How to play the tank correctly. The most dangerous opponents

Heavy IP is like an evil sorcerer whose death is hidden in magical objects. The main thing is to know how to make the "magic" work. For example, do gold shells really work, or do they just send the player into poverty? Today we will try to figure it out and figure out how to avoid mistakes that lead to quick death. After all, on the mistakes of others you will learn to play faster on the IS-1 or IS-1 than on your own.

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A good commentary on the battle in the game wot (World of Tanks).
This lesson is suitable for both beginners and experienced players, because it's never too late to learn. And learning and having fun at the same time is generally great.

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The composition "Covert Affair - Film Noire" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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The composition "Impact Intermezzo" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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The composition "CrIS-1IS-1 - Scoring Action" belongs to the performer Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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The composition "Mechanolith" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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The composition "Heavy Interlude" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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The song "Dangerous" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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The song "First Call" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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The song "Hyperfun" belongs to the artist Kevin MacLeod. License: Creative Commons Attribution (
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Don't know how to play IP? Have not learned IS-1 how to play, IS-1 how to play? IS guide, IS-1 guide, IS-1 guide, IS review, IS-1 review, IS-1 review, IS equipment and IS-1 equipment - that's what awaits you. But the IS stock, IS-1 stock, and IS jov, IS-1 jov will not be seen in this video.
But you will see the IS master, IS-1 master, IS-1 master, IS wot!

IP Video | Is it capable of without gold? How to play and tank the IS-1. A smart fight on the Soviet IS-1 channel BARABEKUS BARABEKUS

World of Tanks fans of heavy weapons during the Great Patriotic War got a unique opportunity to take part in massive battles. Here the victory is determined by the balance of the team, the correct selection of combat vehicles and winning tactics.

The IS-3 tank, which appeared at the very end of the war, was introduced by the developers into the game. At the moment, it is rightfully considered one of the most popular. Many teams include him in their squad, especially during important matches.

For beginners who seek to achieve a high position, the question arises of how to play the IS-3. Without this, it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve serious success both in random battles and in clan wars.

Theoretical component

Why is it so important to know as much as possible about the IS-3? World of tanks - the game is team-based and balanced in many components. Therefore, there are several reasons for studying the characteristics and features of combat on a specific vehicle:

  • Correct use of the war machine during the battle.
  • Effective interaction with your partners.
  • Using weaknesses to destroy the opponent's car.

In other words, players who themselves know how to play the IS-3 can also make the right decisions to cover an ally, choose the right tactics when fighting enemy vehicles, etc.

The experience of the player is of great importance, but the theoretical component is also very helpful. You need to know the power of your tank, the strength of the IS-3 armor, the penetration of certain zones in order to behave correctly in battle.

TTX combat vehicle

Before us is a Soviet tank in a classic layout. The World Of Tank IS-3 - this is a tier 8 heavy tank. It can be equipped with a fairly rapid-fire 122 mm BL-9 cannon, a V-2-54IS engine with a capacity of 700 hp. With. and the probability of fire is no more than 12%.

The performance characteristics of this combat vehicle are as follows:

  • Quite good maneuverability and high speed for a tank of this class.
  • A powerful cannon that deals good damage.

At the same time, one cannot fail to note the poor visibility and not very high accuracy of fire, as well as the presence of a number weak points in armor protection.

These performance characteristics help to determine how to play the IS-3 in various battle scenarios. Most often, he performs some kind of assault tasks - captures certain points, occupies important positions, supports attack and movement on the map, etc.

Combat efficiency and dignity

The IS-3 tank has a number of undeniable advantages that set it apart from other Tier 8 vehicles.

The main benefits usually include:

  • Quite good frontal protection with rational angles of inclination of armor plates.
  • High level of defense of the tower.
  • High top speed, maneuverability.
  • Low visibility of the tank.
  • Powerful cannon and fast turret rotation.

How does this determine the popularity of the IS-3? World of Tanks is already associated with the advanced Soviet technology during the Great Patriotic War.

Before us is a high-speed and maneuverable vehicle capable of inflicting significant damage to the enemy. Accordingly, during the match, you need to know how to play the IS-3 - constantly move forward, help to recapture heights and important points on the map, actively participate in close combat.


There are also certain drawbacks to be reckoned with. Experienced players and specialists include:

  • Low safety margin.
  • Limited viewing range.
  • Vulnerable ammo rack and the presence of weak points in the armor.
  • Low shooting accuracy.

Thus, we can conclude that the IS-3 does not withstand hits very well, so it is not the best candidate for the Steel Wall achievement. You shouldn't use this tank to close narrow passages or as the main receiver of damage in a fight. Also, due to its low accuracy, it is not very suitable for ambushes and long-range shooting from cover. A standing tank is an easy prey for enemy SPGs, as well as for other vehicles that can conduct targeted fire at the ammunition rack and look for other IS-3 penetration zones.

Basic fighting style

The entire line of Soviet heavy tanks "Joseph Stalin" in game WoT possesses approximately similar characteristics, therefore, their combat tactics are approximately the same. Each IS player must remember this and clearly follow his role, so as not to let down his comrades.

Of course, each match develops in its own way, and you can never predict exactly what will happen in the next moment, so it happens that ISs take on other tasks as well. But this is rather an exception to the general rule.

The main aspects of the fighting style and the tasks assigned:

  • Active action at short and medium distances.
  • Support for strong and powerful allied tanks of levels 9 and 10.
  • Storm important points on the map.
  • Breakthrough enemy defense in the most vulnerable places.
  • Surprise attacks from the flanks, approach from the rear.
  • Base defense, rear cover.

As such, the IS-3s become the most effective in combat. Although, of course, a lot depends on the allies. Often this Tier 8 tank becomes the main striking force.

Crew and equipment

The IS-3 crew plays an important role in combat, so you should pay due attention to it, especially in the later stages of development. Improving the characteristics of crew members should be in accordance with the main combat mission - breaking through the enemy's defense and assault actions. It is also necessary to eliminate the most typical disadvantages of this machine.

Thus, the most useful learning skills are:

  • The Brotherhood of War.
  • Repair.
  • Sniper (to improve shooting accuracy).
  • Non-contact ammo rack (to reduce the vulnerability of this weak point).
  • King of the off-road (to improve driving performance).
  • Virtuoso (for increased melee efficiency).
  • Jack of all trades (to improve efficiency when one of the crew members is injured).

Crew leveling options

Basically, each player has the right to choose perks depending on their own preferences. In the event that you like to perform assault missions to break through the defense, then you should improve speed and driving performance. If the preference is given to duels at close and medium distances, then the combat parameters and the effectiveness of the crew's actions should be improved.

The most dangerous opponents

This heavy tank is quite well protected, so it doesn't have to be particularly afraid of various opponents. Although this does not mean that such a machine is worth it. Accurate tactics using your strengths is the key to success in any battle.

The IS-3 is practically not afraid of attacks from vehicles below its level, although their guns may well cause unpleasant damage - damage tracks, injure crew members, etc.

Long-barreled 105-mm cannons pose the greatest danger, so it is better to act carefully against opponents with such weapons.

Among the dangerous opponents, it is also worth noting tank destroyers at medium and long distances. The IS-3 itself is not very good in such conditions, while the PT does very good damage due to long-range hits. In addition, a small viewing range and a noticeable spread often make it difficult to detect and hit an enemy vehicle in ambush, so you involuntarily have to open the sides and other weak points.

IS-3 in clan wars

Ordinary games with random allies and rivals often differ in several characteristic features:

  • Low organization.
  • Almost complete lack of well-coordinated tactics.
  • The big role of improvisation.
  • Dependence on "randomness" (game accidents).

This is not the case in clan wars. There is a clear coordination of combat actions, and players use the strengths of each vehicle.

The IS-3 is constantly on the move, performing assault missions. He practically does not stand still, making minimal reconnaissance and diverting the enemy's attention. Slower and heavily armored tanks tend to operate in one direction, trying to squeeze out the opponent. The IS-3 player needs to "read the course of the battle" in order to occupy the most successful positions.

When moving forward, you should not immediately open fire on enemy tanks, since the IS-3's firing accuracy is low, and stopping (for better aiming) threatens to receive serious damage. Therefore, you should move from cover to cover, causing damage to nearby opponents. Having taken an advantageous position on the front line, this tank can represent a very serious force.

However, it is best to look for weak spots in the defense, move to the flanks, lure enemy tanks under the shells of self-propelled guns and tank destroyers, and support the slow tanks of the allies. In this role, the IS-3 is able to determine the tactics of the battle, and sometimes turn the tide of the battle in its favor.

5 years and 6 months ago Comments: 7

Hello everyone, dear friends, today I will tell you about how to properly tank with your armor in the game World of Tanks.

I decided to create this guide due to the fact that many players who pumped armored tanks, for example, E-100, Mouse, IS-7 (and others) cannot properly use this armor. That is, they are pierced by tanks of low levels, classmates calmly pierce their foreheads, etc. Naturally, this is followed by "whining" on the forum, such as, "May e-100 prabbed the is-3 on the forehead !!! 11", well, you get the idea. To make this whining less, I am creating this guide. Well, let's start.

An example of tanking on the IS-7

Suppose you have pumped in the IS-7. Unlike the previous tank, the IS-8, the armor of the 7 is pretty good, and you will be unfamiliar with it. In order not to merge in the first minute, you will need to observe the following rules:
- For starters, you never need to crawl out sideways to the enemy. Even if your enemy is a level 7 firefly, still put your forehead. The reason for this is that even low-level enemies with their "fart" are able to crit at you. And the ammo rack is no exception.

- Next, always try to cover your bottom armor plate from everyone. The IS-7 has a very well-tilted upper part, which forms a "pike nose" which is extremely hard to break through, and lends itself only to tank destroyers of 10 levels.

If you cannot cover it, i.e. there is nothing (there are no hills, corpses, etc.), then turn the body to the left-right, so the enemy will not be able to target the lower part and will not penetrate you soon (most likely).

- Don't forget about turret tanking. The IS-7 has a very well tilted and rounded turret, and the turret itself is very well armored (240 mm). It is impossible to pierce it with armor-piercing shells, only with gold and then, only Fri. There are practically no hatches on the IS-7 turret, just a tiny piece that cannot be penetrated by heavy, medium and light tanks at all.

- The next rule. Never be in an open area, i.e. in a vast field, valley, etc. The reason for this is that it is possible to get a splash from the bushes from the art or tank destroyer. Or, never stand still for more than 10-15 seconds. But if you are sure that you are not in the light and they are not shooting at you, then you can stand still further.

Well, I think, with the example of the IS-7, I dawned on you a little. Let's move on to the types of tanking and for which tanks the different types are characteristic.

Types of tanking in World of Tanks

The most common type is rhombus tanking.

In this case, you place your body a little to the side, thereby the angle of entry of the enemy's projectile becomes lower and it will become much harder to pierce you. Never overdo it when tanking with a diamond. you can go over the angle of rotation and the side will be very open ... This type of tanking is intended for tanks with good armor and side and forehead, for example, Mouse, E-100. The mouse has 170 mm in the board and plus screens, 200 mm in the forehead and there are also screens. If you become a romobe on it, then 10 levels of tank destroyers will break through you with great difficulty. Do not forget about the tower, its cheeks are easily sewn (240 mm), and it also needs to have a diamond.

But you do not need to use this tanking on tanks with poor armor boards, for example, T110E5, E5 has a good forehead, but the sides are sewn even at the most acute angles, and even a rhombus will not save them.

The essence of side tanking is that you position your side at an acute angle, thereby covering the hull's forehead. Gives you a great side tanking advantage on city maps with little space. you can position yourself in the desired position and easily shoot at enemies from close range, but in return you will not be penetrated! Don't forget about the tower! Always, after each shot (when tanking with the side), it must be turned slightly to the side so that the cheeks are also at an acute angle.

This type of tanking is suitable for any heavy tanks, but those tanks whose sides are already very weak can only catch non-penetration, but you can shoot only when the enemies are not looking at you, or when reloading.
I want to note that side tanking is very well done by tanks with a rear turret, for example, sneakers, mouse, object 416, etc.

Other types of tanking.
One is pretty effective method I nicknamed Forehead tanking. That is, the essence is the same as for side tanking, but here you put your forehead at a large angle. This type is typical only for tanks in which the armor is located straight without any slopes (to the side). For example, pike nose - generally not suitable for this type, since the frontal armor is located at these tanks (is-3, is-8, is-7) in the side and, substituting it from behind the house at an acute angle, you make it even more vulnerable.

Tower tanking, I discovered myself, during the game, but other players identified it long ago before me, so this is not a discovery. Still, I'll tell you about this tanking. Its essence lies in the fact that you hide your entire body and leave only the tower. But leaving only the tower open is not enough. You also need to twirl it so that it is harder for the enemy to target the hatches on it, as well as lift the gun up so that the hatch on the tower is not visible. I would like to note that this type of tanking is only suitable for tanks with good turret forehead armor and vertical aiming angles, i.e. T34, T32, M103, Tiger 2, etc. I would like to point out that the IS-3 does not fit well here, because its roof is easily sewn with 8+ level implements and it is very difficult to tank a tower in a bathhouse.
Well, well, that's all I think, good luck on the battlefields!

World of Tanks is a universe that has absorbed all the best that is associated with military equipment. This project has gained immense popularity all over the world and continues to actively develop in the best direction. As you know, in the vastness of virtual battles, a huge amount of very different equipment has been collected, which amazes not only with its beauty, but also with its power. Every day, players face off in tank battles in order to find out who is stronger and deserving of victory. This article contains information about such a powerful and easy-to-use tank as the IS-3, which has become a favorite of many users. Thanks to the active work of the developers, this technique is presented in the very in the best possible way and is as close as possible to the original tank. You can also learn how to tank the IS-3 during battle and what is needed to properly realize the potential of this combat vehicle.

What kind of tank?

In this game project there is such a heavy steel monster as "Joseph Stalin 3", presented in the format of a combat vehicle designed for active assault and defense of key points. The IS-3 tank is a true legend of the virtual and real world, rightfully called the best among all similar developments of the same level. It has decent armor that allows it to withstand a whole barrage of fire from enemies, it has a powerful engine that provides good speed, and the model's frame has an excellent and powerful weapon that can penetrate even the toughest opponent. In addition, this technique is great for holding back the enemy, but how to tank on the IS-3 - you can find out later.

general characteristics

With regard to the technical parameters of this transport, the armor of the tank averaged 100 mm around the hull circumference and 200 mm in the turret. It should be borne in mind that the model has several slots and circles that create the effect of dynamic armor, so it sometimes happens that it is quite difficult to penetrate a player on this tank. is 38 km / h, and the durability has 1500 units. Quite good performance for Tier 8 vehicles. It is worth noting that this car is quite nimble, as it has a 30-degree turn around its axis. The tracks are powerful, capable of withstanding tons of weight and load when making a small jump. All these indicators will allow almost any user to fight well. But this also leads to another question: "How to tank on the IS-3 with the side?" Is it possible? To answer it, you need to take a closer look at the purpose of the tank.

What is it for?

First of all, it is needed in order to actively push positions along the flanks. In addition, it can be used as an excellent defensive vehicle that can withstand an aggressive attack on the base. In addition, the combat vehicle is excellent for supporting allies and for suppressing enemy fire. The versatility of this technique has become the main reason why the IS-3 has become the standard of the ideal combat steel comrade in this virtual world of battles. And the question of how to tank on the IS-3 is quite simple to answer - you need to select the correct angle for the hull and turret position during a firefight, but most importantly, you need to take into account the number of enemies and the specialization of their equipment. In general, these are the main recommendations when facing an opponent, but do not forget that success in battle directly depends on your actions and decisions.

Is it effective against multiple enemies?

The IS-3 is a fairly confident device in battle, allowing you not to get lost in unexpected situations. Before you figure out how to tank on the IS-3, it's worth assessing the environment you're in. If there are a lot of enemies around you, then it will be quite difficult to withstand attacks. Analyze the situation, if the attack is carried out from one direction, then it is worth using the terrain features and exposing only the tower for shelling, since the hull breaks through with ease. If there is no cover, it is worthwhile to understand what is the trajectory of the projectiles that fly from the side of the enemies. If the shelling is on the left, then it is worth turning the body in such a way as to form an angle of 45 degrees, then it will be more difficult to break through you. This tendency is also great for tanking fire from other directions. But one thing should be taken into account, the IS-3 turret is much more practical than the tank model itself.

Is it effective in a head-on collision?

Undoubtedly, during the battle, you will often find yourself in situations where you have to fight the enemy one on one. But even in such conditions, the IS-3 proves itself simply excellent. If you enter the clinch, then you can easily disassemble almost any combat vehicle of the same level or lower. And in order to understand how to tank the IS-3 in World of Tanks in a duel, the main thing is to remember: never expose the vehicle's weak points for shelling, and you should not just stand and exchange shells. Move, turn the turret and body while shooting your opponent, all these actions will have a positive effect on the outcome of the battle.

Weak spots

How to tank correctly on the IS-3? This issue has already been practically sorted out, although everything directly depends on the player. The main thing is to follow all these recommendations and correctly adapt to the situation in battle. With regard to weaknesses, this combat unit has several errors in its design. For example, the forehead of the tower from above has a slight inclination of the armor, which makes it possible to pierce it with ease. It is worth remembering the driver's hatch, which is located at the junction of the tower and the hull in the forehead, there is also a window for a review. And finally, it is worth recalling that, although the tank's tracks are powerful, they easily fly off when a shell hits and at the same time miss damage, which is not very pleasant in the heat of battle. Be careful not to expose the tank's flaws to fire.

Disadvantages of technology

How to tank on the IS-3 with a reverse diamond? Do not be afraid of such a question, since this procedure is described above and there is definitely nothing magical about it. This method implies that you just need to turn the body of the tank so that the trajectory of the projectile collides with an angle of 45 degrees. In addition, do not forget about the shortcomings of the technique itself, which can play a key role in a battle. For example, the IS-3 has a small ammunition reserve, sometimes there may not be enough shells to conduct active operations. It ignites easily, and the ammo rack itself often suffers. Do not forget about these moments in a collision, and then success will definitely be guaranteed. This will help you understand how to tank the IS-3. From Jove you can get additional tips, tips and secrets for tanking. His video reviews, articles, and simple comments can help you succeed. As for our proposals, they should be at least just the basis.

To show a beautiful game and always come out the winner, you need to remember only one rule. For victory, for successful fights, always play with your team. No need to act alone, no heroism, coordinate with your team and everything will be fine. This tactic is suitable for any type of vehicle, for each tank. That, in fact, is all, it makes no sense to disassemble the details, since the situations in the battle can be very different, and they simply cannot be disassembled. Do not forget that success depends to a large extent on your own thinking, and all of the listed recommendations can simply push you on the right path to conduct effective combat.

3-05-2016, 14:58

Hello to all adherents of Soviet technology and other World of Tanks players! Today we will talk about the legendary vehicle, a heavy tank of the seventh level of the USSR branch - this is the IS guide, or if you recall the full name of this heavy tank - Joseph Stalin.

TTX tank IS

Of course, the very name of this machine - Joseph Stalin, tells us about its significance and legendary status. However, if we consider the IS characteristics, we notice no less pleasant moments.

To begin with, I would like to note that we have amazing mobility for a Tier 7 heavy tank. With our weight and engine, the power-to-weight ratio is slightly above 15 horsepower per ton. This indicator allows IP tank World of Tanks to develop good speed very quickly and keep it confidently as well, keeping the momentum. With the maneuverability of the heavy, everything is also in perfect order and that's fine.

With regard to booking, many of our classmates will envy these indicators. Yes, perhaps our numbers are not record-breaking and there are quite a few vulnerabilities, but on the other hand, the angles of inclination of the armor and various bevels in the silhouette of the turret and hull, the heavy Soviet tank IS has plenty, which allows you to very often catch ricochets and non-penetration.

The rest of the IS TTX has a weighty margin of safety and low visibility, the last parameter will have to be somehow corrected by perks and equipment.

IS tool

Looking at the weapons, you again begin to be involuntarily surprised. No, of course, the armor penetration of the IS weapon is unenviable, but just look at the one-time damage! Even our average rate of fire, combined with a huge alpha-strike, does not prevent us from delivering about 1900 damage per minute, and this is without equipment and everything else.

The rest of the gun is not very comfortable, its spread is huge, stabilization is not a damn thing, and frankly, there is not enough accuracy, so it's hard to call the IS tank an apt one. By the way, the vertical guidance angles are only -6 degrees down, which is also not very comfortable, but not bad either.

However, the IS-1 World of Tanks has one more weapon to choose from. It features slightly lower alpha, increased reload speed and more comfortable accuracy. At the same time, we have the DPM about the same, but with this gun the style of play is different. We have the opportunity to realize our damage at medium and long distances. Yes, the D-10T's annual shells penetrate better, which is also good in confrontation with higher-tier tanks.

Advantages and disadvantages

In general terms, we figured it out, highlighted several strengths and weaknesses of this machine, and now we will introduce a little specifics and break everything down for clarity.

Great one-time damage;
Good mobility, dynamics and maneuverability;
Quite good booking with rational slopes;
High DPM.

Low armor penetration;
Poor accuracy;
Small overview.

The rest of the tank is played very cheerfully, it is able to work wonders, being at the top of the list, skillfully tanking and inflicting a lot of damage. As for the fights outside the top, here it is a little more difficult, you need to charge gold and play more carefully.

IC equipment

Regarding what equipment to take on the IS-1 tank, everything is quite simple. the main task- to minimize our main disadvantages and enhance advantages as much as possible, so that the choice will be as follows:
- will allow us to raise our already decent DPM, more often to use a chic alpha.
- an oblique weapon is often inconvenient, and an increase in aiming speed can slightly increase comfort.
- an excellent opportunity to raise the view to acceptable values.
The last point is not an axiom, the WoT IS tank also feels good with, which boosts all characteristics. Here everyone must decide for himself what is more important to him.

Crew training

And again we adhere to the same rule as in the case of the equipment, but it is worth remembering that we have only 4 tankers at our disposal. Thus, we will be pumping perks for the crew on the IS, focusing on increasing the comfort of shooting and other equally important characteristics.
Commander (radio operator) -,,,.
Gunner -,,,.
Driver mechanic - , , , .
Charger -,,,.

Equipment for IP

It is nowhere easier to choose equipment for IS, adhering to the economical option, we take gentleman's set as: , , . If you do not experience problems with silver or gold, feel free to choose premium workers,, where the latter option is quite well replaced by, we do not suffer from fires.

IP game tactics

We have at our disposal a very dynamic vehicle like for a heavy tank, possessing great one-time damage, good armor and poor accuracy. All this is dictated by our own rules, and therefore the tactics of combat on the IS tank is to play on the first line.

This is where we feel most comfortable, as the problems of accuracy and visibility are leveled out. The best option would be a moderate approach to the enemy and playing from the alpha. We make a shot and roll into cover while reloading is in progress.

If your choice fell on a 100-mm gun, the tactics of behavior may change somewhat. With this IS cannon, the heavy tank feels more confident at medium and long ranges, the increased accuracy makes it possible to implement DPM more confidently, relying less on the will of the VBR.

As for the confrontation with the enemy, try to turn the hull, so the IS-1 WoT tank significantly increases the reduced armor and becomes much easier to tackle. At the same time, constantly dance, moving back and forth, left and right, so that it is more difficult for your opponent to target vulnerabilities. Do not forget about the threat from artillery, hide in the terrain or behind buildings.

In general, the IS tank is a rather flexible vehicle, we can both push through directions, and quite briskly change flanks, support allies and return to knock down the capture and protect the base. It all depends on the situation in the battle and the analysis of the mini-map.

For the rest, it remains to say that the IS is worth taking, not only is it a really strong machine, through it lies the path to a very interesting branch of the development of heavy equipment of the USSR with an even more legendary top heavy.