Athos Icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa. The relic of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” is all about the amazing icon. What do they pray for the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa"

This icon is located on Mount Athos in the monastery, but there are copies of it in various churches throughout Russia. The name itself suggests that this icon is considered one of the most powerful, meaning the power of the Mother of God over all life on earth and in the afterlife. No one can say for sure the date when and by whom the "All-Tsaritsa" was painted - the icon of the Mother of God, which priests and parishioners in many churches can pray about. This is one of the most powerful icons of the Virgin, which helps in various situations. Here is how and what to read so that the Mother of God hears your request and helps resolve the situation.

In what situations does it help?

"The Tsaritsa" is a universal icon that can be addressed with any request. However, it is best for her to pray in the following situations.

  1. About peace in the family and the state, if there is a threat of military conflict. It is believed that in this case the icon is able to work miracles. Usually in a family, when everyone quarrels and there is no understanding, the Mother of God All-Tsaritsa helps the most, and if only people really want peace at the subconscious level, then relations are gradually restored. Sometimes it happens immediately, sometimes it happens gradually, depending on how neglected your situation is. Because it is very difficult to reconcile families in which relationships are built, as in Krylov's fable "The Swan, Cancer and Pike", since everyone is trying to impose their point of view on another person, which suppresses the will. And if this opinion is mutually exclusive, then it is better to break up in peace than to constantly sort things out.
  2. With alcohol or drug addiction. Many parishioners of the temple noted that the "All-Tsaritsa" - the icon of the Mother of God - helps in these matters, and everyone decides for himself what to pray for, especially if he is faced with alcohol or drug addiction. Usually mothers ask for children, a husband for a wife and vice versa, as well as the person himself, if he cannot get rid of a bad habit. Sincere prayer to the Mother of God All-Tsaritsa helps in various situations.
  3. For healing from ailments. Many ask the Mother of God to help from various diseases, including oncology. It really helps in some situations.
  4. Against witchcraft, corruption, negative impact of magic.

Here are the basic prayers that help in various situations.

When to expect results

"The Tsaritsa" - the icon of the Mother of God - what they pray for helps everyone. Usually she is considered the Virgin, but the result may not come immediately. It all depends on your desire to change or the sincerity of prayer. But do not forget about the Divine predestination, which concerns each of us. Therefore, even sincere prayer may not help or may not work immediately.

Athos shrine

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called “The Tsaritsa” (that is, “All-Mistress”, “All-Sovereign”), was painted in the 17th century and is located on Athos, in one of the ancient Greek monasteries - Vatopedi. Already at that time, the monks began to notice that prayer in front of this image of the Mother of God brings relief and healing.

The first miracle of the "All-Tsaritsa" was the deliverance of one person from sorcery.

Amazed by the witness of this healing, the monk Vatopeda made the first list from the “healing” icon. Over time, this image of the Virgin became known throughout the world.

People of different faiths went to the "All-Tsaritsa", but everyone prayed - begged for healing.

Here are just a few cases of help from the miraculous icon that have already occurred in our time.

“A Muslim family came from Turkey to Greece for examination: their five-year-old son felt worse and worse, lost consciousness, suffocated while walking fast. Doctors detected a heart murmur, warning that at the slightest increase physical activity it may not survive. On the phone, the boy's father “accidentally” saw a program about the miraculous icons of Mount Athos, among which was the “All-Tsaritsa”. He made inquiries on the Internet and came with his son to the Vatopedi Monastery. The priests of the monastery led them to the icon, where the father of the sick child prayed fervently in his own words. On the next examination, it turned out that the child was perfectly healthy. Father and son returned to Vatopedi and were baptized there.”

In Russia, the image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" is known as an icon that is prayed "from cancer." This disease, by the way, is not new at all, but was known back in the days of the Ancient Egyptian papyri of 1600 BC, which talk about what a serious illness it is. Even then, both adults and children suffered from oncology.

How "All-Tsaritsa" ended up in Moscow

In 1991, at the Moscow Children's Oncology Center on Kashirskoye Shosse, a little patient noticed that light was radiating from the icon of the All-Tsaritsa (a small paper image). She told doctors and parents about it.

The adults nodded their heads in disbelief until the glow was noticed by other children in the ward.

And soon one of the adults. The girl's incurable disease began to respond to treatment. Parents and doctors were all shocked.

A little later, on the initiative of the Community of Mercy in honor of St. John of Kronstadt at the Moscow Children's Cancer Center, the first list of the icon "The Tsaritsa" was made. With the blessing of the abbot of the Vatopedi Monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, the image was painted by a Russian icon painter, who was one of the Vatopedi brethren.

Molebens began to be served before the icon for sick children and their parents.

It was in the Cancer Center that miraculous help was revealed to many suffering people.

Soon it was decided to transfer the miraculous image to the Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo (now Alekseevsky Monastery). But the image of the "All-Tsaritsa" is regularly brought back to the Oncology Center to serve prayers.


Cases of healing and help from the image of the "Tsaritsa" in the Church of All Saints in the Red Selo of the Alekseevsky Monastery are collected and carefully considered. Here are some of those testimonials:

One of the parishioners of the temple in Krasnoye Selo wrote to its rector: “Having visited the temple in April 2003, I bought holy oil from the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. I anointed their eye in several places, prayed to the Mother of God. Improvement came in half an hour, then I fell asleep. Through prayer and intercession Holy Mother of God The Lord healed my eye."

“A middle-aged man was diagnosed with liver cancer. The doctors refused to do the operation. He began to go daily to the Church of All Saints, to the prayer service "The Tsaritsa". After a while, he got better, he underwent repeated examinations, and it turned out that there was no cancer.”

“My father was diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer with lung metastases,” writes Svetlana. - From acquaintances and friends, his wife learned about the miraculous icon "The Tsaritsa". She came to the evening service and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos, read an akathist. Then, for a week, I read an akathist at home every day in front of the acquired icon "The Tsaritsa", and prayed to her. And a miracle happened: doctors, preparing my father for a serious operation, did not find any cancerous tumor, and blackouts in the lungs turned out to be not metastases, but traces of a smoker's bronchitis. The conclusion of the doctors is a scarring, healing stomach ulcer.

Where to pray before the "All-Tsaritsa" in Moscow

In Moscow, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Tsaritsa" can be venerated in the Alekseevsky Monastery (Church of All Saints), in the Novospassky Monastery and in the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatyana at Moscow State University.

The copy of the miraculous icon was brought to the temple of the Holy Martyr Tatiana in 2005 - it was presented to the church by parishioners who returned from a pilgrimage to Athos. Since then, a prayer service with an akathist has been regularly performed here - once every two weeks on Tuesdays.

In 1997, a copy of the Greek icon of the All-Tsaritsa was delivered to the Novospassky Monastery. In 2000, she began to stream myrrh, and evidence of healings appeared. In the monastery, an akathist is read daily in front of the miraculous icon, and on Sundays prayers are served.

In the Alekseevsky Monastery, in the Church of All Saints, in Krasnoye Selo, prayers with an akathist before the image of the “All-Tsaritsa” are performed every Sunday at 16:30. If a great holiday falls on Monday, the prayer begins at 15:00.

The image of the Mother of God, seated on a throne with the Child on her left hand, surrounded by archangels, has been known in iconography for a very long time. In Bithynia there was founded in the VIII century. Monastery of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" (Pantovasilissa), where such an icon resided ( Triglia). On the walls of the church of the monastery, fragments of frescoes of this image have been preserved to this day.

The icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" (Pantanassa) is known, donated by the wife of the holy Moldavian ruler Stephen the Great, Tsarina Maria Palaiologina (Mangupskaya) to the Gregory Monastery on Mount Athos. This image ended up in the Grigoriate in the 15th century and is therefore called Gregory, in the future, he remained unscathed in all the fires that happened there, even when everything else burned to the ground.

Icon of the Mother of God of Simonopetra "The Tsaritsa"(Pantocratoress), written in the 1530s, was donated by Metropolitan Athanasius of Nicaea to the Simonopetra Monastery on Mount Athos. Christ on the icon does not bless, as is usually done on the icons of the Mother of God.

The icon depicts the Most Holy Theotokos with Her Divine Son, seated on a throne, with two angels behind Her.

Vatopedskaya miraculous icon"The Tsaritsa"(“Pantanassa”) is located in Greece on Mount Athos in the Vatopedi Monastery, in the cathedral church of the monastery, to the left of the royal gates. The icon was painted in the 17th century and depicts the Most Holy Theotokos with Her Divine Son, seated on a throne, with two angels behind Her.

Icon "The Tsaritsa" in the Vatopedi Monastery on Mount Athos

The icon was brought here in the 20th century by Elder Joseph from Novy Skete. The first record of miracles occurring from the icon was made according to the testimony of Elder Joseph himself.

Once a young man from Cyprus went to the temple. When he approached the icon, suddenly the face of the Mother of God on the icon shone, and some invisible force threw the young man to the ground. Having recovered, in fear and trembling, with tears, he repented to the elders that he led a sinful life in unbelief, practiced witchcraft and came to the monastery to test his strength on the holy icons. So the Most Holy Theotokos turned the young man away from wickedness and set him on the path of repentance. After that, he became an Orthodox Christian and remained on Athos.

In our time, through prayers before the miraculous image of the “All-Tsaritsa”, many began to receive healing from such a terrible disease as cancer. By the beginning of the 21st century, thousands of testimonies from all over the world were collected about the healing of cancer by the intercession of the Mother of God after prayers before this image of Her.

Many miracles originate from the image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" in Russia as well.

In the autumn of 1991, a little girl, lying in the children's department of the Oncology Center in Moscow, noticed that light was coming from the paper icon of the All-Tsaritsa hanging on the wall of the hospital ward. Adults at first reacted with disbelief to the children's story. However, other children soon saw the glow from the icon, and the girl's seemingly incurable illness began to recede. Then the parents of the little patients of the Oncology Center built a chapel there in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”.

Soon, the miracles that took place through prayers in front of the “All-Tsaritsa” icon in Russia multiplied, and at the request of the Patriarch of Moscow Alexy II, two lists made from the ancient miraculous icon were sent to Russia from Vatopedi.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" in the Novospassky Monastery

One of them is located in the Moscow Novospassky stauropegial monastery. Prayer songs are performed before him every day, and on Sundays prayers are served with blessing of water.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoye Selo

Another list is Church of All Saints in Krasnoye Selo. Every Sunday in the temple at 16.30 (and if it is a great holiday on Monday - at 15.00) prayers are performed with the reading of an akathist to the Mother of God and the consecration of oil to anoint all those who suffer, and not only from cancer.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" in the Serpukhov Vladychny Convent

In 1997, the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", which later became miraculous, was donated to Serpukhov Vladychny convent . From April 28, 2000, she began to periodically stream myrrh. This icon streamed myrrh more than 30 times. 2 cases of healing from cancer are attested. Many Christians testify to the healing of their illnesses through prayers before the icon of the All-Tsaritsa. Since 2004, an akathist has been read daily in the monastery in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, during which the names of people suffering from various ailments are commemorated.

Miracles from the icon "The Tsaritsa"

Chronicles of healings through prayers in front of the icon are constantly updated with more and more evidence of miraculous help to those who no longer dreamed of receiving it from earthly doctors. There are stories here about old people and babies, from the perspective of women and men, about cures in the late stages of cancer and about removing suspicions of it, about recovering from deadly diseases and from those that bring a lot of pain, but are not fatal and about many, many other things. Grateful people not only leave their stories in the book, but also bring all kinds of gifts to the shrine.

For example, in 2002, one person suffered a hypertensive crisis. After being discharged, on the advice of his relatives, he went for a brain tomography. The examination showed that after frequent surges in pressure, a tumor formed in the brain. There was only one solution - surgery. Before going to the operation, this man went to the monastery for a blessing, and there his wife ordered a prayer service for the icon "The Tsaritsa" with water blessing in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo. While in the hospital, he constantly prayed to the All-Tsaritsa for recovery and constantly drank holy water, which he took after the prayer service. The hospital made another control examination, which confirmed the healing of a serious illness.

In April 2002, I suffered a hypertensive crisis and was treated in a hospital in Serpukhov. After being discharged from the hospital, when my blood pressure was lowered to moderate values, at the insistence of my relatives, I performed a magnetic tomography of the brain vessels. Tomography showed the presence of a mass in the brain as a result of prolonged exposure to high blood pressure. I was recommended to go for an examination at the Podolsk city hospital in the neurosurgical department. In Podolsk, I had a second tomogram of the brain and announced the upcoming brain surgery. Before the trip to Podolsk, I took a blessing from the priest of your monastery for further examination and surgery, confessed and took communion. My wife ordered a prayer service in your monastery to the icon "The Tsaritsa" with blessing of water. While in the Podolsk hospital, I constantly prayed to the All-Tsaritsa for the granting of my recovery and drank the holy water taken in the monastery after the prayer service. My relatives also prayed to the All-Tsaritsa for my recovery and to the Savior with a prayer under an agreement not to confirm the diagnosis of an oncological formation in the brain. Shortly before the operation, the doctor who was appointed by my attending physician returned from vacation. He proposed to conduct another additional follow-up examination at the Podolsk military hospital. The results of the examination showed no need for surgical intervention, but indicated the possibility of conventional therapeutic treatment of cerebral vessels with drugs. I was discharged from the Podolsk hospital the next day and am currently undergoing treatment at the district polyclinic at the place of residence. R.B. Vladimir. Serpukhov.

Thank God for everything! By the grace of God, having visited the monastery in April 2003, I purchased oil from the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. About a month later, my left eye became inflamed, redness appeared, there were severe pains in the left side of my head. She treated with medicine, applied shrines, drank some water, but there was no improvement, several days passed. Then I remembered the oil from the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” (it was already night), I anointed my eye with it in several places crosswise, asked for help from the Most Holy Theotokos and lay down. Improvement came in half an hour, then I fell asleep. After the medicines, I no longer used, anointed only with oil. Through the prayers and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Lord healed my eye. Of which I testify with the fear of God. Servant of God Elena. 6/6/2003.

Troparion, tone 4

In the joyful image of the honest All-Tsaritsa, with the warm desire of those who seek Your grace, save, Mistress; save those who resort to you from circumstances; protect your flock from every misfortune, crying out to your intercession forever.

Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos

Prayer one

O All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, the All-Tsaritsa! Be worthy and enter under my roof! But like a merciful God, the compassionate Mother, the words of the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. Imashi for an invincible power and every word will not fail you, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me. You beg for me. May I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer two

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Hear our many-painful sigh before Thy miraculous icon, brought from the lot of Athos to Russia, look at Thy children, incurable ailments of the afflicted, falling to Your holy image with faith! Like a krill bird covers its chicks, so are you now, ever-alive being, cover us with your multi-healing omophorion. Appear with patience and weakness. There, where hope disappears, be an undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, there, where the darkness of despair dwells in the souls, let the inexpressible light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O Merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if live Thy, who is with us, we pray before Thy icon, O Mistress! Stretch out Your hands, full of healing and healing, Joy to those who mourn, Consolation in sorrow, and soon having received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving Inseparable Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called "The Tsaritsa" (in Greek - "Pantanassa") is located on Mount Athos near the northeastern column of the cathedral church of the Vatopedi monastery, to the left of the royal gates. This small-sized icon (XVII century), according to legend, was the blessing of the Athonite elder Joseph the Hesychast to his disciples.

The icon depicts the Most Holy Theotokos in a scarlet robe, seated on the royal throne. In her arms is the Infant Christ with a scroll in his left hand and blessing with his right hand. With her right hand, the Mother of God points to Her Royal Son, as the Savior of the world. In the background, two angels are depicted, who with reverence overshadow the wings of the Most Pure Virgin.

From the story of Elder Joseph the Hesychast, it is known about first miracle that occurred at the image of the "All-Tsaritsa". Once a young man entered the temple and wanted to bow to the icon, but suddenly the face of the Mother of God flashed like lightning, and an invisible force threw him to the ground. Rising, the young man, with tears in his eyes, confessed to the monks that he lived far from God and practiced witchcraft. He even came to the Vatopedi monastery to test the power of his magic on the holy icons. The miraculous intervention of the Virgin forever averted the young man from witchcraft, forced him to change his life and become a God-fearing person.

The miraculous image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" is revered both on Mount Athos and far beyond its borders. "The Tsaritsa" has the grace of healing cancer patients - the most terrible of the diseases of modern mankind. Countless cases are known when people with cancer were healed after a prayer service in front of the icon of the Mother of God of the All-Tsaritsa. Before this miraculous image, they also pray for deliverance from witchcraft, the dependence of children on alcohol and drugs.

Through the prayers of the "All-Tsaritsa" many miracles took place in last years in Greece, Russia, Serbia and Ukraine.

At the request of the Community of Mercy of St. Righteous John of Kronstadt at the Children's Cancer Center on Kashirskoye Highway, on August 11, 1995, a copy of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" was brought to Moscow. This is an exact copy of the icon, painted with the blessing of the governor of Vatopedi, Archimandrite Ephraim.

A few months later, on the feast of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos, the icon began to stream myrrh, several large drops of myrrh appeared on it, and an amazing fragrance filled everything around.

On the feast of the Entrance into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos, myrrh-streaming was repeated once more. The first miracle performed by the All-Tsaritsa in Russia is the healing of a young man who had suffered from drug addiction for many years.

After the news about the icon spread throughout Moscow, the miraculous image was transferred to the Church of All Saints of the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery. The image of the “All-Tsaritsa” is regularly brought back to the oncology center to serve prayers. Through the prayers of the miraculous icon, healing received big number children treated here.

Today this list is not the only one in Russia. Another miraculous copy of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" appeared in Moscow, which is located in the Novospassky Monastery. Here, as in the Church of All Saints, a book is kept in which all the miracles that come from the shrine are recorded.

In connection with numerous reports of healings from cancer, transferred along with medical reports to the Moscow Patriarchate from the Yekaterinburg diocese in 2004, one of the lists of the icon "The Tsaritsa" from the Holy Trinity Monastery in the village of Taraskovo was included in the number of locally venerated icons of the diocese.

Another copy of the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" was donated to the Serpukhov Vladychny Convent in 1997. Since April 28, 2000, the icon began to periodically stream myrrh. After some time, people began to talk about the healing of their illnesses through prayers in front of the icon "The Tsaritsa". Since 2004, an akathist has been read daily in the monastery in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, during which the names of people suffering from various ailments are commemorated.

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" is the main shrine of the convent in honor of this icon in the city of Krasnodar.

This Image of the Most Holy Theotokos was painted from the Athos prototype by the Russian master, icon painter from the city of Pereslavl-Zalessky V.A. Polyakov, in the Vatopedi monastery during the Holy Week of Great Lent in 2005. The abbot of the monastery and the Greek icon painters, the icon painted by Valery Polyakov was recognized as an exact copy of the original. The icon was consecrated on the day of the Holy Easter holiday - a prayer service was served, which was led by the governor of Vatopedi, Archimandrite Ephraim, then the icon was attached to 130 shrines of the Vatopedi Monastery, including the Belt of the Most Holy Theotokos. On the reverse side of the icon is the seal of the Vatopedi Monastery and the signature of Archimandrite Ephraim. In June 2005, the miraculous image was delivered from Athos to the heart of Russia - Moscow, and then with honors, accompanied by the monks of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, to Krasnodar, to His monastery. Having met the Shrine dear to the heart on railway station Krasnodar-1, hundreds of parishioners procession accompanied the miraculous image to the place of His dwelling.

The chronicle of healings through prayers at the miraculous image of the “All-Tsaritsa” is constantly updated with more and more evidence of miraculous help to those who no longer dreamed of receiving it from earthly doctors. In the books of records of miracles that are kept in many monasteries and temples, where lists of the miraculous Athos image are stored, there are stories about old people and babies, on behalf of women and men, about curing cancer in the late stages and removing suspicions about it, about recovery from deadly diseases, getting rid of drug and alcohol addictions.

A few months ago, in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, from the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", kept in the church of All the Reverend Fathers of the Caves, a blind girl received her sight. Israeli and Ukrainian doctors confirm the fact of the miracle, emphasizing that a person diagnosed with an optic nerve tumor cannot see anything. Non-surgical treatment is impossible and one cannot count on the help of doctors in such cases, but the Blessed Virgin Mary helped the girl unexpectedly and miraculously ...

Elena's regular attendance at prayer services to the Most Holy Theotokos at the icon "The Tsaritsa" was accompanied by flashes of vision near the icon. Suddenly, during the prayer service, her vision improved significantly - Elena saw an icon, a priest, and even dust particles in the rays of the sun ... According to doctors, a visual apparatus with such a disease cannot transmit signals to the brain.

During the first days of January, Elena's hearing in noisy places also opened! Before that, due to a tumor in her head, she did not hear anything.

Prayers before the Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Tsaritsa"

Prayer one

O All-good, venerable Mother of God, Pantanassa, the All-Tsaritsa! Be worthy and enter under my roof! But like a merciful God, the compassionate Mother, the words of the word, may my soul be healed and my weak body strengthened. Imashi for an invincible power and every word will not fail you, O All-Tsaritsa! You ask for me. You beg for me. May I glorify Your glorious name always, now and forever. Amen.

Prayer two

O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsaritsa! Hear our many-painful sigh before Thy miraculous icon, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look at Thy children, incurable ailments of the afflicted, falling to Thy holy image with faith! Like a krill bird covers its chicks, so are you now, ever-alive being, cover us with your multi-healing omophorion. Appear with patience and weakness. There, where hope disappears, be an undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, there, where the darkness of despair dwells in the souls, let the inexpressible light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal your sick people, O Merciful Queen! Bless the mind and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if live Thy, who is with us, we pray before Thy icon, O Mistress! Stretch out Your hands, full of healing and healing, Joy of those who mourn, Consolation in sorrow, but having received miraculous help soon, we glorify the Life-Giving Inseparable Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 4

In the joyful image of the honest All-Tsaritsa, with the warm desire of those who seek Your grace, save, Mistress; save those who resort to you from circumstances, protect your flock from every misfortune, crying out to your intercession.

Kontakion, tone 6

Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, except for You, the Lady. Help us, we hope in You, and we boast in You, Thy servants, let us not be ashamed.


We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, Mother of Christ our God, and honor Your holy image, from worthless exude healing to all who flow to You with faith.

The glorification of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Tsaritsa" began in the 17th century, although the name of the image and the iconographic type are much older.

Thus, the monastery of Pantanassa (“The Tsaritsa”), which was located in one of the most important political and cultural centers of the Byzantine Empire, Mistra, was founded in 1428. In the city of Constantinople, the church with this name was built at the end of the 12th - beginning of the 13th centuries (by the emperor Isaac Angel).

In addition, there are references to the fact that in 1500 the Pantanassa icon was donated by Empress Maria Paleolog (she was the wife of St. Stephen the Great, Moldavian ruler, benefactor of Athos, defender of Orthodoxy) to the Athos Gregory monastery.

Icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”. Fresco in St. Nicholas Church

Another image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", which is located in the leading monastery of Athos (in the vestibule of the Annunciation Church of the Lavra of St. Athanasius), was painted in 1537. This fresco icon was painted by Theophanes of Crete, an outstanding painter.

The miraculous icon “The Tsaritsa”, which is still in Greece on Mount Athos near one of the columns (eastern) of the temple of the Vatopedi monastery (the second in the hierarchy of monasteries of Mount Athos), was painted and became famous in the 17th century. This icon was the blessing of Joseph the Hesychast to his disciples.

There are various lists with Greek icons. So, one of them was brought to the Children's Cancer Center in Moscow. Now the holy image is located here in the city in the Church of All Saints at the address: 2nd Krasnoselsky lane, 7. The image of the “All-Tsaritsa” is regularly brought to the oncology center for serving prayers.

In Moscow, there is another miraculous list of the holy icon "The Tsaritsa", which is located in the Novospassky Monastery at the address: Moscow, Krestyanskaya Square, 10.

Also, a list from the Athos icon was made for the Convent in honor of this icon, which is located at the address: Krasnodar, st. Dimitrova, 148 (this is the Regional Oncological Dispensary). One of the copies of the icon was donated in 1997 to the Serpukhov Bishop's Convent. Since 2000, the icon began to periodically stream myrrh, this happened more than 30 times.

According to a legend compiled in the 17th century by Elder Joseph the Hesychast, the image of the Mother of God, residing on Athos, set a young man on the true path, who connected his life with witchcraft and sorcery. He, in order to make sure of the strength of his charms, appeared at the Vatopedi Monastery, where, having approached the image, he began sorcery. Immediately, the Face of the Mother of God on Her icon “The Tsaritsa” flashed with an extraordinary light, which was like lightning, and the young man himself was thrown away from the shrine by an invisible force. When the young man came to his senses, he told the fathers of the monastery about everything with tears of repentance. The miraculous intervention of the Mother of God convinced him to change his life. The young man was healed of a mental illness and decided to stay on Athos.

What happened was the first manifestation of the miraculous power of the image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", the first healing. Later, they began to notice that the icon has a beneficial effect on patients with various tumors, including malignant ones.

Not many people know that such a disease as cancer has ancient history. Its name comes from the term "carcinoma", introduced by Hippocrates. The word is derived from the Greek "crab" and "tumor".
Hippocrates gave this name to the tumor because of its resemblance to a crab.
This disease was first described around 1600 BC. e. in an Egyptian papyrus (J. (Breasted The Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus. - Chicago, 1930. - V. 1) which described various forms of the disease and reported that there was no cure for it. Aulus Cornelius Celsus, a Roman physician who lived in the 1st century BC, recommended to treat this disease by removing the tumor on early stage and not to treat at all - in the later ones.

It cannot be said that even now, after twenty centuries, medicine has especially advanced in the fight against cancer. As before, this disease in the later stages is considered incurable, and people with cancer hope only for a miracle.

It should be recognized that cases of healing of this terrible disease still occur, and many of them, if not to say that all, are associated with a prayer appeal to the Lord and the Virgin. When in the 17th century the “All-Tsaritsa” icon became famous and its miraculous power in curing cancer was discovered, exact lists were made from the holy icon for other monasteries.

Gradually, the miraculous icon throughout the world became revered as a healer of cancer, and to this day it has the grace of healing the sick with the most terrible diagnosis of modern mankind.

The very name of the icon speaks of its special power. Before this holy image of the Mother of God, since 1995, Russians have also had the opportunity to bow. Those who are ill right before the face of the All-Tsaritsa can turn to Her with a request to get rid of serious illnesses, and first of all, from incurable - cancer, called the plague of the 20th century, which spares no one: neither the elderly, nor young men, nor small children.

When Archimandrite Ephraim, the abbot of the Vatopedi Monastery, at the request of the Community of Mercy of St. John of Kronstadt (at the oncology center for children on Kashirskoye Highway) blessed to make a list from the Athos image of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”, the exact list of the holy icon, which was written in accordance with the canon, with solemn divine services and prayers, appeared to the unfortunate suffering children. And miracles began. The condition of sick children improved significantly, which could not be explained only by the action of drugs. And a few months later, on the day of the Nativity of the Most Pure Virgin, the holy icon began to stream myrrh: large drops of myrrh appeared on it, and an amazing fragrance filled everything around. On the day of the Entrance of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple, the myrrh-streaming was repeated again.

Needless to say, the news of the amazing holy icon spread throughout Moscow with lightning speed.

Icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa". List
(Photo from

In the Church of All Saints in Moscow, prayers are performed every Sunday to the Mother of God, an akathist is read, oil is consecrated to anoint suffering people, and not only from cancer. More and more evidence of help through prayers at the icon "The Tsaritsa"
for those who did not even expect to receive it from earthly doctors, the annals of healings are constantly replenished.

There are stories about babies and old people, men and women, about healing from advanced cancer and removing suspicions about it, about curing deadly diseases and from those that bring a lot of pain to the sick, and about many other miracles. Grateful people who have received miraculous help bring all kinds of gifts to the holy icon and leave their testimonies in the book.

Thus, the story of healing (the book of healings of the Serpukhov Monastery) became famous. B. Vladimir from the city of Serpukhov, who in 2002 suffered a hypertensive crisis and received treatment at a local hospital, after being discharged from which, when his pressure was reduced to moderate, at the insistence of his relatives, he underwent a tomography of cerebral vessels. Magnetic tomography showed the presence of a mass formation in the brain as a consequence of long-term high blood pressure. He was recommended examination in the neurosurgical department of the city hospital of Podolsk. There, a second tomogram of the brain was performed and an operation was scheduled. Before leaving for Podolsk, Vladimir took a blessing from the priest of the Serpukhov Monastery for examination and surgery. Here, in the monastery, he confessed and took communion. His wife ordered a prayer service to the icon of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa" with water blessing. In the hospital, Vladimir prayed unceasingly to the All-Tsaritsa to grant him healing and drank holy water, which he took in the monastery after the prayer service. His relatives also prayed for his recovery to the Savior and the All-Tsaritsa.

Shortly before the operation, the doctor returned from vacation, who was appointed Vladimir's attending physician. He proposed to conduct an additional control examination in the military hospital of Podolsk. The results of this examination showed that there is no need for surgical intervention, but rather therapeutic treatment of cerebral vessels. Volodymyr was discharged from the Podolsk hospital and subsequently underwent treatment at a polyclinic at the place of residence.

Another case of healing is evidenced by r. B. Elena (book of healings of the Serpukhov Monastery), who, by the grace of God, visited the monastery and purchased oil from the icon "The Tsaritsa". About a month later, her eye became inflamed, redness appeared, there were severe headaches on the left side. Elena treated the disease with medicine, applied shrines, drank holy water, but there was no improvement. Then she remembered the oil from the holy icon "The Tsaritsa". It was already at night. She anointed her eye crosswise in several places, asked for help from the Mother of God and lay down. Within half an hour there was an improvement, and she fell asleep. After Elena no longer used medicines, she only anointed her eyes with holy oil. With the fear of God, R.B. Elena testifies that the Lord, through the prayers and intercession of the Mother of God, healed her eye.

The image of the Mother of God "The Tsaritsa", whether it is an icon located in a church or in home iconostasis, or just a printed image, thanks to the many miracles that occur through the prayer of the suffering and sick with faith in front of her, she gained fame as an emergency helper.