Norms chimney from the gas pipe. How to make a chimney for a boiler in a private house. Size requirements

To ensure a pleasant life in the cottage in winter, excluding the occurrence of dangerous situations, you need to develop and install a competent heating system. Of all types, gas is the most economical. However, when selecting and installing equipment of this type, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the existing set of rules. Then the accommodation will be not only comfortable and economically profitable, but also safe. At the same time, it is important to correctly mount the chimney for a gas boiler in a private house, because the required heat transfer of the boiler depends to a greater extent on its throughput, tightness and safety.

Read in the article:

Chimney for a gas boiler in a private house: purpose, features

When designing heat supply for houses and cottages, you need to correctly choose chimneys for boilers that remove hot air containing harmfulness. The task is important, therefore, the following requirements are put forward for such elements of the system:

  • Ensuring sufficient traction.

The main thing is to correctly position and choose the diameter of the chimney on the gas boiler.

  • Elimination of deformation and damage under the influence of high temperature of the transported medium.

The temperature is high enough, therefore, the chimney for a gas boiler must be made of heat-resistant material.

  • There should be no change in material properties under chemical action.
  • Suitable form.

Nowadays, round pipes are more common, since less soot is retained on their walls.

Basic requirements for a chimney in a private house

If you are installing a chimney in a cottage yourself, study and strictly adhere to the rules described in the following regulatory documents:

  • SNIP 40-01-2003.
  • SNIP 42-01-2002.

In this case, the most important points that must be taken into account when installing the chimney: correct calculation of the smoke exhaust system, that is, the height and diameter of the chimney for a gas boiler; selection of pipe material; the frequency of service work (cleaning and maintenance).

In addition, the fire safety regulations clearly define the requirements for the chimney of a gas boiler. Of course, every year they will change somewhat, but general provisions can be highlighted:

  • The room in which the gas boiler is located must be sufficiently ventilated, that is, an exhaust ventilation device (mechanical or natural) is required. In this case, the chimney is strictly prohibited to be taken out into the exhaust shaft. The combustion products from several boilers can be discharged into one chimney, the main thing is that the room must be of sufficient volume (height - at least 2 meters, area - 7.5 meters per 1 boiler), and it is strictly forbidden to obstruct the chimney with any grates.
  • Equipment located in different boiler rooms cannot be combined into one chimney. If it is located in the same room, such a device is allowed with two reservations: boilers must be connected to a chimney located at a distance of more than 100 cm in height from each other; installation of the dissecting device is required.
  • It is necessary to comply with fire safety standards when crossing a partition that is susceptible to fire. That is, when crossing wooden partitions, it is necessary to install fire protection strips. In addition, a small distance between the pipeline and combustible materials (for example, insulation) of at least 5 centimeters must be left free. For this purpose, sandwich pipes are excellent, which do not require additional work in this case. To the load-bearing combustible structures must be more than 100 cm from the pipe. The fulfillment of this condition is supplemented by a horizontal channel outlet. The main thing is not to make such a section too long, otherwise the system may not work correctly.
  • It is necessary to comply with the fire safety requirements for the construction of combustible floors. Beams and walls located near the chimney must be treated with special fire-retardant solutions, the fire resistance of which is at least 120 minutes.

  • To pass through the roof of the building, a special passage must be installed. In the case of ceramic and sandwich pipes, it is quite simple to arrange this, the necessary element is in the standard line of materials.
  • The maximum length of all horizontal sections should be no more than 3 meters.
  • When installing a steel chimney, it is necessary to insulate it, moreover, it is forbidden to mount it with breaks or leaking joints inside the building.

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In this review, we will try to make out. How to choose the best option and prioritize for ordinary users, what models exist, how to properly carry out the installation on your own.

Features of the chimney device in a private house: calculation of the diameter and height, the choice of insulating material

How to make a chimney correctly so that it works correctly and for a long time? When installing an exhaust pipe for a gas heating boiler, it is necessary not only to adhere to fire safety rules, but also to carry out the correct calculations of the height and diameter of the pipe. Since the quality of traction depends on these parameters, which means the safety of removal of combustion products.

If you are not confident in your own abilities, you should entrust this calculation to professionals. However, the SNIP prescribes the rules, having carefully studied which, you can calculate the length and diameter of the pipe for a gas boiler yourself.

  • To ensure the required draft, it is necessary to mount a chimney at least 5-7 meters.
  • The height of the part of the pipe protruding above the roof depends on the distance from the ridge of the building.

  • It is necessary to take into account the speed and direction of the wind at the point where the chimney exits on the roof, since in some cases the combustion products may blow almost vertically downwards, which will lead to tangible inconveniences.

Interesting! Some modern gas boilers equipped with a draft sensor. If it often shows an error, the height of the pipe is not chosen correctly, and it is necessary to increase it or move the chimney.

Rules for the diameter of the chimney:

  • In most cases, the diameter of the chimney should be equal to the size of the boiler outlet. However, if a very high channel height is required, it may be necessary to increase the diameter to avoid creating unnecessary resistance.

  • The narrowing of the channel is not allowed under any circumstances. For example, if the outlet from the boiler is 200 mm, then the pipe must be at least 200 mm.

Important! Boiler room ventilation is necessary to prevent the accumulation of gases in the room when the device is turned off. The main thing is to choose the right section of the exhaust duct.

Another important point in the construction of a gas pipe is its insulation. This must be done to prevent condensation from forming and pouring it into the boiler. The main purpose of the insulation is to keep the outside cold, so that when warm air moves inside the pipe, the walls heat up as quickly as possible, and the air does not cool down to the “dew point”. You can insulate gas ducts for gas boilers in one of the following ways:

  • Twisting and fastening with clamps of basalt wool on the pipe.
  • Covering the chimney surface with basalt shells is the best option, since they have the best thermal insulation properties.
  • A brick chimney is usually insulated with cardboard or basalt mats, since in this case this option is the simplest. After installation, the mats are covered with an even layer of plaster.

Choosing a chimney for a gas boiler: materials

If you decide to install a chimney for a gas boiler yourself, first of all you need to choose the material from which it will be made.

Each of the options listed below has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, usually only one of the types is ideal for a particular case:

  • Coaxial.

  • Stainless steel.

  • Brick.

  • From asbestos-cement pipes.

So that you choose the right way to make a chimney in a private house, we will analyze each type separately.

Features of coaxial chimneys for gas boilers

Coaxial chimney - one of the varieties of metal or plastic pipes... It is made in the form of a structure of two pipes of different sizes (the smaller one is inserted into the larger one), moreover, along the entire length, there are jumpers that prevent them from touching in order to achieve maximum efficiency. You can buy a coaxial chimney for a gas boiler in any specialized store, but its cost is quite high, so it is used only in extreme cases.

The principle of air movement through such a pipe is somewhat different from the standard version. Supply air enters the firebox not from the room, but along the outer contour of the pipe, while combustion products are emitted along the inner one. Thanks to this device, coaxial chimneys have the following advantages:

The overall heat loss of the building is reduced, because in this case the air for maintaining the combustion of the furnace does not come from the room, but heated due to the removed one (the principle of recuperation).

The possibility of fire in the places where the pipe touches the building structures is reduced due to the insulation of the hot pipe.

High efficiency, due to which the minimum amount of pollution enters the atmosphere.

In this case, only closed-type cameras are used, which are the safest. In addition, the size of such a device is much smaller, which makes it possible to arrange a boiler room with a minimum area.

This option also has disadvantages:

High price of coaxial chimneys for gas boilers.

Length limitation for horizontal pipes (maximum 2 meters).

Interesting! Such pipes are usually used when using gas boilers without a chimney. Since their installation is the only way removal of heated air without installing a complex chimney system.

Stainless steel chimney: features, advantages and disadvantages

The use of simple stainless steel chimneys for gas boilers is a rather rare case. Since they are susceptible to corrosion, they quickly heat up, which means they are fire hazardous. The only option is to use acid and heat resistant metal pipes. They are somewhat more expensive, but more reliable and durable. In addition, their thickness does not exceed 0.5-0.6 mm, due to which the chimney made of this material is quite light, therefore it can be attached directly to the walls of the building.

The main thing when installing a galvanized chimney is to securely fix the pipe outside the building using an additional supporting structure. If this is not done, a strong gust of wind can simply demolish it.

Advantages of galvanized pipes:

Aesthetically attractive appearance.

Smoothness of the inner surface, due to which less soot settles on it (in comparison with a brick chimney).

Installation can be done both inside and outside the building. The main thing here is high-quality insulation of the channel.

There is no need to build a foundation for the canal (due to its low weight).

Brick chimney

The most common and reliable way to remove hot air is to install a brick chimney for a gas boiler. The main thing is to correctly calculate its size and location at the stage of building design. If a mistake was made and the system does not work correctly, it will be almost impossible to make changes to the design.

Advantages of brick structures:


With a competent calculation, the cost of installing this type of chimney will be minimal in comparison with other types.

Heat storage capacity.


The brick does not burn, so even if a fire breaks out, the fire will not spread through the building.



Great weight.

Soot settling on the channel walls due to the roughness of the inner surface.

Lack of resistance to acidic environment.

Destruction of the structure due to strong temperature changes.

Chimney made of asbestos-cement pipes

Installing a chimney for a gas boiler from asbestos-cement pipes is not very simple in terms of installation, but an inexpensive option. These non-metallic pipes are supplied to the boiler using standard fittings. In this case, a condensate collector must be installed in the lower part, and a roof umbrella in the upper part to prevent the pipe from flooding during rain. Such air ducts are installed on special supports made of brick or metal. The main thing is to correctly calculate the load in order to avoid the collapse of the structure.

Most often, a separate chimney of this type is provided for each boiler. The main thing is to insulate the pipelines well so as not to burn yourself, and to mount a condensate collector in the right place.

How to make a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house with your own hands?

Before installing a chimney for a gas boiler, you need to correctly calculate its size and height. Installation, however, must be carried out strictly following the proposed plan. Otherwise, the appearance of reverse thrust or rapid destruction of the structure. In addition, it is necessary to decide on the material and location of the structure. After all, the need for insulation and installation features depend on these parameters.

Installation of metal pipes takes place according to the plan below:

  • Preparatory stage.

It includes the purchase of the necessary materials and the application of markings on the floors of the building in places where the chimney will pass.

  • Drilling holes for pipes
  • Connecting the boiler to the chimney using an adapter adapter.
  • Extending the pipe to the required length.
  • Installation of passages through the floors.
  • Strengthening joints with clamps and self-tapping screws.
  • Attaching the pipe to the walls of the building with clamps (step - 2 meters).
  • Installation of a roof umbrella.

  • Chimney insulation.

If the installation is carried out correctly, the repair of the chimney for a gas boiler will need to be carried out after a very long period of time. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, entrust this work to professionals.

Upon completion of the installation, the question arises: how to check the draft in the chimney of a gas boiler, and is everything arranged correctly? Indeed, if there is insufficient traction, not only the formation of condensation can occur, but also the flow of gas into the house or the damping of the burner.

You can check traction in the following ways:

  • With an anemometer.
  • Bring a sheet of paper to the chimney.

If the draft is insufficient, it is necessary to suspend the operation of the equipment and not turn it on until the errors in the installation of the chimney from the gas boiler are eliminated.

Chimney price table for gas boilers

You can buy a chimney for a gas boiler at any specialized store. In this case, the price mainly depends on the pipe material and the number of fittings. Below is a table of average prices for chimneys of different types.


Mistakes in the selection and installation of a chimney for a gas boiler in a private house can lead to an emergency. Therefore, if you are not sure about your calculations, contact the professionals.

A typeDiameter, mmLength, mAverage cost, rub.

100 0,75 3200

Stainless steel
120 1 550

From asbestos cement pipe

One of the most important parts of a gas-fired heating system is a properly arranged chimney. It is no coincidence that the employees of the gas service impose strict, but reasonable requirements for the chimneys of gas boilers. Not only the efficient operation of the gas boiler, but also the safety of the inhabitants of the house depends on a properly arranged system. When working with gas appliances, there is no visible smoke, as from appliances operating on solid fuels, but this does not mean that there is no possibility of carbon monoxide accumulation. It is so dangerous that it can negatively affect human health unnoticed by him.

Owners of private houses must definitely know how the construction of the smoke exhaust system in the house where they live is arranged in order to carry out its correct operation. And those who are just going to install a gas heater should be aware in advance of what kind there are chimneys, and what they are arranged in a way to decide which one from them to choose.

Types of chimney systems for gas boilers

Today, several types of chimneys are most often used for heating systems with a gas boiler. Any of them can be built independently, but you need a diagram for assembly and a specialist recommendation. We will try to help you in this matter!

Brick chimney

Brick chimney

Brick pipes have been installed for a long time, even before the advent of pipes from new materials. But even now, some homeowners have not abandoned their construction, although, to be honest, such a chimney is complex in design and laborious to install. In addition, the construction of a brick chimney takes a lot of time and is not cheap. It should also be noted that the brick version is inferior in technical specifications more modern systems, since, due to its shape and rough inner surface, it is often overgrown with soot, which slows down the removal of fuel combustion waste. You don't want to hire a chimney sweep in a couple of years, do you?

Ceramic chimney

Sectional ceramic chimney

Such chimneys have a large number of positive qualities, which are especially well manifested in cases when the installation work will be carried out independently. The design is simple and reliable, easy to install, has a high degree of fire safety and, which is very important, is quite affordable. But, it should be noted that even with so many positive aspects, ceramic chimneys are not very popular.

Requirements for coaxial chimneys of gas boilers

The coaxial chimney is significantly different from all other designs in all respects.

Coaxial chimney connection diagram.

It has a neat compact appearance and a shape different from other chimney pipes - it does not rise to the roof, but out through the wall.

... and coaxial

Despite its small size, the chimney is highly efficient due to its structure and coating on the inner walls. Condensation does not appear inside it, which is very important for the operation of heating systems operating on gas fuel.

Stainless steel chimney sandwich

This model is the most popular and demanded in last years, since it has a number of unconditional advantages over other options. They have a large number of different transitions, tees and other parts made at different angles, which allows you to assemble structures of any complexity.

Chimneys made of stainless steel have three layers. The middle one is heat-insulating, which is made of mineral wool. This insulation layer can have different thicknesses - from five to ten centimeters. The choice of its thickness will depend on the location of the chimney and the average winter temperatures of the region where the building is located. It will depend on the correctly selected chimney pipe whether condensate will collect in it, and therefore the health of the entire system as a whole.

The stainless steel chimney has a perfectly flat inner surface, which allows you to easily remove the combustion products of the boiler. In addition, it has a mirrored outer surface, which contributes to the presentability of the overall appearance of the system.

Chimney elements made of stainless steel

Whichever chimney (except for brick) not installed, additional elements will be required for it, which are selected according to a previously developed system assembly scheme. These include the following details:

  • Connecting pipes that connect the pipe to the boiler - adapters.
  • Pipes of various lengths.
  • Passage pipes.
  • Inspection tee with a fitting on the bottom, with which condensate is removed.
  • Tapered tip.
  • Taps.

Requirements for the efficiency and safety of a gas boiler chimney, SNiP norms

For the correct construction of the chimney, the requirements of SNiP 2.04.05—91 and DBN V.2.5—20—2001 have been developed, which must be taken into account in order to achieve complete safety during the operation of the system. It should be noted that the health and life of the residents of the house, as well as the efficiency of the gas boiler, will depend on the fulfillment of all the provided rules.

Therefore, these rules must be taken seriously, since non-observance will lead to troubles with the gas industry, and possibly to fines. And you still have to redo everything again according to the established standards.

Requirements for the normal operation of chimneys of gas appliances include the following points:

  • Condensate drainage using a special moisture collector, which is placed at the bottom of the pipe.
  • A good draft must be provided in the chimney system, it is the key to the efficiency of the device.
  • To achieve good draft, when assembling the chimney, it is very important to ensure maximum tightness of the connection of the parts.
  • The chimney must be vertical and free from ledges. According to the rules, a slope of 30 degrees is allowed, so that the section diameter will be preserved.
  • The section of the pipe connecting the gas boiler to the chimney system, the length of which must be at least half a meter, must necessarily have a vertical section.
  • If a room height is about three meters, the total length of the horizontal connecting sections should not be more room height.
  • The distance between the chimney and wall surfaces or in passages, pipes through a wall made of combustible materials should be at least 20 centimeters, from non-combustible materials - about five centimeters. In the walls or ceilings through which the chimney runs, a non-combustible material such as mineral wool is laid around the pipe.
  • The head of the chimney pipe, passing through the roof, must rise above it by at least half a meter. If the roof has a flat structure, then the head above it is raised to a height of one meter.

When installing a chimney system, it is prohibited:

  • Installation of fungi and deflectors on the head of the gas boiler pipe, as they inhibit the removal of combustion products, so waste can get inside the premises.
  • Arrange more than 3 turns on the chimney pipes of the chimney.
  • Run the chimney through any room where there is no ventilation system.
  • Perform chimney ducts from materials with porous structures.
  • Extend the chimney system through living quarters.

The entire structure is assembled according to the instructions and scheme of the manufacturer of the chimney systems, agreed with the controlling organization.

Step-by-step installation of a gas boiler chimney

The installation of the chimney system is as follows:

  • An accurate marking of the passage of the pipe through the ceiling and the roof is made - this process must be repeatedly checked so as not to make mistakes.
  • Next, holes are arranged along the markings for the passage of the pipe.
  • Mount adapter for transition, which connects to a branch pipe located on the boiler.
  • Then a tee is attached, which has a compartment for collecting moisture, and is fixed with a special bracket.
  • The next section of the chimney is joined. If necessary, an element called "knee" is used.
  • If the pipe will be passed through the ceiling, a special pass-through pipe must be included in the chimney kit. The pipe passes through a metal sheet, in which a hole is arranged for it, slightly larger than the diameter of the pipe. The sheet is attached to the ceiling.
  • For reliability, the joints of two pipe sections are fixed with clamps, they are tightened with bolts.
  • The chimney is fixed to the wall on special brackets with a step of about two meters.
  • A cone-shaped tip completes the design.
  • The last step is to isolate the chimney from combustible materials at the crossings.

It is impossible not to highlight the nuances of choosing and installing a chimney, depending on its location. It can be installed outside and fixed to the wall (wall-mounted), or run inside the building.

Internal chimney

  • If heat should come from the chimney to all the rooms where it will pass, you do not need to choose a pipe with internal thermal insulation, it is insulated only from the outside.
  • It should be taken into account that when the chimney passes inside the house, the risk of penetration of combustion products into the rooms increases, and the fire hazard also increases. Therefore, it is very important to perfectly fit the individual parts and secure them securely with clamps.
  • For installation, a larger number of various additional elements will be required, since the pipe will pass through at least one ceiling and roof.
  • It should not be forgotten that if in the future it is necessary to carry out repair work on such a chimney, then this will become a rather problematic task.

Outdoor chimney

  • The outdoor version of the chimney requires a properly calculated thermal insulation.
  • The advantage can be called the safety of this heating element.
  • The installation of a chimney passing outside is much easier than an internal one.
  • If it is necessary to carry out repairs, it can also be easily carried out under any existing conditions.

How to avoid the accumulation of condensate in the chimney of a gas boiler - video tutorial

Any part of the heating system must be arranged as carefully as possible, and this should not be taken carelessly. Therefore, if there is no experience in this area, it is best to contact a specialist who knows his business, or to a company that installs chimneys.

Arrangement of a way for carbon monoxide to escape from the boiler must be carried out in accordance with the established requirements and standards. There are dimensional and other restrictions for the chimney so that the outflow of smoke from the gas boiler is safe for human health.

Each separate heating system has its own special requirements for the organization of the combustion products removal system. For gas heating equipment, the main thing is to arrange the chimney in such a way as to ensure the best possible draft.

Gas boiler with chimney and air intake pipe

Illiterate equipment of the chimney system can lead to the penetration of carbon monoxide into a residential area - this, in turn, poses a serious danger to human health and life.

Requirements for the material for the manufacture of chimneys

The following requirements are imposed on the material for the manufacture of pipes intended for the removal of flue gases:

  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • high anti-corrosion qualities;
  • chemical inertness.

Gas exhaust pipe

Inside, on the walls of the flue pipes, due to constant temperature drops, condensate is constantly formed, in which there is an increased content of sulfuric acid. Therefore, it is extremely important that the material for making the chimney does not enter into chemical reaction with acids, and also excellent resistance to corrosion. When buying, you should also specify separately that the thickness of the inner layer is at least 0.05 cm.

Council. To reduce the amount of condensate released inside the chimney, the chimney should be insulated.

Metal, ceramic or coaxial chimney?

In a private house, chimneys for gas boilers can be metal, ceramic or coaxial. The preferred type of flue pipe material that is suitable for use with a particular boiler is usually indicated by the manufacturer in the technical documentation.

Chimney device

The most common option is a metal chimney that can withstand an operating temperature of 800 degrees. Usually pipes of such chimney structures are made of stainless steel, and ferrous metal coated with zinc can also be used as a material for production.

In general, the standard design consists of several components: the inner layer of the chimney is made of stainless steel, on top of it there is a layer of heat-resistant basalt wool and a thin iron casing. Among the pluses of metal chimneys is high resistance to mechanical damage, as well as increased reliability, universal presentable appearance.

Ceramic chimney pipe

Ceramics, which can withstand up to 1200 degrees, are in somewhat less demand among consumers. The structure also consists of three layers: a ceramic component, a layer of insulation and a hard shell made of expanded clay concrete. Chimneys made of this material are distinguished by simplicity and reliability, ease of installation, as well as high fire safety.

A coaxial chimney is appreciated for its presentable appearance and fairly high performance. In general, a structure of this type has a somewhat specific shape, due to which it has an important advantage - condensation does not form on its inner walls. This property is very important for gas equipment, therefore, when choosing a suitable material, you should consider buying a coaxial chimney.

Scheme: device of a coaxial chimney

Attention! Brick pipes are suitable for solid fuel, not gas equipment. Therefore, for gas boilers, an old brick chimney must necessarily be re-equipped by inserting an insert made of metal, followed by insulation.

Basic standards

Section size and shape

When calculating the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney pipe, the dimensions of the branch pipe, which is installed on a specific gas boiler, are taken into account - the chimney should ultimately be no less in size. Two boilers can be connected to the chimney, but only on condition that their inputs are located at different levels and at a distance of 0.5 m relative to each other.

In this case, the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe pipe is calculated as the total power of both heaters multiplied by 5.5. For example, provided that the power of one according to the passport is 1 kW, and the other is 1.4, the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe common pipe will be (1 + 1.4) x 5.5 \u003d 13.2 cm square.

Installation of a flue system for a gas boiler

The section shape can be in the form of a rectangle or a circle. The flue flow moves in a spiral inside the chimney and, bumping into corners, loses its speed, therefore the round shape is preferable, it allows to provide high-quality draft.

Pipe arrangement

The chimney must be installed vertically. The permissible deviation is no more than 30 degrees or up to 1 meter in any direction. At the point of connection to the chimney of the gas unit, a vertical section is mandatory, while the height of the section must be from 0.5 m.

Correctly routed chimney for a gas boiler

Bends and all kinds of roundings on the chimney, ideally, should not be at all, but up to 3 such deviations are allowed. The slope of horizontal pipes is allowed exclusively to the side where the boiler is located, while the slope angle is up to 0.01 degrees.

Number of probes

It is allowed not to install the headrests if they obstruct the exit of flue gases. Under each of the probes, which are located on the head, it is impossible to place more than 1 pipe, that is, all individual pipes must have their own "fungi". The headrest must necessarily have a tapered shape.

Rules for the construction of chimney pipes intended for gas units

During the installation process, be sure to adhere to a number of established rules:

  1. installation is always carried out from bottom to top;
  2. the structure is fixed strictly vertically;
  3. pipes in height should not exceed 5 m;
  4. the slightest pipe deflections are excluded;
  5. all joints, transitions and roundings must be carefully sealed with a heat-resistant sealant;
  6. there should be no more than 3 horizontal crossings more than 1 meter long along the path of smoke movement;
  7. the head should be located above the wind support zone.

Chimney outlet options

Another important requirement for the chimney structure is the obligatory fastening of the pipe to the adjacent wall. Perfectly flat sections of the pipe are fastened in sections of 150 cm, while its individual parts are fixed to each other without exception. To enhance the overall reliability of the structure, all connections of the elements are fastened together with metal clamps.

SNiP requirements

Regardless of the type of construction, all chimneys for gas boilers must be manufactured and installed in accordance with the norms of SNiP 2.04.05-91 and DBN V.2.5-20-2001. Strict adherence to all requirements guarantees the safe operation of the heating system. If the norms set out in these documents are violated, problems will arise that will need to be addressed directly with the gas industry.

Competent installation of the chimney

The main theses of the regulatory documents:

  1. good traction must be organized;
  2. the design of the condensate collector must be carefully thought out so that excess moisture does not accumulate on the walls of the chimneys;
  3. installation of fungi, deflectors, etc. on the chimney head is not allowed, since they inhibit the process of removing combustion products;
  4. when carrying out installation work, special attention must be paid to the tightness of all individual structural parts at the connection points;
  5. a prerequisite is compliance with complete tightness at the joints and joints.


Chimney installation is a responsible process. In case of errors in installation, the system may fail, causing serious harm to health and even a threat to human life. Also, if the requirements and standards are not met, more frequent cleaning of the pipe will be required, since ash will settle in large quantities on its walls.

Connected gas boiler

Therefore, it is recommended to involve qualified specialists in the installation process, especially when it comes to a complex chimney system, who will draw up a separate project, as well as carry out all the necessary calculations, and ensure the smooth functioning of the gas equipment.

Gas boiler connection: video

Chimney for a gas boiler: photo

Does a gas-fired heating boiler need a chimney? Of course! Is it possible to build a chimney for a gas boiler with your own hands? Of course! You just need to study the features of the device of the most common types of smoke exhaust structures, familiarize yourself with the key requirements for such systems and do everything in full accordance with the provisions of the manual.

Features of the chimney device

Regardless of the type of chimney chosen, it will include the following components:

For the manufacture of a chimney can be used different materials... Check out the features of the most common solutions and make your choice.

If we judge objectively, then a brick chimney is not even the last, but the century before last. Such a smoke exhaust system has a complex design and requires serious time, labor and financial costs for the arrangement.

In addition, the brick chimney will be inferior to modern "brothers" in many significant indicators.

Chimney from galvanized pipe

The construction of the "sandwich" type of pipes is rightfully considered one of the most effective and successful options for smoke extraction devices.

Today, manufacturers offer a huge range of such chimneys. Among their advantages, it is necessary, first of all, to note resistance to aggressive external influences and various mechanical loads.

First step . We connect the adapter adapter to the unit branch pipe.

Step two. Install the tee and revision.

Step three. We begin to build up the chimney.

If necessary, we carry out work using the so-called. knees. In places where the pipe crosses the floor we use a special protective pipe.

Fourth step. We put a sheet of stainless steel on the chimney. In advance, we cut out a hole in the sheet, slightly exceeding the pipes. Such a sheet should be on both sides of each floor.

Fifth step. We strengthen the joints of the structure with clamps.

In new private houses equipped with heating boilers, for the removal of flue gases, set traditional brick chimneysand also, increasingly use chimney systems made of steel or ceramic.

Which chimney to choose? How to make a chimney for a boiler in a private house? Where could I buy high quality chimneys of steel?

For a solid fuel boiler - a brick chimney

The chimney made of bricks is usually is cheaper than modern chimney systems. A traditional ceramic brick chimney can easily withstand high flue gas temperatures. The pipe can withstand even ignition of accumulations of soot in the chimney.

A brick chimney for a boiler in a private house is a rather heavy structure. The chimney is placed on the foundation or a solid reinforced concrete floor. The construction of such a chimney requires certain skills; it is better to entrust the laying of a sealed and durable chimney to a qualified bricklayer-stove-maker.

In a brick chimney, ducts and chimneys and ventilation are often placed

The chimney masonry is made of high-quality full-bodied ceramic bricks of the grade not lower than M125 on ordinary masonry mortar. The upper section of the pipe, above the roof, can be laid out of facing or clinker bricks. The chimney wall thickness must be at least 120 mm (half a brick).

Brick chimney masonry. Ventilation channels are usually placed next to the chimney, in one vertical block. The templates make it easy to lay flat channels with smooth walls.

The size of the chimney and ventilation channels is chosen as multiples of the brick size, taking into account the thickness of the vertical joints. For instance, channel cross-section can be 140x140 mm (1 / 2x1 / 2 bricks) or 140x200 mm (1 / 2x3 / 4 bricks), or 140x270 mm (1/2 x 1 brick). In practice, a 20 x 20 flue duct is often made. cm (3 / 4x3 / 4 bricks). In such a channel, if necessary, it is easy to pick up and insert a round steel or ceramic insert of the appropriate diameter.

The flue gases in the flue duct must not be too cold. Therefore, they try to build the chimney into the masonry of the inner wall of the house or attach it to the wall. Chimney sections that pass through an unheated room (attic) or outside the house insulate with mineral wool.

Brick the chimney serves reliably and for a long time only at high temperatures of flue gases, which prevents the formation of condensation in the pipe. As a rule, this condition is fulfilled when the chimney is operated with a conventional one.

When working with modern boilers on gas or liquid fuel, as well as with solid fuel pyrolysis boilers, pellet and others, operating for a long time in a slow combustion of low intensity, the brick chimney quickly collapses.

Modern boilers are designed so that the flue gases are at a fairly low temperature. As a result, condensation of water vapor contained in the flue gases occurs in the chimney. The pipe walls are constantly moistened. In addition, combining with other combustion products, water forms aggressive chemical compounds on the inner surface of the pipe.

In particular, the flue gases of boilers contain sulfur, which, interacting with water, forms sulfuric acid in the chimney, which corrodes its walls. External signs of destruction are dark wet spots on the outer surface of a brick pipe.

The operating mode of the solid fuel pyrolysis boiler also contributes to the formation of aggressive condensate in the chimney, which quickly destroys the brick chimney.

Rough chimney walls contribute to the accumulation of soot particles on them. The roughness of the walls and the rectangular shape of the chimney make it difficult to clean the chimney from deposits.

For connection to a brick chimney of gas and other boilers with low flue gas temperatures, an insert must be placed in a brick channel - a pipe of a steel or ceramic chimney.

Chimney made of ceramic pipes - a universal solution for a boiler in a private house

Chimneys from special ceramic chimney pipes can be used for all types of boilers. The material is resistant to high temperatures and to any aggressive chemical compoundsthat can form in the chimney during combustion different types fuel. This type of chimney is the most durable.

Ceramic flue pipes are distinguished according to the maximum permissible flue gas temperature.