can get rid of bad breath very quickly. There are quite a few methods for this. One of them is toasted walnuts or parsley. It is enough just to chew these products. You can also use a crust of fried bread. If a lot of onions were eaten, then the above methods are unlikely to help you.

If you need to chop a vegetable, then to reduce itching, burning and tearing, you can resort to the following method - run a small stream of water from the tap and moisten the work knife while cutting the onion.

Onions for colds

Onion, the benefits and harms of which have been known to many for a long time, has a huge number of useful properties. First of all, the juice of this vegetable is a natural antibiotic. Regular consumption of onions in their raw form protects the body from colds. The product contains phytoncides, which not only strengthen the upper respiratory tract, but are also able to fight angina viruses. In addition, onion juice can kill bacteria such as tuberculosis, dysentery and diphtheria bacilli, streptococci.

To combat colds, as well as to prevent flu, experts recommend sniffing chopped onions about once every seven days. It is worth noting that the product contains vitamin C, which perfectly strengthens the immune system. Fresh onions are able to satisfy the needs of our body with beriberi.

Men's health and onions

The benefits of onions for men have long been known. Even in ancient Egypt, this product was called "the musk of the poor." As the ancient Roman writer Pliny the Elder said: “The bow is able to push even the weakest of husbands into the arms of Venus.” The fact is that this product stimulates the production of sperm and increases potency. In addition, it is the most affordable and inexpensive aphrodisiac. It is worth noting that in the Middle Ages, onions were banned in all monasteries.

Diseases and onions

Onion, the benefits and harms of which will become known to many after reading the article, helps cleanse the blood, activates all metabolic processes, removes excess fluid from the body, and stimulates the digestive process. This product contains quercetin. This trace element perfectly resists cancer. That is why it is widely used in oncology. In addition, onions are excellent for headaches. It is enough just to smell the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bvegetable and you can refuse the pills.

Cosmetology and bow

It is worth noting that the benefits of onions for women are also obvious. Green leaves contain a lot of carotene. This element has a positive effect on the condition of the skin. Very often, onions are used in cosmetology to cleanse various spots on the face. To get rid of freckles, it is necessary to wipe the skin daily with a fresh head of this vegetable cut in half.

The benefits of leeks

Leek has many positive properties, as well as red onions. The benefit of this product is that it contains magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. As a result, we can say that onions are not only useful, but also a nutritious product. It is worth noting that leek cleanses the blood better than other varieties. In alternative medicine, this product is used as the basis for anti-atherosclerosis drugs.

Shallots: is it useful?

This onion variety consists of several small heads connected into one. It is worth noting that this product is much juicier, tastier and more aromatic than its onion counterpart. For medical purposes, this onion is used as an anti-inflammatory agent. In addition, experts recommend using this product for the prevention of cancer.

Other health benefits of onions

According to scientists, the benefits of onions for the body are much greater than the harm. After all, 150 grams of this product contains A and C, a fifth of the daily intake of calcium and potassium. These components improve the functioning of a healthy heart, as well as strengthen the skeletal system.

It is worth noting that onions contain a lot of sugar. There is more of this component in this product than in apples and pears. If you decide to go on a diet, then you should not exclude onions from your diet. After all, this vegetable is also considered excellent. Specialists have developed a special diet, which is based on the daily use of onion soup.

Onion for pain

Very often, onions are used against, the benefits and harms of which should be known to everyone. After the insect has stung, it is necessary to lubricate the bite site with fresh juice. This product is also used in the presence of an inflammatory process in the ears. Onion compresses in this case can relieve pain. Onion-based products are widely used for various inflammations and abscesses, as well as for wound healing.


Onion juice is often used against dandruff, hair loss, edema, lichen, rheumatic pain. It is enough to regularly lubricate the problem area. In addition, the product allows you to quickly adapt after changing the time zone. This tool is ideal for flight attendants and pilots. Of course, it is difficult to imagine a young and beautiful girl with bad breath. However, resorting to such a tool is easy at the end of the flight, when you can relax and have a good rest.

As you can see, onions have many positive qualities. Of course, there are contraindications. However, it is worth remembering that boiled or stewed onions are not dangerous. In this form, everyone can eat it.

Onions came to us from Southwest Asia. Its existence has been known for over 6,000 years. In ancient Greece, it was used as a medicine, the Roman soldiers used it, believing that it gives fearlessness and courage, the athletes of Olympus ate it during intensive training, and Avicenna dedicated his treatises to the representatives of this culture.

Today this vegetable is a frequent guest in our house. It is an indispensable ingredient in many dishes, widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology. Find out how onions are useful for the body of men and women.

Useful properties for the human body

Consider the composition of onions in terms of chemistry. In its composition - 12 essential amino acids he is rich vitamins E, C and B, rich in trace elements. Green onion shoots contain phytoncides and essential oils.

Among the amazing components of the vegetable is plant hormone - glucinin. This substance naturally reduces a person.

For women

Most women refuse to eat raw onions. And very in vain! For the female body, onion is an indispensable source, and its deficiency harms the reproductive system, leads to brittle nails and hair loss. And this alone is a sufficient reason for a peeled and chopped onion head to appear at least occasionally on a woman's table.

And the unpleasant odor that may appear after using this product can be dealt with. You need to brush your teeth and have a snack with a sprig of parsley, a walnut kernel or a toasted crust of rye bread.

What can I say about the benefits of vegetables! Onions are rich, which is important for the normal intrauterine development of the fetus.

Phytoncides protect against colds, and this quality of the onion cannot be overestimated, because drug therapy is contraindicated for a pregnant woman.

For men

Onions have such properties that, knowing about them, no sane man would refuse to eat them. Substances contained in fresh onion juice, stimulate potency, promote sperm production and improve its reproductive qualities, activate libido.

From history, confirmation of such properties of onions reaches us. For example, in monasteries it was forbidden to eat it raw, so as not to push the monks to sinful thoughts. And in ancient Egypt, the onion was called nothing more than "the musk of the poor." The use of this vegetable crop in food - prostate cancer prevention.

For children

The unwillingness of children to eat this vegetable in any form is a byword. But its benefits for the child's body are so obvious that infant nutrition consultants and pediatricians recommend introducing onions into your baby's diet as early as 8 months of age.

But the onion must be heat treated.

By the age of 3-4 years the child may start eating the vegetable raw. And whether he wants to do this depends only on the gift of persuasion of his parents!

Learn about the health benefits and harms of onions and onion skins from the following video:

What happens after heat treatment

The benefits of raw onions are undeniable. The situation is almost the same with representatives of this culture in fried, boiled and stewed form. Such a product retains its nutritional value, has an excellent taste.

No cuisine in the world can be imagined without the use of onions as the most common ingredient. It is worth remembering the onion pies that our grandmothers cooked, and French-style fried onions, a specialty of many restaurants. The calorie content of fried onions is 250 kcal.

How to use

It can be eaten at any time of the day. In order for allicin to be produced in chopped onions, it should be allowed to 15-20 minutes to contact with air.

After that, the product will acquire the maximum number of useful properties. Those who are embarrassed by bad breath should postpone its use in the evening.

You can remove the bitterness from a chopped fresh onion head a little salt or vinegar. This helps to reduce the intensity of the smell after eating the vegetable.

Healing and healing properties

Is onion useful in the treatment of diseases? Properties of this vegetable crop widely used in medicine. Using its healing qualities, pharmaceutical companies have developed and put on sale drugs Allylchep and Allylglycer.

Traditional medicine offers many recipes using this vegetable crop. for the treatment of various diseases. Most likely, it will not become a panacea, but it will help temporarily relieve pain and eliminate some symptoms.

  • With a sprain, a grated onion with the addition of one teaspoon of sugar will relieve pain and soothe inflammation.
  • A vegetable baked in the oven will help cleanse boils and boils from pus. It is necessary to apply for 4-5 hours.
  • Rubbing prepared on the basis of onion gruel and goose or mutton fat will soothe coughs and relieve chest pain.
  • An infusion of 2-3 chopped heads, filled with two glasses of boiling water, is useful for.

culture for beauty

Properties of this vegetable widely used in cosmetology. At home, an onion for caring for your appearance will also help:

  • Onion gruel, chopped in a blender or grated on a fine grater, will be an excellent mask against hair loss.
  • A fresh cut of the bulb will lighten age spots and freckles on the face and shoulders.
  • The baked head with the addition of a drop will perfectly moisturize dry skin.
  • With oily skin, the face will remove shine, a mask of gruel of one onion and a tablespoon of lemon juice will dry it out a little.
  • Freshly squeezed juice of one onion head, mixed with honey 50/50, is used for premature baldness.

How sorrel is useful and harmful to the body, find out in this.


Despite all the benefits that this vegetable gives us, some should still refrain from eating it. Refuse or limit it is worth:

  • people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Due to the high content of essential oils, onions are a strong irritant for the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • allergy sufferers. If the product causes allergies in its raw form, it is possible that it will provoke the disease even after heat treatment;
  • people suffering from asthma should treat this product with caution. In order for the vegetable we buy not only to have a good taste, but also to have the necessary beneficial properties, you need to be able to choose it: at the end of autumn, we often make a purchase for future use.

    A quality head should be no more than 3-6 cm in diameter, dense, with a golden or light brown husk.

    The husk should be collected on top of the bulb in a dry tourniquet, and there should be no sprouting green feathers.

    Bottom should not be roots, bulb should be dry with a slight odor characteristic of the culture.

    Storing onions to avoid spoilage and loss of nutritional value is a task that will not cause any difficulties. Mistresses use nylon tights or stockings for this purpose. The main thing is to maintain good ventilation.

    Optimal the storage temperature of this culture is 10-12 ⁰С. Humidity is also important. When it rises, vegetables can become moldy, and when the humidity is low, the heads dry quickly.

    Choose and eat this magnificent vegetable in food correctly, and let it bring only benefits!

    In contact with


    What is an onion?

    In the crop hierarchy, onions are far from being an aristocrat. In the old days, onions were certainly included in the peasant menu, perhaps because of this, such a dismissive attitude towards this vegetable appeared. However, for some reason, many people forget that onions are an indispensable component of many gourmet dishes.

    What do we know about onions? The fact that it is absolutely indispensable in cooking is probably known to everyone and everyone, literally from infancy, but not everyone knows that this vegetable can be used in cosmetics and medicine, and its use in cooking can be far from traditional.

    How is it that onions are such a familiar and ordinary product, and we don’t even know a hundredth of its beneficial properties and methods of application, why did it happen?

    What is onion, the benefits and harms of onions are of great interest to people who lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health, and are interested in folk methods of treatment. Here we will try to answer the questions of interest to this category of people.

    Probably, we are too accustomed to this unpretentious vegetable, thanks to which we have the opportunity not only to eat savory dishes that would have lost most of their taste charm if it weren’t for onions, but we don’t even think about the fact that using onions in cooking, we don’t we only get the most excellent taste sensations, but we also fortify our body to the limit, especially in winter, when there is no wide access to a variety of fortified foods, and when our savior is the most common onion - a permanent inhabitant of our gardens.

    Ignorant people believe that there are only two varieties of onions: green onions and onions.

    In fact, there are many types of onions and even more varieties that differ in taste, habitat, ripening time, etc.

    In addition to the onions already known to us, there are batun onions, leeks, shallots, chives and others.

    Onions contain a whole complex of vitamins, essential oils, flavonoids, sulfur, fluorine, iron, magnesium and calcium. All these substances make onions a biologically active product, capable, in some cases, of benefit, and in others - harm.

    How useful is onion?

    Due to the presence of a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, PP) in onions, it is useful for beriberi.

    Onions are able to satisfy the need of the human body for vitamin C, in addition, this vitamin helps to increase immunity.

    Onion essential oils help with viral diseases (colds, flu) - for treatment, you can sniff chopped onion slices several times a day.

    The antibacterial properties of onions are caused by the phytoncides contained in it (healing volatile substances). Thanks to phytoncides, onions destroy a large number of microbes:

    • streptococci,
    • causative agents of dysentery,
    • diphtheria pathogens,
    • causative agents of tuberculosis, etc.

    Onions are very rich in iron. You can get this important element both from raw and from fried, baked and stewed onions.

    Onion activates the metabolism and helps to purify the blood.

    Onion stimulates the digestive processes, eliminates prolonged constipation.

    Due to the stimulating effect of onion, it is used for hypertension, general weakness and to increase potency.

    Onion has a beneficial effect on sleep disorders (acts as a sleeping pill).

    According to some studies, onions help prevent cancer and inhibit tumor growth.

    What are the benefits of green onions?

    Green onions are mainly grown from different varieties of onions. But no less useful is the onion - shallot or onion - batun. First of all, the beneficial properties of green onions are that juicy green sprouts are full of substances such as phytoncides. They are able to protect the human body from viral diseases. So if you add fresh green onion feathers to your dishes, you will not only increase your appetite and contribute to better absorption of food, but also protect yourself from acute respiratory infections and even the flu.

    Among the beneficial substances that are contained in green onions, there is chlorophyll. This element helps to improve the process of hematopoiesis. And zinc, which is also found in green onions, will help you strengthen your immune system. This element is also responsible for the production of testosterone in men. In general, men are advised to eat a bunch of green onions a day. This has a beneficial effect on the prostate gland, prevents its hypertrophy.

    The lack of zinc in the female body not only leads to hair loss and brittle nails. This circumstance also negatively affects the reproductive system.

    There are elements in green onions that strengthen the heart muscle. Thanks to the constant use of onions, the walls of blood vessels can also be strengthened.

    Studies have shown that by eating 70 g of green onion per day, you can fully supply the body with ascorbic acid. After all, it is this element that helps to withstand and not get sick during epidemics of colds, it is a powerful antioxidant, stimulates the action of the endocrine glands, and contributes to the normalization of the functions of the nervous system.


    The negative impact of this vegetable on the body is quite large. And, above all, it is the ability of onions to irritate the gastric mucosa, thereby increasing acidity. In this regard, the systematic immoderate consumption of vegetables can lead to serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, people with gastritis or ulcers should not eat onions.

    With excessive use of onions:

    • provokes chronic liver diseases;
    • negatively affects the work of the kidneys (in particular, promotes the growth of calcifications);
    • is the cause of flatulence;
    • increases blood pressure;
    • can cause exacerbation of chronic asthma (due to irritation of the nervous system);
    • causes blockage of blood vessels;
    • worsens the work of the heart.

    Is onion good for men?

    The benefits of onions have been known since antiquity. Onion was included in the menu of the soldiers of the ancient Roman army every day, perhaps it was its presence that made men strong and fearless.

    Since onions are considered one of the strongest aphrodisiacs, its presence in recipes to prolong sexual life and improve its quality is understandable. However, the beneficial properties of this fruit are maximally preserved without heat treatment, so many recipes are not designed for a momentary effect, but for long-term use in small doses. Usually, the duration of the onion course is several weeks, but there are recipes for a month - in them the daily amount of the main product is reduced to a minimum. To preserve the maximum of nutrients, onions are usually allowed to ripen, but green young shoots are also useful.

    In addition to increasing sexual energy, onions are also used for a very specific disease of the genital area of ​​men - prostate adenoma. Treatment with onions cannot be called a priority, it is impossible to get rid of the disease without medications, but to speed up the healing process, it is recommended to use onions both in their pure form and in combination with herbs, honey or nuts.

    There are dozens of options for folk remedies for the treatment of this disease, but it is necessary to start using them only after consulting a doctor, some onion substances reduce the absorption of medications!

    Can diabetics eat onions?

    With diabetes, onions can not only be eaten, but also necessary.

    • The composition includes vitamins PP, A, group B, C, malic acid, acetic acid, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium. The minimum calorie content, the almost complete absence of fats and proteins is another significant plus for all people who monitor their weight and count the amount of carbohydrates eaten.
    • The specific ability to reduce blood sugar was noticed by ancient healers, they prescribed diabetics to follow a diet with a high content of a useful product in the diet. This effect is explained by the presence of allicin. This substance reduces the need for insulin and improves the perception of the hormone by cells.
    • Vegetables (especially red varieties) contain copper and iron, which are easily absorbed by the body without putting a strain on the exhausted pancreas. At the same time, sulfur and nickel contribute to the restoration of the insulin derivative function of the organ.
    • Especially valuable is the presence of adenosine, which is a powerful vasodilator. Thus, regular consumption of onions contributes to the prevention of vascular complications of diabetes.
    • It is an excellent means of preventing colds, thanks to active phytancides that destroy putrefactive and pathogenic microorganisms. Well activates the body's defenses and prolongs youth, being a powerful natural antioxidant.

    Is it possible to eat onions with pancreatitis?

    Inflammation of the pancreas requires not only medical treatment, but also a strict diet.

    Green and onions, as well as leeks, have a direct effect on the pancreas and should be used with great care.

    Boiled or stewed onions contain much fewer food pathogens, but even this amount will be enough to harm the inflamed gland. To prevent the pancreas from becoming even more inflamed, with acute pancreatitis, it is necessary to stop eating any kind of onion, as well as various dishes using it. This requirement must be observed until the complete disappearance of all symptoms of inflammation.

    How to treat onion cough?

    At the first symptoms of SARS or influenza, a person seeks to get rid of the cough. In the course are all the means at hand: from medication to folk. Onion is especially popular - recipes that include it are simple and effective.

    Many doctors recommend the use of onion as a remedy in the early stages of the disease in order to avoid serious complications in the future. As a powerful antiviral agent, it helps to thin the sputum and further discharge it. In addition to antitussive properties, onions have the following useful qualities:

    • saturated with vitamins C, B, minerals;
    • rich in calcium, iron, phosphorus;
    • in its composition it has fructose, sucrose, maltose, malic, citric acids, phytoncides;
    • is an antiseptic.

    Traditional recipe for onion syrup.

    • One medium-sized peeled onion should be washed, chopped, transferred to a glass or enameled container.
    • Sprinkle with a tablespoon of sugar.
    • Stir, put in a dark place and do not touch for several hours.

    In the morning, the resulting medicine can be consumed by pouring the syrup into a spoon. During the day, you need to drink onion juice 4-5 times, a tablespoon half an hour after eating.

    In some cases, onions are mixed with honey. In this case, you should make sure that the patient is not allergic to honey. Experts recommend drinking the remedy for at least 3 days. But it’s also not worth getting carried away with them for more than 10 days.

    Of course, before using folk remedies, you need to consult a doctor.

    How to treat a runny nose with onions?

    Onion has long been recognized as the most effective and safe remedy for the common cold in folk medicine. It can relieve not only rhinitis, but also its complications - sinusitis (inflammation of the maxillary or maxillary sinus) and sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinus.)

    Onion preparations have an antimicrobial effect. They allow you to eliminate the viral infection and pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, the complex of useful trace elements contained in onions normalizes the microflora of the nasal cavity and restores its protective forces.

    To prepare an oil infusion of onions, a peeled, chopped medium-sized onion is poured with several tablespoons of refined sunflower oil and allowed to brew for several hours. Once prepared, the mixture can be used for several days, while its healing properties only increase. The resulting oil infusion of onion is instilled into the nasal passages (a few drops 2-3 times a day) - this will help prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria.

    Onion recipe for stuffy nose:

    2 tbsp. l. onion juice, 2 tbsp. l. crushed aloe leaf pulp, 2 tbsp. l. chopped cyclamen root, 2 tbsp. l. honey, 2 tbsp. l. ointment Vishnevsky (sold in a pharmacy). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed. The ointment is stored in a dark sealed container in the refrigerator. When used, it is heated to body temperature, then gauze swabs are moistened with ointment and put into each nostril for 30 minutes. The course of treatment is 5-7 days.

    Onion recipe for the treatment of protracted rhinitis:

    3 onions, peeled, 2 tbsp. l. honey. The bulbs are rubbed on a grater, then the gruel is wrapped in gauze and the juice is squeezed out. Add honey to it and take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

    Onion with a runny nose in children - how not to harm?

    Not every recipe for onion treatment is suitable for children. For example, a child should definitely not use onion juice for a cold in the form of drops.

    Best of all, inhalation using onions will work on a child's body affected by a cold. There are several options for doing it:

    • You can grate the onion on a fine grater or chop in a blender, and then put it on a saucer. After that, the child should be seated so that for 10–15 minutes he can breathe in her vapors;
    • If it is difficult to make a child sit motionless over an onion, you can hold a freshly cut half of a vegetable near his nose or put a saucer of onion gruel at his head while he sleeps;
    • According to another recipe, you need to place a coarsely chopped onion in a small container and pour boiling water over it. The container should be covered, leaving only a small hole for the child's nose.

    How to get rid of acne with onions?

    What are the owners of problem skin not ready to go to in order to permanently get rid of acne and one morning to see their face really fresh and clean.

    The anti-inflammatory properties of onion can reduce redness of the skin, as well as prevent the formation of scars. In addition, onions are high in sulfur, which helps to remove excess sebum, dirt and bacteria from the surface of the skin, as well as lighten existing scars.

    Onion face masks:

    Recipe number 1.

    To prepare the mask, you need 1 small onion and ½ tbsp. oatmeal. From flakes you need to cook a thick porridge, cool. Chop the onion, squeeze the juice out of it, add the flakes. Mix the mass and add 5 g of honey. The mask is applied to the face and left on the skin until completely dry.

    Recipe number 2.

    This composition of the mask is suitable for combating pimples and black dots. A small onion is peeled and chopped. From the resulting puree, you need to squeeze the juice, and we will need it. We also clean one carrot, chop and squeeze the juice. Mix 50 ml of onion and carrot juice, add 1 egg yolk and 30 ml of olive oil. We apply the mass with light massaging movements, gently rubbing it in. Wash off the composition after 20 minutes.