Congratulations on the church holiday of the Trinity. Congratulations on the holy trinity. Poems for the feast of the Holy Trinity

Pure light is streaming
And in the greenery - birches.
And the Lord gave the answer,
One - for all questions.

Do not stay blind and deaf.
For faith and forgiveness
Holy Spirit sent down
As God's conversion.

The domes are shining
The temples were covered with foliage.
And the Trinity is light
Spiritual gifts.

And on a day so big
Like a golden secret
Take with your soul
You are the Holy Trinity!

To the chime of the bell
Under the birds of cheerful chirping
May the feast of the Trinity in your home
Brings love and prosperity

Hope green sprouts
Will awaken with the bright light of faith!
Let there be worldly joys
And sweet happiness without measure!

Congratulations on the Trinity! Sun and heat!
May your good deeds be rewarded.
And, like a green branch, the soul will bloom,
In love with the Lord, breathing by faith.
Each thin string will feel
The sweetness of sonorous happiness, God's grace.

A wonderful holiday has come
He showed us a miracle
And after Easter all the people
He gave me warmth and light.

Holy Father and Son and Spirit
We appeared on the same day.
And on this holiday to praise
All the Lord is not lazy!

And the feast of the Trinity is now
Happy Christ Day:
Love, care, kindness
And happiness without end!

We wish you kindness in life
And all the blessings of life,
May the Trinity in all ways
Accompanies you!

Holy Trinity -
A holiday for those who believe
He's with green may
Knock on the door.

May it bring joy
Faith in every home
What a triple holiness
There is one thing in God.

May your prayers
Reach the goal
And will come to you earlier
What you wanted.

Today is the main Christian holiday,
Feast of the Holy and Glorious Trinity.
The Holy Trinity unites the hearts of people.
It protects us from evil and saves us from adversity.
Let us forgive each other on this day,
And today we will remember and honor the Holy Trinity.

With the Holy Trinity
I congratulate you.
God's grace
Let it fill the souls.

Let you with your wing
The Holy Spirit touches
God the Father and the Son
Let it stand behind your back.

Let the herbs turn green
Let the earth rejoice
Goodness, love to you in the Trinity
I wish.

Congratulate on the Holy Trinity,
I hurry you soon.
They will settle in your soul
Let the warmth and faith.

And in the heart there is a place for love,
There is always yours.
I wish the Lord to keep
Everything in life is successful.

Congratulations on the Trinity today,
And let the light fill you!
I wish you kindness, purity,
To live correctly, loving the world.

I wish you immense love
May the Lord help you.
And a wonderful, understandable prayer,
Help both others and yourself!

May this Trinity be holy
Will bring good and joy!
I sincerely wish you
Live happily and without worries!

May the Lord bless
You and your loved ones all!
May whatever the heart desires
It will be carried out without hindrance!

On the day of the bright, warm holiday of the Trinity - I wish you goodness, prosperity, often give everyone your dazzling smile, be more tolerant and generous to the people around us, show sensitivity and poise, always be honest with yourself.

Congratulations on Orthodox holiday all Christians of the Holy Trinity! May God's grace descend from heaven and give you its goodness, health and joy. May faith always accompany your path and shelter you from all bad weather. Wish your neighbor love and happiness and God bless you.

May peace and prosperity come into your life along with the bell ringing announcing the arrival of the feast of the Holy Trinity. Let there be no temptations on your way that you cannot resist, let your stay in this world be humble and calm, and let all sins be forgiven.

I congratulate you on the Trinity and sincerely wish that God will always guide you on the right and bright path in life, so that your faith will never weaken, so that faithful love and respect will give new strength, so that the Holy Trinity can always help to find its place and open your heart for good thoughts and aspirations.

Our dear brothers and sisters, we congratulate you on the Trinity! We wish that Christ will always be near you in your life and help in everything! May the Lord bless your good deeds, good thoughts and good spiritual impulses! May it help you to be like our Savior, may it give you deep faith, great wisdom and the Holy Spirit! Clear sky for you, gentle sun and long life with God!

I congratulate you on this brightest day, may the Lord bless you and give your soul peace and grace, unlimited love for you, deliverance from all ailments, universal forgiveness, may an angel always protect you in the name of father and son and holy spirit ...

I congratulate you on the Trinity and sincerely wish the soul to sincerely believe in God, so that the heart would pray every day, not forgetting to thank the Lord for the grace of life and happiness. I wish to know in this life what true love and strength are, I wish to look into tomorrow with hope and gladly accept every gift of fate.

I congratulate you on the holiday of the Trinity and sincerely wish that a bright light of hope and love always burns in life, that faith never leaves your heart, that joy and inspiration for good deeds always live in your soul. May your life always be decorated with flowering branches of good luck and lush greenery of happiness, as on this bright holiday.

On the day of the bright and good holiday of the Trinity, from a pure heart, I wish that the soul always maintains strong faith and harbors sincere hope that God's grace will fill your life, so that the fragrant and beautiful branches that decorate your home will give you great inspiration and feelings of true happiness.

May this day show everyone how many-sided the world of light and good is. With one hand, may the Lord give you happiness in life, with the other success in your deeds, your career, and with the third, peace and grace in your soul. Happiness to your home, strong family, loyalty and peace.

On June 19, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, the rector of the Church of Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Methodius and Cyril, the Slovenian teachers, Archpriest Andrei Kopeikin, at the end of the Divine Liturgy and Great Vespers with the reading of kneeling prayers, congratulated the faithful on the great twofold feast of Holy Pentecost.

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

Dear brothers and sisters, I congratulate all of you on the feast of the Holy Trinity. What is significant about this bright and joyful day? Our churches are decorated with birch branches, which resemble the same Mamri oak forest, where three angels appeared to righteous Abraham in the form of pilgrims. This was the first revelation of the trinity of God. But this was just a visible Old Testament revelation about the Divine plan of human existence, and it did not touch the entire depth of human presence on earth until the Savior came and, through His crucifixion, because of love for people, voluntarily accepted our sins upon Himself. The Lord does this according to His human, and not Divine nature, only for the sake of our salvation. Then His death comes on the Cross. The crucified Christ said: "It is finished!" (John 19:30). So what happened at Calvary? Christ, by His human nature, accepted this painful death in order to conquer it by His divine nature and give it to us eternal life with God blessing.

Therefore, the Lord was resurrected, and on the tenth day after His Ascension, we remember the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles in the form of tongues of fire. They gathered in the same upper room in Zion where, on the eve of His crucifixion, Christ celebrated the Last Supper. The fire symbolizes the cleansing from sins and the power of God's word. "Is not my word like fire?" - says the Lord (Jer. 23, 29). As you know from the Gospel, after the descent of the Holy Spirit, the apostles received special gifts: they were able to preach the word of God in many languages ​​and heal people. The disciples carried the faith of Christ to the whole world, thus they began to enlighten other nations. That is why this particular day is considered the birthday of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Today, dear brothers and sisters, we read kneeling prayers and asked the only God, the Father, Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, of everything visible and invisible, so that He would give us the same gifts, His grace and strengthen faith in Christ in our souls. And in order to carry the strength of our Christian faith to those around us, as the apostles did, we must not forget about love for our neighbor. With her, the grace of the Holy Spirit will not leave us, which will give both joy and hope for salvation.

I sincerely congratulate all of you, dear brothers and sisters, on the feast of the Holy Trinity! May the Lord and Mother of God keep you! Guardian Angel to all of you! Amen".

Abel Kombaev

The Feast of Trinity is celebrated on the 50th day after Easter - May 27, 2018, June 16, 2019, etc. Therefore, many people prepare in advance to convey to their families and friends congratulations on the Trinity in prose or in verse.

The text of the message can be short or long, simple or flowery, ordinary or original. One thing is clear: our words should be sincere and so warm that a light reflection of joy illuminates the face even through the phone screen.

You can also compose poems with the Holy Trinity on your own - sometimes inspiration comes suddenly, and there is definitely enough creative power for one verse:

The feast of the Trinity is with us,

With what congratulations!

May the Lord protect you all -

I sincerely wish!

Congratulations on the Trinity in verse can be found for free on many resources. We invite you to accompany congratulations with the following texts:

Short SMS congratulations on Trinity

First of all, we will send small text greetings in the form of SMS. They can be sent to anyone - family, friends, colleagues, neighbors. Here are some simple examples of short Trinity greetings in prose:

Hello! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the Trinity! Good health and happiness to your home, smiles and fulfillment of desires! Let everythnig will be alright!

Congratulations on the Trinity! Peace and goodness! God bless you!

Good day! I hasten to congratulate you on the day of the Holy Trinity! Let him fill your heart with sincere joy, which will last for a whole year!

Hello! I send you a warm greetings from my entire family! We hasten to congratulate you on the feast of the Holy Trinity! Happiness, health and all the best!

Despite the fact that our messages are small, this does not mean that congratulations on the Trinity in prose should look like standard SMS that can be deleted the next day.

Original SMS congratulations on the Day of the Holy Trinity

If you want to be original, let's try to be inspired by the following examples:

Congratulations on the bright holiday of the Holy Trinity! It's great that on this day it is always warm - both outside the window and in the shower. I sincerely wish to keep this feeling for the whole year!

Dear ones! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the Trinity! Let God himself patronize your family - then any obstacle will be within your reach! Hurry to do good - and happiness will not leave your family.

With all my heart I hasten to congratulate you on the Most Holy Trinity! May all your desires be heard, and the powers of heaven will always patronize you and your family!

My dear man! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the wonderful holiday of Trinity! I wish you everything that only you wish for yourself. And also something that you can't even imagine! May luck accompany you in all matters!

How to congratulate parents on the Holy Trinity

Very many people of age sincerely believe in God, go to church and try to do whatever good deeds they can. Somehow it so happened that a man with gray hair simply by definition thinks a lot about heavenly things and often goes to church, does good deeds. Perhaps this image of a parent lives in our hearts.

That is why it is necessary to congratulate mom or dad on a bright holiday somehow especially: mature people will always be able to distinguish sincere wishes from standard phrases.

Let's take these ideas for example:

Dear, beloved mommy! Only the Sun managed to illuminate the firmament, and I am already in a hurry to congratulate you on the bright day of the Holy Trinity! It's great that I can just say thank you for being there! Whatever happens in life, know: you are my brightest ray!

Of course, congratulations to parents on the holiday of the Holy Trinity can be composed both in prose and in verse. However, many of us find it easier to express our feelings in the simplest terms. But simple does not mean corny:

Dear Daddy! I warmly greet you and sincerely congratulate you on the feast of the Holy Trinity! I would like to wish you a lot today and at the same time be brief. I love you and deeply respect you, my very native person! Happiness, health, peace and goodness!

Beautiful congratulations on the Trinity in prose do not have to be too pretentious, ornate. Warm words, tender wishes - this is the perfect recipe for creating a mood:

Beloved dad and mom! A beautiful spring day has come - the feast of the Holy Trinity! I share your joy and respect for this date. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I love, I love, I love you!

Congratulations for children and adolescents

And what about the children? It would be extremely unfair to forget about them on such a day. Even if we are talking about kids, adolescents, whose life is raging on a white key, kind words will be useful to them as well.

Sincere wishes for goodness and good mood, a drop of attention - this is something that has never harmed anyone:

My beloved son! Today is a beautiful, warm day - the feast of the Trinity. And you, I know, will soon have summer holidays! I congratulate you on these wonderful events and wish that all your dreams, small and large, come true. I am proud of you and love you very much!

Beloved daughter! Today is the day of Trinity. Do you know what that means? The time has come when we can all ask God to fulfill our dreams! I know that everything will be fine with you - after all, it cannot be otherwise! May the Lord help you always and in everything!

How to congratulate adults on the Trinity

And here are some ideas on how to congratulate adults on the Trinity in prose:

Our beloved son! Mom and I send you warm greetings and hot kisses! Today is Trinity Day - a wonderful spring holiday! We wish you good changes, bright hope for the future! Believe in yourself, you are the best!

Beloved daughter! What a wonderful day the Lord has made today! Do you know why? This is the holiday of Trinity - a special celebration with which my dad and I sincerely congratulate you! Let the spring sun touch your charming eyes and illuminate your radiant smile. Be happy! God bless!

How to congratulate your beloved on the Light Trinity

And here's another important point - how can one congratulate the Trinity in prose of the one who is dearer than anyone else in the world. Whether he is near or far away - but this is the most close person... Undoubtedly, some special approach is needed here.

Let's try to get inspired by the following examples of wishes for men:

Beloved, affectionate, gentle! I send you warm greetings and congratulations on the day of the Holy Trinity! I always thank God that I have you! You can't even imagine how I love you!

My dear! It is with pleasure that I hasten to congratulate you on the wonderful day of the Holy Trinity! On such a clean, bright holiday, I think with special joy about you and me! Thank God that once he brought our paths together! So let's go together always! I love!

Darling! Today is a beautiful spring day, and I hasten to bring you my warmest congratulations on the Holy Trinity. God is love, and you and I are repeatedly convinced of this.

I want to tell you something special today. I can wish for a lot, but know one thing: if our love were an ocean, it would be possible to fly over it only in two airplanes.

Congratulations on the Trinity Day for your beloved

And here is how you can congratulate the lady of the heart on the Trinity in prose:

Darling! Today is a special day - the feast of the Holy Trinity! I am pleased to congratulate you on this wonderful, bright celebration!

Earthly love is a reflection of heavenly love. And heavenly love is God himself. It's great that we had the opportunity to experience this! I love and appreciate you immensely!

Dear and Beloved Lady of my heart! The sun has not yet lit a new day, but I want to be the first to congratulate you on the feast of the Holy Trinity! One as three, and three as one! When there are three of us, we will fully realize this truth! I wish this moment comes as quickly as possible!

My sun, with the holiday of the Trinity to you! The Lord has created a wonderful day for us today! So I want to tell you many, many pleasant words, but it all comes down to one thing: I love! I love! I love!

Orthodox greetings on the Trinity for brothers and sisters in faith

Of course, it would be unfair to forget about those people who are our spiritual brothers and sisters. It is no secret that every person has special friends whom we can trust even that we sometimes don’t tell in the family. They are lovely, sincere people, they go with us through life and support us wherever possible.

What can we say about spiritually close people? In our eyes, they have a special, without exaggeration, honorable status, because they are like-minded people who are in many ways similar to us, like two drops of water.

Congratulations on the Holy Trinity for them can be presented in poetic form, but even in prose they will sound no worse - it all depends on how to choose the words. Here are some examples for inspiration:

Dear sister, dear friend! I sincerely congratulate you on a bright holiday - the Day of the Holy Trinity! I sincerely wish you good health, peace of mind, divine wisdom and fulfillment of prayers!

The Lord loves us and will always love us. I wish you to be fulfilled with this bright feeling and in everything and always act according to love - as your heart prompts.

There is no sin to write congratulations on the Great Trinity in your own words, i.e. convey not only generally accepted wishes, but also express personal words of support.

If a person passes some kind of test, he should be congratulated especially delicately:

Dear brother in Jesus Christ, dear Friend! I hasten to congratulate you on Trinity Day! On this bright day, I would like to express special words of support to you.

I know that last days are not easy for you. But I also know that the Lord will not allow a person to be tested beyond his capabilities.

So let us be encouraged by this good news and let us face the future with confidence! I assure you of my full support and readiness to come to the rescue at the first call!

And of course, canon subjects are always appropriate - images of the Trinity on icons. Such congratulations on the holiday of the Trinity can be sent to a believer:

Dear friend! I sincerely congratulate you on the holiday of Trinity! I sincerely wish God's blessings, health and happiness! May the hand of the Lord always be above your head!

Warm words of congratulations on the holiday of the Trinity can be expressed both in poetry and in prose. Each person voices their thoughts in a different way, in their own way. It is easy for some, and more difficult for others.

But one thing is obvious: the addressee of our warm words is important for sincerity, that charge of spiritual warmth and faith that we can convey to him through any stanza. Literature and message delivery vehicles will do the rest.

The Trinity is the unity of God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Spirit and an important holiday for every Orthodox Christian. On this day, despondency, resentment and anger, swear words are prohibited. Although on ordinary days it is better to refuse this. Do not skimp on warm, kind words and congratulations on the Trinity, do as many good deeds as possible. Your kindness and mercy will surely turn into the well-being of your life and good luck.

Traditions of the feast of the Holy Trinity

The Trinity does not have a specific date, it is also called Pentecost, since it is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Holy Easter. In 2018, it is celebrated on May 27.

Holiday symbol - green color... In all Orthodox churches, clergymen conduct a festive service in green robes, decorate the church premises with birch twigs and cut grass. The illuminated birch twigs brought from the service are considered a strong talisman that can protect both the house and the household from troubles and disasters.

The icon of the Holy Trinity has a special power on this day. Orthodox Christians are firmly convinced that prayers before her not only heal from various diseases, but also help change life for the better.

It is believed that on this day, plants are endowed with special healing powers. Therefore, traditional healers and healers are trying to prepare as many medicinal plants as possible for the Trinity. If you want to ward off trouble, hang a bun around your neck spicy herbs and wear it all day long.

On this day, it is customary for relatives, relatives and friends to gather for festive table... Homemade cakes are considered the main treat.

I also propose to take note of congratulations in poetry, prose, postcards. Congratulate not only those who are near you, but also those who are far from you at the moment by sending good wishes across social networks, email or sms by phone.

Congratulations on the Trinity in prose in your own words

Please accept my congratulations on the feast of the Holy Trinity. People call it a green holiday, so let the green light always burn on your life path. May the angels protect your home from troubles and misfortunes, may you always be surrounded by loving close and faithful friends. I wish you health, happiness and long life.

In the morning, the festive ringing of bells sounds, they notify us that the wonderful feast of the Holy Trinity has come. I want to sincerely wish you health, good luck and happiness on this laziness. Kindness and mercy may always live in your heart, and guiding star illuminates your life path and points in the right direction. I sincerely wish you health and all earthly blessings.

The Feast of the Trinity is the beginning of summer, everything is blooming and fragrant. I congratulate you on this wonderful holiday. May everything in your life be as bright and cheerful, the guardian angel protects you, and the Lord bless you for good deeds. I wish you health, happiness, family warmth and well-being.

On this wonderful holiday of the Holy Trinity, please accept my most sincere congratulations. I wish peace and happiness to your home, let sorrows and troubles pass you by. May the Lord show you the right path in life and your life will be as pure as spring water.

So the Trinity has come, a wonderful bright holiday. I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and may the Lord bless you for good deeds. May peace and tranquility reign in your family, and hope, faith and love always go alongside you. Well-being and prosperity to your home.

A bright holiday is knocking at our house. This is the feast of the Trinity. Congratulations from the bottom of my heart! I wish that your guardian angel takes care of you and does not leave you! I wish you a wonderful mood, peace of mind, prosperity and strong faith!

Beautiful, short congratulations on the Trinity in verses for SMS

So the Trinity has come to visit us again

We will decorate the house with greenery!

We will love our loved ones and give smiles

And only good things to do!

I wish you that the Lord would help

choose the right path in life.

Happiness, health, success, kindness,

May trouble not touch you!

I sincerely congratulate you on the Trinity

and I wish you only the best!

What would settle in your house

A lot of joy and warmth.

Father and Son and Holy Spirit

They will stay with us on a wonderful day!

In sincere prayers

Let us touch upon the purity of heaven!

Happy Trinity Day, I congratulate

I wish you prosperity, love and health.

Peace in the family, understanding, care,

New victories, achievements in work!

On a sublime holiday, on a saint's holiday

Feel great joy in your soul!

Temples seem to be washed with divine light

The sun gilded the domes with gentle warmth,

The thinnest branches of birch trees turn green ...

This Trinity has come to us again!

I congratulate you on this holy holiday,

May he bring joy, peace!

The heart will fill with faith, good,

Real holy magic!

Let's remember on the day of Trinity

What the Lord created all of us!

Let's fill our heart with faith

So that each of us is happy!

And you can only wish hope, faith, love!

Let the sun smile at you

And your dreams will come true!

Sunday is a bright holiday!

On the Trinity, I congratulate you!

So that cherished dreams come true, I want to wish from the bottom of my heart!

May love, hope and faith

The Lord fills your days.

Do not be stingy, give in full measure

For loved ones, reserves of love.

Postcards for the feast of the Holy Trinity

Pictures with congratulations

Do not forget to congratulate your loved ones and friends on the Trinity and may all your good and light wishes come true. We wish you a festive mood, faith and all the best!

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.