Weak heart muscle what to do. Weakening of the heart muscle. For palpitations and edema

  • Edema
  • Dyspnea
  • Chronic heart failure- a decrease in the contractile function of the myocardium, caused by the development of dystrophic changes in the heart muscle. As a result, the blood supply to the body is disrupted. In other words, with heart failure, the heart is disrupted as a pump that ensures normal blood circulation.

    The causes of the onset and development of chronic heart failure are: ischemic disease, heart defects, hypertension, diffuse lung diseases, less often - myocarditis, myocardial dystrophy, myocardiopathy.

    Forms of heart failure.

    By the nature of the course, the disease is divided into three types:

    Left ventricular failure... It occurs with cardiosclerosis, hypertension, with insufficiency of the mitral or aortic valves, with a heart attack in the left ventricle. Patients are worried about shortness of breath (first with physical exertion, and then at rest), cough, asthma attacks (so-called cardiac asthma), dizziness, stagnant changes in the lungs, tachycardia.

    Right ventricular failure... It appears against the background of diseases such as pneumosclerosis, pulmonary emphysema, tuberculosis, that is, in those cases when the right ventricle has to overcome increased resistance, pushing blood into the pulmonary circulation. The main symptoms are: swelling of the neck veins, high venous pressure, dropsy (ascites), enlarged liver, nausea. Edema appears first on the feet, legs, then throughout the body.

    Complete heart failure... In this case, all the symptoms of left ventricular and right ventricular failure are present, expressed to a greater or lesser extent.

    Help Your Heart Find Sufficiency

    In the "conditions" of heart failure, even the usual amount of table salt that comes with food is harmful to the body: an excess of it is created, which leads to a rapid increase in edema. Therefore, treatment should begin with a significant restriction of table salt and with a reduction in physical activity, continuous drug therapy heart failure, which should become a barrier to prevent recurrence.

    How can traditional medicine help the heart to find "sufficiency"?

    In the diet of medical food must be present onion and juice from it to stimulate the cardiovascular system.

    Tibetan medicine as a therapeutic dietary product recommends cottage cheese.

    In case of edema caused by cardiovascular diseases, it is recommended to introduce into the diet fresh cucumbers as this vegetable has diuretic properties. Do not forget about tomatoes(including juice), which are useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    You can get help to reduce shortness of breath lemon balm.

    Infusions and decoctions are prepared in the proportion:

    1 part dry plant material to 10 parts water. Drink 1 tbsp. 3-4 times a day.

    For all heart diseases (except for organic defects) it is useful floral natural honey which gives strength to the heart. The glucose and fructose contained in it are essential food for the heart muscle. Honey should be taken in small portions (1 tsp or 1 tbsp two to three times a day) with milk, cottage cheese, fruits and other products. With a weakened heart muscle, it is very useful to combine honey with foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C, a decoction of rose hips.

    (1 tablespoon dry fruits pour 2 tablespoons boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, cool, strain, add 1 tablespoon honey. Drink 1 / 4-1 / 2 tablespoons two or three times a day. Drink store in a tightly sealed container).

    The presence of large amounts of iron and potassium determines the value apricot for those suffering from cardiovascular insufficiency.

    Both fresh and dried fruits are useful.

    Nuts, raisins, cheese... It is advisable to use them daily - it strengthens the heart muscle, relieves overwork and headaches.

    It is useful to eat viburnum berries with seeds, drink a decoction of fruits (pour 1 tbsp of berries in 1 liter of hot water, boil for 8-10 minutes, strain, add 3 tbsp of honey, drink 0.5 tbsp. three to four times a day).

    Prepared Valentina SHALIVSKAYA .

    Vitamin Blend for the Heart

    500 g of dried apricots, 500 g of honey, 500 g of nuts (peeled), 500 g of raisins, 2 lemons (with peel).

    Pass dried apricots, nuts, raisins, lemons through a meat grinder. Add honey, heated in a steam bath, stir the mixture. Put in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp. three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

    (Galina IVANOVSKAYA, Mogilev.)

    Foxglove purple

    One of the leading "heart" plants for the treatment of heart failure is foxglove purple.

    Purple foxglove is a biennial herb of the Noricidae family, up to 100–120 cm high. In the second year, the leaves are harvested 1–2 times and the seeds are harvested. Leaves are cut in dry, sunny weather without petioles, leaving the central ones. On biennial plants, the rosette leaves are cut with a knife, and the stem leaves are cut off. Raw materials are dried immediately after harvesting, preferably in the attic, spreading it in a thin layer. Collecting seeds begins when one third of the capsules are brown and dry. The stems are cut, ripened, threshed and the seeds are finally cleaned by sifting through a sieve. Store them dry glass jar, shelf life - up to 3 years.

    Digitalis preparations are used for severe forms of heart failure against a background of heart defects, myocardial infarction, cardiosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, atrial fibrillation, sysmal tachycardia, for valvular defects, etc. They increase the strength of heart contractions, reduce congestion, swelling, dyspnea, increase blood flow and urine output, reduce venous pressure, restore tissue blood supply and normal tissue respiration. Digitalis glycosides have the ability to accumulate in the body, so a doctor should prescribe drugs from it.

    V folk medicine usually take powder from dry leaves of 0.05-0.1 g two to three times a day before meals. The highest single dose for adults is 0.1 g, the daily dose is 0.5 g. After a 2-week intake, a 3-week break is taken to avoid the appearance of toxic phenomena.

    (Evgeny CHERNOV, herbalist, Tambov.)

    Your heart assistants

    Take motherwort herb, hawthorn flowers, creeper grass, mistletoe leaf (equally divided). 4 tablespoons brew the chopped mixture with 1 liter of boiling water. After 8 hours of infusion, strain. Drink infusion at 0.5 tbsp. three times a day one hour after meals.

    (Vitaly GAVRILOV, Novgorod.)

    For severe heart pains, take 1 tsp in your mouth. diluted with water valerian tincture(or a mixture of valerian and hawthorn infusions, Zelenin drops), hold in your mouth for 5-7 minutes, and then swallow.

    (Olga KISELEVA, with. Wed Ikorets (Voronezh region)

    Strengthening the heart muscle

    Mix 2 parts of calendula flowers and 1 part of lingonberry leaf. 1 tbsp pour this collection into a thermos and pour 1 tbsp. boiling water. In the morning, strain and drink 1/3 tbsp. three times a day for 20 minutes. before meals.

    The wisdom of this recipe is that calendula will calm the nervous system, cleanse and strengthen the blood vessels, the lingonberry leaf - the kidneys, which means that the work of the heart will improve, which depends on the good functioning of the vessels and kidneys.

    (Marina ERMILOVA, Rostov region)

    Red clover

    Recently I met my old friend Stepan. He began to complain that he was tired of taking medicine. We walked around his site, and I found there meadow clover... Stepan bent down, trying to pull out the clover. “Wait,” I said. - Meadow clover is an excellent remedy for cardiac or renal edema. Here he will help you. "

    Narwhal 100 g of clover heads, dipped them in boiling water (0.5 l), boiled for 20 minutes, insisted for 2 hours, filtered. Added 1 tsp there. honey. “Drink this broth three times a day,” I tell him. The friend drank for several days, and the swelling disappeared.

    Stepan asked: "What else is treated with meadow clover"?

    It effectively helps with atherosclerosis. Flowers contain flavonols, carotenoids, vitamins B 1, B 2, C, carotene, organic acids. Clover tea with black currant leaves (1: 1) with honey is useful as a vitamin remedy.

    Ph.D., phytotherapist Nikolai Danikov advises drinking an infusion of red clover at the rate of 1 tbsp. flowers with leaves on 1 tbsp. boiling water. Insist an hour and drink 1/4 tbsp. with honey in 20 min. before meals.

    This infusion helps to restore strength after hard work, nervous stress.

    (Bernard DUKHNEVICH, Moscow city.)

    Kohl "motor" is rather weak

    Raw materials and preparations obtained from adonis spring, used for chronic heart weakness and especially with weakness, accompanied by impaired conduction function, with cardiac neuroses, cardiac disorders, Graves' disease, as well as kidney disease with manifestations of cardiovascular insufficiency. Use hot infusion.

    Arnica useful for angina pectoris, heart weakness of various origins. Apply a tincture of 70% alcohol (1:10) or an infusion of flowers.

    In folk medicine of Uzbekistan fruits of common barberry eat 50 g three to four times a day to strengthen the heart muscle.

    Insist 10 g of flowers with hawthorn leaves for 10 days in 100 ml of vodka or 70% alcohol, filter, store in a dark glass container. Take 20-30 drops with water three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals for 20-30 days.

    Use for functional disorders of cardiac activity, cardiac weakness, angioneuroses, insomnia in cardiac patients, hyperthyroidism with tachycardia, initial forms of hypertension, atherosclerosis. Reduces the excitability of the central nervous system, tones the heart muscle, enhances coronary cerebral circulation, eliminates arrhythmias and tachycardia, lowers blood pressure, relieves shortness of breath. To strengthen the heart, it is good to take any form of hawthorn regularly.

    Valerian decoction baths serve to calm the heart and the entire nervous system; they are especially recommended for nervous heart suffering, weakness of the heart and nerves, and for convulsive conditions of the heart. These baths reduce and regulate the number of heart beats and lower blood pressure. A full bath requires 0.5 kg of valerian root.

    It is good to eat to strengthen the heart muscle cardamom and nutmeg.

    With a weak heart (interruptions, fading, etc.), a life-giving remedy for strengthening it is pepper, or curly mint.

    1 tsp dry leaves or powder of this herb, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water, cover and leave for 20 minutes. Then strain and drink on an empty stomach. You can have breakfast in half an hour. And so day after day for a long time.

    Helps Treat Heart Disease and Raw Vegetarian Diet, drinking plenty of raw vegetable juices.

    Cucumber juice strengthens the heart and blood vessels.

    Daily intake of one cup of infusion prepared on red capsicum(0.25-0.5 tsp pepper per cup of boiling water), strengthens the heart muscle, stimulates blood circulation, lowers cholesterol, harmful deposits in the veins and arteries.

    In folk medicine motherwort used in the weakening of cardiac activity, heart neurosis. Most often, freshly squeezed juice is used, 30-40 drops dissolved in water, half an hour before meals 3-4 times a day.

    Pine needles(collected at any time) pour along with twigs and cones cold water and boil for half an hour, leave for 12 hours.

    Baths with such an extract have unique properties- soothes, strengthens the nerves and heart.

    Juice from mulberry fruit black drink 1 tbsp. 3 times a day for atherosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, extrasystole.

    (Alexander SUKACH, g, Gomel.)

    Hawthorn will help

    To have a healthy heart means to force the capillaries to contract intensively. This is the essence of heart disease treatment.

    People with heart disease should reinforce the exhausted body with infusion of dry hawthorn fruit: 1 tbsp. fruits, brew 1 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for 2 hours in a warm place.

    Strain. The daily dose is 0.5 tbsp. three times daily before meals.

    With atrial fibrillation, the juice squeezed from hawthorn berries helps. It should be drunk three times a day, 50 ml from 1 tbsp. honey.

    Hawthorn, as a "heart helper", has no rivals with equal healing properties... It is prescribed for functional disorders of cardiac activity, and for angina pectoris, tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and even with Graves' disease.

    I consider the following as the best mixture that feeds the heart muscle: dry fruits of rose hips, red mountain ash, hawthorn, viburnum, raisins and dried apricots - in equal quantities. Use the same container for the measurement. 1 tbsp. collection, pour 1 liter of boiling water, insist in a thermos overnight. Drink during the day instead of tea. You can take a long time.

    (Leonid SHPAK, herbalist, s. Lysche of the Volyn region)

    Matters of the heart

    We do not remember our heart if it is healthy, and we begin to worry only when the first signs of the disease appear - pain, shortness of breath, palpitations. If you do not take care of your heart for a number of years, if it constantly works with overloads, then over time it begins to give up. This problem also touched my mother. In such cases, validol, nitroglycerin and other tablets go into the "fight".

    But any medicine is a whip for the heart. And if the horse is whipped all the time, how long will it last?

    Since the time her heart declared itself, my mother has been trying to adhere to the principles: do not overeat, do not abuse fatty foods, but lean on vegetarian dishes, sharply limit salt, avoid stressful situations, observe a work and rest regimen.

    Mom and folk remedies that help flawlessly. In the morning every day she prepares a medicine for herself for the whole day: she takes a small piece of bread, cuts it into 4 parts and drips 2-4 drops of valerian tincture on each part. Puts one piece in his mouth every four hours. Chew, hold in mouth for a few minutes, then swallow.

    It is also useful for cores to inhale odors. Mom in the country walks in the morning and evening before going to bed among the trees and enjoys the scent of lilac, hawthorn, poplar.

    A very tasty folk remedy: cut lemons into slices, pour honey over them, hold for a week and eat a dessert spoon 3 times a day to maintain the heart.

    You need to take care of your heart and constantly assure yourself: I am a healthy person, I am confident in everything, and my heart is healthy!

    (Marina VIDAKOVA, g, Novomoskovsk.)

    To strengthen the heart muscle

    To do this, you need to chew periodically. lemon peel rich essential oils that will improve the work of the heart. Another excellent heart remedy is to put one large chopped clove of garlic on black bread and lightly salt it, such a "sandwich" should be eaten on an empty stomach.

    These dietary supplements will not only strengthen the heart muscle, but also the nervous system, help relieve headaches and fatigue.

    (Evgeniya Vakhrusheva, Neftekamsk.)

    To make the heart stronger

    This remedy helps to strengthen the heart muscle. The recipe has been tested by more than one person and is very healthy. It is advisable to carry out the treatment 2 times a year - in spring and autumn.

    3 tbsp. Rinse, dry and mash cranberries. Rinse 1 kg of raisins, dry and add to the cranberry mass. The last component of the drug is 400 g of honey. Mix everything and put in a dark place for 10 days. In the future, store in the refrigerator, take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning, until the healing mass ends.

    (Ekaterina SHLAKOVSKAYA, Pinsk.)

    For palpitations and edema

    Prepare a decoction of common bean pods: pour 30 g of dry crushed raw materials with 300 ml of hot water, simmer for 15 minutes, strain and take 1/3 tbsp. three times a day for 30 minutes. before meals.

    Nature to help

    Parsley... Wash and chop 800 g of parsley, put in an enamel saucepan. Pour in fresh homemade milk (1.5 l). Place in the oven or on the stove and let the milk melt to half the original volume. Strain. Drink 2 tablespoons. every hour until the infusion ends. This folk remedy helps to relieve swelling even when the official dicina is no longer able to help.

    Pumpkin and juice from it help relieve swelling (mainly of cardiac origin).

    Decoction from cherry stalk: 1 tbsp. boil the stalk 0.5 liters, boil for 1 hour, drain. Drink 150 ml three to four times a day. Helps with edema of any origin.

    Calendula... 2 tsp Pour 500 ml of boiling water over chopped flower baskets. Insist 1 hour. Drink 1/2 tbsp. two to three times a day. Calendula slows down the heart rate and strengthens the work of the heart muscle.

    Kidney tea(orthosiphon). 2 tbsp herbs, pour 300 ml of boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. Drink warm in 1/2 tbsp. three times a day for a long time (up to 6 months) with weekly monthly breaks. The effect of kidney tea increases when taken in combination with horsetail grass, lingonberry leaves, birch leaves.


    Medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels

    Medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels are prescribed by a cardiologist.

    The doctor examines the patient before taking medications, writes out a list of pills that must be used systematically in order to:

    In order for a sick patient to feel much better, it is necessary to use drugs to maintain the heart and blood vessels for a long time.

    The doctor selects drugs that can most effectively help the patient, improve the general condition of the patient. Without first consulting a doctor, you should not take medications on your own, as you can only harm.

    The pharmacy has special medicines for maintaining the heart and blood vessels, which are sold exclusively by prescription, therefore, in any case, you should contact the clinic for examination and tests on the recommendation of a cardiologist, undergo a cardiogram to rule out the presence of a chronic disease or an acute form of a heart attack.

    An electrocardiogram allows you to identify the cause of the disease, to exclude pain in the heart. To finally get rid of a heart disease, you need to take medications solely as prescribed by your doctor. If the patient wants to recover faster, then it is necessary to approach this issue correctly.

    There are drugs, the action of which is similar to validol. This is valocordin, which promotes a reflex effect on the walls of blood vessels and relieves tension in the thoracic region. For angina pectoris, nitroglycerin is used, which has a vasodilating effect on the vessels.

    The use of Corvalol in emergency cases allows you to normalize heart palpitations, reduce blood pressure, calm the patient, normalize the general condition, reduce dizziness, and instantly affect pain. Before using valocordin, it is necessary to be examined by a cardiologist. The drug has practically no contraindications, therefore it is used in the treatment of the heart and blood vessels after a doctor's prescription.

    Medicines called nitrates are mainly used to dilate blood vessels. The analgesic effect occurs in the case of taking nitroglycerin, nitrospray, nitromint. The list of drugs with similar effects has expanded significantly, however, the administration of drugs should be coordinated with a cardiologist.

    In case of painful sensations, the tablet is placed under the tongue for a stronger effect on the walls of the vessels, promoting their expansion. Thanks to the effect of nitrates on the human body, it is possible to provide first aid for acute pain, heart attack.

    There are long-term medications... This is kardiket, monochinke, nitrosorbide, which dilate the arteries, promote the venous outflow of blood of vital internal organs responsible for the work of the heart.

    In the case of acute pain, nitrates contribute to the nutrition of the heart, provide blood flow to the myocardium, reduce pain, help relieve tension, prevent myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, help with the development of chronic and acute heart failure, and have a beneficial effect on the aorta.

    Some side effects of nitrates may occur. it headache, tinnitus, dizziness, facial redness, nausea. Side effects are temporary. There are some contraindications in the form of collapse, that is, a decrease in pressure or stroke, fundus glaucoma, in which the drug is prescribed with caution or replaced by another.

    In case of heart disease, antiplatelet agents are prescribed without fail... Among them, the most common are distinguished: cardiomagnet, clopidogrel, which help relieve fever and soothe pain. In the event of heart failure, the medicine helps relieve fever, relieve pain and improve the patient's general condition.

    If you are intolerant of aspirin, it is better to refrain from taking cardiomagnyl. Clopidogrel is used as an analogue of cardiomagnyl, which is used in practice for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Also, these drugs are used in the event of blood clots or their prevention during pregnancy, in order to prevent heart attacks, myocardial infarction.

    The classification of drugs that belong to calcium antagonists for hypertension is as follows:

    • derivatives from dihydropyridine;
    • derivatives from phenylalkylamine;
    • derivatives from benzothiazepine.

    These medicines to strengthen the heart and blood vessels help to reduce blood pressure in the patient, improve sleep, calm the nervous system, lead to a decrease in pressure in the walls of blood vessels, and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle. Taking such medications leads to the normalization of blood pressure in the elderly.

    The above points are achieved by dihydropyridine calcium antagonist derivatives. The first and second generations are noted, which increase the frequency of the heart muscle. The drugs contribute to the effect on the circulatory system as a whole. Verapamil reduces the heart rate in the case of chronic hypertension.

    The drug nizolidipine should be used with caution, which can relax the vessels too much and cause an increase in adrenaline. Calcium antagonists are increasingly used for patients with cardiovascular diseases in order to dilate blood vessels and reduce the force of strokes in the work of the heart. Side effects may occur as a result of the use of calcium antagonists.

    This is dizziness, pain in the head, redness of the skin of the face.

    The main property of beta blockers is to protect the heart... They have the property of dulling the production of excitatory hormones such as adrenaline. It increases the contraction of the heart muscles, which can be fatal.

    Due to the fact that adrenaline activates the myocardium, the frequency and strength of contractions increases, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in vascular tone.

    This leads to a rapid heartbeat, an increase in blood pressure. All this has a detrimental effect on human health. First of all, the heart suffers, since a rapid heartbeat needs oxygen. The onset of pathophysiological ischemia is a lack of myocardial oxygen. If the patient suffers from ischemic disease, then the heart is working hard.

    A real salvation for people with this disease is a beta-blocker, which can reduce the rapid heart rate, lower blood pressure. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the risk of developing heart disease. Prolongs the life of people with ischemic disease... At the moment, the drug is prescribed to people with ischemia, but this is not correct, since people suffering from hypertension are also at risk. Hypertension can also be fatal if not controlled.

    • Carvedilol.
    • Metoprolol.
    • Bisoprolol.
    • Nebivalol.

    Beta-blockers are prescribed for ischemic diseases, after a heart attack, heart dysfunction, with a high degree of work of the heart muscles (tachy-arrhythmias), postinfarction cardiosclerosis, the development of chronic heart failure, stroke.

    There are no specific contraindications for taking beta-blockers. There may be individual intolerance, or allergic reactions to individual components of the drug. If there is bronchial asthma, then such a drug is best taken only after agreement with the treating doctor. Ditto for people with sinus nodule vulnerability syndrome - conduction.

    Diseases for which this drug is prescribed:

    • bronchial asthma (with chronic destructive bronchitis, they are prescribed very carefully, as an allergic reaction can be caused);
    • atrioventricular block - a disease of weakness of the sinus node;
    • bradycardia (rare pulse less than 55 per minute);
    • with cardiogenic shock;
    • low blood pressure (below 100/60 mm Hg).

    Indirect actions:

    1. Conduction damage to bradycardia.
    2. Increased fatigue, unusual weakness, inability to exercise.
    3. The appearance of nausea, dizziness.
    4. When using drugs of the old generation, young people may experience violations of potency, and medicinal drugs of new production have no effect on male potency.
    5. The medicine propranolol (anaprilin) ​​and atenolol should not be used, but there are many concomitant actions, especially the increase in insulin resistance of body tissues.

    The newest drugs do not affect the metabolic process of the body and in case of diabetes, it can be used for a long time, without fear.

    Statins are drugs used to lower cholesterol in the body. They are prescribed only with a doctor's prescription, since there should be no contraindications for use. In the modern world of pharmacology, there are several types of this drug.

    It not only lowers blood cholesterol in the body, but also has a number of other advantages:

    • The effectiveness of taking this drug is visible already for 3 weeks.
    • Statins can be consumed continuously, without consequences.
    • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    But there are also disadvantages that you need to pay attention to:

    • worsening of liver cells;
    • urge to vomit;
    • sharp colic in the stomach;
    • joint pain.

    Fibrates, like the previous drug, help to reduce blood cholesterol... But, unlike statins, this drug has different mechanisms of action: it changes cholesterol at the genetic level.

    There are several drugs based on it:

    • Clofibrate.
    • Gemfibrozil.
    • Bezofibrate.
    • Ciprofibrate.
    • Fenofibrate.

    In our country, only "Traikor" from the subgroup of fenofibrates is used everywhere. This medicine Doctors prescribe when triglyceride levels are not very high.

    Their most important plus is a decrease in triglycerides. Of the benefits of fibrates, it is worth paying attention to the increased efficiency, with a decrease in triglycerides, as well as a decrease in the development of cardiovascular diseases. When statins and fibrates are compared, fibrates are said to have no effect on mortality. It is impossible to drink these drugs together, as the destruction of the bones of the body will occur.

    Medicines for the prevention of heart and blood vessels

    Medicines for the prevention of heart and blood vessels are needed in order to prevent heart attacks, myocardial infarction. Precautions Needed:

    For the purpose of prevention, it is necessary to use drugs to prevent the heart and blood vessels to thin the blood. This is cardiomagnet, ascard, spirin cardio every day for a long time. To improve the work of the heart muscle, you should drink Riboxin together with a compatible drug cocarboxylase.

    For patients who have heart problems, doctors prescribe medications that prevent deterioration in health, stabilize the nervous system, and help normalize blood pressure.

    These are diuretics, calcium antagonists, well-known aspirin, antiarrhythmics in the form of verapamil, propafenone. Before using any drug, you should visit your family doctor for the correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

    Heparin ointment for varicose veins Diuretics what is

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    • What should be done to strengthen the muscle?
    • Diet for the prevention of heart disease
    • Additional points

    Only when the heart is working properly does a person feel vigorous and physically healthy. Knowing how to strengthen your heart muscle will help prolong these sensations for as long as possible. Thanks to the work of this pump, each cell of the body receives the nutrition it needs. ... A good sign is the absence of any pain in the region of the heart. Otherwise, heart disorders are likely.

    As a result of the weakening of the heart muscle, problems with pressure arise, the permeability of the blood vessels decreases, blood clots may form, the development of heart failure and other troubles. An additional danger is posed by the fact that many heart pathologies have asymptomatic development, due to which preventive actions are gaining high relevance. In addition, according to statistics, the most common reason the onset of death is a heart attack.

    What should be done to strengthen the muscle?

    From an early age, you should accustom yourself to constant physical activity in moderate amounts.

    There is no need to overload the body and heart, including exercising to the point of exhaustion. Training is considered optimal, after which about a third of the strength remains. This can be walking, cycling, or swimming. They allow you to train the heart muscle without harming it. Ideal when exercising outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

    Walking will help strengthen the heart and tone the entire body and improve its health. In this case, muscles of all groups are involved, an additional training effect is exerted on the heart. Such a load does not require special conditions; you can walk anywhere. For example, the rise to the floor, if it is not too high, should be done on foot, and not by elevator. Going to work by public transport, it is recommended to get off at least one or two stops earlier. Studies have shown that each step taken can extend life by an additional 2 seconds.

    Exercise should be done in moderation, overstrain can only do harm. With the existing manifestations of symptoms of heart disease, it is recommended to avoid being under the scorching sun.

    In order for all efforts not to be in vain, it is worth reviewing your lifestyle, diet and quality of food, as well as giving up bad habits. Smoking leads to pressure destabilization and affects the vascular lumen not in the best way. In addition, it is better for those who like to take a steam bath to stop doing this in order to preserve their own health. Cardiologists warn that such a favorite activity increases the load on the heart muscle.

    Balanced healthy eating- this is an equally important condition that helps to strengthen the heart muscle. Food should not be excessively fatty or high in salt in order to maintain proper function. Cholesterol contained in consumed foods is harmful to the health of the main human organ. You should replace animal fats with vegetable fats. The exception is fish, in which cholesterol has a beneficial prophylactic effect on the condition of the heart muscles.

    The abundance of stressful situations at work and at home usually interferes with the strengthening of the heart muscle. The emerging nervous situations in the business environment and personal life usually provoke sharp jumps pressure and heart problems. At any age, it is better not to allow nervous feelings, as well as to maintain a reasonable balance of time spent at work and rest.

    Prevention of the development of heart problems and their prevention is a person's self-regulation, his attitude to his own health. Timely noticed signs of deterioration in health and seeking help from a doctor will allow you to react in time in the right way, drink a course of medications, if necessary.

    The existing disorders of the heart, which are of a pathological nature, can lead to changes in the size of the myocardium. Strengthening the heart muscle in the presence of side diseases, as a rule, are quite dangerous, is carried out by their treatment, for which it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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    Diet for the prevention of heart disease

    You should eat foods containing elements such as:

    • potassium (widely found in squash, grapes, legumes, bananas, raisins, apricots, and cocoa);
    • magnesium (found in watermelons, seafood, nuts, legumes, oats and buckwheat);
    • iodine (rich in cottage cheese, seafood, cabbage, beets);
    • vitamins P, C (black currants, oranges, bell peppers, strawberries, raspberries and apples).

    It is recommended to include at least one kilogram of vegetables of high ripeness in your daily diet. Regular salt, the use of which adversely affects human health, as it retains fluid in the body, can be replaced with seaweed whenever possible. It is better to switch from animal meat to fish and poultry.

    In the summer, when there is an opportunity to add fresh medicinal herbs to your diet, you can advise adding them to the salad. For example, these can be jasmine flowers, lemon mint, motherwort, oregano and sweet clover. The use of these plants reduces stress, excessive stress and weather dependence.

    Berries such as hawthorn and mountain ash also have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. It's good if every day there is a compote made from these berries on the table.

    Traditional medicine offers several recipes at once to make the heart feel in order.

    The partitions from the walnut shell must be crushed and filled with vodka in a ratio of 1: 5. The mixture, which has been infused for a week or two, is taken every day twice before meals, one teaspoon.

    For another recipe, you will need oregano, two teaspoons. It is poured with boiling water and covered with a lid for 20 minutes, allowing it to brew. Honey is added to the slightly cooled product, after which it is drunk completely before eating.

    Once, in one of the Soviet songs, the heart was compared to a fiery engine, which, in fact, is absolutely correct: just as a car with an inoperative engine does not budge, even if there is no visible damage to the body, a person, even the most beautiful, cannot live like that. if its motor does not start. And, like any engine, the heart needs constant attention, high-quality fuel and timely prevention, which must be carried out before it starts to malfunction. Therefore, it is very important to know how to strengthen the heart muscle and what weakens it.

    Causes of weakening of the heart muscle

    The heart muscle, when nothing threatens it, works imperceptibly... But if signs such as chest pain, shortness of breath, palpitations are stronger than usual, increased fatigue, fever appear, perhaps these are symptoms of inflammation of the heart muscle that needs help. Pains at rest or after light exertion should be especially alarming.

    If the heart muscle hurts, shortness of breath and irregular heart rhythms appear after physical exertion, we can talk about dystrophy of the heart muscle, which can be expressed in various degrees of heart failure.

    The heart muscle weakens due to many factors:

    • malnutrition of heart cells;
    • stress;
    • free radical attacks on myocardial cell membranes, which are enhanced by smoking or sunburn;
    • deficiency of potassium, formed due to stress and excess in the diet of salt, sugar, alcohol;
    • thickening of blood due to a lack of water entering the body;
    • inflammation of the heart muscle as a result of an allergic reaction, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, toxoplasmosis, flu, scarlet fever or other infectious diseases;
    • a sedentary lifestyle.

    Ways to strengthen the heart muscle

    Strengthening the heart muscle helps prevent unwanted consequences in the form of serious diseases. The main property of the heart muscle is the pumping of blood through the chambers of the heart using valves into the blood circulation system in the body. In addition to the mechanical ones, the physiological properties of the heart muscle are known: conductivity, excitability, contractility, automatism and refraction, that is, the ability to:

    • to conduct excitation at different speeds in different parts of the myocardium;
    • react with contractions to stimuli, regardless of their strength;
    • in a healthy state, to contract with a force depending on the length of muscle fibers, and in a weakened state - to compensate for the lack of strength of contractions by increasing the rhythm;
    • to contract rhythmically without external stimuli only under the influence of impulses arising in him;
    • do not conduct new impulses at the time of excitation.

    The fact that the human heart muscle is characterized by automaticity has been known for a long time, but under the influence of which impulses, scientists have learned quite recently. The main impetus for the work of the heart was recognized as a change in the ionic permeability of the membranes of P-cells of the sinoatrial node.

    To strengthen the heart muscle, it is recommended:

    • conduct heart training, preferably in the fresh air (cycling, swimming, walking, climbing stairs);
    • avoid the scorching sun;
    • if you already have a heart disease, you need to abandon the steam bath and sauna, as they increase the cardiac load;
    • give up bad habits;
    • establish a balanced diet with low cholesterol content;
    • avoid stressful situations;
    • observe a sleep and rest regimen;
    • pay attention to the signals of the body.

    The diet of a person who wants to help his heart should contain potassium, magnesium, iodine and vitamins C and P. Potassium can be replenished with courgettes, grapes, bananas, raisins, apricots, legumes and cocoa. Magnesium is rich in oats, buckwheat, watermelons, nuts, legumes, seafood, and in iodine - cabbage, cottage cheese, beets and seafood. Necessary vitamins for heart muscle are found in oranges, bell peppers, apples, raspberries, strawberries, and black currants.

    There are many recipes for strengthening the heart muscle with folk remedies. The most delicious is a remedy made from equal parts of cheese, walnuts and raisins, which should be consumed several teaspoons every day. If desired, cheese can be replaced with honey.

    The most commonly used medicines for strengthening the heart muscle are:

    • asparkam,
    • riboxin,
    • hawthorn tincture,
    • Rhodiola rosea.

    Asparkam replenishes the body's supply of magnesium and potassium and improves electrolyte metabolism in the heart muscle. Riboxin enhances its nutrition and normalizes the rhythm. Hawthorn tincture strengthens the tone of the heart muscle and relieves nervous excitement, and Rhodiola rosea improves its contractility. The latter should be taken a little because of its aphrodisiac effect.

    It is better to strengthen the heart prophylactically, before the first bell rings, but even with heart disease it is never too late to help yourself and your source of life.

    Video how to strengthen the heart:

    A healthy heart is able to adapt to the needs and stress of the body, for example, during work, pregnancy or childbirth, it adapts to increased productivity. As we know from our own experience, muscles become stronger and thicker with constant work. The same thing happens with the heart muscle, although this muscle has a special structure and special qualities.
    A dog that has to undergo excessive stress for a long time (for example, hunting dogs - greyhounds) develops and increases both the mass of skeletal muscles and the heart muscle. Therefore, it is clear that in dogs used for work, and especially in hunting hounds, in relation to body weight, the heart is heavier than in dogs that have little movement.
    In humans, such a developed heart is called a sports heart.
    In contrast to this normal development, the heart muscle can undergo an increase as a result of painful (pathological) changes in the function of the circulatory system caused by chronic diseases of various organs (degeneration of the kidneys, cirrhosis of the liver) or heart valve defects that contribute to excessive stress on the heart. But such a hypertrophied (overgrown) heart muscle does not work with full productivity, since its weakening occurs simultaneously with the thickening.
    The activity of the heart becomes abnormal due to the fact that the weakened muscle is incapable of maximum contraction. Consequently, the blood is not completely expelled from the heart chambers, stagnates there, as a result of which the walls of the heart are stretched, causing the expansion of the heart.
    This condition, which develops over several weeks or even months, is defined by the term chronic weakening (dystrophy) of the heart muscle. After a short walk, the dog gets tired, it lacks breath and even faints. However, the expansion of the heart does not always lead to the appearance of such symptoms. With a quiet lifestyle and avoiding overloading the animal over a long time, the heart can even out (compensate) the insufficiency of the heart muscle (see. Heart valve defects). Sometimes the weakening of cardiac activity can occur suddenly (acute form). In addition to excessive physical exertion (for example, hunting with a chase), this condition can be caused by a fever. Hence, the malfunctioning of the heart often signals the development of an infectious disease. The heart muscle can be damaged by microbes or toxins secreted by them, which contribute to inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis). Acute inflammation of the heart muscle can also be caused by various poisons, chemical and plant. Sometimes fatty deposits appear in the heart muscle (obesity of the heart), which, however, are not the result of improper feeding, but are caused by poisons (microbial poisons, phosphorus, etc.).
    Acute weakening of the heart muscle manifests itself in the form of a strong heartbeat and an acceleration of the pulse, which at the same time becomes barely palpable, respiratory arrest, as well as hyperemia of the conjunctiva (mucous membrane of the eyes). This condition often ends with the sudden death of the animal.
    Treatment is the same as for heart valve disease (see Valvular defects). First of all, you need to provide the dog with peace, both in acute and in chronic forms of failure. Immediate medical attention is needed. If necessary, for example, with a strongly accelerated pulse, you can apply ice to the heart area before the doctor arrives. It is not recommended to give any heart medications on your own, since the action of each of them is specific. The use of the wrong medication or too high a dose can kill the animal.
    Service dogs with symptoms of heart failure after excessive physical activity must be released from work for at least six months.
    Older and obese dogs should also be protected from excessive physical exertion and anxiety and should be fed as directed for valvular heart disease.

    The incidence of cardiovascular disease in last years not only is growing steadily, but also rapidly “getting younger”. In this regard, the preventive focus of primary care physicians continues to be relevant to this day. This is done through a commitment to the principle that it is easier to prevent a disease than to cure its consequences.

    In order to know how to strengthen the heart and prevent the development of its diseases, one should be aware of what are the risk factors for their occurrence. In this case, preventive measures aimed at preventing cardiac pathology, coupled with correctly selected food products, and in some cases with drugs, will have a beneficial effect on the heart muscle. Otherwise, without the elimination of risk factors that a person can influence independently, none of the medicinal plants will have the expected effect on the cardiovascular system.

    What are the risk factors for heart disease?

    In addition to the main reasons that can cause the development of a particular cardiological disease (genetic disorders, heart defects, kidney pathology with hypertension, and others), the doctor needs to remember about the development of cardiovascular diseases and assess the degree of risk in each individual patient. The patient, for his part, also needs to keep these factors in mind, and not forget that most of them can be easily corrected, and in their absence, the heart will remain healthy, strong and enduring throughout life.

    The main generally accepted factors that can cause adverse effects of cardiac diseases, and, in particular, significantly increase the likelihood of developing acute myocardial infarction and sudden cardiac death, include the following:

    • Gender and age have a direct relationship with the development of cardiac pathology - most often men over 40 are susceptible to it. This group of patients needs to be addressed Special attention on possible changes in fat () and carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes).
    • Increased body mass index up to obesity (above 30 kg / m2), especially in combination with increased level(above 5.0 mmol / L) promotes deposition in the inner wall of the arteries, which is most significant for the aorta and for the coronary (feeding the heart) arteries.
    • leads to a negative effect of excess on the vascular intima, which, in combination with atherosclerosis, negatively affects the integrity of the vascular wall from the inside.
    • characterized by increased vascular tone, which leads to disruption of the blood supply to the internal organs and to constant intense work of the heart.
    • Bad habits- alcohol and smoking contribute to damage from the inside of the inner lining of blood vessels (intima).

    What preventive measures will help strengthen the heart?

    Everyone knows that a healthy heart is a guarantee of a long, happy and, importantly, quality life. Qualitative in this case means the existence of a person not only without unpleasant subjective symptoms, but also without the need to depend on daily medication for any heart disease. In order to strengthen the heart muscle and keep it healthy for many years, it is enough to regularly follow a number of simple rules regarding a person's lifestyle. This is called the prevention of cardiac diseases. Allocate primary prevention, aimed at preventing risk factors for heart disease, as well as secondary, aimed at preventing complications in an already developed disease.

    To begin with, you should dwell on the first concept:

    So, primary prevention in cardiology, which allows you to strengthen the heart, is based on the following components - modification lifestyle, correct and rational nutrition as well as adequate physical activity... It makes sense to tell about each of them in more detail.

    Lifestyle correction

    A person who thinks about his health in general, and about strengthening the heart in particular, should understand that rejection of bad habits - the most important aspect in reducing the risk of developing cardiac pathology. So, smoking and alcohol cause increased heart rate, or tachycardia, and with constant tachycardia, the human heart experiences an increased need for oxygen, which is delivered to them through the coronary arteries. At the same time, coronary arteries can already be changed due to atherosclerosis or diabetes mellitus. Therefore, the blood supply and oxygen supply to the heart of a smoker and alcohol abuser suffers, which leads to and may sooner or later become the cause.

    Plays great importance in improving the body elimination of stressful situations v Everyday life... The modern pace of life of people, especially residents of megalopolises, is often accompanied by a high psychoemotional load. Even Hans Selye proved that stress has an extremely negative effect on the human body. And stress is constant, repeated from day to day, leads not only to a disruption in the work of the adrenal glands, but also has a direct effect on the activity of the heart and blood vessels due to a significant release of adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream, which contribute to an increase in heart rate and, accordingly,. At first - sinus, and as the myocardium weakened and micronutrient deficiencies - more serious forms. In addition, there is a high risk of developing stress-induced diseases, including diabetes mellitus and some autoimmune processes. That is why nowadays many large companies use offices. psychological relief and receptions of a staff psychologist are underway. If these activities are not provided for at work, the patient should visit a psychologist or psychotherapist to create psychological comfort and maintain mental health.

    Organization of the daily routine it was not for nothing that it was widely promoted back in Soviet time... During sleep, the heart rate slows down and the breathing rate decreases. Skeletal muscles that are at rest during sleep require less blood and oxygen, which makes the heart work easier and the heart muscle is less stressed.

    Therefore, to strengthen the heart muscle, a person must sleep at least eight hours a day. And the athletes involved in physical exercises - even more, to achieve a full recovery of all body systems, incl. heart muscle.

    Balanced diet

    Proper nutrition should not be confused with heavy, exhausting diets, with which the patient brings himself to severe starvation, and after a short time begins to eat everything again. A rational diet is understood as eating healthy food, balanced in the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. At the same time, “harmful” food is excluded, and the regimen of food intake should be regular, preferably at the same time, at least four times a day. The last meal is at least 4 hours before the night's rest.

    Due to the fact that an excess of "bad" cholesterol is deposited in the walls of blood vessels and leads to the development and overlap of their lumen, it is necessary exclude and limit following products power supply:

    • Fast food products, fast food, and any others with a high content of animal fats, sugar and a high glycemic index,
    • Fatty meats
    • Fried dishes, fried in lard, butter,
    • Salinity, smoked meats, spices,
    • Confectionery,
    • The consumption of egg yolks is limited to 2-4 per week.

    Foods such as:

    With regard to patients with a predisposition to cardiological diseases or with an existing pathology, it is worth mentioning separately the limitation of the daily consumption of table salt (no more than 5 grams) and the volume of liquid drunk (no more than 1.5-2 liters).

    Of course, it will be quite difficult for many patients to immediately give up their usual diet when they want to eat more satisfying and more food. But you still need to rebuild, because, even despite the absence of symptoms from the heart, the patient himself forms in his body a predisposition to cardiological pathology. For example, people with diabetes have long been accustomed to thinking that diabetes is not a disease but a way of life. It should also be in patients who want to keep their heart healthy - they should clearly understand that lifestyle correction comes down to properly organizing their daily routine and comparing it with regular meals at the same time. And food should not only be healthy and wholesome, but also varied and tasty, otherwise, such events will be perceived by the patient as a painful diet.

    What foods are most beneficial for the cardiovascular system?

    1. Nuts. This product contains a balanced amount of vitamins and minerals that strengthen not only the heart and blood vessels, but the entire body as a whole. The first place is firmly occupied by walnuts, the second in terms of the content of omega-polyunsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism, is occupied by almonds. People with an allergic predisposition should use nuts with caution.
    2. Berries and fruits. Most of all, pomegranates, apples, grapefruit, strawberries, currants, raspberries, sweet cherries, cherries and rose hips are useful for the heart. The beneficial effect of the juice and fruits of these plants is explained by their high content of vitamins, potassium, magnesium and iron.
    3. Lean meat and fish(cod, tuna, sardine, veal, turkey) are rich in protein and B vitamins. Fatty fish of "noble breeds", in particular, the salmon family, in turn, are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which contribute to better absorption of the so-called. ... "Good cholesterol" () and the elimination of "bad cholesterol" (LDL).
    4. Vegetables. Avocados and pumpkin seeds, for example, are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids. In turn, the excess of "bad" cholesterol can be leveled out within a few months from the beginning of a balanced diet. Onions, garlic and broccoli contain micronutrients that help normalize vascular tone (lower high blood pressure), as well as correct muscle cell contraction.
    5. Cereals and grain products. Oats, buckwheat, wheat, rice, coarse bread are a storehouse of valuable B vitamins, necessary for the normal functioning of all internal organs, including the heart.

    Video: Channel 1 on Heart-Healthy Foods

    Physical activity

    Physical activity for a healthy person should be moderate, especially if the person has not previously played sports or physical education, and suddenly suddenly decided to start doing it. The heart should be subjected to a feasible strain. It is enough to start with a little exercise in the morning. Then supplement with light jogging, swimming in the pool, playing sports. As a base for the exercises, it is recommended to do the following: squats, swinging arms and legs, bending to the side, push-ups, abdominal exercises, stretching.

    As an optimal example for beginners to actively engage in sports, beginners without cardiac pathology can be recommended aerobic so-called. cardio exercise in reasonable amounts. With an increase in training time, based on endurance, heart rate and well-being. Best suited for this are elliptical trainers, jogging, on the treadmill. It is important that for effective training you need to choose not extreme loads, but longer, but “feasible” ones. In this case, the pulse should be in the "aerobic zone" - best between [(190 beats / min) minus (age, years)] and [(150 beats / min) minus (age, years)]. Those. for a 30-year-old person, an effective and relatively safe zone for strengthening the heart muscle is from 120 to 160 beats per minute. (It is best to take the lower-average values, i.e. 120 - 140 beats / min, especially with insufficient training).

    People with a healthy heart, who are already doing professionally or doing regular workouts in fitness centers or gyms, should draw up an exercise program individually with the help of a trainer, and increase it gradually and dosed.

    As for the revitalization of a patient with pre-existing cardiovascular diseases, it should be carried out only after consulting a physical therapy doctor.

    Video: examples of gymnastic exercises to strengthen the heart

    Video: An example of opinion / practical experience on heart training in athletes

    Does it make sense to take pills?

    Medication for primary prevention, that is, for the effect on a healthy heart, is, in principle, not necessary. But, as prescribed by a doctor, patients with existing chronic diseases of other organs (bronchial asthma, diabetes, pyelonephritis) you can recommend taking trace elements - potassium and magnesium, which are contained in the preparations asparkam, magnevist, magnerot, panangin, magnelis forte, etc.

    A healthy person should not lean on medications, a full-fledged diet and preventive courses of taking ordinary vitamins twice a year (line "Alphabet", Undevit, Complivit, etc.) is enough.

    In case of insufficient intake of nutrients necessary for work, maintenance of health and regeneration of the heart muscle with food (for example, amino acids), such conditions can be corrected by prescribing dietary supplements, sports and special nutrition. However, the best option is to get everything you need from a balanced diet.

    In any case, the optimal solution for healthy people who want to “strengthen the heart” with vitamins, mineral supplements and dietary supplements is an individual consultation with a cardiologist and laboratory determination of the level of trace elements in the blood, followed by the appointment of necessary substances, best of all - not in tablets, but in the form of a supplement diet with foods rich in them.

    Video: An example of an opinion on taking more serious heart medications by athletes

    (!) We do not recommend uncontrolled intake of any heart medications without a doctor's prescription!

    But certain drugs for secondary prevention, that is, people with pre-existing heart disease or with a burdened premorbid background (obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, heart defects, cardiomyopathy), often must be taken... So, in patients with (hypercholesterolemia), even without clinical manifestations, it is mandatory to take it (!

    In patients with ischemia, it is mandatory to take and (bisoprolol) in order to reduce the frequency of pain attacks and reduce the risk. Patients with hypertension are required to take (enalapril) or sartans (losartan) for organoprotective purposes, because these drugs protect the heart itself, blood vessels from the inside, kidneys, retina and brain from the negative effects of high blood pressure.

    How to strengthen the heart with folk remedies?

    Below are some remedies for strengthening the heart muscle and the vascular wall, known to people many decades ago. Belief in their effectiveness is everyone's personal business. It is important that patients with existing pathology or those at risk combine folk methods with the treatment prescribed by the doctor and with his knowledge.

    Recipe 1st. Peel and roll five heads of garlic, mix with the juice of ten lemons and five hundred grams of honey. Take 4-5 teaspoons daily for about a month. (It is believed that this mixture helps to remove excess bad cholesterol, including those already deposited in the arteries).

    Recipe 2nd. Calendula flowers (marigolds) in a crushed form, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, strain and bring the volume to one glass. Take half a glass twice a day for about two weeks.

    Recipe 3rd. 4 tbsp. tablespoons of onion juice mix with 4 tbsp. spoons of honey. Take 2 tbsp. l. x 4 times a day - 1 month. Prepare a new mixture daily. (This mixture, like the previous one, has a tonic effect).

    4th recipe(with the “stressful” nature of hypertension). The so-called "talker" - buy in a pharmacy or prepare your own alcoholic tinctures of hawthorn, peony evading, valerian, motherwort and corvalol, mix in a larger container and take 15 drops x 3 times a day for a month, and subsequently in stressful situations.

    Video: recipe for strengthening the heart from viburnum berries

    Video: Vitamin Blend Recipe for Strengthening Heart and Overall Health

    The use of medicinal plants and the use of folk recipes for both prevention and treatment should be carried out with extreme caution. Unlike pharmaceuticals, which are tested in multicenter studies, the effects of plants on the human body are poorly understood. In most cases, no one can isolate an active substance from a plant and study its absorption, distribution to organs and excretion. That is why the uncontrolled intake of a variety of herbs, infusions, and decoctions without the knowledge of the attending physician can do more harm than good.

    Video: a program on the comprehensive strengthening of the heart