How to make a panel of coins money tree. Three options for making a symbol of wealth of a money tree with your own hands. Painting "Money tree with a landscape"

Handicrafts are valued more than ever today. A gift made with your own hand always contains a piece of the soul of the one who worked on it, he is able to say a lot: about a special attitude, love, respect, warm feelings. Painting in style " money Tree"Made by hand, among other things, promises to improve the financial condition of its owner.

The money tree, according to Feng Shui, symbolizes wealth and prosperity, it is responsible for the well-being of the family. By the way, in the East, it is believed that such a tree really "works", it needs to find a place in the house from the southeast.

With our clear instructions, photo and video, this interesting talisman, if desired, will not be difficult for everyone. Such a product can please anyone!

Making a picture "Money tree": preparing materials

To make this financial souvenir, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • base for the picture (burlap, canvas or canvas) and frame;
  • heavy paper napkins or tea towels
  • different coins;
  • glue gun;
  • pVA glue;
  • kitchen sponge, brush;
  • brown and gold acrylic paint.

Please note that the panel turns out to be very weighty due to the coins, so the frame should be chosen quite strong. This can be, for example, an ordinary wooden frame, while the base for the photo should be dense and strong, since simple cardboard may not withstand the weight of the decor over time and deform. Coins for a painting are suitable for any value, including the smallest. You can specially purchase souvenir plastic coins, they are lighter in weight.

We will describe each step of making such a picture, so that anyone can easily repeat it.

Preparation of the base.

The background for the picture can be thick textured paper (for example, wallpaper), canvas, canvas or burlap. It needs to be glued with PVA to the base for the photo, carefully straightened. In order for the base to be even and beautiful, it must be pressed with glass from the frame until it dries and pressed down with something heavy on top. After everything is well glued, the excess fabric around the edges will need to be carefully trimmed or folded to the wrong side and fixed with glue.

Making the trunk.

On paper we will draw a stencil for a tree trunk with roots and branches, cut it out, and circle it on the fabric basis of the picture.

We cut paper napkins into strips 1.5-2 cm wide, from which we will make a trunk, branches, roots. To do this, we moisten them a little in water and twist dense bundles, about 30 of them will be required, or even more, depending on the width and height of the tree.

We glue the PVA to grease the trunk on the base a little, and soak the flagella themselves completely in it and glue them to the future picture.

After the trunk is ready, it must be allowed to dry completely.

We glue the crown of coins.

The crown of the tree is made of coins, they are glued with a heat gun with transparent glue. You can arrange the money to your liking. Coins, glued randomly in two layers, look beautiful. In this case, the tree turns out to be textured and really rich!


When all the elements are firmly fixed on the base, the entire picture, including the background, is covered with brown acrylic paint. The product must be painted over very carefully, leaving no gaps, and left to dry.

After the brown color has completely dried, apply a careless layer of golden acrylic paint with a sponge. Particular attention should be paid to the coins, paint over them brighter than the rest of the panel. Let it dry. The frame also needs to be lightly covered with golden paint, so the picture will look more harmonious and holistic.


After everything is dry, all that remains is to frame the picture.

It's amazing what a rich panel you made with your own hands from such simple things! Taking into account the drying time of the paint, its production will take no more than four hours. Moreover, such a souvenir will be appropriate for any holiday, both for a man and a woman, and will undoubtedly delight the owner of even the most refined taste. After all, such a picture with a money tree not only looks stylish, but also has a certain meaning!

Video selection on the topic of the article

In order to visually see the whole process of creating this interesting souvenir, we have selected master classes in video format. Here you can get some other ideas for decorating such a souvenir.

Such a picture will be very an original gift... It will decorate absolutely any interior, such a product can be presented for any celebration or holiday - it will be a win-win gift option. The most important thing is that anyone who does not even have experience in needlework can make such a craft. Making such a tree from coins with your own hands will take no more than 4 hours, and together with the drying of the paint - about a day. Let's see how you can make such a picture with your own hands.

Required materials and tools

To create a masterpiece, we need:

Photo frame.

Burlap flap.

White napkins.


Hot glue and PVA.

Acrylic paints.

A piece of foam rubber.

Painting "Money Tree": master class

We disassemble the frame for the photo and then work with its cardboard. We cut the burlap to the size of this cardboard, grease the cardboard with a thick layer of PVA, apply the burlap to it and fix it well. To prevent the cardboard from sliding out, we put it under the glass, and we put a load on the glass. After the PVA has dried, cut off the protruding and unnecessary threads on the sacking.

Now we draw on the background a tree trunk with roots that diverge in different directions. If it's hard to draw right away, then first we draw a trunk with roots on paper, then cut it out and transfer it to a dry place in the background.

To make the trunk, roots, branches and tops from coins, it is necessary to cut a lot of napkin ribbons 1.5 cm wide. Next, soak a napkin in water and twist it into a flagellum. We make a lot of such bundles, they should be enough to create a whole tree with branches and protruding roots.

Now we smear the PVA part of the trunk on the burlap, take a strip, smear it well with PVA and apply it to the burlap. Now we lay out the barrel in strips in stages and put off the work to dry out.

Then we take coins and a thermal gun and glue the coins like a crown of a tree in a chaotic manner. You need to glue the coins in 2 tiers so that the picture is three-dimensional.

Now paint over the tree with brown acrylic paint and put it off to dry.

Now take a sponge and some gold acrylic paint. We dip a sponge into paint and stamp it, apply it to the surface of the tree so that it sparkles overflow. Paint over the convex areas of the tree more saturated.

Now we take the frame and paint it in a golden hue. Paint over the back of the picture with brown paint.

After drying, insert the picture into the frame.

Painting "Money tree with a landscape"

We need:


Textured fabric (the more textured the fabric, the more voluminous and interesting the product will be).

Acrylic paints in two colors: black and metallic.

Moment glue and hot melt glue.


Garden rope (if not, then you can use laces, harnesses or a chain).

Work description

This product will have a very original background from the hills. To create it, we fix two edges on top of the background to the horizon. In the place where the horizon is supposed, we make folds and then fix them with hot glue. Now, in the formed fold, we put coins - bushes, now we carefully pull the material and fasten it at the back. A tree will be located on the remaining site. Now we draw a tree on the background with a pencil, or we first make a template and use it to draw a tree against the background of the picture.

Next, we take a garden rope, cut it into different segments and make a trunk and branches from the rope. On the coin bushes, we also glue pieces of thread to the size of the coin itself, for 1 coin, 3 branches each. They are attached to the coin itself.

When creating trunk and branches, it is best to make many tiers of rope and intricate weaving of branches, and set aside to dry.

As soon as everything is dry, we begin to draw up the crown. To do this, we glue the coins in several layers and in an arbitrary and chaotic manner.

To create a decor, take 2 pieces of wire and glue them behind the tree - this will be a fence. In fact, you can decorate a picture in different ways, for example, build small houses from a rope.

For the next stage, we take the paint and start painting. First, cover all the black areas with acrylic paint. Using a brush, paint all the black places, paint over all the pits and protruding places so that the material does not show through in the end. Next, we saturate the whole picture with metallic paint and a sponge, highlighting all the protruding places with paint brighter. We draw a curving path, grass and stones on the basis of gold paint. If something did not work out, then you can cover it up with black paint and paint again or draw everything in advance on paper and transfer it to the base. Now we leave everything to dry and frame the painting.

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Hello everyone!

This time I will show you a master - class with which you can attract a lot of money or even two heaps) Let's create a panel - a money tree!

To do this, you need the following:

  • Photo frame (choose the size yourself);
  • Napkins;
  • PVA glue;
  • Adhesive for rubber, leather, etc. (transparent);
  • Capacity for mixing water-glue mass;
  • Sackcloth;
  • Hot melt glue;
  • Acrylic paints;
  • Sequins.

Well, let's get started.

Step 1.

We take a photo frame and take out the cardboard from it (you can cut another one according to the inner frame size).

Step 2.

We cut out a rectangular piece of burlap a couple of centimeters larger than the cardboard from the frame - with an allowance on all sides.

Step 3.

We glue the burlap to the cardboard with rubber glue on the front side, bend and glue the edges (which we left in the allowance) to the back side. To prevent the edges from bending when gluing, you can fix them with paper clips. We are waiting for the glue to dry.

Step 4.

Here we need a little artistic ability. We draw on the front side of the panel, a sketch of the future tree (you can first mark the distance along the edges where the frame will cover the panel - these areas must be left free). The form is completely arbitrary, as the heart tells)).

Step 5.

We make a water-glue mass from PVA and water. Too much water is not needed, the consistency of kefir is approximately.

Step 6.

We take napkins, roll them up with a flagella and soak them in an adhesive solution. Then we glue them onto the sketch that we drew - forming the trunk, roots and branches of the future money tree. Places of a large accumulation of glued flagella (usually the trunk), we coat well (you can even water it a little) with an adhesive solution for strengthening. Make flagella of different diameters and sizes, fantasize!

Step 7.

Now that everything is dry, we start painting our panel. In this case, the base color is brown.

Step 8.

When the base paint is dry, start applying the second coat (here it is golden in color). After the second layer of paint has dried, you can highlight the relief and emphasize the texture of the panel with a slightly different paint shade, using the "dry brush effect". If desired, the final result of the panel can be decorated - sprinkle with yellow or bronze sparkles while still wet, or, if the paint has already dried, anoint the places where you would like you to have sparkles and sprinkle them on it with rubber glue. Shake off the remaining glue after drying and remove with a soft brush.

Step 9.

After all layers of paint and glue have dried, we glue the coins, previously defatted with alcohol or solvent, to form the crown of the money tree. Coins, if desired, can be painted or varnished, as you like, who how you see your money tree.

Step 10.

The frame can be left just wooden or somehow decorated, again it all depends on the flight of your imagination. In this case, the frame will be gold, like the panel. After the frame has dried and the panel, we insert it into the frame, hang it on the wall and after about an hour, you will definitely be brought a bag of money! Maybe four!

So that is all! As you can see, nothing complicated, but very beautiful! And useful for increasing your financial condition!

Today, hand-made paintings are gaining great popularity. They are a wonderful gift for a birthday, for a housewarming party, for a wedding, or just like that. The paintings made with his own hand are very individual and unique. Each of them carries a piece of heat with which it was made. At the moment there are many painting techniques. We will consider one of them in detail today. It is believed that the painting "Money Tree" brings financial well-being to the house.

Wallpaper (burlap, fabric may be suitable);
- three-layer napkins 3-4 pieces or toilet paper;
-acrylic paints (black, gold, silver);
- foam sponge;
- foam sponge;
-glitter -glitter (can be found in cosmetic stores);
-frame for photographs (or for a picture);
-PVA glue (a quick-drying or heat gun is also suitable).

Step by step description of work. First step. It is necessary to cut a blank base for the future picture. Having disassembled the photo frame, attach the back of the plywood to the wallpaper (burlap or fabric), circle it with a pencil and cut it out. Use glue to glue the blank onto the face of the plywood. When the wallpaper is dry, draw a wood pattern.
Second phase. Add a little PVA glue to a plate of water (approximately 1: 1). Three-layer napkins must be cut into pieces of different widths 2-3 cm.

When the strips are cut, take one at a time and carefully dip them into a plate of liquid, but do not soak too much, because the napkin may creep. At an angle of 45 degrees, carefully start twisting them into tubes with your palms. Twist tightly if possible. Different widths of the strips are needed in the future to form the crown of the tree (thicker - for the crown, thinner - for the branches). When a sufficient number of flagella have been wound, leave them to dry completely.
Stage three. Apply PVA glue with a small layer on the workpiece, in the place where the crown of the future tree is drawn. On a damp surface, alternately lay out twisted paper fillets, giving a bend to the tree, forming branches, roots and crown.

Fourth stage. Degrease the coins before gluing them. It is best to degrease with alcohol or detergents (for glass or dishwashing). The crown of the tree is ready and dried.

Glue the coins with quick-drying glue (if not, use a glue gun).

Fifth stage. The tree is fully assembled. It remains to paint it.

Sprinkle everything well with black acrylic spray paint. Allow the paint to dry, if necessary, cover with an additional layer of gold spray paint. After dipping a dry foam rubber sponge in silver acrylic paint, you need to go over the whole picture.

Do not press hard on the canvas, lightly, as if rubbing the color. Allow it to dry again.
Sixth stage. With a dry foam rubber sponge, dipping it into acrylic paint already of gold color, blend only on coins.