Adjustable dephlegmator. What is a reflux condenser for a moonshine still, its home production. It is easy to make a shell-and-tube dephlegmator

However, despite the widespread use of these names, if you analyze the numerous information on the Internet, then there is widespread confusion about the purpose of these devices. Especially a lot of discrepancies are observed in the functions and essence of the operation of the dephlegmator and the dry steamer. Let's figure it out and start with the basics.

Rectification and distillation

Distillation- this is evaporation followed by condensation of vapors. This is exactly what happens when using a moonshine still of the simplest type.
Rectification- separation of the mixture into fractions due to the countercurrent movement of steam and the same steam condensed into a liquid (phlegm).

Thus, it can be seen that during distillation, the vapor formed during the boiling of the liquid enters the condenser in cocurrent flow. As a result, we get a homogeneous mixture containing alcohol, water, and fusel oils. The alcohol content is increased due to the fact that it evaporates at lower temperatures and faster than water and other fractions.

During rectification, part of the condensed steam flows back towards the distillation vessel, is heated by the newly formed steam and evaporates again. As a result of the reevaporation process, the distilled liquid is divided into its component parts. In the case of moonshine: fusel oils, water and the alcohol we need. The degree of separation depends on the design of the distillation column.

Looking ahead a little, let's say that a reflux condenser for moonshine is one of the elements included in the device of a distillation column.

Dry steamers and wet steamers

Actually, these are two names of the same element. They are also known as bastards. Both a dry steamer and a wet steamer are structurally a thin-walled closed container of a small volume with two steam lines in the upper part: inlet and outlet.

A tap is embedded in the lower part of the pribnik to discharge the waste condensate. However, often prikubniks are made from glass jars, then, naturally, there can be no talk of a tap. The accumulated liquid is drained through the neck and only at the end of the distillation.

A simple dryer from a can

There is only one structural difference between a wet and dry steamer: in a wet steamer, the outlet of the inlet pipe is lowered to the very bottom, so that steam from alembic"gurgled" through the liquid poured into the container. From here, a wet steamer is often called a bubbler.

How it works

  1. Steam enters the tank and due to the temperature difference begins to condense on the walls and drain to the bottom.
  2. As the body of the dry steamer is heated with new steam, the intensity of condensation decreases, part of the steam begins to go into the selection.
  3. At the same time, the condensate begins to heat up and re-evaporate and also go to the selection.
  4. At a certain point, due to overevaporation, only “dirty” phlegm is at the bottom, which is better to dump through the tap and start the cycle from the beginning.
  5. If there is no valve, then there is only one option - selection before flushing, i.e. at the output we get a "dirty" product.

Both options, both "reset" and "selection to victory" are not good - in the end we still get not the highest quality product. In fact, a dry steamer performs only two useful functions:

  • does not allow pairs of mash to get into the selection;
  • due to overevaporation slightly increases the strength of the product.

Is it possible to increase the efficiency of the sump? It is possible, but it is necessary to change its device: the body should be located above the distillation cube, and the condensate must be discharged directly into the cube. Only it will no longer be a dry steamer, but quite a decent uncontrollable dephlegmator.

How is a reflux condenser

The device of a reflux condenser in its simplest form is two welded tubes of different diameters, installed vertically on a distillation cube. Coolant (water) circulates in the shirt between them, and a smaller diameter tube serves as a conduit for the exit of alcohol-containing vapor.

To explain the principle of operation of this device, we conditionally assume that the distilled liquid has 2 components having different boiling points. The division into fractions is carried out as follows:

  1. At the initial stage, the cooling starts at full capacity and until the distillation cube is heated, the apparatus works “on its own”. That is, the liquid evaporating from the container condenses, forms a thin film on the walls and flows towards the rising steam back into the cube. On its way, it is heated by the newly formed steam and partially evaporates - this is "overevaporation"
  2. After the temperature in the tank reaches a temperature sufficient to boil both fractions, two areas are formed inside the structure:
  3. The upper one, where the vapors of the fraction with a low boiling point condense.
  4. The lower one is the region of condensation of the second component.
  5. Nothing still gets into the main refrigerator, that is, there is no selection yet.
  6. The evaporation and condensation temperatures of each of the fractions are known. Now you can change the cooling mode so that the point of evaporation of the first fraction is at the upper cut of the reflux condenser.
  7. The selection of the 1st component of the mixture begins.
  8. After the low-temperature fraction is selected, the mode is changed again and the second part of the mixture is selected.

The method makes it possible to separate a liquid into any number of components having different boiling points. The process is inertial, and it is better to change the cooling mode very carefully, slowly and stepwise.

Dephlegmator Dimrota

The separating power of the reflux condenser depends on the size of the area of ​​contact of phlegm with steam and the accuracy of adjustment. The principle of operation is the same for all types of these devices, they differ only constructively.

The one that was described in the previous section is a direct-flow film-type refrigerator. The design is simple to manufacture and quite effective. But it has drawbacks - an insignificant interaction area, which tends to zero when the structure deviates from the vertical. The second is the difficulty of adjusting the steam temperature. Dimroth's design is partially devoid of these shortcomings.

The Dimroth reflux condenser is a glass or metal flask with a spiral tube in the center. Water circulates through it and phlegm condenses on it.

The principle of operation is the same, but it is obvious that such a design, even by eye, has a larger area of ​​contact between vapor and liquid than a film apparatus. In addition, the interaction of phlegm and steam occurs in the center of the flask, where its temperature is maximum. Consequently, the final product will be cleaner and stronger.

Why is the Dimroth reflux condenser most often used in everyday life or film dephlegmator for moonshine? This is due to the properties of the feedstock - mash. If, during its distillation, the most efficient packed column with a large filler area is used, then after half an hour of operation the filler will be so contaminated that no rectification will become possible.

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How to assemble a dephlegmator at home with your own hands? This is not very difficult, but if there is no desire or time to mess with the assembly this device, then there are ready-made options for sale at quite reasonable prices. Yes, and a modern apparatus already comes with a dephlegmator and. In addition, not every model of a dephlegmator for a moonshine still can be made by hand, some types are assembled only in production.

Do-it-yourself dephlegmator from a jar

Sumps can be made independently from the following items:

  • thermos;
  • stainless steel;
  • glass jar.

If a distillation column is used in a moonshine still, then a dry steamer from a thermos is an ideal option. It is difficult to do it without special knowledge and skills, but with a great desire, you can learn everything. Get ready for some drilling and soldering, so arm yourself right away necessary tools.

The equipment manufacturing procedure is as follows:

  1. After stripping the bottom of the thermos, weld the brackets to it, skip the wires and fix it to the wall. Then you need to sharply pull the thermos. The pursued goal is to remove the bottom from the thermos flask. If you preheat the bottom with a burner, this will greatly facilitate the process.
  2. Next, you need to grind the welding seam so that an inconspicuous gap around the circumference is formed. It is better to do this with a drill with a special nozzle or an emery machine.
  3. Remove the inner flask. To make it as easy as possible to remove the inside, you need to cut off the edge of the neck of the thermos.
  4. We make a hole in the inner flask at the bottom, insert and weld a ventilation tube to it.
  5. We cut and solder two pipes into the outer flask at the bottom and at the top for free circulation of cold water. It is important that the inner ends of the tubes protrude a smaller distance relative to the size of the gap between the flasks.

Now the dephlegmator from the thermos is ready for use. It remains only to fix the device on the device upside down.

You can also make a steamer from segments of stainless steel pipes (d = 38 mm and d = 52 mm). Purchase pipe sections low prices available at a scrap metal collection point. First, two pipes are welded on the outside of the larger diameter tube at the ends. A tube with a smaller diameter must be inserted inside a larger one. To form a shirt between the parts, you need to weld the ends. After the device is attached to the hole in the lid of the cube. And in the cavity formed, water (cold) circulates.

Making such a steamer is a very difficult task. Locksmith skills and experience with a welding machine are required, as you will need to solder the tubes together. If there are no such skills, then better device buy stainless steel and save time and nerves.

The easiest way is to make a steamer at home from a can.

For such a design you will need:

  • a glass jar with a volume of at least one liter with a metal lid;
  • fittings - 2 pcs.;
  • awl;
  • nuts - 2 pcs.;
  • felt-tip pen;
  • heat resistant adhesive.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mark on the cover the diameter of the holes at the joints, circle the fittings with a felt-tip pen.
  2. Make holes with a sharp awl.
  3. Install the fittings, and then secure with nuts.
  4. For maximum sealing of the holes, it is required to process them outside and inside with heat-resistant glue.

After the steamer is ready, all that remains is to connect it to the moonshine still. It is better to use silicone hoses, since rubber can affect the taste and smell of an alcoholic beverage.

Parts can be ordered from the workshop, preferably in stainless steel

It is important that the inlet fitting is shorter than the outlet fitting, so you can protect the moonshine from getting into it with mash.

The effectiveness of a self-made device depends on the assembly method, the materials used and on the correct calculation of the required parameters. It is best to pre-test it after manufacturing. Pour ordinary water into the cube, then start the device: this way you can check for sure the strength of the installation and the tightness of the sump.

Previously, it was believed that there was no need for a dephlegmator, without thinking about the quality of the alcoholic beverage. But in our time, people involved in home brewing have come to the conclusion that such savings affect the quality of alcohol (harmful substances remain), and, therefore, are fraught with bad health consequences. drinking alcohol High Quality, dangerous intoxication of the body can be avoided.

Device advantages

  1. The amount of harmful impurities that impair the taste of the drink is reduced. If the device was manufactured in accordance with the standards or purchased in a store, then after distillation, moonshine does not need to be treated with chemicals.
  2. This processing method is considered the most practical, because with its help, in the course of just 1 distillation, a large amount of drink can be obtained at the output, with an alcohol content of up to 96%. In addition, the strength can be adjusted using a dephlegmator.
  3. The device helps to prevent the mash from getting into the finished drink, which will eliminate the subsequent processes of distillation of the liquid.
  4. Dephlegmator for moonshine device can be used as a flavoring device. If you put a piece of apple, orange or fresh berry fruits in a container, you can ensure that the moonshine will acquire a unique aroma and pleasant taste.

Thus, although a reflux condenser is not an obligatory part of a moonshine, it is difficult to imagine the process of obtaining a high-quality and tasty drink without its use.

Dry steamers and wet steamers

Actually, these are two names of the same element. They are also known as bastards. Both a dry steamer and a wet steamer are structurally a thin-walled closed container of a small volume with two steam lines in the upper part: inlet and outlet.

A tap is embedded in the lower part of the pribnik to discharge the waste condensate. However, often prikubniks are made from glass jars, then, naturally, there can be no talk of a tap. The accumulated liquid is drained through the neck and only at the end of the distillation.

A simple dryer from a can

There is only one structural difference between a wet and dry steamer: in a wet steamer, the outlet of the inlet pipe is lowered to the very bottom, so that the steam from the distillation cube “bubbling” through the liquid poured into the container. From here, a wet steamer is often called a bubbler.

How it works

  1. Steam enters the tank and due to the temperature difference begins to condense on the walls and drain to the bottom.
  2. As the body of the dry steamer is heated with new steam, the intensity of condensation decreases, part of the steam begins to go into the selection.
  3. At the same time, the condensate begins to heat up and re-evaporate and also go to the selection.
  4. At a certain point, due to overevaporation, only “dirty” phlegm is at the bottom, which is better to dump through the tap and start the cycle from the beginning.
  5. If there is no valve, then there is only one option - selection before flushing, i.e. at the output we get a "dirty" product.

Both options, both "reset" and "selection to victory" are not good - in the end we still get not the highest quality product. In fact, a dry steamer performs only two useful functions:

  • does not allow pairs of mash to get into the selection;
  • due to overevaporation slightly increases the strength of the product.

Is it possible to increase the efficiency of the sump? It is possible, but it is necessary to change its device: the body should be located above the distillation cube, and the condensate must be discharged directly into the cube. Only it will no longer be a dry steamer, but quite a decent uncontrollable dephlegmator.

Dephlegmator from a metal thermos

The basis of this design will be a thermos with a volume of 0.5-1 l. Let's get started.

  1. We disassemble the thermos, that is, remove the bottom, so as not to damage the flask itself. To do this, we clean the platform on the bottom and solder a metal bracket to it. We fasten a wire or a steel cable to the bracket. We securely fix the second end of the wire and strongly pull the thermos towards ourselves. The bottom should come off the thermos flask. To facilitate the process, you can preheat it with a burner.
  2. Next, you need to grind off the rib along which the partition is connected to the outer bulb in such a way that an almost indistinguishable uniform gap appears around the entire circumference. It is best to use a drill with a nozzle for this or, if you have access, an emery machine. After that, the thermos partition is easily separated from the outer flask.
  3. In order to remove the inside of the flask, it is also necessary to carefully grind off the rib on the neck of the thermos. As a result, the inner part is easily removed from the outer.
  4. We drill a hole in the bottom of the inner flask, insert a tube into it to communicate with the atmosphere and tin the junction.
  5. We cut and solder two pipes into the wall of the outer flask at the top and bottom to organize the circulation of cooling water. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the ends of these tubes protrude inside the flask to a distance less than the gap between the flasks.
  6. We assemble the flask: carefully solder the gaps made earlier, drill a hole in the bottom and the partition under the tube and put them in place.

In principle, our do-it-yourself reflux condenser, as far as the thermos itself is concerned, is ready. Its working position on the moonshine is upside down. But it does not yet have the most important node, because of which everything was started: the node for selecting the finished product.

Selection node

It will be connected to the neck of the thermos. Schematically, its design and position in the moonshine still is shown in the figure below.

Dephlegmator operation scheme

It is made from a piece of pipe with two adapters: the upper one to the neck of the thermos, the lower one to the tube connecting the reflux condenser with the distillation cube. A wide washer with a low rim (8-10 mm) is welded inside the tube along the edge of the central hole. If you have a skill, then you can handle the installation of the washer with your own hands, if not, then contact the workshop. Just above the bottom, formed along the wall of the bowl pipe, a hole is drilled for the pipe, through which the finished product will exit.

The diagram is not shown, but to accurately adjust the operating mode of the device, a thermometer or a temperature sensor is also needed. To install it, just above the upper side of the washer in the pipe wall, a hole is drilled under the sleeve for installing a thermometer.

So, the dephlegmator is assembled. It can be connected through a tube (from 50-80 cm long) to the lid of the distillation vessel and begin to receive the finished product. But if we want to get really high-quality alcohol, then we should think about replacing the tube with a full-fledged distillation column.

Is it possible to make a dephlegmator yourself

It is quite easy to make a steamer with your own hands, but in the absence of time and desire to design, it is better to give preference to ready-made specimens. In addition, some models simply cannot be made clearly by analogy with similar products, but manufactured in an industrial environment.

It has long been known that properly obtained moonshine does not give a severe hangover. It is better to clean alcohol vapors immediately during distillation than later, folk remedies. Indeed, with improper cleaning, they may not even save a ruined drink. What can contribute to the accurate separation of fractions? Each moonshine still, if it is proudly called a column, has a dephlegmator. In another way, it is also called a strengthening refrigerator. Without a reflux condenser, the metal tube that rises above the still is just a tube. Why is it needed and what is the principle of operation of a dephlegmator in a moonshine still? Everything is very simple. Let's start with the design and location.

Moonshine dephlegmator device

The reflux condenser (reinforcing refrigerator) is something like a “water jacket” located in the upper quarter of the column. In fact, the design of the section of the column with a reflux condenser is two concentric tubes of different diameters. The outer tube is welded to the inner one, and the space between them is supplied cold water. Sometimes the reflux condenser is removable, but most often it is integrally mounted on the column itself. The dephlegmator zone does not have any internal nozzles. In this regard, the reflux condenser of a distillation column is no different from that of a conventional beer column. High-performance distillation columns may not have a reflux condenser, however, the mash on such columns will not be distilled: it will “clog” the nozzle, no matter what is used. Therefore, household column apparatuses have a reflux condenser for distillation “in moonshine still mode”. Therefore, when planning (we recommend choosing a brand device), pay attention Special attention on the possible modes of operation.

The principle of operation of the dephlegmator

The essence of the operation of this device is the creation of the required temperature for the purification and strengthening of alcohol vapors due to their cooling and the so-called priority condensation.

Let's explain with an example.

In the operation mode of the column (mash or distillation) “on itself”, there is a complete condensation of all vapors coming from the distillation cube. At this stage, the reflux condenser receives the maximum cooling flow. All condensate flows down the column towards new portions of vapor. When they meet, partial evaporation occurs due to heating of the liquid (phlegm). When the column warms up and enters the operating mode, it separates the temperature regions. In the upper part, vapors of substances with a lower boiling point will condense, and in the lower part, with a higher one. As soon as this mode is established, it is possible to reduce the cooling of the reflux condenser.

The temperature should be set in such a way as to “shift” the area of ​​evaporation of low-boiling fractions to the upper area of ​​the reflux condenser. In this case, all low-boiling fractions will begin to evaporate here and pass further into the condenser, while all other fractions will not be able to leave the column. As soon as the low-boiling fractions (heads) are selected, the temperature in the column is changed again, so that now in the same upper region of the reflux condenser the main fraction of the “body” evaporates. In this way, all components of the mixture having different boiling points can be separated. It turns out that the reflux condenser is such a “barrier”, which can clearly separate the components of the liquid. It is only important to remember that the cooling adjustment should be made as smoothly as possible and “little by little”, since the system needs time to establish a new balance. As a rule, it takes 20-30 seconds.

Types of dephlegmators

Although the principle behind the operation of reflux condensers is the same, they may differ in design and size. The larger the contact area of ​​phlegm and steam (within certain limits), and the more accurate the temperature control, the greater will be the separating power of the reflux condenser. And there are only two designs: direct-flow and Dimroth dephlegmator. Sometimes they are confused, mixing everything into one.

A straight-through reflux condenser is just a “tube in a tube”, which was described above. And the Dimroth reflux condenser has a slightly different design. It is made in the form of a tube, inside which there is a second tube in the form of a spiral. It is in the internal that water is supplied, and here the liquid condenses. Due to the spiral shape, the contact area of ​​the liquid-vapor phases increases, and, consequently, the separation efficiency. Another plus of this design is that this phase contact occurs in the zone of maximum temperature - in the center of the tube. And this also contributes to better purification of alcohol vapors, even

Be that as it may, moonshine has flourished and will continue to flourish in our country. This is due to the fact that there are many lovers of strong alcoholic beverages who prefer to prepare a product from natural ingredients, and not trust store-bought alcohol of dubious quality. Therefore, the topic of how to make appropriate equipment for obtaining high-quality drinks remains always in demand. Today we will talk about what a do-it-yourself dephlegmator for a moonshine still is and how easy it is to make it for an inexperienced specialist!

What is a dephlegmator

What is a dephlegmator in a moonshine and why it is recommended to use it, the video will clearly demonstrate, and we will additionally talk about all the features of this device, as well as how you can make it yourself.

So, this device, which is popularly called by the people also a sump (super steamer), is extremely important. This is because:

  • fusel oils need a higher temperature for evaporation than any alcohol compounds;
  • at the same time, fusel oils and other substances, additives can significantly worsen the quality of alcohol, adversely affect its taste;
  • a dryer with liquid is necessary in order to ensure the removal of heavier substances - they simply settle in it;
  • thereby alcoholic drink gets rid of unnecessary substances.

That is, we can conclude that the designs of moonshine stills with a reflux condenser are necessary in order to ensure the high quality of alcohol.

This peculiar device can still be called a kind of refrigerator, since it instantly cools the temperature of the mixture, due to which impurities heavier than steam settle.

Previously, dry steamers were not considered a mandatory step, but today every experienced moonshiner must use this device. You can make it yourself, but the moonshine still with a Dimroth reflux condenser is in great demand - this is a ready-made model of a unit that performs cooling. We'll talk about it below.

By the way, there are other devices of this type that are already completely ready for use - you just need to buy and install them.

If you do not want to spend money, then you will need a drawing of a moonshine still with a reflux condenser, its role will be played by a kind of sump, for the manufacture of which it is enough to use a jar with a screw-on lid into which fittings are installed.

Advantages of a dephlegmator

The design of a moonshine with a reflux condenser, the drawings of which are publicly available, allows you to get a really better product. Although, for some reason, novice moonshiners are skeptical about this additional piece of equipment.

Let's take a look at the specific benefits. After familiarizing yourself with them, you will definitely make sure that the unit is a useful thing!

  1. A significant reduction in the volume of fusel oils - after all, they create an unpleasant odor and a specific, repulsive taste. If you do everything right, you will be able to ensure the virtually ideal purity of the product, and at the same time catch up with its strength up to 96%!
  2. Increasing the strength of an alcoholic beverage. This is due to the fact that phlegm has the opportunity to return to the wash again, thereby increasing the alcohol content.
  3. A kind of barrier - prevents the possible penetration of mash into the already prepared moonshine. What is not less important. After all, if a hit occurs, then the stage will have to be carried out first.
  4. Adding a pleasant scent. The sump can play the role of a flavoring agent. To do this, put a peel of lemon or any other product whose aroma you like in it. As a result, it turns out not only pure, natural alcohol, but also with a pleasant aroma!

Variety of models

It's no secret that sukhoparniks can be bought in specialized stores. Most often they are made of glass. As the diagram of a moonshine still with a reflux condenser testifies, the tubes in it are made not only from stainless steel - in rare cases, titanium is used for this! But it is best to do it yourself, since the scheme is extremely simple and such a device will cost at most 100 rubles, of which part will go to pay for travel.

In this section, we will look at what the Dimroth dephlegmator device is for a moonshine still, and also talk about how to easily and quickly create a sump with your own hands.

Refrigerator Dimrota

If you are interested in the scheme of a moonshine still with a Dimroth reflux condenser, first study what this unit is.

According to the manufacturers, it is made of double laboratory glass, resistant to high temperatures and sudden temperature changes. The use of such a device allows you to get alcohol with a strength of up to 85!

  • if you need to get alcohol of the highest quality;
  • if poor quality mash is used for its preparation, filled with foreign substances with persistent, pungent odors;

Among the main advantages of the device:

  • ease of operation - just put it on a Bunsen flask;
  • strong, resistant thermal glass;
  • ease;
  • Comes with a protective case to prevent damage and simplify storage.
  • it is not necessary to connect to running water - but only if the mash is of high quality, which does not have impurities that can give the final product an unpleasant odor and taste (condensation will be carried out thanks to the air that is in the coils of the unit).

If you do not have the opportunity to buy a sump or just do not want to do it, we have prepared for you two ways to create a device. Each of them is pretty simple.

How to make a simple dephlegmator from a can

The simplest and most affordable glass dephlegmator for a moonshine still is an ordinary jar that will perfectly perform the functions of a steamer. Of course, when compared with the professional model, which is the Dimroth refrigerator, it is not somewhat practical, but it is actually completely free.

The jar needs to be chosen depending on the power of your moonshine still. But in any case, it is not recommended to take cans with a capacity of less than 750 grams.

The jar is best used with a screw cap - this will make the fixture easier to use. In addition, the lid is equally suitable for both liter and two- and even three-liter cans.

In addition to the jar and screw-on lid, you will need:

  • nuts;
  • fittings;
  • glue.

The main thing is that all the details and expendable materials have high thermal stability.

The sequence of actions in the manufacture of a homemade sump from a can is as follows:

  • take the cover and make notes in the places where the fittings will be mounted;
  • mark the outlines of the fittings with a pencil, given their size;
  • cut holes;
  • grease the edges with glue;
  • install fittings and assemble them;
  • fasten the nuts.

The pipe entering the jar should be about ten to fifteen millimeters below the exit pipe.

When the steamer is ready, it is connected to the moonshine still itself, installing it between the cube that distills the mash and the refrigerator with a coil, where the main separation of the steam into fractions takes place.

An additional advantage of the dry steamer is that it retains the splashes of mash from the still, which makes the final drink taste pleasant.

Distillation column

If you use a distillation column in your apparatus, then in this case a sump from a can will not work for you - an ideal option would be a product from an ordinary thermos.

However, be prepared for the fact that it will be possible to create such a refrigeration unit only if there are certain skills. In particular, you need to be able to solder, grind seams and drill.

The process of forming such a dephlegmator is as follows:

  • take the most ordinary thermos and carefully clean its bottom;
  • take out the inner flask, and then grind the seams in such a way that a visible gap forms;
  • mount a tube to the inner flask to ensure ventilation;
  • fix a test tube at the bottom of the vessel;
  • solder the intake assembly to the neck;
  • then you need to prepare small holes in the sleeve and securely fix the tube.

As you can see, there are several options to ensure the maximum purity of the finished product, and among them the dephlegmator plays a huge role. The main thing is to realize that a moonshine still with a reflux condenser and a dryer is not a whim, but a necessity, since the unit described in the article is really useful and will significantly improve the quality of an alcoholic drink!

In just a few minutes, you will learn the history of moonshine stills, which dates back to the 5th century AD.

To prepare a good alcoholic drink at home, you need to clearly understand how the procedure for its manufacture is carried out and have all the necessary equipment for this. In addition to the distillation cube and the refrigerator, the equipment must also include a dephlegmator for the moonshine still.

It comes in different sizes, can be made at home or purchased assembled in a specialized store. The quality directly depends on the equipment used in the manufacture of the drink.

What is a dephlegmator?

A reflux condenser is often called a prikubnik or a sukhoparnik. It is a container with thin walls of small volume, from which 2 tubes come out from above. Liquid enters through 1 of them, and gaseous alcohol is removed through the other. This device does not have to be installed on the moonshine, but many professional moonshiners recommend it for use.

A moonshine still with a reflux condenser is capable of producing high-quality and tasty moonshine. In most cases, for people who make a drink at home, the reflux condenser looks like a glass jar with an iron lid and copper pipes.

Main functions of the device

To find out how a dephlegmator works, just remember school course chemistry. The device filters out unnecessary chemical compounds. It resembles a refrigerator that lowers the temperature of the liquid in the moonshine during the distillation stage.

The principle of operation of the reflux condenser is that when boiling occurs, the alcohol evaporates, and harmful impurities, called fusel oils, remain in the tank. Due to this, hazardous compounds do not get into the finished product.

In addition, when the body of the device heats up, the intensity of condensation decreases, and the rest of the steam goes into the selection. The accumulated condensate also evaporates and then goes to the selection. Then the steam with a high alcohol content cools down and moves along the design of the moonshine still.

Another important function of the device is that it does not allow the mash to be in the finished drink. And even if the manufacturing process is disrupted, the reflux condenser will take the hit and protect pure moonshine from hitting the mash. In order to prevent spoilage of moonshine, when making this device, it is necessary to place the inlet tube 15 mm below the outlet.

How is a dephlegmator arranged?

The dephlegmator device may be different. There are dozens of device modifications. In most cases, the design consists of the following elements:

  1. Cylindrical metal or glass case. It comes in different sizes, which in turn depends on the volume of the distillation cube.
  2. Nozzle-filter. It consists of small glass rods of small diameter, on both sides of which mesh-shaped plugs are installed.
  3. A reflux condenser, which makes it possible to make the drink stronger, due to the fact that it allows the vapors to condense, thereby returning them to the distillation chamber with the main liquid.
  4. A thermometer that allows you to control the degree of heating of the mixture.
  5. Drain valve for waste substances, allowing you to remove unnecessary liquid. There is no need to disassemble the device.
  6. Threaded fittings and connections
  7. Tubes made of glass or metal of different diameters.

How to do it yourself?

To begin with, in order to answer the question of how to make a reflux condenser with your own hands, you need to understand that it is unlikely that you will be able to make a device that can be compared in quality with industrial models. You need to know that there are many ways in which you can make this device, the main thing is to choose the right one. Before starting work, it is also worth considering that how well the device will work and whether unforeseen situations will arise directly depends on the build quality.

For those who have just begun to try their hand at moonshine, it will be enough to use glass jar with screw-on metal lid.
With this method, it is not necessary to engage in welding, and this design is considered reliable. Thus, it will be possible to improve the quality of moonshine and improve the apparatus itself.

The volume of the container will depend on the size of the installation. In most cases, 1.5 liter cans are used. Also in the future you will need fittings, nuts, and heat-resistant glue.

In order to make a dephlegmator with your own hands, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Determine the locations of the holes for fastening the fittings on the iron cover, taking into account the diameter of each of them.
  2. Drill holes with a wide drill or cut with an awl.
  3. Apply heat-resistant glue along the contour of the holes
  4. Fasten the fittings and use nuts to fix the tubes on them, placing the inlet 1 cm below the outlet.
  5. Connect the device to the moonshine between the refrigerator and the distillation cube.
  6. Now, for starters, you can try in small quantities, evaluating the quality of the finished product.

Device advantages

  1. The amount of harmful impurities that impair the taste of the drink is reduced. If the device was manufactured in accordance with the standards or purchased in a store, then after distillation, moonshine does not need to be treated with chemicals.
  2. This processing method is considered the most practical, because with its help, in the course of just 1 distillation, a large amount of drink can be obtained at the output, with an alcohol content of up to 96%. In addition, the strength can be adjusted using a dephlegmator.
  3. The device helps to prevent the mash from getting into the finished drink, which will eliminate the subsequent processes of distillation of the liquid.
  4. A dephlegmator for moonshine can be used as a flavoring device. If you put a piece of apple, orange or fresh berry fruits in a container, you can ensure that the moonshine will acquire a unique aroma and pleasant taste.

Thus, although a reflux condenser is not an obligatory part of a moonshine, it is difficult to imagine the process of obtaining a high-quality and tasty drink without its use.