Resize table in word

In order to edit a table created by option 1 or by option 2, you can (in a Word document) do one of the following: - double-click on the table; - execute the command Object Sheet-Edit of the context menu of the table or the menu item Edit; - execute the Object Sheet-Open command of the table context menu or the Edit menu item. In the first two cases, the Excel interface is launched. Then, to return to the Word document, click outside the table field, or press Esc. In the third case, Excel starts in a separate window and loads a table (or rather, a workbook) into it from a Word document. To return to Word after editing, you just need to close Excel (the table in the Word document will be updated automatically).

The same actions are performed for tables inserted as an icon. Only in this case, the opening can be used simply to view the table. Editing the table created according to option 3 is performed in the same way.

However, in this case, there are the following differences:

»Regardless of the method of entering the edit mode, Excel starts in a separate window;

»After starting Excel, it loads the workbook with which the table in the Word document is linked;

»When you exit Excel, you will be prompted to save the changes made to the workbook, after which you can:

Agree to save, and then the book file will be saved with the changes made and returned to the Word document, which will also reflect the changes made to the table; - do not agree to save, and then there will be a return to the document without saving the book file and without changing the table in the Word document. Managing links in Word is much the same as in Excel.

You can also insert an Excel chart into a Word document. If a book that already exists on the disk is used, then to do this, enter the edit mode and select the diagram sheet. If you need to insert a new chart sheet (option 1), then in the Object type list box on the Create tab of the Insert object dialog box, select the Chart value Microsoft Excel... And then a book will appear in the Word document, consisting of two blank sheets: charts and tables.

Step 1

Open the Second Book document, go to the Sales report sheet. Then save the Second Workbook document and close Excel. Start Word (you can do this by running the command Programs Microsoft Office-Microsoft Office Word 2003 from the Main windows menu). While in a new Word document, run the Object ... (Insert) command and in the dialog box that appears, on the Create from file tab, in the File name field, type full name file C: \\ Tabes \\ Second book.xls (you can not type the file name, but click the Browse ... button and, using the dialog box that appears, find the file Second book.xls).

Click OK and make sure that text document appeared a table and a chart of the sheet Sales report document Second book.

Step 2

From a Word document, double-click the table. This will launch the Excel interface. Change the content of any cell and click outside of the table box in the Word document.

Make sure the table in the Word document has changed. Open the Second Book document, go to the Sales report sheet. Make sure the sheet hasn't changed since the relationship between excel document and word document was not installed. Close document Second Book.

Close Word without saving the new document.

Tables in the program Word allow you to carry out more complex tasks of positioning text on a sheet. Moreover, you can adjust the size of the table exactly to the millimeter, specify the height of the rows and the width of each column.

Within the framework of this article, we will consider an example of accurately setting the size of a table, as well as other parameters that affect the display of a table when printing a sheet.

When a table is selected or when the cursor enters a table area, a new graph appears in the Word menu"Working with tables"which includes bookmarks"Constructor" and "Layout"... It is in these tabs that all the menu items we need for fine-tuning the tables in the program are located.Word.

In the bookmark "Constructor" there is a menu of already configured various table styles, which are assigned to the selected table by simply choosing from the list of the style you like.

In the graph Table Styles there is a point "Fill", in which you can select the fill color of the table. The fill is selected only for the selected table or for a separate selected cell in the table, which allows you to create tables with multi-colored cells.

Under item "Fill" there is a point "Borders"which allows you to make table edges or lines between cells invisible. In this case, you can make absolutely any combination of visible and invisible table lines, as you can see in the screenshot below. Hidden lines are shown with blue dotted lines, which can be hidden if desired by clicking Show Grid.

In step "Borders" at the very bottom of the drop-down menu there is an item Borders and Fills, which can also be found in the pop-up menu when you right-click in the table area. This item calls the settings window, which has three tabs "Border", "Page", "Fill", which slightly expand the settings already considered.

In addition to the considered settings for filling tables and configuring the visible and invisible borders of the table, in this window you can select the thickness of the table line, the type of the table line. In the bookmark "Page"you can choose different effects for the page itself, such as frame, shadow and more.

FROM different styles displaying tables, we can say that we figured it out. Now let's move on to specifying the exact size of the table. You can make similar settings by calling the window "Table Properties"... This window is called in the bookmark "Layout" in the graph "Table", or from the pop-up menu when you right-click in the table area.

In the window "Table Properties" the following tabs are available: "Table", "Row", "Column", "Cell" and Alternative text... Bookmark Alternative text we will not use it, but we will consider all the rest in more detail.

We'll start with a bookmark "Table"... This tab is used to configure the table as a whole. There is a line "The size", in which we indicate in centimeters the width of the table 10 cm.

Next line "Alignment", which determines the position of our table on the sheet. We indicate "Centered"... With the option "left" you can also specify an offset from the border of the used part of the sheet.

In line "Wrapping" you can specify whether the text will flow around our table. We choose "not".

There are also two buttons on this tab. One of them Borders and Fills, we have analyzed this point above, and "Options"... When this button is pressed, a window appears. "Table parameters"where you can do additional settings... Can be customized Default Cell Fields, i.e. indents from cell borders. This is the area where the text in the cell will be placed. Default Cell Spacing we will not change, since we are quite satisfied with the location of the cells end-to-end. Checkmark opposite the item "Autosize by content" we will remove it, otherwise the size of the cell will grow automatically if the text does not fit into it.

In the bookmark "Line" you can adjust the line height. Sets the minimum height in centimeters, or the exact value of the line height. We will set an exact value of 1 cm for all lines, and for the first we will set a height of 0.5 cm.You can also enable or disable parameters such as "Allow line breaks to the next line" and "Repeat as heading on every page".

Working in Microsoft Word with tables, it may be necessary to select some parts in it, or completely fill it. This will help focus attention on headings, or on those cells in which information is extremely important.

So let us in this article we are with you and consider how to change the color of the table in the Word, the whole, or only certain cellsand how it changes for boundaries.

In order to completely fill the table, select it - click on the arrows in the upper left corner. Open the tab "Working with tables" - "Constructor". Further in the article, we will only work with this tab, so I will not remind you every time that you open it.

Click on the arrow on the "Fill" button and select the appropriate option from the drop-down list.

If you want to paint only the header, or any other cells, then select only them, and then select a shade from the list.

In order to fill in just one cell, it is enough to put italics in it, and then select a color.

Now let's figure out how you can change the color of the borders. Select everything, click on the arrow next to the "Borders" button and select from the list Borders and Fills.

This window will open. In it, select the desired color from the drop-down list. In addition, here you can change the type of lines, make them dots or dotted lines, and their width. Then on the left, click on the "All" button. Look that in the field "Apply to" was indicated "table" and click "OK".

I have painted over all the lines, even those that were removed. , read by following the link.

To do this, select the cells that are associated with them, and remove those that are not needed in the "Borders" drop-down list.

For painting, you can use one of the ready-made styles. Select it and expand the list of available styles by clicking on the arrow pointing down. Then choose the appropriate option.

Preset styles change the color of cells and borders, and you can focus on the headings or the left column.

If you want to be repeated on every page, read how to do it.

If, on the contrary, you have a document with a color table, then remove its color in the Word as follows. Select it, open the familiar window and select in the "Color" field. On the left, click on "all", and then click on the "OK" button.

Thus, all borders will become standard black.

To change the fill, you need to click on the button of the same name and select "No color" from the list. As a result, all cells will become the same as the sheet itself.

In these ways, it will turn out to change either the color of the entire table, or individual cells, or its borders. Well, if the changes you made do not suit you, you can always delete them.

For editing it is necessary to select the entire table or its individual elements. It is most convenient to select adjacent elements with the mouse. Place the cursor in the desired place, hold down the left button and drag the mouse horizontally or vertically. If you need to edit cells, columns or rows that do not border each other, select one group of elements with the mouse, hold down the Ctrl key and select another group ..

To select an individual column or row, position the cursor in one of its cells. In the "Table" menu in the "Select" section, click on the required item. In the same way, you can select the entire table or a separate cell.

If you're using Word 2010, in the Table Tools group, go to the Table Layout tab and click the Table icon. In the Select section, choose Quick Select Group of Cells.

How to add rows, columns and cells

In Word 2003, place the cursor in the cell next to which a new row, column, or cell should appear. In the "Table" menu in the "Insert" group, specify the desired element and the insertion method.

In Word 2010, right-click on the desired cell and select the "Paste" command in the context menu.

How to delete a table and its elements

Select with the mouse the elements to be deleted or the entire table. If you are using Word 2003, in the "Table" menu in the "Delete" group, choose the command you want. To delete an entire table, you must click on "Select" in the "Table" menu.

In Word 2010, the Delete button is located on the Layout tab under Table Tools. Specify the item and how to remove it.

If you want to delete the contents of the table, select it with the mouse and press Delete. Rows, columns and cells are cleared in the same way.

How to change column width and row height

Hover over the border of the column or row that you want to resize. When the pointer turns into two arrows pointing in different directions, hold down the left button and drag the border in the desired direction with the mouse.

Working with cells

If you want to split a single cell into columns and rows, right-click on it. In Word 2003, use the Split Cells command and specify the number of columns and rows you want. In Word 2010, the Split Cells command performs this task.

If you need to merge several cells into one, select the adjacent cells with the mouse, right-click on them and select the “Merge Cells” command from the context menu.

You can choose the horizontal or vertical position of the text in the cell. Right-click a cell, then Text Direction from the drop-down menu. In the Orientation section of the direction window, specify the desired location.

Another way of formatting text in MS-Word is tables that allow you to visually present various kinds of information: the results of analysis, statistical forecasts, financial reports, etc.

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Table - one or more rows of cells commonly used to represent numbers and other elements in a way that makes them easier to view and analyze.

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MS-Word offers several ways to create a table. The choice of the best one depends on the complexity of the displayed data and the user's requirements. First, you should choose a place to create the table, and then use one of the following methods:

1) If the table format is simple: on the "Standard" toolbar, click the "Add Table" button, select the required number of rows and columns by moving the mouse pointer.

2) If the table format should be different from the default one: select the command “Table ⇒ Insert ⇒ Table” and in the window that appears (Figure 1.28) set the number of rows, columns, parameters for setting the table size (group “Auto-fit column widths”), one from built-in formats (button "AutoFormat").

Figure: 1.28 - Inserting a table

To create a more complex presentation of tables in MS-Word, there is a whole set of tools.

Adding rows / columns to an existing table is possible using the "Table ⇒ Insert" menu and the corresponding commands for adding rows / columns. Deleting rows / columns is carried out using the "Table ⇒ Delete" menu commands. Similar actions can be performed by the corresponding commands of the context menu, if you call it on the specified elements of the table.

You can also split table cells into several cells and perform the reverse procedure - merge several cells into one. In the first case, call the context menu on the cell, select the "Split cells" command and specify the required number of rows and columns in the window that appears. In the second case, the cells to be merged must be selected, and then, by calling the context menu, select the “Merge Cells” command.

In Figure 1.29, aan example of a table with a breakdown of cells is presented, and in Figure 1.29, b- with their combination. In addition, in this figure, various design techniques were used to style the tables, such as setting the border of the table, changing the direction of text in cells, and aligning the contents of cells.

Figure: 1.29 - Presentation of tables

The view of the table can be changed using the commands of the "Tables and Borders" toolbar, shown in Figure 1.30, a... For example, to change the borders, you should select the type of border lines (in the figure, a single solid line is selected), their thickness (in the figure, the value is 0.5), and then using the "Borders" element, define the table borders for which the specified type of formatting should be used ...

Text located in table cells can be displayed with different directions... To do this, use the corresponding command "Text Direction" of the "Tables and Borders" panel, the execution of which leads to a change in the direction of text output: horizontally left to right, horizontally right to left, vertically from bottom to top, vertically from top to bottom (Figure 1.29, b).

Cell contents can also be aligned within a cell in several ways. These alignment methods are available from the context menu. Figure 1.30, bshows how you can set the alignment method for information in a cell. You can use the "Table Properties" command to change almost all table parameters. When this command is selected, a dialog box appears on the screen where the user can change any elements of the table and any of their parameters.

Figure: 1.30 - Techniques for working with tables

MS-Word tables provide the ability to perform elementary mathematical calculations. To do this, place the cursor in a cell and open the Formula dialog box using the Table ⇒ Formula command (Figure 1.31).

Figure: 1.31 - Creating and Formatting Formulas

In the first field, a formula is entered using simple arithmetic operations and some standard functions available from the drop-down list

"Insert function:".

The second field “Number format:” sets the format of the result presentation.

Almost any formula uses values \u200b\u200bfound in other cells. To get these values, you need to refer to the cell by its address. The cell address is formed from the column index and row number. Columns are designated by letters of the Latin alphabet (A, B, C,...). Line numbering starts from one. Below is a 3 × 4 table with its address in each cell.

Table 1.1

If the function uses values \u200b\u200bfrom several cells, their addresses are listed separated by semicolons (A2; B4; C3; C4). In the event that the cells

are located side by side, you can specify only the address of the first and the address of the last cells, separating them with a colon. For instance:

A1: A3 (a group of three vertically positioned cells);

A1: D1 (the group consists of four cells that are in the first line);

B1: D3 (a rectangular area of \u200b\u200bnine cells. B1 is the upper left corner of the area, D3 is the lower right).

There are two more reserved words for cell groups:

LEFT- indicates all the cells in the row to the left of the cell with the formula;

ABOVE- indicates all cells in the column above the cell with the formula.

Table 1.2 shows some of the standard functions used in the Formula: field.

Table 1.2 - MS-Word functions

For functions with empty parentheses, any number of arguments are allowed, separated by semicolons (;). Arguments can be numbers, formulas, or names bookmarks1 containing numbers.

To perform calculations in the table, the following algorithm is proposed:

1) Select the cell where the result will be placed.

2) In the "Table" menu, select the "Formula" command.

3) If MS-Word suggests an unsuitable formula, remove it from the field


4) In the "Insert function" list, select the required function.

6) In the "Format" field, enter the number format.

MS-Word inserts the calculation result into the selected cell as a field. When you change cell references, you can update the calculation results by highlighting the field and pressing F9.

1Bookmark - a mark or place in the text, which is assigned a specific name, which allows you to go to it later.