Warm Mediterranean diet: what to include and what you definitely can't. Mediterranean diet. Sample Mediterranean Diet Menu Mediterranean Diet Dietetics

Is a food system that has been a national cultural heritage of the Mediterranean regions (Greece, Italy, Cyprus, Croatia and other countries) for almost 6 years.

Nutritionists recognize its benefits, and assure that diet increases serum concentration osteocalcin, which is responsible for a strong skeleton. In addition, a diet rich in carbohydrates reduces the chance of developing a number of diseases, such as Alzheimer's syndrome, Parkinson's disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Basic principles of the diet

Mediterranean diet rules:

  1. Use in your diet as much as possible plant food - whole grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes.
  2. Instead sunflower and butter, and use instead of lard extra virgin olive oil.
  3. Vegetables can be used fresh in salads or stewed or baked.
  4. Eat fractionally - there should be 3 main meals and 2 snacks.
  5. Include fish in every main meal, as well as poultry, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese. The most important part of the Mediterranean diet is fish - it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which speed up the metabolism.
  6. Nutritionists allow consume in moderation dry red wine - for women it is 150 ml / day, for men 200 ml / day is acceptable.

What foods can and cannot be eaten?

Allowed foods in the Mediterranean diet:

Prohibited foods in the Mediterranean diet:

  • Bread made with leavening agents, sugar, artificial yeast and colors.
  • Potatoes.
  • All canned food.
  • Purchased ketchups, mayonnaises.
  • Strong alcohol.
  • Sweets (excluding stevia and natural cocoa).
  • Packaged soda, juices, fruit drinks.

Why the Mediterranean diet is good for you - the pros and cons

The obvious benefits of a diet:

  • A rich menu with a minimum of restrictions.
  • Easily adapts to Russian cuisine.
  • The Mediterranean diet is the most complete in terms of omega-3 fatty acids, which thin the blood, prevent blood clots, improve the elasticity of blood vessels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

The Mediterranean diet also has its drawbacks:

  • This diet is not suitable for correcting severe obesity.
  • Does not allow you to instantly part with extra pounds.
  • Certain must-haves in your daily diet are expensive.

Menu for the week


Breakfast. Whole grain oatmeal or muesli with natural yogurt (200 g), a slice of bread with low-fat hard cheese, tea.
Dinner. Baked pike (200 g), baked vegetables with herbs, 100 g of dry red wine or a glass of compote.
Afternoon snack. Fruit salad.
Dinner. Boiled seafood (200 g), tomato salad with herbs and olive oil.
Second supper. A glass of kefir.


Breakfast. Omelet of 2 eggs with seafood, tea or coffee.
Dinner. Baked herb trout (100 g), durum pasta (100 g), 2 slices of mozzarella cheese.
Afternoon snack. Any fruit (200 g).
Dinner. Stewed rice with herbs (200 g), baked squid carcass (100 g), a glass of wine or tea.
Second supper. A glass of low fat yogurt.


Breakfast. Curd casserole, a glass of grape juice.
Dinner. Chicken soup with spinach (200 g), corn porridge (100 g), tea or coffee.
Afternoon snack. 30 g of nuts, 1 grapefruit or orange.
Dinner. Buckwheat porridge with tomatoes (200 g), pike cutlets baked in the oven (150 g), 1 boiled egg, a glass of juice.
Second supper. Fruit salad, half a cup of low fat yogurt.


Breakfast. Whole grain oatmeal or muesli with natural yogurt (200 g), toast with tomatoes and cheese, still water.
Dinner. Shrimp pasta (200 g), kelp salad (100 g), toast with low-fat cheese and tomato, a glass of wine or tea.
Afternoon snack. 1 kiwi, 1 apple.
Dinner. Steamed sea fish (200 g), tomatoes with mozzarella, green tea.
Second supper. Toast with low-fat cheese and shrimps.


Breakfast. Seafood salad (200 g), fruit drink.
Dinner. Duck breast in red wine (200 g), stewed zucchini with thyme, tea.
Afternoon snack. A glass of fresh berries (cherries, currants) or a handful of dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots).
Dinner. Vegetable pilaf (200 g), grilled fish (150 g), a glass of green tea.
Second supper. A glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir.


Breakfast. Omelet of 2 eggs with vegetables and cheese, tea or coffee.
Dinner. Buckwheat porridge with boiled turkey (200 g), salad with celery and apple, juice.
Afternoon snack. A plate of seafood.
Dinner.Carp stewed in sour cream (150 g), grilled vegetables (100 g), 1 boiled egg, homemade juice.
Second supper. Fruit salad.


Breakfast. 2 toast with cheese and tomatoes, 1 orange, juice.
Dinner.Vegetable stew (200 g), baked turkey (100 g), fruit drink.
Afternoon snack. 1 grapefruit or 2 small apples.
Dinner. Shrimp pasta (100 g), baked trout with herbs (150 g).
Second supper. Low-fat cottage cheese with sour cream (200 g).

The Mediterranean diet - the choice of Hollywood stars

She became an ardent fan of the Mediterranean diet.

The mother of two children in her interviews more than once said that it was this nutritional system that helped her to saturate the body with useful substances after a difficult pregnancy.

Fish, natural dairy products, vegetables and fruits help the beauty to stay in shape and get a daily boost of vigor and energy.

Tips from Penelope Cruz:

  • Consume at least 10 different types plant products in a day.
  • Fish - one of the most valuable products, you need to use it 5 times a week.
  • Replace salt spicy herbs and less harmful spices.
  • Dessert in your diet can only be fresh fruits.
  • Exclude drinks containing caffeine from the menu.
  • Another rule of health and a beautiful figure is regular physical exercise.

"Everything you see, I owe spaghetti." - The talented Italian actress loved to repeat Sophia Loren... She believes that quality durum wheat pasta paired with vegetables and cheese is good for your health. The natural beauty and slenderness of the actress has been helped by the Mediterranean diet based on seafood for many years.

Mediterranean diet - real reviews from those who have tried:

Olga, 30 years old:

In fact, for us, residents of central Russia, this type of food is considered a diet, there - abroad, this is the usual menu of residents of the country. But, despite this, those who try to eat according to the principle of the Mediterranean diet easily and naturally begin to lose weight without exercise and lose weight and prettier right before our eyes. And the thing is that the Mediterranean menu contains healthy products - fish and seafood, fatty oils saturated with amino acids, an abundance of fruits and vegetables, herbs, cereals and legumes. So it will appeal to those who prefer lean fish instead of meat.

Anna, age not specified:

It is not for nothing that nutritionists recommend this diet for losing weight and improving the body, because mixing vegetables with complex carbohydrates is very beneficial for the body. Some provide satiety, others replenish vitamins and minerals. And in the first place are carbohydrates, then fats, and in the very last place - proteins. It is them that are obtained from fish, and not fatty meat, therefore, weight loss occurs without a hitch.

Veronica, 38 years old:

I have never been "overweight", but a few kilograms of excess weight were present. And all thanks to the fact that I cannot refuse sweet and high-calorie desserts, and sedentary work does not contribute to weight loss. But the Mediterranean diet helped me a lot.

What can I say? Now I eat the same in my daily life, and at the same time the kilograms have gone away and have not returned, and I feel much better, the condition of my nails and hair has improved.

Zhanna, 21 years old:

A friend told me about this diet, and I immediately made stocks of real pasta from durum wheat, bought a large low-fat salmon, and stocked up on fruits and vegetables. I never liked a lot of greens in dishes, but with such a diet, it is simply necessary, and over time I got a taste.
I managed to lose 8.5 kilograms in 3 months, which I am very happy about. Also, I noted for myself that the amount of money spent on the purchase of products practically did not change, which one cannot but rejoice at.

Dear our readers, thank you for these feedback! Please send your feedback on diets and weight loss history to [email protected]site, as well as, leave comments under the corresponding entries.

The Mediterranean Diet for Weight Loss is more than just a diet, it is a fulfilling Mediterranean lifestyle. There are many myths in the world about the correct, healthy diet for the body. Nutritionists are constantly developing new schemes, and chefs - dishes and food menus for a month or a week according to the rules of new diets.

However, as you know, the result of a diet directly depends on many individual factors of human health, genetic predisposition to weight gain and the efficiency of the digestive system.

What is the essence of such a diet?

60% of the diet consists of: fruits, vegetables and complex carbohydrates, 30 percent is the share of vegetable fats (olive oil), 10 percent is proteins (seafood, fish, lean meat, cheese).

The process of losing weight occurs due to the low consumption of unnatural and starchy foods, fatty foods, flour, sweets and carbonated drinks.
The Mediterranean diet is especially pleasant on a seaside holiday. But even for city dwellers, such a diet will not be a problem, because stores offer a good variety of natural products.

Mediterranean diet. Menu for the week, recipes you will find in our article

To evaluate the result of a balanced diet in Italy, Spain or France, additional research is not required.

Statistics show that the Mediterranean diet has positive impact on the body as a whole, is an effective prevention of various diseases, and most importantly, it has a positive effect on slimness and muscle growth.

Interesting fact! Compliance with the Mediterranean diet has no strict contraindications. An exception is an allergic reaction to a certain ingredient or medical prohibitions due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Diet principles include 3 key points:

  • choose the right (permitted) products to form the menu;
  • take food at a strictly defined time;
  • exercise to boost metabolism and energy hunger.

The main advantage of this type of food is the wide variety of dishes. Unlike rigid mono diets, the Mediterranean diet includes a lot of different foods, and the body does not experience "dietary" stress.

The combination of fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, legumes and dairy products contains all the essential vitamins and minerals. It should not be overlooked that all of the above is easily adaptable for the Russian population, from the Caucasus to Siberia.

Mediterranean diet rules

  • Eat vegetables every day. Fresh, boiled, stewed are very useful. Keep your potato consumption to a minimum. Eat more cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, olives. By the way, nutritionists say that olives and olives accelerate metabolism.
  • Seafood and fish are very healthy, but the fish should be low-fat varieties. Choose a dietary method of cooking: boiled or baked fish and seafood.
  • Try to consume 1-2 jars of fermented milk product every day. It can be kefir or yogurt. They promote better bowel function and metabolism. In addition, fermented milk contains calcium, which helps to strengthen bones.
  • Eat complex carbohydrates only with breakfast. These are buckwheat, rice, wholemeal bread, pasta. Complex carbohydrates help to recharge energy in the morning and for the whole day, and the ones eaten in the morning do not have time to be deposited in the form of excess weight.
  • Olive oil is fat that won't make you fat! Season salads with olive oil. Give up mayonnaise and sour cream.
  • Mediterranean people love cheese. Give preference to lean varieties.
  • Meat is an important nutritional component. Steam or boil the meat.
    Replace sweets with fruits. But be careful with bananas. They are very high in calories.
    Replace sugar with honey.
  • Try to exclude potatoes, cottage cheese, pastries, sweets, alcohol, carbonated drinks from the diet. You can only afford a little red or white wine.

Benefits of a diet for health and what results can be achieved

The main questions are: what are the benefits of Mediterranean cuisine, what results can you expect? A balanced menu is based on regular consumption of fresh herbs, seasonal vegetables and fruits, cereals, and moderate amounts of meat. The contained useful microelements are more than enough to maintain the health and performance of all body systems.

According to medical research, the benefits of the menu of such a diet are expressed in the following:

  • blood pressure, sugar levels are normalized;
  • elimination of puffiness and stabilization of the kidneys;
  • prevention of benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • prevention of the development of vascular and heart diseases;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • correct and stable work of the digestive tract.

The last point is one of the key ones. According to highly qualified nutritionists, normalization of the digestive system is an important component in losing weight. It is with cleansing that any correct nutritional system begins. Many losing weight exclude this stage, sincerely surprised that the chosen diet does not bring results.

Adhering to the Mediterranean cuisine, weight loss is observed after a week and a half. Moreover, losing weight does not imply a sharp loss of a kilogram, "proper weight loss" - slow getting rid of excess weight throughout the diet.

Prohibited foods

It is difficult to strictly distinguish between "right" and "wrong" foods, because Mediterranean cuisine is very diverse, but there are a number of foods that should be completely abandoned.

Prohibitions and restrictions in the menu of the Mediterranean diet (a guide for drawing up recipes for a week)
Prohibited Allowed with restriction
ButterGame: three times a week
PorkLamb, beef, lamb meat: once a week
Sugar, confectionerySalt
High-fat cheesesSweet juices
Fast food, baked goods, white flour productsGrapes, bananas - in limited quantities
Sweet carbonated drinks
Refined fats and sugars
Whole milk

Sample Mediterranean diet menu for a week

When compiling a weekly diet, it should be diversified as much as possible. By eating different foods, the body will receive the maximum amount of vitamins, the nervous system will be strengthened, and the rejection of prohibited ingredients will go unnoticed.

Interesting fact! The order of the dishes is allowed to be changed, the main thing is to observe 3 rules: carbohydrates before lunch, proteins - after lunch, the main course - at lunch. Vegetables are allowed at any time of the day, but their total volume should not exceed 1 kg.

Breakfast Dinner Dinner
Day number 1two sandwiches with onions, pickles and sardinesseafood soup with vegetablesgreek salad with beans, celery, olives and chopped herbs
Day number 2two sandwiches with ham, low-fat yogurt or kefir.rice, salmon in sour cream sauce with chopped herbs.tomato soup with toasted bread slices and fresh herbs.
Day number 3muesli with nuts and fruits (dried fruits).grilled vegetables (red and green bell peppers, zucchini, eggplant).boiled shrimp, toast or cheese sandwich.
Day number 4sandwiches with mozzarella cheese and fresh slices of tomato, banana or kiwi, freshly squeezed carrot juice.pasta with lamb stewed with vegetables (bell pepper and zucchini).vegetable salad with olive oil (radishes, pickled gherkins, red and green bell peppers, olives, tomatoes, leeks).
Day number 5fruits (papaya, melon, pineapple, banana, kiwi).stewed vegetables with mozzarella seasoned with nutmeg.salad with shrimps and avocado.
Day number 6ham sandwich, rice loaf with low fat butter.light vegetable soup in chicken broth.fish cutlets, boiled buckwheat, cherry tomatoes.
Day number 7sandwiches with salami, sweet bell pepper slices, and a leaf of lettuce.risotto with shrimps.baked chicken meat with fresh vegetable salad and feta cheese.

A weekly or monthly Mediterranean diet menu does not imply strict prohibitions between meals. Snack recipes (lunch and afternoon tea) should consist of light meals: fruits, vegetables, life-giving drinks.

Nutritionists recommend limiting them to fresh fruits, natural yogurt, or low-fat kefir. Each meal should be at a certain time, this is the key to the correct functioning of the digestive system.

Priority drinks - filtered water, natural juices. Coffee, green or black tea is drunk without sugar, 3-4 cups per day are allowed. Dry wine is recommended for lunch or dinner, no more than 100 - 150 ml per day.

Sweets are allowed once a week; these include dried fruits, honey, homemade cakes or desserts, for example, jelly, mousse, smoothies. Better to opt for fresh fruit, but occasional use of homemade cookies is safe.

It is important to know! If the menu for the week looks too exotic, the Mediterranean diet recipes can be adapted. It is allowed to replace the main dishes with porridge, wholemeal pasta, vegetable stews.

Mediterranean Diet Recipes

When preparing the first or second courses, always add olive oil, it is best to choose cold-pressed oil. The amount should be moderate.

The Mediterranean diet menu should be composed of natural food.

The diet includes all types of dishes: first, second, desserts. The hardest part of cooking is soups and side dishes, especially when included as a regular item on the weekly or monthly diet menu.

Desserts, as a rule, are fruits (dried fruits), yogurt, diet homemade cakes adapted to the daily diet.

Ministrone soup

Main ingredients for the soup:

All vegetables are fried in olive oil in a saucepan, spices are added. The broth is poured several times in portions and the soup is boiled for 50 minutes.

Vegetable risotto

Main ingredients:

All vegetables are cut into small cubes, put on a greased baking sheet and placed in the oven for 15-20 minutes. The onion and garlic are stewed separately in a frying pan with high walls, adding rice, and then the broth, and stewed for another 15-20 minutes (the water should evaporate and be absorbed). The baked vegetables are transferred to a frying pan with rice and mixed.

Baked fish

Main ingredients:

Fillets of sea fish are spread on a greased baking sheet. Mix lemon juice, kefir, herbs and salt, put the resulting mixture on fish meat. The top layer is grated cheese. The dish is prepared for 15-20 minutes in the oven, at a temperature of 180 ° C.

Vegetable salad with avocado and shrimps

The main ingredients of the salad:

The traditional dressing is olive oil, the salad is seasoned with basil, cilantro, lemon juice and pepper.

The shrimp are peeled, slightly salted and fried in olive oil on all sides. Avocados are cut into slices, sticks or cubes, sprinkled with lemon juice. Put the lettuce leaves on a plate, lay the sliced \u200b\u200bavocado on top. Then comes a layer of shrimp.

Cherry tomatoes are cut into four pieces and spread on top. Fresh basil and cilantro should be coarsely chopped, pepper and salt to taste.

Diet exit rules

Though this program nutrition is not a diet that must be strictly observed, the transition to a habitual diet must be properly organized. It is not recommended to abruptly return to consuming large amounts of sugar, fatty meats, potatoes and alcohol.

When leaving the diet, you should gradually introduce familiar dishes into the daily diet, cook red meat more often, add potatoes to vegetable dishes. You can add a little butter to cereals, in the first days - limit yourself to a minimum amount. They also increase the volume of fruits and vegetables, more often they use bananas and grapes.

Completion of the diet will take 4 weeks, during which time the body will gradually rebuild. If you switch to fatty foods prematurely, stomach upset is possible. or heartburn.

Before starting to change the power system, it is useful to spend 2-3 fasting days... For this, it is not at all necessary to starve, habitual dishes are replaced with stewed or fresh vegetables, they drink kefir, carrot juice. Then you can start changing the diet, after several fasting days, the transition will be invisible.

The main mistakes of losing weight and how to avoid them

The key mistakes of the diet are not fully understanding which foods are allowed and which should not be in recipes for a week. The diet allows you to enter bread, pasta into the menu, but they should not be made from white flour.

Regular consumption of olive oil can be a big problem when losing weight on the Mediterranean diet, as it contains a lot of "useless" calories.

According to nutritionists, "a small portion of olive oil will not harm a healthy and active person." A sedentary lifestyle or the abuse of vegetable fat can shine the entire result to a minimum.

Breakdowns are one of the biggest mistakes of any diet.... Since Mediterranean cuisine is so diverse, a daily break and a one-off overeating will not overwhelm all the efforts. It is enough to spend 1-2 unloading days and return to the correct nutrition program.

To avoid disruptions, you should clearly plan the menu, a properly balanced diet will ensure the body is fully saturated with useful microelements.

Opinions of doctors, nutritionists about the Mediterranean diet

Experts believe that the Mediterranean diet can be ranked as the reference diet for a healthy person.

A well-designed menu for a week, a month or more, with recipes for healthy meals, and regular exercise, guarantee the normal functioning of the digestive system, maximum assimilation of nutrients due to increased metabolism, and excellent human condition without bad habits.

The program prevents the development of various diseases and heals the body as a whole. Lowering cholesterol levels, normalizing blood pressure and the work of the gastrointestinal tract contribute to the complete digestion of food, excellent health allows you to play sports more often or introduce it into your lifestyle.

This food system has no age limit, it is allowed during pregnancy or lactation.

An important aspect is physical activity, which is mandatory when following the Mediterranean diet. An active lifestyle keeps the entire body in good shape, contributes to the proper functioning of the digestive system, and has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system.

It is not necessary to go in for sports professionally, the standard minimum is daily exercises in the morning and in the evening. And the Mediterranean diet is simple, enjoyable, and at the same time, very effective!

Mediterranean diet. Menu for the week, recipes in this useful video:

Mediterranean diet menu for the week:

The blinding midday sun, warm waves, the taste of salt on the lips and the smell of iodine are all signs of the Mediterranean coast. Nutritionists of the mid-20th century drew attention to the inhabitants of the south of Italy, France and Spain, living in the Mediterranean. Basically, they were smart, youthful, optimistic people, different from their fellow citizens from the central regions. The reason for this remarkable feature is the food system that has developed in this region and is called the Mediterranean diet.

Mediterranean diet for weight loss is based on a unique balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, with no specific nutritional requirements. The presence in the diet of a high percentage of antioxidant elements, vitamins, iodine, minerals, contributes to a more complete assimilation of food and rapid "burning" of incoming calories. Pasta, seafood, olive oil, vegetables and fruits high in vitamin C, red wines and lean meats are the basic nutritional components of this diet. The method of heat treatment of food is essential: steam treatment, open fire on the grill and boiling. Frying in boiling oil is rarely used in Mediterranean cuisine. The described diet has no time limits; it can be made the basis of proper nutrition. It is very easy to lose weight by eating according to its laws, excess weight will go away imperceptibly, by itself.

The ancient Greek goddess of love and beauty was born in the waves of the Mediterranean Sea. Therefore, the average seafood ration is often called by her name, meaning by this a guarantee of excellent appearance and health. The principles of the Mediterranean diet can be depicted in the form of an isosceles triangle, where carbohydrate foods are at the base and center, and protein foods are higher and to the top.

The Mediterranean diet has a clear gradation of when and what foods you can eat. Its basis is:

  • durum wheat products, crispbread, unprocessed rice,
  • legumes, vegetables and nuts, fruits,
  • olive oil,
  • dairy products,
  • seafood,
  • lean meat,
  • eggs,
  • desserts.

At the same time, food products containing carbohydrates are eaten every day: flour products from durum wheat, vegetables, fruits. Protein-rich dairy products are also eaten daily, especially cheese and yogurt, and legumes.

Note! Olive oil is an essential ingredient in all daily meals.

Tuna, mackerel and other seafood, lean white meat, eggs and sweets are present in the diet after two to three days. Beef, pork and lamb are rare foods on the table of a southerner, no more than once a month.

"French" phenomenon

By the "French" phenomenon, nutritionists mean low blood cholesterol in people who eat dry red wine and plentiful, high-calorie foods in their diet every day. In the Mediterranean diet, the consumption of 1-2 glasses of this wine at lunch and dinner is a must. Its purpose in the diet is to "burn" fat.

Note! "Red dry wine is a staple of the Mediterranean diet, just like olive oil."

In addition to wine, it is assumed that there is sufficient consumption of liquid in the form of drinking water, tea, coffee (without sugar) in an amount of at least 1.5 - 2 liters per day.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalia Sergeevna
Nutritionist, Nizhny Novgorod

Quite a good diet, especially when compared to ketogenic diets or mono diets. I am very impressed by its “balance”. A person who adheres to the Mediterranean diet receives a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is very important for the normal metabolism and functioning of internal organs. And it is wonderful that vitamins and minerals enter the body. Thanks to this, a person maintains a normal metabolism and does not suffer from the functioning of the immune system (which can happen when losing weight with the help of other, more aggressive diets).

But I am confused by the fact that drinking alcohol is an integral part of losing weight. Moreover, not every person wants to drink alcohol every day. Even wine, which (I admit) can be healthy. For this reason, the Mediterranean diet will suit everyone. But for those who like to relax in the evening with a glass of good wine, we can recommend it. Try it, lose weight. But before that, do consult a dietitian. It won't be superfluous. In addition, the specialist will give you useful tips to make your weight loss more effective.

Slimming and movement

Losing weight lying on the couch is not possible with any diet. This also applies to the Mediterranean.

Moderate physical activity, such as:

  • swimming,
  • walking for at least an hour,
  • contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body.

The combination of physical activity and a proper diet is the key to good health and good looks. A beautiful appearance implies a slender figure. It is not difficult to organize a dietary meal for every day if you know the recipes for preparing Mediterranean dishes.

Mediterranean diet menu for the week

Mediterranean cuisine recipes are simple, mouth-watering and healthy. You can create a menu for a month, for 14 days, for a week, for 5 days and just for every day. The Mediterranean diet shown in the table allows you to create a menu for a week or any other period.

Table with the menu of the Mediterranean diet for weight loss for each day of the week:

Day of the week Eating Dishes
Monday Breakfast Cereal flakes with milk, cheese croutons, espresso
Lunch Fruit salad
Dinner Gazpacho soup, tuna casserole in vegetables, green tea, dry red wine
Afternoon snack Apple chips
Dinner Cheesecakes, fermented milk products
Tuesday Breakfast Vegetables with olive oil dressing, feta, toast, cappuccino
Lunch Mango
Dinner Steam sauté with sauce, 2-egg omelet, dry red wine, mineral water
Afternoon snack Bunch of grapes
Dinner Lobio, asparagus beans, lemonade
Wednesday Breakfast Cereal garnish with dried fruit, cappuccino
Lunch Raspberry Milk Shake
Dinner Mexican chicken meatballs, seasonal vegetables and herbs salad, seasoned with balsamic vinegar
Afternoon snack Fresh
Dinner Pasta with Bolognese sauce, herbal tea
Thursday Breakfast Potato casserole, lettuce, espresso
Lunch Fresh fruits, lemon fresh
Dinner Cheese puff with vegetables, red wine
Afternoon snack Dessert with apples and nuts
Dinner Pea puree, yogurt
Friday Breakfast Muesli with candied fruit, cappuccino
Lunch Fresh vegetables in season
Dinner White fish soup, asparagus, lemonade, rose wine
Afternoon snack Grapefruit jelly
Dinner Pasta and a slice of cheese, kefir
Saturday Breakfast Veal medallions, cappuccino
Lunch Pumpkin casserole
Dinner Vegetable soup in meat broth, vinaigrette, brown rice, dry wine
Afternoon snack Berry dessert
Dinner Fried eggs, cereal flakes, honey drink
Sunday Breakfast Curd and berry pudding, croutons, espresso
Lunch Charlotte
Dinner White fish, vegetable stew, dry wine
Afternoon snack Strawberry mousse with cream
Dinner Cheese platter, herbal tea

When drawing up the menu, one must remember the sequence of including high-calorie dishes in the menu.

Note! "The Mediterranean diet involves eating during the day in 5 stages."

At the same time, you should not overload the digestive tract with an abundance of food. It is recommended not to exceed the total amount of food consumed per day does not exceed 700-800 g. The recipes below will help you master the Mediterranean cuisine.

Mediterranean diet recipes

Fish and seafood dishes contain polyunsaturated acids and iodine, which affect the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems. Thanks to these foods, the inhabitants of the Mediterranean regions rarely get these common diseases.

Shrimp soup recipe

Dissolve 400 g of processed cheese in 2 liters of boiling water and cook 4 chopped potatoes. Season with salt, add spices to taste. When the potatoes are boiled, add fried carrots with onions (1 pc.) And a bunch of chopped greens. In a separate bowl, cook 15 peeled shrimps and pour over the prepared soup for 3 minutes. Pour soup into bowls and add prepared shrimp.

Recipe for fish baked with potatoes and tomatoes

Cut potatoes (300 g) into slices and boil for 5 minutes in salted water. Drain and mix with 30 ml of olive oil (preferably). Put the potatoes on a baking sheet, on top - halves of 4 or 5 tomatoes and 30 g of green olives. Put peeled seabass (you can sea bass) weighing up to 1 kg on potatoes with tomatoes. Season with salt, dry white wine and bake for 30 minutes in the oven at 180 g. Serve with ready garnish. The quality of seafood dishes largely depends on their freshness, which is certainly present in the seaside diet.

Mediterranean diet in Russia

It is difficult to find fish species traditional for the Mediterranean in Russia. Vegetables and fruits grown under the hot sun of the south cannot be compared in quality with greenhouse ones. But, if we take the principle of the Mediterranean diet as a basis, then it can be successfully applied in the cool Russian climate.

Percentage of food composition of the Mediterranean diet:

  • carbohydrates - 50%,
  • proteins - 20%,
  • fats - 30%.

This ratio can be maintained by adjusting the ingredients in the diet.

Note! "Blind copying of the cuisine of other countries is impossible and impractical."

For example, it is possible to increase the proportion of potatoes in carbohydrate foods by replacing expensive spaghetti with them. Add fresh, dried and salted mushrooms to foods containing vegetable protein. Herring and mackerel will be a good substitute for tuna, sea bass, dorado and other Mediterranean fish species. Olive oil can be replaced with unrefined sunflower oil. In winter and spring, instead of tasteless and useless greenhouse vegetables, introduce sauerkraut into the diet.

Menu and recipes of the Mediterranean diet adapted to Russia

People living both in the south and in the north need proper nutrition. The valuable experience in this matter, accumulated over the centuries, must be studied and applied in practice. Below are recipes for a Mediterranean diet adapted to Russia, taking into account climatic conditions and the difference in food costs.

Breakfast sandwich recipe

Mix cottage cheese with a blender with kefir, dill, garlic, salt (all to taste). It turns out an analogue of the soft cheese "Cuezo blanco". Spread on toast and add a slice of tomato on top.

Fish and vegetable salad recipe

Pour chopped cucumbers, tomatoes with vegetable oil (to taste), put on a dish. Add, without stirring, canned sardine or mackerel (without oil) and a boiled egg, cut into two parts.

Gourmet Mushroom Risotto Recipe

500-600 g of any mushrooms (preferably a mixture of white and chanterelles) in a frying pan with 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil until soft. Heat 1 L of chicken stock. Heat long grain rice in a frying pan, mixing it with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil until it is completely absorbed into the rice. Then gradually pour in the heated broth over 15-20 minutes, stirring constantly, until the rice is completely absorbed and becomes al dente (not completely soft). Mix rice, mushrooms, fried onion and any grated hard cheese. Season with salt, sprinkle with green onions.

Vegetable stew with chicken

Take 200 g of eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, chicken fillet, sour cream, as well as herbs and garlic. Peel the vegetables, cut the fillets into small pieces. Simmer over low heat with vegetable oil, starting at 10-15 minute intervals, sequential laying:

  • eggplant,
  • zucchini,
  • tomatoes,
  • sour cream,
  • fillet.

Simmer for 10 minutes, season with salt, add chopped herbs and garlic (to taste). Remove from heat after 5 minutes. The long winter period makes its own adjustments to the diet of Russians.

Note! "When the air temperature drops by 10 ° C, the body's cost to maintain body temperature doubles."

For heating the body, fat reserves of the body are consumed, and not carbohydrates, as in physical exercise... Therefore, in the cold season, in order to avoid weight gain, it is necessary to increase the percentage of protein products in the diet and reduce the amount of carbohydrates. The Mediterranean diet has the advantage over others in that it does not require severe restrictions on the amount of food consumed. Restrictions apply to the percentage of the composition of the products. Foods containing carbohydrates form the basis of the Mediterranean diet, taking up half of the total daily diet. Olive oil and dry red wine contribute to the rapid breakdown of proteins into amino acids and prevent cholesterol from accumulating.

For Russia, the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates should be shifted towards protein products, especially with the onset of cold weather. Otherwise, the Mediterranean diet instead of losing weight will lead to the opposite result: to weight gain. Instead of dry red wine, which is traditionally drunk by southerners to "burn" excess fat, an hour's walk in the fresh air with a temperature of -20 ° C is enough in Russia. During this time, the body will spend 300 kcal. If, when returning home from a walk, you get along with a light snack, then the result will be achieved without an expensive drink.

A person's eating habits often depend on the environment and place in which he lives. Some peoples are noticeably distinguished from the rest by their harmony, good health and longevity. For example, Italians or Spanish. This is largely due to the national principles of nutrition. It is on them that the diet of the famous Mediterranean diet is built. This is one of the few systems that leads not only to weight loss, but also to the health of the body.


Diet or lifestyle?

The Mediterranean System is one of three scientifically approved diets. It has no specific deadlines and clear boundaries, the duration is not limited by anything. The technique does not tolerate food refusals, starvation, the use of questionable pills or dietary supplements, but also does not promise rapid weight loss and harmony in a week. The results can be much more modest than you sometimes want. But the gradual reduction of body fat is what healthy weight loss is all about. Plus, it has a ton of positive side effects.

Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:

  1. Efficiency. One has only to look at slender Italians or graceful Spanish women, so that all doubts about the effectiveness of the system disappear.
  2. Slow weight loss does not harm the body, is not stressful for it, does not lead to a slowdown in metabolism.
  3. Unlimited time. You can follow the Mediterranean diet for 2 weeks, a year, two or a whole life, depending on the desired goals.
  4. Since the weight is reduced smoothly, it is the fat that goes away. After the termination of the system, a sharp set will not follow, as it happens on fast diets.
  5. Balance. The body will receive the necessary set of vitamins and other nutrients. Most likely, their intake will even increase with the transition to a Mediterranean diet.
  6. You do not need to count calories, weigh portions, or limit yourself in some way, but it is recommended not to overeat.

The Mediterranean diet is a certain way of life, it will take time to get used to it. But throughout the entire period, a person does not feel slighted. You can safely go to visit, visit restaurants, arrange home holidays. The list of permitted foods is huge. In any menu, there are dishes that will fit the Mediterranean system.

Attention! The technique has a healing effect. Improves overall well-being and appearance... It is especially beneficial for high cholesterol, cardiovascular problems, Alzheimer's syndrome and Parkinson's disease. The diet is indicated for hypertensive patients, it allows maintaining the level of blood pressure within normal limits.

Video: Elena Malysheva on the Mediterranean diet

Disadvantages and contraindications

The main disadvantage of the Mediterranean method is the high cost of basic food products, seasonal shortages. In winter, there are difficulties with the purchase of fresh vegetables and fruits. In the spring, all this is added to the low quality of products grown in greenhouse conditions with the use of fertilizers, growth stimulants. The cost of seafood is also not affordable for everyone. But there is a way out: replacement for river and sea fish, which is more affordable.

The diet has a lot of positive properties, but not everyone is suitable. Sources of animal protein include eggs, fish and poultry. These are allergenic foods. In case of intolerance, you will have to abandon the system, since the use of red meat on it is minimized. Care should be taken to follow the Mediterranean method of losing weight for people with a tendency to gas production and diarrhea. An abundance of fiber, olive oil can aggravate the problem.

Basic rules of the system

Back in the middle of the last century, American scientists Margaret and Anselom Keys, concerned about the obesity of their nation, began to thoroughly study the diet of the Mediterranean peoples. The study led the couple into a dead end. The abundance of flour products, olive oil, fatty fish on the menu did not prevent the inhabitants of coastal countries from staying slim and healthy.

Through lengthy experiments and nutritional analysis, a system of food consumption was developed, thanks to which the Mediterranean inhabitants were able to keep themselves in good shape. Later they were grouped, for clarity, they were laid in a food pyramid.

/polza-i-vred-hleba-s-otrubyami_1448.html"\u003e pipe bread will not damage the figure, help cleanse the body, contribute to the normalization of stool.

  • The fat content of the fish does not matter. This product is fully absorbed, has a beneficial effect on health, skin and hair condition, and prevents the appearance of early wrinkles.
  • Slow carbohydrates make up a significant part of the diet. These are mainly cereals and pasta from durum wheat. Fast carbohydrates are eliminated from the diet.
  • Fractionality. At least 4 meals a day.
  • The Mediterranean diet does not require giving up your favorite foods, you just need to adjust the recipe taking into account the list of permitted foods. You can use first and second courses, pastries, make desserts from cottage cheese, cheese and fruits. It is important that all ingredients are of high quality and low in fat content.

    Allowed Products

    Cereals, pasta and bread are consumed in large quantities, which is not typical for many other diets. The secret to losing weight is in the right combination and ratio of products. You cannot reduce the amount of vegetables.

    Menu design principles:

    1. Cereals, durum wheat pasta and bread are the basis of the diet. You can eat 100 g of porridge or grain baked goods up to 5-6 times a day.
    2. Fruits and vegetables are the second most important food category. They are allowed in any form and combination with other products on the list. It is advisable to give preference to seasonal fruits. You can consume 1200 g of vegetables and 300 g of fruits and berries per day.
    3. Olive oil is the third most important food in the diet. You can use 45 ml, or 3 tablespoons per day. Sometimes it is replaced with nut butter. Refined fats cannot be used.
    4. Alcoholic drinks. This system can be used for white or red dry wine. But the amount should not exceed 150 ml per day for women and 200 ml for men.
    5. Fish and seafood. It is advisable to consume at least 4 times a week.
    6. Bird. It is necessary to give preference to chicken, it is advisable to remove the skin. Consume 3 times a week.
    7. Eggs. No more than one per day. For problems with cholesterol, heart or blood vessels, reduce the amount to 2 times a week or eliminate.
    8. Dairy products. Kefir, cottage cheese, low-fat hard or brine cheese are secondary products. You can consume 100-200 g per day.
    9. Red meat is allowed no more than once a month. You can pamper yourself with a charcoal steak or a portion of barbecue.

    All kinds of drinks without sugar are allowed: tea, coffee, herbal teas. It is advisable not to combine solid food with drinking, so as not to inhibit digestion. It is wiser to drink liquid between meals. Do not forget about clean water, the total amount of which per day should not be less than 1.5 liters.

    Important: To speed up weight loss, you need to give up overly sweet fruits: grapes, dates, bananas. Nuts and seeds are allowed in the diet, but it is recommended to reduce their number to 25 g per day.

    Video: Nutritionist about the Mediterranean diet

    Sample menu for a week

    The Mediterranean diet does not have a precise menu. The diet can be changed to suit your taste preferences, prepare new dishes, but taking into account the above rules. At first, while the technique is new, it is important not to make mistakes and smoothly enter the recommended lifestyle. For this, it is convenient to use the developed Mediterranean menu. It doesn't list olive oil. It is added to vegetables or dishes during cooking.


    Breakfast: oatmeal with raisins, nuts, bread
    Lunch: any fresh fruit, low-fat yogurt
    Dinner: stewed vegetables, chicken, bread
    Afternoon snack: grain bread sandwich with curd cheese
    Dinner: zucchini stuffed with rice (or buckwheat) with vegetables


    Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled egg or omelet, tomato
    Lunch: cottage cheese and any fruit
    Dinner: fish, pasta with tomato sauce, cabbage salad
    Afternoon snack: smoothies, bran bread
    Dinner: bean stew with vegetables, bread


    Breakfast: crispbread, 2 large tomatoes, or a similar amount of other vegetables
    Lunch: cheesecake, a glass of yogurt or 2 tablespoons of sour cream
    Dinner: vegetable stew, egg, bread
    Afternoon snack: baked apples stuffed with cottage cheese with raisins and nuts
    Dinner: chicken or turkey with pasta or any cereal side dish (rice, pearl barley, buckwheat of your choice)


    Breakfast: grain loaf sandwich with cheese and tomatoes
    Lunch: cottage cheese, orange
    Dinner: omelet with tomatoes, carrot juice, bread
    Afternoon snack: fresh vegetable, a slice of grain bread
    Dinner: fish or seafood, pasta, cabbage salad with herbs and fresh cucumber


    Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, squash or lecho caviar, coffee
    Lunch: curd casserole, tea
    Dinner: turkey cutlets, tomato soup with beans, bread
    Afternoon snack: kefir, grain roll
    Dinner: Greek salad with olives, spaghetti, tomato juice


    Breakfast: sandwich with cheese and tomato, coffee
    Lunch: fruit salad with yogurt
    Dinner: stewed vegetables, chicken soup and bread
    Afternoon snack: kefir or other fermented milk drink
    Dinner: fish casserole with vegetables and olives, fruit compote


    Breakfast: squash pancakes, sour cream
    Lunch: fruit salad, a glass of yogurt
    Dinner: vegetable salad, cabbage soup with chicken broth, pasta with white sauce, bread
    Afternoon snack: vegetables baked with cheese, a slice of bread
    Dinner: pepper stuffed with chicken with vegetables, a slice of grain bread

    Mediterranean diet "3 soups"

    This Mediterranean diet also focuses on weight loss, but is limited in duration. Losing weight lasts exactly 3 weeks. During this time, you need to eat soups 3 times a day, but not ordinary soups, but cooked according to the rules. During this time, you can lose from 3 to 6 kg, cleanse the body, improve health. As with the classic diet, the diet is rich in vegetables. This option is more suitable for those people who cannot eat them raw due to increased gas production or gastrointestinal diseases.

    Basic Rules

    The diet of the Mediterranean diet mainly consists of cold and hot first courses. The technique is suitable for any season. Soups perfectly warm, saturate, but at the same time have a low calorie content. Nutritionist John Foreith has conducted studies that have proven to be effective when consuming first courses. The system is actually simple, easy to carry, has no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to the main ingredients.

    Basic Rules:

    1. Fresh soups are consumed daily. It is undesirable to eat yesterday's dish if it is not a cold type. But you can cook everything in the morning for the whole day.
    2. Each main meal should be different from the previous one. That is, you need to consume all 3 soups a day for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
    3. Diet snacks are allowed. It is advisable to use fresh vegetables, low-fat dairy products, unsweetened fruits. Portion no more than 150 g.
    4. You can use chicken, low-fat meat, mushroom or vegetable broths for soups.
    5. Season the first courses or make sautéing only in olive oil.
    6. All soups are low-calorie, but the average daily energy value should reach 1000 kcal. If there is a shortage, grain bread is included in the diet.

    It is advisable to drink only water or green tea. No need to overuse fruit juices, compotes. These drinks inhibit weight loss, the results will be much more modest. It is allowed to use fresh vegetable juice once a day instead of a snack. If you choose the right product, then the drink will enhance weight loss. Fat-burning action is possessed by the juice of celery, cabbage, pineapple.

    Soup options for diet

    Soup Mediterranean diet does not provide for three times the use of rich borscht with bacon and garlic donuts. The dishes are completely different, but no less tasty and aromatic. The big advantage is the simplicity of the recipes and the availability. Making the soup doesn't take long and doesn't require any culinary skill.

    Three main Mediterranean soups:

    1. Gazpacho. A cold dish made of tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, garlic and spices. It will take no more than 15 minutes to cook.
    2. Pesto soup. Vegetable dish from carrots, daikon, celery, zucchini, tomatoes and onions. Oil, garlic, and various spices are used to dress pesto. Despite the name, the dish is thick, hearty, more like a stew.
    3. Minestrone. Vegetable dish made of tomatoes, cabbage, zucchini, celery, spinach, potatoes. It also adds green pea, garlic, eggplant. The composition is rich, but no less variants of this dish. You can always find or adapt the recipe to suit your taste preferences.

    If some Italian dish was not to your taste, then it can always be replaced with lean cabbage soup without potatoes or beetroot. These soups are also healthy, low-calorie, consist of simple products, and most importantly, they have a familiar taste. Plus, you don't have to prepare meals for your family separately.

    Video: Recipe for a delicious pesto soup

    Active lifestyle - the base of the pyramid

    The Mediterranean diet is based not only on food, but also on a healthy lifestyle, on which the pyramid stands. Daily walks in the fresh air, games, sports and a positive attitude are equally important. A person cannot be without movement. Activity promotes muscle growth, preservation of skin turgor, cleansing of the body, makes the intestines work properly. During physical activities, emotional stress decreases, appetite decreases.

    If a person has never played sports, it is recommended to start with evening walks. After a week, change to light jogging. Over time, it will be possible to determine the most acceptable activities, be it yoga, swimming, cycling or fitness in the gym. Movement is life!


    Until the 50s of the last century, no one in the world had ever heard of the Mediterranean diet. This concept was introduced by Dr. Ansel Keys, who noticed that in the impoverished countries of post-war Europe, especially in Italy, the level of cardiovascular diseases and lesions of the digestive organs is extremely low, while in prosperous America the number of fatal diseases was constantly increasing.

    He analyzed the menus of Italians and other inhabitants of the Mediterranean region and concluded that their excellent health was due solely to proper nutrition, historically developed in the Mediterranean countries. True, he paid too much attention to the "low-fat" diet, so he made some inaccuracies, but in general it was thanks to this scientist that the Mediterranean diet entered our life.

    Why diet is good for health and weight loss

    I would like to note right away that the word "diet" means a broader concept than a limited diet. It would be more correct to talk about the Mediterranean style of food. In order to understand its basic principles, you need to remember what it is - the Mediterranean.

    This region includes many countries with different histories, religions and traditions. The main focus in the choice of products is on countries such as Italy, Spain and Greece, but countries such as Turkey, Israel, Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and other states of North Africa also belong to the Mediterranean basin with a menu that is much different from the usual diet. in the European countries of this region. That is why the usual concept of the Mediterranean diet includes dishes and products typical for European Mediterranean countries.

    There is no need to talk about the uniformity of food in these countries, it differs quite strongly in different regions even within one state, not to mention different, but the general principles of nutrition in them are the same:

    • The predominance of plant foods over animals.
    • The use of a variety of cereals in large quantities.
    • Application for cooking olive oil.
    • Preference for fish and seafood.
    • Rather limited consumption of red meat.
    • Drinking in moderate doses of quality natural grape wines.
    • Introduction to the menu of fermented milk products - yoghurts and cheeses.

    Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that the Mediterranean diet is a well-balanced type of diet that not only promotes weight loss, but can also be used as the basis of a regular, permanent menu for any person. The harmonious combination of all components and a very rich selection of dishes, their excellent taste makes such a diet enjoyable and not burdensome, and this is the main reason for refusing diet food - tasteless dishes repel most people who want to lose weight and improve their health.

    Important! You should not "get hung up" on the products that are typical for the Mediterranean countries. The food of the inhabitants of Russia should consist mainly of local, and not imported products. So if there is a choice between fish brought from afar and caught in a nearby river, it is better to prefer local fish, although, of course, you should not give up imported sea fish - its composition is very important for health. The same applies to fruits - exotic should be replaced as far as possible with local fruits and berries, which are more useful for our stomachs and beauty.

    The Mediterranean type of food is ideal for all people who want to take care of their appearance and health. Thanks to the use of large amounts of vegetables and grains, it can be classified as a low-fat carbohydrate diet that has an excellent balance of nutrients.

    Vegetables and mostly unsweetened fruits and berries saturate the body with vitamins and useful minerals, cereals provide satiety, and cold-pressed olive oil adds a sufficient amount of vegetable fats.

    The abundance of fish and seafood enriches the diet with fish oil, and these are omega-3 polyunsaturated acids, which are extremely useful for beauty and health - essential amino acids, without which you cannot count on beautiful skin, lush and thick, shiny hair, strong nails and a healthy heart.

    Due to the good balance and deliciousness of the Mediterranean diet, it can be recommended for constant use by everyone who wants to maintain their youth, beauty and health for as long as possible.

    Important! You should not count on fast weight loss when switching to this type of diet, since this diet is moderately reduced. However, it is she who gives the healthiest and most beneficial for beauty weight loss - slow, in which there is no sagging of tissues and the appearance of skin folds.

    Basic principles of the diet

    The Mediterranean diet is high energy valueso it will fit perfectly active people, with it they will not feel hungry or exhausted, weak. Her everyday recipes include the following foods:

    1. Vegetables, including many legumes. They provide a lot of healthy and easily digestible plant protein.
    2. Fruits and berries (too sweet and exotic should be avoided).
    3. Whole grain cereals with a predominance of rice.
    4. Durum wheat pasta.
    5. Plant nuts and seeds.
    6. Olive oil. It can be replaced with ordinary sunflower oil, but still the value of raw olive oil is much higher, so if possible, you should try to use it.
    7. Fermented milk products, mainly cheeses, yoghurts and other starter-based drinks.
    8. Animal protein, derived primarily from fish and seafood. Meat and eggs are used from time to time.
    9. A large number of pure water, at least 6 - 8 glasses. This is water that is used separately from food, that is, soups, coffee and tea, other drinks are not included in this volume.

    For the Mediterranean type of food, it is typical to eat 5 times a day. The regimen consists of three main meals and two intermediate - an afternoon snack and a second breakfast, or, adjusted for our reality, two snacks between main meals.

    The balance of components as a percentage may look like this:

    • Carbohydrates - 50%. These are mainly vegetables, fruits, pasta, cereals and whole grain breads.
    • Protein - 10 - 20%. These include fish and seafood, lean meats, legumes, eggs and dairy products.
    • Fats - up to 30%. They are mainly represented by olive oil and fats found in fish and cheeses, nuts and seeds.

    The Mediterranean type of diet involves the use of large quantities of green vegetables as salads and seasonings, as well as the use of spices of all kinds. Sweets are used least of all here, synthetic products and semi-finished products are generally not welcomed.

    Permitted and prohibited foods

    The menu of Mediterranean cuisine is very rich, so it is impossible to get bored with such a diet, it does not get boring and can be used for a lifetime. But there are a number of foods that should be avoided whenever possible:

    • Ready-made and semi-finished products, freeze-dried food.
    • Too fatty foods, especially meat, pork should be preferred to veal and lamb, duck and goose - chicken.
    • Drinks and foods that contain a lot of dyes, preservatives and other unnecessary and even harmful additives - they "clog" the intestines and lead to the development of allergies.
    • Sweets, especially factory made sweets, pastries and pastries. The less refined sugar and other foods on the menu, the better. If necessary, sugar can be replaced with honey in moderation.
    • Sweet fortified wines. Remember that only a very modest amount of red wine - dry and completely natural - can benefit.
    • Carbonated drinks, especially sweet ones.

    The list of what foods you can eat is much broader and provides the richest basis for compiling a menu:

    • Vegetables with a predominance of a variety of legumes: peas, grain and green beans, beans, lentils, chickpeas and many other species and varieties.
    • Unsweetened fruits, like vegetables, are best eaten fresh.
    • Whole grain bread, as well as bran bread, rye flour “black” bread (supplier of a large assortment of B vitamins).
    • Porridge, soups and casseroles from a variety of cereals.
    • Dairy products.
    • Olive oil.
    • Nuts and seeds of various edible plants.
    • Seasonings and spices in large quantities - they help active digestion, make food tasty and aromatic, and saturate it with useful substances.
    • Red dry wine in limited quantities, occasionally.

    Important! When choosing food products, try to focus on more familiar types of food, do not pursue exotic things, local products are much more useful to the Russian stomach than dishes and food brought from afar and completely uncharacteristic of our culture.

    Weekly menu

    To simplify the transition to a Mediterranean diet, you can use a sample menu for a week. It will help you to navigate in the choice of products and start eating balanced and healthy without compromising the taste and nutritional value of the dishes:


    • Breakfast

    Fruit muesli, orange juice and a cup of sugar-free black coffee.

    • Breakfast II (lunch)

    Fresh natural yoghurt with fruits or berries. Yogurt and other fermented milk products are best made on your own, purchasing starter cultures at a pharmacy, and milk from a trusted supplier in the bazaar. Store-bought fermented milk products contain too many artificial ingredients, fillers and preservatives, so they cannot be considered healthy food.

    Clear broth with whole grain croutons. Stewed vegetables with lean lamb (zucchini or regular squash, eggplant, tomatoes, bell peppers, onions, garlic and seasonings). Green tea.

    • Afternoon snack

    Fruit salad (no sugar!)

    Tomatoes with rye bread and feta cheese.


    • Breakfast

    A couple of slices of whole grain or bran bread with tzatziki - a Greek salad made from grated fresh cucumbers, unleavened yogurt, onions and garlic. A glass of mineral water. Black coffee without sugar if desired.

    • Breakfast II (lunch)

    Toast with a slice of cheese and tomatoes. Tea or unsweetened compote.

    Vegetable soup. Rice with seafood. Tea or coffee without sugar.

    • Afternoon snack

    Assorted fresh fruits.

    Pasta casserole with cheese and vegetables. Drinking yoghurt.


    • Breakfast

    Protein omelet. Black coffee, unsweetened.

    • Breakfast II (lunch)

    Nuts or seeds of your choice, no more than a handful.

    Fish soup. Pasta with cheese. A fresh vegetable salad.

    • Afternoon snack

    Yoghurt with fresh fruit.

    Risotto with vegetables. Compote.


    • Breakfast

    Toast with homemade jam, cheese and freshly squeezed fruit juice.

    • Breakfast II (lunch)

    Bryndza with tomatoes and garlic. Coffee.

    Vegetable soup with mushrooms. Baked skinless chicken breast with rice. Vegetable salad. Green tea without sugar.

    • Afternoon snack

    Baked apples with nuts and cinnamon.

    Fruit salad.


    • Breakfast

    Buckwheat porridge with a small piece of butter. Tomato juice.

    • Breakfast II (lunch)

    Apple or orange.

    Chicken broth or light soup based on it. Pasta with seafood. Tea.

    • Afternoon snack

    Half a grapefruit.

    Greek salad with feta cheese and herbs.


    • Breakfast

    Fried egg. Bran toast. A slice of cheese. Coffee, black, unsweetened.

    • Breakfast II (lunch)

    Some fruits and nuts.

    A dense soup with fish and seafood like bouillabaisse. Polenta. Vegetable salad. A glass of red wine (dry).

    • Afternoon snack

    Fruit or berries with cottage cheese.

    A slice of boiled chicken with rice and tomatoes. Compote.


    • Breakfast

    Oatmeal with fruits and nuts. Fruit juice or black coffee.

    • Breakfast II (lunch)

    Some nuts or seeds.

    Vegetable soup based on chicken broth. Veal or lamb shish kebabs or sausages. Vegetable stew. Fruit drink.

    • Afternoon snack

    A fresh vegetable salad.

    Stewed cabbage. Green tea.

    Sophia Loren said that she owes her beauty and slenderness to the love of pasta. This is not a hoax, but the real truth! The secret is that you need to eat pasta with vegetables, seafood or lean meats, but without fatty sauces. In this case, it will be beneficial and will not be deposited on the sides. If you fill the pasta with fatty sauces and eat them with giant pieces of fatty pork, obesity cannot be avoided.

    Recipes adapted to Russian conditions

    The richest dishes of the Mediterranean diet are easy to adapt to our conditions, so there is absolutely no need to spend crazy money to get fresh mozzarella or ricotta cheese, exotic papaya or rare spices in the Russian outback. Many typical Mediterranean products are sold in our stores, for example, there are no problems with seafood, citrus fruits, spices and herbs. If you really want something exotic, sun-dried tomatoes or pesto sauce can be easily cooked in your own kitchen.

    For ease of choice, it is worth making a menu for a month, then you can easily notice what is too little in the diet, and what can and should be reduced. Since many products from the Mediterranean region in the Russian hinterland may not be available, you can safely introduce our “classic” products into the menu. These include traditional rye bread, buckwheat groats, local fruits, domestic pasta, as long as they are made from durum wheat. You need to understand that Mediterranean food is a very broad concept, which is least of all "fixated" on the choice of products, but more focused on their correct and harmonious combination.

    If possible, try to use less imported products, giving preference to the local apple over exotic papaya or off-season melon, imported eggplant - native zucchini, cucumbers and cabbage. If there is an opportunity to buy fruits and vegetables "from the garden" - buy them, and not products from the supermarket, which can be processed God knows what and mainly grown artificially. Even if they come from "most" Italy, Spain or Greece, their health benefits are highly questionable, especially out of season. But the native bulk apple will bring beauty and health with it, so feel free to replace exotic products in recipes with local ones.

    What are the most common mistakes losing weight

    The main mistake of most losing weight is to treat the Mediterranean diet as something temporary. In fact, it should actually become a way of life, its calorie content and variety fully allows it.

    The second mistake is overestimated expectations. Without losing weight in the first month, a person loses enthusiasm and returns to his usual diet with grief seizing on sweet rolls, ice cream and fatty junk food. Weight is growing rapidly, and blame for this "unsuccessful" diet.

    Another bad habit common to our people is skipping breakfast. According to the Mediterranean diet, flour and starchy foods are supposed to be consumed at this meal and in the morning. By skipping breakfast, we automatically shift high-calorie foods in the afternoon, when they are perfectly absorbed and are deposited on the sides in the form of rolls of fat, while, if eaten in the morning, they would turn into pure energy and give us activity and vigor, bringing only benefit. By making these mistakes, we continue to blame the diet for imperfection.

    Key results and feedback

    Using the Mediterranean type of diet for weight loss, you can achieve very good results, but you should not count on a quick effect. By making this diet your usual type of diet, you can get the figure of your dreams without paying for it with brittle hair, fragile, poorly growing nails and dry wrinkled skin. A balanced diet helps preserve beauty and youth, and healing properties olive oil and fish oil make the appearance radiantly attractive, the body - strong and healthy.

    Anyone who has followed the Mediterranean diet for a long time notes its positive effects and the variety of delicious and healthy dishes. Unlike “classic” diets with severe dietary restrictions, Mediterranean food is rich and varied, consists of delicious dishes and can be practiced by people of all ages throughout their lives.

    The diet has earned many grateful reviews:

    Maria, 26 years old

    After my vacation in Italy, I just fell in love with the local cuisine. Upon returning home, I began to cook more and more Italian dishes until I became interested in the Mediterranean diet. Now my whole family is eating according to this principle, everyone is healthy and vigorous. About myself I can say that, although I have never been overweight, despite the fact that pasta is on the table almost every day on our menu, I have been in the same weight for many years. But I noticed a striking difference from the previous state of the hair and skin - there are no problems with the hair, the skin is also very clean and fresh. Viva Italy!

    Maxim Leonidovich, 48 years old

    I have loved fish since childhood, so when my wife offered to "sit" on a Mediterranean diet, I gladly agreed. In the first year, I got rid of my tummy without the slightest effort, losing 5 kg, which never returned. For 6 years now we have all been on this diet and are not going to give it up - very tasty and healthy!

    Larisa, 17 years old

    Mom persuaded me to use the Mediterranean diet. I have been overweight for a long time, I tried everything I could, but the weight kept coming back and only getting bigger. With this diet, at least I don't go hungry. The weight is dropping very slowly, but it is still dropping and I really love it! They can confirm that this diet definitely works when used correctly.

    By following the basic principles of Mediterranean nutrition, anyone can lose weight, become healthier and more beautiful simply by eating tasty and healthy food. The only thing that needs to be done for this is to overcome your own laziness and unwillingness to take care of your health.