How to make friends with a brownie in a new house. How to make friends with a brownie so that he helps you and does not interfere with your life. And how can he determine the scope of work

75% of Ukrainians believe that a brownie lives in their house.

There is a belief that every house has its own brownie, and if you make friends with him, then happiness and comfort will always reign in the family. Or maybe it really is?

At first glance, it seems that believing in brownies in our time is simply ridiculous. However, I was incredibly surprised when I found out that 75% of Ukrainians are convinced that these fabulous creatures really live in their house. As a child, I myself believed in them. If my grandfather could not find some thing, he always said that it was the brownie's fault, they say, he would play a little and return it.

Once my sister and I, convinced that the apartment bastard is just a mischievous boy, decided to call him. We knew how to do this: we had to wait until midnight, turn off the lights in the apartment and, putting a saucer of milk and cookies near the battery, say: “Brownie, brownie, we want to see you.” After sitting waiting for several minutes, we heard the door creak, and then a vase on the table suddenly overturned. The parents laughed for a long time, explaining everything by the action of an ordinary draft. Over time, I began to lean towards this version. And yet, many argue that brownies do exist.

Warm place

Belief in brownies is generally inherent in the Slavic peoples. For Belarusians it is a khatnik or a gentleman, for Poles it is a khovanets ... These shaggy keepers of the hearth came to us from pagan times. “Our ancestors believed that the real owner of the house is the brownie,” says Elena Ryasina, a specialist in Slavic culture. - If you maintain good relations with him, then the family will always be calm and troubles will bypass her. If the brownie doesn't like you, expect all kinds of intrigues from him. Initially, this keeper of home warmth lived under the threshold, behind the stove or in the attic.

Modern brownies "moved" to the radiators and fireplaces. But their gender and age is difficult to determine, because the brownies play pranks like boys-hooligans and take care of cleanliness and comfort in a businesslike manner. "

But it is known for sure what the house-man likes and what he hates. The worst thing for him is dust and an uncleaned apartment. The brownie loves to keep all the items in their places. That is why he steals from us everything that is not in the right place. But if the room is clean and tidy, then he tries in every possible way to help and protect family members from troubles. The brownie also hates it when people smoke in the house.

Last warning

“It is very easy to find out if everything suits your brownie,” says historian and researcher of folk customs Ivan Rozhko. - As a rule, he himself warns when he is dissatisfied with something. For example, if he does not like one of your guests, he will get rid of him by all means. "

“Every time I sleep with my sister, something strange happens,” says Inna, a teacher. - At night it seems to me that someone's shaggy hands are pressing on me, which then begin to choke me altogether. At first I thought it was just my fantasy, but then I decided to tell my sister. She assumed that her brownie didn't like me, and he was trying to get me out. We read that you can get the brownie's affection by treating him with sweets and asking him out loud for forgiveness. So we did it. And since then, believe me, I no longer have these strange sensations at night. "

It is worth paying attention to such surprises as missing things, cups breaking by themselves, spilling salt by itself, or spilled water by someone who is not clear.

“When we were doing major repairs in our apartment, demolishing walls and closing niches, something mysterious began to happen in the house,” says Valeria, a journalist. - Firstly, every day some items necessary for work began to disappear. One had only to think about the need for a roller, it disappeared without a trace! The very first wall, which we tried to demolish together with the builders, gave in to us with great difficulty, and huge cracks appeared in the plaster, which we tried to cover the niche with, the next day. When the foreman jokingly said that our brownie did not want any redevelopment, we thought. We decided to “cajole” the brownie and asked out loud for his permission for repairs. It can be called a coincidence, but since then everything has gone like clockwork. "

It turns out that brownies are generally very fond of talking to them. For them, this is a show of respect. Therefore, talk to your invisible spirit at home more often, compliment him, ask for help. If you have pets, especially cats, pay attention to their behavior, advises Ivan Rozhko. It is believed that animals see brownies and feel whether they are good or bad. If a cat hisses and arches its back, as it were, into emptiness, they say, somewhere nearby, there is a darling, which she does not like. And if it overturns, waving its paws or just peering into nowhere, it means that they have already made friends.

“The house that you love is always cozy and warm. In addition, in each dwelling there really is a special, inherent only to him, a bunch of energy, says bioenergetic Anatoly Ivanov. - And there is nothing mystical about it. Physics only! Animals feel this energy better, so they can respond to it. And if you talk with this energy with a positive attitude, often say gentle words into the air and admire your home, then it also becomes positive. "

Coaxing session

Whoever or whatever this energy is, it should be fed with positive emotions. How to appease the brownie or make him become an assistant?

Our ancestors have always tried to organize a convenient place for the brownie. It was believed that they loved to hide in brooms, which looked like straw sheaves, which they tried to leave in some secluded corner or hang on the walls.

Housewife Larisa presents her brownie with different toys. In the living room she has a small chest in which there are beads, shiny buttons, coins, banknotes. No family member touches this chest, only Lara occasionally wipes its contents from dust. The girl says that before this chest appeared, there was no money lingering in the house, the salary seemed to float away. And now financial well-being reigns in the family. As if the brownie, having received his own chest for use, became the keeper of our family budget.

“My brownie is a big sweet tooth,” says Nastya, a student, with a smile. - He likes it when sweets, cookies, pies, porridge or milk are left on the table. Of course, I do not take the domovoy seriously, but I still think that something like that exists. Therefore, when moving to a new apartment, I asked the brownie to go there with us. She stood at the threshold of the old dwelling and said: "My master, come with me, without you there will be no happiness."

It is believed that a cat should be the first to enter a new apartment, as the embodiment of a brownie. If there is no fluffy pet, let the child come in first. This will bring good luck to the family in a new place.

“Psychologists do not believe in the existence of brownies, but yes, a positive attitude brings success,” says psychologist Angelina Dubtsova. - If you like taking care of your apartment, adhering to the old Slavic rites, be sure to keep doing it. Firstly, the house will become more beautiful and cleaner, and secondly, it will distract you from sad thoughts. The main thing is that you believe in the positive result of your actions, and then it will not keep you waiting! "

IN recent times people begin to show more and more interest in those who live next to us - in parallel worlds - but have a direct impact on our lives. We are talking about brownies.

The world has special peoplewho not only see them, know how to communicate with them and know about them not from fairy tales and beliefs, but based on personal experience interaction with them.
One of those who have such a superpower - energy therapist and tarologist Shayna - has developed a technique with the help of which anyone who wishes can learn to interact with this amazing creature, capable of transforming a person's life in every sense, protecting him from many troubles and even saving his life ...
Here's what she said about it:
- First of all, a brownie is an energy-informational entity, which is in a fairly close relationship with a person. If you know how to build relationships with him, he can give us a lot.
In order to help a person accept this gift, I have developed my own completely unique technique. It consists in combining the energy type of a person with the energy type of the brownie, which in fact are very different.
The energy of each person is absolutely individual. The brownie sees you as clots of energy. They differ for him both in colors and in sensations.
When a brownie settles in your house spontaneously, he just comes there, because he has nowhere to live. He finds for himself more or less decent housing, where normal people live. However, his participation in the lives of these people will be minimal. That is, when he wants to do something, he will do it. When he becomes completely uncomfortable, he will show it.
But, unfortunately, people very often either are afraid or do not understand these self-manifestations of the brownie. And if they do, then within some limited limits. For example, they might leave food for him on a saucer. This is a classic example. Even without knowing that brownies do not eat food, but eat its energy component.

Is there any point in treating a brownie?

The meaning is in the very sign of attention. Thus, you make it clear that you know about his existence, respond to his desire to establish contact with you and try to establish contact yourself. They are very fond of attention.
They mostly eat a little from the energy component of what you cook with your own hands. Or you can treat them with fruit. Any kind - dried or fresh.
What does not deteriorate can be left for a week. That which spoils - after 2-3 days is given either to animals, or taken out into the street. But do not throw it in the trash under any circumstances.

Does the brownie get attached to its master?

They become attached when they see a response. Otherwise, you will be like neighbors in a communal apartment. You will live so as not to hurt each other. But there should not even be a hint of indifference or formal relations.
The brownie cannot do without attention and care. Most often there are such brownies who really want to do something. He desperately needs to define some kind of work front. They miss their jobs. Then they begin not only to be mischievous, but to engage in chaotic activities, which often lead to consequences that we perceive as the pranks of the brownie. But he doesn't do something bad on purpose, he really gets bored.

How can he determine the scope of work?

First, you need to talk to him.

Does he understand human language?

Yes, he understands human language. But not so much the language itself ... When, for example, you talk to a cat or a dog, they do not understand human language, as it is believed. But they understand it at the level of intonation, mood, that is, the energy component. And the brownie feels her even more. He sees how you change, how the colors of your aura change, sees you from the inside, the energy within you. They are smart enough. And they are extremely sensitive to energy waves.

That is, negative energies make them uncomfortable? And will they react badly to any disorder in the house?

Yes, discomfort. They don't like dust, they don't like dirt, they don't like mess. They don't like bad owners. They feel bad when the kitchen is dirty at night. For them, the kitchen is generally a kind of sacred place. You should never leave unwashed dishes, an unwashed table with crumbs and dirt in the corners in the kitchen overnight. This causes great discomfort for them. You need to keep the house clean. Or at least try to make them see that a person is trying to become a good master or a good housewife.
Now I'll tell you about how to interact with him, what to ask for, how to learn to live with him.
These are really very useful creatures for humans. Moreover, not only in the sense of the household. But, first of all, in terms of personal development.
The brownie is always in favor of higher vibrations, because he himself is better, easier, easier and more pleasant to live in them. You can increase these vibrations yourself.
Try to establish an atmosphere in the house - do not shout, do not yell, do not quarrel with household members. You can always find some kind of compromise. When there are constant scandals in the house, a person does not feel very well himself. Naturally, brownies are also annoyed.
Therefore, establishing relations with the brownie, a person will inevitably come to the realization that it is necessary to start changing something in himself.
You can ask a brownie about anything, if it's your personal brownie.

What does personal brownie mean?

A personal brownie is just matched to the energy of a particular person. But at the same time, each family member can have their own personal brownie. Even if there are five or six people living in the house, everyone can choose their own brownie. They get along well with each other. These are not people. Quarrels are rare among the housekeepers. On the contrary, they help each other.
The essence of my technique lies in the complete correspondence of the energy of your and your brownie.

How does the process of selecting a brownie for a specific person take place?

Since I know my way around the world of brownies very well, since childhood, first of all, I choose a family of brownies. In their world, they live in families. I myself see the energy of a person and already roughly understand which brownie will go to such a person. Depending on the type of energy.
Then I make a request there, in their world. And I show them the man. And they already go to it themselves.
There will be a complete coincidence, because the personal assistant will not go to the person who does not correspond to him, does not resonate vibrationally.

How can a person benefit from his personal brownie?

First, it is a very good energy protector. Moreover, he will protect you wherever you are, since he follows you everywhere (and does not sit at home with a sydney like an ordinary brownie).
We are very often consumed with energy - in crowded places, at work, in absolutely any place. You may just be envied by someone and an energy failure, the evil eye immediately occurs. And the evil eye is the withdrawal of energy.
The brownie follows you and his job is to reflect these blows. And at the same time teaches you this. The longer you interact, the more you begin to hear, feel more, understand more. Your energy potential becomes much stronger. And you go to a higher level of personal development.

Can you compare a personal brownie with a guardian angel?

This is not a guardian angel. This is a kind of teacher. Here, in the physical world, the role of the brownie is underestimated, reducing everything to the function of the guardian of the house. Thus, we diminish their capabilities. For some reason, a belief has taken root in our minds that he is tied to the house and performs exclusively the functions of the guardian of home comfort.
Meanwhile, the brownie is able not only to protect a person from negative influences, but also to warn him of danger. He reads this information from him. A person already has this seal of danger, which is written in his energy-information matrix. It also works for the future.
The brownie senses this danger and is able to take actions, as a result of which the danger will bypass the person.
As, for example, in those cases when people are late for the plane, which then crashes. It could be any other accident. Thanks to the intervention of the brownie, a person will not leave the house - he will look for keys, a bag, documents, whatever, and as a result, he will avoid a direct collision with danger. If a person in this crazy world was not absorbed by the outer side of life, but knew how to listen to himself, then, of course, he would be more protected.
Then it will be easier for the brownie to reach out to your consciousness. And you can receive truly invaluable help from him.

How quickly is a person able to establish close contact with the brownie?

It will not happen instantly, here and now. You need to work on yourself. These magic wands do not exist.
The brownie has to make incredible efforts to be heard. Often only once every tenth it works, because a person is very poor at diving into himself. He needs such a clear sign that it is simply impossible to pass by.
A personal assistant just teaches you to peer into yourself, to listen to your intuition. We have a storehouse of information inside, which we do not pay attention to at all. We pass by. And then we get the consequences. And only then we remember, something inside told me that there was no need to do this. But logic drowns everything out and we still do things that we later regret.

Where do brownies live until they come to a person's house? In what world?

In parallel spaces. But very close to Earth. This is the astral, but not the lower layers. This is, let's say, the middle astral, closer to the high.

That is, it is possible to enter these parallel spaces and communicate with them there?

Can. They really want to contact people. They themselves would have become assistants. And there would be no need for a guide. But they have to expend so much effort ... Often to no avail.
However, they never stop trying to make contact with people. But, as a rule, they run into a wall of misunderstanding. In the best case, they are given a saucer of milk and that is all. They cannot prove themselves as a keeper-keeper, as an assistant-brownie.

In other words, must there be interaction between a person and a brownie?

Yes. A guide is needed to help them establish contact, to translate from the language of the brownie into the human language. Until a person learns to hear himself.
In my practice, it rarely happened that a housekeeper-assistant came to a person and he immediately began to hear him. I act as a guide.


Right. Making a request to the family of brownies, I show them this person, this person, this energy-informational structure, since I myself am an energy therapist and I see her too.
They look at her and if the energy type of a person does not suit them, then we are looking for whom it suits.

What happens after that?

I explain, tell the person who he will have - a brownie or a brownie. That is, there is both female and male energy. Not necessarily - that the male will go to the male, and the female - to the female.
I translate to a person what they want, how they want to be met, how they want to be communicated with. Next, I tell you what methods are best to use when you interact. How to ask, what to ask, how to feel his signs. In general, how to develop together.
This happens at first. Then, of course, we direct all efforts to ensure that there is contact between the person and the brownie besides me. And I was asked questions only in some completely exceptional cases. That is, I will not be a mediator all the time, all the time. My task, on the contrary, is to establish this connection and so that the person himself hears, knows how to make out these signs that are given to him.

That is, it is quite realistic to learn how to communicate with the brownie, and not just know about the very fact of its existence?

This is real. For this, a person needs to develop, learn to hear himself.
If you learn to interact with the brownie in full, then the benefits can be enormous.
The brownies really want to help. They see what a deplorable state a person is in. They see how much they can do. And they are in an extremely depressed state of the fact that they cannot find contact with a person.
I love them very much. I have great respect for them. In addition, I would like to make it easier for a person to survive. I want more kindness. The vibration of kindness for brownies is extremely positive. It is good for everyone to be kind.
It's not just a matter of cleanliness in the house, delicious food. It is also a matter of money and well-being. And good health. A lot is included here. These are vibrations with a plus sign, which do not destroy, but create.
For example, you went to a store - there you got nasty - a woman or a man who has some problems of their own. If you let this vibration into yourself, then you walk all day, chew and destroy yourself.
If there is a personal assistant next to you, your protection immediately works. You don't let it in. Just don't let me in. And, accordingly, your energy shell will not have any holes.

Without such an assistant as a brownie, a person risks turning into an energy sieve?

Not just a risk, but, as a rule, it is.
Where does a person get so much fatigue? Why is there so much sleep in the morning? After all, a person does not even have to sleep as much as he sleeps. He may sleep much less and experience a much greater burst of energy.
Another function of the brownie. Those people who wish you harm, who envy you, vampire you will never come to the house. And if they do come, they will be very uncomfortable and they are unlikely to want to return.
You can't even imagine - how many vampires we are! For example, a neighbor comes to fetch salt and begins to tell her whole life, from her very birth. You sit and listen. And the neighbor is comfortable. But with a brownie, such a neighbor will immediately become uncomfortable and she will leave.

Brownie is protection. This is what you need to have first of all in this world.

You can, of course, build your own defense. You can enter into different practices. And this is also a plus. Brownie does not exclude all this. It makes you want to be protected. Because when you start to feel - how good it is to be energetically collected - you start looking for ways to develop further. How can you be even more secure. And then a certain space of composure, relaxation, and comfort begins to form around you. And, accordingly, well-being, health, happiness.
You start to feel the same energy of money correctly. After all, the brownie loves not only when the house is beautiful and tidy, but also when there is wealth in it. For him, wealth is, first of all, food, it is food. When everyone is full, everyone is happy.

How long can such a union of a man and a brownie last?

This is a brownie not for a month, not for a year. This is your personal assistant for your whole life. That is, it is actually an invaluable gift that they present to us, allow us to use it, ask us to use it.
Brownies are a very ancient civilization. I can definitely call her a non-hostile human. On the contrary - the most friendly.
But there is a serious obstacle to this friendship. And it is in ourselves.
I can help those people who are ready to interact with them. It is important to understand that we are talking about serious things. Not just like that - they settled a brownie. He lives, he helps. He is on his own. And you are on your own.
Before accepting his help - think carefully - are you ready to develop yourself?

Every house has his soul, his energy guard and the owner - a brownie. Depending on his temper and the atmosphere prevailing in the home, this home spirit can be so imperceptible that people will feel that it is not there at all. And maybe vice versa - to manifest itself with noises, sudden disappearances, minor dirty tricks and other ways available to him. To get the location of this entity, you need to know how to make friends with the brownie, and then maintain this relationship.

Who is the brownie

These owners of the house do not belong to the ranks of unclean spirits, they are a product of nature, its deep forces and secret energies. That is why trying to drive out such a neighbor with the help of priests, prayers, icons or sprinkling with water is an empty and even harmful exercise. Few people like it when they try to survive from the legal territory. If you are wondering how to make friends with a brownie, then the first thing to start with is to acknowledge his right to live next to you. Treat him with respect, because in his power to do, what we - mortals - are not up to. Since it is an energetic entity, the atmosphere and relationships in the family have the most direct impact on it. Where peace and kindness reign, he usually shows himself little, and if he does show his presence, it is only for the good of the household. For example, it can warn about something or expel guests from the house who come with anger, envy, or bad thoughts. But in those families where they constantly quarrel, scandal, drink, the actions of the brownie will be constantly traced. Since this spirit is a kind of symbiosis with the earth, it usually settles either in private houses or in apartments located on the lower floors. Above the third floor, such hosts are rarely found. It is interesting that they are born (or arise) old, and as they grow up they get younger and disappear, which means a transition to another, higher level of existence.

Relationship etiquette

So how to make friends with a brownie? They love communication and attention to their person, so at least occasionally try to contact him, at least aloud, at least mentally. And you should not do this only while waiting for help, thank him if you suddenly found a long-term loss, cockroaches or mice left the house for no reason, flowers began to grow especially well. Treat your invisible helper with porridge and sweets, he even favors them. Of course, spirits do not need physical food, but in deciding how to make friends with a brownie, such gifts from outside

hostesses symbolize respect, care and gratitude. When leaving treats for him, place them out of reach of pets or children. Do not leave food in silence, say a couple of warm words to the housekeeper and invite him to taste the gift. And they are also eager for games, and so that trinkets and other items are not lost in the house, collect a box with fun for your neighbor. It can be outdated jewelry, beautiful buttons, beads, coins. Such a box should be without a lid. She, like food, needs to be removed to a secluded place, letting the housekeeper understand that this is all intended for him, and with spillikins you can do whatever he wants.

Get closer

Everyone who is interested in how to make friends with a brownie wants to know how he looks. According to eyewitnesses, he is usually small in height, no more than 0.5 m. It can take the image of the owner of the house, less often - the mistress, and can appear in the form of a fur ball, an old man or a cat. He is very friendly with the latter, as evidenced by numerous pictures. Also, since the material shell of the brownie is poorly developed, its presence is manifested

vibrations of air, draft with closed windows. However, everyone notes that with any close contact with this creature, the human body becomes numb, it becomes difficult to move, move the limbs and head. Is it possible to somehow fix that there is a Photo, if it was possible to photograph something, so vague and indistinct that it is hardly possible to compose a "photographic portrait" from them. And think for yourself how you can capture a bunch of energy? We have already mentioned that it is often in this form that the invisible brownie exists. The pictures, made by folk craftsmen and craftsmen, depict him in the form of a kind grandfather sitting by the stove in the company of a cat. Sometimes he tinkers or fixes something. And, of course, he is the boss at night, not showing himself to the household. He is more accustomed to reminding himself not by visits, but by deeds. He can come to a person's bed at night, settle domestic issues or, conversely, create interference. Sometimes the invisible owner hides the keys, trying to delay a person from leaving the house, if the trip may entail negative consequences or a disaster occurs on the road.

Do cartoon characters have anything to do with a real brownie? Perhaps yes. They display a certain collective image of this creature, with all its features and habits. After all, fairy tales are a reflection of reality.

Barabashka, Poltergeist, Brownie - all these words, in fact, mean the same thing, some kind of energetic entity, a small spirit that settles in human dwellings. They say that the brownie still lives in every village hut, in many city apartments, but not everyone knows about this.

According to ancient beliefs, from the souls of trees cut down and used to build a house, a house owner was born.

It is believed that the brownie is born as an old grandfather and dies as a baby. Most often, the brownie looks like an old man - small, like a stump, all covered with gray hair (even his palms are hairy), gray with antiquity and dust. Sometimes, in order to divert a curious gaze from himself, he takes the form of the owner of the house - well, like a spitting image! In general, the brownie loves to wear the master's clothes, but always manages to put them in place as soon as a person needs things.

In childhood, brownies look like balls, covered with long, hard-to-touch wool. The hands are small, with soft fingers. Legs may be missing - then brownies move through the air, hovering a dozen centimeters from the floor. When they see a person, they usually become almost transparent and hang motionless under the ceiling, but sometimes they begin to fly very quickly around the room, leaving a grayish trail behind them.

In adolescence, the brownie has no sex, but for a long time living next to a person, he gradually acquires the appearance, character and gender of his owner.
In different regions of Russia, the brownie takes different images. In addition to the old man, village brownies pretend to be a hare, a bear, a trot, or appear as a shadow on the wall. Urban brownies often take the form of a mouse, a snake, a weasel or a cat.

And his name is different - Domovik; Grandfather; Wall; Lizun; I lived; Master; Wen; Do not live; Susedko, the Preserver, the Guardian Spirit, the Demon-dweller, but he is all the keeper of the hearth, the invisible helper of the owners.

Brownie differs from demons in that he does not do evil, but only jokes sometimes, even provides services if he loves the owner or mistress. He curls his hair and beards into braids if he loves, and bruises the one he doesn't love at night. These bruises are used to judge some kind of trouble, especially if the bruise hurts badly.
If the brownie fell in love with the family, then he warns of misfortune, guards the house and yard

This neighborhood can be different, it depends on the "character" of your "roommate". But, what is most surprising, the characters of brownies are formed by people themselves.

Brownies feed on our emotions, they will never "eat" us forcibly, like, for example, vampires, they just feed on the energy that you create around you. If you are a quarrelsome, noisy person, in your house there is a “prickly” energy and a heavy, oppressive atmosphere, then your brownie in such an environment will not be able to be kind and affectionate. If he does not run away from such an unkind house at all, then, most likely, he will manifest himself as follows: scare the owners with howls and shouts, hide things, spoil furniture and dishes, push, frighten, strangle people and other unpleasant actions on his part.

With such actions, we, without thinking twice, say that the house has started Poltergeist , and we begin to drive him out in every possible way, not at all thinking that it is our poor Domovoy who is forced to defend himself, since he has already become "furious" from constant scandals and negativity. In this case, in the kitchen, in a secluded corner at sunset, leave a saucer with milk and bakery product and sincerely ask the brownie for forgiveness.

But if his leprosy is expressed in spontaneous combustion of objects, bad graffiti on the walls and other things like that, then the Domovoi should show who is the boss in the house. You need to take a belt in your hand and go around the house and quilting furniture, walls, floor and things to sentence in an imperious and strong voice:

“Know your place, know your place.
You must guard the house, guard the economy,
Yes, please the mistress, and not fight,
Know your place, know your place. "

Any words can be said, the main thing is that they are uttered by the owner of the house.

If you cannot agree with the brownie, take a broom and, saying: "I sweep you away, stranger, harmful brownie, I drive you out" - mark the floors, looking with a broom in every corner. And so every day, except Friday, all week. I want to warn you, it is worth trying all methods of influencing your Brownie. And scold, and scold, and caress, and only if nothing comes of it, and he is really very angry, then drive him out, but remember, life is bad without the Brownie.

Calm, benevolent, positive owners have the same calm and positive Brownies in their homes, but a kind Brownie, unlike an angry one, is more difficult to track down, since he does not manifest himself so clearly.

According to the general belief, the Brownie lives behind the stove, and if the owner has horses and a stable, he is placed next to the horses. In urban settings, they settle under the stove, in the oven, under the bathroom, on the mezzanine or in the closet.

Kind brownie usually slumbers quietly somewhere under the ceiling in the form of a bunch of energy, coming to the aid of the owners at the right moments. In houses with such brownies, things are less often lost, or they are found very quickly, people less often swear, money is better saved, providing the owners with a steady material wealth, pets do not get sick. It is practically impossible to see a kind brownie, unless you are endowed with a special gift that allows you to see the energy of everything around you, but his presence is felt in a sense of care and patronage.
Nevertheless, pets and small children can see the house-animal: the Barabashka, for example, sometimes even plays with the child and answers his questions.

Do not try to communicate with the Brownie without fail, to make out him, it may be unsafe for your psyche. All magical creatures are not very fond of people invading their lives, and Brownies are no exception. To get rid of your too intrusive attention, Brownies can affect your psyche, so much so that you lose sleep and appetite, the whole rhythm of life is disrupted, and serious mental and health problems can begin. And if this does not stop you, and you continue to impose your communication on the Domovoi, then he can turn into an angry poltergeist.

What does the brownie do?

He helps to run the household, protects property from damage, theft and other troubles, primarily from fire. Sometimes they hear him, sitting in the master's place, doing the master's work, while nothing of this is visible
The brownie not only fulfills the duties of the owner of the house, but also patronizes livestock, protects and takes care of it. His main business is inspection of the farm. The brownie sees every little thing, tirelessly cares and worries so that everything is in order and ready: will help the worker, correct his mistake; he is pleased with the offspring of domestic animals and birds; he does not tolerate unnecessary expenses and is angry with them - in a word, the brownie is inclined to work, thrifty and prudent.

He monitors the energy cleanliness of housing. Unlike a person, he sees all the energy waste scattered around the apartment, and this is very upsetting him. The brownie gets dirty in him, his mood worsens. It can also clean up small energy waste from the apartment. He cannot cope with serious damage, so you can help him by performing a ritual. However, it is worth remembering: if you very often and very seriously clean your apartment energetically, then it is possible that by your actions you will drive your brownie out of the house.
When everything is in order, clean and tidy in the house, there is no energy dirt, the brownie feels great. He loves such a master and helps him in every way.

The brownie monitors the safety of things. In such a house, everything will work, dishes will not break and equipment will not break. He helps to find the missing items. To do this, you just need to ask him about it: "Master, father, help, tell me where this and that lies ..."

He also watches over small children and prevents various troubles. The brownie loves to be small children who accept it as a large plush toy and fiddle around and play with it heartily.
The brownie plays with children with pleasure. If the brownie loves to mess with your baby, this is good sign... He will not only play with him, but also protect him from minor troubles - matches, scissors, etc.
If a small child does not sleep well at night and is capricious, before putting the child to bed, put a treat for the housekeeper and ask him: “Brownie, brownie! Calm down my child! "

The brownie can work the owner in the morning if he has important things to do. May remind you of forgotten matters.
Before leaving the house, he will always remind a good owner: turn off the light, gas, water, iron, etc.

The brownie feels the approach of damage in advance. If, for example, an unkind person comes to visit you with evil intentions and black thoughts, the brownie begins to worry. He tries to warn the owner. If the landlord does not hear the whispers of the brownie, then the latter goes to great lengths to draw attention to himself. An unkind guest can escape from the hands of a mug and break, spill something on the tablecloth. Sometimes the dishes are beating near the owner himself - this is also a warning.

The brownie tries to survive unpleasant guests with all its might. He begins to choke them, to put pressure on them. Such guests become uncomfortable with you - everything annoys them, they feel stuffy, in the end they only have one thought - to quickly leave your house.

It is believed that the Brownie often warns its owners about any changes in life. For example, he pounds on the sleeping person during the night and presses him, so that at this time you can neither move nor say a word. Lie calmly, restore your breathing and mentally ask the brownie what he wants to say - good or bad: "For better or for worse?" ... The answer will follow immediately - a dull voice will say "yes" or "no". If good, he will pet you; if the hand is woolen - this is money. Feel the pain - a warning about the illness of someone close.
Most often, the Brownie gives information to the oldest person in the family. These can be dreams, prophecies, signs, hints, knocks, any images seen with peripheral vision.

In his free time from sleep, he wanders around the apartment, going about his business, playing with animals.
If the Brownie dislikes your cat, rest assured that she will not last long in the house. If, on the contrary, he fell in love, he will play with her. Pay attention, sometimes your furry pet suddenly rolls over onto its back and starts waving its paws in the air. It's the brownie that tickles her. Sometimes a cat, licking itself, will start up and stare into emptiness, and looks as if following someone with a glance. This invisible traveler is the brownie.
The brownie's favorite pastime is hide and seek. He hides the right thing and has fun watching the search. To find the loss, you need to say: “Brownie, brownie, don't joke with me. I took the thing, played it - put it down, return it ”.
If spoons, knives, watches, etc. disappear in the house and you cannot find the missing thing, then stand in the corner of the room and contact the housekeeper: "Brownie, brownie, play and give it back" ... Search in each room separately.
If he plays pranks too often, it means that he is seriously suffering from loneliness. Then after the next hide and seek, hint that you are not against his marriage. To do this, you need to tie any handkerchief, except for the nose, around the leg of the chair and say: "Brownie-grandfather, here's a friend for you, look at her, what you took - return." If Dmovoy lives well, he gets a wife - Domovikha and a child - Domovik.

The wife of the Brownie - Domovikha, Domakha, Bolshukha, Marukh, Kikimora (not to be confused with forest and swamp kikimora!) Is often dirty and weird. Rearranges furniture, rearranges things to your liking, confuses threads, scares children with a sudden clatter of heels. But sometimes it helps the owners, warns them of trouble.
Usually Domovukha-kikimora appears in the form of a dry little woman, a head with a thimble, straw legs. In mid-May (the time of matchmaking of brownies), her skin turns green, and the devil's sparkles appear in her eyes. She can appear as a girl with a white face, black eyes and long black hair.

How not to offend the Brownie

IN common people they have respect for the Domovoi, so the peasant is afraid of offending him in any way and even hesitates to pronounce his name without purpose. In conversations, they do not call him a brownie, but "grandfather, master, the big one, or himself."

It is believed that he does not like mirrors, also goats, as well as those who sleep near the threshold or under the threshold. They say that the Brownie does not like the lazy.

You cannot whistle in the house, since the Brownie does not tolerate whistling, he can leave the house, and sometimes immediately and forever.

Brownies also really do not like tobacco smoke, so it is better to never smoke in your house, as this smoke settles on household utensils, furniture and does not fade away.

According to legends, it is impossible to leave piercing and cutting objects on the table (forks, knife, etc.), as well as salt, pepper, garlic, onions, because this prevents the Domovoi from protecting the house and resisting evil forces.

In addition, the Brownie does not tolerate dirty kitchen utensils and dishes standing in the kitchen for a long time, and when the owner is far from the kitchen, you can hear the characteristic knocking and rattling of dishes. Brownie's anger can be subdued by placing a few coins on the hallway cabinet or on the roof of a bookcase in the hall.

Do not forget to greet and say goodbye to the Brownie, calling him respectfully "Boss". Sometimes the Brownie can reveal his name to you - this is a very positive sign.

How to communicate with Brownie

Previously, people believed that if you talk to the Brownie, you can either become numb or become a stutterer forever. Therefore, it is recommended to simply listen to what the Brownie warns about. If it rattles dishes, a fire may occur; if poured with water, then to illness; but if he cries and cries out, then be in grief; if it starts howling and slamming doors - to death.

If in the family there is only a semblance of well-being, but in fact the husband and wife do not get along, then often knives disappear in such a house.
Another sign from the Brownie can be the constant loss of socks. Most often this is a warning to a man who lives a double life or takes all the housework on his wife, completely eliminating himself. However, this may also be a protest against the fact that general cleaning has not been done for a long time, and the Brownie does not like disorder. Clean the apartment and all socks will be paired. In a word, if the Brownie starts to buzz, then something is wrong in the family.

It is necessary to determine the place for Domovoy, where he would sleep off, hide. Although, usually, the brownie finds and equips such a place for himself, but sometimes he directly shows that he likes it here - be condescending.

The brownie is a thinking creature. Moreover, it easily reads your thoughts. First you need to know that you can talk to the Brownie both mentally and aloud. If your family perceives this normally, then it is possible in the presence of family members.
Of course, the brownie has a name, but since you do not know him, you can refer to him as "Grandfather", "Grandfather the housewife", "The owner-father", "The brownie-father", "Sir-brownie", "Neighbor". Talking about the brownie in the third person, respectfully call him "he", "himself" - your brownie will appreciate the respectful attitude. Ask him for help in something, promise something tasty or toys.

Usually the Brownie speaks to you and speaks to you in his own language, which is not always easy to understand. You can ask him "Brownie, brownie, we wish you no harm, explain what you want" ... The answer can be felt with the palm of your hand: warm means "yes", cold means "no"

What does the brownie like to play with?
Old beads, jewelry, shiny buttons, old coins. Put all this in a beautiful box without a lid and tell the Domovoy that this is a gift for him and put it in a secret place. No one should touch the box or its contents. The box can be sewn from postcards, glued or taken ready-made and dressed up with all sorts of shiny pieces of paper, rain.
Give the Brownie money. Usually it is five kopecks in one coin. It is placed in a hard-to-reach place in the house, often left between the cracks in the floor. At this time they say: “Grandpa brownie! Here's some money for boots and seeds. With all my heart I give, I give you! "
If the Brownie gets spoiled, then you should chide him: “Such a grown-up grandfather and playing pranks. Oh no no no!" ... He will be ashamed and he will try to make amends.

The best way to communicate with Brownie is treating him delicious ... The brownie will surely appreciate your concern and will try to thank you sooner or later. All isoteric literature recommends pouring milk into a clean saucer and placing the treat in a secluded warm corner. Also, you can add some sweets, cookies to milk. Sometimes you need to pamper your Brownie with porridge - for example, on the first day of every month.

It is better to put goodies under the battery. If there are dogs, cats or other animals in the house, then put them on the refrigerator or in a corner so that the Domovoy is comfortable, and away from human eyes, and so that the animals do not get it. When placing treats, one should say: "This is for you, Grandpa the housewife" ... Then happiness in the house will increase, and peace between the household.

On big holidays (at, on Easter, at Christmas) in good families, after a festive dinner, they always left the house treat on the table.
Even the name day of the Brownie "housekeeper" was celebrated, they were celebrated on February 10, on Ephrim the Syrian. On this day, it was necessary to leave the "owner" the gift on the table. Usually it is bread with porridge. They said: "Master-father, take care of the economy », "Host-father, take bread and salt, drive abundance" ... After the festive supper "Soussedko" was humble and helpful all year round. If this is not done, then the Brownie of a kind being could turn into evil and harmful, and after that all business in the household would go awry.

All the food that was given to the housekeeper is then given to pets or any animals on the street, birds. The porridge is removed the next day, and the sweets are kept until the next first day.

Also, for family holidays, do not forget to put a glass of wine (do not offer vodka) to Domovoy and something tasty. At the same time, say: "X ozyain-father, sir brownie, love me, and perhaps take my treat " ... Everyone clinks glasses with a glass of Brownie.

On June 9, the day of Fedor, the brownie settles down to sleep on a broom, and he can accidentally be taken out of the house along with the garbage. Therefore, on this day, the peasants in Russia did not sweep the floors at all, so that prosperity and comfort would not leave the house with the brownie.

But on the twelfth of April on John Climacus, the brownie could play tricks and rage all night until the cocks crowed.

How to check if there is a Brownie in your house

By the way, in such a simple way - leaving treats for the Brownie - you can check if he is in your house at all, using the pendulum technique the next morning.

Hang any object on a long string - a ring, a large bead, any object that seems most suitable for this. The pendulum answers questions by swinging in different directions, yes or no. Leaving an offering for the night, check the milk energy in the morning. Yes, milk will at first glance be untouched if cats do not eat it, because brownies are energetic entities, and they feed on energy, respectively. Your pendulum will not be able to answer the question, good milk or bad, it will just stand still, not swinging, because all the energy from the milk will go away. This means you have a brownie and he accepted your offering.

Also, the presence of the Brownie can be checked like this: in apartments, it is quite possible that the favorite place of residence of the Brownie is the bathroom, namely washer... If you put a mirror on a stand on it, then most likely, during the day this mirror will be overturned.

When moving to a new house or apartment, do not forget to take your Brownie with you.

To avoid trouble, since ancient times, when moving to a new house, it was necessary to conduct a small ritual so that the brownie moved with the owners. Since it is believed that the Brownie cannot live without people. Abandoned in an old and abandoned house, having lost its owners, the Brownie cries and howls bitterly ...

On the last night, the owner must invite him, giving him a treat - a slice of bread with salt and a cup of milk. They say: “Father, my master, my good brownie. I'll give you new mansions, bright chambers. Come with me, there will be no happiness without you. "
Leaving the old apartment, on the doorstep say: "My master, come with me" ... In the old days, when moving to a new place, the hostesses took out a coal from the stove, put it in a bast shoe (or other shoes) and solemnly transported it to a new home. They believed that a brownie could turn into such a coal if he wants to move to a new building. Well, now they are carrying the Brownie in a sack, where he is politely asked to climb. The material embodiment of the Brownie is a coal or an awl, which should be put in a bag. Brownie won't go with you without an invitation ... And will remain alone and abandoned. And with your Brownie, well-being in a new place is guaranteed to you.

An ideal gift for the Brownie in this case is a 2-3-month-old kitten, best of all a motley (tricolor) or striped, therefore, when moving to a new place of residence, this animal is admitted first, saying: "Here's to you, master, a shaggy beast for rich housing" ... Then the kitten should be immediately brought to the kitchen to the stove, put on the floor, without letting go, and say: "I give you, brownie-father, a furry beast for a rich yard" ... If the brownie accepts the "beast", then he will definitely take him under his protection and can take harsh revenge on those who offend the cat (cat). They say that "whoever kicks a cat will hurt his leg, and whoever kills a cat will have no luck for seven years."
Then make a pie. Knead the dough: 800 g flour, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, 200 g butter, 2 pinches of salt. Bake a roll. Do not touch the product for three days. After the specified period in the evening, set the table for the whole family, put an extra device and a glass. The elder in the house pours wine, cuts a loaf. He divides one half for all, and puts the second along with a glass on the table with the words: "Father brownie, love me, protect and take care of my goods, take my food and drink wine from a full cup." If after a day the wine is drunk, then add again, saying the same words, if not, then ask the brownie 9 times in your own words to accept the treat.

If troubles, troubles in life began to haunt your family, quarrels and scandals have become more frequent in the house, you need to establish contact with your Brownie by performing the following ritual:

On the place you have chosen for the brownie, put bread and salt and put a cup of milk with the words: “Neighbor-homebody, the slave comes to you, carries his head low; do not weary him in vain, but make friends with him, make friends with him, and do an easy service. Here's a warm place for you and a small treat. " Remove the treat after a day.

How to attract a brownie if he is not in the house?

The absence of the Brownie is felt right away: sleep is disturbed, there is no peace in the soul, things break down and deteriorate, animals do not take root, over time melancholy sets in and the desire to live disappears.

Above was described the ritual of how to pick up your brownie if you move to a new place of residence. If you, having bought a house in a new building, moved there from your parents (or in other cases when it is not possible to take the Brownie with you), you can attract the Brownie in the following way: at midnight (if you wear a cross, hang it on your back) put a glass on the table milk and a loaf of bread and say three times: “My master, come to my house, be always with me, here is your home. Breadwinner, father, come to my new house to eat bread here, drink milk, and we will not know sorrow and grief. Amen". leave the treat on the table for 3 days, and then, as a sign of love and respect, finish the bread and finish the milk left on the table.
It is quite a natural question - whether the Brownie lives with you now - you can easily solve it, paying attention to how subtly the situation in the house has changed, how it has become light and comfortable, how the melancholy gradually passes. After that, thank him by placing a treat.

There is a second way to invite a brownie to your house:

On the new moon, when you start having dinner, put two saucers with treats - pour a little milk into one and define it under the stove or near the stove oven with the words: "Eat, drink, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me."
Put a little of what you have on the table in the second saucer. When you put, you need to say: "Have a snack, have a bite, grandfather, as much as you want, and live with me" ... If you speak sincerely, the Brownie will certainly come and stay with you. And drive out all kinds of evil

Brownie, although it is considered cousin hell, but fights his forces, protecting us. Let us not create obstacles for him in this useful business.
Observing all the points, you will be surprised how much your life in the house has changed. Relationships became smoother, you began to feel better, more confident, calmer and, as a result of all this, you became more successful.

Interesting fact: At the end of the holiday of the meeting of spring (from the day of the vernal equinox to Ladodenia), spring itself began among the ancient Slavs, according to the current calendar - April 1. This day was considered the Day of Awakening of the Brownie. The Slavs believed that for the winter he (like many animals and spirits) fell into hibernation, waking up only occasionally to do necessary work around the house. And when spring came finally and irrevocably, the main guardian spirit of the hearth - Brownie - had to wake up to put things in order in the house, clean the barn, start preparing for sowing, lubricate the carts.
When we suddenly wake up in the middle of a sweet dream to the ringing of an alarm clock or from the loud voice of caring relatives, we are often unhappy with this. We yawn and grumble about why we woke up so early. Children generally start to be capricious. And Brownie often has the habits of a child, and after a long winter hibernation, he wakes up, too, not very joyful. And then he starts to play naughty. Either he sprinkles flour or cereals, sometimes he stains the linen, in a peasant farm he could confuse the manes of horses, scare the cows. But you never know! ..
Of course, our distant ancestors tried to butter up the dissatisfied Brownie with porridge, milk and bread, but, as you know, performances should be attached to bread. The widespread festivities, jokes, laughter of people in the house, who played each other all day, became such spectacles for the awakened spirit. To make it more fun for the housekeeper, the inhabitants of the house put on their clothes inside out, like the very spirit of the ancestor, who, as you know, wears his fur vest with the seams out; different socks or shoes always flaunted on their feet, and in the conversation everyone tried to deceive each other or make a joke so that the owner-father of the brownie would forget that he had recently woken up.
Over time, they forgot about the meeting of spring and the caulking of the brownie on April 1, but the tradition of joking, acting and cheating on this day remained. As the saying remains - on the first of April I don't believe anyone.
Based on materials from,,

Date of publication: 04/09/14

If a brownie has settled in your house (and this will surely happen sooner or later), then you definitely need to make friends with him. Everyone knows that if you make friends with the brownie, then you will feel comfortable at home and your soul will be calm. The brownie will play with the animals and look after the children. In houses where relations with the domovoy are established, and the pipes do not break, and the neighbors do not flood, and they avoid any troubles.

But if the relationship does not work out, then the brownie can behave completely differently: here you have noises at night, and the hum of pipes, and if you completely piss him off, then the dishes can begin to beat, blow up light bulbs, spoil household appliances. Some in this case try to drive out the "evil spirits" from the house, which rarely brings results, since the brownie is not afraid of prayers and holy water (he is not an evil spirit). In addition to the small benefit from such actions, you can make your neighbor even more angry, but he lives in the house legally, perhaps more legal than you, since such a residence is attributed to him by nature itself, and for us at home it is the result of technical progress. It is much more effective and useful to make friends with the brownie. This can be done as follows.

Always talk out loud to the brownie. Despite the fact that he can read your thoughts, communication by voice not only better articulates your desires and defines intentions, but is also a sign of respect. If you need his help (for example, find something lost in the house, or look after the apartment when you leave), ask him about it and promise a treat. If the brownie is playing too much and does not behave too well, it is worth scolding him slightly, shaming him, because he is already an adult grandfather, and behaves like a child. Then he will feel ashamed, he will stop playing pranks, and subsequently he will try to somehow atone for his guilt.

The brownie loves milk, sweets and cereals. Treat him always when you ask for something or give him an important assignment, as well as every first day of the month (or on the new moon) to maintain a warm relationship. Leave food in places inaccessible to animals and children, so that no one interferes with the housekeeper, while it is worth saying that it is for him. Perishable food is given to pets or street animals the next day. Sweets can lie down until the next first day, then you replace them with new ones.

Usually, the brownie grandfather looks after the place to live (near the battery or behind the stove), but it so happens that he will like a completely unusual place, for example, the top shelf in the closet. You will be able to notice this if there are constantly rustles or things falling out of there. In this case, you should make this space for him.

The brownie loves to play. Old beads, jewelry, bright and colored things, coins are a wonderful gift for him. All this should be folded into a box with an open top and put in a secluded place so that only the brownie would have access there. Leaving a gift, it is worth saying that it is for him, give him permission to play with it. Of course, he will crawl into a box with toys without any permission, but then he will not feel very comfortable.

When communicating with a brownie, address him respectfully: "Grandfather-brownie", "Sir-Brownie", "Boss-father". Do not forget to greet and say goodbye to the brownie. Sometimes the brownie can tell you his name - this is a very good sign. If you have any difficulties, contact him and do not forget to thank. For family holidays, pour a glass of wine (not vodka) to the brownie and give sweets. Everyone clinks glasses with this glass as a sign of respect, because he is an honorary member of your family.

Compliance with these simple rules will allow you to maintain a warm and friendly relationship with your brownie, and he will respond to your every request - whether it is to find a missing thing, or to lull a child, or to look after the house.