Cover page design at school. How to draw up a title page of a test according to the rules?

Reports and abstracts are one of the ways to test the knowledge of students in universities and schools. In addition, some researchers are also involved in writing reports. The main purpose of such work is to briefly, but quite complete in meaning, presentation of material on any topic. In this article, we will tell you how to properly design the title page of the report, since any teacher will assess the student's knowledge, starting from the very first page of his work.

Title page structure

This page is the first sheet of the document, which displays basic information regarding the submitted work. The title page format is standard - A4, its structure can be conditionally divided into 4 blocks:
  • Upper block - it contains information about the educational institution to which the student or researcher belongs.
  • Central part of the page - the title of the document and its subject are presented here.
  • Lower right quadrant - all the main details are indicated in this zone:
    • Name of the person who wrote the work;
    • student's course of study or scientific degree of an employee;
    • surname and initials of the leader of this project, his title;
    • the grade given for the work;
    • spaces for student and teacher signatures.
  • Lower block - in this part, the city in which is located educational institution, as well as the year the document was written.

How to arrange the title page of the report

Nowadays, when creating such works, most people use a computer. Let's take a closer look at the process of writing a title page in Microsoft program Word:
  • Open a blank document in the above program.
  • At the top field, enter the following data: the name of the parent organization, the full name of the educational institution for which you are writing this work as well as the name of the department you belong to. As for the font, for this block you need to use bold Times New Roman, 14 point size.
  • In the central part of the page, stepping back about 1/3 of the sheet at the top, type the word "Report" in 20 point size letters.
  • Go to the line below and write the topic of the work in quotation marks. For this, it is better to choose a bold and large font, 16-18 point size. Remember that the topic of the work must match the content as closely as possible. In addition, it is better not to use abbreviations in the title of the report unless absolutely necessary.
  • After writing the topic, step down two lines and align the cursor to the right. In this part, you need to type the following information in 12 point type:
    • your course of study or degree;
    • group;
    • surname, name and patronymic;
    • academic title of teacher or project leader;
    • his last name and initials.
  • In the event that several authors were involved in writing the report, they should be listed in alphabetical order, naming the first one who will read the work in front of an audience.
  • The last step is to fill in the bottom block. To do this, move the cursor down, align it in the center and type the name of the settlement where the institution is located.
  • Step back another line and type in the year you read the document. For this part of the page, use the 12th letter size.

The entire title page should be typed in Times New Roman.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in addition to the rules established by the state, each specific educational institution can make its own adjustments to the design of work. In order not to be mistaken, it is best to take a sample of the title page at the department in advance, or ask questions about the design directly to the teacher.

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First page test work is the title page. Therefore, it must be drawn up carefully and in accordance with all standards. To registration of the title page of the test was correct and the teacher had nothing to find fault with, you need to know all the requirements and rules for writing it. Now we will try to tell you all this in detail. But if you do not have time to write and complete the assignment, then you can simply on our website and you can be sure of the correctness of its implementation.

How to sign the test paper correctly?

  • since the test paper is written on A4 sheets, the title page must be of the same format, respectively;
  • page margins: top and bottom 20 mm, right and left 15 mm;
  • interval one and a half;
  • font Times New Roman;
  • font size 14;
  • font color black;
  • mark usual;
  • on the title page, you must indicate the following information: the name of the educational institution, faculty, department, the name of the test or option, group number, course, specialty, your full name, full name. supervisor, place and year of work.

Now you can see what the title pages look like.

Russian University.

Sample title page of a test Ukrainian University.

Title page, like all test papers, must be written cleanly, neatly and legibly. I would like to believe that our article will help you, and you will no longer wonder, how to arrange the title page of the test? And in the next article we will try to tell you in the same detail how to write an introduction to the test.


Structure of the report

    Title page contains the following attributes:

    at the top of the title page is the name of the institution (without abbreviations) in which the work was done;

    the topic of the work is indicated in the middle of the sheet;

    below on the right - information about the author of the work (full name (full name) indicating the course, specialty) and the head (full name (full name), position);

    the place and year of work are indicated below in the center.

The title page is not numbered, but is counted as the first page.

    Table of contents- this is the second page of the work. Here all the headings of the sections of the text are given sequentially and the pages from which these sections begin are indicated. In the content of the table of contents, all the titles of chapters and paragraphs should be given in the same sequence with which the presentation of the content of this text in the work begins without the word "page" / "page". Chapters are numbered in Roman numerals, paragraphs in Arabic.

    Introduction(the essence of the problem under study is formulated, the choice of the topic is substantiated, its significance and relevance is determined, the goal and objectives of the report are indicated, and the characteristics of the literature under study are given).

    Main part(the main material on the topic; can be divided into sections, each of which, demonstratively revealing a separate problem or one of its sides, is logically a continuation of the previous section).

    Conclusion(results are summed up or a generalized conclusion on the topic of the report is given, recommendations are offered, prospects for researching the problem are indicated).

    Bibliography... The number of literature sources is at least five. A separate (numbered) source is considered both an article in a journal, collection, and a book. Thus, one collection can be mentioned in the bibliography 2-3 times if you used in your work 2-3 articles by different authors from the same collection.

    Appendix(tables, diagrams, graphs, illustrative material, etc.) - optional.

Requirements for the formatting of the text of the report

    The report must be completed competently, respecting the culture of presentation.

    The scope of work should be no more than 20 pages typewritten text (computer typing) on ​​one side of a format sheet A4, excluding application pages.

    Text research work printed in Word editor, spacing - one and a half, font Times New Roman, size - 14 , orientation - portrait. Indent from the left edge - 3 cm, right - 1.5 cm; upper and lower - 2 cm each; red line - 1 cm; alignment in width.

    Out-of-text links are formatted with square brackets, which indicate the serial number of the original source in the alphabetical list of references located at the end of the work, and the page number is indicated with a comma. For instance .

    Headings are printed in the center in 16-point font size. Headings are in bold, subheadings are in bold italic; headings and subheadings are separated by one indentation from the general text at the top and bottom. After the name of the topic, subsection, chapter, paragraph (table, figure), a full stop is not put.

    Job pages should be numbered; their sequence should correspond to the work plan. Numbering starts from page 2. The number denoting the serial number of the page is placed in the right corner of the bottom margin of the page. Title page not numbered.

    Each part of work(introduction, main part, conclusion) is printed from a new sheet, sections of the main part - as a whole.

    The alphabetical order of writing must be followed bibliographic apparatus.

    The design should not include frills, including: different colors of text, not related to the understanding of the work of drawings, large and fanciful fonts, etc.

Bibliography design rules

Sample book design:

Sakharov Z.K. History Allowance: Designing a Scientific Work. - M .: Bustard, 2003 .-- 76 p.

    Model 2.

A sample of material design from the collection:

Sakharov Z.K. Educational tasks in the distance learning system // Sat. scientific papers "On the way to 12 - summer school"/ Ed. Yu.I.Dika, Sakharova Z.K .. - M: RAO IOSO, 2000. - S. 209-213.

    Model 3.

An example of an article from the journal:

Petrova A.G. Modern technologies training // School technologies - 2002. - № 2. - P. 40-45.

    Model 4.

A sample of the data for a dissertation author's abstract:

Batrak V.I. Increasing the durability of kinematic pairs of transport vehicles: Avtoref. dis. for a job. learned. step. Cand. those. sciences / Orenburg. state un-t. - Orenburg, 1997 .-- 13 p.

Notes (edit)

    The author's name and patronymic in the initials are indicated after the surname.

    The titles of monographs, journals and collections of scientific works are given without quotation marks.

    The place of publication of the book (city) is indicated in full, except for: Moscow (M.), St. Petersburg (St. Petersburg), Rostov-on-Don (Rostov-n / D).

    Publisher names are not quoted.

    When indicating the year of publication, the letter "g." (year) is missing.

    When designing the output data of the source from which the material is extracted, the pages on which it is located are indicated: S. is written - capital with a dot, followed by page numbers. In the version of the design of the integral source, the total number of pages is indicated, after which a lowercase "c" is written with a period indicating an abbreviation.

For many students or freshmen, the title page is confusing. On the one hand, this is sheer nonsense that does not affect the value of the work, on the other hand, teachers often find fault with the design of the title page. The problem is also that, despite the official government requirements, each institution has the authority to demand from students its own registration.

It should be understood that an abstract or report is scientific work... That is why there are so many requirements related to the design. To get started, all work and title page should be clean and tidy. appearance... If you use a binder when submitting an abstract or report, then you need to provide a place for it. Step back three centimeters on the left, and one and a half and two on the other sides.

How to draw up the title page of the abstract?

According to Russian standards, the title page of the abstract (and the report at the same time) is divided into 4 parts:

  • the upper block contains the name of the educational institution;
  • the central block contains information about the work itself (name, type of work);
  • the right block includes data about the author of the work (full name of the student, group) and the teacher (full name and status (professor, associate professor) of the teacher), also in this place signatures and grades are usually made, notes on work;
  • the lower block is the name of the city and the date of creation of the work.

There are instructions from the Ministry of Education for each indentation and font size, but the problem is that educational institutions have the right to make their own requirements for the title page. Moreover, each department can make its own amendments to the design the first sheet. The whole process of transformation ends with teachers, who often do not pay attention to “requirements from above” and put forward their “proven” schemes.

If disagreements arise, then the esteemed professor will not be able to prove anything. Therefore, when filling out the title page, there is a proven way - to ask the teacher for it. This way you can avoid unnecessary worries and save time on sanding the title page. But still, the teacher is often asked to arrange the work "correctly", that is, according to state standards.

How to correctly draw up the title page of an abstract according to state standards?

Upper block

The name of the educational institution is written at the top, it is worth noting that it is written in full. For example: "Vologda state academy named after N.V. Vereshchagin ". The whole name can be written in CAPITAL letters (holding Caps Lock). The name is written in full! With all the "Ministry of Education ..." and "Higher education institution ...".

Make the text bold with a center alignment. To save space, you can make the line spacing equal to one. The font size for the entire title page is chosen one - 14 point size.

The upper block should have a 2 cm deviation from the top of the sheet. The same indent should be for the bottom block from the bottom of the sheet. For the left side, the indent is already given above, and for the right side it is better to make it one and a half centimeters. Speaking about the fields, it should be noted that it is this indicator that changes most often, therefore it is better to ask the teacher about them.

Central block

It goes immediately below the top block, and you need to indent by two lines (Enter twice). The central block consists of four or five lines or lines, each with its own information:

  • first line- the name of the faculty, but it is often written in the upper right corner of the title page, you should check this line with the teacher;
  • second line- the name of the department, written in ordinary letters (14 point size), the first word is "Department" with capital letter(Department of Anatomy and Histology);
  • third linein big letters(holding Caps Lock) "ABSTRACT" is written, this is the main word in the entire title page, so you can make it in 16 point font. You also need to make a gap of one line between this line and the previous one;
  • fourth line- the name of the discipline. For example: "By discipline: Anatomy of farm animals", while the first letters in the line and the name are written in capital;
  • fifth line- the title of the work, first write "On the subject:" with a capital letter, and then with a capital letter the title of the work. Write it in full, even if it is large, the title of the work may appear in two lines.

Right block

Let's divide it into two parts: for the teacher and the student.

Your part, as the author of the work, will consist of 6 lines:

  • Completed:
  • 1st year student
  • Day department
  • Groups # XXXL
  • Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich
  • Signature:

The instructor part consists of 7 lines:

  • scientific adviser
  • Professor / Associate Professor / Senior Lecturer (ask the lecturer for his status)
  • Departments of Anatomy and Histology
  • Petrov Petr Petrovich
  • Grade:
  • Date:
  • Signature:

All words are written in 14 point size, regular font.

Lower block

The simplest block in design. Make some indents so that the two lines of the bottom block fit at the very bottom. Usually it takes 7-8 lines to skip. First, write the name of the city, and below - the year the work was written.

How to arrange the title page of the report at the institute and school?

There are no differences in the design of the abstract and the report. Only instead of the word "Abstract" write "Report". Confusion can cause a report at school, but you can draw up it according to the same rules as an abstract. The fonts and indents in the school report are similar to the university essay. In a school report, you can increase the font of the topic title, frames and underlines are also allowed. If the work is creative (on the topic of culture and art), then the fonts can be chosen more original. V top block indicate the name of the school (in full). In the middle block, skip the name of the department and discipline. The right and bottom blocks are identical to the student's essay.