How to paint a picture of a money tree. How to make a beautiful panel money tree from coins with your own hands. Tree crown formation

Crassula tree-like, fatty or money Tree - a plant that is widespread in the apartments and gardens of many of our compatriots. In European countries, it appeared at the end of the 17th century, and the peak of popularity falls on the beginning of the 19th century. From our article, you will learn what types of jerky exist, how to plant a money tree, what conditions are necessary for its growth, and much more.

Types of fat women

There are about 300 varieties of the money tree. Most of them belong to succulents, although there are also herbaceous, aquatic and creeping. Most often, these types of fat women are bred:

    • Crassula is oval. Fleshy leaves of deep green color have a characteristic shine. In the wild, the oval crassula can reach a height of three meters, while in an apartment or house it stops growing, reaching 0.6-1 m. This plant differs from its counterparts in that it has characteristic aerial roots on the branches and trunk.
  • Crassula is tree-like. It is this type of plant that has received the name "money tree" due to the similarity of the shape of the leaves with coins. Outwardly, it looks like an oval crassula, but has a more rounded leaf shape and a bluish bloom on them. A flowering money tree is a rarity, but this variety is still able to please its owners with flowers after it reaches ten years of age.
  • Crassula minor. A small plant with rounded leaves with a reddish border.
  • Fat girl sunset. This variety has reddish yellow streaks on the leaves.

Advice! If you want to enjoy the original look of the colorful leaves of Sunset Crassula, grow it under bright sunlight in a greenhouse, as in simple home conditions, its leaves turn green.

  • Crassula tricolor. This plant is distinguished by beautiful white stripes on a green background and red-pink edging.
  • The fat woman is sickle-shaped. One of the few blooming varieties of Crassula. It is characterized by large reddish umbellate inflorescences. Indoors, this species of money tree blooms in July-August.

Money tree: care and reproduction

Reproduction of this plant occurs by a vegetative method - by leaves and cuttings.

It is best to plant Crassula in shallow pots, the bottom of which is covered with a drainage layer (small pebbles, expanded clay). Before planting, the soil must be moistened and a small depression must be formed in it. Place the scion in it and lightly dig in.

Please note that it is better not to disturb an adult plant without need - it will be enough to transplant the fat woman every three years. But while Crassula is still young (up to three years of age), the money tree should be transplanted annually, preferably in the spring.

Which soil to choose?

Homemade money tree grows excellently in succulent soil. If it is difficult to find it on sale, you can make the substrate yourself. To do this, you need to combine sand, humus, leafy and sod soil in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: 4.

Advice! You can also add small pieces of charcoal to this mixture.

Does the fat woman need feeding?

Like many other plants, the money tree needs vitamin and mineral nutrition. And if in winter and autumn Crassula does not feel an urgent need for it, then in spring and summer it will not hurt to feed it. To do this, use a universal fertilizer for succulents 1-2 times a month. The best time to fertilize is immediately after watering.

As for humidity, the bastard is relatively unpretentious, and grows well both in humid air and in dry air. However, as a preventive measure, it is recommended to spray the plant from a bottle with a spray bottle once a month (this is especially true for the heating season).

Mascots for the home are presented in the form of various products. One of the most popular among them is the money tree, which you can make yourself. Such a craft is often made from real bills. In this case, you can make a topiary or bonsai from minerals, coins, beads and other similar elements. The manufacturing process for many of the options is relatively straightforward, but in any case, it is painstaking.

What does the money tree symbolize

Before you make a money tree from coins with your own hands, check out this illustrious talisman in more detail. He is not only beautiful decoration interior, but also an amulet with strong energy. This talisman is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity. If you equip your home according to the principles of the ancient Chinese art of feng shui, then it is best to place the craft with money in the workplace or in the southeastern part of your apartment or house.

How to make a topiary from coins with your own hands

One of the most popular options for crafts in the form of a money tree is a topiary made of coins. For its production, you can buy souvenir Chinese coins, which are characterized by the presence of a square hole. To form the barrel, you will need a suitable tube or wire, depending on the size of the future product. Sometimes a real branch of a tree is taken for this purpose. A pot is often the main decorative craft. The trunk is fixed in it with the help of clay, plasticine or glue.

Tools and materials

To create a money tree with coins that brings happiness and wealth to your home, you will need to purchase a golden paint. With its help, you will give your craft a spectacular and original look. Prepare the following materials and tools:

  • pistachio shells;
  • coins;
  • golden paint, varnish;
  • a coil of wire;
  • small pot;
  • FUM (fluoroplastic sealing material): tape or threads;
  • glue;
  • scissors, drill;
  • plaster mix.

Step-by-step instruction

Punch a hole in each pistachio shell first. Use a drill for this purpose. The following steps for making topiary with your own hands:

  1. Make leaflets for future topiary. To do this, cut off 15-20 cm of wire and tie it to the shell through the hole made earlier. Prepare 15-20 leaves in the same way, depending on the size of the money tree.
  2. Twist each wire with a spiral. To make a small twig, twist a few shell leaves together.
  3. You can make a whole branch if you connect 2-3 small ones together. At the same time, try to repeat the structure of a real tree.
  4. After connecting whole branches, you will get a small tree. Be sure to wrap the resulting trunk with thread or FUM tape. Thanks to this action, it will be more durable.
  5. In the next step, apply golden paint to the craft. It is better to use a can for this, not forgetting about the precautions. Move the tree to a secluded place so the paint can dry well.
  6. Take a small pot and fill with plaster. Place a tree in it and wait for the material to harden. Then paint over the pot with the same golden paint. Scatter coins in and around the topiary pot.

There is another version of the money tree, in which coins will need to be tied to twigs. For this purpose, you just need souvenir coins with slots in the middle. The set of materials is approximately the same as for the previous instructions. Stages:

  1. Tie 0.3 mm pieces of copper wire to the coins.
  2. Next, sequentially connect 5 segments with coins screwed to them.
  3. Once you finish weaving the coin segments into several large branches, start decorating them.
  4. Since a thin wire cannot support the weight of several coins well, reinforce each branch with a piece of wire at the base. To do this, take a material with a diameter of 1 mm, fold it in half and, attaching it to the base of the branch, wrap it with a dark floral tape. Do this work for each branch.
  5. Then form a single trunk from the branches, fastening them with tape. Add thicknesses to it, if necessary, using pieces of copper wire.
  6. Find a plastic box of a suitable shape, fill it with plaster mix, and dip the wire barrel into it. Secure the craft until the mixture starts to set.
  7. After 20-30 minutes, remove the workpiece and start shaping the trunk. Give it additional volume using alabaster, plaster, cement. Dilute a mixture of these three components with construction PVA glue or stationery diluted in water.
  8. Apply the mixture to the barrel and make grooves. Decorate the money tree with coins. Coloring at will can be done in multi-layer, for example, a layer of bronze and gold paint, acrylic varnish and glitter. As a result, you will get an original hand-made craft.

Alternatively, you can make a money tree from bills with your own hands. Such a craft will become an original interior decoration and a kind of talisman that will personify well-being and prosperity in your home. If you have not found the banknotes that you do not mind using for such a craft, then buy some banknotes in a souvenir shop. Try to prepare as many bills as possible so that your handmade money tree looks really rich.

What materials will be needed

First, you should find a suitable foam cone, because it will be used as the basis for the money tree. In addition, prepare the following materials and tools:

  • clay pot;
  • wooden sticks (such as sushi sticks)
  • toothpicks;
  • banknotes;
  • pins;
  • paper;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • plaster mix.

The main stages of creation

The process of creating this money tree is simpler than the instructions described earlier. The finished craft can be decorated with bright tags or holiday ribbons. Process of creation:

  1. First, cut off a piece of the cone, place it on wooden sticks and place the blank in a clay pot holder.
  2. Attach the folded money (dollars or rubles) to the cone using pins. This should be done gradually in rows, starting from the very bottom.
  3. Hang the entire cone in series with banknotes. You can use them in any quantity, the main thing is to make sure that no voids are visible on the tree.
  4. Cut a star out of paper, glue it to a toothpick and place it on the very top of the cone.

One of the interesting options is a money tree made of beads and coins. With a competent and accurate approach, you should get a bonsai with delicate green greenery, an irregular shape and a trunk, in the crevices of which coins are hidden. This homemade bonsai can be a real money magnet. The beads will be woven using the buttonhole technique. Such a money tree will act as an excellent gift. to a loved one.

What is needed

Green beads are the key material. Buy about 100 g of medium sized Chinese beads (number eight) at once. Additionally prepare:

  • copper wire (thin and thick);
  • an old plate;
  • floristic tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • gouache;
  • pliers, scissors;
  • gypsum mixture;
  • alabaster, finishing plaster.

Step by step algorithm

Pay special attention to beading. The aesthetics of the leaves and twigs depends on how well you get it. Detailed master class:

  1. Count 8-9 beads, form a loop out of them. Twist the wire to form a "leg" 1.5 cm long.
  2. On both sides of the first loop, you need to make side leaves. To do this, fix 8-9 beads on a leg 0.5 cm long. As a result, you will get a finished branch of 3 loops. Twist the wire again to form a leg for the branch itself. This will create a third-order branch.
  3. Connect three of these branches together to get a large - of the second order.
  4. A large branch (first order) will have 3 branches of the second order. In total, such a branch will contain 9 branches of the third order, to one of which you need to attach a gold coin with a square cut in the middle.
  5. To make the branch stiff, attach a copper wire 1 mm in diameter and 10 cm long to its base. Fasten the elements with a regular floral tape.
  6. In total, about 12 large branches will be obtained from 100 g of beads. Form the crown of a money bonsai from them: take a wire frame with a cross section of 3 mm or more and gradually attach the prepared branches of the first order to it. Secure them with floral tape.
  7. Bend the wood to make it look more natural. Attach a steel wire loop to the base of the barrel for stability.
  8. To make the money tree more realistic, bend all the branches. The shape of the bonsai for stability can be corrected with pliers.
  9. Get involved in plastering. Take a suitable shape, cover it with cellophane and fill it with a mixture of cement, gypsum and sand in equal parts, which must be diluted with water. Place the barrel in the mixture and hold until the alabaster grabs.
  10. As soon as the base hardens, remove it from the pot, free it from the cellophane and cut off all excess.
  11. Cover the trunk and branches of the craft with a mixture of 2 parts of alabaster and 1 part of finishing plaster, which should be diluted with PVA glue. After a day, apply another layer of the mixture and form a crack in the bark with the opposite end of the brush.
  12. Get started painting money bonsai. First, cover the bark with light gouache, gradually darkening it closer to the top of the craft. Then apply a second coat of brown gouache.
  13. Without waiting for the second layer to dry, rub the entire craft with a damp sponge. When the paint dries, add translucent and acrylic gold plating.
  14. If the crown turns out to be pale, spray it with varnish and sprinkle with sparkles. You can do the same with the barrel.
  15. You can decorate with stones and coins, which must be glued to the trunk with polymer glue.

A miniature tree decorated with paper money will be a great gift ahead of new year holiday and an original addition to any interior. Such a craft will never lose its relevance. To do it yourself, you will need to prepare bills of any currency you are interested in. With the right approach, you will get a craft that is no worse than those shown in the photo of master classes by experienced needlewomen. Do-it-yourself money tree - sequence of actions:

  1. If you use standard bills, the tree will turn out to be large. Therefore, cut the money “blanks” in half and give them the shape of a pentagon so as to further fold them into symmetrical bags.
  2. Form a small bag out of each paper bill, and fasten the edges with hot glue. Bend the bottom of the blanks. It is difficult to calculate the number of required bags in advance, so make about 60-70 pieces first. Add new ones if necessary.
  3. To prepare the trunk of the topiary, you will need a wooden stick and decorative tape. An elastic foam ball with a diameter of 2.5 cm will be used as a base - you can buy it at a pet supplies store.
  4. Wrap a straight stick in two layers with a translucent metallic tape of golden color.
  5. Pierce the ball with a knife, insert the future trunk into it. For reliability, fix with hot silicone glue from a gun.
  6. At the bottom, where the barrel is fixed, start attaching blank money bags. Fix them not on the ball, but on the trunk.
  7. Fasten all subsequent workpieces to each other. Do not forget to apply glue to the place where the bun is in contact with the ball.
  8. As a result, you should have a ball with money bags strung on a golden stick. Do the top of the head very carefully, because this is the most visible area of \u200b\u200bhomemade topiary.
  9. Find a suitable pot to use as a base for your craft. Try to make the container yourself. To do this, find a suitable yogurt jar and paint it with acrylic paint.
  10. Once the paint is dry, decorate the homemade pot with ribbons and netting. You need to fix the decor with a glue gun. You can attach a golden bow to the front of the pots.
  11. Mix cement with sand in a separate container (determine the appropriate proportions yourself). Add water there until the mixture acquires the consistency of thick sour cream.
  12. Put the finished solution in a pot, place a topiary with paper money-bags there. It is better to fix the tree while the cement-sand mixture dries. You can substitute a support for it.
  13. Cover the dried mixture with transparent glue, and then decorate it with specially designed sand.
  14. After the mixture and glue have completely dried, add decor to the topiary. You can use real foliage, colorful ribbons and bills. Roll the last ones, put them at the base of the crafts and fix them securely with glue.
  15. Glue the leaves to the trunk using hot glue. Add a bow to the pot, and you can put a thin golden ribbon around the trunk, fixing it in several places.
  16. Sprinkle the finished craft with bills with clear varnish and put it by the open window to dry.
  17. After finishing work, check the stability of the pot. For security, process the edges where the mesh is fixed using hot glue to match the pot.

One of the unusual ideas for creating crafts in the form of a tree with money is embroidery. For this, the technology of cross stitching is used. The master class below will be an excellent practice for beginners. The scheme is relatively simple, so working on such needlework will not take much of your time. According to the rules of feng shui, the finished painting with banknotes will need to be located in the southeast of the housing, and with coins - on the north side, opposite the door. For embroidery, prepare:

  • floss threads of green, dark green, brown and dark brown colors;
  • canvas;
  • a needle;
  • hoop;
  • scissors;
  • souvenir coins or bills.

Scheme and technology

Prepare the canvas for cross stitching, which you must first pull over the hoop and secure it carefully. A 40 x 40 cm fabric is quite enough. Aida 14 canvas is a popular option. Additionally, note that if you use paper money for your embroidery, it is recommended to use it in an odd amount. When using metallic money, according to Feng Shui, it is recommended to take 9 or 14 coins. Embroidery technology:

  1. Begin to embroider at the lowest left cross stitch. Thread a brown thread through the needle and push it from the wrong side into the bottom left hole of the square.
  2. There is no need to make a knot at the end of the thread, just hold it with your finger at the first stitch.
  3. Return the needle inside out through the top right hole of the square and pull the thread to the top left corner. After that, thread it again into the lower right, as a result of which you will get the first cross.
  4. In the course of the described manipulations, the end of the thread must be securely fixed from the wrong side.
  5. It takes a very long time to embroider such a craft one cross at a time, so you can sew one row to the end with half-crosses, after which you will need to sew in the same way in the opposite direction.
  6. Along the contour, the money tree and the bow must be sheathed with a stalked seam. For this purpose, bring the thread to the wrong side and sew a small stitch. Then return the needle and thread to the wrong side of the canvas and slide it in the middle of the first stitch.
  7. In the same way, carefully make the second stitching. The peculiarity of the stalk seam is that you need to ensure that the stitches are of the same length. Each subsequent stitching must be started from the center of the previous one.
  8. Once you're done cross stitching, you can place money on the almost finished craft. Arrange the paper bills neatly on top of it, folding each one into an accordion. Fix the money in the middle, and smooth the ends nicely. As a result, you will get a tree with leaves in the form of peculiar fans. There are 9 such blanks to make.
  9. Banknotes should be placed above the tree trunk so that a semicircular crown is formed. Sew them neatly to the canvas.
  10. In addition to banknotes, you can use special accessories in the form of golden leaves or coins, for example, with Chinese hieroglyphs - coins with them must be attached to the embroidery so that the hieroglyphs look up. It is recommended to insert the finished work into a frame under the glass, so that it is always completely safe.

Often in souvenir shops there are topiary made of paper money, but it is best to make such a talisman and decor item with your own hands. Money is placed under the trunk of a tree or attached to the trunk. For example, you can make about 40-50 bags of paper money, of which you can then form three layers of a Christmas tree: the lower one will consist of 13 parts, the middle one - 10 parts, the upper one - 7. You can make a ball out of banknotes and then string it on a stick in the form of a barrel. A banknote is not only rolled up into a small bag, but also fanned out, made into a tube.

Do-it-yourself money tree in the form of a panel with coins - another one original version crafts. At the preparatory stage, you will need to stick a burlap on the cardboard base of the photo frame using PVA glue, dry it and draw a sketch of the future tree. Prepare coins to be degreased - for example, rinse with water and detergent. To create a trunk using the paper art technique, you will need flagella twisted from paper. It is better to use multi-layer napkins for this. DIY panel making technique:

  1. Fold 2- or 3-ply paper napkins in half so that after cutting, you get long strips. Pre-mark their outlines on napkins. The suitable stripe width is 1-1.5 cm.
  2. Cut the strips and start twisting the flagella. To do this, take a piece of paper, dip it whole in a cup with cold water, moisten it well and remove it immediately. Overexposure is undesirable, otherwise the paper will swell and lose its shape.
  3. Twist a flagellum from a strip - do it in about the same way as you once rolled a sausage from plasticine. You need to twist in one direction and preferably at an angle of 45 degrees.
  4. Try to screw each piece as tightly as possible. Then spread the flagella on any surface to dry.
  5. Glue dried filaments from multi-layer napkins with PVA glue to the cardboard base. You can fix the blanks directly on the burlap without first priming the base with napkins. To make the craft look neat in the future, when gluing the extreme contours of the trunk, use as little PVA glue as possible and do not go beyond the boundaries of the sketch.
  6. Using a heat gun, start creating the crown of the tree. Observing the shape of the sketch made and selecting the coins by size, glue the entire contour.
  7. Then stick the rest of the coins. This can be done in any order.
  8. Cobwebs may remain on the surface of coins after using the heat gun. Be sure to remove them using a coarse brush. After that, send the workpiece to dry.
  9. After drying, cover the entire surface with black spray paint and wait again until everything is dry.
  10. Take care of painting. Lightly dip the sponge in a contrasting paint (such as acrylic bronze) and carefully stamp the entire surface of the panel with it. While doing this, lightly press on the sponge. In order for the product to be neat, the sponge with paint should be practically dry. Before stamping the panel, take a proof print on paper to remove excess ink.
  11. When choosing suitable color for a primer, experiment first on a small model. So you can choose the optimal color scheme and at the same time work out the technique of stamping the panel.


Today, hand-made paintings are gaining great popularity. They are a wonderful gift for a birthday, for a housewarming party, for a wedding, or just like that. The paintings made with his own hand are very individual and unique. Each of them carries a piece of heat with which it was made. At the moment there are many painting techniques. We will consider one of them in detail today. It is believed that the painting "Money Tree" brings financial well-being to the house.

Wallpaper (burlap, fabric may be suitable);
- three-layer napkins 3-4 pieces or toilet paper;
-acrylic paints (black, gold, silver);
- foam sponge;
- foam sponge;
-glitter -glitter (can be found in cosmetic stores);
-frame for photographs (or for a picture);
-PVA glue (a quick-drying or heat gun is also suitable).

Step by step description of work. First step. It is necessary to cut a blank base for the future picture. Having disassembled the photo frame, attach the back of the plywood to the wallpaper (burlap or fabric), circle it with a pencil and cut it out. Use glue to glue the blank onto the face of the plywood. When the wallpaper is dry, draw a wood pattern.
Second phase. Add a little PVA glue to a plate of water (approximately 1: 1). Three-layer napkins must be cut into pieces of different widths 2-3 cm.

When the strips are cut, take one at a time and carefully dip them into a plate of liquid, but do not soak too much, because the napkin may creep. At an angle of 45 degrees, carefully start twisting them into tubes with your palms. Twist tightly if possible. Different widths of the strips are needed in the future to form the crown of the tree (thicker for the crown, thinner for the branches). When a sufficient number of flagella have been wound, leave them to dry completely.
Stage three. Apply PVA glue with a small layer on the workpiece, in the place where the crown of the future tree is drawn. On a damp surface, alternately lay out twisted paper fillets, giving a bend to the tree, forming branches, roots and crown.

Fourth stage. Degrease the coins before gluing them. It is best to degrease with alcohol or detergents (for glass or dishwashing). The crown of the tree is ready and dried.

Glue the coins with quick-drying glue (if not, use a glue gun).

Fifth stage. The tree is fully assembled. It remains to paint it.

Sprinkle everything well with black spray acrylic paint. Allow the paint to dry, if necessary, cover with an additional layer of gold spray paint. After dipping a dry foam rubber sponge in silver acrylic paint, you need to go over the whole picture.

Do not press hard on the canvas, lightly, as if rubbing the color. Allow it to dry again.
Sixth stage. With a dry foam rubber sponge, dipping it into acrylic paint already of gold color, blend only on coins.

Handicrafts are appreciated more than ever these days. A gift made with your own hand always contains a piece of the soul of the one who worked on it, he is able to say a lot: about a special attitude, love, respect, warm feelings. The picture in the style of "money tree", made by hand, among other things, promises to improve the financial condition of its owner.

The money tree, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes wealth and prosperity, it is responsible for the well-being of the family. By the way, in the East, it is believed that such a tree really "works", it needs to find a place in the house from the southeast.

With our clear instructions, photo and video, this interesting talisman, if desired, will not be difficult for everyone. Such a product can please anyone!

Making a picture "Money tree": preparing materials

To make this financial souvenir, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • base for the picture (burlap, canvas or canvas) and frame;
  • heavy paper napkins or tea towels
  • different coins;
  • glue gun;
  • pVA glue;
  • kitchen sponge, brush;
  • brown and gold acrylic paint.

Please note that the panel turns out to be very weighty due to the coins, so the frame should be chosen quite strong. This can be, for example, an ordinary wooden frame, while the base for the photo should be dense and strong, since simple cardboard may not withstand the weight of the decor over time and deform. Coins for a painting are suitable for any value, including the smallest. You can specially purchase souvenir plastic coins, they are lighter in weight.

We will describe each step of making such a picture, so that anyone can easily repeat it.

Preparation of the base.

The background for the picture can be thick textured paper (for example, wallpaper), canvas, canvas or burlap. It needs to be glued with PVA to the base for the photo, carefully straightened. In order for the base to be even and beautiful, it must be pressed with glass from the frame until it dries and pressed down with something heavy on top. After everything is well adhered, the excess fabric around the edges will need to be carefully trimmed or folded to the wrong side and fixed with glue.

Making the trunk.

On paper we will draw a stencil for a tree trunk with roots and branches, cut it out, circle it on the fabric basis of the picture.

We cut paper napkins into strips 1.5-2 cm wide, from which we will make a trunk, branches, roots. To do this, we moisten them a little in water and twist dense bundles, about 30 of them will be required, or even more, depending on the width and height of the tree.

We glue the PVA to grease the trunk on the base a little, and soak the flagella themselves completely in it and glue them to the future picture.

After the trunk is ready, it must be allowed to dry completely.

We glue the crown of coins.

The crown of a tree is made from coins, they are glued with a heat gun with transparent glue. You can arrange the money to your liking. Coins, glued randomly in two layers, look beautiful. In this case, the tree turns out to be textured and really rich!


When all the elements are firmly fixed on the base, the entire picture, including the background, is covered with brown acrylic paint. The product must be painted over very carefully, leaving no gaps, and left to dry.

After the brown color has completely dried, apply a careless layer of golden acrylic paint with a sponge. Particular attention should be paid to the coins, paint over them brighter than the rest of the panel. Let it dry. The frame also needs to be lightly covered with golden paint, so the picture will look more harmonious and holistic.


After everything has dried, all that remains is to frame the picture.

It's amazing what a rich panel you made with your own hands from such simple things! Taking into account the drying time of the paint, its production will take no more than four hours. Moreover, such a souvenir will be appropriate for any occasion, both for a man and a woman, and will undoubtedly delight the owner of even the most refined taste. After all, such a picture with a money tree not only looks stylish, but also has a certain meaning!

Video selection on the topic of the article

In order to visually see the whole process of creating this interesting souvenir, we have selected master classes in video format. Here you can get some other ideas for decorating such a souvenir.

Hello everyone!

This time I will show you a master - class with which you can attract a lot of money or even two heaps) Let's create a panel - a money tree!

To do this, you need the following:

  • Photo frame (choose the size yourself);
  • Napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • Adhesive for rubber, leather, etc. (transparent);
  • Capacity for mixing water-glue mass;
  • Sackcloth;
  • Hot melt glue;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Sequins.

Well, let's get started.

Step 1.

Take a photo frame and take out the cardboard from it (you can cut another one according to the inner frame size).

Step 2.

We cut out a rectangular piece of burlap a couple of centimeters larger than the cardboard from the frame - with an allowance on all sides.

Step 3.

We glue the burlap to the cardboard with rubber glue on the front side, bend and glue the edges (which we left in the allowance) to the back side. To prevent the edges from bending when gluing, you can fix them with paper clips. We are waiting for the glue to dry.

Step 4.

Here we need a little artistic ability. We draw on the front side of the panel, a sketch of the future tree (you can first mark the distance along the edges where the frame will cover the panel - these areas must be left free). The form is completely arbitrary, as the heart tells)).

Step 5.

We make a water-glue mass from PVA and water. Too much water is not needed, the consistency of kefir is approximately.

Step 6.

We take napkins, roll them up with a flagellum and soak them in an adhesive solution. Then we glue them onto the sketch that we drew - forming the trunk, roots and branches of the future money tree. Places of a large accumulation of glued flagella (usually the trunk), we coat well (you can even water it a little) with an adhesive solution for strengthening. Make flagella of different diameters and sizes, fantasize!

Step 7.

Now that everything is dry, we start painting our panel. In this case, the base color is brown.

Step 8.

When the base paint is dry, start applying the second coat (here it is golden in color). After the second layer of paint has dried, you can highlight the relief and emphasize the texture of the panel with a slightly different shade of paint using the "dry brush effect". If desired, the final result of the panel can be decorated - sprinkle with yellow or bronze sparkles while still wet, or, if the paint has already dried, anoint the places where you would like you to have sparkles and sprinkle them on it with rubber glue. Shake off the remaining glue after drying and remove with a soft brush.

Step 9.

After all layers of paint and glue have dried, we glue the coins, previously defatted with alcohol or solvent, to form the crown of the money tree. Coins, if desired, can be painted or varnished, as you like, who sees your money tree as you like.

Step 10.

The frame can be left just wooden or somehow decorated, again it all depends on the flight of your imagination. In this case, the frame will be gold, like the panel. After drying the frame and the panel, we insert it into the frame, hang it on the wall and after about an hour, you will definitely be brought a bag of money! Maybe four!

So that is all! As you can see, nothing complicated, but very beautiful! And useful for increasing your financial condition!