I want skinny legs. How to make legs slim and thin in a week. Other Leg Exercises You Can Do Outside the Gym

Skinny and slender legs cherished dream all, without exception, young ladies. For many women, the question is especially relevant, how to make legs thin and achieve a noticeable result, in a short period of time on the eve of an important event or a responsible event?

For women with a toned figure and slender legs, there are no restrictions on the choice of festive or casual clothes. And during the beach season, the owners of thin legs look attractive and confident.

It is quite difficult to achieve the maximum effect in one week, but if you set a goal and follow a set of recommendations, a positive result will not be long in coming.

There are several effective ways to become slimmer:

  • change in diet and diet;
  • regular exercise;
  • additional self-care procedures.

Most importantly, after a week of intensive training, do not stop training and pay attention to yourself, and the transformation will be noticeable even to the naked eye.

Proper nutrition

The basis of intensive weight loss of the legs is the acceleration of metabolism and metabolic processes. In addition, it is necessary to eliminate possible problems in the work of the liver to accelerate the removal of toxins from the body.

Drinking plenty of water (at least 1.5 liters per day) is the key to successful weight loss. Within a week, you should completely abandon fried, fatty and salty foods. It is necessary to exclude all seasonings, sauces, including mayonnaise and ketchup. It is good if the food is steamed or baked. A significant part of the diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits.

Mandatory component healthy eating These are high fiber foods. It is necessary to include a small amount of various nuts and seeds in the diet, and your favorite sweets, sweets and desserts must be completely abandoned.

You need to completely rethink your meal plan. You need to eat at least five times at regular intervals.

leg muscle workout

Physical activity is the most effective way achieve slim legs in a short time. In this regard, it is necessary Special attention give special intensive exercises that must be performed daily.

On the first day of training, the duration of each exercise should be no more than 5 minutes, which will take about 30 minutes in total. Over the next three days, the duration of the workout can be increased to 60 minutes. For sports activities, it is not necessary to go to the gym, you can also use home conditions for training.

Exercises for effective weight loss legs:

  1. Squats. For maximum results, you can squat with additional weight, such as using a backpack or water bottles. Feet shoulder width apart, back straight. On inspiration - sit down to a right angle at the knees, on exhalation - rise.
  2. Lunges. It is advisable to use the platform. Perform lunges with a straight back, bend the front leg to form an angle of 90. Do 20 repetitions for each leg.
  3. Rise on toes. To perform the exercise, you need to stand with your toes on the platform so that the heels are on weight. While inhaling, rise on your toes as high as possible.
  4. Leg lift. Lying on a raised platform, while inhaling, tighten the muscles of the buttocks and raise even closed legs, while exhaling, lower them.
  5. Hip lift. Lying horizontally, bending the legs at the knee joints, raise and lower the pelvis. In each position, linger for 3 seconds, while the hands should be along the body.
  6. Abduction of legs. Lying on one side, bend the lower leg, and raise the upper leg. Do 20 repetitions with each leg.

Scrub-peeling for thin legs

The logical conclusion of physical training will be a trip to the shower. In advance, it is worth preparing a body scrub from natural ingredients. The recipe is simple. For a scrub you will need 2-3 tbsp. l. ground coffee. The properties of caffeine allow you to speed up the process of losing weight in the legs, toning up and stimulating the metabolism. Mix with vegetable oil, perfect olive. Add a few drops to the mixture essential oils, it is good to use citrus oils, mint. These additional components are added to enhance blood circulation and improve microcirculation.

The scrub is used after taking water procedures, applied to the still damp surface of the skin. With the help of smooth circular movements for 10 minutes, it is worth massaging the buttocks, legs, and thighs. In the process of scrubbing, muscles and skin are warmed up, blood circulation processes are intensified, the skin is cleansed of dead cells. Regular peeling helps to remove superficial skin defects. It tones the muscles, relieves the symptoms of krepatura. Such a procedure, carried out regularly for a week, will make the legs much slimmer.

Wrapping - a pleasant procedure for slimming legs

Carrying out a wrap after a workout and a peeling massage causes more intense weight loss of the legs. The procedure helps to open pores, enhance metabolic processes and eliminate toxins. Daily wraps, in combination with other leg slimming activities, will allow you to get rid of a few centimeters within a week.

It is also worth preparing for the wrap in advance. It is necessary to prepare a special mixture. To do this, mix 5 tbsp. l. cocoa and 3 tbsp. l. cinnamon. Add boiling water until a slurry with a creamy consistency is formed. A few drops of essential oils diluted in 1 tsp. olive oil, pour into the mixture. The mixture should be applied to thoroughly dried skin of the feet. The thickness of the layer should not leave gaps on the skin. Then, using cling film, you should wrap your legs. You need to wrap from the bottom up, that is, from the feet to the buttocks, tightly enough, but without fanaticism. Having finished the wrapping process, you can lie down, covered with a blanket, or, putting on insulated pants, do household chores. The duration of the procedure is not more than 1 hour. After the set time has elapsed, the mixture is washed off under a warm shower.

Knowing the basic secrets, every young lady can make her legs slim and thin in just a week. Of course, for this you need to make a lot of efforts, regularly perform all procedures, do not miss workouts and monitor nutrition. But the result will not be long in coming!

In striving for physical perfection, a person is ready to subject himself to torment by exhausting loads and the strictest diet. Dissatisfied with the shape of certain parts of the body, men and women spend hours in the gym trying to reduce or increase the volume of their arms, hips, legs.

Legs of a modern lady

If men are mainly concerned with building muscle, then women rush to the fitness rooms with a determined intention to correct the figure given by nature: to give it more attractive curves and roundness, to “sculpt” beautiful legs. As for the legs, their shape is even much more exciting for the weaker sex than the waist or chest. After all, women with beautiful legs catch the eye of men who cannot resist the graceful calves and thin ankles of modern ladies.

Fitness offers to compete with nature

However, the modern girl is no longer lamenting about her appearance. She knows that everything can be fixed, including beautiful legs. Fitness programs offer all kinds of exercises to correct any part of the body. If the hips are too massive, they can be reduced in girth, tightened; if the calf muscles are too thin, then special exercises will help increase their volume; if the hips and lower legs are not slender enough, then it is quite possible to correct this.

Owners of forms that are imperfect, in their opinion, can ask fitness room instructors how real the opportunity is to change this nature and create beautiful and healthy legs forever with their own efforts. There is only one answer: a person can change himself if he wants to. If the goal is to create perfect body shapes, then this is worth working on.

Making beautiful legs at home

What could be the cause of a woman's discontent? Legs are too full or, on the contrary, thin, disproportionate hips, flaccid calves, sagging muscles of the inner thigh, cellulite - these and other flaws are easily eliminated, experts in body shaping say. There are exercises that will help remove excess or build up what is missing, give captivating curves to the lines of the hips and lower legs.

Instructors of fitness clubs know how to pump up beautiful legs, photo and video materials tell. There are many sets of exercises to improve the shape of the legs. This diversity is due to the fact that you need to train different muscle groups. Indeed, in a person as a whole there are more than 600 muscles, and the legs consist of many dozens of muscles - large and smaller. Truly beautiful legs are obtained with a balanced development of the muscles of the thigh, lower leg and, of course, the buttocks.

How to get perfect hips

The hips can be unnecessarily thin or, conversely, become a depot for body fat. In both cases, you need strength exercises to strengthen the thigh muscles. Women with massive hips, who are afraid of strength exercises, believing that by doing so they will further increase their volume, make a big mistake. The stronger the muscles, the more calories they consume and the faster and more efficiently such unaesthetic fat deposits are spent. Also, strong muscles make the hips more toned, reduce the riding breeches, make them more slender.

It is not necessary to go to the gym, you can successfully “sculpt” beautiful legs at home. A set of exercises for the hips involves loads on various muscle groups, including the quadriceps femoris, biceps femoris, gluteal and calf muscles.

Sample Exercises

Before embarking on isolated exercises, it is necessary to warm up the muscles in an aerobic mode for ten minutes and stretch slightly. Then you can perform targeted exercises:

    Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, do a squat, pulling the pelvis back; while exhaling, straighten up and at the same time raise the right leg to the side, feel the tension in the lateral muscle; do 8 times and repeat with the other leg. In the future, increase the number of repetitions and approaches.

    Lying on your side, legs extended, raise the upper leg 45 degrees at first slowly 8 times, then 8 faster; in the third set, hold the leg in a raised position and do 8 very fast movements with a minimum amplitude. Repeat the same on the other side with the other leg.

    Lying on your side, bend your knees in front of you at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise the upper leg and lower it 8 times slowly and quickly. Do the same with the leg straightened at the knee, but also at a right angle to the body.

    These exercises need to be further complicated by increasing the load: press a dumbbell to the thigh, put a heavy bracelet on the ankle, or tie the hips or lower legs with an elastic band - this will increase the resistance of the muscles and make it work more efficiently.

    We train the inner thigh muscle

    Very often, women do not think about this zone, but meanwhile, a beautiful shape of the legs will not work if you train only the thigh from the side. Experts recommend working out the antagonist muscles together, otherwise there will be a visible imbalance: one muscle will contract regularly, while the other will become more and more flabby and sag. The result is a bias: on the outside, a beautiful bend of a trained muscle, and on the inside, an undertrained muscle.

    When training legs at home, it is necessary to strictly follow the technique of movements: it is not easy to make the thigh work from the inside, in order to feel the muscles in this area, their contraction and tension, you need to choose the correct position of the body and leg.

    Effective exercises for the inner thigh

      Lie on your side, bend your upper leg at the knee and rest your feet on the floor. In this exercise, the lower leg works: straightening it and turning the foot 90 degrees to the lower leg and at the same time parallel to the floor, do the maximum possible leg lifts at a slow pace, and then at a faster pace. When making this movement, it is necessary to ensure that the foot is turned out to the floor as much as possible, and not lifted up with the toe up. Only then can you feel how the desired inner thigh muscle is tensed.

      Lying on your side, bring your upper leg slightly forward, slightly bending your knee, and touch the floor. Leaning on it, you should raise the lower leg to the maximum possible height. You can complicate the exercise if you put the upper leg on top and thereby create a natural weight for the lower one. Alternate movements in slow and fast pace 8-16 times.

    Note: any movements become habitual and therefore you should increase the load by using dumbbells, bracelets, tape, do an increasing number of repetitions and several approaches in each exercise.

    How long does it take to pump legs

    This question is of great concern to women who need to get in shape for an upcoming party or who have a trip to a beach resort. For them, the question of how to “blind” beautiful legs in a week is not at all idle. One can be very skeptical about such statements, but it turns out that nothing is impossible, and legs can really be brought into shape in a short period of time - a week, ten days or a month. Everything will depend on the initial data and goals.

    So, the owner of naturally fairly slender legs, but noticeably out of shape from insufficient physical activity: from sitting at a desk for a long time and moving exclusively in a car, a week before a trip to the sea, she can bring them into a wonderful state, so it will not be a shame to expose her feet in public. To do this, she will have to do exercises on different leg muscles every day and include more complete protein in her diet.

    However, if it is necessary to make a more radical correction of the legs, for example, to remove noticeable curvature, excess volume, body fat, then it will take a little more time and effort. So, to burn fat, you will need to include aerobic exercises in your workout: running, walking, cycling, swimming, dancing - these and similar movements activate all the large muscles of the body, forcing them to consume more oxygen, which contributes to overall weight loss, including legs .

    How to strengthen the gluteal muscles

    Legs cannot be trained completely in isolation from other parts of the body. So, the buttocks are included in the complex of universal exercises for the hips, so beautiful legs and buttocks are usually perceived as a whole. You can not have toned hips with flaccid buttocks. For a comprehensive leg workout, it is recommended to turn on best exercises for tightening the buttocks:

    Note: these exercises, like the rest, are recommended to be done at a different pace, to vary the load, using weights: dumbbells, tourniquets, ribbons, bracelets.

    Where to find time to study

    Men will definitely appreciate harmoniously developed beautiful legs, expressing their admiration with one glance. There is no woman who would not want to feel the appreciation of her efforts in the eyes of men. To do this, you should overcome your laziness, put aside all excuses and find time in your busy daily schedule to devote 20-30 minutes to yourself.

    It is not necessary to go to the gym to experienced instructors, beautiful legs can be “sculpted” at home, using minutes of free time in front of the TV. You can watch an interesting program while lying on the living room carpet. You just need to take the right position and pump the thigh muscles. At the same time, you can put a thick volume of some dictionary on your leg: it will completely replace a dumbbell.

    Exercises for the calf and quadriceps

    You can watch a TV show while standing at the chair, at the same time doing some useful exercises to strengthen the calf muscle:

    • slowly rise on toes and lower on two legs; do the same while standing on one leg;
    • sit down in a wide plie, turning the feet, and lift them alternately on the toe.

    Raising your knees in front of you at a different pace while standing still or while walking on stairs will put the quadriceps in order.

    Backward leg swing trains the hamstrings. Movements can be performed from a standing position, taking the back of a chair, and also leaning on your knees and elbows: stretch one leg parallel to the floor and in this position bend it at the knee, trying to reach the gluteal muscle with the heel.

    What to do if the legs are imperfect

    The legs of a woman should and can be beautiful, even if nature has not been too generous. The poet also said that it is unlikely to find at least three pairs of perfect legs in Russia. He may have been right at the beginning of the 19th century, but a woman of the 21st century can argue with nature by making her own corrections. Trained strong and elastic muscles will create the perfect corset for the waist, graceful curves of the hips and buttocks, slender calves.

    If your legs are far from perfect, you can make them attractive by devoting only a few hours a week to training. If you add to this a balanced diet with sufficient protein content, you will soon be proud of winning the competition with nature.

Slender beautiful legs are the dream of every young lady, regardless of her age and build. But the concept of “slender and beautiful” does not always include the definition of “thin”. Indeed, often too thin legs become for a girl, rather, a complex than a reason for pride. But if desired, any woman, regardless of the initial parameters, can make her legs beautiful and attractive. True, this will take a lot of effort. We will talk about how to fix the situation in our article!

For those who want to make their legs thin and slender

There are a huge number of ways to achieve harmony in your legs. But you should prepare in advance that the work on yourself will be long and, perhaps, difficult.

How to achieve this?

Three main ways will help this girl.

As a rule, you should start with it, adding sufficient physical activity to a competent diet.

It is necessary to remove from your daily menu all fatty, smoked, as well as too salty dishes and foods. The basis of the diet can be boiled or baked fish, meat and chicken, as well as fresh or vegetable stew, fruits in any form, nuts, cereals, fresh sour-milk and dairy products.

As a snack, you need to get used to eating not the usual sandwiches, but, for example, toast from grain bread with a piece of lightly salted fish, a tomato baked in the oven, a handful of nuts, a banana, or drinking a glass of kefir. Adhering strictly to this proper nutrition, you can make your legs and hips thin.


Special wraps help to cope not only with cellulite, but also with extra centimeters on the hips, buttocks and calves. In this case, it is not necessary to go to a beauty salon, you can spend them at home. The most effective of them are hot wraps. In the process of carrying out and for some time after such procedures, the process of splitting fat takes place, toxins are removed from the body, and the legs become noticeably slimmer and thinner.

First option

For the first option, you will need to heat a couple of tablespoons of natural bee honey in the microwave, mix them with the yolk of one egg, and add a few (1-3) drops of any citrus essential oil. Next, this mixture is applied to the entire surface of the legs, and covered with cling film on top. The wrapping lasts about twenty minutes, after which the whole mass is washed off with warm water.

Second option

For the second option, you will need to take almond (or more budgetary - sunflower) oil, add juniper oil to it, and then grease the legs with the resulting oil mixture and wrap with cling film. This wrap also lasts about twenty minutes, after which the entire mass is washed off in the shower.

By the way, after the mixture is applied during each wrap, it is recommended to move well and warm up. You can also wear warm pants over the film.


And, of course, you can not do without physical activity. The following is an example of a fairly simple and yet effective set of exercises. It needs to be done within a day.

This complex includes primarily squats. For example, you can squat on one leg, stretching the second forward and leaning sideways against the wall. There are a huge number of options. Repeat - 15 times. The complex should include at least two squat options.

It is also helpful to raise your legs to 90 degrees while lying on the floor and stretching your arms along the body. Repeat - 30 times.
The well-known "bicycle" is also included here, when lying on the floor it is necessary to twist imaginary "pedals" with your feet. Repeat - within 10 minutes.

And finally, mahi. To do this, lie on your side with your legs extended. And then raise the top leg as far as possible. Repeat - 20 times with each leg.

How to make inflated legs thin

If as a result of regular physical activity the legs became not thin, but pumped up, then this problem can be quickly corrected by changing the training system. First, the load should be reduced, but made more frequent. Secondly, there should not be long pauses between them, and the same pace should be maintained for at least 15-20 minutes. And, thirdly, the weight on the simulators should be chosen small.

You can also "dry" with special diet, excluding flour, sweets and any products that contain starch.

For those who see a problem in thin legs

But not always Thin legs please their owner. Sometimes they become an occasion for the most real experiences. Especially if the thinness is too obvious. But even this problem can be dealt with in a variety of ways.

As a rule, excessive thinness of the legs is either an individual feature of the human figure, or is the result of a prolonged strict diet.

In some cases, the legs become too thin due to anemia or a severe lack of vitamins in the body. Only a specialist can determine the main reason.

What to do?

First of all, you should review your diet and, if necessary, make it more high-calorie. If the cause is a lack of vitamins, then you need to introduce as many fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet as possible or even purchase a special vitamin complex in a pharmacy.

And, of course, it is unlikely that it will be possible to do without appropriate exercises. More about them below.

How to pump up very thin legs and make them beautiful

There are a huge number of exercises that will help improve the shape of the legs and make them more prominent and slender. It is important to remember the basic rules for their implementation. To pump up the legs, the exercises should be performed at a slow pace and avoid long exhausting workouts.

For example, you need to squat at least 15 times in one approach. In this case, the back should be perfectly flat.

  1. You will need to stand up straight and put your feet shoulder-width apart, and hold a small rubber ball between your knees. Next, you need to alternately - either squeeze it with your legs for five seconds, then relax your legs for one second. Repeat - 20 times.
  2. You need to sit on a chair, facing the back. Holding on to it with both hands - then rise, then fall back. Feet in the process should not come off the ground. Repeat - 30 times.
  3. Pose - the back is straight, the legs are shoulder-width apart. Next, you need to slowly rise on your toes, and then sit down slightly, spreading your knees in different directions. Repeat - 20 times.
  4. Very useful in the case under discussion will be walking on toes (repeat - at least 80 steps), as well as classes on a special exercise bike. If there is no access to such a device or a regular bicycle, then you can simply replace them with an exercise called “bicycle”. Lying on your back, you need to raise your legs up and turn imaginary "pedals". This exercise is performed for at least 15 minutes. The same time is recommended for training on the appropriate simulator.

For those girls who do not have time for sports, you can, for example, simply change from public transport or a car to a bicycle. The effect will be just amazing. After a couple of weeks of such trips, a clear relief will begin to appear on the legs.

Special exercises for thin calves

To make the calves more voluminous and expressive, you should also perform special effective exercises.

The most effective in this case is lifting on toes. To do this, stand up straight and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Next - rise on your toes to the count of "one", and on "two" again fall on your heels. Repeat - 30 times. To enhance the effect, you can take dumbbells in your hands.

The same list includes walking on toes, which was mentioned above.

To diversify your activities, you can also raise and lower your legs from toe to heel, sitting on a fitball, standing at the edge of a step platform, or doing it in slow motion with weights. Each time, the number of repetitions can be increased. Professionals recommend exercising every other day to achieve the desired effect.
Of course, it is best to do this under the close supervision of an experienced professional trainer. In this case, he will be able to warn the student from a variety of possible errors and timely correct his technique of performing exercises. Otherwise, you will have to do it yourself. But, if it is not possible to visit the gym, then you can do it yourself at home. It is best to do this near the mirror so that you can watch yourself from the side during the whole process.

Video: Exercises to create perfect legs

Slender female legs are an object of admiration for the male part of the population and the pride of happy owners of such beauty. But not everyone's legs are as attractive as we would like. What to do if the legs are very thin? How to fix this shortcoming?

What to do if the legs are very thin?

First you need to make sure that your legs are really very thin and require adjustment. Many girls are biased in assessing their appearance. To avoid this, calculate the minimum amount of legs allowed for your height. To do this, height in centimeters must be multiplied by a coefficient, for calves it is 0.21, for the thigh - 0.32. If the resulting volumes are smaller than your actual sizes, stop tormenting yourself “I have thin legs, what should I do”, everything is fine with your legs.

But if the actual volumes of the legs are less than the resulting numbers, then the situation needs to be corrected. First of all, pay attention to nutrition, of course, you should not overeat, but you can add a few calories to the daily allowance. Very thin legs can indicate beriberi or anemia. So you also need fruits (for anemia, apples are required) or vitamin complexes.

Exercises for thin legs

It is clear that the problem of thin legs cannot be corrected only by enhanced nutrition. If you want to make thin legs slim, then, whatever one may say, you cannot do without physical activity. All exercises for thin legs should be done slowly, and exhausting workouts, like races on long distances you are contraindicated.

  1. Perform squats at least 12 times in a row. The back should be straight, with one hand you can lean on the back of the chair.
  2. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Hold a small ball between your knees and squeeze it - 4 seconds for compression, 1 for relaxation. Repetitions should be at least 20.
  3. Sit on a chair, facing the back. Holding on to the back with your hands, rise and fall back. Do 30 repetitions. When performing this exercise, the feet should not come off the floor, the legs should be fully extended on the rise.
  4. Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Rise on your toes, and then sit down slightly, spreading your knees to the sides. Repeat the exercise 15-20 times.
  5. Walking on toes will also help to add volume to the legs. You need to walk with a straight back and legs, and take at least 70 steps.
  6. A beautiful shape of the legs can give classes on an exercise bike. If it is not yet available, then do the “bike” exercise lying on your back for at least 10-15 minutes every day.

How to dress if legs are thin?

Almost all figure defects can be hidden with the right clothes. There are certain rules for thin legs too.

Automation of production and an increase in the availability of personal transport have led to the fact that a person spends most of his time in a sitting position. This lifestyle causes the main reasons for the deposition of excess fat in the thighs: low motor activity and an unbalanced diet. To make your legs thin and slender, you must first begin to follow the rules of losing weight. Their essence lies in the fact that the muscles of the thighs must be regularly subjected to aerobic and power loads. The diet should be carbohydrate-free, and the diet should be fractional. Wraps are also useful in the fight against extra centimeters in the volume of the legs.


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    Cardio complex for legs at home

    To achieve weight loss in the hips and buttocks in a short time, you must regularly perform special aerobic exercises. They allow you to start an accelerated metabolism, increase energy consumption in the body and activate the process of active fat burning in the legs, leaving them not pumped up.

    The most effective exercises for the thighs and buttocks that can be effectively performed at home are listed in the table:

    Name of the exercise Execution features
    Climbing the stairsThe main work falls on the front of the thigh, calf and gluteal muscles. You can carry out cardio loading right in your entrance, performing lifts from the first to the fifth floor and back. After each series, it is necessary to pause for rest and restoration of breathing (1-2 minutes). The number of approaches in one workout should be from 4 to 6. For men who want not only to remove extra centimeters from the hips and buttocks, but also to pump up beautiful calf muscles, the exercise must be carried out with weights. As an additional load, you can use a backpack filled with plastic water bottles.
    JoggingIt is best to run in the evenings, at a low pace, wearing warm but loose clothing. It is important that the duration of cardio training be at least 40 minutes - that is how much time the body needs to start the processes of active fat burning. In order to withstand such a long load, it is necessary to carry out the exercise cyclically: 3-4 minutes - slow running, 1-2 minutes - a calm step
    A ride on the bicycleCycling is recommended along the road, which has frequent ups and downs. This will allow you to alternate high-intensity exercise with pauses for rest. When driving on the plain, you need to adhere to the following scheme of work: 2-3 minutes of active pedaling, 1-2 minutes - a slow, calm ride to restore strength. The duration of a cycling session should be between 35 and 45 minutes.
    jump ropeIt is important to exercise on an empty stomach - at least 3-4 hours must pass after the last meal. The optimal technique for jumping rope is performed according to the scheme: 2 minutes - active work, 1 minute - rest. The number of such series during one workout should be in the range from 6 to 8. D This type of aerobic exercise is not suitable for girls during pregnancy

    While performing exercises from this cardio complex for the legs, it is important to monitor the pulse: its value should be in the range from 110 to 130 beats per minute. This level of intensity allows you to quickly get rid of excess fat in the lower part of the body, without bringing the body to overtraining.

    Drying legs - the best exercises at home and in the gym, diet

    Power training

    Basic exercises should form the basis of the leg slimming complex. Exactly power load leads to maximum muscle stress and activation of the production of catabolic and anabolic hormones - compounds that activate fat burning mechanisms in the human body .

    The most effective exercises for slimming legs at home are presented in the table:

    The exercise Execution rules Illustration

    The wide setting of the legs during the exercise allows you to shift the focus of the load on the back and inner thighs - the most problematic areas of the legs in men and women.

    The sequence of implementation of wide squats:

    1. 1. Sit on the floor in a standing position.
    2. 2. Put your palms on your waist.
    3. 3. Spread your feet so that they are at a distance of 50-60 cm from each other.
    4. 4. While inhaling, smoothly lower the body down.
    5. 5. On exhalation, quickly raise the torso to a standing position.
    6. 6. Do 14-16 repetitions.
    7. 7. After a short pause (45-60 seconds), perform 3-4 more series


    When lunging, the main load falls on the ass and the outer part of the thigh. For women who want to quickly build slender, lean legs and toned buttocks, the exercise should be performed with their own weight. For guys who want to not only burn fat, but also pump up the quadriceps femoral muscle, it is recommended to lunge with dumbbells or other weights.


    1. 1. Having settled down in a standing position, put your feet shoulder-width apart.
    2. 2. Straighten your arms on the sides of your body.
    3. 3. Put your left foot forward about 70 cm and transfer your body weight to it.
    4. 4. Attach the back foot to the front.
    5. 5. Perform a similar lunge with the right thigh.
    6. 6. Perform 12-14 repetitions on each leg.
    7. 7. Rest 50-65 seconds and repeat the exercise.
    8. 8. Scope of work - 4 series
    jumping out

    The exercise allows you to have a powerful physical impact on the buttocks, front of the thigh and muscles in the lower back without the use of special equipment and shells.

    Execution algorithm:

    1. 1. Being in a standing position, spread your legs shoulder-width apart.
    2. 2. Put your palms on the back of your head.
    3. 3. Tighten the abdominal muscles and, as you exhale, lower the body into a semi-squat position (there should be a right angle between the lower leg and thigh).
    4. 4. While inhaling, make a powerful jump up.
    5. 5. Land on your feet.
    6. 6. Make 8-12 jumps.
    7. 7. After a minute pause for rest, perform 3-4 more sets

    Leg raises

    The exercise is especially popular with women, because, together with the effective burning of fat in the hips and buttocks, it creates a beautiful, rounded shape of the buttocks.

    1. 1. Sit on the floor on your knees.
    2. 2. Take a horizontal position, resting your straight arms on the floor.
    3. 3. Raise the right leg (bent at the knee) up to the maximum height and lower it down.
    4. 4. Perform 13-15 repetitions.
    5. 5. Perform similar lifts with your left foot.
    6. 6. Rest 1 minute and do 4 more sets

    Squats on one leg

    The exercise is not for beginners, as it requires sports training and strong muscles legs. It allows you to work out the quadriceps muscle of the thigh as much as possible and get a beautiful relief in just 2 weeks.

    Squats are performed according to the following scheme:

    1. 1. Put your right foot a little forward and lift it up.
    2. 2. Spread straight arms to the sides.
    3. 3. Lower the body down on the left leg.
    4. 4. Without touching the surface with your right feet, lift the body up.
    5. 5. Make the maximum possible number of repetitions.
    6. 6. Perform similar squats on the right leg.
    7. 7. The exercise must be performed in 4 series with a minute rest between sets.

    Power load requires a preliminary warm-up, so training should begin with light stretching of the ligaments, leg swings and rotations of the body.

    When possible, engage in gym you can limit yourself to only 3 types of loads: squats with a barbell, lunges with dumbbells and deadlift. Basic work with weights in each exercise should be performed according to the scheme: 4 sets of 8-10 repetitions. The frequency of training is 1 time in 5-6 days.

    Ball exercises for the inner thighs and buttocks

    Classes with a fitball make it possible to diversify the training at home and work out the muscles of the legs more thoroughly.

    For correct and safe work with the ball, it is important to choose the right size. It is quite simple to do this: you need to sit on the projectile and visually determine the angle between the thigh and lower leg - it should be 90 degrees.

    The most effective fitball exercises are presented in the table:

    The exercise Execution technique Image
    Lunges with the ball

    Using a sports ball when performing lunges makes it possible to move a significant part of the load from the buttocks to the inside of the thigh. This will remove fat from the thighs and make legs thin in a short time.

    Implementation sequence:

    1. 1. Place the fitball at the back, at a distance of one meter from the legs.
    2. 2. Put the left ankle on the projectile.
    3. 3. Extend straight arms in front of you.
    4. 4. Squat on the right leg, moving the body slightly back (the back shin rolls on the ball).
    5. 5. Raise the torso to the starting position.
    6. 6. Make the maximum number of repetitions.
    7. 7. Change the working leg and repeat the exercise.
    8. 8. Take a moment to rest.
    9. 9. Perform 4 sets with each leg

    Squeezing the ball with your knees

    One of the most effective exercises for the inner thigh. It allows you to create a powerful load on the adductor and deep muscles of the pelvis, which is a great advantage over other exercises for weight loss of the legs.

    You need to squeeze the ball as follows:

    1. 1. Lie back on the gym mat.
    2. 2. Bend your knees and place a fitball between them.
    3. 3. Make 15-20 powerful compressions of the ball with the hips.
    4. 4. Rest 2 minutes and do 3 more sets

    Squats with an emphasis on the ball

    The use of a fitball in this exercise allows you to shift the emphasis of the load from the buttocks and back to the hips, thereby increasing the rate of weight loss in the legs.


    1. 1. Stand standing near the wall.
    2. 2. Place the fitball between your back and a vertical surface, leaning against it.
    3. 3. Spread your legs slightly wider than shoulder level.
    4. 4. Lower the body down until a right angle is formed between the lower leg and thigh.
    5. 5. Rise to a standing position.
    6. 6. Perform 12 repetitions.
    7. 7. Pause for a minute and repeat squats for 4 sets

    Body lifts with an emphasis on the ball

    The exercise effectively works out the buttocks and the back of the thigh, contributing to the rapid formation of slender legs and toned buttocks. Guys are recommended to perform lifts with a weighting agent (you can put a five-liter bottle of water on the lower abdomen).

    Implementation algorithm:

    1. 1. Lie with your back on a rubber mat.
    2. 2. Position the fitball in front of you and put your shins on it (legs should be bent at the knees at an angle of about 100 degrees).
    3. 3. Hands apart to the sides for coordination (if a weighting agent is used, the hands should hold it on the stomach).
    4. 4. Tear off the waist from the floor and lift it up until the body is straightened in one line.
    5. 5. Bend your knees, pulling the ball towards you (the body should take a vertical position, the feet should rest against the fitball).