"Dunno" N. Nosov. travel game. Literary game based on the novel - fairy tale by N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" Adventure travel game of Dunno in kindergarten

AUDIENCE: children from 6 to 14 years old.


Participants are divided into two teams, they come up with names. For winning games, teams receive a point. At the end of the event, the points are calculated and the winning team is determined.

During the event, the presenter reads excerpts from the book N.Nosova « Dunno in the Sunny City ".

Leading:Guys, we continue our acquaintance with the book N.Nosova « Dunno in the Sunny City ”and today we will go on a journey through the clothing factory. In this factory, the shorts of the Sun City produce a variety of clothes. But before we go to the factory, I offer you this game. I will name the things that a certain fashionista wears, and you should clap your hands if the named things can be worn, and if they cannot be worn, then you should stomp loudly. So let's get started!

Game "Fashionista"

So, I saw a skirt on a fashionista ( clap)

Not one, but two at once ( stomp)

A fur coat on the shoulders of fish ( stomp)

And a pot on my head (stomp)

Boots on her feet (clap)

High heels (clap)

And there are earrings in my ears (clap)

And tights on my hand (stomp)

The scarf dangles around the neck (clap)

On the nose - glasses, like a shadow (clap)

A fan is tangled in my hair (stomp)

And on the belt - a belt (clap)

She also has a blouse (clap)

Umbrella - cane in hand (clap)

A jellyfish weighs on the shoulder (stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash (stomp)

There is a ring on the finger (clap)

And on the neck - a bowler hat (stomp)

And also a pendant - a heart (clap)

And a cambric shawl (clap)

If you meet that girl

Remember this fable.

I want to wish you

You can't meet such women of fashion!

Leading:Well we warmed up with you! Now you can go on a journey! Tell me guys what kind of transport Dunno and his friends Klyopa, Kubik, Knobotchka and Pestrenky arrived at a clothing factory? (children's answers)That's right, by car. Imagine that you and I get into the car and quickly drive to the factory. (children imitate the sound of a motor)And so we stop "Near a circular ten-story building painted with very beautiful flesh-colored paint." Let's go inside. We are with you “We found ourselves in a large circular room with a shiny white tiled floor and the same white walls and ceiling. From all sides came the muffled hum of mechanisms and the soft rustle of fabrics being manufactured. … On the first floor of the factory there is a large textile cauldron of the Engineer Cylinder, in which various fabrics are created from threads ”.

I have in my hands the threads from this cauldron, let's wind them up.

Game "rewind the thread"

Players compete in pairs. At the signal from the leader, the participants begin to unwind the thread, the one who completes the task first wins.

Leading:Our journey through the factory continues, and I invite you to the second floor. “… Various jackets, jackets, coats and jackets are produced here. But here the threads go through the dyeing process before they get into the loom, that is, they are continuously pulled through vessels with dyeing solutions. "

Guys, I invite you to participate in the process of dyeing fabrics.

Game "Dyers"

Pieces of white cloth are hung at a distance from the team. Each team receives a brush and paints. At the signal from the leader, the first players of each team dip a brush in paint, run to the fabric, make a brush stroke, return back to the team and pass the baton to the next player. The team that dyes the fabric faster wins.

Leading:And I invite you to the third floor. As you can see here "Trousers of different styles and sizes are made." Let's check how comfortable the trousers produced here are.

The game "Trousers"

Each team receives oversized trousers. All participants are divided into pairs. One player puts on one leg, the other the other. Each pair must run to the skittles and back, passing the pants to the next players. The winner is the team whose members complete the task faster.

Leading:And our journey continues. "The fourth, fifth and sixth floors are busy producing various dresses, skirts, blouses and blouses." And many beautiful buttons are sewn onto the shorty's blouses. I suggest you button these blouses with all the buttons.

Game "One button, two buttons"

One player from each team puts on a blouse / shirt and stands a few meters from his team. At the signal from the leader, the first team players put on gloves, run to their player, button up one button on their blouse, come back and pass the gloves to the next participant. The first team to button all the buttons on the blouse wins.

Leading:And we are going up to the seventh floor of the factory. Here "Leggings, stockings, socks, ties, bows, ribbons, laces, belts and other small things and handkerchiefs are made." Guys, I have a sock in my hands, made on this floor, and in it are riddles about clothes. Try to guess them.

Dress Riddles Game

The teams take turns pulling one puzzle out of the sock. The team with the most riddles wins.

Leading: Guys, look what beautiful ribbons are produced by the short ones in their clothing factory. And now I suggest you make bows out of these ribbons.

Game "Bow one, bow two"

A rope is pulled at some distance from the teams. Each player receives a ribbon. At the signal from the leader, the first players run to the rope, tie a ribbon with a bow on it, return to the team and pass the baton to the next participants. The first team to complete the task wins.

Leading:And we go up to the eighth floor of the factory, where they produce "All kinds of hats." For example, these are the hats (the presenter shows his hat). An interesting game can be played with this hat.

Game "Musical Hat"

All participants stand in a circle, and while the music is playing, pass the hat to each other. When the music stops, the player with the hat in his hands must complete some task: sing a song, recite a poem, dance, jump, etc. After completing the task, the player is eliminated and becomes a spectator. The last competitor remaining in the circle brings their team a Victory Point.

Leading:Our journey continues, and we ascend to the ninth floor of the clothing factory, where the little ones make shoes. “There were popular… thick, multi-layered and pressed fabrics, from which they liked to make shoes in the Sunny City”. Guys, what shoes do you like to wear the most? (children's answers)And now I'll check how fast you know how to put on your shoes!

Game "Shoe Rush"

All participants take off their shoes and place them in a large box or mixed on a piece of cloth. At the signal from the leader, the players of both teams run up to the shoes, find their own, put on their shoes and line up in teams. The first line-up wins.

Leading:Guys, you and I went through nine floors of a clothing factory, but “We have not met a single shorty, since all processes, up to the packaging of finished products, are performed by machines. But on the tenth floor, the opposite is true, that is, there are no cars at all, and there are many kids and babies. Some of them stand at easels and draw something, others sit at tables and draw something, and still others sew something from various materials. There are a lot of mannequins around, that is, large, in real short stature, dolls on which ready-made dresses were tried on ”. On the tenth floor of the factory, guys, there is an art department, where the little ones - the artists come up with designs for fabrics, and also invent new styles of clothing. The most famous artist Nitochka works here. “She is currently working on a design for a new fabric called Morning in a Pine Forest. And recently, Thread has created a sample of fabric called "Ladybug". Another time, Thread came up with an even more interesting matter called "The Four Seasons". It was printed in eight colors, for which eight new printing rollers were made. The whole city dressed up in these dresses with pictures. "

Guys, I suggest you become artists and create your own drawing for the fabric.

Game "Artists"

Each team receives a sheet of drawing paper and paint. Their task is to create a drawing in 10 minutes. The team that makes the most interesting, unusual drawing wins.

Leading:Guys, our journey through the garment factory has come to an end. You and I have gone all ten floors, and now let's go down to the first floor. On the first floor of the factory, finished products are packed and put into boxes to be distributed among the shops of the Sunny City. And now I invite you to try yourself in the role of packers.

Game "Packers"

Each team is given 10 items and newspapers. At the signal of the leader, the players pack each thing in a newspaper, put them in a box and when the box is full, bring it to the leader. The first team to complete the task wins.

Leading:Well done boys! Our journey through the clothing factory is over, you have brilliantly coped with all the game tasks. Let's calculate the points now and determine the winning team. (presenter counts points)Team wins (name)! Let's congratulate them and loudly applaud the winners.


  1. Nosov N. Everything about Dunno and his friends: Tale. - SPb .: Azbuka, Azbuka-Atticus, 2013 .-- S.293-302.
  2. Turygina S.V. Handbook entertainers: concert programs for adults and children. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2009. - pp. 172-173.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov (1908 - 1976) was born on November 23 - Soviet children's prose writer, playwright, screenwriter. Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1952). Best known as a children's writer.

Nosov's trilogy, which includes fairy-tale novels "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953-1954), "Dunno in the Solar City" (1958) and "Dunno on the Moon" (1964-1965), received fame and love of many generations of readers. The last of them was awarded the State Prize of the RSFSR named after N.K. Krupskaya in 1969.

In 1957, an authoritative international magazine made a calculation - the works of which Russian writers were most often translated into other languages. The result was a list in which Nikolai Nosov was the third - after Maxim Gorky and Alexander Pushkin. Through the efforts of the translators, his characters spoke in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, even in Japanese. For example, the owner of a confectionery shop in Japan wrote a letter to Nosov, in which he expressed a desire to name his enterprise in honor of Dunno.

In this article, we will tell about the writer and his work, including tales about Dunno, and also why Dunno on the Moon is compared to The Hour of the Bull, written in 1968 by Ivan Efremov.

“He brought his remarkable talent
A gift to the world.
And went to the city of Sunny
Drink nectar. "
From a poem by Lydia Mirnaya dedicated to the memory of Nosov

Perhaps, there is no person in our country who did not read Nosov's works in childhood or did not know at least one hero of his wonderful books and stories.

Being a children's writer is not easy. You should not be cunning with children or try to deceive them in the desire to appear sincere.

“Think, weigh. Writing for children is hard bread. You can't live on it, but you have to give yourself completely ... "- said the famous children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov.

Brief biography of N. Nosov

Writer and playwright Nikolai Nikolayevich Nosov was born in 1908 on November 23 near Kiev in the village of Irpen. All his childhood passed here. Since his father was a pop actor, the parents reasonably believed that Nikolai would follow in his footsteps. However, he preferred the violin, but very soon it became clear that it was not easy to study music, this forced Nikolai to abandon his plans to become a musician.

The childhood of Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov fell on one of the most tragic periods of Russian history. The war and the revolution that followed it deprived the family of stable earnings. Because of this, Nikolai had to combine his studies at the gymnasium with part-time jobs from the age of 14. Helping the family, he tried many professions, ranging from a newspaper seller to a haymaker. After the end of the Civil War, the gymnasium where Nikolai studied was transformed into a seven-year school, from which he graduated in 1924. After that, he got a job as a laborer at a local concrete plant, and then went to Bucha to a private brick factory.

Around the same time, Nikolai seriously engaged in chemistry, organizing a laboratory in the attic of his school friend, who also took an active part in scientific research. In the future, he wanted to enter the Kiev polytechnical Institute... However, I could not realize this desire due to the lack of a completed secondary education. Therefore, Nikolai began to study at an evening vocational school. At the age of 19, the future chemist changed his mind and chose to become a student at the Kiev Art Institute. His choice was influenced by his passion for photography and cinema.

In 1929 Nikolai left for the capital, where he entered the Moscow Institute of Cinematography. Two years later he graduated educational institution, becoming a director and director of scientific, animated and educational films.

During the war Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov directed educational films for the army. One of his military-technical creations for tank forces won him the State Prize. In addition, in 1943 he was awarded the Order of the Red Star, which was one of the most revered military awards.

How Nikolai Nosov came to literature

Nikolai Nosov came to literature quite by accident. At first, he just made up funny stories for his son, and only a little later realized that the stories would be worth writing down.

The little son demanded more and more new tales and interesting stories, and Nosov began to compose them first for him, and then for his friends. The writer realized that this creativity requires both great knowledge and understanding of child psychology. And most importantly - respect. And all of Nosov's works are permeated with such great love and attention to children.

At the age of thirty, Nosov first appeared in the Murzilka magazine with the story "Zateyniki" and had unexpected success.

In subsequent years, the author began to write for various all-Union children's publications, winning the recognition and love of young readers. Nosov drew plots from real life, describing in detail and naturally the life of his funny characters - intelligent, witty and inquisitive, in which every child could certainly recognize himself. The author, being a father himself, was well versed in child psychology and, importantly, perceived children as individuals, betting on the upbringing of healthy ideals of friendship, respect, mutual assistance, and other things in their fragile consciousness. At the same time, in the works of Nosov, there is absolutely no open ideological propaganda, so characteristic of the writers of that period. But agitation for happiness, for a correct and conflict-free life permeates his works. Finally, Nosov's children's stories are simple fascinating storiescapturing attention from the very first pages.

The fame of an accomplished children's writer was finally strengthened after the release of the trilogy about Dunno, which became a classic of children's literature.

Nikolai Nosov's Tales of Dunno

This is how the writers say about the fairytale trilogy about Dunno.

“Dunno - this was a discovery ... Adventures, characters, knowledge, morality - everything was put into the book, and so easily and organically - that it never occurred to a single child that he was not just entertained, he was taught ... That is why I am so I love this book "(Sergei Lukyanenko, writer),

“There were many outstanding children's writers in the USSR, but none of them had Dunno on the Moon. Try it now, re-read it. Our society is tailored according to his book. But its value is far from being limited to political satire ”(Lev Pirogov, writer).

The most famous and beloved by readers are the fabulous works of Nikolai Nosov about Dunno. The first of them is the fairy tale "Cog, Shpuntik and Vacuum Cleaner". Then the famous trilogy was written: "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (1953-1954), "Dunno in the Sunny City" (1958) and "Dunno on the Moon" (1964-1965). A fairy tale novel with elements of science fiction and political satire and dystopia "Dunno on the Moon", economists call the most sensible and accessible textbook of Soviet political economy. From it you can perfectly learn what advertising, a joint-stock company, a bursting bank, a corrupt press, a strike, unemployment, a stock exchange, what market relations are. In the fabulous trilogy about Dunno, the writer complicates the task - in addition to simple skills, the acquisition of which can be learned from his first stories and novellas, the writer includes teaching arithmetic or cooking porridge, he talks about space, rocketry, and the structure of society.

Did he write exclusively for children? I think not. And especially this question arises in relation to his latest book - "Dunno on the Moon".

Non-childish subtext in "Dunno on the Moon"

We open the book and see the inscription:

For children of primary school age.

But as soon as together with Dunno we find ourselves in the city of Davylon (as it is in tune with the biblical Babylon), a simple fairy tale develops into something more ... The author here is clearly carried away by social and political satire. Of course, rereading a work at a different age and not a child, you can find something not childish in almost any children's book. However, judge for yourself.

We offer quotes with non-childish overtones from "Dunno on the Moon".

  1. One can only imagine and be moved by how children who have recently crawled out of the sandbox are talking about private property or they say, sitting down at the desk for the first time, that now it is their private property.

“- Don't you recognize, perhaps, private property? Klops asked suspiciously.
- Why don't I admit it? - Confused Dunno. - I admit, only I don't know what kind of property it is! We have no private property. We sow everything together, and plant trees together, and then everyone takes what they need. We have a lot of everything. "

  1. The reference to the Foolish Island is a clear hint from Nosov that idleness and entertainment lead to complete degradation. Very subtle in relation to young children.

“- Well, listen. Everything is possible here. You can’t just not have a roof over your head and walk the street without a shirt, without a hat or without shoes. Anyone who breaks this rule is caught by the police and sent to Stupid Island. It is believed that if you are not able to earn money for housing and clothes, then you are a hopeless fool and your place is just on the Island of Fools. At first, you will be there and fed, and watered, and treated with whatever you want, and you will not have to do anything. Know yourself eat and drink, have fun and sleep, and walk as much as you like. From such a stupid pastime, the short man on the island gradually grows stupid, runs wild, then begins to grow overgrown with wool and eventually turns into a ram or a sheep ... "

  1. It is unlikely that it would occur to children to profit from their less wealthy comrades. The swindlers about whom Nosov writes, they, hopefully, have not yet become by this age.

“The fact is that Dunno came to us from another planet with a priceless cargo. He brought back the seeds of giant plants, which bear very large fruits. … But all the inconvenience is that these seeds remained on the surface of the Moon, in the rocket. We do not have aircraft that can rise to such a height. Therefore, first it will be necessary to design and build such an apparatus, but this will require money.
“It will be more difficult with money,” said Julio. - I know many who would not refuse to receive money, but I do not know anyone who would agree to voluntarily part with them.
“That's really true,” said Miga, smiling. “But I already have a wonderful plan. The money for this business should be provided by the poor themselves. After all, it is for them that we want to get seeds from the moon.
- Correctly! - Julio was delighted. - We will establish joint-stock company... Let's issue shares ... Do you know what shares are? he asked Dunno.
- No, I have never heard of them, - admitted Dunno.
- Shares are such pieces of paper, like banknotes. They can be printed in a printing house. We will sell each share, say, on a ferting basis. We will spend the money raised on the construction of an aircraft, and when the seeds are delivered, each shareholder will receive his share of the seeds. Of course, whoever has more shares will get more seeds. "

  1. The name of the city where the heroes go is reminiscent of San Francisco. Wasn't Bunin's hero going there for the American dream? It's good that everything ended well here.

“- That's great! - said Krabs. “You can have a lot of fun in San Komaric. However, money is good everywhere. "

  1. Modern children, of course, don't read newspapers at all. In our opinion, Nosov described all preferences here very correctly. Who does not like to look through the "yellow" press ...

“There were Delovaya Savvykh, and Davillon Humoresques, and Newspaper for Plump, and Newspaper for Thin, and Newspaper for the Smart, and Newspaper for Fools. Everyone who bought the "Newspaper for Fools" said that he was buying it not because he considered himself a fool, but because he was interested to know what they were writing about for fools. Incidentally, this newspaper was conducted very intelligently. Everything about her was clear even for fools. As a result, the "Newspaper for Fools" was sold in large quantities and was sold not only in the city of Davylon, but also in many other cities. Newspaper owners were well aware that the name itself should arouse the interest of the reader, otherwise no one would buy their newspaper. "

  1. The city is not devoid of secret societies similar to Free masons.

“Once, when they were returning from work, Piskarik said: You, I see, are a short man, and you can be trusted with a secret. We have a secret society here. The Society of Free Spinners is called. If you want, I can write you down too. From time to time we get together, talk about life, we buy together good books, together we subscribe to the newspaper. You know, it is difficult for one person to spend money on a newspaper, but together it is much easier. We want all spinners to become more educated and smarter. "

That is, Nikolai Nosov prophetically warned us in childhood, in the distant 60s, about what would happen to the country in the future.

"Dunno on the Moon" is in many ways a reflection of contemporary reality in Russia. In a world in which only the thirst for money, profit and entertainment rules, people turn into rams - this is the writer's message to us.

Nikolai Nosov already in those years spoke about the following moral and social categories:

  1. Worldview:

“Why do the rich need so much money? - Dunno was surprised. - Can a rich man eat a few million? - Well, this is when you want to put dust in the nose of others.

  1. Advertising

"Usually a lunatic buys only those things that he read about in the newspaper, but if he sees a cleverly composed advertisement somewhere on the wall, he can buy even the thing that he does not need at all."

  1. Monopolization of the economy

“The best way out of this situation is to start selling salt even cheaper. The owners of small factories will be forced to sell salt at too low a price, their factories will start operating at a loss, and they will have to close them. But then we will again raise the price of salt, and no one will stop us from making money. "

  1. State of Science

“Dunno asked why lunar astronomers or lunarists had not yet built an aircraft capable of reaching the outer shell of the moon. Memega said it would be too expensive to build such an apparatus, while lunar scientists have no money. Only the rich have money, but no rich man will agree to spend money on a business that does not promise big profits. "

  1. Legality (as if it was written about the 90s and werewolf police)

“- Who are these policemen? - asked the Herring. - Bandits! - Spikelet said with irritation. - Honestly, bandits! Indeed, the duty of the police is to protect the population from robbers, in reality they only protect the rich. And the rich are the real robbers. They only rob us, hiding behind the laws that they themselves come up with. And what, tell me, the difference, according to the law, I am robbed or not according to the law? I do not care!"

  1. The whole system

“… Whoever has money will get a good job on the Foolish Island. For money, the richer will build himself a house in which the air is well purified, will pay the doctor, and the doctor will prescribe pills for him, from which the wool does not grow back so quickly. In addition, there are so-called beauty salons for the wealthy. If some rich man swallows harmful air, he will sooner run to such a salon. There, for money, they will begin to make him various poultices and rubbing, so that the mutton's face looks like an ordinary short face. True, these poultices are not always helpful. You look at such a rich man from afar - as if you were a normal short man, but if you look closer, you are the simplest ram.

Thus, the writer described the system that came to power in the 90s - nomenklatura-oligarchic capitalism.

The descriptions are so accurate and detailed that doubt creeps in involuntarily - how could a person who lived his whole life behind the then impenetrable "Iron Curtain" draw such a large-scale and impeccably executed canvas? Moreover, he wrote out not capitalism of that time, but today's capitalism. Where did he get such detailed knowledge about the stock exchange game, brokers, “bloated” stocks and financial pyramids? Where, finally, did the rubber truncheons with built-in stun guns come from, because in those years they simply were not in service with the police - neither in Western countries, nor even more so in our country.

This tale resembles an accidental description of the self-awareness of those inhabitants of the USSR who woke up as if on the moon in 1991: they had to survive in a situation when what seemed to be an eventless street of Kolokolchikov remained in the distant past - along with its supposedly eternal time ...

Interesting facts about the book "Dunno on the Moon"

The events described in the fairytale trilogy are characteristic of capitalism of the XX - XXI centuries. In a satirical form, Nikolai Nosov described post-Soviet Russia, touching upon the main features of lunar capitalism:

  • Harassment of workers and trade union organizations;
  • Consolidation of power and development of monopoly;
  • Stock exchange trading in securities shows the role of fictitious capital in post-Soviet Russia;
  • The description of the work of "bradlamov" characterizes the complete monopolization of business in the country;
  • The problem of fighting economic competitors is manifested in the description of "Salt Bradlam" (small-scale production of salt);
  • The characteristic features of the pre-capitalist formation are manifested in the monetary lease of land on the sea coast for the extraction of salt;
  • The author raises the problems of unemployment, manipulation of the population by the media and public censorship, free trade in weapons, police armor,
  • Hidden payments at the Economicheskiy hotel involve unfair advertising;
  • Draconian laws against vagrancy and pauperism (mass poverty): anyone who walks without shoes or sleeps on the street is pursued by the police and sent to Fool's Island;
  • Kickbacks - Spruits to bribe Julio and Migi invites Big Bradlam to chip in 3 million each. Having collected money from the monopolists, the Sprots keeps 1 million for themselves;
  • Demonstration of rich and poor on the example of the lifestyle of the soap monopolist Gryasing and the purchase of a car on credit by Kozlik. Wealthy people do not raise capital, but squander their entertainment funds at dog restaurants and hairdressers;
  • Corrupt actions of the judiciary and police are manifested in the extortion of Miglya's bribe from Dunno, and the confession of Judge Wriglem in total bribery of the police.

The trilogy was written as a satire on Western capitalism at the time. At the same time, many of the phenomena described by Nosov are more characteristic of capitalism at the beginning of the 20th century. Something is exaggerated, something, on the contrary, has survived to this day. "Dunno on the Moon" was ahead of its time, becoming in fact a description of post-Soviet Russia, describing its inherent "wild capitalism" of the 90s.

Nosov has never been abroad, but he turned out to be such a unique visionary that in his novel about Dunno on the Moon he described not only "Americanization", but also the subsequent offensive of the West on our way of life.

Lunar cities and characters, abodes and sources of capital, are alien even in Nosov's names: Fantômas and San Komarik, Davylon and Brechenville, countless octopuses, blinkers, grunts and skuperfields, while the names of poor villages are emphatically Russian - Neelovka, Beskhlebovo, Golodaevka ...

At the same time, the little ones on both planets speak the same language and it is clear that the worlds of the short people of the Earth and the Moon are "Russian" worlds, or rather - the Russian world and anti-world. It is also remarkable that among the three main role models on which the builders of communism, Buratino, Cipollino and Dunno, were brought up, main character Nikolai Nosov - our only flesh of flesh, not borrowed from "Europe" ...

"Hour of the Bull" by I. Efremov and "Dunno on the Moon" - books about the future of Russia

In 1968, 3 years after the publication of "Dunno on the Moon", the novel "Hour of the Bull" by I. Efremov was published.

The fantastic Efremov Ivan Antonovich (1907 - 1972) and the children's writer Nosov Nikolay Nikolaevich (1908-1976) are people of the same generation, and their views were formed under the influence of similar conditions, historical events. Isn't that why the plot is strikingly similar in Efremov's novel "The Hour of the Bull" and in Nosov's book "Dunno on the Moon"? Even in terms of plot, they are close to each other.

And in Efremov's book by Nosov, short earthlings go into space in order to provide help. If in "Hour of the Bull" - brothers in distress in mind, then at Nosov - Dunno and Donchik, who accidentally hijacked a space rocket.

Similar to Tormans in "Hour of the Bull", Little Earth, on which the lunar shorties live, is an infernal society stuck in timelessness, not knowing progress, which cannot independently overcome the interplanetary barrier of development (in the Lunar shorties, this is even more clearly shown: they are separated from the rest outer surface of the moon). In the past of Little Earth, a grand cataclysm took place - evidence of this is the lunar craters, which, upon closer examination, turned out to be the walls of the most ancient huge cities, from which the lunar little ones were forced to move to the inner planet. And this internally hollow Moon refers to the myths of some peoples of our planet. Nosov does not dwell on the history of the lunar society, but it is obvious to the reader: social, scientific and technical degradation, an ecological catastrophe took place here. A hint of the latter - "bad air" on the Wacky Island, under the influence of which the little ones turn into rams (mutate?). By the way, and the Foolish Island itself, which was created to utilize the social lower classes of the lunar society - is it not an analogue of "soft death" on Tormans?

Earthly ones are completely opposite to the lunar little ones. They live by the principles of a non-violent and inalienable civilization, in harmony with nature (a funny fact: the car of Vintik and Shpuntik drives on carbonated water - is it not a hint of a search for simpler, and at the same time, more advanced energy carriers than oil?). They do not need money and securities - they have no economic hernia. They don't go to work in the usual sense. Everything they do - write poetry, cook food over a fire, when the effect of weightlessness suddenly appears in the house, they build a balloon or a rocket to fly to the moon - all this can be difficult, but still interesting things that they do not working but playing. Labor for earthly short men is a voluntary and honorable duty. Just like in the society of the future with Efremov.

Nosov does not give a name to the social order in which the inhabitants of the Flower City are immersed. Recall: the book was written in the 1960s, when the Communist Party of the Soviet Union declared:

"The current generation of Soviet people will live under communism!"

Apparently, Nosov believed: his readers, having matured, will already live under communism, and he will become a natural environment for them that does not require special designations.

But in relation to the society of lunar shorts, all the names are named, all the masks have been dropped. Macaroni tycoon Scooperfield and financial tycoon Mr. Sprots, who makes money off the bullish stocks of the bloated Giant Plant Society. Bums for vagrants and dispersal of demonstrations. Brainwashing of the inhabitants by the venal press and television ("weightlessness is such a phenomenon, from which all bones become soft and a person turns into a worm"). Monopolization of markets and ruin of small entrepreneurs (remember how Donut went bankrupt, which revealed the gastronomic value of salt to moonlit little ones?). Secret workers' organizations, one of which ("The Society of Free Spinners") Donut joins after being ruined. Truly, Nosov's book is a textbook on the sociology of biblical civilization for kids!

Nosov, like Efremov, were real communists. Remember that:

"Not all communists were party members, and not all party members were communists."

Of course, Nosov did not have such problems with the release of "Dunno on the Moon" in print, as Efremov had with "Hour of the Bull". But here's what's interesting: Nosov, even more than some of today's “communists”, understands the need for a technical, and not just a moral, superiority of socialism over the previous formation. Lunar little ones throw off the yoke of the local "elite" when they begin to use the seeds of giant plants brought by earthlings in agriculture, when anti-gravity is illegally introduced in industry and transport. Remember how Znayka and friends, turning on the zero-gravity apparatus, fly on an ordinary sea steamer to save Dunno and other short men who got to the Foolish Island, or how the workers of the pasta factory, using weightlessness, kick Scooperfield out). So, Nosov's book is not only children's fun, but also a reason to think for adults!


In the USSR in the 70s of the last century, the process of the future transformation of biblical civilization was seen and described by two:

  • Ivan Antonovich Efremov in the novel "Hour of the Bull"
  • and Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov in the children's novel "Dunno on the Moon"

IA Efremov managed to look into the distant future of earthlings in such a way that the West, against the background of its fantasy, today looks like a wild barbarian atavism, despite all its technical achievements. After all, Western science fiction, which is presented by Hollywood as a seemingly harmless politically neutral "entertainment", is a worldview mirror of his aggressiveness.

The West is sure that if there are extraterrestrial civilizations, then they sleep and see how to enslave earthlings, i.e. they are a priori aggressive. And therefore, earthlings should strive not to understand other worlds, but to prepare to repel aggression on their part, to subjugate the "backward" extraterrestrial civilizations and colonize their planets. Those. morally and psychologically everything is there, like the times of Captain Cook, with the only difference that the carrier of aggression is not a wooden trough under sails, but a starship ...

The book "Hour of the Bull", which in its form of presentation is a fantastic work, is essentially a programmatic ideological manifesto of Russian civilization, such as the author understood it in his time.

This work is "multi-layered", filled with the insights of the author, his deepest reflections on the essence of human nature, and possible ways of development of civilization. Nosov did the same for the children.


In the third book - "Dunno on the Moon" - Nosov for the first time introduces outright evil into his fairy-tale world! Unlike the Flower City, on the Moon, little ones grow old, go bald, wear mustaches and beards, die of disease and die a violent death. And these are no longer carminers, everything is serious here and no wizard will save you from hunger or, worse, a stray bandit bullet.

“… There is a bike. Boris Yeltsin, during his first inauguration - to create a picture befitting the moment - read an oath on the only thick book he found in a hurry: The Constitution of the newly formed Russia was still being rewritten and was being revised. This "thick book" by a fatal accident turned out to be "Dunno on the Moon". Everyone remembers what happened next ”.

Of course, he swore an oath on the Constitution, but the spread of this tale in society well characterizes the psychodynamics of Soviet society at that time.

In the 90s, the hungry country was not up to the prophets. It was as if Nosov had been forgotten, and even by the centenary of the birth of the writer in 2008, the same Literaturnaya Gazeta cost a few lines.

While the story itself suddenly turned out to be about all of us: everyone who managed to catch Perestroika and Acceleration will subscribe to the expression “fell from the moon”.

Nosov writes about the virus of capitalism and gives the recipe himself. After spending a whole year on the moon, Dunno became infected with the pernicious lunar death gene. The spaceship miraculously manages to arrive while Dunno is still alive. Akin to an epic character, Dunno falls to the ground and literally takes strength from it, recovering from the harmful lunar influence ...

Faced with capitalism, Dunno grew up and returned to Earth not as a child, but as a different person. The transformation of the hero is obviously connected with the realization of the Motherland. The journey of the little ones to the moon is not just an adventure in time and movement in space, it is a transition to another dimension (initiation, if you will), a journey in the souls of the characters. In the nineties, the first readers of Dunno on the Moon were 30-40 years old ...

The way home is another age-old global story, interpreted so broadly that today it is an additional dimension of the national idea. Whatever is meant by this term, it is almost always the restoration of the order of things, the triumph of justice.

Hidden in the novel, it turned out, the antidote to capitalism gave the book its true grandeur.

Nosov has wrapped such a powerful satire in a fantastic wrapper that puts him on a par with Gogol and Saltykov-Shchedrin. What seemed like a denunciation of the vices of the West, in fact, turned out to be a penetrating glance into the domestic 90s and still looks like a relevant warning - there are still too many examples of lunar capitalism around.

Perhaps that is why "Dunno on the Moon" is still a book that is popular among adults almost more than among children.

The event is a set of contests united by a common plot. It combines intellectual, agile and creative contests. The presented development is universal. With a certain adaptation - complicating or simplifying tasks - it can be used to work with children of any age. Children should get acquainted with the work of Nikolai Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" in advance, since the course of the game is based on the work.

purpose: organization of fun, useful leisure for children
Tasks: repetition and generalization of children's knowledge of the novel "The Adventure of Dunno"; attracting children to reading books, the opportunity to feel like the heroes of a book, to feel the excitement of the game; development of the intellectual and creative potential of children
The target audience: junior and middle school students
The event can be used for summer recreation in children's libraries, school camps and extracurricular activities to get acquainted and consolidate the material covered by N. Nosov's "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends".

Event progress

2 teams play. Children travel with a waybill that shows the stations and their locations. At each station there is a character from N. Nosov's book "The Adventure of Dunno". Children complete tasks and receive a letter. If the task is not completed, then they can get a hint from the station curator or use a hint - N. Nosov's book "The Adventure of Dunno" (each team receives the book at the start. The payment for the hint and use of the book is a penalty task and a "minus" in points. a note is made on the waybill about the completion of this stage, the completed task is evaluated on a 10-point scale, only then the guys can go further.After passing all the stages, the guys gather in front of the library.Of the letters received, all together must make a word (N.Nosov Dunno).

1 station

Before you, a device with which you can make many of the same from one object is called a stencil. What is the name of a portrait innovator who used this device very actively? (Answer: Tube)
The tube is very fond of drawing flowers. There are many flowers growing in the Flower City. Your task is to draw as many different colors as possible.
Penalty task: ---

2 station

On the table are a red nose, green ears, blue lips, blue hair, orange eyes, a purple mustache. It is necessary to collect the portrait and guess who Dunno painted. (Answer: Gunka)
Penalty assignment: tell a poem / sing a song

3 station

In front of the children are pictures depicting characters from Dunno and other works. Task: select all the characters from "Dunno" and name them.
Penalty task: each team member must portray either an animal or birds.

4 station

There are objects on the table, it is necessary to answer what relation they have to the characters from the work "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends".
Flowers - Flower City,
cucumber - Cucumber River,
chamomile - Chamomile alley, Chamomile,
bells - street bells,
cornflowers - boulevard Vasilkov,
tablets - Pilyulkin,
paints and brushes - Tube,
sugar - Sugar Sakharinych Syrup,
dog - hunter Pulka,
glass, microscope - Steklyashkin,
food - Donut

Penalty task: team members must make a "mummy" out of their captain - wrap him with toilet paper in 1 minute.

5 station

Compose a text from the proposed sentences (Answer: the song "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass"). One word is missing, you need to guess this word (Answer: frog) and sing a song.
Penalty task: crawl through the hoops

You need to fix 5 hoops between the trees. The task of the guys is to take turns crawling through the suspended hoops so as not to hurt them.

After completing all the tasks, the participants get together. Each team has a set of cards with letters. Each team tries to form a word. After vain attempts, the presenter gives a hint that friendship helps in any difficult matter. The opposing teams must unite and put together "N.Nosov Neznaika".

P.S: Upon completion of the quest game, we had a "Neznaikina Fair". The event was held within the framework of summer readings on the work of N. Nosov "The Adventure of Dunno". The guys got "santikas" every day. At the "Neznaikinoy Yarmarka" the guys exchanged their "Santikas" for prizes, stationery and books.


for the event "In Search of Lost Treasures"

On July 22, the head of the Zorinsk rural library Likhacheva M.V. together with the tutor of the GKP Tumash SG and the school summer camp MBOU OSH pos. Zorino held an educational event "In Search of Lost Treasures" for the children. The event was held as a quest game. Notes were written on multi-colored pieces of paper. Each of them contains a new task and a hint where to look for the next one. The quest tasks were designed for dexterity, attentiveness, reaction and erudition. Early in the morning before the start of the game, everything was hidden in various notable places and, of course, the treasure was buried. The game started!

Three teams participated in the game. The guys started an exciting journey with pirate maps. At each station, surprises awaited them: a sorceress who, like an old man in Fort Bayard, made riddles to children, a jumping station, an unusual obstacle course, codes from children's books and other tasks.

The event was attended by 29 children. Of these, registered with KDN-9.


The next morning, Znayka woke up his friends early. Everyone woke up and began to prepare for the journey. Cog and Shpuntik put on their leather jackets. Hunter Pulka put on his favorite leather boots. The tops of these boots were above the knees and fastened on top with buckles. These boots were very comfortable for traveling. Roropyzhka put on his zipper suit. This costume should be described in detail. Toropyzhka, who was always in a hurry and did not like to waste time in vain, came up with a special suit for himself, in which there was not a single button. It is known that when dressing and undressing, most of the time is spent on buttoning and unbuttoning. There were no separate shirts and trousers in Roropyzhka's suit: they were joined together in the manner of a jumpsuit. This jumpsuit was fastened on top with one button, which was on the back of the head. As soon as this button was unfastened, the whole suit in some incomprehensible way fell off his shoulders and fell at lightning speed at his feet.
Fat Donut put on his best suit. In suits, Donut appreciated mainly pockets. The more pockets there were, the better the suit was considered. His best suit consisted of seventeen pockets. The jacket consisted of ten pockets: two chest pockets, two slanting belly pockets, two side pockets, three inside pockets and one secret pocket on the back. The trousers had two front pockets, two back pockets, two side pockets and one bottom pocket on the knee. In ordinary life, such seventeen-pocket suits with a pocket on the knee can be found only at cameramen.
Syrup dressed up in a plaid suit. He always wore plaid suits. And his trousers were checked, and his jacket was checked, and his cap was checked. Seeing him from afar, the little ones always said: "Look, look, there is a chessboard." Avoska dressed up in a ski suit, which he considered very convenient for travel. Neboska put on a striped sweatshirt, striped leggings, and wrapped a striped scarf around his neck. In this suit he was all striped, and from a distance it seemed that this was not Neboska at all, but an ordinary striped mattress. In general, everyone dressed in what they could, only Rasperiaika, who had a habit of throwing his things anywhere, could not find his jacket. He also put his cap somewhere and, no matter how much he looked, he could not find it anywhere. Finally he found his winter hat with ears under the bed.
The artist Tube decided to paint everything he sees during the trip. He took his paints and paintbrush and put them in the balloon basket beforehand. Guslya decided to take a flute with him. Doctor Pilyulkin took the first-aid kit and put it in the basket under the bench. This was very prudent, as someone might get sick while traveling.
It was not yet six o'clock in the morning, and almost the whole city had already gathered around. Many short men who wanted to watch the flight sat on fences, on balconies, on rooftops.
Toropyzhka was the first to climb into the basket and chose the most convenient place for himself. Dunno followed him.
- Look, - the audience gathered around shouted, - they are already starting to sit down!
- Why did you get into the basket? - said Znayka. - Get out, it's early.
- Why early? You can already fly, - answered Dunno.
- You understand a lot! The balloon must first be filled with warm air.
- Why warm air? - asked Toropyzhka.
- Because warm air is lighter than cold air and always rises upward. When we fill the balloon with warm air, warm air will rise up and drag the balloon up, - explained Znayka.
- So, still warm air is needed! - stretched Dunno, and they, together with Toropyzhka, got out of the basket.
- Look, - someone shouted on the roof of a neighboring house, - they are getting out back! Have decided to fly.
- Of course, they changed their mind, - answered from the other roof. - How can you fly on such a balloon! They just fool the audience.
At this time, Znayka ordered the little ones to fill several bags with sand and put them in a basket. Now Toropyzhka, Molchun, Avoska and other kids began to fill the bags with sand and put them in the basket.
- What are they doing? - the audience asked each other in bewilderment. - For some reason they put sandbags in the basket.
- Hey, why do you need sandbags? - Shouted Topic, who was sitting astride the fence.
- But let's rise and we'll throw you on top of your heads, - answered Dunno.
Of course, Dunno himself did not know what the bags were for. He just made it up.
- You go up first! - shouted Topic.
Little Mikrosha, who was sitting on the fence next to Topic, said:
“They must be afraid to fly and want the sandbags to fly instead.
They laughed around:
- Of course they are! Why should they be afraid? The ball won't fly anyway.
“Or maybe he will still fly,” said one of the little ones, who also looked into the cracks of the fence.
While they were arguing around, Znayka ordered a fire to be made in the middle of the courtyard, and everyone saw Vintik and Shpuntik take a large copper cauldron from their workshop and put it on the fire. Vintik and Shpuntik made this boiler for air heating long ago. The boiler was with a tightly closed lid, in which there was a hole. A pump was attached to the side for pumping air into the boiler. This air was heated in the boiler and already hot it left through the upper hole in the lid.
Of course, none of the spectators could guess what the boiler was for, but each one expressed his own assumptions.
“Probably, we decided to cook some soup for ourselves to have breakfast before the trip,” said the little girl named Camomile.
- What do you think, - answered Mikrosha, - and you probably would have had a bite if you set off on such a long journey!
“Of course,” Camomile agreed. - Maybe this is the last time ...
- What - the last time?
- Well, they will eat for the last time, and then they will fly, the balloon will burst - and they will break.
- Do not be afraid, it will not burst, - Topek told her. - In order to burst, you have to fly, and, you see, he has been sticking out here for a whole week and does not fly anywhere.
- And now it will fly! - answered Button, which, together with Mushka, also came to watch the flight.
Soon all the spectators began to argue hotly. If someone said that the balloon would fly, then another immediately answered that it would not fly, and if someone said that it would not fly, he was immediately answered that it would fly. The noise rose so that nothing could be heard. On the same roof, two kids fought among themselves - they argued so hotly. They spilled water forcibly.
By this time, the air had already warmed up enough in the boiler, and Znayka decided that it was time to start filling the balloon with hot air. But in order to fill the balloon with hot air, cold air had to be released from it first. Znayka walked over to the ball and untied the rope that tightly pulled the rubber tube at the bottom. Cold air with a loud hiss began to come out of the ball. The short ones, who were arguing about whether the balloon would fly or not, turned around and saw that the balloon was rapidly decreasing. He went limp, shriveled like a dried pear, and disappeared into the bottom of the basket. In the place where a huge ball used to flaunt, now there was only a basket, covered with a net on top.
The hissing ceased, and immediately there was a friendly burst of laughter. Everyone laughed: those who said that the balloon would fly, and those who said that it would not fly, and Dunno's friend Gunka laughed so hard that he even fell off the roof and stuffed a bump on the back of his head. Doctor Pilyulkin had to immediately treat him and smear the lump with iodine.
- So we flew! - shouted around. - This is the Znaikin ball! They fiddled with him for a whole week, and he took it and burst. Fun! I've never had to laugh so much in my life!
But Znayka did not pay attention to the ridicule this time either. He connected the cauldron with a ball with a long tube and ordered to pump the pump, which was attached to the cauldron. Fresh air began to flow into the boiler, and the heated air passed through the tube directly into the ball. Gradually, the ball under the net became larger and larger and began to crawl out of the basket.

- Look, - the spectators were delighted, - they are cheating again! What weirdos! And he will burst again.
Nobody believed that the balloon would fly. In the meantime, he became even larger, climbed out of the basket and lay in it, like a huge watermelon on a platter. Suddenly everyone saw that the ball slowly rose up by itself and pulled the net, which was tied to the basket. They all gasped. Everyone saw that now no one was pulling the ball up on the rope.
- Hurrah! - Daisy shouted and even clapped her hands.
- Don't shout! - Topik shouted at her.
- Why, he flew!
- I haven't yet. See, he's tied to the basket. How can he lift the basket and even with the short ones!
Then Topic saw that the ball, having become larger, rose higher and the basket was separated from the ground. Topic could not resist and shouted with all his might:
- Hold! After all, it will fly away! What are you doing?
But the ball did not fly away, as the basket was firmly tied to the walnut bush. She only raised herself slightly above the ground.
- Hurray! - came from all sides. - Hurrah! Well done, Znayka! That's Znaykin's ball! How did they cheat him? Probably a ferry.
Now everyone believed that the balloon would fly.

Municipal budget educational institution

"Secondary school number 4" of the city of Kaluga

Scenario extracurricular activities

teachers primary grades Makarova Natalia Nikolaevna

Literary game “The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends. N. Nosov ".

(Grade 2)

2014 - 2015 academic year

"A day without a book is a lost day."

Purpose: development of emotional responsiveness when reading works of art, artistic and creative and cognitive abilities.

Tasks: to develop interest in the work of N. Nosov; develop communicative skills, instill in students a sense of collectivism, cohesion, and the ability to work in a team.

Equipment:a computer; projector; presentation; exhibition of books by N. Nosov; paraphernalia from N. Nosov's fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"; team emblems; diplomas.

Event progress:

Slides 2-5

In a hat with a round brim

And knee-length pants

Busy with different things

Only to study it too lazy.

He is a famous artist

He is a poet known to all,

Wonderfully brought up

He is dressed very fashionably.

Who is he, quickly guess!

What is his name? ..

Host (Dunno): Hello guys! Guess my name? That's right, Dunno. What fairy tale am I from? Why is my name so? No, I know a lot, you know nothing, and I will prove it to you. I will ask many questions from my fairy tale, where am I the main character, and you will answer. I think that you are not very fond of reading.

Teacher: Guys, let's agree to play with Dunno? But before Dunno starts asking her tricky questions, listen to an interesting story about the author of the fairy tale "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"

Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov was born in Kiev. Graduated from the directing department in 1932 State Institute cinematography. Since 1932 he worked as a film director and animator. N. Nosov's literary debut took place in 1938.

The novel "Vitya Maleev at school and at home", published in 1951 and awarded the USSR State Prize in 1952, brought fame to the children's writer. In 1955, the film "Two Friends" was shot based on the story. To this day, the trilogy about Dunno - "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", "Dunno in the Sunny City", "Dunno on the Moon", enjoys great success among young readers. The first book was published in 1954, and the last in 1964. Several animated films have been staged based on these fairy tales. In addition to his literary activities - and Nikolai Nosov wrote The Story of My Friend Igor, plays, and many stories - the writer took part in the creation of screenplays, which, in particular, were used to produce films The Adventures of Tolya Klyukvin and Fantasy.

Slides 6

Teacher: We met with short biography N. Nosova, now Dunno is your turn. Ask your questions, and the guys will try to answer.

Dunno: In order to find out who knows best all the heroes of the book "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", I suggest playing a literary game. To do this, we will divide into 3 teams (in preparation for the literary game, the children split into teams in advance, made the emblems of their team, gave it a name, prepared drawings, questions for the opposing teams). For each correct answer, you will receive points. Which team scores more points will win.

Task 1. "How was Dunno dressed?" (slide 7)

Bright blue hat, yellow canary pants, orange shirt, green tie.

Task 2. "In what city did Dunno and his friends live?"(Slide 8)

In the Flower City.

Task 3. "The house of Dunno and his friends was located ...». (Slide 9)

a) on Gladiolus Avenue

b) on Kolokolchikov Street

c) on the Alley of Daisies

d) on Vasilkov Boulevard

Task 4. "Poetic riddles".(Slide 10-16)

We all love books since childhood
About funny little ones
Guslyu, Donut, Dunno ...
Who is who - you are a guess!

1.This is the master of drawing
Paints and a brush.
Can he draw
And a portrait and leaves. Tube

2. This one is very, very important.
He bravely with castor oil
Rushes to the disease
He tries to treat everyone. Pilyulkin

3 this boy is always gloomy
He mutters and gets angry.
Give him sweet potions
Let it shine with a smile! Grunt

4. This is Dunno's faithful friend.
He is very modest, probably
He is an excellent musician
He has great talent. Guslya

5. We decided to ride
With the breeze in the car
The truth in the fairy tale told you
We ourselves created it.
After all, there is no such thing anywhere:
He drives on gas - water. Screw and Shpuntik

6. At a pretty baby
Blue eyes.
She loves books very much -
Both poems and fairy tales. (Sineglazka)

Task 5. "Find out who owns these things." (Slide 17)

Many items have arrived in the lost property room. We need to find their owners. They are all your old acquaintances. So let's start:

    Leather jacket (Cog, Shpuntik)

    First aid kit (Pillkin)

    Suit without a single button (Toropyzhka)

    Blot (Dunno)

    Checkered Suit (Syrup)

    Sugar Lump (Donut)

    Chatterbox (Shurupchik)

    Magnifying glass (Steklyashkin)

    Feather (Flower)

    Jar with honey (Medunitsa)

Task 6. "Recognize the hero by description."(Slide 18-25)

He came up with a special jumpsuit for himself, in which there were not a single button. It was fastened on top with one button. Toropyzhka

Most of his suits had pockets. The more pockets there were, the better the suit was considered. His best suit consisted of seventeen pockets. Donut

He had a small dog, Bulka, and he also had a gun that shot corks. Bulka

He always dressed in a black suit, and when he sat down at the table, put on glasses on his nose and began to read a book, he became completely like a professor. Znayka

He always wore plaid suits. And his trousers were checked, and his jacket was checked, and his cap was checked. The little ones said: "Look, look, there is a chessboard." Syrup

They looked alike, only one was a little taller and the other a little lower. Both wore leather jackets. Wrenches, pliers, files, and other iron tools were always sticking out of their jacket pockets. Shpuntik and Screw

He always wore a white coat and wore a white cap with a tassel on his head.


Task 7. "Crossword".(Slide 26)


    What is the name of the city in which the little ones lived?

    What was the name of the baby doctor?

    What was the name of the inhabitants of the Flower City for their small stature?

    What is the name of a friend of Dunno


    The name of the baby who loved planting and breeding new varieties

    What was the name of the city that the travelers came to

    Name of the kid, jack of all trades: repair, saw, plan, rivet, solder

    The little ones got several barrels of syrup from it.

    What was the name of the hunter's dog Pulka

Dunno:I know guys that you have picked up questions on the tale of N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" and drew pictures. Now you

The task. "Question to the opposing team." "Guess the fairy tale from the drawings."

(children prepared in advance drawings and questions about the tale for the rivals)


Dunno: Well done, now I can safely call you Znayki.

Did you like the literary game based on the tale of N. Nosov "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends"? (Children's answers)

What did you like best? (Children's answers)

I say goodbye to you until the new literary game "Dunno in the Sun City".
