Breathing preparations for asthma. Treatment of bronchial asthma. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the use of drugs

One of the most serious chronic diseases that poisons the lives of millions of people around the world is both adults and children suffer from it. Asthma is characterized by the fact that chronic inflammation causes a strong sensitivity of the bronchi. And in the presence of provoking factors, their spasm occurs, during which a person feels bronchial asthma are very dangerous in that they need to react immediately, otherwise the patient begins to suffocate, and death may occur without medication. In recent decades, new effective diseases have emerged. It is best to use an asthma inhaler, as it provides the fastest penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract. Moreover, now there are many of their varieties, and the patient can choose the one that suits him. All people suffering from asthma must carry an inhaler with them at all times so that in case of an attack, they can react quickly.

Features of the disease

Asthma remedies

Inhalers are the best way to deliver medicine immediately to the airway. During an asthma attack, the patient often does not have time to wait for the injection or pill to take effect. Therefore, inhalers are used in emergency cases. And in the period between attacks, the usual means are used for treatment: tablets, syrups or injections. For the prevention of seizures, "Ventolin" or "Brickail" are often used. Small children are also rarely inhaled, and the medicine is used for them in the form of a syrup. All asthma medications can be divided into two groups:

  • bronchodilators, which relieve spasm of the bronchial muscles, dilate blood vessels and thereby facilitate breathing for the patient;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs are used in courses to relieve inflammation and swelling in the bronchi.

In addition, a hormonal inhaler for asthma has recently become widespread. Due to the fact that the drug is delivered in small doses and immediately into the respiratory tract, it is devoid of all the negative effects of hormonal pills, and the effect of it is higher than that of other drugs.

What is an inhaler

Inhalations as a method of treating respiratory diseases have been known since antiquity. People inhaled smoke from burning medicinal plants or steam from their decoction. Over time, the procedure has improved: from burning leaves on a fire to an earthen pot with a straw inserted into it. The modern asthma inhaler has nothing to do with such methods, since it must meet many requirements. The first device for these purposes appeared in 1874, but now there are many varieties of it. Each of them has its pros and cons, and only a doctor can decide which inhaler is best for asthma for a particular patient. But all of them are designed to deliver the drug to the bronchi as quickly as possible and to facilitate the patient's breathing. The medicine in the device breaks down into very small particles, which quickly enter the lungs. Therefore, now an asthma inhaler is the best remedy. An effective replacement has not yet been invented.

What are inhalers

Many drugs are now used to relieve asthma attacks. They differ in size, method of drug delivery and type of drug. The most common are pocket inhalers. In bronchial asthma, the following are most often used:

  1. Powder inhalers with a dispenser allow you to accurately enter the required dose of the drug. They are very easy to use, but they cost more than others.
  2. Liquid aerosols are the most inexpensive and common inhalers. Their disadvantage is that they are effective only if the patient inhales simultaneously with the release of the drug.

In addition, there are stationary inhalers that are inconvenient to use during attacks, but they are used to prevent them:

  1. Nebulizers - using a compressor or ultrasound, break the drug into very small particles that reach the most distant corners of the respiratory tract.
  2. The adapter for a conventional inhaler can also be used in stationary conditions. It is called a spacer and only helps deliver the medication while inhaling.

How to choose the right inhaler

After examining the patient, the doctor prescribes a medicine for him, which is designed to help in the prevention and relief of seizures. When choosing an inhaler, you need to focus on the doctor's recommendations. But when buying, you should also pay attention to the following characteristics:

The most common asthma inhalers

Their list is constantly expanding, new drugs are being created, they are becoming more convenient and safe. Usually, the doctor will prescribe some drug that is more suitable for the patient. They can be bronchodilators or anti-inflammatory drugs. They are already available in the form of an inhaler or solution for use in a nebulizer. Bronchodilators include:

They are mainly used for the treatment and prevention of seizures. It can be:

  • glucocorticoids effectively relieve bronchial edema. This is "Fluticasone", "Beclamethasone" or "Budesonide";
  • stabilizers of mast cell membranes are most often used in pediatrics: "Cromolin" and "Nedocromil";
  • in cases where asthma cannot be treated with other drugs, Omalizumab containing anti-immunoglobulin E is used.

Which inhalers are better

It is difficult to answer this question, since the approach must be strictly individual. Only a doctor, after a complete examination of the patient, can determine which drug and in what form will be effective. The best inhaler for asthma is the one that quickly relieves the attack, does not cause side effects and is easy to use. Which of them are the most common?

Benefits of a pocket inhaler

It is in the form of a can, in which the drug is under high pressure and when the cap is pressed, it is released into the respiratory tract. It is in this form that it is most convenient to use medicines for the relief of asthma attacks. Indeed, in many cases, it is very important to apply the treatment in the first seconds. And the pocket inhaler can always be carried with you - it is small in size and weighs very little. This is especially convenient for those who are rarely at home and lead an active lifestyle. It is quite easy to use such an inhaler, and even children can cope with it. An attack can happen at any time, so it is very important that the medicine is always on hand. Pocket inhalers are available in powder and liquid form. The doctor can tell which one is better to choose. The advantages of this type of inhaler also include the fact that the drug is delivered in strictly defined portions, which allows you to prevent overdose.

Child treatment

From the age of three, children can use the inhaler. This usually does not cause negative emotions in the child, which cannot be said about injections.

For more accurate dosing of the drug, small children are recommended to use a spacer, which, using a special valve, delivers the medicine only when inhaling. Later, you can already do without it. What inhalers for bronchial asthma are used for children? It is best to use powdered ones as they are easier to dose. In this respect, Symbicort Turbuhaler is quite convenient and safe.

How to use a pocket inhaler correctly

After a minute, you can inject a second dose of the drug if necessary.

Safety rules for the asthma patient

  • a person with any form of the disease should always have a remedy for stopping an attack on hand. Care must be taken not to forget the asthma inhaler when leaving the house. You need to know or write down its name in order to purchase it at a pharmacy if necessary;
  • you cannot use inhalers more often than 8 times a day. If the attacks recur or the drug does not help, you should consult a doctor;
  • when using the inhaler, you must read the instructions - it is often recommended to rinse your mouth after using it, otherwise the drug can cause stomatitis or thrush;
  • in addition to using drugs prescribed by a doctor, it is important to lead a correct lifestyle for the prevention of seizures: avoid tobacco smoke, various allergens, dose physical activity, not get nervous and not overcool.

The quality of life of people suffering from bronchial asthma is poor! But correctly selected therapy will help significantly alleviate the patient's condition, reduce the frequency and intensity of exacerbations. An integral part of treatment is considered to be drugs for bronchial asthma, the mechanism of action of which will help not only to stop an asthmatic attack, but also to reduce the risk of its development. At the moment, great success has been achieved in the treatment of this disease. A few years ago, the therapy of bronchial asthma consisted only of stopping attacks, but now, thanks to basic treatment, it is possible to keep the disease under control.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a fairly large assortment of drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma, but the choice of any medicine always remains with the attending physician. In the past few years, doctors have increasingly used a stepwise approach to the treatment of bronchial asthma, which consists of individual prescription of drugs depending on the stage of the disease and the intensity of attacks. The main purpose of such treatment is considered to be the control of the disease with the help of a certain medicine. The dose of drugs can be increased (step up) or decreased (step down). Medical treatment of bronchial asthma is determined by the attending physician individually for each patient, based on clinical signs, frequency and severity of attacks.

All medicines for bronchial asthma are divided into two main types: emergency medicines (bronchodilators) for an attack (symptomatic) or medicines to control the disease (routine basic therapy).

Symptomatic therapy includes the use of drugs that can stop attacks of bronchial asthma: choking, shortness of breath, dry cough, wheezing. In the acute period, drugs from the group of beta-2-agonists of rapid action (bronchodilators) are used, which have the ability to alleviate the patient's condition during an attack. Such drugs act almost immediately, they are available in the form of a pocket metered-dose inhaler, which should always be present with a person: Salbutamol, Ventolin and others. In case of intolerance to beta-2-agonist drugs, the patient can be prescribed anticholinergics (Atrovent), which act more slowly, but also give good results in stopping an asthmatic attack.

Basic therapy consists of taking medications, the mechanism of action of which is aimed at treating bronchial asthma, preventing the development of acute periods, and improving the quality of human life. Basic drugs are intended for daily use. Their use can reduce bronchial edema, relieve inflammation in the airways, and reduce sensitivity to certain allergens. These drugs include corticosteroid, antihistamines, mucolytic, antileukotriene drugs. In severe forms of the disease, the doctor may prescribe drugs from the theophylline or cromones group (non-hormonal), but such drugs are not prescribed for children, since they have many contraindications.

First aid preparations

First aid medications for asthma are bronchodilators, which have the ability to relieve bronchospasm, shortness of breath, asthma attacks and other symptoms.

Bronchodilators are often called bronchodilators, which are of 3 types:

  1. β2 agonists.
  2. Xanthines.
  3. Anticholinergics.

Preparations from the β2-agonist group are divided into short-acting and long-acting drugs. The first type includes drugs such as Salbutamol, Berotek, Fenoterol, Ventolin. For long-acting drugs - Salmeterol, Formoterol.
In case of asthma attacks, preference is given to drugs for inhalation administration, since they can quickly alleviate the patient's condition, stop an acute attack.

Anticholinergics - medicines for the relief of asthmatic attacks. They are used in cases where the patient does not tolerate beta-2-agonists - Troventol, Atrovent, Atropine, Platyphyllin, Belloid, which are also available in the form of a dosed topical aerosol or ampoules for injection.

In severe forms, first aid drugs are prescribed, including the intake of systemic hormones that are administered intravenously, intramuscularly or orally: Prednisolone, Dexamethasone and others.

It is important to understand that all drugs used to stop an asthmatic attack do not cure the disease, but only temporarily relieve its acute symptoms.

Basic drugs in the treatment of bronchial asthma

The principle of operation of basic therapy is to take medications that can neutralize inflammatory processes in the airways, reduce edema in the bronchial mucosa, and suppress allergic reactions.


It is known that bronchial asthma is most often of allergic origin, therefore, taking anti-allergic drugs is an integral part of therapeutic therapy. Basically, the doctor prescribes new generation drugs that work for 24 hours. Such funds have the ability to suppress the release of histamine, block hypersensitivity to allergens: Erius, Citrine, Claritin, Eden and others, which are available in the form of tablets for adults or in the form of drops, syrup for children. The duration of taking anthistamines can take from several days to several weeks. The dose of any agent is set individually for each patient, in accordance with the age, stage of the disease and other characteristics of the body.


Drugs from the group of corticosteroids are used in the treatment of moderate and severe stages of bronchial asthma. Such drugs reduce bronchial obstruction, shortness of breath, and can be used to stop an attack. Corticosteroids are hormones, they have a lot of contraindications, so they can only be prescribed by a doctor. Corticosteroid drugs include Prednisolone, Hydrocortisone, Dexamethasone, and others. Available in several forms: ampoules for injection, tablets, inhalation solution.

Antileukotriene drugs

This group of drugs is intended to eliminate bronchospasm, which is caused by inflammatory processes in the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Basically, such funds are intended for bronchial asthma, which manifested itself against the background of a viral or infectious disease. Antileukotriene drugs are intended for long-term administration, complement the main treatment: Zileuton, Zafirlukast, Montelukast.


A group of medicines that contain cromonic acid, which has an anti-asthmatic effect. Medicines based on this substance reduce the production of mast cells, thereby eliminating bronchospasm. During the period of exacerbation, such funds are not used, only as part of basic therapy: Ketoprofen, Ketotifen, Intal and others.


Preparations with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which reduce swelling of the bronchial mucosa, stimulate sputum discharge, and relieve inflammation. Such drugs are produced in different pharmacological forms - aerosols, nebulizers for a nebulizer, tablets. Any remedy from this group of drugs has many contraindications and side effects, therefore it can only be used as directed by a doctor: Ingakort, Becloment, Bekotid, Pulmicort. Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken as prevention of asthmatic attacks and exacerbations for a long time.


The action of drugs from this group is aimed at expanding the bronchi. The effect of use lasts for 12 hours. Such drugs are intended for long-term use, since the result from their use will not be noticeable immediately, but after a while: Saltos, Spiropent, Foradil.

Basic therapy is designed for a long time. The patient has to take some medications throughout his life. In the process of taking any remedy, it is very important to comply with the recommended doses, not to cancel the drug on your own or not to prescribe a new one without consulting a doctor. With the right therapy, bronchial asthma can be kept under control.

Symptomatic therapy

During an exacerbation of bronchial asthma, doctors often prescribe drugs to relieve individual symptoms. The basis of symptomatic treatment is occupied by expectorant drugs, the intake of which will clear the respiratory tract of accumulated mucus, normalize breathing, and reduce shortness of breath. Most often, ambroxol preparations are used in the treatment of bronchial asthma - Lazolvan, Ambrobene, Ambroxol, Mukolvan and others. Such funds are available in various forms, including a solution for inhalation.

Exacerbation of bronchial asthma often occurs against the background of viral or bacterial infections, so it is possible that during such a period the doctor will prescribe antiviral or antimicrobial drugs. Taking antibiotics in some way will help speed up the recovery period, suppress the vital activity of pathogenic microbes. It is not recommended for asthmatics to use drugs of penicillins or sulfonamides, as they can intensify the symptoms of the disease, aggravate the patient's condition. Preference is given to drugs from the group of cephalosporins, macrolides, fluoroquinolones. Any antibiotic or antiviral medication should be discussed with your doctor.

With frequent exacerbations of bronchial asthma, doctors recommend monitoring the state of the immune system, eating right, leading a healthy lifestyle, as well as periodically undergoing examination, and monitoring the disease. In addition to medications for asthma, it is very important to determine the cause, to exclude any etiological factor that may exacerbate the disease.

In modern medicine, drugs are used, stopping and drugs that are included in planned bronchial asthma. The release form of the above medicines of different pharmacological groups - tablets, injections,.

Fast and long acting drugs

  • spacers;
  • powder devices;
  • metered-dose liquid inhalers;
  • nebulizers.

Spacers take deep into the bronchi. Their principle of operation: when inhaling, the drug enters the lungs, and when exhaling, it is blocked by a valve. Spacer Diamond is used to treat asthma in children.

Powder inhalers are easy to use. They are highly efficient. DPI single and multi-dose inhalers are equipped with a powder capsule, after opening which the drug is inhaled.

Liquid inhalers operate on the aerosol principle. Their advantages include a reasonable price and good quality. Of the minuses - the correct execution of the inhale-exhale technique. Liquid inhaler Salbutamol stimulates v2 receptors of blood vessels, relaxes the muscles of the bronchi. The drug begins to act in 4-5 minutes after entering the body.

- large-sized devices that are used for home or inpatient therapy. Nebulizers atomize the medicine for bronchial asthma into the smallest fractions, so they are highly effective.

Hormone therapy

The action of inhalation hormones is topical. Numerous studies have proven that such drugs do not affect the development and growth of asthmatic children. Inhaled hormonal drugs for asthma are classified into the following groups:

  • fast-acting - relieve spasm of small bronchi. The drugs act a few minutes after inhalation. Fonoterol relieves suffocation 5 minutes after inhalation, maintaining its effect for 5 hours;
  • preventive - contribute to the gradual improvement of bronchial patency. Fluticasone medication has an anti-inflammatory effect, reducing mucosal edema;
  • combined - are prescribed for severe chronic asthma. This group includes Symbicort. The drug quickly relieves allergic inflammation, reducing edema, dilating the bronchi.

Therapy with non-hormonal drugs

For the treatment of moderate asthma, non-hormonal drugs are used. They are added to inhaled hormonal drugs. List of effective non-hormonal agents:

  • Serevent is a bronchodilating medication that contains salmeterol. Serevent develops prolonged bronchodilation in patients with reverse airway obstruction. At the same time, it improves the functions of the lungs and bronchi;
  • Foradil - it contains fumarate, which expands the bronchi without affecting the state of blood vessels and the heart.

Important! Non-hormonal and hormonal drugs are not taken in combination with asthma. The first drugs are only added to the second drugs.

Scientists have proven that this treatment is highly effective. Additionally, the patient may be prescribed cromones, tefoillins and antilecotrienes. Since cromones are ineffective, they are more often used for mild asthma.

A drug Intal available in capsules and aerosols. It is prescribed for children from 5 years old.

If the disease is accompanied by post-exercise bronchospasm syndrome, then antilecotriene therapy is indicated. The drug Zafirlukast - effectively affects the symptoms of the disease. In some patients, it can provoke mild liver dysfunction, therefore it is taken under the strict supervision of a doctor.

The advantages of thieophyllines include a low price. They are less effective than beta-2 agonists. Extrapulmonary effects are characteristic of thieophyllins, therefore they are prescribed to enhance the basic treatment. These funds include Theophylline. It stimulates NS, dilating blood vessels, quickly relieving the condition of an asthmatic, if the disease is developed at the initial stage.

Antibiotic therapy for asthma

Taking antibiotics for asthma is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. Drugs in this pharmacological group can be fatal if taken multiple times and in high dosages.

Antibiotic therapy is carried out if chronic bronchial asthma has worsened. With the disease under consideration, antibiotics of the following groups are prescribed:

  • cephalosporins;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • macrolides.

The above products can be taken orally or by injection. From the group of cephalosporins, there are:

  1. Cephalexin is a semi-synthetic antibacterial agent with a wide range of effects.
  2. Cefepim is a modern antibacterial agent for parenteral administration. Has a direct effect on gram-positive and gram-negative microbes.

Cephalosporins are based on a beta-lactam ring. They rarely provoke allergies and addiction. Of the fluoroquinols, Ofloxacin is prescribed with a wide range of effects on bacteria. Has a quick effect after ingestion. It is well and completely absorbed in the digestive tract.

Fluoroquinolones can cause allergies, therefore it is recommended to consult a doctor before using them. Modern medicine treats exacerbated chronic bronchial asthma with the latest generation of macrolides. Such medicines have a bactericidal effect without causing toxicity.

Macrolides are divided into 2 groups:

  • Natural - Erythromyicin, Sumamed;
  • Semi-synthetic - Azithromycin, Macropen.

The drug Sumamed is well tolerated by patients. Its active substances penetrate into the respiratory system, skin and tissues, providing an effective bactericidal effect.

The drug Macropen is rapidly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, providing maximum concentration 2 hours after administration. Moreover, this concentration is localized in the focus of inflammation and in the bronchi.

Pill therapy

Patients severely suffering from bronchial asthma need constant, systemic supportive therapy. Such patients are prescribed drugs in tablets with a systemic effect. For asthma, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory tablets are prescribed.

More often, asthmatics are diagnosed with an allergic form of the disease, developed against the background of a specific allergen. If the disease manifests itself in a specific period of the year, then the patient should take antiallergenic pills only during this period.

If the allergen is household, then contact with it is excluded or minimized. In parallel, anti-allergenic tablets are prescribed. Taking them regularly prevents asthma attacks.

Effective drugs in this group include Ketotifen tablets. The drug has an antihistamine effect, blocking specific receptors, preventing the degranulation of mast cells. The active ingredient of the drug is ketotifen fumarate. Tablets are prescribed for children from 3 years old. The therapy lasts more than 3 months. Cancellation of Ketotifen is carried out gradually, within 2 weeks.

Important! The drug Ketotifen does not relieve an attack of bronchial asthma.

The drug Oxatomide is an effective histamine antagonist that quickly blocks the corresponding receptors, reducing the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells. If the patient's condition has not improved during the seven-day therapy, the dosage of Oxatomidv is doubled.

If a chronic anti-inflammatory process is detected in the walls of the bronchi in asthma, anti-inflammatory drugs are indicated. More often, hormonal preparations of 2 pharmacological groups are prescribed:

  1. Glucocorticosteroids.
  2. Glucocorticoids.

The patient may be prescribed topical glucocorticoids - Beclomethasone. It is an antiallergic, anti-inflammatory agent that prevents the release of protein-rich liquid secretions from small CS tissue. Indications for admission - bronchial asthma.

In severe cases, topical glucocorticosteroids are ineffective. The patient is prescribed systemic glucocorticosteroids. Prednisolone tablets are prescribed more often. The dosage of the medicine depends on the severity of the course of the disease, the weight of the patient, and the reaction of his body to Prednisolone.

With the help of a medication, the formation of anti-inflammatory mediators that provoke inflammation is suppressed. At the same time, their production is enhanced if Prednisolone is taken constantly. But therapy with this glucocorticosteroid can provoke some side effects:

  1. Diabetes - Long-term use promotes insulin resistance.
  2. Gastrointestinal ulcer - the drug irritates the mucous membrane.
  3. Insufficiency of the adrenal glands - the injection of adrenal hormones leads to the suppression of the production of its own hormones.
  4. Hypertension.
  5. Obesity on the face and abdomen.

Injection therapy

With bronchial asthma, the patient can be administered drugs in the form of injections. Such actions are carried out with spasms of the respiratory tract and strong secretion of mucus from the bronchi. The action of injection therapy is minute.

Most often, the patient is injected with a 0.1% solution of adrenaline. It takes effect 5-8 minutes after the injection. If the patient's condition has not changed after the injection, the injection is repeated. Side effects of the solution include:

  • increased heartbeat;
  • severe migraine;
  • small tremors.

Important! The adrenaline solution is not administered if the patient has cardiac asthma, which has arisen against the background of a heart attack or heart failure.

To quickly stop a severe attack of bronchial asthma, Ephedrine is administered to the patient. The drug takes effect 20 minutes after administration. The injection is done under the skin. A single dosage should not exceed 1 ml.

Sometimes the drug stops the attack only partially. In this case, one of the following therapy regimens is applied:

  1. Ephedrine solution + 0.5 ml of 1% Atropine solution.
  2. Adrenaline solution + 0.5 ml of 1% Atropine solution.

If the type of asthma is not established or it does not disappear for a long time, Euphyllin is administered intravenously. The manipulation is slow. If the administration of bronchodilators is ineffective, and the patient is more excited, then a 2.5% Pipolfen solution is injected. An injection is made into a muscle. The solution volume should not exceed 2 ml. At the same time, 0.5% Novocaine solution is injected intravenously.

If the patient has a mixed form of asthma, Euphyllin and cardiac glycoside are used to stop the attack. When choking, the medicine Pantopon is used with caution - it is an effective pain reliever. It is administered only under medical supervision.

In case of suffocation, patients are prescribed:

  • Atropine - relaxes the muscles of the bronchi, providing an antispasmodic effect. After injection, the effect is observed after 4 minutes.
  • Promedol - has an analgesic effect. Quickly activates various systems, including the respiratory system. Eliminate pain at the same time.

Morphine is contraindicated in bronchial asthma. It negatively affects the respiratory system, making it difficult to breathe. Effective antispasmodics include:

  • no-shpy solution - pronounced and long-term expands the muscles of the respiratory system. This does not affect the central nervous system.
  • papaverine solution - quickly eliminates bronchospasm, restoring the work of the respiratory organs. In parallel, the drug has a hypotensive effect.

If the above actions are ineffective, the patient is hospitalized.

The current regimens used to provide urgent care in exacerbation of bronchial asthma are based on rapid-acting beta-2 agonists. In severe exacerbations, systemic hormonal pills or injections are prescribed in a short course - 3-10 days. Therefore, doctors prescribe a higher dosage.

Bronchial asthma is an inflammatory disease that requires not only relieving bronchial spasms. Anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed for patients whose disease is rare or mild. It allows you to control bronchial asthma, avoiding the development of exacerbations.

Medicines for bronchial asthma are the mainstay of therapy for this disease among adults and children. Their use facilitates the general condition of the patient, by relieving symptoms, provided that the prevention of complications is simultaneously carried out.

Today there are many drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma (expectorants, antihistamines, etc.). However, newer drugs are being developed that are aimed at obtaining maximum effect with minimal negative impact on the body. The method of therapy in patients differs depending on the degree of the disease. As a rule, every asthmatic person knows what medications he needs in case of an exacerbation of the disease.

Basic principles of therapeutic asthma treatment

The modern classification of therapeutic measures includes:

  • timely
  • maximum reduction in the symptoms of the disease;
  • prevention of development during exacerbation;
  • the ability to take the minimum amount of drugs without prejudice to the patient;
  • help in normalizing respiratory function.

A therapy regimen using different groups of drugs can only be prescribed by the treating person. Only he can decide which drugs can be used in complex therapy to effectively treat asthma. Drug therapy involves the use of various drugs and inhalations that can affect all organs of the patient. Such methods of therapy regulate the effectiveness of the treatment procedures.

List of essential drugs for the treatment of the disease


The basic means with which it is recommended to treat bronchial asthma, as a rule, are used daily by patients. They are designed to relieve and prevent asthmatic attacks. As a result of the appointment of basic therapy, the patient feels a significant relief of symptoms.

Basic drugs for the treatment of bronchial asthma are able to neutralize the inflammatory processes in the bronchial system, reduce edema, as well as allergy symptoms. This group includes antihistamines, corticosteroids, antileukotriene agents, bronchodilators, and inhalers. In rare cases, for adult patients, long-term theophyllines and cromones (non-hormonal drugs) can be prescribed. However, cromones and antileukotrienes are recommended to be used with caution in children, as there is a possibility of side effects.

Hormonal agents

This group includes:

  • Beklazon, Salbutamol (inhalers);
  • Budesonide, Pulmicort;
  • Tayled, Aldecin;
  • Intal, Berotek;
  • Ingacort, Bekotid.


These include:

  • Singular, Serevent;
  • Oxis, Formoterol;
  • Salmeter, Foradil.


The classification of this group provides for the use of drugs based on cromonic acid:

  • Nedocromil, Ketoprofen;
  • Sodium cromoglycate, ketotifen;
  • Nedokromil Sodium, Intal;
  • Cromohexal, Tayled, Cromoline.

These drugs are used to relieve inflammatory processes. In addition, they have an anti-asthmatic effect, slowing down the production of mast cells, which provoke inflammation and reduce the diameter of the bronchi.

Cromones are used in basic therapy, but they are not recommended to treat an asthma attack during an exacerbation, or to prescribe them for children under 6 years of age.


Antileukotriene drugs relieve bronchospasm in the inflammatory process.

These include:

  • Montelukast;
  • Salmeterol;
  • Zafirlukast;
  • Formoterol.

Antileukotriene drugs are used as adjunctive therapy for bronchial asthma. In addition, they are approved for the relief of seizures in babies.


Used to relieve asthma attacks. Most often used:

  • Atropine sulfate;
  • Quaternary ammonium (non-adsorbed).

These drugs can cause many complications, so they are rarely used in basic therapy in the treatment of children.

Systemic glucocorticoids

Taking these medicines during the treatment of asthmatic diseases is allowed only in extreme cases.

Systemic glucocorticoids include:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisone, etc.


Drugs in this group are actively used to relieve asthma attacks.

Combined beta-2-adrenergic agonists include:

  • Seretide, Salbutamol;
  • Formoterol, Ventolin;
  • Salmeterol, Foradil;
  • Symbicort, etc.

Some of these drugs have a prolonged effect, but all combined drugs, without exception, neutralize bronchospasms and relieve acute inflammatory processes. Modern principles of therapy for bronchial asthma consider combined drugs to be the basis of treatment for exacerbation.


Expectorants are prescribed for exacerbation of the disease, since in almost all patients, the bronchial passages are blocked by a viscous thick content that interferes with normal respiratory activity. This is due to the increased formation of mucus with minimal excretion from the bronchi. You can forcibly remove phlegm using expectorants.

The most commonly used expectorants are:

  • Acetylcysteine \u200b\u200b(commercial names - ACC, Mukomist);
  • Mercaptoethanesulfonate (Mmistabron);
  • Ambroxol (Ambrosan, Ambroxol, Lazolvan);
  • Bromhexine (Bizolvon, Solvin);
  • Alkaline mixture with sodium bicarbonate;
  • Carboxymethylcysteine \u200b\u200b(Mukopront, Mukodin, Carbocisteine);
  • Potassium iodide.

It is important to note that some of the expectorants that can be used to treat bronchial asthma are free, so every doctor has a list that includes benefits for asthmatics.

Expectorants are usually prescribed to speed up the elimination of phlegm from the bronchi. It should be borne in mind that the existing opinion that cough medicines and expectorants have identical pharmacological effects is erroneous. Treatment of cough involves, first of all, the use of anti-asthma treatment. As soon as the asthmatic symptoms are neutralized and the necessary help is provided, there will be no cough. An exception may be, but such a situation may occur extremely rarely and will require separate treatment for cough.

Inhalation drugs

Relief of asthmatic attacks with inhalation is the most effective way of treatment, since all the necessary medications instantly enter the respiratory system. This is very important, since the fastest possible medical intervention is required during attacks, and inhalers are most often used precisely in exacerbation of asthma. Between periods of exacerbation, you can treat with other means: tablets, syrups, injections.

Inhalers with glucocorticosteroids provide effective assistance, having a positive effect and reducing swelling of the mucous membranes with the help of Adrenaline.

These include:

  • Flixotide, Budesonide;
  • Becotide, Flunisolid;
  • Fluticasone, Beclomethasone;
  • Benacort, Ingacort, Beclomet, etc.

Glucocorticosteroid preparations for inhalation are actively used to relieve acute asthmatic attacks of asthma. This dosage form allows you to minimize the dosage without loss of effectiveness.

Today, with the help of inhalations, children - asthmatics up to 3 years old can be treated, provided that the dosage is carefully observed and the doctor's supervision is carried out. When these conditions are met, the possibility of side effects is minimal.

Preparations for relieving an acute asthmatic attack

Asthma is dangerous by suddenly developing attacks of suffocation, the relief of which involves the use of drugs of several groups.

These include:


This group of medicines is prescribed for the provision of which contributes to the rapid relief of the patient's condition and the removal of acute attacks.

For this, the following may be assigned:

  • Salbutamol;
  • Pirbuterol;
  • Terbutaline;
  • Levalbuterol.

The medications taken dilate the bronchial passages within a few minutes after use, so it is recommended that asthmatics always have them with them. It is especially important to provide first aid in the development of a choking attack in a child.

M-cholinergic receptors help to relax the bronchial muscles by blocking the production of special enzymes.

Most commonly used:

  • Atrovent
  • Ipratropium;
  • Theophylline;
  • Aminophylline, etc.

It should be noted that at the moment the use of M-cholinergic receptors is limited in childhood, since the medications taken can cause severe complications in the child, accompanied by heart disorders, and in the absence of timely assistance, the patient may die.

The asthma should be stopped as soon as possible, as the long interval between attacks increases the potential for reduced drug use. For this, it is recommended to take steroid preparations for inhalation (Bekotid, Ingakort, Beclomet) during attacks. To prevent the development of seizures, you can use Brickail or Ventolin. This avoids prescribing injections.

In addition to inhalation, anti-asthma medicines used for young children can be prescribed in syrup. This shape is most suitable for babies.


Most often, bronchial asthma occurs with allergic symptoms, therefore it is recommended to take antiallergic drugs:

  • Loratadine;
  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Terfenadine;
  • Cetirizine, etc.

It is necessary to take into account the possible sedative effect that antiallergic drugs taken can provoke, therefore, in some cases, it is required to limit work activities associated with increased attention and concentration. It should be added that there are certain benefits to many antihistamines for asthma, as these drugs are free. What drugs are included in benefits for asthmatics should be checked with your doctor.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic pathology, the development of which can be provoked by various factors, both external and internal. People who have been diagnosed with this ailment should undergo a comprehensive course of drug therapy, which will eliminate the accompanying symptoms. Any medicine for bronchial asthma should be prescribed only by a narrow-profile specialist, who underwent a comprehensive diagnosis and identified the cause of the development of this pathology.

Treatment methods

Each specialist in the treatment of bronchial asthma uses various medicines, in particular new generation drugs, which do not have too serious side effects, are more effective and are better tolerated by patients. For each patient, the allergist individually selects a treatment regimen that includes not only asthma pills, but also medicines intended for external use.

Experts adhere to the following principles in the drug therapy of bronchial asthma:

  1. The fastest possible elimination of symptoms accompanying the pathological state.
  2. Prevention of the development of seizures.
  3. Assisting the patient with the normalization of respiratory functions.
  4. Minimizing the amount of drugs that need to be taken to normalize the condition.
  5. Timely implementation of preventive measures aimed at preventing relapse.

Basic drugs for asthma

Such a group of medications is used by patients for daily use in order to relieve symptoms accompanying bronchial asthma and prevent new attacks. Thanks to the basic therapy, patients experience significant relief.

The basic medicines that are able to stop inflammation, eliminate puffiness and other allergic manifestations include:

  1. Inhalers.
  2. Antihistamines.
  3. Bronchodilators.
  4. Corticosteroids.
  5. Antileukotriene medicines.
  6. Theophyllines, which have a long-term therapeutic effect.
  7. Cromones.

Anticholinergic group

Such medicines have a large number of side effects, therefore, they are used mainly in the relief of acute asthmatic attacks. Experts prescribe the following medications to patients during an exacerbation:

  1. "Ammonium", non-adsorbed, quaternary.
  2. "Atropine sulfate".

Group of hormone-containing drugs

For asthmatics, specialists often prescribe the following drugs, which contain hormones:

  1. "Bekotid", "Ingakort", "Berotek", "Salbutamol".
  2. Intal, Aldetsin, Tayled, Beklazon.
  3. Pulmicort, Budesonide.

Group of cromones

Such medications are prescribed to patients who have developed inflammatory processes against the background of bronchial asthma. The components present in them are capable of inhibiting the production of mast cells, which reduce the size of the bronchi and provoke inflammation. They are not used in the relief of asthmatic attacks, and they are not used in the treatment of children under the age of six.

Asthmatics are prescribed the following medicines from the group of cromones:

  1. Intal.
  2. "Undercut".
  3. "Ketoprofen".
  4. "Ketotifen".
  5. Cromglyate or Nedocromil sodium.
  6. Tiled.
  7. "Cromhexal".
  8. "Cromoline".

Group of non-hormonal drugs

When carrying out complex therapy of bronchial asthma, doctors prescribe non-hormonal drugs to patients, for example, tablets:

  1. Foradila.
  2. "Salmetera".
  3. "Formoterol".
  4. Oxisa.
  5. "Sereventa".
  6. Singulyara.

Group of antileukotriene drugs

Such medicines are used for inflammatory processes, which are accompanied by spasms in the bronchi. Experts prescribe the following types of drugs for asthmatics, as additional therapy (can be used to relieve asthmatic attacks in children):

  1. Formoterol tablets.
  2. Zafirlukast tablets.
  3. Salmeterol tablets.
  4. Montelukast tablets.

Systemic glucocorticoids group

When carrying out complex therapy of bronchial asthma, specialists rarely prescribe such medications to patients, since they have many side effects. Each asthma drug from this group is capable of providing powerful antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effects. The components present in them inhibit the process of sputum production, minimize sensitivity to allergens.

This group of drugs includes:

  1. Injections and tablets of Metipred, Dexamethasone, Celeston, Prednisolone.
  2. Inhalation of Pulmicort, Beklazon, Budesonide, Aldecin.

Group of Beta-2-adrenergic agonists

Medicines that belong to this group are used by specialists, as a rule, in the relief of asthmatic attacks, in particular asthma. They are able to relieve inflammation, as well as neutralize spasms in the bronchi. Patients are recommended to use (the patient can obtain a complete list from the attending physician):

  1. Symbicorta.
  2. Foradila.
  3. Salmeterol.
  4. "Ventolina".
  5. "Formoterol".
  6. "Salbutamol".
  7. Seretida.

A group of expectorant drugs

If a person has an exacerbation of pathology, then his bronchial pathways are filled with masses that have a thick consistency, which interfere with normal respiratory processes. In this case, doctors prescribe medications that can quickly and effectively remove phlegm:

  1. Bromhexine.
  2. "Acetylcysteine".
  3. "Mukodin".
  4. "Solvil".
  5. Ambroxol.
  6. Bizolvon.
  7. "Lazolvan".


When treating bronchial asthma, special devices are often used that are designed for inhalations:

  1. Inhaler - a device that is compact in size. Almost all asthmatics carry it with them, as it can be used to quickly stop an attack. Before using the inhaler, turn it upside down so that the mouthpiece is at the bottom. The patient should insert it into the oral cavity and then press a special valve that delivers the drug. As soon as the medication enters the patient's respiratory system, the asthmatic attack stops.
  2. Spacer - a special camera, which must be put on a medicinal aerosol can before use. The patient should initially inject the medication into the spacer and then take a deep breath. If necessary, the patient can put on a mask on the camera through which he will inhale the medication.

Group of inhaled drugs

Currently, relief of asthmatic attacks through inhalation is considered the most effective therapy. This is due to the fact that immediately after inhalation, all therapeutic components penetrate directly into the respiratory system, which results in a better and faster therapeutic effect. For asthmatics, it is the speed of first aid that is extremely important, since in the absence of it, everything can end fatally for them.

Many specialists prescribe inhalation to their patients, during which drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids should be used. This choice is due to the fact that the components present in medicines are able to have a positive effect on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, through "Adrenaline". Most often it is recommended to use:

  1. Beklomeda.
  2. Ingakorta.
  3. Benacorta.
  4. Beclomethasone.
  5. Fluticasone.
  6. Bekotida.
  7. "Flixoid".

Medicines from this group are actively used by specialists in the relief of acute attacks of bronchial asthma. Due to the fact that the medication is supplied to the patient in dosed form, in an inhalation form, the possibility of an overdose is excluded. In this way, asthmatic children who have not yet turned 3 years old can also undergo a course of therapy.

When treating young patients, doctors should be more careful in determining the dosage and monitoring the course of therapy. Specialists can prescribe the same groups of medicines for babies as for adults. They are tasked with stopping inflammation and eliminating asthmatic symptoms. Despite the fact that bronchial asthma is an incurable pathology, through a well-chosen treatment regimen, patients can significantly alleviate their condition and bring the disease into a state of stable remission.