Complete withdrawal of alcohol from the body for 21 days. After how many days alcohol completely leaves our body. How to speed up the disposal of ethyl

Indeed, the last three-week break in taking disinhibition fluids I had, probably, even when I went to school with a knapsack. And since then, it turns out, I have never been myself - at any given point in time I was either drunk, or hungover, or at least toxins floated in my blood.

In general, I decided not to drink for 28 days. The notorious 21 days and another week on top, to be sure. Just to understand what it is like to live there - in the Country of absolute freedom from alcohol.

At the start of the experiment, I looked at myself critically. 31 years old, height - 180 cm, weight - 82 kg. If you focus on, then you had to lose at least 5-7 kilograms. An unhealthy blush played on the cheeks, there were (why hide) and bags under the eyes. Three times a week I go to the gym, but the waist, as it was 84 cm, has not gone anywhere, even if you crack.

If the centimeters are not impressive, let me tell you - the fat folds on the sides (my Russian friends call them "dumplings") were clearly visible. And finally, I was reluctant to record my drinking habits: I drink (at home or outside) three to five times a week, the usual dose is about a bottle of wine per evening. It is not God knows that, however, rather domestic drunkenness than alcoholism.

In short, I vowed to replace alcohol with freshly squeezed juice or water - to provide the body with enough fluid and vitamins during the rehabilitation period. I also wrote about my decision immediately on Facebook - there is research that demonstrating my intentions in in social networks (after all, many will watch whether you have fulfilled your vow).

The first four days were easy. My method was simple - I refused any invitations. It's easier to drink water at home than to do it in a bar, looking down at the merry friends dejectedly. But soon the first test appeared on the horizon - the birthday of a close friend.

"Come on, just one, why are you so boring?" - even the cloakroom attendants of that restaurant told me this phrase and its variations that evening. Around midnight, a treacherous thought began to creep into my head: maybe it’s true, just one, so as not to upset anyone? I am proud of myself and boast - I frantically grabbed my things, I ran away from the party, but did not succumb to temptation.

This is how much your ability to fully concentrate on solving a problem grows after a month of complete sobriety.

(University College London Study)

The next big party, fortunately, was supposed to take place after the end of my test. But I noted to myself that I should put in my diary for the coming weeks a couple of events where there will definitely be no alcohol. I'm not a hermit to spend my evenings alone.

But there was good news, and already by the middle of my post. For example me . As the doctors explained to me, a hangover, like a jet lag, knocks down the rhythms of life. Now I didn’t spend the first half of the day rubbing my temples and trying to focus - plus a lot of energy came out from somewhere and started playing with a key. For example, I started to cook at home - chicken and steamed vegetables replaced the roast beef sandwiches, which I usually bought at the eatery on the way home.

I also started spending more time in the gym. After all, it was necessary to do something with the vacated evenings, but here everyone drinks only water - with pleasure and of their own free will. By the end of my post, three workouts a week had turned into five or even six.

The body began to change: until recently, I worked with a barbell of 45 kg, and now I have already taken 60 kg; dumbbells got heavier from 14 kg to 18 kg; but the main thing is that one day I saw my muscles in the mirror. For the first time in 10 years, they looked out into the light from the depths of a flabby body (or, maybe, the light just fell off). And one more important point: now I was performing the entire planned training program, although I used to often do myself a favor - I gave up in the middle of classes and went with friends to relax after a hard day.

On the 26th day of the experiment, a friend suggested to me that since you haven't been drinking for a whole month, then don't start. And I started to sum up prematurely. My waist shrank to 81 centimeters and my BMI returned to normal. Yes, there is news - the first vague ones appeared on the stomach! Hurrah! But I waited until the 29th day and drank my bottle of wine with pleasure in the evening.

Final and irrevocable sobriety is still not for me; during the period of abstinence, I never got rid of the feeling that I was a monk or terminally ill. But I have a new goal - to consume in moderation. I came up with a schedule: I drink for two weeks, abstain for two weeks. Well, and now I will more often go to events where alcohol is not implied at all. In short - yes, I want to give my body a rest from alcohol. But, perhaps, without strict obligations and complete prohibitions.

Consumer societies

Why experiments of a resident of Great Britain with alcohol (or rather, with its absence) may be of interest to you, a resident of Russia?

Because both we and the British drink too much. True, our male compatriots consume 23.9 liters of pure alcohol a year (WHO data), and the British - "only" 16.5 liters. But both indicators are infinitely far from the world average level of alcohol consumption by adult earthlings - 6.2 liters per year.

What holiday or vacation is today without alcohol? Probably none. Birthdays, corporate parties, weddings, outdoor recreation - all of them mean drinking alcohol. And if there was such a situation that you arrived by car, but friends ask for a beer for the company. What to do with the car? Leaving it somewhere and walking back home for a long time hardly attracts anyone.

Drivers need to know after what time the blood alcohol content will be allowed to drive a vehicle. With this knowledge, they can calculate how, when and how much to drink at an event or holiday.

So how long does alcohol stay in the blood? How many hours does alcohol pass from the body? Alcohol disappears from each organism in a different way. Nobody knows the exact time. But it is still possible to calculate the average of the required minutes or hours.

The fundamental factors in the elimination of alcohol from the human body are:

  • The functionality of the liver, weight (in obese people, the withdrawal from the body is faster).
  • Mood (in a dull state, alcohol is much stronger).
  • Weather (alcohol comes out slower in warm weather).
  • It should be noted that alcohol is excreted in men much faster than in women. This is due to the different water content in the body. In the body of men - 70%, in women - 60%.
  • How much alcohol was drunk. Accordingly, the more alcohol you drink, the longer it will stay and be removed from the body.
  • Type of alcoholic beverage. Depending on the degree, alcohol is removed quickly or slowly. So, one hundred grams of drunk champagne will be removed from the blood faster than a hundred grams of cognac.
  • Snack.

How long does it take for alcohol to come out of the blood?

Doctors are ready to allow you to drive a car in a day, that is, in exactly 24 hours. But after all, everyone has had a situation when you need to get behind the wheel earlier. At this moment, a table comes to the rescue, in which it is calculated how long a certain type of alcoholic beverage (beer, wine, champagne, liver, vodka or cognac) comes out.

Name of alcoholic beverage 60 Kg 70 kg 80 Kg 90 kg 100 Kg Volume, gram
Beer 6% 50-52 minutes 40-45 m 35-40 m 30-35 m 26-31 m 100
261 m 224 m 196 m 174 m 157m
Champagne 11% 96 m 82 m 72 m 64 m 57 m 500
479 minutes 410 minutes 359 minutes 319 minutes 287 minutes
Wine 12-13% 105 minutes 90 minutes 78 minutes 70 minutes 62 m 100
524 minutes 453 minutes 392 minutes 348 minutes 291 minutes
Liqueur 30% 261 minutes 224 minutes 196 minutes 174 minutes 157 minutes 500
21 hours 45 m 18 hours 39 m 16 hours 19 m 14 hours 30 m 13 hours 3 m
Vodka 40% 348 minutes 298 minutes 261 minutes 232 minutes 209 minutes 100
29 hours 24 h 51 m 21 h 45 m 19 h 29 m 17 h 24 m
Cognac 40-42% 365 m 313 m 247 m 244 m 219 m 500
30 h 27 m 26 h 6 m 22 h 50 m 20 h 18 m 18 h 16 m

Be sure to keep in mind that the table contains averaged data. For example, your weight is sixty kilograms, and you drank five hundred grams of beer, from the table you can see that on average alcohol leaves the human body in four hours and twenty-one minutes. Your weight is seventy kilograms and you want to drink a hundred grams of champagne, you need to drink it before half past twelve so that the alcohol has time to disappear by three in the afternoon.

It may happen that you did not understand the table or it does not contain your weight or the alcoholic beverage that you consumed. In this case, an online alcohol calculator will help. He calculates in how many hours alcohol will disappear. It is very easy to find it through any search engine. Outwardly, they may differ, but the essence is the same. To calculate, you enter data, namely the type of alcoholic drink, its strength, filling the stomach with food, your gender, and the algorithm automatically calculates the time after which your blood will be clean.

There are several options to help your body process alcohol faster, which will consequently help bring your blood back to normal. And you will pass the road service inspector test with complete confidence.

High-calorie alcohol

Ways to accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

There is a certain list of ways to accelerate the withdrawal of alcohol. So there are 4 ways:

  • Ammonia. Everyone knows the pungent smell of ammonia. He is able to revive not only after losing consciousness, but also to clear the mind from alcohol. Smell a cotton swab dipped in ammonia several times, and you will feel enlightenment among the alcoholic intoxication.
  • Water and drinks Drink plenty of fluids. It promotes the quickest removal of ethanol from the blood and human body.
  • Raw egg... By consuming this product, you will create a certain environment in the stomach, which will also facilitate the release of alcohol. And what is important, it prevents the absorption of alcohol by the walls of the stomach.
  • Activated carbon tablets. An irreplaceable sorbent for alcohol consumption. Promotes the withdrawal of alcohol and save you from a severe hangover. To speed up the process of removing alcohol, do not forget to drink a couple of tablets every two hours of the feast. If you use these methods correctly and do not absorb lethal doses of alcohol, then after a certain time you can safely get behind the wheel of a vehicle.

How quickly to sober up?

Time for alcohol to leave the body

Removing alcohol from the body is good. But here's what to do with alcohol, which clouded your mind. Sobering is needed here. As with the withdrawal of alcohol, and with sobriety, your body needs help.

Ways to quickly sober up:

  • Massage. A very effective remedy for combating intoxication. But non-classical massage, as we imagine it, is rather intense. You need to massage the ears, feet, hands. You need to massage strongly. Afterwards, it is recommended to take a cold shower.
  • Vomiting. As disgusting as it may be, yes, it is an effective remedy. By doing this, you will clear the stomach of alcohol and thereby eliminate the possibility of its absorption. After this unaesthetic process, brush your teeth well and, if possible, drink a couple of a cup of strong unsweetened coffee. It is worth giving up hot coffee, because hot drinks accelerate intoxication.
  • Ammonia. A universal remedy for alcohol intoxication. Experienced drivers recommend drinking a very weak cocktail of ammonia and ice water. Having taken it internally, you will come to a normal state immediately. Strengthen the effect obtained with ascorbin vitamins.

Alcohol tends to penetrate the tissues of the human body and remain in the organs for a long time. Muscles and fat are the least able to absorb ethanol. Alcohol leaves the kidneys, liver and brain for the longest time. After consumption, the alcoholic drink is processed by the body for a very long time. After about a day, alcohol is completely removed from the body, provided that the person is not sick with chronic diseases.

How much alcohol is released from the body: factors, period of 21 days

There are several factors that affect the removal of alcohol ethanol from the human body. Consider:

    body weight and general physical condition of a person;

    how strong the alcoholic drink is;

    the amount of alcohol consumed;

    how actively a person uses alcoholic beverages;

    drinking experience;

    frequency of use.

Various cocktails, wine and beer are completely eliminated from the body quickly enough, since these drinks are considered to be quickly digestible. Another picture with strong alcohol.
It takes much longer for vodka to leave the body, as well as cognac with whiskey. These drinks can stay in the blood for more than one hour. Here, the amount of alcohol-containing liquid drunk is also important.

It should be remembered that the absorption of ethanol into organ cells is affected by the food intake. For example, fatty foods absorb alcohol more slowly.

Alcohol completely leaves the blood in a period of 21 days, but here everything is individual.

Ethanol neutralization time

There is no specific answer to the question of how much alcohol is excreted from the body, if only because each person's metabolism is individual.

The doctors' calculations are based on average data about a middle-aged person and the same average physical condition. There are many ways to speed up ethanol neutralization time, but none will be 100% guaranteed.

For example, a half-liter glass of beer contains about 0.15 ppm ethanol.

Drinking citrus drinks, acidified liquid, sweet tea, you can neutralize alcohol. Being outdoors promotes sobriety. In addition, herbal infusions have a diuretic effect, the more fluid comes out, the faster beer leaves the body and sobering begins.

Self-diagnosis: how to understand whether or not alcohol has left the body

To understand how many hours alcohol leaves the body of a particular person can only be experienced. Several devices are used for self-diagnosis. They are able to give an accurate result in a short period of time. They differ in the method of analysis: in one case, the exhaled air is measured, in the other, saliva or urine is diagnosed.

    Breathalyzer - able to analyze the amount of alcohol released from the lungs. All protocols for drunk offenders are based on the data of this device.

    The test indicator is a very simple instrument that shows the presence of ethanol in saliva and urine. Such indicators are able to establish the presence of drugs in the body.

Most the right way to establish the degree of intoxication - a blood test in the laboratory of a narcologist.

Get rid of alcohol quickly and what not to do when getting out of a binge

Alcohol leaves the body in two ways: naturally and in the form of acetic acid.

The natural release of ethanol is provided by the skin, lungs and kidneys. For an alcoholic drink to turn into acetic acid, it must first be decomposed in the liver to acetaldehyde, which, by the way, is the cause of cirrhosis in alcoholics. Only then, acetaldehyde goes through the stage of oxidation to acetic acid, which is excreted by the cells of the body.

Only a third of the alcohol consumed is excreted in a natural way, the rest of the blow is taken by the liver.

To accelerate the elimination of ethanol through the lungs and kidneys, you need to drink fluids and enough physical activity in the fresh air.

If we talk about mild states of alcoholic intoxication, then everything is more or less clear here. What can not be done while getting out of a binge, so as not to worsen the physical condition:

    take psychotropic drugs;

    smoke actively;

    use a contrast shower;

    overload yourself with physical work.

All these actions increase the heart rate and can provoke a hypertensive crisis and heart attack.

There are many methods of detoxification of the body after alcohol intoxication. Most effective:

    cleansing the stomach makes sense when alcohol has not yet been absorbed into the bloodstream. The most effective will be the induction of vomiting and the intake of activated carbon;

    abundant fluid intake - in this case, citrus juices and mineral water will be especially effective;

    water rinsing will help cleanse the skin, because it is involved in the elimination of toxins through the pores;

    Pharmaceuticals, flavored tablets, sweets, vitamins relieve only external symptoms, such methods do not remove beer from the body, however, like any alcoholic drink, and, therefore, they do not contribute to sobering up.

    Detoxification Dos and Don'ts

    Today there are a lot of pharmacy products that can alleviate a person's condition after drinking alcohol. Such drugs should be treated carefully, since the consequences can be very different.

    How many days does alcohol leave the body? Doctors have established that the bulk of harmful substances leave the body in the first few days, the final blood cleansing lasts about three weeks.

    When detoxifying the body, the sequence of actions is important. You can not take substances and drugs that promote the synthesis of toxins that lead to the destruction of the liver. Taking aspirin during anti-alcohol manipulations can cause stomach bleeding. You should also abandon drugs that block pain.

    Comparative table of spirits from low alcohol beer to strong whiskey: after how many hours is it withdrawn and is there a difference for men and women?

    Nowadays there are a lot of computer programs that make it possible to accurately calculate the permissible rate of consumption of strong drinks.

    The comparative table below shows the period of time during which alcohol disappears from the body. It should be taken into account that for the female body, the ethanol elimination time will be twice as long. If both sexes could consume, for example, 500 grams of wine of the same strength, wine leaves the body of a man in 8 hours, and from the body of a woman of the same build - in 16 hours.

    These data are of an informative approximate nature, the exact time of elimination of alcohol from the body is individual.

    You should also take into account the frequency of use of such substances.

    How long does alcohol take out of the body?
    If several weeks pass after you have consumed any of the alcoholic beverages, the content of its substances in the blood will remain small. This article will focus on exactly how many days alcohol leaves the body.
    So, the elimination of alcohol from a person depends on many factors. First of all, it is necessary to take into account the weight category of a person. If you are lightweight, then, of course, alcohol intoxication occurs faster, which means that alcohol will go out longer. It also depends on gender, that is, in women, alcohol is excreted 20% longer than in men. Also, the elimination of alcohol depends on the dose, that is, the more you drink, the longer the time it takes to excrete the drink. Well, and the most important role is played by the type of alcoholic beverage. For example, if you drank wine, then in the body it will last several times longer than, for example, vodka.
    It is believed that drinking wine in limited quantities has a good effect on health, especially on the cardiovascular system.
    The influence of alcohol
    As for the health of the internal organs, they are also associated with the time during which the body is cleansed of the drunk alcohol. More than 90% of drunk alcoholic beverages are processed by the liver, but 10% that remain is processed by the excretory system, that is, these are sweat glands, the genitourinary system and the respiratory system. Alcoholic beverages are destroyed in the liver in each person in different ways, as it depends on genetic factors. Therefore, for each person, the elimination of alcohol from the body occurs on an individual basis.
    If you drank an alcoholic drink, then the walls of the stomach, the large and small intestines begin to absorb it, then it enters the bloodstream. A small amount is absorbed by the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, so literally in a couple of minutes alcohol can be found in the blood and, of course, in the air that you exhale. Beverages such as beer, gin and tonic, any cocktail are absorbed very quickly. Food that you eat with alcohol delays the flow of alcohol from the stomach into the bloodstream. Then the circulatory system begins to carry the "fuel" throughout the body and primarily to the brain.
    How long does alcohol last in the body in men and women?
    In men:
    If you drank 200 ml of wine, then this volume will be removed from 7 to 8 hours.
    if a larger amount of this alcoholic beverage is drunk, then alcohol is excreted from 9 to 15 hours.
    If you have consumed 50 ml of cognac, then this amount will go from 2 to 4 hours. If a larger amount is drunk, then the booze is excreted from 6 to 10 hours.
    If you drank 100 ml of vodka, then it will be removed from 4 to 7 hours, and if you drink more, then from 11 to 19 hours.
    If you drink 100 ml of champagne, then it will go out of the body for 50 minutes. Champagne is not a very strong drink, so you can remove it from the body quickly enough.
    Among women:
    Wine drunk in an amount of 200 ml is excreted from 8 to 9 hours, and if drunk in large quantities - from 10 to 16 hours.
    If you drank cognac in the amount of 50 ml, then this alcohol completely comes out from 5 to 7 hours, if you drink more, then from 8 to 11 hours.
    If you drank 100 ml of vodka, then alcohol comes out from 7 to 11 hours, and if you drink more, then from 15 to 21 hours.
    Champagne, drunk in an amount of 100 ml, is removed for 2 hours.
    And one more thing you should be aware of: a liter of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as 300 g of wine or 100 g of vodka. But if you drink beer, then this drink affects the body much worse than drunk vodka. Beer contains hop alkaloids, which can significantly slow down its excretion. Especially beer negatively affects the work of the heart and human hormones than vodka.
    As soon as alcohol enters the body and is absorbed into the mucous membrane, it begins to be distributed throughout the body in about an hour and a half, and during this period of time alcohol is absorbed by all organs and tissues. Then oxidation occurs and alcohol is excreted from the body, mainly through the liver. It should be noted that much still depends on the characteristics of the work of the internal organs of a person.

    1. Remember the medical history:

    I have always had a stable relationship with alcohol. I loved him, and he loved me. First, juvenile longers and necks, then hellish university experiments and, finally, the gourmet joys of a glass of red wine for dinner and the smell of good whiskey for coffee.

    There is nothing to hide, about three years ago I could easily share a bottle of tequila with a friend and consider it just a warm-up. Then, by some miracle, yoga intertwined into my life, and I posted philosophical statuses like “meditation, meditation, get drunk. shivasana, beher, viskar. yes, the Slavic soul has no shores. Poetry".

    Then, by some miracle, yoga intertwined into my life, and I posted philosophical statuses like “meditation, meditation, get drunk. shivasana, beher, viskar. yes, the Slavic soul has no shores. Poetry".

    Over the past year, the attitude towards alcohol has changed completely. He has ceased to amuse him in any way. You drink to yourself, you drink, you spend a third of your salary - but no sensations. It turned out that without him it was even more fun. But it became clear why the French love wine so much and why drinking more than one glass is not interesting.

    And I started drinking no more than one glass a day. Everyday. As doctors recommend.

    2. Make a decision. Calm down. Without tearing:

    So that not a drop in your mouth in a row for three weeks - this, it seems, was only once in a recent years 7. When I was on a drip in the hospital. Some harmless sidrik - no, no, and it will slip through. As long as cocktails are fun, there is no fool to refuse them! What for? Why is this violence?

    I think not, I’m sure that as long as you are struggling and counting the days until the end of the experiment, you don’t need it. To begin with, let the mind make an independent, balanced decision regarding the fact that playing the alcoholic game is no longer interesting.

    I think not, I’m sure that as long as you are struggling and counting the days until the end of the experiment, you don’t need it. To begin with, let the mind make an independent, balanced decision regarding the fact that playing the alcoholic game is no longer interesting. Then the body, by inertia, will continue to perform the usual Friday rituals, although there is no sense in them. And one fine day you will wake up and understand - "it seems that the moment has come to look at the world with sober eyes."

    3. Accept your friends' reactions:

    “Come on, you will experiment in winter! It's impossible in summer! " - the first thing I heard from friends. Then there was the sad “losing people”, the indifferent “I don't need company, I can do it myself” and the Mormon “well, finally! you still have to give birth! "

    It seems to people that something should suddenly change in your relationship. And as soon as they understand that this is not so, they will immediately calm down.

    4. Modify traditions:

    The problem is that the hands are used to holding the glass. In an institution, a club, at a buffet table or when guests are at home. Without this tactile joy, you seem to be naked, an extra person at this celebration of life. As if you came to a party where no one is waiting for you. Therefore, hands must be occupied. This is rule number one. Tea, coffee, mojito, water. Choosing drinks for non-drinkers is boring. But what to do. Drink your tea until you burst.

    The problem is that the hands are used to holding the glass. In an institution, a club, at a buffet table or when guests are at home. Without this tactile joy, you seem to be naked, an extra person at this celebration of life.

    5. Go to the end

    I was on the verge of breaking down only twice. The first is at sea. Coming to rest (especially in such a boring place as Zatoka) and not even drinking beer with shrimps is like stopping eating tangerines in New Year... It's not difficult, but it's a tradition. And then coffee helped me out again. And instead of shrimp - raspberries from a plastic cup. A clever trick of the touch is a great way to deal with temptation!

    You can always drink a guest with the help of friends who do not put themselves on non-alcoholic experiments.

    The second was when a stranger from Argentina came to visit me on Couchsurfing. After all, I want the guest to not just like everything, but really like it, so that the conversations are not just interesting, but deep and meaningful. And who of them, the Argentines, knows what they really need. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to crush a bottle of wine from the doorway, and then it will already be seen. As it turned out, even without this, there are many topics for discussion, and you can always get a guest drunk with the help of friends who do not put themselves on non-alcoholic experiments.


    I would not say that I felt serious physical changes. Well, except that after the party until the morning with songs and dances, it became easy and pleasant to wake up. And that's a lot, of course. Revelations about what kind of booze evil was also not followed. If you like it - drink it! You will die anyway, sooner or later. This is different.

    Taste also needs to be trained. And for this, sometimes you need to “forget” about something, so that later you can rejoice at the first sip.

    Firstly, the very power of intention is being trained, which I already wrote about in the article "4 principles of yoga". When you realize that you are able to translate words into action, then a hitch appears the next time you come up with a more interesting task. Secondly, a lot of energy is released, which used to be spent on gatherings with not very interesting people or a morning break. There is a lot of time, and it can be invested more talentedly. Third, taste also needs to be trained. And for this, sometimes you need to “forget” about something, so that later you can rejoice at the first sip.

    So what was happening.

    As you know, if you drink, for example, 1 liter of beer in the evening, then in the morning it is somehow foggy and you don't want to get out of bed. I want to sleep a little longer, lie under warm blanket etc. I don’t know about you, but I usually did it.

    If you get a good drunk in the evening somewhere at a DR or a wedding, then the next day (and sometimes the next day) you won't be able to work at all. The head seems to think, but does not understand. Or he thinks vaguely and very hard.

    I don't remember where, but somehow I heard about how alcohol works and how it affects the brain. I'll tell you briefly so as not to load.

    First, it destroys the functions of the higher nervous activity of a person, i.e. those areas that are responsible for achieving goals, aspirations, honor, dignity, courage, etc.

    Then, with systematic use, it goes lower and affects internal organs and less high brain functions, such as, for example, keeping your word (the boy said - the boy did), keep promises, feel shame, etc.

    You can observe ardent patients with instincts every morning at the wine and vodka shops. They differ from other normal people in their soft blue-red skin tone and rich vocabulary, as well as neatness, cleanliness of clothes and a special subtle sense of style.

    On this brief excursion let's finish.

    After I decided not to drink alcohol, at first nothing happened. Well, that is nothing at all. A month has passed - nifiga. And thoughts began to appear that all of the above is crap.

    An, no. At about the end of the second month, I began to notice that my head began to work somehow "cleaner". Not vague, but somehow her thoughts became clearer.

    Then, at about 3 months - I caught myself thinking that I wake up in the morning, drink coffee and after 30 minutes my brain works at all 120%, although for some reason it used to wake up in 2-3 hours after the same dose, then the same coffee, with the same sleep duration and workload.

    Strange, I thought. We should continue.

    Then came all sorts of holidays. At first it was strange not to drink when everyone is drinking. Then - quite normal.

    At first, people around you look at you like an idiot. And they constantly offer to sip something. Well, at least a sip ... Then they get used to it and for them what you don't drink becomes absolutely normal. I even joked somehow - I said: "Give me some beer", to which I was answered: "What are you, eh, you don't drink!"

    Such are they, public stereotypes. Change quickly enough.

    In the first 2-3 months, sometimes I wanted to drink something. For example, it's hot outside, stuffy, you go into a store, and there is a cold beer of your favorite type in the refrigerator. There was a temptation, but for the sake of the purity of the experiment, I did not succumb to it.

    And somewhere in the 7th month, you understand that somehow you don't feel like drinking at all. Smelling beer - does not pull. Smelling whiskey - does not pull. And the vodka is quite some fu-fu-fu tala.

    And a thought appears in my head - why should I drink at all? What will happen from this? Well, you stagger, well, lower yourself a little, maybe you will do something that you would not do in a sober state. In the morning, then the head will buzz, performance will be minuscule and ... that's all.

    And if you don't drink, then tomorrow you will wake up with a clear head and you will continue to achieve your goals. Nothing will hurt, buzz and laziness will not.

    And this thought appears at about 8 months.

    I'm not going to treat anyone with this post - plump to your health. If you like it - drink it. Don't like it - don't drink. I do not care.

    If a person is good, then it doesn't matter to me whether he smokes or not, drinks every day, or hasn't been drinking for 8 years.

    It's just that many people make some kind of stupid cult out of it, like if I don't drink, then I'm kind of special. And it's normal to communicate with those who are drinking - I cannot, they are drinking. That's bullshit pure water.

    You remain the same as you were. No more, no less.

    Meanwhile, the experiment continues. If there are any interesting changes - I will write.

    UPD from 08/15/2018:

    I have not been drinking alcohol for more than 5 years. Nothing special has happened in comparison with what I wrote above.

    Tweet of the day: “Alcohol is completely eliminated from the body after 21 days. That is, never. "

    How much alcohol is released from the body: factors, period of 21 days

    There are several factors that affect the removal of alcohol ethanol from the human body. Consider:

    Various cocktails, wine and beer are completely eliminated from the body quickly enough, since these drinks are considered to be quickly digestible. Another picture with strong alcohol.
    It takes much longer for vodka to leave the body, as well as cognac with whiskey. These drinks can stay in the blood for more than one hour. Here, the amount of alcohol-containing liquid drunk is also important.

    It should be remembered that the absorption of ethanol into organ cells is affected by the food intake. For example, fatty foods absorb alcohol more slowly.

    Alcohol completely leaves the blood in a period of 21 days, but here everything is individual.

    Ethanol neutralization time

    There is no specific answer to the question of how much alcohol is excreted from the body, if only because each person's metabolism is individual.

    The doctors' calculations are based on average data about a middle-aged person and the same average physical condition. There are many ways to speed up ethanol neutralization time, but none will be 100% guaranteed.

    For example, a half-liter glass of beer contains about 0.15 ppm ethanol.

    Drinking citrus drinks, acidified liquid, sweet tea, you can neutralize alcohol. Being outdoors promotes sobriety. In addition, herbal infusions have a diuretic effect, the more fluid comes out, the faster beer leaves the body and sobering begins.

    Self-diagnosis: how to understand whether or not alcohol has left the body

    To understand how many hours alcohol leaves the body of a particular person can only be experienced. Several devices are used for self-diagnosis. They are able to give an accurate result in a short period of time. They differ in the method of analysis: in one case, the exhaled air is measured, in the other, saliva or urine is diagnosed.

    The surest way to establish the degree of intoxication is a blood test in the laboratory of a narcologist.

    Get rid of alcohol quickly and what not to do when getting out of a binge

    Alcohol leaves the body in two ways: naturally and in the form of acetic acid.

    The natural release of ethanol is provided by the skin, lungs and kidneys. For an alcoholic drink to turn into acetic acid, it must first be decomposed in the liver to acetaldehyde, which, by the way, is the cause of cirrhosis in alcoholics. Only then, acetaldehyde goes through the stage of oxidation to acetic acid, which is excreted by the cells of the body.

    Only a third of the alcohol consumed is excreted in a natural way, the rest of the blow is taken by the liver.

    To accelerate the elimination of ethanol through the lungs and kidneys, you need to drink fluids and enough physical activity in the fresh air.

    If we talk about mild states of alcoholic intoxication, then everything is more or less clear here. What can not be done while getting out of a binge, so as not to worsen the physical condition:

    All these actions increase the heart rate and can provoke a hypertensive crisis and heart attack.

    There are many methods of detoxification of the body after alcohol intoxication. Most effective:

    Pharmaceuticals, flavored tablets, sweets, vitamins relieve only external symptoms, such methods do not remove beer from the body, however, like any alcoholic drink, and, therefore, they do not contribute to sobering up.

    Detoxification Dos and Don'ts

    Today there are a lot of pharmacy products that can alleviate a person's condition after drinking alcohol. Such drugs should be treated carefully, since the consequences can be very different.

    How many days does alcohol leave the body? Doctors have established that the bulk of harmful substances leave the body in the first few days, the final blood cleansing lasts about three weeks.

    When detoxifying the body, the sequence of actions is important. You can not take substances and drugs that promote the synthesis of toxins that lead to the destruction of the liver. Taking aspirin during anti-alcohol manipulations can cause stomach bleeding. You should also abandon drugs that block pain.

    Comparative table of spirits from low alcohol beer to strong whiskey: after how many hours is it withdrawn and is there a difference for men and women?

    Nowadays there are a lot of computer programs that make it possible to accurately calculate the permissible rate of consumption of strong drinks.

    The comparative table below shows the period of time during which alcohol disappears from the body. It should be taken into account that for the female body, the ethanol elimination time will be twice as long. If both sexes could consume, for example, 500 grams of wine of the same strength, wine leaves the body of a man in 8 hours, and from the body of a woman of the same build - in 16 hours.

    These data are of an informative approximate nature, the exact time of elimination of alcohol from the body is individual.

    You should also take into account the frequency of use of such substances.

    The following behavior is typical for people in varying degrees of intoxication:

    Alcoholic intoxication, in general, is a critical blow to the body and in particular to the liver and pancreas. You should know when to stop in the quantity and quality of spirits. Now you know how much alcohol leaves the body.

    What affects the rate of disposal

    A three-week body detox is a complete elimination of ethyl toxins. This is not a task for drivers. It will take a day or several hours to sober up and reduce the concentration of ethanol to normal, depending on the strength of the drink. Wine and beer have good digestibility. It takes less time to dispose of them. Vodka is excreted from the body worse.

    Ethanol processing speed directly depends on the following factors:

    • gender identity;
    • the presence of concomitant diseases;
    • age;
    • the regularity of drinking alcohol;
    • alcohol strength and volume.

    The psycho-emotional state also affects the processing of acetaldehyde. Persons with nervous exhaustion absorb alcohol worse, and after sobering up depressive states take place.

    People who are underweight get drunk faster, and alcohol takes much longer to excrete. If we talk about average figures, then with a dosage of 0.1 g of alcohol per 1 kg of body weight drinking organism will be able to process alcohol in 1 hour.

    Elimination rate depending on the beverage

    Each alcohol-containing product has a specific effect on the body. Not only does the concentration of ethyl matter - fragrances, preservatives, and flavorings affect the rate at which alcohol is processed. Wine leaves the body relatively quickly. With a mass of 80 kg, processing 0.5 liters of 11% wine will take about 6 hours. Persons weighing more than 100 kg sober up faster - in 4 hours 45 minutes. Much depends on the type of wine. Liqueurs are considered strong, and the concentration of ethanol can be twice as high as that of semi-dry wine. Accordingly, the time for ethanol processing increases.

    Beer is excreted from the body much faster, but the problem is that they drink it in huge quantities. For men, processing light beer with a low degree in a volume of 0.5 liters will take from 2.5 to 3.5 hours. In the male body, the process of utilizing acetaldehyde is more active. Women will have to wait half an hour longer before getting behind the wheel. The beer of dark sorts with an increased degree is withdrawn more slowly. In this case, it may take from 3.5 to 6 hours depending on weight and physical condition.

    Vodka and other spirits are capable of staying in the body for a long time. The record holder in this sense is whiskey. It takes 24 hours for the alcohol to be removed, provided that 300-500 ml of the drink has been drunk.

    Vodka is excreted from the body slowly. It takes about 2.5-3 hours to process 50 ml. For disposal 200 gr. a drink for a healthy man will take about 7 hours. It will take 18-26 hours to process 500 ml of the drink. With a weight of 120 kg, this will take no more than 14 hours.

    The situation is similar with cognac. Cognac disappears from the body in 20-30 hours when drinking half a liter at a time. Correct preparation for a feast contributes to a faster withdrawal of alcohol. But even all precautions will not help quickly neutralize ethyl. Alcohol is completely utilized only by the end of the third week, although you can get behind the wheel after a short period.

    How to speed up the disposal of ethyl

    If after a feast you need to be cheerful and ready to drive, then you need to know for sure how much alcohol is removed from the body. A plentiful and correct snack contributes to the rapid elimination of alcohol. You shouldn't lean on fatty ones, but fresh vegetables and fruits will speed up the process of utilization of ethyl derivatives.

    To speed up the release of alcohol will help:

    • clean water - increases the volume of blood, respectively, the concentration of alcohol decreases. If you drink water and diuretics at the same time, you will be able to "expel" ethyl from the body and avoid edema;
    • physical activity - loads are contraindicated for a drinker, but light jogging or vigorous walking will help speed up the utilization of acetaldehyde. Outdoor physical activity is preferable to indoor activities;
    • vitamin C - with it ethyl toxins are removed better. It has antioxidant activity and energy. It is also useful to drink succinic acid preparations in moderation.

    Ethanol derivatives will go away the faster the less alcohol is taken. In order not to think about how many hours you can drive, it is better not to lean on alcohol at all. In extreme cases, non-alcoholic beer will help out, although after a large dosage of this drink, the breathalyzer is able to record a mild degree of intoxication.

    How many days it will take to completely cleanse the body depends on the drinking experience. With the systematic use of alcohol, the organs accumulate toxins and retain alcohol. If a person cannot stop, then one cannot do without anti-alcohol drugs. The specialist will tell you which remedy to choose, but you can find a suitable drug on the Internet anonymously.

    If there is no dependence and you need to quickly remove ethyl from the blood, then it is best to drink green tea or orange juice and go to sleep in a well-ventilated room. How much ethyl is processed in this case depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. But the process will definitely go faster. Anti-hangover agents bring relief, but practically do not affect the rate of acetaldehyde utilization. Before you get behind the wheel, you need to make sure that the breathalyzer does not detect alcohol. Moreover, the sensitivity of the devices of the traffic police officers may be higher.

    The adopted amendment canceled the concept of "zero ppm", when in case of an unfortunate coincidence of circumstances it was possible to "get" a fine and other troubles, for example, by drinking a couple of mugs of ordinary kvass. But you shouldn't relax. The current allowable rate is 0.16 milliliters of alcohol per liter of exhaled air and 0.32 ppm - the content in the blood, so the issue of planning a vacation must still be approached very responsibly.

    A simple rule that everyone understands: the stronger the alcoholic drink and the more you drank it, the more time it will take to cleanse the body. Moreover, the less your body weight, the slower "weathering" will occur.

    It is quite difficult to calculate the exact time when you can get behind the wheel after drinking. This largely depends on individual characteristics and even in some cases - on the brand of the drink. Therefore, you need to figure everything out with a time margin. Well, for complete confidence, a car enthusiast should buy himself a breathalyzer of acceptable quality - and it will fit in the household, and will help to avoid various unpleasant stories.

    time of alcohol withdrawal from the body *

    * - approximate values

    If the stars are unfavorable and it is necessary to hit the road, motorists resort to various folk remedies... Among them are those that theoretically (we emphasize, theoretically!) Can "hammer" light alcoholic amber and deceive not very sophisticated tester.

    How to speed up the elimination of toxins

    To help eliminate alcohol from the body, intense exercise stress or sauna. But this is not a panacea, although you can use this technique in the evening, when you need to be in shape by the morning.

    The vegetable oil will create a thin film in the mouth as well as in the esophagus and stomach, thereby reducing the content of alcohol molecules in the exhaled air. You can use this technique with a small amount of alcohol and the need for a short trip, but it does not always work.

    There is a myth that a plentiful and heavy meal is indispensable for alcohol. “On the contrary, fatty food, rich in meat, sauces, carbohydrates, makes the hangover more severe. This is because food does not diminish the effects of alcohol, but postpones it. The load on the liver is increasing, which cannot cope with the processing of alcohol, "- Vladimir Protasov, therapist of the family network of medical clinics, told

    Therefore, in order to be in shape the next day, the specialist advises to follow several rules:

    • It is best to drink only one quality drink. Mixing carbonated and non-carbonated drinks (champagne and wine, beer and vodka) will make the hangover really hard.
    • Snack on vegetables, fruits, cheese, lean meats, or poultry.
    • Know your measure. You need to have a good time and feel great in the morning, and not drink to the point where it is impossible to think or move.
    • Try not to sit at the table, but to move more - this will improve digestion and promote faster elimination of alcohol from the body.
    • Drink plenty of pure water, and herbal tea will do the trick in the morning. You can make a solution with rehydron (dissolve the bag in a liter of boiled water).
    • Take a walk in the fresh air. Hiking helps to enrich the body with oxygen and thus helps to eliminate toxins faster.

    So that the spirit does not

    Some car enthusiasts advise eating chocolate, drinking coffee, or chewing on a coffee bean. But this will only help when talking to an inspector who simply will not feel the disguised alcoholic smell and will not test you with a tester. But your trick will not significantly change the readings of the device.

    It's the same with more "brutal" flavored snacks: onions, garlic and others. They can theoretically influence the law enforcement officer, who either decides to stay away from you, or, conversely, begins to suspect something. The breathalyzer will not deceive this technique either: it "responds" to alcohol molecules coming from the mouth and lungs, so even if you can knock out an elephant with a breath, it will not help you to mislead electronics.

    Often, motorists use peppermint gum and candy to bring down the smell of alcohol. The effect is the same as in the previous case, but most likely, the inspector will suspect something and arrange a large-scale inspection for you.

    There is one trick to try to deceive the tester - to take several deep breaths in a row, and then blow into the tube. This may slightly reduce the performance of the device. This trick only makes sense if you just want to play it safe a little.

    But the main thing to note is that you should not deceive anyone. This is your responsibility, your life and the lives of those around you. The law is the same for everyone. Here's the best recommendation: Not confident in your condition - don't drive!

    Do you know the bearded joke that “alcohol is completely eliminated from the body in 21 days, that is, never”? Lena Satarova took her too close to her heart and decided to remember - what it is like to live without alcohol in your blood.

    It all started when I saw my friend and could not believe my eyes. He either lost weight, or got younger, or what happened to him is generally incomprehensible. Complexion, skin condition, general tone - the person seems to have returned from sources, although he lives in his beloved dusty Kiev.

    “Well, I just didn't drink for three weeks,” a friend explained the change. “At the end of the third week, I am steadily swelling.” Exactly! The puffiness is gone. I suddenly realized that what I had long considered as facial features turned out to be banal alcoholic swelling.

    1. Remember the medical history:

    I have always had a stable relationship with alcohol. I loved him, and he loved me. First, juvenile longers and necks, then hellish university experiments and, finally, the gourmet joys of a glass of red wine for dinner and the smell of good whiskey for coffee.

    There is nothing to hide, about three years ago I could easily share a bottle of tequila with a friend and consider it just a warm-up. Then, by some miracle, yoga intertwined into my life, and I posted philosophical statuses like “meditation, meditation, getting drunk. shivasana, beher, viskar. yes, the Slavic soul has no shores. Poetry".

    Then, by some miracle, yoga intertwined into my life, and I posted philosophical statuses such as “meditation, meditation, getting drunk. shivasana, beher, viskar. yes, the Slavic soul has no shores. Poetry".

    Over the past year, the attitude towards alcohol has changed completely. He has ceased to amuse in any way. You drink to yourself, you drink, you spend a third of your salary - but no sensations. It turned out that without him it was even more fun. But it became clear why the French love wine so much and why drinking more than one glass is not interesting.

    And I started drinking no more than one glass a day. Everyday. As doctors recommend.

    2. Make a decision. Calm down. Without tearing:

    So that not a drop in my mouth in a row for three weeks - this, it seems, has happened only once in the last 7 years. When I was under an IV in the hospital. Some harmless sidrik - no, no, and it will slip through. As long as cocktails are fun, there is no fool to refuse them! What for? Why is this violence?

    I think not, I’m sure that as long as you are struggling and counting the days until the end of the experiment, you don’t need it. To begin with, let the mind make an independent, balanced decision regarding the fact that playing the alcoholic game is no longer interesting.

    I think not, I’m sure that as long as you are struggling and counting the days until the end of the experiment, you don’t need it. To begin with, let the mind make an independent, balanced decision regarding the fact that playing the alcoholic game is no longer interesting. Then the body, by inertia, will continue to perform the usual Friday rituals, although there is no sense in them. And one fine day you will wake up and understand - “it seems that the moment has come to look at the world with sober eyes”.

    3. Accept your friends' reactions:

    “Come on - you will experiment in winter! It's impossible in summer! ” - the first thing I heard from friends. Then there was the sad “losing people”, the indifferent “I don't need company, I can do it myself” and the Mormon “Well, finally! you still have to give birth! ”.

    It seems to people that something should suddenly change in your relationship. And as soon as they understand that this is not so, they will immediately calm down.

    4. Modify traditions:

    The problem is that the hands are used to holding the glass. In an institution, a club, at a buffet table or when guests are at home. Without this tactile joy, you seem to be naked, an extra person at this celebration of life. As if you came to a party where no one is waiting for you. Therefore, hands must be occupied. This is rule number one. Tea, coffee, mojito, water. Choosing drinks for non-drinkers is boring. But what to do. Drink your tea until you burst.

    The problem is that the hands are used to holding the glass. In an institution, a club, at a buffet table or when guests are at home. Without this tactile joy, you seem to be naked, an extra person at this celebration of life.

    5. Go to the end

    I was on the verge of breaking down only twice. The first is at sea. Coming to rest (especially in such a boring place as) and not even drinking beer with shrimps is like stopping eating tangerines in the New Year. It's not difficult, but it's a tradition. And then coffee helped me out again. And instead of shrimp - raspberries from a plastic cup. A clever trick of the touch is a great way to deal with temptation!

    You can always drink a guest with the help of friends who do not put themselves on non-alcoholic experiments.

    The second was when a stranger from Argentina came to visit me on Couchsurfing. After all, I want the guest to not just like everything, but really like it, so that the conversations are not just interesting, but deep and meaningful. And who of them, the Argentines, knows what they really need. Therefore, the first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to crush a bottle of wine from the doorway, and then it will already be seen. As it turned out, even without this, there are many topics for discussion, and you can always get a guest drunk with the help of friends who do not put themselves on non-alcoholic experiments.


    I would not say that I felt serious physical changes. Well, except that after the party until the morning with songs and dances, it became easy and pleasant to wake up. And that's a lot, of course. Revelations about what kind of booze evil was also not followed. If you like it - drink it! You will die anyway, sooner or later. This is different.

    Taste also needs to be trained. And for this, sometimes you need to “forget” about something, so that later you can rejoice at the first sip.

    First, the very power of intention is being trained, which I already wrote about in the article. When you realize that you are able to translate words into action, then a hitch appears the next time you come up with a more interesting task. Secondly, a lot of energy is released, which used to be spent on gatherings with not very interesting people or a morning break. There is a lot of time, and it can be invested more talentedly. Third, taste also needs to be trained. And for this, sometimes you need to “forget” about something, so that later you can rejoice at the first sip.