The back does not bend back how to fix it. Does the back bend? Exercises that will restore flexibility. When to go to the doctor

The health of your spine Andrey Viktorovich Dolzhenkov

Why does back pain occur when stretching?

Many patients come to the doctor with this question. This is a completely natural question. But the appearance in the lower back of pain of varying severity during extension is a completely natural phenomenon.

You washed while standing in a half-tilt position, or weeded a garden bed with carrots in your summer cottage, or washed the floors in anticipation of guests ... In a word, you worked. And if you worked for a long time, you probably got tired. But the work did not happen by itself. At the same time, the vertebrae, ligaments, muscles worked - your entire musculoskeletal system. He, too, got tired, supporting your body in a semi-inclined position. And now, when unbending, he is experiencing some difficulties. Especially if the body was in a fixed position.

What is a fixed posture? asks another patient.

The presence of a person in a position resembling the letter "G", without support for more than 15–20 seconds, can be considered a fixed position for this position. After this time, in a person of average physical development, the deep muscles of the back begin to experience significant difficulties. It's all about the peculiarities of the movement of the spine in the sagittal plane. If you forgot what it is, let's put it simply - when bending forward and unbending. Remember when we compared the spine to a post? You can compare our spinal column with a tower. Is it possible to imagine a tower bent almost in the middle at an angle of 90 °? You can imagine, but this is already a disaster - the building is about to collapse under its own gravity.

The spine is arranged much more perfectly: it is held in a semi-inclined position by the deep muscles of the back. However, in this position, their energy capabilities are quickly depleted. Prolonged half-bending is a very disadvantageous position in terms of spinal biomechanics. Long-term strained muscles are worse supplied with blood, they accumulate biologically active substances that irritate the nerve endings of muscle fibers. This is manifested in painful sensations with muscle tension. The stabilizing capabilities of the muscles are rapidly decreasing.

Here you should straighten up - serious problems have not yet arisen. But no: the laundry has not yet been washed, the carrots have not been weeded, the floor has not been washed ... And you continue to work, leaving your spine in a disadvantageous position. This is where the danger arises: the longer a fixed posture is maintained, the less strength remains in the muscles for the subsequent action - extension.

And finally, it was his turn. By this time, the extensor muscles have long experienced difficulties with blood supply.

Remember: the first signs of fatigue of the musculoskeletal system appeared after 15-20 seconds, and washing, weeding, cleaning went on and on! The vertebrae, which have largely lost support from the muscles, become ready for displacement - overtired muscles, as it were, "release" them; as a result, the pressure of the vertebrae on the discs becomes dangerously uneven. To all other troubles, there are also painful sensations from overstretched ligaments of the spinal column - there is a breaking, viscous pain that accompanies the entire process of extension.

Reading these lines, you can be scared. But, unfortunately, it can be worse. If, with severe fatigue of the extensor muscles, you begin to leave a fixed position, holding a significant load in your hands (yes, even a wet duvet cover, even a bucket filled with earth or water), there may well be sad consequences in the form of persistent pain and the need for long-term treatment.

Ligaments may be torn. Then you will feel a sharp pain in the lower back - we call this sudden blow in everyday life a backache. There may be a tear or even a complete rupture of the disc - and pain in one or both legs or weakness in them is not ruled out.

So what - do not wash, do not weed, do not clean? No, you can do all of this. Just follow some of the rules that we offer you for exceptions dangerous consequences and maintaining a healthy working state. These recommendations are simple and easy to implement.

First of all, you need to learn how to avoid keeping the spine in a bent state for a long time without a safety support. This advice only sounds complicated, but in fact it is quite elementary: while bending, lean your hand on something - on your knee, on an object standing nearby, on anything.

“But there are absolutely necessary actions,” the patient will exclaim, “in which both hands must be involved!” The same wash, for example. You won't be fooled here...

One cannot but agree with this. But it is possible and necessary to find a way out of the situation. Try to unbend more often, at least for a short time, so that the back muscles constantly change their mode of operation and do not experience excessive tension. And if you feel the accumulated tension in the lower back, then it will not be superfluous to lean forward deeply, remembering that half-tilts cripple, and deep tilts heal. Washing, cleaning, weeding will be interrupted for a minute or two - but you can do them much longer without unpleasant consequences for yourself.

This is the ABC of health: the initial pain in the back - muscular - occurs due to fatigue and is determined by the duration of work in a fixed position! As vertebrologists say, "the intensity of pain is directly dependent on the degree of muscle fatigue." Therefore, the more often you unbend, the less reason there will be for discomfort in the lumbar region. After all, extension, with good muscle support, does not present any difficulty for the spine - unless, of course, there are significant damages in its supporting structures. And yet, just in case, make sure: when straightening the body, even quite often, there will never be superfluous help from the hand resting on the knee or any nearby object.

Follow our advice for at least two weeks, adhering to a reasonable motor regime for the spine - and, probably, your problems will be resolved. During this time, you will learn how to move correctly. Time will pass and it will become a habit for you.

However, it also happens when discomfort in the lower back remains even when all these rules are followed. This means that your extensors, for one reason or another, are not doing their job well enough. Wear an orthopedic belt for the duration of work, not forgetting, of course, to follow the above recommendations.

It is important to understand: is the pain experienced during extension a natural reaction of the body to a long stay in a half-tilt position or a consequence of a disease of the spine? In the first case, only caution and elementary exercises are needed: such pain is natural, like rapid breathing when running or leg fatigue after a long walk. In the second case, we are dealing with a disease, and then a safety net with an orthopedic belt is already necessary so as not to overload the weak support-bearing links of the spinal column unnecessarily.

And if the extension of the torso from a position in a half-tilt ends with a backache, it’s better to go to bed and call a doctor at home! Be attentive to yourself: backache is a very unpleasant phenomenon, and it is better for you to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations.

Not so long ago, a friend of mine had an incident. By nature, an active and energetic person, he, among other things, was distinguished by good health and almost never got sick. One evening, he calls me home and in a frightened, suffering voice tells me that he had a “lumbago” in the lower back, and how inopportune it is, and how many things to do ... I reassured him as best I could, advised him to take an aspirin tablet, since he had nothing else, and insistently recommended to go to bed. The next morning, on Monday, I visited him and examined him. The case, in general, turned out to be trifling, and according to my forecasts, the acute pain should have passed in three or four days. Knowing his craving for work and dislike for empty pastime, I ordered him as strictly as possible not to get out of bed until Friday, and, leaving some medicines and saying goodbye, I left with a calm soul.

For some reason, I had to leave town until the following Monday. On the day of my return, I immediately called a friend, confident in his full recovery. What was my surprise when, instead of a cheerful voice on the telephone receiver, I heard the voice of a man tormented by pain. Recognizing me on the phone and expressing sincere joy, my friend complained about his ill health and, casually mentioning some reasons that prevented him from recovering, began to beg to come urgently. A little annoyed at what had happened, I immediately went to him. "Have I made a mistake in the diagnosis?" - I tortured myself all the way with this question. What I heard at the meeting caused rather mixed feelings: a sigh of relief due to the fact that my diagnosis was correct, and sincere sympathy for a sick comrade. It turned out that on the third day, feeling better, our patient left for work. But, without completing it even before lunch, he was forced to return home with severe pain in the lower back.

Here is a story that happened to my friend. He got better, of course. But it cost him at the cost of much greater moral and physical suffering. Not to mention the prolonged recovery due to the fault of the patient himself.

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Here are four dangerous habits that compromise your spine and simple ways to help prevent back pain.

Dangerous Habit #1: Weekend War

“Most often I see people who can’t straighten up after the weekend because they played basketball for three hours or took advantage of free time and didn’t get out of the gym,” says Nick Shami, MD. medical sciences, neurosurgeon. “People think they're athletes, but they don't train like pros—regularly and progressively. As a result - "torn off" backs.

Injuries are inevitable if you haven’t physically loaded yourself all week, and with the onset of the weekend you ran to gym or grabbed the ball. Pain can also occur after long work in the garden, and after general cleaning in the garage.

"If you haven't warmed up first, your back is at risk first," Shami says.

How to prevent:

Exercise is the only preventive solution that will help you avoid back pain. The exercises will tighten and strengthen the core muscles and prepare them for the load.

Tilts are great for training the back muscles and are good at preventing sprains. Strengthen the muscles using a gymnastic ball, which can also be used instead of a chair.

Dangerous Habit #2: Lifting Weights.

Carelessly turned around or lifted something heavy - and you can no longer straighten up?

How to prevent: Engage your abdominal muscles to prevent injury. Below are the basic principles, following which you will be able to avoid back injuries:

  • When bending over something, bend your knees and keep your back straight rather than bending at the waist.
  • Approach the item to be picked up as close as possible. The farther you are from the load, the more stress your back experiences.
  • Never hold heavy items above your armpits or below your knees.
  • Do not move alone that is 20% more than your body weight.
  • Do not twist or turn while lifting and carrying something heavy. If you need to put a load aside, turn your whole body, not just your upper body.

Dangerous Habit #3: Absent-mindedness during daily activities

Daily routines - such as washing dishes and throwing out garbage can not affect your spine in the best way if your body is not ready, albeit for minimal, but nevertheless, loads. The load does not have to be impressive, experts say. You can injure your back by lifting a paper clip off the floor or loading the dishwasher. If you perform these actions without thinking about how you do it, the likelihood of injury is very high. Most often, discomfort in the back overtakes at the end of the working day - due to fatigue of the mind and body.

How to prevent : Accustom yourself to constantly give a load to the main muscles.

An easy way to do this is to pull your stomach in and imagine that you are wearing a corset that seems to press the abdominal muscles to the spine. Doing this exercise throughout the day, and especially when you bend and unbend, will strengthen and support your back.

Dangerous Habit #4: Sitting Out of Life

You sit on your way to work, you sit at work, you sit in line at the clinic, you sit on your way home, and at home you sit in front of the TV. Of course, your back doesn't like it, and here's why.

The vertebral discs have a spongy structure and poor blood circulation. When you move, they are sufficiently supplied with blood, and you feel great. When you sit, the blood stagnates, so you deprive the spine of food. Hours behind the wheel or computer add stress, which will inevitably lead to pain.

The discs in your spine are powered by movement, doctors say. Studies have shown that sitting puts more pressure on your back than lying and standing. The worst position for your back is sitting and leaning forward, which is how most office workers spend all day. This position puts the most pressure on the back. Moreover, the more you bend over, the more the ridge curves, the more pressure the vertebral discs experience. There is an uneven distribution of the load, which increases the risk of rupture of the spinal disc.

How to prevent: Do you have to work sitting for a long time? Use tactics that will help reduce the load on the spine:

  • Get up from your desk and take a walk every 20 minutes. Of course, if you are not driving. Set an alarm to remind you of this. Pour yourself tea, open the window, turn on the radio - use every opportunity to change the position of the body.
  • Try to keep your back straight. Place the book at eye level so as not to lean. Set the computer screen to the maximum convenient for you. Keep your spine as straight as possible.
  • Buy a chair that will support your back. Adjust it so that your feet are completely on the floor. If the chair does not support your crooked spine, place a rolled towel or small pillow under your back. If you have to sit for a long time, take everything out of your back pockets, especially your wallet - it will interfere with keeping your spine straight.

Experts suggest doing the following exercises to help the spine:

  • Get on your knees and elbows. Pull forward left hand and take your right leg back. Use your abdominal and back muscles to keep your balance. Hold the position for 5-10 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Change arm and leg. Do a couple of sets of 5 reps on each side.
  • Sit in a chair, lower your arms, straighten your back and let your shoulders relax. Pull your shoulder blades together, leaving your arms at your sides. Hold this position for 3-5 seconds, then relax. Repeat 10-20 times.

If nothing helps

Most pain medications relieve back pain for 48 hours, but in some cases, urgent treatment is needed.

You need close attention if you have back pain after undergoing pelvic surgery. Unpleasant sensations are quite real after epidural anesthesia, and for a very long time after childbirth.

In most cases, the pain does not go below the lower back. But if it echoes in the hips or knees, the damaged disc is probably pinching a nerve. You need to seek medical attention as soon as possible to avoid more serious damage. The longer your back bothers you, the sooner you should see a specialist. It is possible that a disc has begun to rupture or there is a more serious spinal injury.

Lower back pain when moving and turning the body, on inhalation and exhalation is a dangerous symptom of neglect of the disease. It is not surprising that in women, pain in the lower back is often combined with menstrual irregularities, because the reproductive organs and the lower third of the intestine receive innervation from the lumbosacral spine.

Pain in the lower back when walking or inhaling occurs due to injury to the nerve fibers or their endings with an intervertebral hernia, displaced vertebrae, inflammatory changes in the ligaments of the spinal column, and spasmodic contractions of the back muscles.

Since the duration and intensity of muscle contractions is controlled by the nervous system, any pathological changes in the spinal nerves affect the functionality of the skeletal muscles.

Against this background, excessive physical activity leads to persistent hypertonicity of muscle groups (staying in a state of contraction without relaxation). The person cannot lean forward and also get up from the bed.

What is sciatica in the back

Why does back pain occur?

  • Lifting too heavy objects with rupture of the muscular-ligamentous aponeuroses;
  • Sharp turns of the body at an angle of more than 120 degrees with weakness of the vertebral ligaments lead to displacement of the vertebrae;
  • Intense fitness classes without preheating form microcracks and muscle tears;
  • A prolonged “hunched” position of the lumbar spine when sitting gradually leads to weakness of the muscular corset of the back;
  • Carrying on the hands of children weighing more than 4 kilograms is often accompanied by damage to the cartilaginous intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis).

In general, any load on the lumbar spine, which leads to damage to the intervertebral discs (osteochondrosis, hernia). In such a situation, compression of the nerve root that comes out of the spinal cord is likely, therefore.

If the back muscles are damaged, any attempt to make a sharp turn ends in severe pain due to compression of the nerves by inflamed or spasmodic muscles (myofascial syndrome). That is why doctors prescribe muscle relaxants for spinal hernia.

If at the doctor's appointment the patient complains: "I can not bend over, because there is pain in the lower back with minimal flexion and extension of the back," myofascial syndrome should be suspected. With it, pain sensitivity increases with movement or inhalation, as the strength of muscle spasm increases.

They can be caused by “banal” weakness of the abdominal and back muscles. A sign of the presence of this condition is the presence of aching pain on inspiration, with a long stay on the legs or frequent torso bends. When trying to lean forward, a “vertebral hump” appears in a person with a weak muscular corset of the back.

In such a situation, due to the weakness of the skeletal muscles, the back muscles are stretched, so the spinal nerves are compressed. In order not to hurt, it is enough to strengthen the abdominal muscles and the pathology will disappear forever on its own.

With the displacement of one lumbar vertebra relative to another (spondylolisthesis), an unstable position of the vertebral axis is formed. With a sharp turn of the body or lifting weights, the nerve roots are injured in spondylolisthesis.

To find out why the back hurts, it is necessary to differentiate between the five most common syndromes: spinal pathology, myofascial syndrome, weakness of the muscular corset of the back, kidney disease, metabolic disorders.

However, the most common pain in the lower back when walking, as well as when inhaling, occurs due to the pathology of the spine. To confirm the “vertebral” cause of the pain syndrome at home, a number of tests are used:

  • Touch your chin to your chest;
  • Tighten the press;
  • Take a vertical position, rising from a horizontal position, but without bending your legs;
  • Raise your legs up, first one and then the other;
  • Feel the points along the spinal column with your fingers.

If, when performing the above exercises, an increase in pain in the spine is felt, the probability of having a pathology of the spine with irritation of the nerve endings is quite high. Radiography of the spine, as well as magnetic resonance imaging, will help confirm the assumption.

A common pathology of the kidneys, leading to pain on the right and left of the spine, is urolithiasis disease. The pain syndrome with it occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings of the urinary tract with a large calculus (stone).

Metabolic diseases with pain in the lower back include pronounced osteoporosis (rarefaction of the bone tissue structure with a lack of calcium). This condition leads to deformation of the osteoarticular system of the spine and limbs.

Given the seriousness of the diseases described above, leading to pain when walking in the lumbar region, we recommend that you do not try to treat them yourself, but consult a doctor. In the presence of pathology, it is important not only to get rid of it, but also to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the human condition in order to prevent formidable complications.

Spinal hernia - common cause back pain

Back pain can be divided into primary and secondary.

  1. Primary pain syndrome occurs against the background of changes in the spinal column, nerve endings, ligamentous-muscular structures.

The intensity of the primary pain can be cumulative or acute. Accumulative pain is aching in nature and increases over time with any careless movement or a sharp turn of the body. With acute pain in the lower back, a person feels a sharp pain when getting out of bed or trying to put on a shirt.

If the cause of the primary syndrome is a narrow spinal canal, the person is almost always in pain. He cannot calmly spend time standing, but when sitting, the symptoms of the pathology are relieved.

  1. Secondary lower back pain when:
  • Tumors of the spinal column;
  • pelvic infections;
  • Spinal injury.

Secondary pain in the lower back on inspiration is an alarm signal that requires a thorough diagnosis of the state of health. If it is aggravated by bending forward, short-term standing, extension or flexion of the upper limbs, this is an unfavorable sign of cancer.

When a patient tells the doctor: “I’m standing still, but my lower back hurts a lot,” most likely the cause of this situation is the syndrome of weakness of the back muscles. With it, conservative drugs are usually not prescribed, and treatment is carried out with the help of physiotherapy exercises.

It's quite different when It's a dull pain increases sharply when turning the body, on inhalation or exhalation. In such a situation, doctors are already prescribing local or systemic anti-inflammatory drugs, since there is a high probability of myofascial syndrome or damage to the cartilage of the spine.

If pain in the lower back appears lying on the back, in a state of flexion or extension, but disappears on the stomach and when getting out of bed, this is a sign of mild spinal pathology. It is treated with conservative methods.

If the pain is not caused by a pathology of the spine, but only by a muscle spasm (does not disappear while lying on the stomach), vertebrologists believe that the best treatment is to return the person to a moderate physical labor after intramuscular injection of a muscle relaxant (mydocalm).

If the pain syndrome is so strong that it occurs at the slightest movement, you should not get out of bed. An intervertebral hernia is likely, in which a person must be transported to a stationary medical facility in a stationary state. After the x-ray is taken, the doctor will independently apply a plaster splint or the patient will undergo an emergency operation.

Manual therapy as effective remedy treatment of lumbar myalgia has the right to exist, but in the treatment of diseases of the spine, it can only be used to stimulate blood supply along the spinal column.

Acute lower back pain is also known as lumbago. Pain syndrome worries people of middle and advanced ages.

The causes of acute pain in the lumbar region are various pathologies of the spinal column, diseases internal organs, injury.

Pathologies of the spine

The first indicated group of diseases and pathological conditions includes:

  • Osteochondrosis. This is a lesion of the intervertebral disc of a dystrophic nature, which also extends to the vertebral bodies adjacent to it. With such a pathological process, any unsuccessful movement can provoke compression of the nerve roots of the spinal cord, which causes acute pain in the lumbar region. Clinical manifestations do not disappear within a day. When lifting weights, the pain becomes burning, unbearable.
  • Deforming spondylosis. Pathology is characterized by deformities in the lumbar vertebrae with parallel formation of bone growths, due to which the spinal canal narrows. Unpleasant sensations appear due to the pressure exerted by the growths on the roots.

  • Facet Syndrome. Acute back pain in the lumbar region is associated with compression of the root at the site of its exit from the spinal canal. This syndrome is caused by an increase in the size of the upper and lower facets of the intervertebral joint, which narrows the intervertebral canal.
  • Ankylosing spondylarthrosis. Severe pain, radiating towards the thighs, begins from below, in the back. Initially, there is a significant limitation of mobility, then the number of respiratory contractions decreases. chest. As the pathological process progresses, the curvature of the thoracic part of the spine and its flexion occur.
  • epidural abscess. This pathology is characterized by the accumulation of pus in the spinal cord. Abscess formation is due to urinary tract infections. It occurs in the thoracic spine. Acute pain in the back and lower back occurs when probing or tapping the affected area.
  • Osteoporosis. Metabolic bone structure disorders.

  • Kyphosis, scoliosis. Curvature of the spinal column.
  • Protrusion or. It is difficult for the patient to move, because with unsuccessful movements, nerve endings are compressed, which causes sharp and sudden pain.
  • Lesions of the elements of the spine of an infectious nature: brucellosis, tuberculosis.
  • . This disease causes shooting pains that occur when bending over or other sudden movements, as well as when lifting heavy objects, such as barbells.

Pathologies of internal organs

Lumbar pains of an acute nature also appear due to various ailments of the internal organs:

  1. Urolithiasis disease. The pain syndrome has a pronounced character and is aggravated by walking or physical exertion. Additional manifestations are hematuria (blood in the urine), nausea, and bouts of vomiting.
  2. Aortic aneurysm.
  3. Prostatitis.
  4. infectious gynecological diseases(trichomoniasis, ureaplasmosis, chlamydia).
  5. Cholecystitis.
  6. Kidney disease - pyelonephritis.
  7. Endometriosis.
  8. Peptic ulcer, tumor processes in the duodenum and colon, as well as in the pancreas.
  9. Ulcerative colitis.
  10. Carcinoma of the ovaries or uterus.

Systemic pathologies often act as a source of pain in the lumbar region. This is a diffuse connective tissue disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease.

Overload, fatigue, injury

Various injuries and damage to muscles, ligaments and vertebrae cause physical discomfort and pain. This group of factors includes the following problems:

  • Acute sprain. With this diagnosis, discomfort in the lumbar region is localized in the long muscles of the back. This condition contributes to a significant limitation of mobility.
  • Vertebral compression fractures associated with osteoporosis or trauma.
  • Rupture of ligaments or muscles of the back.

Burning pain in the lower back often occurs in athletes, as well as in people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Other reasons

Other likely causes of low back pain include:

  1. Neuralgia. This phenomenon is expressed in squeezing or irritation of the nerves. This diagnosis is often made to patients after hypothermia. Pain manifests itself in the form of seizures. Along with them, there is trembling, redness of the skin, increased sweating and swelling of muscle tissues.
  2. Spinal stroke.
  3. Tumor neoplasms and metastases in the spinal column. Malignant neoplasms of the kidneys can metastasize to this area, thyroid gland, lungs, prostate, mammary glands, gastrointestinal tract.

An ectopic pregnancy can also cause severe pain in the sacrum. Shooting pains occur due to rupture of the fallopian tube.


Depending on the cause that caused the development of the pain syndrome, pain is expressed in different signs.

Doctors distinguish the following varieties:

  • . This is a paroxysmal, sharp pain in the lower back zone, which manifests itself after physical activity or sudden movements. Severe pain forces a person to be in a forced position: patients tilt the body to the side or forward, trying to transfer body weight to the healthy half. The attack lasts from 5 minutes to 2-3 weeks. Most often, this type of pain occurs with osteochondrosis.
  • Lumbalgia. This term refers to not too pronounced, but regularly occurring lower back pain. They become more intense with colds, hypothermia, with physical overwork. Often seizures occur during movements with elements of extension or twisting. Pain is typical for pregnant women who have gained a large number of kilograms in a short time.
  • Sciatica. Such pain is radiating in nature. It can give to the leg, buttock, coccyx, groin, lower leg, heel. The pains are not too pronounced, accompanied by numbness and the appearance of goosebumps. This type of pain syndrome is dangerous: due to the weak severity, the patient is in no hurry to see a doctor and drowns out the attacks with the help of analgesics. Meanwhile, the pathological process progresses, and the muscles of the thigh and lower leg become flabby and gradually atrophy. Lumboischialgia occurs when the back muscles are stretched, intervertebral hernia.

Elena Malysheva shares tips on how to get rid of back pain in the lumbar region:

The nature of acute pain in the lower back during gestation

Pain in the back, in the lower back, often worries women who are carrying a fetus. This does not always indicate the development of a pathological process, but, in order to exclude the likelihood of their presence, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There are the following probable causes that cause lumbar pain in pregnant women:

  1. Pressure exerted on the nerve endings and blood vessels that surround the spine. It happens on early term pregnancy, when the uterus changes its size. In this case, there are pulling pains.
  2. Uneven load on the spine. When the stomach increases in size, a woman has to bend her back more and more. The pains are irregular, weak and aching.
  3. Synthesis of the hormone relaxin, the function of which is to prepare the body for childbirth. In this case, pain occurs in the sacral area. Pain is associated with stretching of the pubic joint and can continue for a long time.
  4. Mechanical damage or chronic diseases of the spine, which were observed in a pregnant woman before conception. Pain is acute and occurs frequently.
  5. . The pain is localized to the left or right above the lower back, but also has a bilateral character.

Also indicate the threat of miscarriage. In this case, there are additional pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, as well as spotting.

Diagnostic methods

To determine the cause of pain in the lower back, the following diagnostic measures are carried out:

  • radiography;
  • electromyography;
  • osteoscintigraphy;

With pain syndrome spreading to the lower back, blood is also taken to analyze and detect hemoglobin levels, calcium levels in the blood.

Methods for the treatment of acute pain

Treatment of acute pain in the lumbar region requires an integrated approach.

First aid

First aid for the manifestation of acute pain syndrome at home is as follows:

  1. Limitation of physical activity. It is necessary to be in a calm state for 1-2 days after the attack.
  2. Taking painkillers medicines. It is shown to take over-the-counter analgesics that do not have a strong effect, for example, Analgin or Balargin.
  3. Applying an ice pack or heating pad to the area where the pain is localized.

It is not necessary to endure sharp or dull pain: it is important to see a doctor to determine the cause of its source and start treatment.

How to relieve pain in the lumbar region with sciatica in 1.5-2 minutes, advises Professor Kartavenko:

Medical treatment

How can I relieve acute pain in the lumbar region? This can be done with medication. In this case, blockades or the following tablets are recommended:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Sedalgin";
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Ketorol";
  • Solpadein.

You can also use topical preparations that must be rubbed into the affected areas. With girdle pain, you can use Viprosal, Finalgon, Apizartron, or anesthetic injections (shots).

Topical gels and ointments for lower back pain


Massage is another method of therapy that effectively complements the medication course. Massaging helps even those patients who are unable to straighten up from the strongest attacks. It is necessary to perform massage for back pain when the patient is sitting, standing or lying down. The algorithm of actions in this case is as follows:

  1. The palms are first warmed up by rubbing them and holding them between the knees. Having achieved the appearance of a pronounced sensation of heat, you must immediately apply to the affected area. Repeat up to five times.
  2. Warmed palms are placed on the lower back, while the thumbs should be on the sides and point down, while the others lie obliquely. Gently but vigorously rub the area in which the pain is localized until warmed up.
  3. The lower back is massaged with fingertips, moving from top to bottom. After that, the fingers are placed so that they are perpendicular to the vertebrae and slowly move sideways, by 2-3 cm.
  4. The fingers are clenched into fists. Their back parts are carried out along the crest of the iliac bone.


If the back hurts, the patient's condition can be improved with the help of therapeutic exercises. The following exercises are recommended:

  • Rest your hands on the seat of the chair, take a deep breath. Draw in the stomach, bend the back. After that, exhale, trying to relax and bend your back as much as possible. Repeat this exercise 8-12 times.
  • Rest your palms on the floor. Raise the right leg first, then the left. In this position, you need to linger for 5-7 seconds. Repeat for the opposite pair of limbs. Each time increase the exposure time (up to 1-2 minutes).
  • Rest your palms on the floor, inhale. Slowly, without taking your hands off, turn your body and head to the right side. Exhale, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same complex for the opposite side. Exercise is performed 6-8 times.
  • Read more about exercises.

Some exercises to relieve pain in the lower back

Treatment at home

You can also do the following at home:

  1. Lubricate the affected area of ​​​​the back with horseradish juice, half diluted with alcohol.
  2. Carry out water procedures with the addition of infusions based on chamomile or thyme to the bath. This should be done only during periods of remission of pain. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.
  3. Apply saline compresses. It is necessary to dissolve 100 g of table salt in a liter of hot water and dip gauze folded in several layers into the resulting composition. Apply a compress to the lower back until the liquid has had time to cool. Can be left overnight.
  4. Apply a compress from the dough. It is necessary to wrap the lower back with a thick layer of gauze, put a cake of sour dough on top, the layer of which is 2-3 cm. Apply such a compress before going to bed.

Acute back pain is not an independent disease. They act as a symptom of various pathologies. To determine the cause of this phenomenon, it is important to consult a doctor in time and start treatment.

In this video you will learn how to treat the lower back at home with folk remedies: