How to remove a large space in a Word. How to remove extra spaces in Word

Reasons for too large spacing between words in word documents there may be several - this may be the result of the applied formatting commands of all text or its individual blocks, or the use of special characters instead of ordinary spaces. Each of the causes has its own remedies, but if you cannot find out exactly the source of the defect in the text, you can consistently apply all the remedies.


  • Start by investigating possible reasons for excessively large spaces between words, for example, by checking the formatting of the text. If the text is aligned to the width of the document, the text editor makes sure that the first letters of the first words of each line are on the same vertical line, like the last letters of the last words of the lines. To achieve this, the editor stretches the spacing between words on those lines where the number of characters is insufficient.
  • Highlight the problematic part of the text open document... If the spacing between words in the entire document needs to be corrected, then you can select it by pressing the combination of "hot keys" CTRL + A (this is the Russian letter "F"). Once you've done this, click the Left Align command button — it's located on the Home tab in the Paragraph command group. You can replace a click on a button by pressing CTRL + L.
  • Check if you have used tabs instead of spaces. To do this, enable the display of "non-printable characters" in the document - the corresponding button is located in the same group of "Paragraph" commands on the "Home" tab. Space characters will be indicated by raised dots above the baseline, and tabs by small arrows. If it turns out that they are the reason for the increased spaces, then copy one of the tabs and press CTRL + H to open the Find and Replace dialog.
  • Paste the copied space in the "Find" field, and in the "Replace with" field put a regular space. Then click the "Replace All" button.
  • If, when the display mode of non-printable characters is turned on, it turns out that the reason for too large spacing is the presence of not one, but several spaces between words, then use the same search and replace dialog. Press CTRL + H, in the Find field put two spaces, in the Replace with field - one, and then click the Replace All button. After that, press the same button again - in case there are more than two spaces between words. Press the button until Word tells you that the number of replacements made is zero.
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    It often happens that after formatting the text, your spaces have moved out and appear several times in a row. It will no longer be possible to submit such a document to work or study, since it is inconvenient to read, and it has a completely incorrect look. There are two ways to fix this, depending on how many spaces you need to remove or replace. Try both and pick the best one for you.

    How to remove one multiple space in Word

    The Microsoft Office Word program has its own hotkeys, which are much more convenient to use than constantly clicking the mouse and taking a lot of time. In this example, you will try to use them. Open your file in Word program.

    • Place the cursor immediately where there is an unwanted multiple space.
    • Now select the entire space by placing the cursor at its beginning, holding down the left mouse button, and then stretching it to the end.

    • On your keyboard, hold down the combination "CTRL + SHIFT + Space" at the same time.

    • Now look at what you get.

    The plural space has been removed and is replaced with a regular space character. This method is very fast and is ideal for single cases in your document. If you notice several such spaces in the Word file, and it will be too time-consuming to manually remove them, then use the second method.

    How to remove all multiple spaces in a Word document

    After formatting text or copying it on third-party resources, you may encounter multiple spaces on each line. In this case, the first article method will not work for you. Try the following option:

    • Open your Word file.

    • Determine for yourself whether a lot of flaws with spaces have been done in it. If you do not fix them manually, then find the "Replace" link in the upper right corner in the "Home" tab.

    • Click on it. You will see the "Find and Replace" window.

    • The essence of the window is as follows: in the top line "Find" you need to enter your multiple spaces, if there are three, then enter three, if two - then, respectively, two. In the bottom line "Replace" you need to write what we replace the upper characters with. In our case, this is one space, and put it in this field.
    • Click on the "Replace All" button.

    • Within a few seconds, the program will replace and search for the desired characters. Wait and then pay attention to the screen. It will have a big notification on how many inserts have been replaced. In the screenshot below, you can see that twenty-five of them were produced.

    • Now press the "OK" key and see what happened to your text.

    All spaces were aligned and became one at a time. If you remember the combination of hot keys "CTRL + H", then you no longer have to look for the "Replace" field in the program header. With this combination, you simply call the "Replace and Paste" window immediately and continue working from the replacement point.

    Every time you write a document in Microsoft Office Word, think straight away what kind of text formatting you will do. If you immediately set the desired formatting, then free yourself from further continuous correction of the mistakes made when rebuilding the text from one page layout to another. It can also be affected by further changes in the width of the page margin and its paragraphs.

    For more consolidation of the material, watch the video tutorial below:

    There are many different reasons for the appearance of such inconvenient large gaps that spoil the entire appearance text document - most often this is a consequence of the use of incorrect characters when formatting text. Correcting text formatting can be a difficult and time-consuming task when you need to apply the most different ways getting rid of long spaces.

    Formatting spaces in text

    • Before you start serious about formatting your text, first try to figure out the reason. If you set the standard width alignment for the text when typing, then the editor can automatically track and adjust the size of the spaces in the text so that the alignment is as correct as possible. And for this, the editor automatically stretches the spaces so that the first and last letters of each line are on the same level from each edge of the document. In this case, the text will remain with long spaces and will have to be corrected manually by deleting or adding the necessary words along the text path.
    • Next, make sure that when typing, you did not use special tabs instead of standard text spaces, which are rarely used, but can still be found in texts. This is especially true for those downloaded from the Internet text files or files whose format has been changed. Open tab mode in your document and it will show you all its symbols. Tabs are small arrows similar to the ones printed on the enter button on your keyboard. If the problem is with tabs, just do AutoCorrect, it is very fast and does not require any additional skills. Just type a tab into the AutoCorrect window and set the command to replace it with a regular space. Click Replace All and AutoCorrect throughout the document. All spaces after that should be normal size. As you can see, it is tabulation that is most often of fundamental importance when formatting. text documents, so you need to pay special attention to it so that your recipient does not see a sloppy document with non-standard spaces during transmission.
    • These two methods allow you to correct spaces in any situations with their non-standard size. The Word text editor provides great opportunities for the functionality of the program and allows you to format text in a way that is suitable for formatting text documents just for you.

    How to remove large spaces: video

    Many users often face such a problem as large spaces between words in the "Word". Experienced editors know perfectly well what the reason is and how to remove the space between words in the "Word", but newcomers at the sight of this fall into a stupor, afraid to do something so as not to harm.

    In this article we will just talk about how to remove the space between words in the "Word". All the causes of this phenomenon will be given and ways to eliminate it will be clearly demonstrated. Moreover, there are a lot of these methods, so everyone will find one that will help him.

    Justify to width

    Now we will figure out how to remove the space between words in the "Word" when aligning to the width. This reason is the first in the list in terms of prevalence. A considerable number of users, faced with the problem of large gaps, are faced with it. But you should not be afraid, it is very simple to fix it. Literally in a couple of mouse clicks.

    The bottom line is that the Word program does not align the text correctly. But it is worth noting that this happens due to the fact that the formatting configurations of the same text were incorrectly set.

    There are two ways to deal with this "problem". The first one involves changing the position of the text. It should be noted that this method will work only if the document is formatted properly. Therefore, it is not suitable for everyone. But it's still worth highlighting. So, to get rid of large spaces, try to simply left-align the text. The corresponding option is located in the "Home" tab. If you cannot find it, then use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + L.

    But what if that doesn't work? There is a second way - using hotkeys. Now let's figure out how to remove the space between words in the "Word" keys.

    The point is very simple, you need to replace long spaces with short ones. Moreover, a short space is not put by the corresponding key, as many might think, but by a special combination: Shift + Ctrl + Space. You just need to select long spaces one by one and change them to short ones. Now you know how to remove the space between words in the "Word" in width. Well, we are moving on.

    End of line

    Who knows what "End of Line" is? That's right - this is an unprintable character in the Word. It appears when you press Shift and Enter. Press this combination, and the Word program will not make a paragraph, but jump to the next line.

    It is noteworthy that if your text alignment is not in width, then you will not notice the difference, but otherwise those annoying long spaces will appear. Let's figure out how to remove the space between words in the "Word" in a similar situation.

    First you need to enable the display of non-printable characters. You can do this in the "Home" tab in the "Paragraph" section. You can see the location of this function in the image.

    When you press the button at the end of a line containing long paragraphs, you should observe the corresponding End of Line sign. It looks like a curved left arrow. To get rid of the problem, just take and remove the given sign. You can do this with both the BackSpace and Delete keys.

    Tab character

    What is Tabulation? This is an option in the "Word" that allows you to structure your text. It is quite significant, but in our case it only creates problems. Who does not know, this character is placed on the Tab key. A space (long) is visually displayed. Exactly what we don't need.

    This problem can be removed in the same way as "End of Line". Just display non-printable characters and you will see arrows pointing to the right where there are tabs. All you need to do is select this symbol and press the space bar. Thus, you will correct the situation. So you found out the last reason and the last way to remove the space between words in the "Word".

    Replacing tabs

    But what if the tabulation characters in the text are so dark? Agree, it's not an option to replace each of them manually. This can take a huge amount of time, and many will simply lose their nerves. Now let's figure out how to replace all characters at once.

    The method is painfully simple. Many people know that Word has such a function as text replacement. This is what we will use.

    So, select the tab character and copy it. Then open the "Find and Replace" window. This can be done by pressing Ctrl + H. Now insert a tab character in the "Find" field, and put a space in the "Replace with" field. Click the "Replace All" button.

    All the reasons for the appearance of large gaps in the text and all the ways to eliminate them were mentioned above.

    How to remove large spaces in a Word.

    There can be several reasons - why there are large spaces between words in Word. In this article, I will discuss some of the ways to solve this problem.

    Justify text to width

    If your document does not require the text to be justified to the width of the page - the first letters of each line are on the same vertical line, like the last - then you can align all text to the left. To do this, select the required fragment with the mouse, or the entire text by pressing Ctrl + A (hereinafter, English letters are used in all key combinations). Then on the "Home" tab, click on the button Align Text Left or Ctrl + L.


    Sometimes tabs can be the reason for the large spacing between words. To check whether they are used in the document, you must enable non-printable characters: click on the icon that looks very similar to Pi. Tabs in the document are displayed as arrows. If there are any, delete them and put spaces. Gaps in unprintable characters displayed as a dot: one dot - one space.

    If there are many tabs, you can replace. We put the cursor at the beginning of the text. Then we select one tabulation character, i.e. an arrow, and copy it - Ctrl + C; press Ctrl + H and in the window on the "Replace" tab in the "Find" field, put the cursor and press Ctrl + V. Put a space in the "Replace with" field. We press the button "Replace all". Next, an information window pops up, which shows the number of substitutions performed.

    End of line sign

    If you have all the text selected in width, and there is no other way to edit it, and the last line of the paragraph is very stretched, then perhaps at the end of this line there is an “End of paragraph” icon. To begin with, turn on non-printable characters - "End of paragraph" is displayed in the form of a curved arrow. If you have one at the end of the line, then simply delete it: put the cursor at the end of the last word of the paragraph and press "Delete".

    This option is also possible: you copied the text from the Internet, and there is not one space between the words, but two or three, so the distance is increased. When non-printable characters are enabled, there should be some black dots between words. It takes a long time to delete them throughout the document, so we'll use a replacement. Press Ctrl + H, in the "Find" field put two spaces, in the "Replace" field - one, press "Replace all". If necessary, you can put three in the "Find" field, then four, etc. spaces, and replace them with one.


    If word hyphenation is allowed in the document, then the distance between words can be edited in the following way. Select all the text Ctrl + A, go to the tab "Page layout", in "Page options" click on the transfer icon and select "Auto". As a result, hyphens are placed in the text, and the distance between words decreases.

    In this article we have tried remove large spaces between words in a Word... I hope you succeed.