How to take beautiful photos on Instagram. How to take the most beautiful Instagram photos? Idea # 2 - Selfie with family and friends

Despite all the banality of the idea, it remains the most relevant, since you can take a selfie yourself, even when you are in a coffin with your smartphone. Do not neglect this type of publication. Find your own selfie style and do it whenever you feel like it. 1 out of 10 photos will definitely turn out perfect and will be worthy of showing to the public.

Step 4: choose hashtags and record your credits

All photos are taken and you are almost ready to share them. Now it's time to find the hashtags to be posted along with your photos. This will help your content access thousands, if not millions, of new potential followers. You should also choose your own campaign or specific hashtags so that all your posts are easily accessible to other users. Just make sure they aren't being used by a competitor or are recreating existing photos that might not work for your audience.

Idea # 2 - Selfie with family and friends

Good selfies with other people, on the other hand, are not easy to take. Especially if you are doing it with someone from the older generation. However, such photographs are often very emotional and eye-catching. Take selfies with your parents, grandparents, siblings, wife or husband, friends and other people you care about.

Step 5: scheduling messages

You will also want to write captivating photo titles. Think about what will play into your story or resonate with your audience. Several games will take place in the World Cup in a month. This is a great opportunity to coordinate new photostreams before, during or after games. To stay fresh and regular, you'll want to create a posting schedule or calendar.

Have fun with it and your passion will pass. Everything seems perfect. They are not even the professional models that can be seen in the photographs, but often only a neighbor or colleague, but they all lead a seemingly impeccable life. Nobody really should be upset.

Idea # 3 - Small children or your pets

Many will be outraged - "why are children and pets at the same point?" Just because small children and pets are funny and devoid of pretense. You can take many lively, sincere, interesting photos by taking them for a while. Use this opportunity to create good content.

To take a beautiful photo on Instagram, use some actionable tips

Here you can see them in front of the pool - once in pose and once in normal position. The difference becomes clear on her belly. Therefore, in the case of pictures, there are different factors: light, body, camera angle and subsequent image processing. In other examples, she also demonstrates the tricks that Instagrammers work with. To prevent the hips from sticking together and making them appear slimmer, the Messiah tilts his left leg slightly. She also cuts the photo so that the gap between her couch and the next is not visible.

The filter illuminates the colors. Just sit down, lay back. Everyone knows this: a straight back makes your stomach flatter. Holding the shoulder blades together also makes the chest appear more prominent. Here, however, it is often less - the pictures should not be overloaded and then look unnatural again. To make the photo look more dynamic and interesting, there are different poses. Your legs look much slimmer and longer, ”comments Chase King, her hand and sexy look instantly show her in a different light than on the right.

Khelfi, Pelfi, Welfi: Do you already know these tendencies of your own interest?

Just cover the places you don't like. A very simple trick, but effective: just hide the unpleasant stains with your hand.

Best Tips for Profile Pictures While Online Dating If Possible

Ideal self-government is the way it is. Perceptual psychologists from the University of Bamberg have analyzed how to make yourself more beautiful, prettier and, indeed, more subtle and intelligent in self-photography. Then you have to evaluate attractiveness, dominance, intelligence, and body weight. The result: a slight change in angle has a big effect.

Idea # 4 - The book or magazine you are reading

Are you reading a book or magazine? Tell your subscribers about it. Share with them the moments you like or dislike. Perhaps there are those who do not know what to read and you will become a good recommendation for them.

The left side of the face appears to be more attractive for both women and men. “On the left is the dynamic side, and when you smile, the attractiveness is expressed on this page,” says the professor. The left side of chocolate is especially pronounced in women. The reason can only be speculated. Emotional states are perceived more clearly by the observer in the left half. "Probably because women are more sensitive to attractiveness."

Try to shoot everything around "from the hip" for one day, without looking at the display and without controlling what happens

Researchers are now proving that anyone who can easily photograph from above can - depending on their height - slimmer up to 15 kilograms. “It has the same effect as moving the jaws,” says Carbon. If you are photographed from above, but also under the camera. "It makes you feel more useful."

Idea # 5 - What do you eat

We sit down at the table several times a day. Why not show everyone what we eat, if, of course, the food looks appetizing and presentable.

However, only if the food is also well photographed. Sounds very simple. However, he also refers to it as a "photogen". # 1: Keep your smartphone parallel to the food when taking pictures. The slanted angle makes the stove and cutlery look odd. Even if it's a little confusing at times, it's best to just keep it short. This is displayed when the angle is optimal.

With me it is also without an application. The bandage is basically everything. On your homemade waffle, simply sprinkle with some powdered sugar and garnish with raspberries and blueberries. Not only does it taste better than without, but it does itself well in photography. In summer, it is best to enjoy two balls in a waffle. Remember to hold the ice with one hand in front of a white or gray wall.

Idea # 6 - Your old photos

Do you have an album of old photos? Each of your photos in it is a memory for you. Show these photos to your followers and tell them about them. It's just interesting.

The house also has a white bed or a bright kitchen table. Not worried about delicious food. For all food items, but don't forget to eat.

Some of these effects have been used by experienced photographers in post-production or directly during photography to support a particular image. Effects can be applied before and after recording. If you select an effect in camera view, you will see a preview of the effect.

Another menu item is the home screen, where you can find pictures of your friends.

Idea # 7 - Your outfit for today

Show your followers what you are wearing. You can take a photo of your outfit on yourself or take a photo of your clothes and accessories laid out against a background. I am sure there will be connoisseurs of your taste among the followers, or constructive critics. Either way, it will liven up your feed.

Small tip for taking photos. By default, only the fact that your smartphone only stores a photo with a filter effect is used. However, in the settings, you can also keep both the photo - the original and the photo using the effect filters. This way you keep the option open and then the "regular" photo for use.

# 2: use a square photo format

Photos are recorded directly. Well, the square format of photos forces you to make your picture even more minimalistic, which makes you even more stingy about what comes in the photo and what doesn't. Three coffee cups next to each other? Better just one and really good format filling. This way you get the most out of your motive. With three coffee cups next to each other, you'll have a lot of front and backdrop on top and bottom, and the main motifs won't come out particularly well.

Idea # 8 - Where-You Walked Today

When walking through the city, park, seashore or elsewhere, be sure to capture the location. Accentuate the photo on the surrounding environment, but do not forget - this is your walk and you should be present in the photo.

The best thing to do is to start the whole selection of the effect and get an overview of what you like and what you dislike. It is a fact that these effects sometimes even very bad photographs look quite bearable. Therefore criticism of this application.

There is an icon that looks like a drop in the upper right corner of the camera. With the tooltip on the icon, you can choose point sharpness or horizontal sharpness.

This is a big advantage over the standard camera app, which usually sets high focus. Manual settings are not possible. This is not real life, but many are decorated. It shows the best and most beautiful sides of our life, but that's completely normal, isn't it? And above all, one thing is especially important: to remain true to yourself and not to perish in unity. It's fun to play with different filters, apps and perspectives - just give it a try and don't let the joy go bad! This is an ongoing process!

Idea # 9 - "Open space and you"

Once in an open space, do not forget to take a photo like this.

Idea # 10 - Quote or Phrase You Read

The darker the image, the grainy and blurry it becomes. Vivid images with pleasing white balance attract many more people and work more harmoniously. But be careful: the picture should not be too bright! To have enough light for capturing images, you must go with your motive near the window. This can be a professional photoreflector, or just take a large white cardboard, white wooden board, or the like. Even softboxes can't hurt. This way, you can compensate for missing light and hide harsh shadows.

Idea # 11 - Reflection

A good and attention-grabbing photo on your Instagram will be a photo with reflection. Take a look around. Maybe there are objects next to you, in which you and everything around you are reflected in a peculiar and interesting way.

The right camera for smartphones

However, daylight is best for beautiful photographs! The app does not have the same functions as a smartphone. As a result, quality is significantly reduced and images are often blurry and grainy. This moment is, of course, necessary and is the key factor for good photographs. The camera is truly a dream come true and with 16 megapixels in the main camera and 5 megapixels in the front camera, it is possible to photograph large and sharp motives.

This is especially useful for spontaneous photograms as you save a lot of editing time. One of them says that Golden Rule; three times a day: morning, noon, evening. Much more attention should be paid to the quality-to-quantity rule.

Idea # 12 - Interesting structures, buildings

Interesting and unusual buildings in your city can become your Instagram content. At different times of the year, at different times of the day, in different weather conditions and from different angles, the same building may look completely different. Maybe you will be able to capture any architectural structure in your city more interesting and creative than other photographers.

The right photo editing apps

Only upload images if they fit into your feed, but you don't feel it because you feel the pressure. It is better to post less and higher quality content than many mediocre images. Let's move on to one of the most important points: correct applications for processing photos.

The app is very user friendly and contains great features and flitter. My favorite filter is Rus. This leads to the fact that the motive is even more visible and more present. The same goes for the rocky background - as you can see in the pictures, it is also a wallpaper. Playing with different background is fun and brings variety to your feed. Since the wallpaper is quickly rolled up again, it also doesn't take up much space, like a real stone slab or a wooden board. You can also get creative with motives in your photos.

Idea # 13 - Photo in a restaurant, cafe or bar

By visiting a restaurant, cafe, bar or other place Catering don't forget to take a photo at the table. Just wait until the dish or drink that you ordered is served.

Written on Dec. 20, 2016 in SMM.

Last update on May 3, 2017.

You've probably heard more than once that Instagram is a social network for visuals, and it is the photos that are of paramount importance here. What if you want to conquer Instagram, but you are never a photographer at all? Don't get upset, believe in yourself and read this article!

Benefits of Instagram for non-photographers

If you have long been attracted by the art of photography, but scared by the number of complex words, technical nuances and lengthy processing, your time has come - Instagram will solve all your problems and awaken your sleeping creativity. After all, on Instagram everyone can become a photographer!

Enough phone

You don't have to buy a big, expensive camera to take cool photos for your account. You can get by with a telephone. True, it, too, is likely to be expensive, because, firstly, it must be a smartphone, and, secondly, with a good camera.

Unified photo format

By default, Instagram photos come in two flavors: square and rectangular. Moreover, all squares are of the same size and rectangular are also of the same size. This means you don't have to think about framing, weight and photo size. Instagram will think about it for you. You just catch beautiful frames and add them to your account.

No photoshop needed

In the case of a regular camera and a regular website (or social network), to turn a simple photo into a beautiful photo, you need to try. You will have to transfer pictures from the camera to your computer, deal with processing programs (Photoshop or analogs), learn a lot of difficult words like "exposure" or "trimming". Instagram is much easier.

You can edit brightness, contrast, saturation and other parameters right in your phone by simply sliding your finger along the scale. Here, on Instagram, there are many filters that can be applied to the photo with a simple touch. In general, the child will cope with the basics.

Insta photography theory

To do good photo on your phone, you need to follow a few simple rules.


The light from the chandelier and lamp turns the photo yellow and distorts the colors, so if you are a beginner in photography, take pictures only in daylight - it is the most advantageous. Daylight doesn't mean sunny day, it's just daylight. With this kind of light, the photo is “as if it were alive”: with natural colors and shadows.

You don't have to go outside to take a photo in daylight, you can also shoot at home. If it is dark at home, come closer to the window, shoot on the windowsill or equip a photo zone next to the window.

Create a composition

Instagram is not an online store, and photos of items on an etched white background that look great in a storefront are usually not very interesting on Instagram. They like photographs with details and textures, which are interesting to look at. In this case, you can use a white background, but if it is a sheet or a blanket, the frame will become more interesting. In addition to the sheet, you can also use a special photophone. They are different textures and colors: under a tree, under a concrete, under a brick - choose any.

The photophone itself is, of course, not very interesting. To make it interesting, you need to put something on it. It can be postcards, books, magazines, cookies, flowers, magnets from travels - in general, all that junk that is gathering dust on the shelves and it’s a pity to throw it away.

Wipe the lens

It may be obvious and funny, but it really matters and sometimes the smudged lens is where the problem lies. I once decided that my phone was broken and that is why all the photos are cloudy. I was worried for several hours and had already gone to choose a new phone, when suddenly it dawned on me that I just needed to wipe the lens.

Clean the lens. Always clean the lens.

Catch the focus

Several objects may be present in the frame. The most clear should be the main one. To "catch the focus" is enough to poke your finger into desired item on the phone screen.

Shoot via Instagram

Instagram itself has a shooting function. Taking a frame through the application, you immediately see a square "screen" and it is easier to understand what is in the frame, what to add, what to move, and what to remove. In addition, you can immediately edit the brightness, contrast, shadows and other settings, and decide whether you need to make another take or this one is already perfect.

Posting a photo is optional. You can enable the "Save original photo" function in the settings, and then even the photo taken through the application will be saved in your gallery on your phone.

Take a lot of shots

Previously, when everyone was filming with film cameras, each frame was worth its weight in gold. Now, in the digital age, we can flip the shutter until our phone runs out. And then remove the excess and click again. This is good, because it is not always possible to “see the footage” the first time.

Take several shots at once. Swap items, add new items, remove unnecessary items. Then choose the most beautiful option and publish.

Insta photography practice

As always, in theory everything is simple and straightforward, but in practice, accounts are full of trashy photos. Why? Because after the lecture, you definitely need to work out seminars to consolidate the material.

Find examples

Taste can be trained like a muscle. Perhaps now you do not know what a "beautiful photo" is, how to frame a frame, how to lay out small things on a photo background. But there are many who know and publish nice pictures on Instagram - find them! Subscribe to accounts that you like, whose style is close to you. Let their photos constantly appear in your feed.

Collect the base

Among these photographs there will certainly be those that you hypothetically can repeat. Surely you also have beautiful bedding, or a beautiful mug, or you can also spread dry leaves in a book, or you can also gut the bouquet beautifully. If you like the frame and you understand that it is not difficult to recreate it, make a print screen and save this idea.


You cannot use other people's photos. But you can take your photos "based on". At first, it will help you a lot to "fill your hand" and feel the insta-style in photography. Do not worry that you are repeating yourself, because you are unlikely to get the exact same photo. Surely you have a different beautiful bedding, or a different beautiful mug, or other dry leaves in another book.

Over time, you yourself will learn to invent and see shots and the need for repetition will disappear by itself. Repetition is only necessary at the very beginning, while you are learning. I myself went through this and learned to photograph from other people's photographs.

My frame

Alien frame

As you can see, you can learn everything if you really want to. And Instagram itself is ready to teach you this. Your task is only to find what you like, memorize and practice a lot.

Beautiful frames to you!

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