How to win over a Sagittarius man. Which women will attract the attention of Sagittarius for sure? golden rules of conduct

If you met a charming and charming Sagittarius man and decided to get his attention, then here are some tips for winning the heart of this fiery man. Remember, a good sense of humor is the main weapon in conquering Sagittarius. Sincerity and openness are the qualities that Sagittarius values ​​​​above all. On the first date, you should not pretend to be a mysterious stranger and start talking about the pressing problems of humanity. Sagittarius will get bored with you very quickly, and will try to escape from you under any pretext. But a couple of funny anecdotes or funny stories from childhood will make Sagittarius feel like a kindred spirit in you. You must be cheerful, temperamental and creative. He will definitely look for meetings with you again, and perhaps he will not even want to part at all.

Sagittarius is a traveler. He loves different trips, with an overnight stay on a wild beach, he loves the beauty of nature and is ready to enjoy it endlessly. He is very afraid of the routine, and in every possible way tries to avoid it. He craves from life sharp emotions and exciting adventures. He is looking for experiences that will constantly keep him on his toes. Only then Sagittarius feels happy. If you are ready to immediately pack your backpack and go camping with a Sagittarius, then you will definitely win his heart completely and completely. After all, Sagittarius appreciates simplicity and immediacy. You must become his friend. But at the same time, try to always remain feminine, sexy and a little weak. He will not tolerate rudeness and carelessness from you. And Sagittarius does not tolerate capricious, cutesy and mannered ladies at all.

Sagittarius is by nature a conqueror. Therefore, he does not like obsessive and meticulous girls. Inaccessibility makes Sagittarius seek a woman. But be careful not to overdo it. Remember that he does not like excessive mannerisms and stupid whims. Take him with your naive simplicity, play hide and seek with him. Then the spirit of a conqueror, a hunter will definitely wake up in him.

Sagittarius is very free-spirited and independent person. Like any representative, he really does not like when he is driven into some kind of framework. If from the first days of your acquaintance you begin to dictate your rules and conditions to him, you run the risk of never seeing this person again. And if you talk about marriage after the second date, then you definitely won’t be happy with this person. As a decent person, he may marry you, but he will only suffer and suffer from this. Happy marriages are obtained only when Sagittarius himself is ripe for this.

What you should not do in relation to Sagittarius is to criticize his actions. Do not try to impose your point of view on him, he will not live in conditions of constant control and tension. Sooner or later, his patience will run out, and one day he will simply disappear. So, if you have a stubborn and capricious disposition, do not try to start a serious relationship with this simple-minded and kind person. You risk ruining the life of both him and yourself.

Can be disarmingly sincere and childishly naive. Try to keep these beautiful features in it for as long as possible. There are very few such sincere and direct people left in the world. But next to sincerity, openness and naivety, Sagittarius has great willpower, determination and courage. When circumstances require it, Sagittarius can show all his strength and firmness of character. He will always protect and protect his loved ones and loved ones. A sharp reaction may scare you, but know that he will not cause you any harm under any circumstances. He will never offend the weak.

Sagittarius appreciates openness of character and honesty in people. He always speaks openly and never tries to flatter anyone. He does not like falsehood and pretense. And if he suspects you of deceit, he will immediately tell you to your face everything that he thinks about this. So, if you are going to conquer this man, learn to speak openly, without secrecy and omissions. Just make remarks to him diplomatically and with restraint. Support your words with facts. He will respect your sincere opinion, even if it contradicts his opinion. This is better than deceit and flattery.

Ten commandments how to behave with Sagittarius

You must be:

  • cheerful and childishly naive;
  • sweet and feminine;
  • ready for adventure;
  • compliant and patient;
  • sexual.

You are not allowed:

  • criticize Sagittarius;
  • show rudeness and tactlessness;
  • limit his freedom;
  • dictate rules to him and put him in a framework;
  • to lie, to cheat and to be capricious.

You are unlikely to confuse the Sagittarius man with someone else. It is easy to recognize him by his frankness. Sometimes hurts, but always remains sincere.

It captivates, because behind it lies kindness and friendliness. Sagittarians come into life like a storm, fighting on the spot and making the heart beat faster.

And if you liked this one, I will tell you everything you need to fall in love with him completely and irrevocably.


If you sympathize with extreme sportsmen, rock climbers, divers, surfers, racers, there will definitely be more than one Sagittarius among them.

If you want to fall in love, get ready to meet with a completely new outlook on the world and on life.

They think (by the standards) eccentric, but many women see a special charm in a relationship with a Sagittarius.

Sagittarians do not like to be "normal", to act according to a pattern. They look further: “and who came up with these norms and? Why should they be followed at all?

This is how revolutionaries and innovators think. How to love a Sagittarius man and not get lost in his quirks? Only if you like it!

Who is he looking for?

The ideal of the Sagittarius man is the response of his irrepressible character. He is looking for an almost superwoman: a desperate lover of extreme sports and an exemplary housewife in one bottle.

Moreover, competition with him in the quantity and quality of hobbies is only welcome. Sagittarians love to be challenged. If your basics do not match, the chances of falling in love with him remain.

If you like to take risks exclusively with a pillow and a woolen blanket - make it your advantage.

Eternal adventures and trials are exhausting, and Sagittarius, like any man, needs rest. And your home comfort will be a real salvation for him.

What do these completely different people have in common? Their respect for the personal space and freedom of a man.

Sagittarius cannot be tamed or chained. If you want to live in harmony with it, do not adjust or reshape.

Seduction Rules

Admire his exploits, he needs it. There is definitely something impressive in the list of his achievements.

1. Praise. Sagittarius does not need a dummy, hundreds of them are chasing him. Convince him that you are a person. Don't pretend - be it. Become, which causes delight and admiration in him.

2. Give. The Sagittarius man most of all likes to collect impressions. Walking in the park is not his forte. Add intrigue, a little risk - that's the whole recipe for a perfect date.

3. Challenge. Yes, Sagittarians are the type of men who respond with pleasure. Because - do not be shy.

Your hero is like... Indiana Jones

Never watched? Right now! Here you will see the archer in all its manifestations. And Pay attention to how he finds a way out of seemingly hopeless situations.

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If you don't grab attention right away, you won't get a second chance. Sagittarius loves to label women as "boring and ordinary" at first sight.

Do you want to produce Start with an acquaintance. Just crash into it desperately, "accidentally" right on the street.

Do not choose words, be original, blame him for all your troubles, because "such a courageous and strong man simply cannot be ignored." Flirt and resent at the same time. He will definitely remember this.

How would you meet a Sagittarius? Write in the comments.

Do not limit his freedom. Do not create, do not invent ideals. Don't pretend to be someone you are not.

If he finds out that all the time you imitated interest in his hobbies and outlook on life - disappointment, resentment and a broken heart.

To take your breath away!

Sagittarius is looking for someone who is breathtaking in appearance and delights a man with her personal qualities.

He is looking for an ally, a partner, a faithful life partner who will be ready for cardinal changes in her life.

To do this, you must be fully aware of whether you need a storm of emotions in a relationship.

And further! Overwork is the enemy of any Sagittarius. Even the most hurricane representatives of the sign sooner or later run out of strength. Learn to feel your man, your goal is to become his muse, not a fury.

Olga Zafo,
astrologer Faza Rosta.

Sagittarius men are not easy personalities. The spirit of the zodiac sign largely determines their behavior. How do you know that Sagittarius likes you? This eternal hunter with a bow in hand prepares for an accurate shot. The Sagittarius is skilled in hunting and talented. It is not difficult for him to conquer women's hearts. But often he himself becomes the object of the hunt.

How to seduce a Sagittarius man is primarily thought of by women who like bright, extraordinary personalities, avid optimists and self-confident people. This is, as a rule, a man born under a hunting sign. How to interest Sagittarius, cheerful and cheerful, active and sociable? For seduction to be crowned with success, it is necessary to take into account the zodiacal characteristics of a man born under this sign.

How to attract a Sagittarius

The question of how to attract Sagittarius is difficult to answer unequivocally. Every man is an individualist to one degree or another. Accordingly, no specialist will give uniform recommendations on how to attract a Sagittarius guy.

An individual horoscope of compatibility will allow you to avoid many mistakes in communicating with a man. It will be compiled by our astrologer at your request (taking into account the personal and zodiac characteristics of a particular Sagittarius).

Those who are deliberately looking for a man born under this sign, in life companions, will not interfere with the knowledge of where avid hunters usually live. They love funny and noisy companies. But in a get-together they prefer to communicate with 1-2 people. How to interest a Sagittarius man? Chat with him. Initiate a conversation as needed. Sagittarius usually willingly make new acquaintances, they cannot deny themselves the pleasure of chatting with a beautiful woman.

How to conquer a Sagittarius man

Many women are also looking for an answer to the question of how to conquer a Sagittarius man. This wandering hunter is insanely charming and interesting. But often it seems like an impregnable rock. So, you want to know how to win the love of a Sagittarius. The best woman for this hunter, first of all, should listen and hear him.

Sagittarius also value a sense of humor and optimism in people. Hunters love to communicate exclusively with smart, erudite women. The one who wants to learn how to conquer the heart of Sagittarius will have to take up self-education. Talking about pots and television series is not a hunter's lasso.

How to keep a Sagittarius man

Sagittarius, as true seekers, are very windy. Today such a man promises one thing, and tomorrow changes plans without hesitation. Women are not advised to blindly believe all the words of such a charming optimist.

If the question of how to keep a Sagittarius man is relevant to you, it will be useful to learn a few tricks. Men born under this sign often give the impression of a rake. But behind the mask of modern Don Juan, your chosen one can hide a vulnerable nature. You can play on this. This should be done gently and carefully. A hunter driven into a corner is more dangerous than a wild beast. Only he inflicts not physical, but mental wounds.

To understand how to keep Sagittarius, you need to remember his main qualities, dictated by the stars. For this man, freedom is always in the first place. Travel is usually an honorable second in his life, and the level of the latter can be different, from hiking to a nearby river to flying to exotic islands.

Women in the life of Sagittarius are only in third place. And with any attempt to climb Olympus, they can be very disappointed. The threat to freedom is the main reason for a cold-blooded end to a relationship.

How Aries Can Win Sagittarius

Over the question of how to attract a Sagittarius man, an Aries woman in 90% of cases will not even think about it. Firstly, because she simply does not need such a life partner. Aries, accustomed to keeping everything under control, crave loyalty. Sagittarius know about the latter only from books.

Aries woman knows very well how to fall in love with Sagittarius. But she will not do this. Unless it's a real passion. Such a relationship will be similar to the famous Russian roulette, and for both parties. To fall in love with Sagittarius, Aries will need to prove to him and to herself that jealousy is not her strong point. But it is extremely difficult for a woman born under Mercury or Mars to do this. At the same time, what can you not do for the sake of love!

For you, the question of how to conquer Sagittarius, a man of freedom-loving and windy, has not yet been resolved? It's time to move from planning to action. The scheme can be very simple: a general get-together, a heart-to-heart conversation, a couple of meetings, a general trip. And now Sagittarius is already yours. Emotional harmony will help to maintain the relationship, which both lovers will have to work on.

How Taurus conquer Sagittarius

How to attract the attention of a Sagittarius to a Taurus woman? She has all the data for this: attractive appearance, intelligence, sense of humor. A couple's relationship often begins with a meaningless conversation (traditionally for a Sagittarius somewhere at a party). With the woman who interested him, the man will definitely meet again.

How do you know what a Sagittarius loves? Pay attention to the changes in his behavior. Does your chosen one no longer invite you to a company, to picnics, etc., but chooses cozy small restaurants for communication? He is interested, intrigued and ready to hunt. It's time to allow yourself to be "shot".

So, you already know how to conquer Sagittarius. It remains to figure out how to keep him. This can be challenging. Especially if there is no mutual love in the couple. When it appears, the hunter changes target. But if love is present, it is important to consider several rules for communicating with Sagittarius in the family. This man does not tolerate rude reproaches, groundless jealousy, hysterics. He appreciates a woman's ability to communicate in a masculine manner: clearly, concretely, to the point.

How Gemini Can Conquer Sagittarius

If you are a Gemini woman, then with the question of how to attract the attention of Sagittarius, an interesting, extraordinary man, it is recommended to contact an astrologer. Standard seduction techniques with a representative of this sign may not work. A Sagittarius teased by Gemini can feel physically, emotionally, spiritually insolvent.

But another scenario is quite likely: a man will be interested in the duality of a woman's nature. Gemini, seducing Sagittarius, defy him. And every self-respecting hunter must accept this challenge.

How to conquer Sagittarius for a Gemini woman? The chosen one must be ... listened to. Sagittarius can selflessly talk for hours about their ideals. At the same time, he will closely monitor the reaction of the interlocutor. Is she frankly bored? The hunter will find a more grateful listener.

The question of how to understand a Sagittarius man is difficult for Gemini. He can be firm, decisive, even tough. She is not completely sure of anything, including her own desires, plans and possibilities. One thing will help a couple to maintain a relationship: mutual trust. Astrologers recommend that Gemini and Sagittarius resolve conflicts and problems exclusively at the negotiating table.

How Cancer conquers Sagittarius

For the lunar woman of Cancer, the hunter Sagittarius is largely incomprehensible, how to conquer this sign, she is recommended to consult a professional astrologer. It's easy to attract a man's attention. And in the development of relationships and their subsequent preservation, Cancer may lie in wait for various "dangers".

Do you want to know how to fall in love with Sagittarius, an extraordinary, strong, bright man? The astrologer will draw up an individual horoscope for your couple, with the help of which you can avoid mistakes in the process of seduction. As for general recommendations, in order to attract the attention of Sagittarius, to please him, the Cancer woman needs to stop thinking about the wedding. The ardent hunter is not a man who admires the thought of taking an oath at the altar.

You shouldn't make plans for life together on the first date. A Cancer woman is encouraged to become a Sagittarius friend. Subsequently, the relationship will develop by itself. Sagittarius value reliable women. And Cancers are just like that. Let the chosen one independently decide that life without you has no meaning.

How to Leo to Conquer Sagittarius

The queen of the pride, as a rule, does not think about how to understand Sagittarius, her chosen one. She simply wins the heart of a man-hunter with her generosity, beauty, intelligence and many other qualities inherent in a truly royal person. But the Lioness does not always use the right tactics.

She should be careful with Sagittarius. At the sight of the queen, this man can act out innocence. The last Lioness amuses and annoys a little. But in fact, the arrows of the hunter are aimed at the queen's heart.

Most often, the Lioness does not need to worry about how to fall in love with a Sagittarius guy. It is so difficult to look away from its bright shine. For a strong man, a queen is a welcome victory. Do you want to see Sagittarius as your life partner? Let him hunt.

Maintaining a relationship with a Sagittarius is more difficult. Often, the novels of Lionesses with such men are fleeting. But this does not mean that representatives of the signs cannot create a strong and long-lasting union. This is possible, but both will have to work for the common good. A lioness - to learn patience, condescension to his little weaknesses. Sagittarius should follow the hierarchy of relationships. He is definitely strong. But to anger the queen is dearer to himself.

How Virgo conquers Sagittarius

The union of Sagittarius and Virgo is harmonious. But both will have to work hard for this. When asked how to seduce a Sagittarius, Virgo will most likely look for an answer in special literature. After the recommendation of psychologists and astrologers, they will definitely be tested in practice. Some will work, others will not.

At the first stage, Virgo will have to attract the attention of a male hunter. It is not difficult for a naturally feminine woman to do this. Virgo can interest Sagittarius with intellectual conversation. He will also appreciate her subtle sense of humor. If the hunter is really interesting to Virgo, she will soon see all the signs of a Sagittarius man in love.

But it is too early to celebrate the victory. The nascent relationship is fragile, representatives of the zodiac signs will face many trials even in the candy-bouquet period. One of them is money. Sagittarius tends to show off. Virgo counts every ruble. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a couple to plan common expenses.

Also, life, travel, relations with relatives will become tests for Virgo and Sagittarius. A woman can keep her hunter if she does not rely on his ingenuity and intuition, but initiates business negotiations on controversial issues.

How Libra Can Win Sagittarius

How can a Libra woman like Sagittarius? It is enough just to get into the field of sight of the hunter. She will notice an eternally young (regardless of actual age) beauty, dreamer. Libra women have qualities that Sagittarius men appreciate in the opposite sex.

The only thing that can frighten the hunter is the pressure of the young lady. Freedom-loving Sagittarius, especially in his youth, does not accept frameworks, rules. Such a man does not think about marriage. His destiny is adventure and travel.

Do you want to know how to seduce a Sagittarius man and then hold him back? Take advantage of the advice of a professional astrologer. Order an individual horoscope, and you can better understand the chosen one, avoid many mistakes in the process of forming and developing relationships.

There are also several general recommendations for conquering Sagittarius. They are easy to do for a Libra woman, a nature carried away and thirsty for discovery. To bind your chosen one, share his hobby with him. Joint work will also contribute to the development of relations. Needless to say about travel! Open up new tourist horizons together, get to know each other, fall in love.

How Scorpio conquers Sagittarius

How to please a Sagittarius man if you are a Scorpio? Show your passion for him. You probably have a hobby or an unfulfilled dream. Share it with Sagittarius in your conversation. This man is an extremely enthusiastic nature. Feeling a kindred spirit, he will almost certainly want to continue communication.

There are many topics for conversation with Sagittarius: from sports to homeopathy, from tourism to philosophy. Find the right direction, conquer Sagittarius with erudition. He will appreciate that these men love intellectually developed women who are never bored with.

Developing and maintaining a Scorpio-Sagittarius relationship will be more difficult than dating. It is not easy to combine water and fire without a catalyst. The latter can be tolerance. And above all, the outcome of a love story depends on the woman. Scorpio needs to act wisely so that his beloved hunter does not gallop into the forest in search of game.

How a Sagittarius can conquer a Sagittarius

It would seem that a Sagittarius woman should intuitively feel how to please a Sagittarius guy. But practice shows that representatives of the same sign often avoid each other. If the spark does ignite, the woman may be advised to leave caution. Feel free to start a conversation with your favorite Sagittarius. The very first word game will lead to an invitation to a date.

Who else will understand a hunter in the same way as another hunter? A woman and a man born under a fiery sign are characterized by independence, directness, inquisitiveness of nature and seriousness. They are so similar, but have different attitudes towards love. For him, every novel is an adventure, a part of an exciting journey through life. She expects a logical continuation from the relationship - marriage.

The Sagittarius man is not opposed to the family union. But the decision about marriage should be made exclusively by him. If a woman suppresses his hunter instinct, she risks being left behind. Also, in possible quarrels with the chosen one, you should not rush with words about breaking off relations. The Sagittarius man may not call his passion back.

How Capricorns To Conquer Sagittarius

How to charm a Sagittarius young lady Capricorn? She can attract his attention with her appearance, interest him in intellectual conversation, pleasantly surprise him with the culture of listening. If Capricorn listens carefully to Sagittarius, does not interrupt when he dreams and shares ideas, she has every chance of becoming a friend.

In this role, the seemingly submissive woman will not remain long. An interested Sagittarius turns from an independent hunter into a man ready to surrender to love. Capricorn will not fail to take advantage of this.

To keep a man, a woman should temporarily forget about the rigidity of her character and categoricalness. The strongest weapon of the weaker sex - femininity - will help to tie the centaur to the house. And if, at the same time, Capricorn admires his beloved, supports him in achieving goals and implementing plans, he will stop noticing other women.

Becoming the only one for Sagittarius, the Capricorn woman will receive a personal knight in sparkling armor, extremely loyal, understanding, always ready to lend a strong shoulder.

How Aquarius conquers Sagittarius

If an Aquarius woman does not know how to charm a Sagittarius man, she acts in a strictly feminine way: softly, tenderly, timidly. This approach is unusual for a hunter accustomed to being in the company of uninhibited beauties. But the tactic works flawlessly. Several meetings in a common company, and Sagittarius is interested in a feminine, slightly timid, very sweet and slightly absent-minded girl. Then there is little to do: let the hunter "get" your attention.

In the development of a relationship, a couple can face sharp turns. In front of them, it is better to slow down in advance. The first test often concerns timing. Absent-minded Aquarius can be late for a meeting, forget about the flight, just not warn about a change in plans. A straightforward and serious Sagittarius is unlikely to be happy about this turn of events.

In order not to be disappointed in a relationship, not to see a centaur man in anger, Aquarius should behave more necessarily. But at the same time, one should not fall into pragmatism. Sagittarius don't like this. In addition, representatives of the sign tend to quickly forget grievances. Combined with Aquarius' ability to forgive, this quality can be called ideal for a couple.

How Pisces to Conquer Sagittarius

Pisces women are multifaceted. Some like to communicate in companies, others avoid starting a conversation first, hang out in a large team. Are you in the second category? Then, in order to attract the attention of Sagittarius, you will have to overcome fears and deal with complexes. This man is easiest to get interested in an interesting conversation. And to start it, you need a certain amount of courage and determination.

Will appreciate Sagittarius and Pisces' ability to listen. It is necessary to look for such a grateful listener. In addition, if you are a Pisces, then you are unlikely to criticize other people's ideas. And this is extremely important for a Sagittarius man. The proud centaur is sensitive to criticism.

How to marry a Sagittarius man, the question for a Pisces woman is no less difficult than attracting the attention of the chosen one. She is family oriented. He's hungry for adventure. Pisces and Sagittarius can become an ideal couple if they do not meet in their youth. Otherwise, she will go to look for her betrothed, and he will go hunting.

Keeping Sagittarius is also difficult for Pisces. In their relationship, mutual grievances are possible. Sagittarius is straightforward. Pisces prefer to cover the bitter truth with a veil of "someday" and "maybe". Conflicts are possible on other grounds as well. Sagittarius are prone to waste, Pisces are thrifty. In order to avoid quarrels, household, financial issues for a couple are recommended to be resolved at a family council. And in personal relationships, both should remember about tolerance.

Sagittarius is a prominent, interesting man. Each representative of this sign is optimistic and almost always cheerful in spirit and body. How to conquer it, ask a professional astrologer. An individual horoscope is compiled taking into account many astrological nuances, which allows you to give an accurate forecast of the possible development of relationships.

STARS & FATE (Claire Petulengro)

Sagittarius November 23 - December 21
Optimistic, freedom-loving, philosophical, expansive and honest - these are the key words that characterize Sagittarius. Those born under this sign are considered lucky. They stand firmly on their feet, are distinguished by good health and achieve success in their chosen career. Sagittarius is depicted as an archer aiming his arrow at the sky, so Sagittarians always set themselves high goals. They always succeed in life and almost always achieve their goal. They get upset only when they do not understand what they want. But as soon as they find a goal, they immediately achieve it, which is completely inaccessible to other signs. Sagittarians are distinguished by their quick thinking and patience. They like energetic work that brings mental satisfaction. They are not attracted to relationships in which there will not be a lot of surprises and twists and turns. Stability quickly bores them, which has a rather dramatic effect on themselves and their loved ones.
Sagittarians are popular with the opposite sex. They are not homebodies, they like to spread their tail. Many Sagittarians may well be in a relationship with their partner for ten years, and only their toothbrush will lie in his house. If Sagittarius needs something, he will open any door with a kick.
The Sagittarius woman loves to have fun. Even when she is married, she does not like to stay at home. Her house is rarely in perfect order, but if you want to come, she will meet you very hospitably. Sagittarius men prefer to invite friends to the club, where they can stay for quite some time, because of which their partners sometimes feel abandoned. All Sagittarians have a certain problem with showing their feelings. In marriage, they are faithful to their partners, although they are prone to jealousy and a sense of possessiveness. They understand better than anyone else the temptations of the outside world.
Their main quality is exclusively common sense. And at the same time, Sagittarians are natural players. Are you surprised? Sometimes they start saving money like crazy, denying themselves everything, and then they can spend all the money saved in one minute. The financial situation of Sagittarius is very unstable.
Sagittarius is a good friend who you can always rely on. He will give good advice understand and support. Those to whom Sagittarius give their friendship can be envied. It is always good to have such a friend. Children and animals instinctively feel this. Sagittarians are very popular among people of all ages. Kind-hearted Sagittarians prefer to lie to the rescue than to tell people the bitter truth.
Sagittarians are ready to take on the most difficult task. They have real courage, which, combined with their inherent ambition, enterprise and courage, allows Sagittarius to take on the most incredible enterprises. Moreover, they rush headlong into a new business. While others will think about everything, Sagittarius is already completely immersed in a difficult, and sometimes dangerous situation.
Sagittarius can speak. This remarkable ability allows him to get out of the most difficult situations without prejudice to himself. Everyone loves these people. They become the soul of any party and never offend anyone. Meanness is not characteristic of Sagittarius. Life is too short, they think, to ruin it for anyone. And although they have a rather peculiar sense of humor, they rarely offend anyone.
But I have no right to remain silent about the bad side of the Sagittarius character. Sagittarians can let you down when you don't expect it at all. If you want Sagittarius to keep a promise, better keep your finger on the pulse and convince him that this is vital for you. In this case, he will not deceive your hopes. Sagittarians live for today. If you wait for them at ten in the evening, then they may well come to you from a disco in the company of several people who have decided that now is the most right time for a visit. But deep down, Sagittarians are so irresistible that you will forgive them anyway. If they accidentally offend you, they will later deeply regret it. They remain children for the rest of their lives. Sagittarius will never grow up. And so I will give you one useful advice. Sagittarians are easily emotionally blackmailed (but don't give me away!).
Sagittarians are very optimistic and easily relate to life. They prefer things to go their own way. When excited, Sagittarians move to a gallop. They are so confident in themselves that they boldly push fate in the direction they need. But they should not rely too much on luck. They love gambling, but gambling has caused the downfall of many successful businessmen.
Sagittarians are able to achieve great success alone. But how beautiful it is to lasso someone who always flies away! Sagittarians love to laugh and appreciate a good joke. It is difficult for them to concentrate on something serious. Sagittarius will become your lover and best friend - a dream come true for many people. If he cheats on you, it is only because the temptation that presented itself to him was simply irresistible. For a Sagittarius, love is fun. They laugh at things that most of us take quite seriously. (If Sagittarius began to laugh in bed, then this is just from a good mood, do not take his laughter personally.)
No wonder so many comedians are born under this cheerful sign: the divine Bette Midler, the funny Pamela Stevenson, Jim Davidson, Sid Little, Richard Pryor, and Boodie Allen. All of them are great at making people laugh and earn decent money from it.
Sagittarians are wonderful people, but they don't know how to keep secrets at all. The secret will boil and gurgle in their soul until it can come out at the most inopportune moment. Sagittarians love to communicate, their circle of friends is very wide and unpredictable. They do not know how to be rude, it happens to them quite by accident and unintentionally. The range of interests of Sagittarians is also very large, they always know how to find a great topic for conversation. The weakness of Sagittarians is that they trust people too much. A pretty face does not necessarily belong to a good person. This lesson Sagittarius needs to learn once and for all.
Do not try to tie Sagittarius to the house, otherwise he will run away from you headlong. Offer him support, gently guide him in the right direction, do not consider him your property after the marriage agreement is signed and things are moved. Sagittarius loves to live in an imaginary world, and if you manage to create the right atmosphere in the house, your marriage will be happy. Be true to your commitments, give Sagittarius the opportunity to laugh and have fun, let him fulfill his childhood fantasies, and live with this fun and loving sign will be a real pleasure for you.

What is the difference between men and women born under this sign? Let's get a look.
Sagittarius Women
At the first meeting, you may think that you have perfectly understood this woman, but make no mistake. You won't know her until a year from now. She is changing so rapidly that it is not easy to keep up with her. As soon as you think that she is in your hands, this woman immediately slips away, leaving you completely bewildered. She may say that she loves going to the theater, but when you ask her to a play next month, she will say that you are crazy, and she only wants to be at a rock concert. She just doesn't remember what she said a few days ago. She is completely focused on the future, the past does not exist for her. Don't convince her that you were right. She used to laugh right in the face of people who seem boring to her.
The Sagittarius woman is very feminine and sensitive. She does not take life seriously, but it is quite difficult to spend it. She is open-minded and open-minded. She does not like secrecy and deceit. She has a sharp mind and is able to cope with any technical problem. She will calmly disassemble the engine into parts and assemble it again. However, she is quite quick-tempered, so you should be careful with her. By nature, she is a player who relies on luck. She likes all kinds of people. Variety is her life credo. She wants to know about everything that happens in your life, but not in order to control you, but simply out of curiosity.
I don’t think that you came across a Sagittarius woman in whose life there were no major changes in her thirties. She easily changes lovers, work, country, or even all at once.
In her youth, she meets with a large number of men, moving from one to another, which seems to her more interesting. Sex for her - exciting game. She may make you think that you are not as good as her former partner. This is not so, if only because she simply cannot remember who her former one was, although by nature she is not a harlot. You just haven't been able to get her full attention.
She does not like quarrels and never goes into open conflict. However, it has the ability to make you think that you have done something absolutely unforgivable. Don't worry. At the next meeting, she will not remember this. Most likely she will forget about your offense in five minutes.
But don't take this woman too lightly. She is very smart and is looking for real support in life. It is impossible to carry it out. Give her what she wants, and she will help you realize your most cherished dreams. And she will never get tired of doing something for you. Little pleasant surprises are her speciality. Planning anything for more than a day is a nightmare for her.
She can flirt with anyone without realizing it. She treats men and women exactly the same. She has a lot of friends and friends. There is no sexual connotation in friendship for her (at least for her). She is a wonderful mother, a true friend for her children. She is ready to frolic in the pool with the children, and not just stand on the side and carefully watch them.
Adjusting to her ever-changing lifestyle is not easy. She is always on the threshold of a new great project. If she invites you to do aerobics with her, do not rush to agree and purchase an annual subscription to classes. Surely tomorrow she will be fascinated by yoga. But no matter what role this woman plays in your life, you will be interested in her. If you have no one to laugh with, according to Mrs. Sagittarius, your life is simply empty. With it, you are guaranteed a lifetime of fun.
Sagittarius men
Sagittarius men love the tough game. They like shy people. I'll give you a little advice, girls: make Sagittarius hunt you. He is very courageous and likes everyone to know this. He spreads an aura of superiority around him. In no case do not insult or humiliate this man. He never keeps promises, even if full of the best intentions. Be prepared for a lot of the most unforeseen accidents - for a forgotten football match or an unexpected call from a friend. All these reasons, according to Mr. Sagittarius, are perfectly valid. For him, life is created according to his taste. This man does everything in his own way. He is always right. Be willing to accept that black is white if he wants to. But he knows how to love, and life with him will never be boring.

If he's having a lively conversation with your girlfriend, don't be jealous. Most likely, he is talking about his love for you, and not just seducing her. You will be the last one to know how he treats you. Why, exactly, does he have to explain this to you? He is with you, isn't he? For a Sagittarius man, this is the strongest evidence of the sincerity of his feelings.
Do not do business with him. He rarely finishes what he starts, and you will have to work overtime while he sits in the pub. He generates great ideas that others have to put into practice.
Do not think that Sagittarius is a bad person. He just remains a boy all his life. I met Sagittarians in their sixties who never grew up. They thought they knew life, but every week their philosophy changed. It is perfectly normal for Sagittarians to change religious beliefs until at least the age of thirty.
Sagittarius men love to travel, especially abroad. Foreign women always seem seductive and attractive to them. In a new environment, his eyes light up. He is always ready to learn and learn new things. Even if he stays in one place for a long time, he always finds something interesting. You can keep such a man only by joining him in the search for knowledge. He wants not sex and passion. He is attracted by inner kinship. But I am sure that any man thinks that his mind is in his trousers, and he conducts his research with the help of the “lower regions”. Wrong guys! Mind is in the head. If you want to get to know a person, spend at least a month on it. Find a partner who shares or at least understands your goals. Make a commitment and you won't regret it. Do you need admiration? Then calm down and say “yes” at least once.
Do you want to know if the Sagittarius man is worth the effort spent on capturing him? Costs. But such a partner will cost you quite a lot, because he passionately loves to change apartments, houses, furnishings, clothes. He has many friends who are always ready to laugh at his jokes. If you do not laugh, you will become his worst enemy. This man needs laughter to live. Do not deprive him of this important part of his existence.
Deceiver? No, just a weak person, unable to resist temptation. If he is away on a business trip for a month, it would be better for you to buy a ticket and visit him, otherwise he will forget how you look and will not recognize you at the airport. If you want him to fall in love with you, seduce him with your mind. Sagittarians like knowledgeable people to whom they are ready to give their lives.

And now you want to know what you can expect from this sign in the bedroom. And this is your main mistake! The bedroom is not the most favorite place for representatives of fiery signs, Sagittarius is easily excited, he is unpredictable. Night under the stars seems to him much more attractive than silk sheets. This sign has remarkable energy. When Sagittarius says he wants to stay with you all night, he means all night. This is not empty talk. So that you are not mistaken about him, I will say that for Sagittarius, quality is much more important than quantity, including in relation to sex. Endurance is a good thing, but Sagittarius needs much more.
Sagittarians pay attention to physical attractiveness, but most of all they are drawn to intellect. Sagittarius wants to be in love with whoever they sleep with, but they just can't get enough. I'm afraid that a one-night stand for this sign is not uncommon. Sagittarians are not selfish, quite the contrary. If you fall in love with a Sagittarius, immediately let him know that you will not tolerate polygamy in any case. If you don't tell him, he just won't know. Sagittarius is like a child who is ready to eat all the sweets from a huge bag, and then declare that he was not forbidden to do this, and if he got sick, then this is all the fault of nasty adults.
Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, an ever-expanding planet. Sagittarians constantly strive for self-improvement and set new high goals. They rarely return to former partners, because they are always looking forward. If they return to their former love, it will be only in order to set new, higher standards for themselves next time. Variability is their motto. At least you won't have to be jealous of their former partners.
Sagittarians are big individualists. In their sexual life, there are a lot of taboos for them. A one-night stand does not scare them, but for a more serious relationship, Sagittarius wants to have a partner who he can completely trust. Sex plays a very important role for Sagittarians. They are ready to give a lot to their loved ones. Sagittarians are generous and considerate. They are constantly tormented by doubts, despite outward confidence. Try not to offend Sagittarius so that he does not feel abandoned and lonely. Troubles start small, but grow very quickly. If the fire sign begins to boil, it is better not to be near it.
If you want to maintain a good relationship with a Sagittarius, you must be romantic. You will immediately know what your partner wants, because Sagittarians talk about sex in a completely free way. They have great stamina, with such a partner in bed you will not get bored. Even when you think it's all over, all you have to do is say “more!” and it will all happen again. Passionate lovers by nature, deep down Sagittarius want to have a partner completely in the most romantic sense of the word.
And don't forget about their variability.

Sagittarius is a hunter. His pursuit of new experiences, knowledge and sensations is endless. Sagittarius men, as a rule, are smart, energetic, romantic, but they cannot boast of lightness of character and stability.

Sagittarius is not the stone wall that most women are looking for, and getting along with him is not easy. But it is possible - if you are no less versatile than your Sagittarius, and even more than him, self-confident.

Ideal woman

For some men it is enough to have the most beautiful wife, for others the kindest, for others the smartest. Sagittarians need the very best - both beautiful, and smart, and tactful, and strong.

The only requirement that they easily give up is thriftiness in the generally accepted sense of the word. Everything should be nice and well-groomed, but whether you make great sushi yourself or know where to order it best, it does not matter.

What Sagittarians shun in women is the pragmatism and scrupulousness of domestic hens. Even in the upbringing of children, it is more important for them that the wife, by personal example, is a certain the standard of an interesting and eventful life, and did not check the child's lessons. Sagittarians are also honest and do not like cunning women. Like all men, they love to be played with, but they prefer games "openly", without "feminine-political" lies.

Freedom is perhaps the main principle professed by Sagittarius in all aspects of life. An insecure, not free woman will never cause a serious feeling in Sagittarius, both in itself and because it will obviously limit his freedom. The first jealously-suspicious evening question “Where have you been?” will quickly bring the romance with Sagittarius to naught. The affairs of Sagittarius need to be interested, and not meticulously inquire about them. Regardless of the time of acquaintance, he himself does not start humiliating interrogations and dreary clarifications of who did what outside the house and expects the same attitude from a woman.

Sagittarians appreciate sharp-tongued women, but jokes should be jokes, not an expression of your complexes. You should also not pour out platitudes that seem to be customary to say in certain situations - any of your original thoughts will add more points to you in the eyes of Sagittarius, if only because of your courage. If we formulate the rule of three "K" for the conquest of Sagittarius, then it will be "Don't pout, don't complex, don't control".

To be offended by such a man and let him know that he is wrong should not be capriciously pouting his lips and not falling into hysterics, but blowing on him with such a light, proudly indulgent breeze. And when he comes to his senses and comes with a confession, you need to be really condescending to him and not stoop to petty sawing.

Men are not idiots, most of them are quite aware that it is better to be needed than to be free. Nevertheless, for their freedom - or rather, for its generally accepted appearance - they are ready to hold on to the last.

For Sagittarius, this last frontier is a woman who surpasses him the richness of the inner world and some of those qualities that he values ​​​​in himself. It can be poetry, non-conformism, intelligence, education, quick wits, firmness of character, honesty - the set is individual.

But, importantly, superiority in any case should be expressed in a specific feminine way. You can run like a propeller around the world with your Hunter, briskly start new business and experiments, see a satisfied smile on his face - and think that everything is fine. But as soon as a woman appears, albeit not so energetic, but doing similar things with great grace - and all the admiring smiles, knightly courtship and main words will go to her, and you will be invited to remain friends.

Style, sophistication- Sagittarius is looking for these qualities in a woman almost unconsciously, they are not very characteristic of him, but they are no less valuable than the commonality of views and aspirations.

Try conquer a Sagittarius man flattery, enthusiasm, pliability and readiness to adapt - it is useless. Such curtsies are pleasant to him only in passing and for a short time - in this sense, he is a real man and wants to admire and conquer himself. Moreover, in the verb “to win” for a man, it is precisely his imperfect appearance that is important. It seems that he is quite sure that you love him, but he cannot read in your soul, as in an open book.

There always remains some secret, unattainable corner that he would also like to conquer ... but in fact he would not want to, because this will end the love. This is how most men in general work - and certainly all Sagittarians. Love, beauty and yours unattainable mystery are inseparable for them.

You should not disappoint your Sagittarius by revealing yourself completely to him. He should see a little less love on the surface than there is in the depths of your heart. And what he should not see at all is any kind of dependence on him. Your self-sufficiency will cause him constant delight and respect, and focusing on him and his family, on the contrary, will lead to a loss of interest and quickly extinguish all good impulses.

To maintain them, you need to constantly offer him new directions. joint development, while demonstrating the richness of that part of his life in which he is not directly involved. It is impossible for Sagittarius to tolerate a woman nearby, whining about an unloved job, who does not have an exciting hobby and her own circle of friends.

Routine is deadly
for Sagittarius in general, and in life together in particular. Such a man is reliable under periodic extreme loads, but cannot exist in the regime of viscous permanent stress.

Roughly speaking, if you get pneumonia, he will drop everything and leave you with all possible tenderness, but the message of some unpleasant diagnosis, in which you need to constantly take tests and go to the hospital once a quarter, with a 98% probability will lead to this man leaking out of of your life.

“In sorrow and in joy” is not about him. He spoke these words to you quite sincerely - it just never occurred to him that there might be some kind of grief lasting more than a month. But if you are of the same opinion about the duration and, having quickly recovered from any blow of fate, you can continue to dance effectively through life, Sagittarius will be an excellent partner for you. And with your stamina, you will only consolidate his love and respect for you.

Usually Sagittarius not limited to first marriage, and the second - most often too. Young meat is not theirs weakness, but they still need the same thirty-year-old business smart-beauty who can be proud of in front of friends and who is not yet drawn to just relax and quietly dig in the country on the weekend.

This does not mean that Sagittarius does not respect country rest - he just needs to come up with something there, and in no case in a utilitarian way. Fishing in the beginning of the rain, a night outing to a neighboring holiday village, mowing the grass of an ancient scythe accidentally lying around near a neighbor - even a “philosophical” dispute about life with a mother-in-law will do just fine. And in all these cases, you should be there, accompanying the process with charming wit and capturing individual moments on camera.

At the end of the Sagittarius process, you need to dry-clean-kiss - and come up with for tomorrow something new. For example, chopping firewood or planting a Christmas tree - such a pastime may well captivate Sagittarius for a couple of hours.

However, if you think that you can give him some kind of warm feeling by vigorously weeding cucumbers - well, how! he loves them so much! - you're wrong. Your grunting in the weeds and your crunchy pickles have nothing to do with his brain. Spending half a day with a book in a deck chair, left without cucumbers at all, is even better than showing Sagittarius the tedious, philistine side of life.

If you are able to turn pickling cucumbers into a technological and at the same time magical action, it is quite possible to do this even together with Sagittarius.

But how to pickle without weeding? And like this: weeding should remain completely behind the scenes for him or become a short oral message. Three hours of sweat - and limit yourself to three words? Well, if this alignment does not suit you, it is better to volunteer - and with relief! - yield Hunter for perfect love and eternal youth someone else who wants to fish in the rain and climb the neighbor's fences.