Eclipse of the year Astrology. Features of the coming eclipse

The fact of the existence of such a phenomenon like a solar or lunar eclipse, who excited the minds of many wise men for more than three and a half thousand years, to watch this phenomenon began from 1136 to our era, when this phenomenon was first fixed. At first, it was noted that lunar eclipses occurs more than solar. The lunar happens only when the moon enters the full moon phase, and sunny - only at the moments of the complete absence of the moon (new moon). A couple of thousand years after the first lunar eclipse recorded in the chronicles, astrologers have learned schedule, and calculating the date of each of these, decided on the nature of their phenomenon.

Solar and Moon Eclipse Calendar for 2017

As you know, the planets move in orbit, which for the Earth has a pronounced form of an ellipse, somewhat inclined. Due to this corner of the inclination of the plane of rotation of our planet relative to the plane of the motion of the moon, no eclipse occurs every month, but only from time to time. For this, it is necessary that the sun, the moon and earth are on one straight line.

Solar Eclipse in 2017

For, we will be lucky to witness two solar eclipses: full and ring. What is the complete eclipse of the Sun to guess is not difficult - this is a phenomenon in which the moon completely covers the solar disk, and people who observe from the earth for what is happening, the sun will not be visible at all.

The phenomenon of ring solar eclipse is extremely harder. During such an event from the Earth, a certain bezel will be visible, which will remain from the Sun, when it hides behind the lunar surface. Ring solar eclipse will occur February 26, 2017, complete solar eclipse we can see August 21, 2017(see Calendar).

Moon Eclipses in 2017

The lunar eclipses occur only during the full moon, in 2017 there will be two: half-and-alone and private. To understand what it should be learn about what shadow is and half. These definitions are particularly familiar with artists, because they have to work with similar techniques in painting to create the illusion of the volume of the subject on paper. In life, the shadow and half the day meets everywhere. But the biggest scales of this phenomenon acquires in space. The moon throws his shadow to Earth, around which there is a large circumference of a half-way - the shadow in which the sun rays penetrate, making it transparent and weak.

The half-hole lunar eclipse implies that during this phenomenon, the Earth will not fall under a direct lunar shadow, but only in its half, which is why the brightness of the lighting of the moon will not be fixed with the unarmed eye. Hustled lunar eclipse will happen February 11, 2017. In the case when the moon falls under the earth's shadow, only partially, astrologers speak of a partial lunar eclipse. You can watch it August 7, 2017(See Calendar above).

Effect of Eclipse on Man

In addition to psychological influence, lunar and solar eclipses have an impact on human well-being. During such phenomena, there are cases of hypertensive deviations, which becomes the cause of headaches, rapid heartbeat and even irritability attacks.

We have already survived a partial lunar eclipse on August 7, ahead, on August 21, we are waiting for a complete solar eclipse. Any eclipse, both sunny and lunar, has a huge impact on a person, and on the planet as a whole.

I suggest to share, from whom it lives, and if there are good sources to read about the impact, it will be great here to collect.


    Everything will be solved, probably during the corridor.

    I am convinced that everything will be fine, but such a feeling that they fell across me and decided to bury simply, do not understand why.
    My actions went to the detriment, which was mainly reflected at work: removed on time with an unclear perspective.

    In August, space objects form a "Eclipse Corridor". This time will be filled with both harmonious and destructive energy fluxes. It is necessary to protect its energy and direct the activity of heavenly shine to themselves.

    Eclipse is a bright astronomical event accompanied by energy tension, which is literally felt in the air. August is marked at once with two eclipses: lunar and sunny, one of which has already happened. Astronomical phenomena, replacing each other, form a difficult and exciting period for everything alive on the planet.

    On August 21, a sunny eclipse will occur on the axis of the lion. The lion is a symbol of creativity, power and pride. Pretty burning energy will fill people born under the auspices of the fiery element or the sun.
    On the World Arena, this will affect the mood of society: the update will appear, the dissatisfaction with the existing position of affairs will increase, local conflicts will exacerbate.

    The end of the month will be overflowing with fateful events.

    Much will depend on personal qualities and zodiac features.

    You should be ready to take a leading position, react calmly to everything that happens.

    Influence of solar eclipse on human energy

    The second in 2017 the eclipse of the Sun will take place on the 21st, at 19:49 Moscow time. The daylight will be in an active position, enhanced by the constellation of the lion. A complete eclipse is expected, which, unfortunately, can be seen only on the territory of the United States of America. Residents of Central Russia will not be able to observe a darkened sun disc, but the energy impact of this event will be felt regardless of its visibility.

    Astrological conditions of this period are much more favorable compared to the lunar eclipse, so it can be considered rather positive than negative. The focus will be aspects of uranium, moon and sun.

    The main topics that will affect this astrological event will be directed towards love and creativity.

    The strengthened energy of the Sun in Lev will give all representatives of the zodiac circle, determination, purposefulness and the ability to develop their energy potential. Astrologers recommend listening to their heart and act on the basis of their desires and internal resources. The powerful energy impulse should be sent to the creative channel or take advantage of them for new victories in heart matters.

    New projects are best started after a solar eclipse occurs. During the darkening of the daylight, it is necessary to work on the harmonization of feelings and emotions. Do not climb the Rogger, to participate in pursuit of material success, put yourself higher than others.
    In the field of relationships on this day, problems may arise. Astrologers warns that the feeling of selfishness and augment will increase. If possible, it is necessary to get rid of the benefit of a happy future.

    Proper distribution of energy
    Solar eclipse will pass through the element of the fire in the sign of the lion. This will certainly affect emotions. There are various kinds of confrontation both on everyday life and at the global level. Bioenergy experts urge to maintain composure and prudence. No need to focus on negative experiences, make hasty decisions that you can regret. It is advisable to tune in to an optimistic way and practicing positive thinking.
    Solar activity will give a powerful tide, which borders with emotional and physical burnout. Do not try to argue immense - it can deprive you of vitality. On this day, the head of the corner is a sequence and slowness. Show important things for one day, competently distribute your inner forces, let yourself relax.

    A part of the raging energy is reasonably directed to strengthening biopolis and health. Let the solar eclipse give you a starting day to refuse bad habits. Moderate physical exertion will help to increase the tone of the body. Proper nutrition will give rest to the digestive system.

    During the period of solar eclipses should not be exposed to emotional and physical exertion. This is the time to be released from the accumulated negative and targeting for new victories. Incorrect management of energy of this day risks lead to a complete devastation, bordering apatine.

    In general, the energy of the solar eclipse is positive, it will bring more pleasure, love, creativity and courage. The sun and the moon in Lion urge to become a leader, stand out in the crowd and attract attention. Do not be afraid to show yourself, let everyone around see how unique you are!

    Eclipse in conjunction with MarsWhat makes it special. Mars is an active planet, its energy gives courage to decide on what previously lacked courage. If you feel lethargy or lack motivation, then such a mood will quickly leave, replaced by enthusiasm and the need to act.

    In the eclipse map there are harmonious aspects (blue lines on the astrological map), connecting the sun and the moon in the lion with uranium in the Aries and Saturn in Sagittarius. When the heavenly bodies form the aspect of Trina among themselves is a good omen who promises good luck and harmony. Keywords for such aspect - dialogue with each other. The planets on the fiery trine are all wanting to act, but each in its own way.

    Uranus in Aries gives the desire to be free and boldly move forward. You may decide to try something new or even risk, so the surrounding will be shocked by your behavior. However, you will be less worried about someone else's opinion.

    Saturn in Sagittar also proposes to act, but it can apply restrictions if you decide to go ahead without a carefully worked plan. This is a protective aspect that urges us to first develop a plan, and only then proceed to the implementation of your new exciting enterprise.

    Trin Saturn and Uranus contributes to the adoption of bold changes (uranium), which will be implemented responsibly and neatly (Saturn).

    Sextile Jupiter and Saturn brings optimism, supported by a certain share of caution.

    However, not all the relationships of planets are harmonious, among them there are negative (red lines on an astrological map), which also needs to be taken into account.

    Jupiter in the scales forms the aspect of the square with Pluto in Capricorn and Venus in cancer, in addition, there is a square of Venus with uranium, which adds speakers. Most likely, the planetary exposure will find an expression in the field of relationships. Unexpected changes in personal relationships may occur, the consequences of which will affect a long time. Management issues, authorities and theme "We are against them" - all this becomes relevant at the end of August and in the autumn months.

    In astrology it is considered useful when there is a balance of positive and negative planetary relationships. In this case, the successful possibilities that symbolize trins will be supported by the desire to act that create intense aspects.

    Rituals on eclipse
    The August eclipse is one of the most significant turning points of 2017. It carries a wave of fresh energy, which will help to open a new chapter of life. Be on the wave of this energy and be sure to use it in your own interests.

    The day has a strong energy, so magical rituals will bring excellent results. There is a great time to determine your dreams and desires, and then write them on paper. Thus, you form the intention, and the forces of the universe will support you and will contribute to its execution.

    Thoughts-seeds sown on the day of eclipse will receive a powerful growth stimulus, so you should be careful with your desires. It may well happen that their exercise will turn your world upside down.

    Recommendations of Astrologa
    A lion's sign has a connection with creativity and creating, so a great idea will show yourself on this day in a creative key. Do what you like. For example, you can bake something, write a letter to a person who is very angry, but not send it. Or make cleaning and decorate your home to make it more comfortable and comfortable.

    On the day of the solar eclipse August 21, 2017, also three days before and after this date it is not recommended to take something important, it is advisable to spend time in a relaxed atmosphere. If there is an opportunity, it is better to transfer responsible meetings and negotiations to other days, travel, making large purchases, conclusion of financial transactions, etc.

    I have an eclipse in the 7th House of Natal, the eclipse point makes the opposition to Natar Mercury in 1 d, it controls 4.5 houses.
    Sun UPR 7, Moon 6, and Mars 2.9, Ie, it is presumably tension, a breakthrough is possible through problems, or exacerbation of situations, on the topic of partnership (any), hired workers (work. Solkitiv), finance, which can affect the problems in the house, with children (For example, as a lack of time), as well as a breakthrough creative, lion Eclipse symbolic UPR 5 d, well, my Mercury with a lion in oppo ..., also short trips, business trips, Merk Symbolic Exhibitions 3. But Tr
    venus will make trin to Natal Venus UPR 3.8 D, which adds harmony and gives hope for a breakthrough.
    In addition, for me, these eclipses go through nodes, returns, the past such an eclipse was married in 1999, the topic of property acquisition was laid.

    Active axes 1-7.2-8.3-9.4-

    Ksyusha, make in SOTIS, select --- Make a double card, in the first natal, I mean your data from the place of birth, into the second transit, 21.8.2017 the city where you actually live / be at the time of Eclipse 21:21 in Moscow, consider the difference to To your where are you.
    The received map put here, see .. :\">

Special solar eclipse is waiting today, August 21, 2017, the whole world! All experts are already preparing to maximize the impact of this event on our land and in general on all celestial bodies. NASA reported that it would be very strong and can even lead to a navigation failure worldwide. Therefore, we advise you to prepare for you.

When will and how much will the solar eclipse begins in 2017

Today's phenomenon was already called the "Great American Eclipse". For the first time in the history of the Moon, not only the sun will completely close, and its shadow passes throughout the United States.

In Russia, the eclipse will be seen only in the Far North-East (Chukotka (06:26, 08.22.17), Kamchatka (06:26, 08.22.17) and the North-Ocean Ocean). Fully the moon will close our shine at 21:26 (MSK)

As experts "NASA" today's "black Monday" in the United States will help to hold them very long-awaited experiments, and also to solve a lot of secrets.

Residents of Russia will be able to observe the phenomenon only if they live in Chukotka. And that is not the full phase. But, good, in the yard of the 21st century, and everyone will be able to look at a complete solar eclipse on the Internet. For example, we suggest to do on our website - we will conduct a video broadcast. Starting broadcast - at 19.00. by Moscow time. The maximum phase can be seen at 21.26 MSK. And the end of the eclipse - in 23.02. MSK.

Solar Eclipse August 21, 2017: Direct online broadcast

For example, they will be able to finally solve the secret of the solar crown, which worries humanity a long time ago. It can be easily visible as well when the moon closes the sun, so it is the best time for research. Also today, scientists will work on the secret solar wind, the influence on the ionosphere, as well as on the heavenly bodies that are near the shining.

The duration of the eclipse at the maximum will be 2.4 minutes. At this time, the width of the lunar shadow on the earth's surface will be 115 km!

Eclipse will continue for 1 hour and 33 minutes.

The US National Aerospace Agency plans to conduct a video broadcasting that everyone who wants the residents of the Earth could watch the online phenomenon. For online broadcasting NASA, 11 spacecraft are used, three aircraft and 50 aerostats.

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One of the most anticipated natural phenomena can be called eclipses. They occur with some periodicity, so scientists can call the dates of future eclipses of the sun or the moon in advance.

This is important not only from the point of view of astronomy, but from the point of view of astrology, bioenergy, because such phenomena always make the world around a little different on a short time. To know how the sun and the moon will influence us with you at the moments of eclipses, try not to forget about them, tracking the lunar calendar or making notes for yourself.

What is an eclipse

Imagine a dark room devoid of light. The only source is a lantern. Let the lantern be the sun. Suppose it shines to you right in the face of the opposite side of the room. You are sitting on a chair or on the sofa, that is, you are on the ground. Imagine that someone will stand in front of you or. For clarity, imagine that someone will take the ball and sweep it right in front of the lantern. If you work in a full scale, you will need, for example, a pea or something round and small. If you look at the Maker, holding her fingers right in front of your face, then she can close the sun, that is, the lantern. This is a solar eclipse.

With a lunar eclipse, everything is more complicated. Imagine that the Earth and the Moon will be changed in places. Now we throw the shadow on the moon. Since the earth is greater than the moon, then the shadow is much more often and more clearly passes through the lunar disk.

Nearest eclipses of 2017

In February, there was one solar and one lunar eclipse. Now the summer has come for the second "wave" of eclipses. They will happen in August.

August 7 will be partial eclipse of the moon in Aquarius. It will happen in the evening, at about 18:20 Moscow time. It can be seen only from the telescope, but still not well enough.

August 21 will be a complete solar eclipse in Lev. This means that this event will be very spectacular. Unfortunately, it will be possible to observe it only in North America. Partial eclipse will be seen in the Far East of Russia.

Thus, August will be quite rich. If you have a desire, you can watch the broadcast or the record of the solar eclipse on August 21, but you should not worry too much about this, because beautiful eclipses are 5-6 years old, and maybe more often. Of course, the lunar disc while closes the sun is not completely. In the same place of the globe, the complete eclipse of the Sun occurs once every 200 years, which can already upset astronomy lovers.

How eclipses will affect human energy

And sunny, and lunar eclipses personify the opposition of the moon and the sun. We feel it with you on yourself. Remember that before any such phenomenon for the day or even for two do not stand:

  • abuse alcohol;
  • violate the day;
  • overnight;
  • stay in stressful situations;
  • make important decisions;
  • start some important things.

On such days, you can even part with the past, getting rid of garbage and trash house. Clean not only the place where you live, but also your soul. Do not be afraid to dream, forgetting about all negative moments, events and people to remove negative programs.

August eclipses are dangerous from the point of view of astrology. The lunar eclipse on August 7 will be held in the sign of Aquarius. On this day, it is worth asking for forgiveness from those whom you offended by the word or the case in the past. Do not swear with anyone, especially if you do not want to have problems at work and in study. Aquarius can make you say something that will forever turn away from you a loved one.

The eclipse of the Sun in Lev on August 21 will be dangerous to everyone who wishes to keep leadership. Do not give empty promises on this day. Do not put yourself above other people: show your colleagues and subordinate, as well as close people that you are equal. This will strengthen confidence.

Throw unnecessary emotions from the head. August is an energetically dangerous month, but you will smile good luck if you attach some efforts to it. You will all work if you are careful enough on August 7 and 21.

Positive thinking will allow you to defeat any problems, because the law of attraction is always working, even in the days of eclipse. Good luck to you and do not forget to press buttons and

13.07.2017 07:32

Every day the week affects people in its own way. Energy of stars and planets allows you to perform everyday duties ...

Rare and colorful phenomenon visible throughout the CIS and Georgia will occur in the evening of August 7 from 21:24 to 23:19 in Tbilisi time - in almost two hours, the moon will pass through the northern part of the earthly shadow, as much as possible in it with its southern edge to a quarter disk.

The shadow will be held at the bottom, but the eclipse can be observed with the naked eye, and if you want to observe a brighter and colorful picture, experts advise to leave the city. There you will more clearly see the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017, if the weather is clear.

Russians, with the exception of the inhabitants of Chukotka and Kamchatka, where the morning will come, and the moon will hide behind the horizon, they will be able to observe this rarest phenomenon of nature from 20:24 to 22:19 Moscow time, reported on the website of the Moscow Planetarium.

Moscow Planetarium invites everyone to see a rare astronomical phenomenon in the sky Park from 20:00 Moscow time - astronomers promise that the heavenly performance can be seen, and even notice the color of the color of the lunar disk on the burgundy-red, which usually occurs during lunar eclipses, although The moon will be located low enough above the horizon.

At an astronomical site, several telescopes will work at once for observing the phenomenon, in addition to this astronomer will tell about the heavenly objects and the phases of the eclipse - the event will take place only under the condition of clear weather, which will be announced additionally on the day of observations.

You can buy tickets for the event on August 7 from 19:00 to 22:00 at the ticket office of the Moscow Planetarium.

Do not miss the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017, as this is a rather rare and colorful phenomenon that can be seen with the naked eye.

At the same time, astrologists warn that the lunar eclipse on August 7, 2017 coincides with the full moon, so the day you need to try to spend calmly - I do not quarrel and without swearing, so as not to spoil the mood and, most importantly, do not move away from yourself.

As for positive moments, the lunar eclipse will be held in aquarity, which means that the moon on August 7 gives a chance to decide on changes in life that sometimes it is necessary for everyone. The day is also good for self-analysis, spiritual searches.

Eclipse - time is dark, so there is a risk that bad desires and thoughts can visit you, so make every effort so that they are not realized. A day is also a great probability of quarrels and conflicts, there may be treachery and infidelity. Therefore, astrologers advise to show attention and understanding to their loved ones and show how they are the roads.

The health of most people will be quite stable, although many mood may not be particularly positive. This day will want privacy, but should not be fully protected from close people and leave communication.

On the day of the lunar eclipse, it will be necessary to show activity, but be careful and careful when solving important issues.

Lunar eclipses

The lunar eclipses occur at the moments of the full moon, when three celestial bodies - the sun, earth and the moon are located on one straight line. At the moments of the lunar eclipses, the earthly shadow falls on the moon. The lunar eclipses are complete and private depending on whether the shadow covers the whole lunar disk or part of it.

If the earthly shadow covers only part of the moon, then this is a private shadow lunar eclipse. If the earth shadow does not touch the lunar disk at all, but it passes near it, a half-blooded lunar eclipse occurs. It is said that the "half of the earth" falls on the moon. If the earthly half is covered only a part of the moon, then this is a private seven-way lunar eclipse (it is very difficult to notice his eye).

The next eclipse of the moon will be complete and will occur on January 31, 2018. It will be visible throughout Russia, except for the Western and Southwestern regions, where the moon will appear in the evening at the end of the eclipse.

In August, earthlings will see two more beautiful natural phenomena - the total eclipse of the Sun, which is called the Great American, will be held on August 21, and the peak of the most beautiful starfall of the year - Perside is expected from 12 to 13 August.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources